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INTERNATIONAL ARABIC ‫المستشفى العربي الدولي‬

Laboratory Department ‫قسم المختبر‬

Patient Id: 62313 Result Of Test Sample Id: 124

Patient Name ‫ناشر محمد ناشر العبسي‬ Room:
Order No.: 79957 Age: Year ٣٥ Gender: Male Bed:
Referring Doct‫اطباء شركات خارجيين‬ Order Date: 01/01/2024 10:44:42 ‫ظ‬.‫ب‬.

HEMATOLOGY & Coagulation

Item Result Flag Normal Result
CBC : :

Hb 14.7 Adult (13.2 -17.3)

PCV 43 M:39-54 F: 34.5-49.5
WBC 7.16 N 4-10 X10^9/L
Neutrophil 78.1 H 40-70 %
Lymphocyte 14.6 L 20-40 %
Monocyte 6.6 N 2-10 %
Eosinophil 0.6 L 1-6 %
Basophil 0.1 [ * ] 00-2 %
RBC 6.12 N 4.5-6.5 X10^12/L
Platelets 263 N 150-450 X10^9/L
MCV 70.2 L 79-96 fL
MCH 24 L 27-32 Pg
MCHC 34.2 N 30-35 g/dl
RDW-CV 12.9 [ * ] 11 - 16 %
RDW-SD 33 fL

Item Result Flag Normal Result
Salmonella.typhi" H" Negative Negative <1/80

Salmonella. typhi "O" Negative Negative <1/80

Salmonella. paratyphi Negative Negative <1/80

Salmonella. paratyphi Negative Negative <1/80


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‫ظ‬.‫ ب‬١١:٥٨ ٢٠٢٤ ،١ ‫كانون الثاني‬.
INTERNATIONAL ARABIC ‫المستشفى العربي الدولي‬
Laboratory Department ‫قسم المختبر‬

Patient Id: 62313 Result Of Test Sample Id: 124

Patient Name ‫ناشر محمد ناشر العبسي‬ Room:
Order No.: 79957 Age: Year ٣٥ Gender: Male Bed:
Referring Doct‫اطباء شركات خارجيين‬ Order Date: 01/01/2024 10:44:42 ‫ظ‬.‫ب‬.

Item Result Flag Normal Result
Creatinine 0.8 Adults
Females (0.50-0.90 )
Males (0.70-1.20 )
2-12 m (0.17-0.42)
1-< 3 y (0.24-0.41)
3-< 5 y (0.31-0.47)
5-< 7 y (0.32-0.59)
7-< 9 y (0.40-0.60)
9-< 11 y (0.39-0.73)
11-< 13 y (0.53-0.79)
13-< 15 y (0.57-
0.87) mg/dL mg/dl
Calcium 9.5 [ * ] Children (0.10 days):
(7.6-10.4 )
Children (10 days.2
years): (9.0-11.0 )
Children (2.12
years): (8.8-10.8 )
Children (12.18
years): (8.4-10.2 )
Adults (18.60 year):
(8.6-10.0 )
Adults (60-90 years):
(8.8-10.2 )

DRUGS & Vitamins

Item Result Flag Normal Result
Vitamin B12- 584 197-946 pg/ml

Sample Receiver ‫ هدى العقبي‬.‫د‬


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‫ظ‬.‫ ب‬١١:٥٨ ٢٠٢٤ ،١ ‫كانون الثاني‬.

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