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Table of Contents

Introduction. You have a book in you.

Step One. Your Goldmind: You are sitting on a GoldMind

Step Two. Your Success Map: The Right Picture is worth a million bucks.

Step Three. Be Different! How to You-niquify your Brand.

Step Four. Power Words: Making $100 for every word you speak or write.

Step Five. Broadcasting: Getting the Word out.

Step Six. Opt-In to Wealth: A License to Print Money

Step Seven. Influencity: Going from Maybe to Money

Step Eight. Adding zeros: Hundredfolding your Info-Business.


INTRODUCTION: You Have a Book in You.

You’re sitting on a goldmine. Untapped. Hidden. A pure vein of value just lying there,

inside you, just waiting for you to discover and monetize. This eBook is designed to

walk you through the steps to turn the ideas in your mind RIGHT NOW into lifetime

streams of income.

As I wrote in Multiple Streams of Income: How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth,

there are multiple ways of creating extra streams of income—such as investing in real

estate and stocks and businesses.

But if you’re looking to bring in a new stream of income into your life, one of the easiest

products to create and sell is information. A person who does that is called an info-

preneur—an entrepreneur who sells information. Other terms you’ll often see include

“Information Marketer”, “Content Creator”, and even “Thought Leader”.

For years, I taught people how to make millions buying and selling real estate—real

property. Now, I’m teaching people how to make serious money marketing their

Intellectual Property—how to monetize your “inner assets”— your expertise, your

personal experience, your knowledge.

Millions of people on this planet are googling RIGHT NOW for answers to their

questions and solutions to their problems. They have their credit cards ready RIGHT

NOW to spend money on the right information.


What if YOU possessed the information they seek, the solution they need, the answer

they want? What if they were googling YOU? That would be exciting, wouldn’t it?

What if they clicked on YOUR link and read your eBook, became your student, received

your guidance, benefitted from your wisdom?

What if, because of YOUR influence, generations of their loved ones could look to YOU

as the reason life became a little bit better—maybe a lot better. That would be cool,

wouldn’t it?

I want to show you that you already possess information and valuable skills that

could be worth a fortune to you, if you learn how to profitably market them.

In my opinion, the info-business is one of the fastest paths to an Ideal Lifestyle.

How do I know this? Because I’ve lived it.

My strange story.

I graduated with my MBA from BYU in 1974 in the middle of a terrible recession.

My business degree wasn’t very marketable at the time. No company wanted to hire

me. So, I fell back on my passions. I’d always wanted to be an entrepreneur—to be my

own boss. (Truthfully, I would have been a lousy employee.)

So, in pursing my passions, I started investing in real estate. I started with about $1,000

to my name…and no job. I bought my first property from a highly motivated seller


within 60 days of graduating from college. I quickly sold the property (today they’d call

that flipping) and made a quick chunk of cash profit. I was on my way!

In less than 5 years and dozens of properties later, I was a real estate equity millionaire.

But having equity is very different from having cash flow. I still needed money to make

payments on my house, car, etc. I was “paper rich” but “cash flow poor.” Ever been


So, I needed a way to bring some money in the door. Fast. I had been teaching a small

investment class as a hobby to my friends about real estate investing…but now it

became more than a hobby.

I asked myself: Would anyone be interested in my real estate experience? I put a small

classified ad in my local newspaper. This was the entire ad:

Nothing Down. Learn how to buy real estate with little or no money down.

And the phone rang off the hook. This was definitely a hot subject. I sold a 4-week

evening class at a local motel for $75. Ten people showed up to the first class—and I got

an immediate surge of cash flow and I hadn’t even delivered the complete seminar yet.

That helped with our bills that month. Then I had the brilliant idea to hold the next

seminar on a Saturday. I placed a $300 display ad with my photo in the local paper.

About 100 people showed up for that first seminar and paid $100 apiece. A hundred

bucks multiplied by a hundred people is…TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!

Whoa! That is a serious chunk of cash! I had no idea that information could be so

profitable. More importantly, I LOVED it. People seemed to resonate with my simple,

visual style of teaching. They went out and did what I told them to do, and people

started making money! How fun is that?

I expanded my seminars to 2 days and doubled the price. Even more money rolled in.

Then, I took a shot at the BIG TIME and bought a $10,000 full page ad in the Los

Angeles Times. Whoa! Scary. I could lose my shirt. But 200 people ended up buying

my $500 2-Day Nothing Down seminar. Do the math. That’s a hundred grand in one

weekend! Big money. This info-business was fast eclipsing anything I had done in real

estate investing. (Lest you thinking I’m making it sound too easy—there were lots of

pitfalls along the way to figuring this all out. We’ll get to those.)

It was as if I had discovered “my song.” Once you discover your song—what you were

born to sing— there’s no going back. I’ve been singing (sharing) this song ever since—

with various tunes (speeches) and lyrics (books).

In the next 5 years, my little Nothing Down seminar was taught to 100,000 people

putting millions of dollars into my pocket.

At the same time, I acted on a lifelong dream to be an author. I tracked down a #1 New

York Times bestselling author—Dian Thomas—who lived in my city. I asked her to be

my mentor. She invited me to tag along with her to the annual American Booksellers

Convention—now called the BookExpo—where she introduced me to interested

publishers. The President of Simon and Schuster took my manuscript and, as they say,

the rest is history. Within 18 months, my first book, Nothing Down, became a million-

copy #1 New York Times bestseller. My second book, Creating Wealth, also became a

million copy #1 NYT hit. And this led to a dozen more books with millions more sold.

My info-business boomed even bigger. In the past 40 years, I, along with my partners

and publishers, have mined over $1,000,000,000 (Yes, that’s One Billion dollars) from

this info-gold mine. Books, CDs, DVDs, seminars, webinars, trainings, newsletters, one-

on-one coaching, licensing and consulting. And my competitors and copycats have

extracted billions more.

Now, it took 40 years to pull this off. But I firmly believe that anyone—including you—

can launch an info-business and succeed and thrive in this information age.

You? A bestselling author? You gotta be kidding me!

Could YOU do this? Would you like to?

Well, before you read another word, let me ask you some questions to determine if this

little book is for you. If these next questions don’t resonate with you, I highly

recommend that you find something better to do with your time. The questions below

specifically refer to authors and writers of the written word, specifically non-fiction

books or ebooks. But the same questions could also apply to those who want to earn

streams of income from giving speeches, doing webinars or seminars, coaching and

consulting. There are a lot of ways to skin this cat.

Put a check next to every question that resonates with you.

____Have you ever read a book that changed your life?

____Do you feel you have a book in you?

____Are you an expert in something and sense a need to share your expertise?

____Do you have a message in you that you feel “called” or destined to share?

____Do you like to teach? Are you always looking for ways to share your advice?

____Do you sense that teaching is part of your purpose in life—like it’s one of the

reasons that you showed up on this planet?

____Do you like to organize information to share with people?

____Do you like to learn? Are you always reading, studying—trying to glean that

extra a nugget of wisdom?

____Do you want to be an author? Is that important to you? Do you want to see

your name on the cover of a book that you wrote?

____Are you looking for an audience to communicate with? Do you look for

opportunities to share…to enlighten…or give advice?

Count up the checks you made next to the previous 10 questions. If you checked 5 or

less, this book is probably not for you. It will be like I speak Russian and you speak


If you checked 6 or more of these questions, then this book will probably be “right up

your alley”. You “get it”. You want to be an author. If so, you’re not alone. Lots of

people feel that they have a book in them. According to the New York Times, over 80%

of us would love to add the word “author” to our resume.

I want to teach you an 8-step formula for monetizing the fortunes inside you—the 8

steps you’ll need to take if you want to become an author and an information marketer

and to generate lifetime streams of income from it.

Although I ‘ve sold millions of books and earned millions in book royalties, I don’t

want you to expect that this might happen for you. I’d rather keep your expectations

low. But would making an extra thousand bucks a month—with gusts up to five or ten

thousand or more—be useful to you?

Well, if you take these next 8 action steps, it’s entirely realistic that you’ll be earning

your first dollars within months, maybe even weeks.


By the way, make sure you don’t make any of the 12 Stupid Mistakes that almost all

beginning authors make. Send me an email at and let

me send you this valuable free, special report.


STEP ONE. Your Goldmind: You are sitting on a GoldMind

Let me take you into the future for a moment. Let’s leap-frog over all of the hassle of

writing and publishing your book or information product.

Imagine this!

FedEx brings a package to your door. Inside is the very first copy of your just-released

book. You hold it in your hands. This is YOUR book. That is YOUR name on the cover.

You pose it on your bookshelf. You admire it. You’re a legitimate author. You did it!

There is absolutely nothing that compares to that feeling. (I know. I’ve done it 12 times,

thus far. And I’m not done yet.)

From this moment on, when someone asks you what you do, you can add the title of

‘author’ to your curriculum vitae. The title Author has such ‘cachet’ in our society. Trust

me, when you drop the words ‘Bestselling Author,’ along with your name, PEOPLE

IMMEDIATELY TREAT YOU DIFFERENTLY! They raise their eyebrows. A slight nod.

Hmmm. Like there’s something special about you—an extra modicum of respect.

Would you like to experience that?

But, wait, we’re getting ahead of ourselves! There are 8 steps you need to take before

you earn the privilege of saying those words.


The first step in becoming an author—let alone a bestselling author— is deciding what

to write about. I call this step…

Discovering your Hidden Value

Assume that one day you are looking in your attic and find an old, unspent dime. You

wonder if it might worth something, so you look it up online and find that it is actually

an extremely valuable, rare numismatic coin. Wow! One minute you’re poor. The next

minute, you’re rich. What made the difference? You became aware of this coins’ value.

It was always in your attic. You just didn’t know what it was worth.

What if you were sitting on such assets right now and didn’t know it? What if you

suddenly realized that you’re living in a gold mine? More accurately, what if you

discovered that YOU are the gold mine!

The Fortune in You

If you told me that you wanted to write a book, I’d have you take a few simple tests,

and within minutes, we’d uncover together at least 10 marketable info-skills that you

already possess. There are 10 different veins of gold discoverable in the Gold mine

called You. With the right coaching, you could turn several of these skill sets into a

book or info-product that someone in the world would want to buy. You could turn

these buried assets into streams of income.

For example, suppose a friend of yours (let's call her Barbara) had a lifetime weight

problem. Finally, she discovered her own revolutionary, new way to lose weight—and

it worked! The weight just fell off her. Would this knowledge be valuable? Could she

turn this into her own, unique weight loss info-business?

Suppose a middle-aged woman in Barbara’s city is getting ready for the big 30th High

School reunion and desperately needs to lose 30 pounds in 60 days. She goes online and

discovers Barbara’s story. Might this overweight woman with a looming deadline be

willing to pay $100 for Barbara’s ‘secret’ system?

Is that a yes? Duh!

Do you possess untapped information or skills like that? Absolutely! It’s already in you,

waiting to be excavated.

When I explain this, people immediately hit me with their Yabuts:

Yeah, but…I’m not famous. What information could I sell that a stranger would want to

buy from ME?!

Yeah, but…I don’t have a degree in the things I want to each. Won’t people know I’m a

fraud. (This just in, it’s the 2020s. People value skills and ACTIONABLE

INFORMATION far above degrees.)

I challenge these Yabuts by asking: Don’t you know SOMETHING that someone in the

world would like to know? Don’t you have at least one thing you’re good at? One thing

that you could teach someone if you were paid to do so?


I call these areas of your expertise— ‘Your Piece of Cake.’ When you ask an expert to

use their skill, they often say, “No problem. Piece of Cake.” ‘Piece of Cake’ is my fun

way of representing the things you know how to do. Things that come easy to you.

That are Second Nature to you.

What’s your Piece of Cake? If someone paid you $100 for a one-hour session to pick

your brain on a skill that you had mastered, would you be willing to answer their


Remember what it took for you to acquire that specific knowledge or skill. It was hours

of study and practice to learn it and master it. If someone could have shown you a

shortcut before you started, would it have been worth $100 to YOU then?

“Yeah, but…EVERYBODY knows how to do what I know how to do.”

That’s what I used to think about buying real estate using none of my own money.

It was so ‘second nature’ to me that I thought everyone had figured it out. I’m glad I

followed my hunch to teach that very first $100 seminar. It blossomed into a billion

dollars for me and my partners.

I guarantee that you are an expert at SOMETHING. Maybe you have a 40-year marriage

in an age where 50% of marriages fail. Maybe you have 6 Pack Abs in your 60’s. Maybe

you have a learned how to travel the world on less than $100 a day.

“Yeah, but…my knowledge is so special, only one in a million would want it.”

One in a million? There are 7.5 BILLION people on the planet. One in a million out of

billions is still SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED people. I can show you how, by

accessing this tiny slice of humanity, you could earn upwards of $100,000 a year, or


For example, just last week, I heard of a couple living on a farm in rural America. They

dreamed of building their own farmhouse from scratch and wanted to save a fortune

doing it themselves—without a building contractor. So, they figured how to do it and

they did it! They built their own dream farmhouse! But along the way, they made tons

of mistakes and also discovered lots of valuable shortcuts. They wondered…How many

people in the world dream of building their own farmhouse from scratch? One in a

million, right? But, still, they launched their website——and

started bringing streams of income from around the world right into their brand-new

home in nowhere USA.

Here is what the farmer’s wife wrote on their website:

Hi there! I am the farmer’s wife, and the boss of this here operation. I like to write and I like to

share what I know with other people. Our new home, and subject of this site, is located in a tiny

farming town…My husband farms, and I get to stay at home with the four young kids. We are

living our dream, building our dream home, on our dream land, debt free. Let me show you how

you can too.

What is the cost of her online program? Just $98. Wouldn’t it be worth a hundred

bucks to that one-in-a-million farmhouse builder to avoid some mistakes and take

advantage of some shortcuts? Duh!


If just 10 people per month take advantage of these farmers’ simple course, the farmers

will earn an extra $1,000 toward furnishing their dream home. And if they find 100

people a month—just 3 people a day—we’re talking serious money.

If the Farmer’s Wife can do this, YOU could do this!

Yeah, but…”I don’t think my information is worth even $10, let alone a $100.”

Actually, your information it’s worth a LOT MORE than $100—you’re just not aware of

how to market it.

A few years ago, I was teaching a group of beginning infopreneurs and challenged

them to earn A THOUSAND DOLLARS in the next 24 hours by selling their knowledge

or expertise. One student, Linda, was a part-time artist and painter. She was trying to

sell her art paintings to the world but with limited success—the definition of the

starving artist.

I said, “Linda, you’re selling the wrong thing. Instead of selling paintings, why don’t

you try selling your expertise on how to paint?” This had never crossed her mind and

she doubted that anyone would pay her $1,000 to learn how to paint.

I challenged her to try. “Send an email,” I said, “to your friend network and offer to

teach one of them a 16-week course—over the Internet—on how to paint. The fee?

$1,000. But you only have one slot available.”

Within 24 hours of sending that email, one of her friends, Debra Jo, responded

excitedly. “Teach ME. I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint!”


Linda was shocked at how easy it was!

Yes, if Linda can do this, you can do this.

When you take an inventory of your current skills and talents—your Intellectual

Capital—there is no question that you know things that people want to know. As your

mentor, I would help you narrow down your Intellectual Inventory into two separate

lists—Your ‘Piece of Cake’ and Your ‘Low Hanging Fruit.’

Your “Piece of Cake”

Your Piece of Cake refers to the few things which are easy, enjoyable and almost

effortless for you to do. Things you can do ‘with your eyes closed.’ It’s the area of talent

and expertise that sets you apart from most of the rest of the world. To discover this, I

take students through a simple 148 question Piece of Cake Process. Everyone who

completes this Piece of Cake assessment, identifies at least 10 valuable areas of expertise

or skill. (*If you want a copy of this, just send an email to and I’ll send you a link to download it.)

But not every Piece of Cake skill can bring you fortune.

So, after identifying several Piece of Cake skills, I take students through the 12 question

“Low Hanging Fruit” exercise. Your Low Hanging Fruit represents the very few types

of knowledge unique to you—with the highest probability for YOU to create a fast, easy

AND sustainable, long-term stream of income.


In my Idea to Income MasterClassTM, I work with students on a LIVE Zoom call to

identify their Pieces of Cake and select from those, the perfect Low Hanging Fruit for

their first book.

Once you identify your Low Hanging Fruit, it’s time to create your first info-product.

What should be your first info-product?

Let’s continue with the example of Linda. Her first info-product was 16 one-on-one

coaching sessions. Remember, she offered this $1,000 one-on-one coaching series by

sending an email to her current friends and associates. I just wanted to show her the

potential for quick money. But this would not be a sustainable business. For her second

info-product, I would strongly urge Linda create an online video course.

Yeah, but…,”she complains, “I’m a painter not a videographer!”

“Piece of Cake,” I respond. “When you teach Debra Jo, make sure you do it on Zoom,

the free online video conferencing service. Each live session is recorded. These recorded

sessions are valuable! Rather than paying $1000 for personal coaching, some people

would pay a MUCH lower price to just observe as Linda teaches Debra Jo. $100 is a

very reasonable price to charge. These videos can be easily uploaded to an online course

website where interested artists can pay to watch the entire series.

“Yeah but…I’m a right brain artist not a left-brain techy. Words like ‘download’ and

‘upload’ and ‘zoom’ and all these techy words overwhelm me!”

“Piece of cake!” I respond. “With just a few clicks, I can show you how your online

course can be hosted online and ready to make money for you 24 hours a day!”

“Wow, that sounds exciting,” says Linda…but…how do I sell this $100 course?!”

“Ah, great question,” I respond. “That requires some marketing. For that, you’ll need

to write a book.”

“Write a book!” she responds. “I’m an artist not a writer.”

Piece of cake!” I respond. “I’ll show you how to upload the zoom video to someone in

India who will transcribe it for you very inexpensively. Then, we find a ‘retired English

teacher’ on or who will turn your digitized, spoken words into

written pearls of wisdom. Trust me, your eBook can be done in ninety days or less from

right now with a minimal investment of time and money.”

But wait, there’s more. J

Your Beginning Info-Funnel

I haven’t told you about The Funnel! Let’s back up a little bit. Frankly, I won’t let Linda

write a single word of her eBook without strategizing The Funnel with her. I want her

to visualize just how much money she could earn in her fledgling info-business. When

someone truly understands the income potential of a successful info-business, their

level of motivation goes through the roof.


First, the bad news. Most beginning authors have no clue how much an author earns

from a book. They have unrealistic expectations that just writing a book will make them

rich and famous. Well, if it’s a traditionally published book, the royalty varies between

10% and 15% of the cover price of the book. The royalty on a $15 book is less than 2

bucks a book. The average author sells less than 5,000 copies in a lifetime! Sorry, your

book will probably not make your rich and famous. Don’t quit your day job.

If Linda self-publishes her eBook on Amazon, the royalty rate can go as high as 70%,

but the average self-published book sells less than 200 copies. Once again, don’t quit

your day job.

But Linda’s book is not your average book. First, I’ll work with Linda to make it a #1

bestseller. That’s nice, but that’s not where the real money is made.

Now, the good news. Linda’s eBook is actually a lead generator for her info-business.

Throughout her eBook, Linda drops “hints” of how an interested reader can learn more.

I’ll cover this in more detail in later Steps, but for now, let me give you a birds-eye view

of some possible ways that Linda could earn extra income from the readers of her

eBook. You see, about 10% of the readers of Linda’s eBook are willing to pay extra

money for more advanced information and experiential learning.

During a brainstorming session with Linda, I show her several ways she could earn

income beyond the minor money made through book royalties. This is how we turn

Linda’s written words into lifetime streams of income.

Let me explain.

Rather than sell her book for small money, I encourage Linda to actually GIVE HER

BOOK AWAY for Free! In a 90-day blitz, I show her how to give away 1000 books

to curious googlers and by emailing her friends and customers, promoting on Social

Media and running small Facebook Ads. From this database of 1000 readers, there will

be a few who will want to learn what Linda taught JoAnn. Linda has uploaded the

zoom videos to an online webservice like (There are dozens of these

services out there). The online course is only $100. Let’s assume that 5 people buy this

online course per month. 5 X $100 = $500. It’s not much but it’s a start.

Then, Linda enjoys teaching so much she organizes a small group coaching series for 4

budding artists. The cost is lower—only $250 for budget conscious artists who want

live training. The classes are two times a week for 4 weeks. A total of 8 live classes with

the goal of producing a marketable piece of art in one month. These classes could also

be archived on Zoom and offered as a bonus to future students. That’s another $1000 a


Then, 2 people on her growing database per month take advantage of Linda’s one-on-

one coaching, the same as JoAnn. The fee is $1000. So, another $2000 drops to the

bottom line.

And, finally, 1 student a month is so impressed with their experience with Linda, that

they commission to her to create a personalized piece of art for $2,000.

Add all of this up, and her gross income for that month is $6,000 minus expenses. Net

profit is probably 2/3 of that. Linda has converted her starving artist business into a

profitable info-business earning an extra stream of stable cash flow.


This is what her funnel looks like:

Lead generators Emails to her friends Notices on her Small

and associates Social Media

First layer of the funnel: Give away 1000 books!

Second layer of the funnel: Sell 5 people a month her online course


$100 = $500

Third layer of the funnel: Sell 4 people a month into live, weekly group


4 X $250 = $1,000

Third layer of the funnel: Sell 2 people a month her one-on-one training

2 X $1,000 - $2,500

Fourth layer of her funnel: Sell 1 person a month, a personalized piece of art

1 X $2,000 = $2,000

Total monthly income: $6,000

Let’s kick this up a notch. With any luck, Linda’s funnel could become the start of a

very successful worldwide business. There are millions of would-be artists in the world.

How many does she need to reach to be making serious money? Because she has so

many students coming through her Funnel, she raises her prices.

Let’s do the math.


10,000 people per month get her free book. 10,000 X 0= $0

50 of her eBook readers enroll in her online course. 50 people X $200 = $10,000

25 students enroll in her live group coaching sessions 25 people X $400 = $10,000

20 students come to see Linda live at a 2-day seminar. 20 people X $500 = $10,000

4 students want Linda’s One on One personal coaching. 4 people X $2500 = $10,000

2 students a month commissions a piece of Linda’s art. 2 X $5,000= $10,000

Possible Monthly Income= $50,000

Now, as Gary Halbert used to say, let’s get your greed glands going. Now that Linda

has a successful info-business, she can show other starving artists how copy what she is

doing. In the info-business, this is called Train the Trainer or TTT. Of Linda’s

thousands of students would just a few of them like Linda to teach them how to earn

serious info-business money? Absolutely! How much should Linda charge someone to

go from starving artist to wealthy info/artist. $5,000? $10,000? Slam dunk!

If she only teaches 100 private info/artists a year at $5,000, she pockets an extra $500,000.

In the marketing business we call this ladder of people interested in learning more and

paying more the “Customer Ascension Path”. Here’s a truth about information

marketing. If your information is good and actionable…

…as Students Learn, they Naturally Desire to Learn MORE!

You don’t have to do any hardselling, you just have to deliver good information. That’s

when you start to see the serious streams of extra income.


Of course, these are gross dollars, not net dollars but at least half of this should be net

profit. Linda goes from a starving artist to a well-to-do info-business owner netting at

least a quarter of a million dollars a year—and doing some painting on the side.

Does this get your attention?

Well, this is just the tip of the iceberg! There are SO MANY ways to earn income from a

successful info-business.

People are Googling RIGHT NOW. They want answers—RIGHT NOW! In .64 seconds!

Their credit cards are ready RIGHT NOW.

Let me show you how to find YOUR one in million and to get that one in a million to

google YOU.

Onward to step two.


STEP TWO. Your Success Map: The right picture is Worth a Million


Suppose that you’ve narrowed down your book idea to one Low Hanging Fruit

concept. It’s time to start writing your first eBook. For me, it’s a piece of cake. But I

realize that, for many, the job of putting down words on a blank page can be daunting.

Let me share with you how I do it.


As my mentor, Stephen Covey, taught me: “Begin with the end in mind.” So, I imagine

my reader (you) taking a journey from being a beginning writer to becoming a

successful info-marker with a #1 bestselling book.

I ask myself: What steps will my reader need to take in order to achieve that vision? It’s

just if I asked you to drive from Los Angeles to New York City. As part of your

planning, wouldn’t you buy a map? So, I chart the journey my reader will be taking and

map out the steps one at a time. Then, I create a one-page big picture Map of the entire


At the beginning of this Step, you’ll find a Visual Map of the 8 steps we will take

together to discover and monetize your Intellectual Property. The metaphor I have used

is an infinity symbol. I call it the Infinity Funnel Blueprint.

Scroll back to the beginning of this chapter to look at it (if you haven’t already J).

There are 8 steps around the Infinity Funnel. This eBook is just the explanation of each

of the 8 Steps you’ll need to take to eventually create lifetime streams of income.

Why go to this extra trouble of creating a visual map?

Trust me, once the Map or Big Picture is clear in your own mind, you’ll be a better

guide, because you can visualize exactly where you want to take your student and

where they are along the way. You can identify and explain the challenges they might


I became so successful not because I was good at understanding difficult real estate

strategies, but because I was able to teach those strategies to others in a simple, effective

system. This is what I’m teaching you to embrace.

But more importantly, with your Map in front of you, it’s easier to write your book. You

just write the description of walking your reader through the steps to success, much the

same way as I’m walking you through these steps. It shortens the time to write and

your written product will be much better.

So, how do you do create a map?

First, you simply make a list of the steps or stages of the process to success. Suppose

you have a pet grooming business that is very successful. You want to write a book or

create an info-business about how someone can start their own pet grooming business.

What would be the first thing you would want a beginner to know? And then what?

And after that? Step by step, you lead them until they can see themselves grooming pets

and bringing in nice streams of income.

Sometimes it takes several hours of brainstorming to come up with this list. But it’s

essential. So, take adequate time to write down your step-by-step process.

Then, with this list of steps, imagine a metaphor that speaks to you such as…

A road map

The metamorphosis of a butterfly

Climbing a mountain

Polishing the many facets of a diamond

Assembling a puzzle

Or in my case, an Infinity symbol.

Organize your system around this metaphor and you’ll find your students will grasp

the lessons more quickly and you’ll be able to teach it more efficiently.

Why? According to the Social Science Research Network, 65% of us are visual learners.

Frankly, a map will make you a better writer and a better teacher.

Suppose your eBook is about quitting smoking. You were a smoker for years and finally

found a revolutionary, new way to break your habit. You’ve shared it with a few

friends, and it’s worked for them too. You wonder, “Is there a book in here


You organize what you’ve shared with your friends into a more professional, step-by-

step system. You test your system out with a sample of strangers. 95% of them also

succeed. Your system is different from anything on the market. It’s revolutionary.

Could you create an info-empire out of this—and in the process save hundreds of

thousands of lives? You feel that it’s part of your purpose in life to share this message.

This is your Low Hanging Fruit.

So, you start to organize your book. You create a one-page visual map to describe your

step by step process. Each step—each chunk of information—takes your student closer

to success you’ve imagined for them.

During my Idea to Income MasterClassTM, we’ll work together to create and design your

own map using my proprietary mapping system. If you’re doing this on your own, I

strongly recommend that before you write a single word of your book, complete your


If you’d like to see examples of other student Maps, send an email to and I’ll send you the link.


STEP THREE. Be Different: How to You-niquify Your Brand.

When your new eBook is done, it will enter a crowded field. A million new books and

eBooks will be released this year to pile on top of millions of books from previous

decades. How can you stand out? How can you be different?

Before you start writing, these are questions you need to pause and ask yourself.

My first book was entitled Nothing Down: A Proven Program that Shows you How to Buy

Real Estate with Little or No Money Down.

Of the hundreds of books on the library shelves about investing in real estate, there was

no other book that focused exclusively on creative financing written in my visual

teaching style. My book was a unique slant on an age-old investment. The timing was

perfect. It literally flew off the shelves. It was different. Isn’t that the motto of Apple—

one of the most valued companies the world?

Think Different

There is nothing new under the sun. But there are a million new ways to describe it

differently. Your “topic” will already have thousands of books written about it. This can

be discouraging.

“Yeah, but…somebody has already written my book!”

No, they haven’t!


There is a book in you and you are the only one who can write it. And frankly, if your

book doesn’t top the bestseller lists, you still have to write it. Maybe you won’t be

discovered until a generation from now like Van Gogh. (Scratch that idea! You want to

enjoy your freedom while you’re alive!!!!!)

Today, there are thousands of authors/speakers who will be competing for the same

‘avatar’—a fancy new word for your ideal customer. But remember, there are 7 billion

people out there. Your first goal is to connect with just 10,000 of them. About one in a

million. 10,000 fans of YOUR material. Find your 10,000 and keep ‘em happy and you’ll

be set for life.

The first step in discovering your difference, is to know who are your rivals and peers.

There are millions of competitors. Once you know who your rivals ARE, you can

identify who they AREN’T. As they say in baseball, “Hit ‘em where they ain’t.”

Who are the big players in your “space?” How do they attract their avatars? What is

their map? What is their funnel? How do they deliver their promises? What part of the

territory have they already “staked out?” What parts of the territory have they left

undiscovered? What can you learn from them? What should you fear from them?

You’ll learn a lot from this research. In fact, you’ll be conducting rival research for the

rest of your career in the info-business.

Sam Walton would drive hundreds of miles in the early days of Wal-Mart to observe

the innovations of a competitor. He adopted these ideas quickly and build the empire

that now spans the globe—all from a nowhere town in Arkansas.


When I teach the Idea to Income MasterClassTM, I’m always amazed at how few

beginning authors and info-marketers have done this basic kind of research. This

research is how you start to identify your brand. In other words, what makes you “the


Think of the icons of our time. They are so unique you only need to say their first name

and everyone knows who you are talking about. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, you know

exactly who they are because… ‘ain’t nobody like ‘em.’ They are “the only.”

Donald, Michael, Oprah, Boris, Sting, Bono, Tony, Coby

Study this next quote for a few minutes. It’s profound.

“The mark of greatness is when everything before you is obsolete, and everything

after you bears your mark.” -Dave Chappelle

You may not want to be famous, but I certainly hope you want to be great.

Who are you and what sets you apart?

What makes you the best in the world at your unique sliver of opportunity?

What unique ways do you intersect with your customers?

What is your brand? Your motto? Your logo? Your colors. Your style?

The branding discussion is way too deep for this small book. We go into more depth in

our Idea to Income MasterClassTM, taught live by myself (the amazing Robert G. Allen)

and my info-partner (the incredible Nick Coats.)*


*If you want more, visit us at where you can register for a

valuable free strategy session to dig deeper on your info-product and to explore

whether or not you qualify to become our next #1 bestseller.

But this step is not complete without teaching you the fastest way to set yourself apart

from all the ‘would be’ bestsellers out there—even if you’re a nobody. I call it the

Nobody to Somebody strategy. (Every ‘somebody’ starts out as nobody.’)

You can always make a bold promise to set yourself apart. When I was a nobody from a

nowhere town, I rose above the crowd by making an unbelievable promise.

“Send me to any city. Take away my wallet. Give me $100 for living expenses. And in 72 hours

I’ll buy and excellent property using none of my own money.”

I was bold enough to start running this challenge in paid advertising—first in my small

home city of Provo, Utah and eventually in full page ads in dozens of major cities all

across America. It set me apart. Nobody dared compete. I was ‘That Nothing Down’

guy. Then, the Los Angeles Times challenged me to put my money where my mouth

was. With an LA Times reporter by my side, they flew me to San Francisco where I

bought 6 properties in 57 hours and gave the reporter $20 back in change.

Did this set me apart? Big Time!

When you and I work together, I’ll help you craft a bold promise that will set YOU

apart. We’ll reverse engineer your promise so that your book actually delivers on your

bold promise.

What is the bold promise I make with my every one of my Idea to Income students?

“Your book is done! It hits #1. You make a ton. Isn’t that fun?”

Onward to Step Four.


STEP FOUR. Word Power: Making $100 for every word you write or speak.

Now, you’re almost ready to write. Tape a copy of your Map to the wall. Next to it,

tape an image of your beginning Funnel. Next to that, list the attributes of your Brand.

Immerse yourself in Bestseller thinking.

So, let’s get down to business.

Before you start to put down words on a blank page, realize that there are two types of

words that you will be writing:

Message Words vs Marketing Words.

The bulk of the words inside your book are Message Words—the ‘how-to’ concepts

about your system. These words are very important. They are the meat of your

message. If they don’t deliver on the book’s promise, then Word of Mouth will die and

so will your book.

How important is it to get these words right? I’ve often said, that the information in a

well-marketed book will ultimately generate up to $100 for every Message Word you

write. Most of my major books contain upwards of 100,000 words. Thus, I project that

each of my books can ultimately bring in from $5 million to $10 million dollars. And so

far, I’ve been right on the money.


eBooks are generally shorter, so this ebook has only about 16,000 Message Words. I’m

fairly confident that $100 a word is a very conservative estimate for this eBook. Later,

I’ll show you my strategy and how you can duplicate these results.

When writing Message Words, be careful. Beginning authors have a tendency of using

‘weak’ words when they should be using more ‘strong’ words. It makes a HUGE

difference in how your reader resonates with your message! I don’t have space for a full

explanation of the many examples of Weak Words vs. Strong Words. But let me share

with you one glaring mistake that is easy to spot—the frequency the word ‘I’ compared

to the word ‘You.’

When my students ask me to comment on an unpublished manuscript, I immediately

notice the ratio of “I” words to “you” words. Beginning authors often make the classic

mistake of telling their full story (as if anyone is really interested.) “I did this. I did

that.” Etc.

Kiss of death. Nobody is really interested in your story, unless you can show how your

story is integral to making someone else’s life better. For example, I told parts of my

story in my first book, Nothing Down, as an illustration of how my 50 Nothing Down

Techniques would help the reader buy their own property with little or no money


If you’ve already written your manuscript, use the Find Function on your word

processing program and can count the number of these words—I, Me, My, Mine—as

compared to the words—You, Your, Yours, Ours. If there are substantially more “I”

type words than “You” type words, you’ve got a problem. There are some exceptions

but very few. Check your ego at the door for now and write your autobiography after

you’re rich and famous.

By far the most important words you will write are Marketing Words. These are the

sizzle of your message. If your potential reader is not enticed to pick up your book to

take a look, then none of your Message Words inside will have any impact. And you’ll

earn ZERO dollars per word.

Message Words are on the inside of the book, Marketing Words are found on the

outside cover and in the Table of Contents. Marketing words are designed to be more


If Message Words are worth $100 a word, then, Marketing Words are worth at least

$10,000 a word. According to experienced bookstore owners, 75% of the success of a

book is the cover. The words of the front and back of the cover jack (and to a lesser

extent, what is found in the Table of Contents) are extremely important because the first

job is to get someone to take a closer look. No look. No buy.

Let’s talk about the Table of Contents first. A list of your chapter titles (or Steps) is

called your Table of Contents. When you’re looking at a book in a bookstore or online,

do you scan the Table of Contents to get an idea of what the book contains? Most

people do. The description of the Chapter Titles is very important.

They describe what is in each chapter (or Step) in a persuasive and enticing way. They

sell the book. In my Table of Contents for this eBook there are less than 100 words. But

each of these words is very important to the marketing of the book. For example, in the

first draft of writing this eBook, I outlined the 8 chunks of content (Steps) I wanted to

teach you in the order I wanted to teach them. Each chunk of content became one of the

8 Steps to success.

Here are the original, rough ideas for the subjects for each step.

Your Intellectual Property

Your Map

Your Brand

Your first Info-product

Your Broadcast

Your Opt-in

Your Sales Sequence

Your JV’s

These are the 8 broad, basic concepts I want to teach. But they needed to be spiced up so

that a reader can be enticed to read further. They needed to become more persuasive—

more ‘sexy.’ With some brainstorming, they became...

Step One. Your Goldmind: You are sitting on a GoldMind

Step Two. Your Success Map: The Right Picture is worth a million dollars.

Step Three. Be Different! How to You-niquify your Brand.

Step Four. Power Words: Making $100 for every word you speak or write.

Step Five. Broadcasting: Getting the Word out.

Step Six. Opt-In to Wealth: A License to Print Money

Step Seven. Influencity: Going from Maybe to Money

Step Eight. Adding zeros: Hundredfolding your Info-Business.


See the difference? Scan through the list of steps above and notice a title that catches

your eye. Not every title will grab you. Some might even turn you off. But one or two

will pique your curiosity and send you to the checkout stand or shopping cart.

Sometimes you buy the book just to read that one chapter.

The Importance of the Title and Subtitle

Topping the most influential bestseller list in the universe—The New York Times—is

the dream of every author. Hate to tell you this, but it’s highly unlikely your book is

ever going to land there. It’s not impossible…but nearly. I’ve been lucky enough to land

there 4 times with my books spending 100 weeks on this most prestigious of all lists.

The NYTimes list is the Mt. Everest of publishing.

But, you can still be a #1 Bestselling author. You can definitely hit the #1 spot on the

narrow niche of your highly targeted list on—the world’s largest


You might not make the list of the 100 bestselling books out of the millions of books on

Amazon, but you can certainly reach the 100 bestsellers of your tiny niche…and who

knows, you might even top this narrow list. If so, you could say you were #1 on

Amazon. You could print this on cover of your book: #1 Amazon bestseller. To be #1 on

the largest bookstore on the planet. That would be a good start, wouldn’t it? That’s the

minimal goal of your book launch.

But if you set up the launch poorly, your book won’t climb ANY lists. You won’t top

your neighborhood bestseller list. Pallets of your books will sit in your garage gathering

dust. Worse yet, your message goes unheard. The lives of the people you were destined

to change, remain unchanged. That’s unacceptable, isn’t it?

Well, the unacceptable happens a thousand times a day as newbie authors are

hoodwinked into self-publishing their cherished messages into forgettable books that

only a few will ever read. Don’t make that mistake. Your business life depends upon it.

The most important Marketing Words you’ll ever write are the words on the cover of

your book. It’s said you can’t judge a book by its cover. How wrong! All books are

instantly judged by their covers—specifically their titles and subtitles. As I said before,

bookstore owners have reported that 75% of the success of a book can be attributed to

the cover—the design, the color, the title and subtitle. It can make or break a book—

sending your book toward the bestseller lists or to the bargain bins. That’s why I spend

so much effort in our Idea to Income MasterClassTM going through a revolutionary

process to discover the perfect bestselling title for your message. This doesn’t guarantee

you’ll reach the bestseller list. But I guarantee that if your book title sucks, your

message will never see the light of day.

Most “would-be” authors always seem to come up with the LAMEST titles! No wonder

their books never go anywhere! I can’t tell you how many 1st time authors proudly

show me a copy of their book.

I cut right to the chase.

“How is it selling?”

“Not as well as I hoped,” they admit, sheepishly.


“Did you test the title of this book before you launched it?”

Sadly, the answer is almost always NO. I wish they had met me BEFORE the book was

written and published and I would have taught them my foolproof 7-step title testing

process that I call the Terrific Title Tester (T3). It’s how you create a title that has the

greatest probability of becoming a bestselling title. I’ve developed this process from 40

years of painful experience. Some of my book titles were million copy blockbusters.

Some of my titles were absolute busts. Trust me, I know the pain of working for two

years on a book that doesn’t go anywhere.

In my Idea to Income MasterClassTM, I want to show you how to test your title with the

T3 process. You’ll be amazed.

Creating a fresh, exciting, eye-catching title and subtitle is IMPORTANT!!!!

Let’s return to the story of Linda the artist painter. This is how things might play out.

Once she finishes her eBook and tests her title, THEN Linda uploads her eBook to

Amazon and gets ready to launch it to the world. Wouldn’t it be nice to make her new

book an instant #1 bestseller? Duh!

Well, using my Bestseller Blueprint, we make her new book #1 at the Biggest Bookstore

in the World— Slam dunk. Piece of Cake.

One part of this Blueprint is to give her instant credibility. That’s why I offer to write

the Forword for her book. (Forword by #1 New York Times bestselling author, Robert

G. Allen.) I also let her put a blurb (a powerful quote) on her cover so she gets instant

attention. These are just 2 parts of the 10-part Bestseller Blueprint.*


*All participants in the Idea to Income MasterClassTM receive a blurb and a Forword

from me. This benefit is worth at least $10,000 but is offered as a Free Bonus.

When Linda’s book reaches the top of the bestseller charts, she will have earned the

right to say that she’s a #1 Bestselling Author! And life starts to get better from that day


Gotta get the title right! Period. End of story.

Now, it’s time to start writing your Content Words. I’ve often encouraged new authors

to chunk down the content of each chapter (or Step) into three subheadings—three

major points you want to expand on. For example, in the Step you’re now reading, I

deliver on 3 main points:

Content Words vs. Marketing Words

The Importance of the Title and Subtitle

Planting Funnel ‘seeds’

Let’s talk about this 3rd Point now.

Planting Funnel ‘seeds’

Your book is the lead generator of your funnel. It leads a focused few into the

University of You. They want to learn more. They’ve graduated from High School.

They want increasing degrees of your knowledge at the Masters and PhD levels.

They’re willing to sacrifice time and money to learn from you. They know it will cost

some money but it will be worth it. Just like graduates from college earn twice as much

than those who graduate from High School, the graduates from your mentorship are

almost guaranteed higher degrees of success.

So, the reading of your eBook opens the door to advanced levels of your training.

Just like Mrs. Fields Cookies offers free tastes of her cookies to curious shoppers, your

eBook offers a free taste—a sample, an appetizer—of your various info-products. It’s

gotta be appetizing or your upsell will be a no-sell!

What do I mean by Funnel ‘seeds?’ In Step One I talked about the importance of The

Funnel. Now let’s go deeper. With the understanding of your Funnel in mind, as you

write Message Words, you’ll also be planting Funnel Seeds through every Chapter.

There are 2 types of Funnel Seeds: Free Gifts and Hints of more advanced trainings.

Remember, your book is not just a book, it’s also a business. It is the primary way to

encourage a reader to open up a communication with you. So, you’ll be offering some

Free Gifts to your readers. They realize that although reading a book is ‘static,’ your

desire to help them succeed is alive and ongoing. You will give them MORE


These Gifts are just that—Free and with no strings attached. One of the most often

asked questions from new info-marketers is, “How much of my information should I

give away?”

Most beginners want to give away their less valuable stuff and put their best stuff

behind the ‘pay wall.’ They don’t want to get ripped off—they don’t want somebody to

download their prize material and leave them high and dry. I understand their fear.

That’s what I used to think.

Let me tell you a secret. Come in close so it’s just you and me. Shhhh.

Information is already free. We’re drowning in information. As my friend, Anthony

Robbins says,

"If information were intrinsically valuable, there would be a lottery to get into the library. It is

the delivery process that makes information valuable."

People don’t really want information. They want results! They want the experience of

being personally guided toward their ultimate success. They want someone to hold

their hand and privately answer all of their ‘stupid questions.’

If you give them the exact steps, without guidance, they probably won’t be able to

achieve it themselves anyway. Any real success always involves a mentor. Did you

learn how to drive a car all by yourself? I didn’t. I also didn’t achieve my #1 New York

Times bestseller by myself. I was mentored by a #1 New York Times bestseller. I could

have read a book about how to do it. But Dian Thomas answered my personal

questions—the ones that were holding me back from leaping forward.

Basic information is one level of knowledge. Personalized information is a quantum

level beyond.

So, be willing give away a lot of your best stuff. It builds trust. If you give first, your

customers are more willing to open up.

That’s what I mean by Free Gifts.

What do I mean by ‘Hints?’

Let’s return to Linda’s Funnel. She offers 5 info-products: a free book, a $100 online

video course, a $300 seminar, $1,000 one on one coaching and a $2000 personalize

painting for an individual student. Since she knows that these info-products are

available for sale, she can ‘drop some hints’ about these items throughout the text of her

eBook. 90% of her readers won’t want to take advantage of her advanced offerings. But

10% of her readers are currently seeking exactly what she is offering. By ‘hinting’ that

advanced, experiential, personalize training is available, some of Linda’s readers are

ready to apply. It’s exactly what they were looking for.

So that’s why Linda’s eBook is short. It’s a taste of the full meal. An interested reader

can consume the eBook in an hour or less. In short order, the reader can quickly make a

judgement call.

Is the author credible? Do I believe what the author is saying?

Is the author capable? Can the author deliver on his/her promises?

Is the author trustworthy? Do I trust the author? Will my money be safe?

Is the author likeable? Would want to be friends with this author?

Is the author a skillful teacher? Could I learn from this author?


If the answers to these questions are YES! then it’s easy for a reader to go deeper in The

Funnel. If the answers to these questions are NO! then it’s easy to say, “I’ll think about

it.” While they’re thinking, you can continue to educate them until the pain of not

achieving the results they want pushes them into action. Or until the void of not living

their dreams finally pulls them forward. Either way, life either pushes you or pulls you


Like the old Asian saying…

To know and not to do is not yet to know.

So, get busy. Finish the book. Get it done. Sprinkle Gifts and Hints throughout.


(There are 2,878 words in this section. Multiple that by $100. Do you see why I NEVER

get writers’ block!)


“Writing a book is like having sex. Marketing the book is like raising a child.”

--John Assaraf

Step Five. Broadcasting: Getting the word out.

As my mentor, Stephen Covey, taught me: Winners first achieve a daily private

victory—where they plan and prepare themselves in private. And then, they are ready

to venture into the world for a daily public victory.

Well, organizing your ideas and then, committing them to paper, is pretty much a

private activity. You think UP the words and then, put them DOWN on paper. Then,

you gotta get the word OUT. Just like a music artist who writes the lyrics and records it

in a private studio. Eventually, it’s time to put on a concert in front of a live audience.

That’s what it’s like to be an info-marketer. Your message is your song. The lyrics of

your song are the words you have committed to paper. The tune of your song is your

unique brand way of communicating the message.

But eventually you’ve got to connect with people. To teach. To inspire. To inform. To be

a source of certainty in a sea of confusion. Some find this easy—it’s their Piece of Cake.

Some find this very difficult.

If you’ve read this far, I’m assuming that you have a message that you want to get out

there. So, I won’t spend time here to overcome your jitters. I’m assuming you’re ready

to ‘go public.’

There is only one way to ride this info-bicycle is to get on it and ride. Wobbly at first.

But you learn as you go. Eventually you’re riding with no hands.

Luckily, we live in an age where it’s easy to get the word out. There are two general

ways: The Free Way and the Paid Way.

The Free Way

I don’t need to tell you of the power of Social Media, do I? It’s everywhere. I come from

the age where there were 3 television channels in black and white. Now there are

hundreds of millions of individual television channels— each broadcasting their own

unique message. The info-noise is deafening. How do you make yourself stand out?

Well, let’s make your job less daunting. You don’t need to reach millions in order to

succeed. You only need to reach one in a million—a few thousand. And you can start

growing your audience one person at a time. That’s do-able. And if your brand message

is consistent and interesting, you’ll eventually grow a following. And, who knows?

One day, your message could go viral.

Pick 3 of the biggies in the Social Media world and start posting. Don’t let perfectionism

slow you down. Just start. And be consistent!

As Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson says, “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about

consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.”


If you’ve followed my advice in the previous 4 Steps, then you should know your

message—what you want to broadcast to the world. You should have organized your

message in steps for your reader to follow.

How many of the following distribution channels do you now participate in?









If you are in the process of writing your book, simply post your work in progress and

ask for feedback. If your book is finished, you can cut up your chapters or steps into

small chunks of content—a paragraph or two— to release to the world. Engage with

your growing audience. Survey them to help you choose a book title or a chapter title.

Your job is to let people know that you are “the only” expert in your narrow field of


Here’s a tip: one book I’ve read that has shown me how to navigate the social media

waters is a book by Brendan Kane, One Million Followers: How I Built a Massive Social

Following in 30 Days. Good stuff.

When it comes to Facebook, there are 3 levels of interaction with your audience:

If your content is good, people will “like” it.

If your content is better, people with “share” it.

If your content is the BEST, people will “join” your private email list where you can

send them more targeted messages.

This is how I communicate with my audience on my Facebook fan page at

Mindset Monday: I share my tips and advice on how to build a world-class mindset for


Facebook Live of Tuesday at 11AM MST. Brunch with Bob: I deliver a live broadcast

where I share current thoughts on success and wealth.

Wealthy Wednesday: I share my experience and wisdom about creating and

maintaining wealth.

On Instagram, I post one of my favorite quotes every day at Traitsofthegreats. I’m quote

crazy, and I love to share the wisdom of quotes with as many people as possible. I’m

still learning how to broaden my reach. Baby steps, right?

When someone goes to they are invited to join my email list. My

Facebook posts are sent to all of my email subscribers twice a week. The importance of

building an email list will be detailed in Step 6.


I often receive requests to do Podcasts with other info-marketers. This is another way to

get my word out in the world. When you deliver a great podcast message, people want

to join your email list and monitor your Facebook posts.

Of course, there is the tried and true and free-est way of all: Google and other search

engines. A lot of attention is paid to search engine optimization—making sure that

when people google you and your information, that you show up on the first page of

the search. When you start making some serious money, you’ll hire someone to drive

these google searches to your webpage.

The same holds true for YouTube. Whenever you do a Facebook Live broadcast or

video a webinar or seminar, you can upload these to your dedicated YouTube channel

where people can search to find answers to the solutions you provide.

There are so many ways of generating free publicity for your info-products. In

promoting my books, I have appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows in my

career. You can link your expertise to the hot news of the day. When a news item is

trending, radio and television news shows are always looking for current experts who

can give their opinion. Do you dream of being a regular expert guest on a radio or

television program? The Free publicity can be exhilarating.

When I did my famous Los Angeles Times Challenge...

“Send me to any city. Take away my wallet. Give me $100 for living expenses. And in 72 hours

I’ll buy an excellent piece of real estate using none of my own money.”

…little did I realize that the publicity stunt would generate MILLIONS of dollars-worth

of free advertising. It’s one thing to pay for an advertisement in a newspaper, but when

the newspaper writes an article about you, the credibility to your name and brand is


Don’t be overwhelmed with the scope of all the possibilities. Just start with Facebook

and branch out from there. All of these activities expand your brand.

Slowly an audience of fans starts to accumulate using the Free Way methods of Social

Media and targeted email broadcasting. If your message is important enough to share,

then mastering the Free Media will be a lifetime pursuit.

The Paid Way

Advertising. You gotta do it.

The hardest way to advertise is the offline way: newspapers, magazines, radio,

television, retail, direct sales, direct mail, etc. In my career, my companies have spent

hundreds of millions of dollars on a combination of all of these traditional advertising

methods. To promote my seminars, my companies and business partners have

purchased hundreds of full-page advertisements in dozens of major newspapers. I

have produced and appeared in over 25 different 30-minute infomercials that have run

for thousands of hours on national and local television stations. One of the very first

infomercials in history was an informercial for one of my early Nothing Down

seminars. And the results were spectacular. I have dropped millions of pieces direct

mail in dozens of cities*


Eventually, when your message is proven and your brand is profitable enough, you,

too, will venture into the world of traditional advertising.

But not yet!!!

Not until you have mastered the fastest and easiest and simplest advertising method of

them all: Facebook advertising. More than likely, the reason you are reading these

words right now is because you were enticed to learn more by clicking on one of my

Facebook ads.*

*For a special report on the most successful Facebook ads of all time, send me an email


So, let me mentor you. You’re going to model exactly what I do. You’re going to spend

money for an advertisement on Facebook. Just like I found you, you will find your first


And you know exactly what it feels like. You were scanning through your Facebook

feed and my ad caught your eye. You clicked on the link and you were directed to my

webpage. You were invited to watch a video to learn more. It was an online Workshop

with me and my genius partner, online marketing guru, Nick Coates. You watched.

You learned. Just for watching, we offered you a free gift—this book! I hope you agree

that this book is not a fluffy sales-pitch, but is actually the exact blueprint to creating an

info-business that could take you to financial freedom.

I don’t know if you’ve visited with one of my consultants yet. But, if your project has

potential, you and I could be working together LIVE sooner than you think. I only

work personally with a small number of authors. I just don’t have the time. But I’m

looking to mentor with (and perhaps even partner with) a few who realize that this is a

once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you are one of those few, then email me to set up an

appointment to learn more. Here is the email:

If you’re selected, then I’ll call you personally to welcome you aboard and we can have

a private one on one conversation.

So, you will design a similar flow for your own info-customers. Maybe you won’t offer

live training with your students like I do. Maybe you will offer them an online video

course. Or a series of webinars. Or some one-on-one coaching. Your Funnel might be

slightly different than my funnel. But this is basically what an info-business looks like.

Once your Facebook ads are working, then you’ll expand to other areas of online


Google adwords

YouTube ads

Instagram ads

LinkedIn ads

Blogger page ads

Joint ventures with online experts

The list is endless and is constantly changing. When Facebook changes its algorithm-

you’re back to square one. So, you need to keep current with what is working NOW!

You need to be hooked up with people who live and breathe this stuff—for whom this

is a Piece of Cake. This is not like playing checkers. This is high level chess on multiple


If you’ve never done this before, work with someone who has climbed to the top of this

mountain many times and has help many others do the same.


"If you want to create money, you create desire. You build desire by showing the end result."

- Frank Kern

STEP SIX. Opt-In to Wealth: A License to Print Money

To opt in. What does that mean? The dictionary says that the verb ‘to opt’ means to

decide, to choose, to select. In the Internet world, when you ‘Opt in’ you are deciding

or choosing to share your name and/or contact information such as your email address

to another person/entity in exchange for access to some free information. In layman’s

terms, “Give me your email address and I’ll send you some free stuff.”

Because of Can-Spam laws on the Internet, you can’t send unsolicited marketing offers

to someone unless they have ‘opted-in’ (given their permission or consent) to receive

your marketing messages. So, when you visit someone’s website, you’ll often see a

place to enter your email address in exchange for some free bonus information. To be

squeaky clean, Internet marketers sometimes ask you to double opt-in. Once you opt-in

at their website, you receive an email from them to verify that you REALLY want the

information requested.

So, as an info-marketer, why do you need to ‘jump through all of these hoops?

Because possessing a list of potential customers is like having the power to print money.

It is the lifeblood of your info-business. Before the Internet, it cost a minimum of $1

USD to send a single piece of direct mail through the Post Office. So, sending 10,000

letters through the mail was a $10,000 decision. Then, it would sometimes take weeks

for most of the sales results to show up. A decent response rate was about ½ of 1%. So,

if at least 50 people didn’t respond to your offer, your $10,000 investment went up in

smoke. Very risky.

But along came the Internet. An email blast to 10,000 people could be sent out in one

minute at a cost of close to zero. Responses could show up in seconds, not weeks. It was


I remember the first time someone demonstrated this to me. It was 1999. David, one of

my students, called me and asked,

“Hi, Bob. Have you figured out this Internet thing yet?”

“No,” I confessed.

He said, “Well, I’ve figured it out. Do you want me to show you?”

When I hesitated. He said, “Let me come to your house and sit at your computer. I’ll

send one email. And I’ll make money for you in minutes, not months.”

He had me. A short time later, he was sitting in front of my computer. He told me that

he’d built a list of subscribers to his Internet newsletter. His list had grown to 1,500

email addresses. While I watched, he typed a message to these 1500 people—just one

email—and said something like this:

“Hi, it’s David. I’m in Robert Allen’s house. You know Robert as the author of the #1 New York

Times bestselling books, Nothing Down and Creating Wealth. Well, he has a new 6 CD program

called Multiple Streams of Income that talks about 10 ways of making money. I’ve twisted his

arm for you. The retail price is about $100. He’s willing to sell to my subscribers for HALF

PRICE! But only today. In fact, only for the next HOUR. So, if you’re interested, send me your

name, address and credit card number and I’ll get him to send it to you. Thanks, David.”

Back then, it was radical to share sensitive credit card information with someone like

that. But David had built up a level of trust with his subscribers. They followed his

advice. But, before he sent the email, David turned to me and said, “Look at your

watch. Let’s see how long this takes.”

Then he pushed the button. One email went to each of his 1,500 subscribers.

As I recall, the first order came back in 61 seconds!!!

I was agog! Floored! Stunned!

I asked him, “How much will your charge me to mentor me to do that?”

Without blinking he said, $6,000.

I took out my check book and wrote him a $6,000 check on the spot.

Because of my busy schedule, tt took 9 months for David to coach me and my staff to

build a website with opt-in features. Over those months, I offered free information to

my own growing list of subscribers. I never sold them anything. Just good information,

week after week. My list eventually grew to 11,516 names.


9 months later it was time to test out David’s theory.

My business partner, Tom Painter, had organized a camera crew to witness and record

my first attempt at selling my own information using the Internet.

I realized that to create interest, I needed to make a bold promise. A message is nice. But

a promise moves people to action. I can show you how to buy real estate. But when I

make a bold promise, I get your attention.

That is why my bold promise—buying real estate in 72 hours with zero cash—in full-

page ads in the Los Angeles Times caused people to stop and take notice. It put “teeth”

into my Nothing Down claim. I was willing to be challenged.

What promise can you create that puts “teeth” into your system?

Here are some bold promises you might recognize:

When you absolutely, positively have to have it overnight!

Your pizza in 30 minutes or it’s free!

Millions of books available instantly with only one click.

You need to decide on your outrageous promise, and reverse-engineer your info-

product to deliver on your promise in the shortest time possible.

It’ll make you stand out. Your rivals will fall like dominos.

What your promise? What is your wow?

To my TV viewers that day, this was my promise:


Sit me at the computer with access to the Internet. And in 24 Hours I’ll generate at least

$24,000 in Cash.

Had I ever done this? No. I actually had no clue how much money would roll in that

day. But because of what David had shown me, I felt fairly confident that somebody

would want to buy. I had “warmed up” my database up with a series of emails to test

their level of interest. I announced that on one day ONLY—May 24th, 2000—I would

offer huge bargain prices on a select group of my information products—books, audio

programs, and an exclusive seminar in my home with me personally.

That day, at 12:36 PM I sat at my computer and sent a final email to 11,516 names.

The next day, just 24 hours later, I looked at my bank account and was amazed.

$94,500 had come in overnight!

What! My $6,000 investment had grown to almost a hundred thousand dollars. That 6

grand was one of the best investments I have ever made. Because with that knowledge,

over the following 20 years, my companies have brought in millions of dollars.*

*If you would like a copy of the exact email sequence that produced these amazing

results, send me an email to

Of course, in the ensuing years, many details have changed but the strategy remains

basically the same.

Free information > opt-in > more free information >offer to sale.

It seems simple but there is A LOT of fine-tuning at each step of the process.

The Importance of Building and Maintaining Your Database.

The info-business boils down to two concepts: Words and Names.

Don’t ever forget that! In the first 4 Steps, I shared with you how to massage the Words

of your message. In the next four Steps, we talk about names—the names of real people,

real customers who are searching for answers to their real problems. 90% of the names

you add to your database will never buy anything from you. They’ll consume your free

information. They’ll become mildly interested observers. They’ll ‘lurk’ on your

webinars. Peruse your emailed lessons.

10% will become fans. After a few months or longer, they might pick up a copy of your

book on Amazon. They might buy your next level info-product. Minimum money.

But 1% become your Super-Fans. They’ll buy everything you offer. They’re addicted to

you and your message. It resonates deeply with them.

Disinterested > Curious >Interested > Very Interested > Fan > Superfan

Think about your own consumption of information over the years with various experts

and info-providers. Where do you fit along this continuum? It depends upon what the

information is and who is marketing it.

All of business is about building lists of potential and actual customers. One of my

books is called The One Minute Millionaire. Can you actually make a million in a

minute? With the right kind of list or database you can do almost anything!

Suppose I’m on Oprah’s show (or any other famous host’s show, for that matter) and I

show her how to raise a million for her favorite charity. And we’ll do it in just 60

seconds. She’s intrigued. As my gift, I tell her that she can use MY database of 100,000

highly targeted entrepreneurial fans. Oprah agrees to devote a weekend teaching the

closely-guarded secrets of her massive success to a very select group of only 100 people.

There will be a hefty tuition. But it will be worth it. There will be time for photos and

fun meals. The networking with this highly qualified group of 100 would be priceless.

And 100% of the money will be given to Oprah’s favorite charity.

We give out the email address on live television and state that we’ll only accept the first

100 qualified buyers for ONLY SIXTY SECONDS. The first 100 will be charged $10,000

for opportunity to be part of this special group on 100. Do you think we’d find 100

people out of list of 100,000? Duh!

Well, 100 times $10,000 is a million dollars. What about the other 99,900 people on the

list who weren’t selected? The video of the weekend with Oprah will be packaged into

a beautiful DVD Learning System and will available for only 1,000 people on the planet.

The price? A mere $1,000. And, voila! Another million is raised for Oprah’s favorite


The list of info-products that could be spun off from this one idea is almost endless:

books, speeches, online downloads, audio programs. Millions more could be

generated. That is the power of the right offer to the right list.

“Yeah but,” you say, “I’m not Oprah!”


Well, if you build a database of your own loyal customers, they look to you as their

TEACHER. To them, you are Oprah-like. They are YOUR fans. YOUR avatars.

This why you build and nurture your database. It’s a gold mine—yielding golden

nuggets whenever you dig. It’s an oil well in your back yard…pumping out liquid


Do you have a database? Get busy!

The ultimate goal is to build a list of at least 10,000 interested names. As this list churns

through names—adding some, losing some—you eventually find 1000 SuperFans.

They’re with you through thick and thin. They notice when you come out with a new

info-product and are first in line. They attend all your webinars and seminars. They’re

fans for life. You need to give them reasons to stay.

With 10,000 names and 1000 superfans, you control your destiny. Whenever you

launch a new book on Amazon, you inform your superfans of the exact date and time.

Even 100 sales of a specific book during a specific hour on will propel

your book up the bestseller lists. With a few added secrets, every time you release a

book it becomes a #1 bestseller.

That’s why we spend time during my Idea to Income MasterClassTM to share insider

secrets of how to guarantee a #1 bestseller almost every time.

With a dedicated database, every time you need a surge of cash, you send a new

promotion to your database of 10,000. If just 1% of them take advantage of your


promotion, you have 100 potential buyers. Like I said, it’s like a license to print money.

Size matters. The bigger your list, the more immediate cash!

There are many important questions to be answered before your money machine is


How to get visitors your opt-in page? (Sometimes called a Squeeze Page)

How to increase the % of opt-ins?

How to rapidly build a database?

Where do you host your database?

How often do you communicate with your database?

How do you turn an interested name into a SuperFan?

And once they opt-in, how many of them eventually buy?

If one number is off, the whole funnel goes dry. It’s a very, very tricky process that I

call The Sales Sequence. Let’s talk about that next.


"Everything you want is on the other side of 'No.”- Robert G. Allen

Step Seven. Influencity: Going from Maybe to Money.

OK, an interested prospect sees your Facebook ad and lands on your Opt-in page.

Here’s a statistic that will floor you. When it comes to visitors to your website, you have

about 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression.

Literally, less than the blink of an eye.

Then, it takes just a few more seconds for your visitor to peruse your site and decide to

stay longer or leave.

There’s a whole science on getting someone to opt-in for your free offer.

Why? Because this is the age of marketing inundation. People are drowning in

promotional offers. What makes you think they will grab your offer as it’s whizzing by?

That’s why your opt-in page has to reach out and pull them into the safe harbor of your

secure offer. But even still, they won’t immediately trust you. This is basic marketing

101. You can’t expect a single exposure of your message to find a paying customer. Each

potential customer is being bombarded with thousands of messages a day. Neither can

you expect a new visitor to your webpage to immediately hand over a credit card. They

might not buy until they’ve been exposed two…four…seven times…or more.

So that is why your persuasion process has to be crafted in advance…to bring them

along the trust line until they say, “OK, I trust you. Here’s the proof of my trust. Here’s

some money. I want you to teach me.”


Going Wide: Education Marketing

Chet Holmes, the famous marketing Guru and author of The Ultimate Sales Machine

taught it this way:

3% of ANY audience is ready to buy now. 7% are open to purchasing 30% are not even thinking

about it. 30% don’t think they’re interested. 30% know they’re not interested.

The Unlimited Sales Machine by Chet Holmes

In other words, only 10% (3% + 7%) of your audience is ready or open to buy almost

immediately. But the long-term profits are found in the 90% who are not interested now

but who can be ‘educated’ until they are interested enough to buy.

He called it education marketing. It’s the first step in the persuasion process. To

educate people (without constantly pitching) until they see you as a trusted advisor and

want YOU to educate them to the success they’ve always wanted.

Education is the new persuasion. Subtly, your very first act of giving them access to

valuable free information triggers the power of reciprocity.*

*By the way, the best book I’ve ever read on persuasion is Influence: The Psychology of

Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini. Put this book on your MUST-READ list.

If your gift is truly valuable, the recipient feels appreciated. The barriers of distrust are


Here is what you’re trying to accomplish: to entice a total stranger to trust you enough

that they’ll risk giving you their credit card to buy something. This barrier is

formidable. If they don’t trust you, they’ll claim their free gift and unsubscribe from

your list as soon as they can.

So, when I picture the persuasion process, I imagine messages that go wide and deep.

By Going Wide, I mean messages that teach valuable lessons to a wider audience over

time—whether or not they buy. You are a teacher, an influencer, a thought leader, a

mentor to the world. So, you’ll be constantly wide-casting free content to the world and

your database through email blasts, Facebook posts, Facebook Live video, Blogs,

Instagram, other social media, etc. This ongoing education warms up the 90% laggards

and sparks the 10% early adopters into action. They are enticed to Go Deep now.

By Going Deep, I mean the activity of deep-casting—encouraging your prospects to go

through a sequence of sales steps culminating in the collection of credit card

information and onboarding them as a new customer.

This Sales Sequence is very sensitive. An interested prospect can ‘bail’ out of the

sequence in the blink of an eye. Or they can be subtly enticed to go deeper in your sales

funnel, buying more expensive products. In order for the sequence to be successful, you

need at least 1% of your buyers to purchase your higher end offerings immediately in

order to be able to keep funding your advertising budget. In other words, every dollar

you spend on advertising, generates at least a dollar in net revenue. Thus, your

marketing and your list building is free. (We go deep on this process in the Idea to

Income MasterClassTM.)

That is why finding the 3% is so important. They are ripe and ready to buy. They know

that this is best solution for them. They say, “Let’s go now. I’m all in.”

The 7% need time to think about it but in short order, they, too Go Deep. The remaining

90% take a much longer. It can take months or even years. They’re not ripe enough.

They haven’t had a motivating trigger that forces them to take action (like a health or

relationship or financial challenge that wakes them up.) But, eventually, with proper

education, as much as 50% of your revenue will come from this last group.

There is a parable in the Bible that is appropriate here—I’ll paraphrase. A sower sows

100 seeds. 30 of them fall on rocky ground (zero interest) and immediately die. 30 of

them fall on shallow soil (very low interest) and start to grow but when the sun comes

up, the roots are not deep enough and only a few of these seeds survive. 30 seeds fall on

hard ground (possible interest.) But, if the farmer can divert some water to soften up the

ground and add some consistent nourishment (education,) many of these seeds can be

coaxed into full production. But it will take time and effort. The remaining 10 of the

seeds fall in rich, fertile soil with abundant water. These seeds start to grow

immediately and produce bountiful crops for a 100 years.

Going Deep: Sales Sequencing

Your sales sequence needs to be mapped out visually just like the message in your book

needs to be mapped out. You plot the steps of your sales sequence so you can visually

see the process. First you create a list of the steps (left brain) and then you create a

visual graph or flow chart (right brain.)

So, let me show you how I organized the sales sequence for the book you are now

reading. This is highly proprietary information—which means that info-marketers

rarely share this kind of information, especially not with their potential clients. But I

want to be totally transparent so you can learn EXACTLY what works. I’ll let you peek

behind the curtain to see what goes on.


Step One. Facebook ads drive traffic to Workshop Opt-in Page.

Step Two. During workshop, ideal candidates are encouraged to schedule a Free

Q&A Consultation with Expert

Step Three. Workshop Completion Thank You Page.

Step Four. Email Free Gift for Attending

Step Five. (Later date) Deliver valuable Q&A Consultation session

Step Six. If Yes, (purchased) send buyer’s onboarding email sequence including

invitation to personal welcome call from Robert Allen.

Step Seven. If No, (no purchase) send re-targeting Email sequence for final selection.

Below is just one of many visual sales sequences. We constantly test new offers and

each new offer requires a new sequence.


Next is a flow chart that skips the opt-in page and goes directly from a Facebook ad to a

full 60-minute Workshop. This shortens the process. We test both alternatives to see

which one generates the best results. Then, we double down on the winning sequence.

It’s the perpetual Marketing Cycle. Leads. Lists. Lines.

When you combine the Marketing Cycle with the Messaging Cycle, it creates infinite

income. That’s why I call it the Infinite Funnel Blueprint.

Go back to Step Two to take another peek at the Infinite Funnel Blueprint.

Perpetual free advertising. Perpetual free lead generation. Perpetual income. What

could be more exciting than that!

Onward to the final step in the process—how to hundredfold your income!


"A true master is not the one with the most students, but one who creates the most masters.”

--Neale Donald Walsh

Step Eight. Adding Zeroes: Hundredfolding your Info-Business

Do you just want to make some quick cash and be gone? Or do you want a long-term

info-business? Lifetime streams of income?

I hope you’re in the last group. If so, you breathe the rare air of a hundredfolder. I’ve

talked a lot about making money in this short eBook, but if you’re a hundredfolder, you

won’t look at your customers through money-tinted sunglasses.

You realize that when they’ve paid money, you’ve gotta deliver. No more upselling. It’s

time to follow through on your promise. Educate them enough to generate results.

The Diploma of Done

If you promise transformation…then transform them! Take them all the way to the end

of the row. Teach your heart out. But don’t just teach information. Teach them not only

how to do it but, watch them do it. Your seminar needs to be a “do-inar.” The harvest of

your crop is not money. Your harvest is the success stories of your students.

Then, when they give you a testimonial it will be not about what they have learned but

what they have DONE. The diplomas you offer are not just about how smart they have

become but…

How much weight they have lost.

How much money they have made.

How much success they have achieved.


How much more love they enjoy.

How much more they get done.

They are healthier, smarter, richer, happier.

We don’t have time in today’s world to learn things. We need things to get DONE.

This is your Diploma—the Diploma of DONE.

Lifelong Fans

Helping people get things DONE creates true lifelong fans. True fans like to buy

everything that their Teacher creates. I buy every book that Malcolm Gladwell writes. I

like his style. I notice articles about him in the media. If he’s giving a speech

somewhere, I’ll want to be there. If he has a seminar about how to write, I’d probably

sign up. I’m a fan. For life.

Brands spawn fans. Give your fans a reason to keep fanning the flames of your fame.

Create ways for your fans to connect with you just to keep in touch. Remain “top of

mind” as they say in marketing.


With so much marketing noise, it’s still easy for fans to forget your “song.” New singers

arise to draw them away. That’s why The Rolling Stones have got to do a concert every

so often just to remind the world that they’re still rolling—and to keep their songs

playing on the oldies stations.


Look for and identify your true fans. Let them be the first to know when you launch a

new product. Bestselling fiction author, John Locke, calls them OOU’s. ‘One of us.’

When he publishes a new book, he notifies his OOU’s and tells them to watch for the

launch of his new book and to help him drive it to the top of the bestseller lists. With

just a few thousand loyal fans, every book he writes hits number one.

Your BEST fans can become part of your Inner Circle. They hang with you and play

with you at the highest levels. They become peers and friends.

And then, if you treat them right, they leave you testimonials like this:

“Robert Allen was instrumental in helping me start from ground zero in my business. Before I

met him, I had been struggling for 3 or 4 years. I was in debt. I took a leap of faith and invested

in him and his training and it was one of those pivotal moments of my life that really changed

everything. He surrounded me with this attitude that ‘You can do anything’ and ‘I’m here to

help.’ Within a year and a half of working with him, I had a 6-figure business ($100,000+). A

year later, a seven-figure business ($1,000,000+.) And now I have an 8-figure business

($10,000,000+.) I have over 20 people on my team. I have this amazing life with my business

and with helping people and it all started with Robert Allen. Now it’s an honor to call him a peer

and a friend.” Greg Poulos

The hundredfolding possibilities are endless—if that’s what you want.

But the fastest way to add zeroes to your bottom line is…

The Next Level: JVs

When you’re bringing consistent income to your bottom line—$5,000, $10,000 to

$100,000 or more, you’re ready to LEVEL UP. You have perfected a sales sequence that

successfully “pulls” to your own database. Then, it’s time to introduce your info-

product to other info-marketers and their databases. Broadening your marketing in this

way just multiplies your success by 10 or 100 or even 1000.

Your most valuable asset is your database of happy fans and customers. There are two

kinds of databases. The metaphor I like to use is of a lake with fish. The lake is your

database and the fish are the names on your database. So, there are two kinds of


The first type of lake belongs to you. You have stocked your lake with fish. The fish

have grown, spawned and became schools of hungry fish. Your lake is made up of

people who have opted-in to your database including your growing list of happy

customers. It starts out small and grows from there. If you want supper, you can go out

on the shore of your own lake and catch at your leisure. You don’t need permission

from anyone. And no one else can fish in your lake unless you give them permission.

Now, forgive the metaphor. Catching fish and “catching customers” is a bit gory.

You’re not really catching and eating your customers. It’s just the opposite— you’re

actually hooking them into a more abundant life. You’re serving them, supporting

them, and guiding them.

The second kind of lake is owned by other people who, just like you, have stocked their

lakes with their own customers.


Why would anyone let you fish in their lake? Well, if the bait you offer is tasty and

enticing, then you would probably have success in introducing it to other people’s

customers. They’ve done all the hard work of assembling and serving their customers.

If you’ll just share some of the catch with the owners of other lakes, then they might let

you fish there. The lake (list) owner has customers who could benefit from your info-

product. This is called a JV—a joint venture where you both profit.

JVs are the fastest ways for you to profit because you get an immediate haul of

fish…and split the take with the lake owner. It’s a natural for both of you.

It seems like a lot of hassle to track down other list owners and get permission to sell to

their lists. But it’s worth the hassle. With just a little research you can find compatible

list owners who might be interesting in JVing with you.

You can show your potential JV partners the exact promotion sequence that worked so

well in building your own database of customers. You’ve assembled the detailed

marketing metrics: revenue per click (RPC,) lifetime value of a customer (LTV), etc.

When a new JV promotes your product, then both of you split the profit. To the savvy

JV partner, it’s free money. You deliver the product and the ongoing support. The JV

just collects up to half of the revenue.

Then, you reciprocate. Your JV partner sends proven marketing messages to your list.

They deliver the product and ongoing support—and you collect up to half of the

revenue. You both make money while you sleep.

Have you ever opted-in to an excellent online promotion? They’re a thing of beauty.

You’re aware that you’re being persuaded but you have difficulty resisting. Copy that

style. Learn from a master persuasion process


The problem comes with doing TOO much fishing…sending out constant promotions

to your list so that your fish get sick and tired of your constant pitching. They opt-out of

your list and say, “NEVER EMAIL ME AGAIN!”

Have you ever unsubscribed from a list? Don’t do that to your list. Don’t make them

want to unsubscribe. JVs are the lifeblood of your business. They pay the rent. They can

sometimes provide windfalls of needed cash. In the Idea to Income MasterClassTM, I’ll

teach you a proven system for cultivating these JVs into budding profit centers.

Sometimes, if one of my students has creates an irresistible info-product, I’ll let them

fish in MY lake. We JV together. Would you like that?

Here’s the JV bottom line: If you want to grow, somebody’s gotta promote you. And

you gotta promote other people. Gotta do JVs. Eventually, the profit from your JV’s

could exceed your own marketing efforts.

How Do I Continue Growing?

The world of marketing your information is changing at warp speed. Get used to it.

There are marketing methods on the drawing boards of today that will be the new

Googles and Facebooks and Twitters of tomorrow. You’ll be constantly learning and

testing new ways to reach your avatars.

Will you be able to step away from the whirlwind to reap a residual lifestyle in your

remaining years? That would be nice. So, set up your empire so that it can send you

checks when you want to take a break for a week or a decade.

But I’ll bet you’ll have trouble stepping away from your keyboard or microphone. It’s

just the nature of the game. Can you imagine Celine Dion ever wanting to stop singing?

I heard Julio Iglesias say on a stage in Las Vegas, “When I go, I want to go on stage in

the middle of a song.”


If you have a message, you’ll want to write it/speak it/sing it for as long as you breathe.

Most employees who are pulling down a job can’t even imagine a world where there is

no retirement.

If you feel that it is your purpose in life to improve the planet with your message…If

you get joy and fulfillment and satisfaction to watch the words flow…then, why would

you ever want to retire?

Still, the time will come when you’ll be forced to retire. You’ll be summoned to another

world to sing your songs to bigger audiences.

So, as you prepare to leave this earth, make sure that your empire keeps spreading your

message when you are no longer here. Make sure they can still get access to your

message in the same way that we still thrill to Elvis and Michael.

It’s your empire. Your Way. Your Message. Your Wealth.

Onward, my friend. Onward. J


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