Hr06 34 Outcome 3 - s3 (List)

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3.1 Introduction
3.2 Single weight problems and the ‘list triangle’
4.2.1 Calculating list caused by a transverse shift of weight
4.2.2 Calculating list caused by a vertical and transverse shift of weight
4.2.3 Calculating the list due to a single weight being loaded or discharged
4.2.4 Shifting a weight already on board to bring a listed ship upright
3.3 Multiple weight problems
4.3.1 Ship initially upright
4.3.2 Ship initially listed
3.4 Loading weights about the centre line to complete upright
3.5 List and free surface effect

3.1 Introduction
There is a clear distinction to be made between the terms list and heel, these terms
quite often being used interchangeably often as a result of language translation.

List is the term used to describe a ship that is inclined due to the uneven distribution
of weights about the centreline.

Heel is the term used to describe a ship that has been forcibly inclined by external
forces such as wind and waves. The curve of statical stability for a listed ship (which
is stable) at first glance is very similar in appearance to that of a ship that is unstable
and in a loll situation. The distinction between list and loll is discussed in later notes
along with the dangers of misinterpreting a loll situation as being a list situation.

3.2 Single weight problems and the ‘list triangle’

3.2.1 Calculating the list caused by a transverse shift of a single weight

Consider a ship floating upright with G and B on the centreline with a weight w
on one side (figure 4.1). The weight is shifted transversely across the deck
through a distance of d metres.

Remember the rule:

If a weight already on board is shifted, G will move parallel to and in the same
direction as the shift of the centre of gravity of the weight.

G moves off the centre line to GH where GGH represents a listing lever (to cause the
ship to ‘capsize’ to the angle of list).

Fig. 3.1 GGH is a listing lever

The ship lists over, coming to rest with the centre of buoyancy, B1, vertically below
the centre of gravity, now GH (figure 4.2).

Fig. 3.2 Listed condition

The distance that G moves off the centre line, GGH, is calculated using the formula:

GGH = w × d

where: w is the weight shifted;

d is the distance through which the weight is shifted, and;
W is the displacement of the ship (which includes the weight).

The angle at the metacentre in the right-angled triangle GGHM is the list, termed .

Fig. 3.3 The list triangle



For the above formula to be valid the list must be restricted to a small angle, i.e.
the initial transverse metacentre (M) is assumed to be in a fixed position within small
angles of inclination only.

Example 1
A ship initially upright displaces 12000 t and has KG 6.7 m and KM 7.3 m. A weight
of 60 t already on board is shifted 14 m horizontally across the deck. Calculate the
resulting angle of list.


KM 7.3 m
KG 6.7 m
GM 0.6 m

GGH = w × d GGH = 60 × 14 = 0.070 m

W 12000

Tan LIST = GGH = 0.070 = 0.11667 List = 6.7º

GM 0.600

3.2.2 Calculating list caused by a vertical and transverse shift of weight

If a weight is shifted both vertically and horizontally as shown in figure 4.4 the
movement of G to G1 is considered to have two components: GGV, a vertical
component, and; GGH, a horizontal component.

Fig. 3.4

The procedure for calculating the resultant list is as follows:

1. Calculate GGV using: GGV = w × d


d being the vertical distance through which the weight is shifted.

2. Apply GGV to the ship’s initial KG to find the final KG.

3. Calculate the final GM using: GM = KM - KG

4. Calculate GGH using: GGH = w × d


d being the horizontal distance through which the weight is shifted.

5. Using the formula: Tan LIST = GGH


calculate the list.

Follow Example 2. It may help your understanding of the working if you do a sketch.

Example 2
A ship, initially upright, has a displacement of 12200 t, KG 6.36 m and KM 7.62 m. A
weight of 40 t is in the lower hold in a position Kg 2.20 m, 4.00 m to port of the
centre line.

Calculate the final list if the weight is shifted to a new position on deck, Kg 11.4 m,
2.6 m to starboard of the centre line.

1. GGV = w × d = 40 × (11.4 - 2.2) = 0.030 m
W 12200

2. Initial KG 6.360 m
GGv (up) 0.030 m
Final KG 6.390 m

3. KM 7.620 m
Final KG 6.390 m
Final GM 1.230 m

4. GGH = w × d = 40 × (4.0 + 2.6) = 0.022 m

W 12200

5. Tan LIST = GGH = 0.022 = 0.01789


List = 1.0º Stbd

3.2.3 Calculating the list due to a single weight being loaded or discharged
If a weight is loaded or discharged then both the vertical and horizontal components
of the shift of G must be considered and the final GM must be used to calculate the
final list.

Remember the rules:

If a weight is loaded G will move directly towards the centre of gravity of the loaded

If a weight is discharged G will move directly away from the centre of gravity of
the discharged weight.

See figure 4.5.

Fig. 3.5 Loading and discharging a single weight

The procedure for single weight load/discharge problems is as follows:

1. Calculate GGV using: GGV = w × d


d being the vertical distance between G of the ship and g of the

loaded/discharged weight.

2. Apply GGV to the ship’s initial KG to find the final KG.

3. Calculate the final GM using: GM = KM - KG

4. Calculate GGH using: GGH = w × d


d being the horizontal distance between G of the ship and g of the

loaded/discharged weight.

5. Using the formula: Tan LIST = GGH

calculate the list.

Follow Examples 3 and 4, one for a weight being loaded, the other for a weight being
discharged. It may help your understanding of the working if you do a sketch for
each case.

Example 3
A ship initially upright displaces 6400 t and has KG 4.6 m and KM 6.5 m. A weight of
80 t is loaded on deck at Kg 10.2 m, 6.2 m off the centre line to starboard. Calculate
the final list. Assume KM remains constant.

1. GGV = w × d GGV = 80 × (10.2 - 4.6) = 0.069 m
W+w 6400 + 80

2 & 3. Initial KG 4.600 m KM 6.500 m

GGv (up) 0.069 m Final KG 4.669 m
Final KG 4.669 m Final GM 1.831 m

4. GGH = w × d GGH = 80 × 6.2 = 0.077 m

W+w 6400 + 80

5. Tan LIST = GGH = 0.077 = 0.04205 List = 2.4° Stbd.


Example 4
A ship initially upright displaces 14480 t and has a KG 8.82 m and KM 10.96 m. A
weight of 240 t is discharged from a position in the lower hold Kg 3.6 m, 2.8 m off
the centre line to port. Calculate the final list. Assume KM remains constant.

1. GGV = w × d GGV = 240 × (8.82 - 3.6) = 0.088 m
W-w 14480 - 240

2 & 3. Initial KG 8.820 m KM 10.960 m

GGv (up) 0.088 m Final KG 8.908 m
Final KG 8.908 m Final GM 2.052 m

4. GGH = w × d GGH = 240 × 2.8 = 0.047 m

W-w 4480 - 240
5. Tan LIST = GGH = 0.047 = 0.02290 List = 1.3° Stbd.

3.2.4 Shifting a weight already on board to bring a listed ship upright

For a ship to be upright:


where G must be on the centre line.

A ship that is listed will have G off the centre line by a distance GGH as shown.



Consider the formula for a shift of weight:

GGH = w × d
Rearranging this gives:

GGH × W = w × d

(GGH × W) represents the listing moments that the ship initially has.

(w × d) represents the moments required to be introduced to equal (GG H × W) to

bring the ship upright.

Consider example 5.

Example 5
A ship has a displacement of 12000 t and is initially listed 2° to starboard. If the KG
of the ship is 11.60 m and the KM is 12.00 m, how much ballast water must be
transferred from a starboard side ballast tank to a port side ballast tank through a
distance of 16.00 m?

To complete upright: Port Moments = Starboard moments

Ship is initially listed to starboard.

KM 12.00 m
KG 11.60 m
GM 0.40 m

Tan LIST = GGH Tan 2° = GGH

GM 0.40

GGH = Tan 2°× 0.40 = 0.014 m

G is off the centre line to starboard by 0.014 m.

Required port moments to counteract list (w × d) must equal initial starboard listing
moments (GGH × W).

GGH × W = w × d

0.014 × 12000 = w × 16.00

168 = 16w

w = 10.5 tonnes to transfer from starboard to port

3.3 Multiple weight problems

As with KG calculations multiple weight problems use a simple tabulated format.

3.3.1 Ship initially upright

In practice list problems are solved by taking moments about the keel to determine
final KG and then final GM; and then taking moments about the centre line to
determine GGH.

The procedure is as follows:

1. Take moments about the keel to determine the final KG:

FINAL KG (m) = Σ MOMENTS (t×m)


2. Calculate the final GM: GM = KM - KG

3. Take moments about the centre line to calculate the final distance that G is
off the centre line, GGH:

GGH = Σ MOMENTS about the CL (t×m)


4. Calculate the list: Tan LIST = GGH


Follow the working in example 6.

Example 6
A ship displaces 8000 tonnes, KG 7.60 m and is initially upright.
The following cargo is worked:

Load: 300 t at Kg 0.60 m, 6.1 m to port of CL;

250 t at Kg 6.10 m, 7.6 m to starboard of CL;
Discharge: 50 t from Kg 1.20 m, 4.6 m to port of CL;
500 t from Kg 12.60 m, 4.6 m to starboard of CL.

Calculate the final angle of list on completion of cargo if the KM for the final
displacement is 9.36 m.

1 & 2. Take moments about the keel to determine the final KG and GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 8000 7.60 60800.0
Load 300 0.60 180.0
Load 250 6.10 1525.0
Discharge -50 1.20 -60.0
Discharge -500 12.60 -6300.0
FINAL 8000 7.018 56145.0

KM 9.360
KG 7.018
GM 2.342

3. Take moments about the centre line to determine GGH

Port Stbd
Dist off
Weight moments moments
CL (m)
(txm) (txm)
8000 0.00 0.0 0.0
300 6.10 1830.0
250 7.60 1900.0
50 4.60 230.0
500 4.60 2300.0
4130.0 2130.0

GGH = Σ MOMENTS about the CL (t×m) = 2000 = 0.250 m


4. Calculate the final list.

Tan LIST = GGH = 0.250 = 0.10675


Final list = 6.1º Port

3.3.2 Ship initially listed

If a ship is initially listed G must be off the centre line.

Since: Tan LIST = GGH


then: GGH = Tan LIST × GM

where GGH is the initial listing lever to be incorporated into the moments table for
the ship. Consider example 7.

Example 7
A ship has a displacement of 15000 t, KG 8.6 m, KM 9.4 and is listed 6° to starboard.
Cargo is worked as follows:

Load 150 t at Kg 7.6 m, 5.0 m to port of CL;

Load 305 t at Kg 8.0 m, on the CL;
Load 95 t at Kg 8.0 m, 4.2 m to starboard of CL.

Calculate the final angle of list.

(Assume KM remains constant)

Calculate initial GM.

KM 9.400 m
Initial KG 8.600 m
Initial GM 0.800 m

Calculate GGH using: GGH = Tan LIST × GM

GGH = Tan 6° × 0.800 = 0.084 m.

Take moments about the keel to determine the final KG and GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 15000 8.60 129000.0
Load 150 7.60 1140.0
Load 305 8.00 2440.0
Load 95 8.00 760.0
FINAL 15550 8.575 133340.0

KM 9.400
KG 8.575
GM 0.825

Take moments about the centre line to calculate final GG H.

Port Stbd
Dist off
Weight moments moments
CL (m)
(txm) (txm)
15000 0.084 1260.0
150 5.000 750.0
305 0.000 0.0 0.0
95 4.200 399.0
750.0 1659.0

GGH = Σ MOMENTS about the CL (t×m) = 909 = 0.058 m


Calculate the final list.

Tan LIST = GGH = 0.058 = 0.07030


Final list = 4.0º Stbd.

3.4 Loading weights about the centre line to complete upright

A common question arises where the ship is near completion of loading and the
remaining cargo has to be distributed between two compartments that are either
side of the centre line in such a way that the ship completes upright.

To complete upright:

Port moments must equal starboard moments!

There are two methods of approach to this type of problem as shown in the next

Example 8 (Method 1)
From the following details calculate the final GM and the amount of cargo to load in
each space so that the ship will complete loading upright:

Initial displacement 18000 t, KG 8.80 m, KM 9.40 m and listed 3° to starboard.

400 tonnes of cargo remains to be loaded where space is available in a tween deck
Kg 10.5 m, 7.0 m to port of CL and 10.0 m to starboard of CL.
(Assume KM remains constant).

Calculate initial GM.

KM 9.400
Initial KG 8.800
Initial GM 0.600

Calculate GGH using: GGH = Tan LIST × GM

GGH = Tan 3° × 0.600 = 0.031 m.

Take moments about the keel to determine the final KG and GM (note that all 400 t
of cargo is loaded at Kg 10.5 m so treat as a single weight!).

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 18000 8.80 158400.0
Load 400 10.50 4200.0
FINAL 18400 8.837 162600.0

KM 9.400
KG 8.837
GM 0.563

Taking moments about the centre line load all 400 t in the port side.

Port Stbd
Dist off
Weight moments moments
CL (m)
(txm) (txm)
18000 0.031 558.0
400 7.000 2800.0
2800.0 558.0

If all 400 t were loaded into the port side space the ship would complete with an
excess of 2242 t-m moments to port. Therefore some of this 400 t must now be
shifted to the space on the starboard side (a distance of 17.0 m).

2242 = w  d

2242 = w  (7.0 + 10.0)

2242 = 17w

w = 2242 = 131.9 t to shift from port to starboard


To complete upright:

Load 400.0 –
268.1 t port Load 131.9 t Starboard

Solution (Method 2)

Calculate initial GM.

KM 9.400
Initial KG 8.800
Initial GM 0.600

Calculate GGH using: GGH = Tan LIST × GM

GGH = Tan 3° × 0.600 = 0.031 m.

Take moments about the keel to determine the final KG and GM (note that all 400 t
of cargo is loaded at Kg 10.5 m so treat as a single weight!).

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 18000 8.80 158400.0
Load 400 10.50 4200.0
FINAL 18400 8.837 162600.0

KM 9.400
KG 8.837
GM 0.563

Taking moments about the centre line: Let x = cargo to load to port; (400 – x) = cargo
to load to starboard.

Dist off Port moments Stbd moments

CL (m) (txm) (txm)

18000 0.031 558.0

x 7.000 7x
(400 - x) 10.000 (4000 - 10x)
7x 558 + (4000 - 10x)

To complete upright:

Port moments must equal starboard moments.

Therefore: 7x = 558 + (4000 – 10x)

7x = 558 + 4000 – 10x
7x + 10x = 558 + 4000

17x = 4558

x = 4558

x = 268.1 t to port

400 – 268.1 = 131.9 t to starboard

3.5 List and free surface effect

Consider figure 4.7.

Fig. 3.7

The basic list triangle is GGHM. GM is the solid metacentric height, the GM that would
exist if the ship had no slack tanks.

GGH is the distance that G is off the centre line.

GGV is the virtual rise of G due to tank free surfaces. Since GM is reduced to G VM,
the fluid GM, it can be seen that the angle of list has increased for the same distance
that G is off the centre line (GGH).

The greater the free surface moments/free surface effect; the greater will be the
list for the same listing moments.

Example 9
A ship displaces 13200 t, KG 10.2 m and is initially upright. Ballast water RD 1.025 is
run into a rectangular DB tank length 24 m, breadth 10 m to a sounding of 4.00 m.
If the Kg of the ballast water is 2.00 m and its transverse centre of gravity (TCG) is
5.00 m to starboard of the centre line calculate the final angle of list:
(a) assuming no free surface moments;
(b) accounting for free surface moments.

Assume KM for the final displacement is 11.64 m.

mass of ballast water loaded = 24 × 10 × 4 × 1.025 = 984 t

(a) List assuming no FSM’s

Taking moments about the keel to determine final KG and GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 13200 10.20 134640.0
Load 984 2.00 1968.0
FINAL 14184 9.631 136608.0

KM 11.640
KG 9.631
GM 2.009

Taking moments about the centre line calculate GGH.

Port Stbd
Dist off
Weight moments moments
CL (m)
(txm) (txm)
13200 0.000 0.0 0.0
984 5.000 4920.0
0.0 4920.0

GGH = Σ MOMENTS about the CL (t×m) = 4920 = 0.347 m


Calculate the final list.

Tan LIST = GGH = 0.347 = 0.17272


Final list = 9.8º Stbd.

(b) List including FSM’s

FSM’s = lb3 × dt = 24 × 103 × 1.025 = 2050 t×m

12 12

Taking moments about the keel to determine final KG and GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 13200 10.20 134640.0
Load 984 2.00 1968.0
FSM's 2050.0
FINAL 14184 9.776 138658.0

KM 11.640
KG 9.776
GM 1.864

The value of GGH is not affected by free surface moments.

Calculate the final list.

TanLIST = GGH = 0.347 = 0.18616 List = 10.5° stbd.


When calculating list free surface effects should always be accounted for, as they
will always cause an increase in the list of the ship!

Example 10
A ship displacing 7790 t, KG 7.57 m, KM 8.12 m is floating upright. A double bottom
tank of rectangular cross section is divided into two equal parts, each 16 m long, 6.9
m wide and 1.6 m deep.

In the upright condition the port side is full of diesel oil (RD 0.88) and the starboard
side is empty.

Calculate the resulting angle of list when half of this oil is transferred to the
starboard side of the tank.

Assume that the bottom of the double bottom tank is at the keel, see figure 4.8.

Fig. 3.8

Mass of oil transferred = 16  6.9  0.8  0.88 = 77.7 tonnes

Oil is moved down from Kg 1.2 m to Kg 0.4 m.

FSM’s = lb3  dt  2 tanks FSM’s = 16  6.93  0.88 = 770.9 t×m

12 12

Taking moments about the keel calculate the final KG and hence final GM.

Weight (t) KG (m) Moments (txm)

Initial displ. 7790.0 7.57 58970.30
Disch. -77.7 1.20 -93.24
Load 77.7 0.40 31.08
FSM's 770.90
FINAL 7790.0 7.661 59679.04

KM 8.120
KG 7.661
GM 0.459

Oil is transferred to starboard through a distance of 6.90 m.

GGH = w  d = 77.7  6.9 = 0.069 m

W 7790

Calculate the final list.

TanLIST = GGH = 0.069 = 0.15033 List = 8.5° stbd.


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