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Measurement: Sensors 18 (2021) 100232

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Measurement: Sensors
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Metrology for the digital age


Keywords Based on digital technologies, big data, artificial intelligence and machine-readable information, the digital
Digital transformation transformation rapidly changes society, industries, and economies. Metrology as a central element of interna­
Digital certificates tional trade, for confidence in measurements and part of the quality infrastructure is facing several challenges
Systemic metrology
and opportunities in these developments. In this contribution we discuss some of the key challenges and a po­
Big data
tential future role of metrology in the digital age. We address metrological principles for confidence in data and
Industry 4.0
Open science Algorithms, cyber-physical systems, FAIR data and metrology, and the role of metrology in the digital trans­
FAIR formation in the quality infrastructure.

1. Introduction becoming increasingly important. It also means that data itself is

considered a type of “goods” in the global economy. Consequently,
The digital transformation is changing core elements, processes, and commonly agreed quantitative quality assessments of data are required
principles also in metrology [1]: to handle this new type of goods. Thus, a new “metrology for data” needs
Digital communication of data and information is becoming the to be established.
standard. Information is provided via cloud services in a machine- Data alone is only the first step and needs to be “refined” by means of
actionable way; digital infrastructures utilize information from cali­ Algorithms. Due to the huge amount and volatility of data, many clas­
bration, self-diagnosis and other metadata communicated by individual sical algorithmic approaches cannot be applied in a meaningful way.
measuring instruments; processes and services in the quality infra­ Instead, data-driven methods, such as machine learning, are applied that
structure are based on distributed databases and APIs. make direct use of the data sources and benefit from large data sets.
Distributed measuring instruments and sensor networks become more Thus, a new “metrology for data-driven algorithms” needs to be
important than individual measuring instruments. Applications such as established.
Industry 4.0 and automated driving will belong to the first examples The scientific community has established the principles for data to be
where the role of metrology is challenged. These challenges include findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). Measurement
methods for traceable co-calibration and metrological assessment of science extends these principles by traceability to the international
whole sensor networks in a systemic approach. system of units (SI), repeatability, reproducibility of measurements via
Algorithms and software become as important as the actual mea­ interlaboratory comparisons, and by the concise evaluation of mea­
surements. In the digital age, artificial intelligence, sensor fusion and surement uncertainties [2]. Thus, the uptake of metrological principles
virtual measuring instruments will replace many of today’s tools and in science can improve the quality of research data significantly. The
principles. Their use will require to rethink the established methodolo­ same holds true for data in industrial applications, where the FAIR
gies for uncertainty evaluation and assessment of algorithms. principles ensure, for instance, that data can be used for the application
In parallel to these developments, revolutionary changes in the of AI methods.
metrology landscape based on, for instance, quantum technologies and An important aspect in the interoperability of data is the represen­
the new SI are approaching. In this contribution, though, we focus on the tation of measured data and units in digital infrastructures. To this end, a
digital transformation and its challenges only. Therefore, we discuss in commonly accepted and unambiguous representation of such data is
Section 2 the role of metrology to achieve trust and confidence in data required. Existing example solutions are the Open Geospatial Con­
and Algorithms. In Section 3 we consider cyber-physical systems, sortium (OGC), DICOM, DIMDI, Unified Code of Measure (UCUM),
focusing on digital transformation in industry. In Section 4 we address QUDT [3] and D-SI [4]. Some of these provide an ontology to encode
the role of metrology in the quality infrastructure and the corresponding relations between entries, which can be used to automate the interpre­
challenges in the digital transformation. tation and use of information.
Existing guidelines and metrology standards, such as the “Guide to
2. Trust and confidence in data and algorithms the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement” (GUM) [5] and the
“Vocabulary in Metrology” (VIM) [6] provide human-readable infor­
Data is considered the “new oil” in the digital age. This includes that mation. Information, for instance contained in the VIM, in a
data-based services, data-driven analyses and data repositories are machine-readable way would enable programmers to reference the


Available online 4 October 2021

S. Eichstädt et al. Measurement: Sensors 18 (2021) 100232

vocabulary from the VIM directly in digital certificates or software hand, their precision and reliability are questionable from a metrolog­
packages. ical perspective. On the other hand, a calibration or thorough metro­
Today, examples for applying the GUM methodology are provided as logical characterization of such sensors is hardly economical and
documented human-readable guidelines [7]. In the future, validated test reasonable. Hence, novel types for the characterization for such sensors
cases may be provided as a digital service for automated testing of Al­ need to be developed [18].
gorithms [8]. Communication of measured data over IoT-like networks is common in
Beyond the provision of machine-readable information, new possi­ CPS but hasn’t been considered by metrology sufficiently well yet. For
bilities, and challenges for the use of quantities and units, and regarding instance, calibration laboratories put great care in a very well syn­
the evaluation of measurement uncertainties should be discussed [9]. chronisation of measurements. In practical IoT environments this is
Validation of Algorithms in data-driven systems goes far beyond the difficult to achieve and thus, novel types of uncertainty sources and
correct propagation of uncertainties. Algorithms need to be validated in measurement analysis methods may need to be considered [19].
a much broader context, providing quantitative assessment for their Data-driven models, i.e. machine learning (ML) and artificial intelli­
reliability, robustness as well as explainability of algorithms [10]. gence (AI) for the data analysis are commonly applied, because of the
Owing to the reliance of these methods on vast amounts of high-quality huge amount and complexity of data in CPS. For ML and AI methods
data, algorithm validation additionally requires a solid framework for several software libraries are available that allow an easy implementa­
curated reference data as well as a general evaluation standard for data tion. However, the research of making ML/AI results explainable and for
quality. taking uncertainties associated with the input parameters, i.e. CPS
The need for a revision of how we treat uncertainties in ML/AI arises sensor data into account is still at its beginning [19–25].
from the strong data dependence as well as the opacity of the employed Typically, a CPS is equipped with a variety of sensors to provide
methods. In addition to the uncertainty caused by the inherent limita­ measurement information for subsequent systems. For instance, a place-
tions of the learned model, uncertainty caused by data quality and and-pick system in the production line may be equipped with sensors
mismatches of target and training context contribute significantly to the measuring quantities such as power consumption, vibration, sound, and
outcome uncertainty [11]. To establish a meaningful measure of ML/AI pressure [20]. A machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI)
performance, the associated uncertainties must be quantifiable [12] system can utilize this data to detect anomalies, estimate the remaining
and, if possible, traceable to a common standard. Building on the lifetime or provide predictive maintenance information [20]. So far, not
expertise of metrology regarding the treatment of uncertainty as much attention has been paid to addressing the influence of measure­
demonstrated in the GUM, efforts are ongoing to define similar stan­ ment uncertainties in such systems and for their subsequent analysis.
dards for ML/AI [13]. Starting from a quantifiable comparison between Initial efforts such as in Ref. [21] or [22] provide first steps. The authors
ML/AI methods, such a standard could also serve to evaluate and in Ref. [21] consider the data pre-processing and the corresponding
compare results of ML/AI systems and their classical statistical propagation of measurement uncertainty. The authors of [22] discuss
counterparts. existing approaches from machine learning that can take uncertainties
Especially unsupervised learning Algorithms, lacking a “ground in their inputs into account. One approach that appears to be quite
truth” to determine the quality of the predictions, may “learn” to promising is that of ensemble learning [26].
recognize unintended features within data sets thus producing undesired The sensors in a CPS form a kind of network where the measured data
results without the users’ awareness. Quantitative measures for the is transferred to some processing unit. This may be a local instance at the
explainability and interpretability of ML/AI methods are therefore key physical system (at the “edge”) or an external server (in the “cloud”).
to foster confidence in these products [14,15]. Current research aims to Hence, the measurement setup for a CPS is itself a form of “Internet of
develop useful definitions of explainability as well as improved and Things” (IoT) network.
explainable methods [16,17]. The metrological characterization of IoT networks and similar sys­
Robustness of Algorithms assesses the effect of changes of the input tems has several challenges [23,24]. A particular challenge is the reli­
data compared to the training data of the AI/ML method have on the able and unambiguous communication and evaluation of the measured
output. These changes can be the result of flawed training design, e. g., data. The individual IoT devices usually provide a connectivity over
“out-of-distribution” training data sets lacking features relevant in the standard network interfaces. For the data itself, the OPC-UA protocol
test environment, or intentional tampering, e. g., adversarial attacks serves as a de-facto standard – at least in the industrial sector. OPC-UA
causing the algorithm to produce incorrect predictions. An approach to describes general concepts and infrastructures for the communication
test and quantify robustness of algorithms is by targeted parametrised between the individual instruments (OPC-UA clients) and a processing
manipulation of original data and subsequent evaluation of the output. instance (OPC-UA server).
The advancement of such procedures as well as the definition of corre­ In OPC-UA several mechanism and technologies for the actual
sponding evaluation criteria for robustness are the subject of ongoing communication and encoding of measured data are allowed. That also
research. implies that standards need to be developed, for instance, on how to
encode measurement units, uncertainties and data quality. This kind of
3. Cyber-physical systems and IOT metadata is essential for an unambiguous use of the data by machine
learning and AI.
A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a combination of a physical system In information theory there exist several tools to encode information
with software and information technology components. Thus, CPS are in a machine-readable way: controlled vocabulary, taxonomies, ontol­
excellent use cases for complex systems as they combine elements from ogies. An ontology is the most advanced approach because it also en­
very different disciplines. codes the relation and explanation of terms. For instance, the authors in
The measurement instruments usually provide measured values via Refs. [27–29] use a combination of ontologies to automatically analyse
digital-only interfaces, increasingly often via wireless networks. More­ measured data in a sensor network.
over, to save battery life, some sensors use event-based communication The origin of the data communicated in IoT and CPS is at the sensors
rather than continuous sampling. Calibration and metrological charac­ themselves. Thus, the information about sensor type, quantity, unit,
terization of such sensors and the issues that arise is a still evolving uncertainty, quality, etc. need to be made available in a machine-
research topic. readable way, too. To this end, the OPC-UA framework uses informa­
Low-cost, digital sensors, such as MEMS, can be integrated into CPS tion models. However, these information models are currently being
easily and at high numbers. The resulting big data provided by these developed within individual disciplines. Thus, a more generic and
devices is then used in the subsequent ML and AI systems. On the one harmonised approach is required to provide basic metrological

S. Eichstädt et al. Measurement: Sensors 18 (2021) 100232

knowledge about the sensors used. A digital calibration certificate (DCC) adapted to the new challenges. Processes must be clearly defined, line­
can be used to encode and provide such information in a machine- arised and harmonised. Only then will interoperability open the possi­
readable way [29]. A DCC is to be provided in a machine- and bility to build on existing infrastructures, adapt to new developments
human-readable format, contain all relevant information in a stan­ and support the future digital metrology vision.
dardized way, and allow a simple and direct integration into existing IT
infrastructures. The XML schema developed originally by PTB [29] and 5. Summary and conclusions
now being further developed in an international consortium, offers this
and is compatible to the ISO 17025. The digital transformation in economy and society is leading to many
The authors in Ref. [28] demonstrate how information contained in a new challenges and opportunities for the quality infrastructure and for
DCC can be used in an automated way to compensate sensor raw data in metrology. We outlined some of these aspects and sketched novel pos­
the same way a human would carry out the measurement data analysis. sibilities, competences, services, and approaches for the metrology
community. In this way, this contribution offers an overview and
4. The digital transformation in the quality infrastructure starting point for metrology institutes, laboratories and others in their
own digital transformation journey.
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Sascha Eichstädt*, Anke Keidel, Julia Tesch
[32] F. Thiel, Digital transformation of legal metrology - the European Metrology Cloud, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig and Berlin, Germany
OIML Bulletin LIX (1) (2018) 10–21.
[33] A. Keidel, S. Eichstädt, Interoperable processes and infrastructure for the digital *
transformation of the quality infrastructure, Proceedings of IEEE Metrology for Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sascha.eichstaedt@ptb.de (S. Eichstädt).

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