2007 Experimental Endocrine Therapies Promote Epithelial Cytodifferentiation and Ciliogenesis in The Gerbil Female Prostate

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Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624

DOI 10.1007/s00441-007-0381-y


Experimental endocrine therapies promote epithelial

cytodifferentiation and ciliogenesis in the gerbil
female prostate
Fernanda Cristina Alcântara Santos &
Luiz Roberto Falleiros-Júnior & Lara Silvia Corradi &
Patricia Simone Leite Vilamaior &
Sebastião Roberto Taboga

Received: 20 July 2006 / Accepted: 11 January 2007 / Published online: 9 March 2007
# Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract The incidence of ciliated cells in the prostate ical analyses. The cytodifferentiation of the ciliated pheno-
gland of the female gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is type in the alveolar epithelium became more frequent after
uncommon and apparently becomes more frequent during both the testosterone and the letrozole treatments. The
androgen (testosterone cypionate) and anti-estrogen (letro- ciliogenesis phenomenon of the epithelial cells in the
zole) endocrine therapies. To evaluate the effects of such prostate gland of female gerbils thus appears to be induced
drug therapies on the induction of ciliogenesis in the by variations in the increase of androgen levels.
glandular epithelium of female prostate glands, adult female
gerbils aged 90 days were treated for 14 days with Keywords Female prostate . Ciliogenesis . Testosterone .
testosterone and letrozole after which their prostate glands Letrozole . Epithelium . Mongolian gerbil, Meriones
were removed for histological, ultrastructural, and serolog- unguiculatus (Rodentia)

This paper is part of the thesis presented by F.C.A.S. to the Institute of

Biology, UNICAMP, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for a Introduction
PhD degree.

This work was supported by grants from the Brazilian agencies The Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) is a rodent that
CAPES - Coordinating Body for Training University-level Personnel has been known for its suitability for laboratory use since the
(fellowship to F.C.A.S.) FAPESP - São Paulo Research Foundation 1960s (Williams 1974). The usefulness of this animal in
(Proc. Nr. 00/11648-1) and CNPq - Brazilian National Research and
Development Council (Proc. Nr. 301111/05-7 research fellowship to biomedical research has been recognized in immunology
S.R.T.). (Nawa et al. 1994), physiology (Nolan et al. 1990), and
F. C. A. Santos : L. S. Corradi
morphology (Redecker 1991; Aoki-Komori et al. 1994;
Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Biology, UNICAMP, Pinheiro et al. 2003; Custódio et al. 2004; Santos et al.
P.O. Box 6109, 13083-864 Campinas, SP, Brazil 2003, 2006; Corradi et al. 2004; Santos and Taboga 2006).
More recently, the gerbil has also been suggested as a suitable
L. R. Falleiros-Júnior : S. R. Taboga
Department of Biology, São Paulo State University - IBILCE/
model for studies on mammalian aging (Spangler et al. 1997;
UNESP, Microscopy and Microanalysis Laboratory, Pegorin de Campos et al. 2006). The gerbil prostate has
15054-000 São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil compact lobes, similar to those of the human prostate, but
unlike those of rats and mice, which have distinct lobes (Price
P. S. L. Vilamaior
Rio Preto University Center-UNIRP, Biology Sciences School,
1963; Pinheiro et al. 2003; Góes et al. 2007). Previous data
São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil from our laboratory has demonstrated that histological,
histochemical and ultrastructural features of the adult gerbil
S. R. Taboga (*) prostate are comparable with those of the human prostate.
Department of Biology, IBILCE/UNESP,
Rua Cristovão Colombo 2265,
Moreover, we have observed that old gerbils (12 months) may
São José do Rio Preto CEP 15084-000 SP, Brazil spontaneously develop benign prostate hyperplasia, cancer,
e-mail: taboga@ibilce.unesp.br and other prostate disorders (Pegorin de Campos et al. 2006).
618 Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624

The prostate of adult female gerbils is morphologically injections of testosterone cypionate (Deposteron, Sigma-
similar to that of the male, because the former is lined by a Pharma, Hortolândia, São Paulo, Brazil; 1 mg/kg per day in
simple epithelium that varies from cubic to tall prismatic 0.25 ml corn oil) and letrozole (Femara, Novartis-Pharma,
(Santos et al. 2003; Custódio et al. 2004) in type. The cells Basileia, Swiss; 1 mg/kg per day in 0.25 ml corn oil), as
found in the female prostatic epithelium are typical secretory described by Tobin and Canny (1998). The controls received
cells (90.5%), clear secretory cells (1.5%), and basal cells corn oil injections every other day for 14 days. After being
(8%; Santos et al. 2003). Moreover, ciliated cells have anesthetized by CO2 inhalation, the animals were weighed
sometimes been observed in the epithelium of the normal and immediately decapitated. Blood samples from some of
prostate in gerbil adult females but have never been found in them were collected for serological analysis, and the
histological sections of the prostate in gerbil males (Taboga prostatic complex was dissected out, weighed, and fixed
et al. 2005). The genesis of this cellular type in the prostate according to various protocols as specified by Santos and
gland is uncommon, since there are no reports of such an colleagues (2003, 2006). Those that were not easily dissected
occurrence either in animal species or in humans. The function from adherent tissue were not weighed. Animal handling and
of the ciliated cells in the prostate gland and their significance experiments were performed according to the ethical guide-
in this organ are unknown. Therapies with androgenic lines of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), following
hormones or with anti-estrogenic drugs such as letrozole the Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NIH). The
however can cause a change in the proportion, morphology, large number of individuals employed in this work was
and physiology of the secretory cells in the female prostate justified by the minute size of the organ and the large number
(Santos et al. 2005, 2006; Santos and Taboga 2006) and an of analytical procedures employed.
apparent increase in the frequency of the ciliated cells.
Cytodifferentiation in the epithelium of female genital Hormonal serum levels: plasma total testosterone
ducts, including the ciliogenesis process, has been investi- and estradiol
gated in several rodents; 17-beta-estradiol is the principal
hormone that stimulates cilia formation (Goldberg and Circulating plasma testosterone and estradiol levels were
Friedman 1995) and the cytodifferentiation of secreting determined by immunochemical assays. Blood was collect-
cells (Abe and Oikawa 1993). Progesterone acts only in ed by cardiac puncture immediately before death and 24 h
ciliogenesis (Abe and Oikawa 1993), but this action has after the last injection of testosterone and letrozol. Plasma
been questioned (Sandoz et al. 1976; Conner et al. 1978). was separated by centrifugation and stored at −20°C for
Based on these findings, the aim of this study has been subsequent assays. Measurements were performed in
to evaluate the effect of various hormonal therapies on the triplicate in automated equipment (Vitros-ECi, Johnson &
cytodifferentiation of ciliated cells in the gerbil female Johnson) for ultrasensitive chemiluminescence detection.
prostate and to infer the possible causes of the development Sensitivity was 0.1–150 ng/ml for testosterone and 0.1–
of these cells in this organ. 3.814 pg/ml for estradiol. Intra-assay variations were 1%
and 1.1%, and interassay variations were 2.1% and 1.5%
for testosterone and estradiol, respectively.
Materials and methods
Light microscopy
Animals, experimental design, and preparation of samples
The urethra and adherent tissues were dissected out and
Five 3-month-old female gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus, immediately fixed by immersion in Karnovsky fixative (5%
Gerbillinae: Muridae) were used in this study. Five animals parformaldehyde, 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate
per experimental group received, for 14 days, intradermic buffer, pH 7.2) for 24 h. After fixation, the tissues were

Table 1 Biometric parameters (n=5 samples per experimental group)

Control group Testosterone-treated group Letrozole-treated group

Body weight (g) 59.1±4.2 63.7±1.7 61.1±3.1

Prostatic complex weight (g) 0.091±0.011 0.136±0.013* 0.129±0.022*
Relative weighta 0.0015±0.0001 0.0022±0.0002* 0.0021±0.0008*
Relative weight variation (%)b – +41.7* +32.5*

*Statistically significant differences; ANOVA test, P≤0.05

Relative weight corresponds to the ratio between the weight of the prostate and that of the whole body
Relative weight variation is shown with respect to the control, which was taken as 100%
Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624 619

Table 2 Hormone levels (n=5 samples per experimental group). solution in Millonig’s buffer, pH 7.3, containing 0.54%
Estradiol and testosterone serologic levels in gerbil female controls
glucose, for 24 h (Cotta-Pereira et al. 1976). After being
and those treated with testosterone or letrozol for 14 days. The
indicated values correspond, respectively, to the mean (±SE) washed with the same buffer, the material was post-fixed
with 1% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer for 1 h,
Estradiol Testosterone washed again, dehydrated in a graded acetone series, and
(pg/ml) (ng/ml)
embedded in Araldite resin. Ultrathin silver sections were
Control group 22.9±2.6 1.6±0.4 cut by using a diamond knife and contrasted with 2%
Testosterone-treated 29.7±5.4 13.0±1.0* alcoholic uranyl acetate and then with 2% lead citrate in
group sodium hydroxide solution for 10 min. Grids were
Letrozole-treated group 21.8±0.2 5.0±0.5* examined under a Leo-Zeiss 906 transmission electron
*Statistically significant differences; ANOVA test P≤0.05
microscope operating at 80 kV.

washed with running tap water, dehydrated in an ethanol

series, and embedded in glycol methacrylate resin (Leica Results
historesin embedding kit, Leica, Nussloch, Germany) and
sectioned at 3 μm on a Leica automatic rotatory microtome Body and prostatic complex weights
(Leica RM2155, Nussloch, Germany). Sections from the
female prostate samples were stained with hematoxylin- Table 1 shows the variation in body and prostatic complex
eosin (Behmer et al. 1976). Observations and light weights. No significant alterations in body weight were
microscopy images were obtained via an Olympus light noted after 14 days of testosterone and letrozole treatments.
microscope (Olympus, Hamburg, Germany). In addition, However, a significant increase in prostatic complex weight,
the histological sections were subjected to the prostatic including the whole urethra and prostatic gland, was
population census according to Santos and colleagues observed after both treatments. The relative weight of the
(2006). Briefly, the number of ciliated epithelial cells per prostatic complex showed an increase of 41.7% and 32.5%,
alveolus was counted, and the individual contribution of respectively, after testosterone and letrozole treatments.
this cell type was expressed as a percent. For the
quantification of these cells, all alveoli per histological Serum steroid hormone
section were employed. Data were analyzed by using
Statistica 6.0 software (StarSoft, 1984–1996). Significance Serum steroid hormone levels are shown in Table 2.
was determined by ANOVA and the Tukey test for multiple Concerning the serologic data, testosterone levels were
comparisons. The significance level was 5% (P≤0.05). significantly (P≤0.05) higher after both treatments (testos-
terone or letrozole). After testosterone treatment, the
Transmission electron microscopy serologic levels of testosterone were about eight times
higher than those observed in non-treated females, reach-
Urethral and paraurethral tissue fragments were fixed by ing 13±1 ng/ml within 14 days of hormonal administra-
immersion with 3% glutaraldehyde plus 0.25% tannic acid tion. Following letrozole therapy, testosterone serologic

Fig. 1 Histological sections of

control (Ct) female prostate
stained by hematoxylin-eosin
(Ep epithelium, B basal cells, SC
secretory cells, G1 prostatic
alveoli, S stroma, U urethra,
arrows/asterisk ciliated cells)
620 Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624

Fig. 2 Histological aspect of

female prostate after 14 days of
testosterone treatment (TT); he-
matoxylin-eosin staining (S
stroma, G1 prostatic alveoli).
a Testosterone treatment caused
epithelial development and a
frequency increase of ciliated
cells (arrows). b Dysplastic
growth of prostatic epithelium
(Ep). c Ciliated cells (asterisk)
and secretory cells with a volu-
minous and evident nucleolus

levels reached 5±0.5 ng/ml. A few oscillations were dysplastic growth was observed in all analyzed glands
observed in the serologic levels of estradiol in the different (Fig. 2b). The expression of ciliated cells was notably
treatments, but these alterations were not statistically greater in all glands studied (Fig. 2a,c).
significant. Following letrozole therapy, both the stroma and
epithelium showed marked alterations. The stromal com-
Morphological aspects and alterations caused partment became denser, exhibiting a large amount of
by testosterone and letrozole treatments smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts (Fig. 3a). The prostatic
alveoli were more numerous, revealing a well-developed
The normal gerbil female prostate establishes a closer secretory epithelium (Fig. 3b,c). A high frequency of
contact with the median and distal urethral wall. This gland ciliated epithelial cells was also noted after treatment with
is formed by aggregated alveoli and ducts immersed in a letrozole (Fig. 3a,c).
fibromuscular stroma (Fig. 1a). The alveoli are covered by The ultrastructural analysis of controls and the testoster-
an epithelium whose form shifts from cuboidal to simple one- and letrozole-treated female prostates revealed that
columnar (Fig. 1b). The epithelial-cell population is both the treatments provoked modifications in the secretory
composed of secretory and basal types and, rarely, by epithelial cells. In the control prostates (Fig. 4a), the
ciliated cells (Fig. 1a,c). secretory cells showed a supranuclear cytoplasm containing
The testosterone and letrozole treatments caused impor- Golgi complexes and polymorphic secretory vesicles. The
tant modifications to the histological structures of the nucleus of these cells was voluminous, but with an
female prostate and to the expression of ciliated epithelial inconspicuous nucleolus.
cells. The administration of testosterone mainly altered the In the testosterone-treated glands, an increase was
epithelial compartment, which became more developed observed in the supranuclear cytoplasm; this was attribut-
because of cell proliferation and hypertrophy (Fig. 2a,b). able to an enlargement of the Golgi cisternae and vesicular
The secretory epithelial cells became taller, each showing apparatus (Fig. 4b). The secretory cells presented a
its nucleus and a more evident nucleolus (Fig. 2c). Focal voluminous nucleus with an evident nucleolus (Fig. 4c).

Fig. 3 Histological aspect of

female prostate after 14 days of
letrozole treatment (LET); he-
matoxylin-eosin staining (Gl
prostatic alveolus, S stroma).
The epithelial compartment (Ep)
showed extensive development
and an increase in expression of
ciliated cells (arrows/asterisk)
Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624 621

Fig. 4 Ultrastructure of control

female prostate (a) and those
treated with testosterone (b, c)
and letrozole (d). a In the
control gland, the epithelial se-
cretory cells exhibited a volu-
minous nucleolus (N),
supranucelar cytoplasm with
sparse Golgi complexes (G), and
plentiful polymorphic secretory
vesicles (V). b, c In female
prostates treated with testoster-
one, the secretory cells showed a
conspicuous Golgi complex re-
gion (G) in the surpanuclear
cytoplasm and a nucleus (N)
with a prominent nucleolus
(Nu). Myelinic bodies were also
seen (arrows). d After letrozole
treatment, the secretory epitheli-
um exhibited stratified areas
containing cells with large
amounts of rough (REr) and
smooth (SEr) endoplasmic re-
ticulum and a nucleus (N) with
an evident nucleolus (Nu). Bars
0.9 μm (a), 1.3 μm (b),
1.3 μm (c), 2.7 μm (d)

The formation of the intracellular myelinic bodies was Quantification of ciliated cells
common in all the analyzed glands, mainly in the peripheral
region of the cells (Fig. 4c). The frequency study of ciliated epithelial cells confirmed
After letrozole therapy, the epithelial compartment the data obtained by the morphological analyses, establish-
became stratified, and the secretory cells exhibited cyto- ing that the testosterone and letrozole treatments did indeed
plasm containing a large quantity of rough and smooth provoke a significant increase in the proportion of these
endoplasmic reticulum, and a nucleus with a prominent types of cells (P≤0.0001). The count of ciliated cells and
nucleolus (Fig. 4d). the relative census showed that the mean (±SE) of the
Structural differences were not observed, morphologi- control group was 0.04±0.02% versus 1.1±0.1% and 1.1±
cally, between ciliated cells of control (Fig. 5) and treated 0.1% for the testosterone-treated and letrozole-treated
(Fig. 4) prostates. groups, respectively (Fig. 6).
622 Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624

Fig. 5 Ultrastructural aspect of

a ciliated cell in control prostatic
secretory ephitelium (Ep).
a Ciliated (C) and secretory (S)
cells (St stroma, LB basal lami-
na, Mv microvilli, BV blood
vessel, N nucleus, Ci cillia). Bar
2.4 μm. b Detail of the apical
region of a ciliated cell. Basal
bodies (arrows). Bar 1.2 μm.
c Longitudinal cross section of
the axoneme with the normal
9+2 pattern. Bar 150 nm

Discussion (Sandoz et al. 1976) and mammalian reproductive ducts

(Okada et al. 2004) have been well described. Goldberg and
Steroid hormones play critical roles in the growth, Friedman (1995) have stressed the key role of 17-beta-
cytodifferentiation, and function of gonadal cells, and estradiol in the cytodifferentiation of ciliated cells in rodent
hence, in the development and physiology of multicellular oviduct; the authors conclude that high estradiol levels are
tissues and organisms (Liu et al. 2005), including the capable of preventing initial epithelial deciliation in vitro,
female prostate gland (Santos et al. 2006). The hormonal but that once deciliation starts, high estradiol is unable to
control of the ciliogenesis and cytodifferentiation of limit the process or induce ciliogenesis. Additional infor-
secretory cells in the avian female reproductive tract mation concerning the hormonal control of ciliogenesis has
Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624 623

ciliated cell differentiation is evident. Thus, the unusual

localization of these ciliated cells may be considered as
being indicative of a transient epithelial metaplastic process
or an early installation of malign and/or pre-malign lesions.
Studies of cultured epithelial cells from human uterine
tubes and in vivo investigations of in epithelial cells of
rodent oviducts have demonstrated that estrogens induce
the cytodifferentiation and growth of ciliated epithelial cells
and that progesterone suppresses the ciliogenesis phenom-
enon (Sandoz et al. 1976; Comer et al. 1998; Hagiwara et al.
Fig. 6 Percentage of ciliated cells in the gerbil female prostate treated 2000). The oscillation of sexual hormone concentrations
with testosterone and letrozole. *Tukey test, P≤0.0001
during the rodent estrus cycle is known to influence
deciliation and/or to stimulate ciliogenesis in oviduct
epithelium (Goldberg and Friedman 1995). However, our
been verified by consecutive daily injections of progester- results obtained with the gerbil female prostate indicate that
one in ovariectomized rats; this treatment significantly ciliogenesis is induced by androgen imbalance provoked by
stimulates ciliogenesis and the appearance of ciliated cells both testosterone and letrozole therapies. Letrozole therapy
but not of secretory cells (Abe and Oikawa 1993). provokes the inhibition of aromatase enzyme activity,
Although the testosterone levels produced by the adrenal thereby blocking the conversion of testosterone into
gland and ovary follicle cells are lower than male levels, the estrogen. The action of this drug promotes an additional
role of this hormone and its precursors and metabolites is increase of circulating androgen levels and, consequently,
unknown in relation to ciliogenesis and oviduct epithelial an estradiol decline (Risbridger et al. 2003). In the adult
cytodifferentiation. female rat, a daily dose of 0.3–1 mg/kg letrozole, for
The present study has verified the uncommon presence 14 days, completely interrupts ovarian cyclicity and reduces
of typical ciliated cells with a normal 9+2 axonemal pattern uterine weight and serum estradiol concentrations to a
in the prostatic epithelium of normal gerbil females. It has similar extent to that seen after ovariectomy (Sinha et al.
also demonstrated the significant percentage increase of 1998). In spite of the lack of statistical significance, seric
these cells in the alveolar epithelium after androgenic estradiol levels decrease slightly. However, this minimal
(testosterone) and anti-estrogenic (letrozole) therapies. decline is unexpected when using anti-estrogenic drugs,
The occurrence of atypical solitary cilia exhibiting a 9+0 such as as letrozole. The reason for this effect in female
axonemal pattern has been noted in Sertoli cells, fibro- gerbil is unknown and will certainly be a new focus of
blasts, and myoid cells of rat testes (Ponzio et al. 1997). further investigations by our research group.
Furthermore, ciliogenesis with 9+0 and 8+1 patterns has The unexpected localization of ciliated cells in the
been observed in epithelia at sites distant from the main female prostate suggests that androgens endogenously and
lesions, such as gastric sites (Kawamata et al. 1986; Rubio exogenously originating from the blockage of aromatase
et al. 1990) and ovarian adenocarcinoma (Gupta et al. and by testosterone injections, respectively, affect the
1985). The authors mentioned above have however neither ciliogenesis process in the alveolar epithelium of this gland.
correlated the data with an imbalance in steroids levels nor However, measurements of the ciliated cell census and the
ascertained the function of this cell type; they have only serological testosterone levels have verified that this
shown the existence of the ciliogenesis phenomenon. hormonal influence is not dose-dependent, since exogenous
Similarly, we have previously been unable to provide an testosterone does not significantly increase the number of
acceptable explanation for the possible function of the ciliated cells in comparison with letrozole therapy.
ciliated cells in the female prostate. The ectopic presence of The ciliogenesis/deciliation of epithelium oviduct cells is
these cells is probably related to an anomalous cytodiffer- known to be a transient phenomenon dependent upon the
entiation of the female prostatic basal cells under the oscillation of estrogen/progesterone levels during the
influence of a hormonal imbalance. This hypothesis is also estrous cycle. However, although our results do not provide
reinforced by the absence of this phenomenon in male evidence for the transient nature of this phenomenon, but
prostate subjected to hormonal therapies (Corradi et al. we can affirm that this process is a consequence of a new
2004; Scarano et al. 2006; Oliveira et al. 2007). inducible hormonal environment that promotes an imbal-
In the female prostate treated with androgenic hormones ance in estrogen/progesterone levels. Since the testosterone
(Santos et al. 2006) and anti-estrogen drugs (Santos et al. concentration in females is proportionally lower than that in
2005; Santos and Taboga 2006), pre-neoplastic and males, alterations in this dosage are capable of causing
neoplastic alterations are common in the alveolus in which ciliogenesis.
624 Cell Tissue Res (2007) 328:617–624

Acknowledgements Comments provided by anonymous referees Okada A, Ohta Y, Brody SL, Watanabe H, Krust A, Chambon P,
helped to improve our original manuscript. We are grateful to Mrs. Iguchi T (2004) Role of foxj1 and estrogen receptor alpha in
Rosana S. Sousa for her technical assistance and to biology student, ciliated epithelial cell differentiation of the neonatal oviduct. J
Rodrigo P. Leite, for help and suggestions and thank all other Mol Endocrinol 32:615–625
researchers at the Microscopy and Microanalysis Laboratory. Oliveira SM, Leite Vilamaior PS, Corradi LS, Góes RM, Taboga SR
Acknowledgements are also due to Dr. Peter J. Harris, Ricardo S. (2007) Cellular and extracellular behavior in the gerbil (Meriones
Sobreira, and Mr. James Welsh for English-language revision of this unguiculatus) ventral prostate following different types of
paper. Special thanks are extended to Ana Maria G. Custódio for castration and the consequences of testosterone replacement.
suggestions and advice. Cell Biol Int (DOI 10.1016/j.cellbi.2006.10.006)
Pegorin de Campos SP, Zanetoni C, Góes RM, Taboga SR (2006)
Biological behavior of the gerbil ventral prostate during postnatal
development. Anat Rec 288A:723–733
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