Test 0012

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Rose doesn’t like horror films and _ b) was

a) James doesn’t too c) will have been
b) James doesn’t either d) will be
c) James doesn’t neither
d) nor doesn’t James 9. Sorry, but I _ to do it by tomorrow.
a) couldn’t
2. When your train arrives, I’ll you _ from the b) wouldn’t be able
station. c) can’t
a) take d) won’t be able
b) bring
c) fetch 10. If I _ Mary last night, I _ her to bring my CD
d) remove today.
a) saw / would remind
3. Did John _ with the band yesterday. b) was seeing / could have reminded
a) sing c) had seen / would have reminded
b) sung d) were to see / would be reminding
c) song
d) sang 11. _ any one object if I turn the heating down?
a) Do
4. I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you the Fergusons drink b) Does
only water, so really you _ all that wine. But don’t c) Did
worry, we’ll keep it for your birthday party. d) Doing
a) needn’t have bought
b) didn’t need to buy 12. Physicians _ likely _ new sources of energy in
c) oughtn’t to buy _ the near future.
d) didn’t need buy a) will / find
b) must / find
5. I don’t mind _ to the restaurant. c) can / find
a) driving d) are / to find
b) drive
c) drove 13. The road was wet, it was a good race _
d) to drive a) even though
b) though
6. I think my brother _ to come next month. c) although
a) can d) even so
b) could
c) will be 14. Well, it is true that in the row over cholesterol
d) will be able most experts are against butter. But it is also a fact
that there are _ who support it.
7. It was a _ a) quite few
a) thirty-minute show b) rather few
b) TV show thirty minute c) hardly any
c) thirty minutes TV show d) a few
d) TV show of thirty minute
15. When I was driving home I almost crashed _ a
8. We are not going to stop. The campaign should bus.
go on until every bike _ marked with the new a) at
reflective paint. Just think how many lives it may b) in
save. c) into
a) has been d) on to
b) as much as
16. I was very thirsty after _ all the cake. c) as long as
a) to eat d) as soon as
b) eating
c) eat 24. My watch _ five minutes _
d) eaten a) is / fast
b) goes / fast
17. "In London, which _ on the river Thames, c) has / fastly
people make a lot of noise all the time. d) is / fastly
a) stands
b) holds 25. The little boy, who was scared of Santa Claus, _
c) begins to his mother’s arm when he saw the man in the red
d) sits suit for the first time.
a) clings
18. Do you see a couple in the corner? Their dessert b) clung
_ now. As soon as they _ it, we _ their table. c) cling
a) is served, finish, will take d) cleng
b) is serving, will finish, take
c) is being served, finish, will take 26. If you let me know when your computer comes,
d) has been served, will have finished, will take I _ you connect it.
a) helped
19. She _ breakfast when I called. b) will help
a) had had c) would help
b) did have d) could have helped
c) have had
d) has had 27. We spent the _ weekend watching TV and
reading newspapers at home.
20. Who _ the washing up in your house? a) all
a) makes b) each
b) does c) every
c) has d) _
d) gets
28. He _ considerably since I last _ him.
21. They are identical twins and I can’t _ one from a) had aged, have seen
the other, b) has aged, saw
a) told c) aged, had seen
b) tell d) aged, have see
c) say
d) said. 29. Kim and Tony weren’t the only people in the
garden. There _.
22. The guard prevented the prisoner _ escaping. a) were some other ones
a) for b) were some others
b) to c) was another
c) from d) was someone more
d) than
30. That is the girl _ brother came to see _.
23. It was a tedious job that Alice tried to work on a) that / we
every day _ it wasn’t too late in the day or raining b) whose / us
hard. c) which / they
a) as if d) whom / its

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