Notes 231218 095543

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Patient 1 :- bed number 54 :- rupture aneurysm, 2 aneurysm, craniotomy performed, because of casterization patient got infected and had fever. Patient 2 :- bed number 43:- rupture aneurysm, located on occipital segment of ica, 10 mm size , DSA performed first due to subarachnoid hemorrhage, performed drainage, damage was very serious, patient have lung infection, tracheostomy to sputum outside. DVT . Patient 3:-bed number 36:-HTN with intracranial hemorrhage, 70% patient have bleeding in ganglion, couldn't speak very well , we performed drainage, Robotic surgery can performed, c7 nerve transplantation. Surgery name is . Patient 4:- bed number21:- u nruptured aneurysm, pt had migraine, very small aneurysm, patient Changi performed intervention 4 days before. Patient 5:- bed number 8:- ischemic disease, half month before stroke , ica occlude , paralysis and speech problem, we performed recanulisation .endera Patient 6:- bed number 7:- subarachnoid hemorrhage, performed DSA in initial stage but couldn't find positive findings, so 2 weeks later we performed DSA again, via radical artery, Gold criteria DSA .

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