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Reprod Dom Anim 38, 276–289 (2003)
! 2003 Blackwell Verlag, Berlin
ISSN 0936-6768

Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine – Strategies for Deciphering

a Complex Cross-Talk
E Wolf1, GJ Arnold2, S Bauersachs1, HM Beier3, H Blum2, R Einspanier4, T Fröhlich2, A Herrler3, S Hiendleder1, S Kölle5,
K Prelle1, H-D Reichenbach6, M Stojkovic1, H Wenigerkind7 and F Sinowatz5
Institut für Molekulare Tierzucht und 2Laboratorium für Molekulare Biologie, Genzentrum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,
München; 3Institut für Anatomie und Reproduktionsbiologie, Universitätsklinikum der RWTH Aachen, Aachen; 4Institut für Physiologie,
Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Freising; 5Institut für Tieranatomie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
München, München; 6Institut für Tierzucht, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Grub and 7Bayerisches Forschungszentrum für
Fortpflanzungsbiologie (BFZF), Oberschleissheim, Germany

Contents environment. The ability of embryonic interferon tau

Early embryonic development, implantation and maintenance (IFNs) to inhibit uterine secretion of prostaglandin F2a
of a pregnancy are critically dependent on an intact embryo- is critical to the establishment of pregnancy in cattle,
maternal communication. So far, only few signals involved in and the critical period for this signal appears to be
this dialogue have been identified. In bovine and other between days 15 and 17, when the endometrium in the
ruminants, interferon tau is the predominant embryonic non-pregnant situation initiates a biochemical reaction
pregnancy recognition signal, exhibiting antiluteolytic activity. cascade finally resulting in luteolysis (Thatcher et al.
However, this is just one aspect of the complex process of
embryo-maternal signalling, and a number of other systems
are more likely to be involved. To gain a more comprehensive Although embryonic secretion of and uterine recep-
understanding of these important mechanisms, integrated tivity for IFNs are undoubtedly key factors of preg-
projects involving specialists in embryology, reproductive nancy recognition and maintenance in cattle, other
biotechnology and functional genome research are necessary factors may be involved that either modulate the IFNs
to perform a systematic analysis of interactions between pre- system or act independently of IFNs.
implantation stage embryos and oviduct or uterine epithelial The advent of state-of-the-art transcriptomic and
cells, respectively. State-of-the-art transcriptomic and proteo- proteomic technologies allows, for the first time, a
mic technologies will identify reciprocal signals between holistic analysis of mechanisms involved in signalling
embryos and their maternal environment and the respective between an embryo and its maternal environment
downstream reaction cascades. For in vivo studies, the use of
before implantation. This is undoubtedly one of the
monozygotic twins as recipient animals provides elegant model
systems, thus eliminating genetic variability as a cause of most exciting processes in biology of reproduction and
differential gene expression. In addition, suitable systems for has enormous practical implications. Reduction of
the co-culture of oviduct epithelial or endometrium cells with embryonic losses by either augmenting embryonic
the respective embryonic stages need to be established for pregnancy recognition signals or selecting the most
functional validation of candidate genes potentially involved in suitable recipient animal according to novel markers
the dialogue between embryos and their maternal environ- of uterine receptivity would markedly reduce the cost
ment. The knowledge of these mechanisms should help to of cattle production (Binelli et al. 2001; Peterson and
increase the pregnancy rate following embryo transfer and to Lee 2003). Moreover, identified signalling pathways
avoid embryonic losses. Candidate genes involved in embryo- can be investigated in other species, such as the
maternal communication will also be used to define new
human, where primary screens are hampered by the
quality criteria for the selection of embryos for transfer to
recipients. Another application is the supplementation of lack of defined material. This review provides an
embryotrophic factors or components of embryo-maternal overview over known and candidate mechanisms of
signalling in optimized formulations, such as bioartificial embryo-maternal communication, introduces model
matrices. As a long-term goal, signalling mechanisms identified systems and techniques for a systematic study of
in bovine will also be functionally evaluated in other species, these processes, and discusses future perspectives for
including the human. scientific and practical exploitation of the expected
Scientific and Economic Implications of
Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine Known Mechanisms of Pregnancy Recognition
In cattle, up to 40% of total embryonic losses occur in Ruminants
between days 8 and 17 of pregnancy, indicating that In ruminants, IFNs is well characterized as an import-
early embryonic mortality is the main source of repro- ant embryonic pregnancy recognition signal. IFNs is
ductive wastage (Humblot 2001; Thatcher et al. 2001). encoded by multiple genes (Ealy et al. 2001) and is
This high embryonic mortality rate has enormous expressed and secreted by trophectoderm cells of
economic implications, increasing the number of days blastocysts (reviewed in Roberts et al. 1990). Secretion
open and retarding genetic progress. of IFNs by bovine blastocysts in vivo is highest between
The high failure rate to maintain a pregnancy is days 15 and 17, whereas in a specific culture system for
generally assumed to be a consequence of insufficient bovine trophoblastic vesicles increasing IFNs secretion
communication between the conceptus and the maternal

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Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine 277

was observed for a longer period (up to day 23 after quality (Hernandez-Ledezma et al. 1993). Serum-free
fertilization) (Stojkovic et al. 1995). cultured hatched blastocysts were found to contain
Experiments comparing the effects of intrauterine and higher levels of IFNs mRNA than control embryos
systemic application of recombinant IFNs in sheep cultured in the presence of serum (Wrenzycki et al.
demonstrated that IFNs reduces the expression of 1999). In long-term culture experiments we observed
uterine oestrogen and oxytocin receptors via paracrine reduced IFNs secretion by bovine nuclear transfer
mechanisms, thus preventing oxytocin-induced pulsatile embryos vs in vivo-derived or in vitro-produced (IVP)
secretion of prostaglandin F2a, thereby inhibiting luteo- controls (Stojkovic et al. 1999). Furthermore, IFNs
lysis (Spencer et al. 1999). Consequently, progesterone secretion in vitro was found to be higher in female than
secretion is maintained, inducing – among other genes – in male bovine embryos (Larson et al. 2001).
the expression of the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein Although many experimental findings indicate a
osteopontin. Osteopontin is thought to support attach- pivotal role of IFNs in pregnancy recognition of
ment of the embryo, probably by linking integrin ruminants, a number of other systems may be involved
heterodimers which are expressed by trophectoderm in the embryo-maternal dialogue.
cells and by the luminal epithelium of the endometrium
(Johnson et al. 2001a).
IFNs induces the expression of a number of genes, Selected Local Factors May Orchestrate
such as STAT (signal transducer and activator of a Paracrine Cross-Talk between Oocytes
transcription) 1 and 2 (Stewart et al. 2001a), b2 micro- or Embryos and Their Maternal Environment
globulin (Vallet et al. 1991), IFN-regulatory factor 1 A precise synchronization of all parts of the female
(IRF-1) (Spencer et al. 1998), ubiquitin crossreactive reproductive tract is the essential prerequisite for
protein (Johnson et al. 1999), Mx protein (Ott et al. successful oocyte maturation, fertilization and embry-
1998), granulocyte-chemotactic protein-2 (Teixeira et al. onic development. Under the influence of gonadotro-
1997), and 2¢,5¢-oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) (John- phins the mammalian oocytes reach their final
son et al. 2001b). Further, IFNs stimulates the expres- developmental stages accompanied by remarkable chan-
sion of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating ges in gene expression within the ovarian follicles in vivo
factor, a cytokine with putative positive effects on the (review by Adashi 1994). Recent studies are abridged
conceptus, in stroma cells of the endometrium (Emond here to approach the outcome of oocytes becoming
et al. 2000). Other effects of IFNs in endometrium cells viable embryos by use of transcript and protein char-
include a reduction of oxytocin-induced cyclooxyge- acterization as well as through localizing selected factors
nase-2 and prostaglandin F-synthetase expression (Xiao in reproductive tissues of different mammalian species.
et al. 1999). Thus, IFNs supports the maintenance of a Sexual steroid hormones (oestradiol and progester-
pregnancy via multiple mechanisms. one) serve as peripheral conductors leading to local
The signal transduction cascade of IFNs via type I tissue- and time-specific differentiation events in the
IFN-receptors involves STATs and IRFs. When IFNs oviduct as well as in the endometrium, accordingly
acts on luminal epithelial cells of the endometrium, supporting the ovulated egg and the development of
STATs 1, 2, 3, 5a/b and 6 are tyrosine-phosphorylated embryos. The mammalian oviduct is known to be under
within 30 min and translocated into the nucleus the influence of these sexual steroids, and changes of
(Stewart et al. 2001a). Upon longer exposure to IFNs, progesterone and oestrogens in the bovine oviduct
STATs 3, 5a/b, and 6 are rapidly dephosphorylated. throughout the oestrous cycle have been well described
IFNs induces homodimerization of STAT 1 to form (Wijayagunawardane et al. 1998). Remarkable cellular
the transcription factor GAF (gamma-activated factor) changes during the sexual cycle lead to well prepared
as well as heterodimerization of STAT 1 and STAT 2. reproductive epithelia expecting the ovulated oocyte or
This heterodimer associates with IRF-9, forming the early embryo. Recently, distinct changes in the expres-
transcription factor complex ISGF3 (IFN-stimulated sion of corresponding progesterone receptor and both
gene factor 3). Whereas GAF binds to gamma-activa- oestradiol receptors directly depending on peripheral
ted sequence elements in the promoter region of gonadotrophins (FSH or LH) could be characterized in
specific IFN-stimulated genes (e.g. IRF-1), the a cycle-specific manner for the bovine oviduct (Ulbrich
ISGF3-complex stimulates expression of other IFN- et al. 2003a). Interestingly, a hyaluronan (HA)-synthes-
induced genes (e.g. ISG17, Mx and OAS) by binding to izing and -binding system was also present in bovine
IFN-stimulated response elements (ISREs). Stimulation oviducts, probably interacting with the mature oocyte
of STAT 1, STAT 2, IRF-9 and IRF-1 expression has (Ulbrich et al. 2003b) and with cleavage stage embryos
also been shown to involve ISGF3 and GAF tran- (see below). In addition, peptide hormones and growth
scription factor complexes (Stewart et al. 2001a,b). The factors, small proteins acting predominantly in a para-
IRF-2 was found to play an important role with regard crine fashion, may be involved in early embryo-maternal
to the localization of IFN-induced gene expression in interactions. Several interesting candidate systems are
different compartments of the endometrium (Choi discussed in detail below.
et al. 2001).
Inadequate reaction of the endometrium to IFNs or
insufficient secretion of IFNs by the conceptus are major Growth hormone
reasons for early embryonic losses and pregnancy Pituitary growth hormone (GH) is assumed to control
failure. Therefore, the level of IFNs secretion has been growth and differentiation processes after birth. As
discussed as a parameter for the assessment of embryo hypophysectomized mouse, rat and rabbit foetuses
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278 E Wolf et al.

display almost normal intrauterine growth (Gluckmann system are widely expressed in the female reproductive
et al. 1981), embryonic development has, for a long tract, with maximum expression in the oviduct of IGF-
time, been considered to be independent of GH. Recent I, IGF-II, IGF-IR and IGFBP-3 mRNAs in the period
studies, however, have shown that GH exerts distinct when gametes and embryos are in transit, eventually
effects on development, differentiation and metabolism creating an optimum environment for early embryonic
of pre-implantation embryos. The development of growth and metabolism (for review, see Watson et al.
mouse and bovine embryos during in vitro culture was 1999).
clearly improved by supplementation of the medium Furthermore, expression of components of the IGF
with GH (Drakakis et al. 1995; Izadyar et al. 1996; system has been detected in pre-implantation embryos
Fukaya et al. 1998; Izadyar et al. 2000; Stojkovic et al. from a variety of mammalian species, including mouse,
2000; Moreira et al. 2002). Blastocysts cultured with cattle and water buffalo (reviewed in Prelle et al. 2001).
GH revealed increased cell numbers both in the inner Targeted inactivation of the genes coding for IGF-I
cell mass and trophectoderm (Kölle et al. 2002). The (Igf1), IGF-II (Igf2) and IGF-IR (Igf1r) in mice resulted
potential role of GH as a factor of embryo-maternal in an obvious phenotype (foetal growth retardation)
communication is substantiated by the fact that pre- only in the second half of pregnancy (reviewed in
implantation embryos synthesize GH and its receptor Efstratiadis 1998). These findings suggest that IGF-I
(GHR) in a stage-specific pattern. In the bovine, GHR and IGF-II are not absolutely required during early
mRNA was detectable from the second day of embry- embryonic development, although detailed analyses for
ogenesis onwards (Kölle et al. 1998; Kölle et al. 2001a). quantitative effects have not been conducted.
Interestingly, the highest levels of GHR mRNA were Numerous studies evaluated effects of IGF supple-
found in morulae (day 6) when a functional GHR was mentation of culture media on early embryos from
shown to be present (Kölle et al. 2001a). Supplementa- various species (reviewed in Prelle et al. 2001). For
tion of GH during in vitro culture significantly reduced bovine embryos, variable effects of IGF peptides have
the number of apoptotic cells in 6–8-day-old embryos been described, depending on dose and on the respective
(Kölle et al. 2002). Further, GH was found to be culture system used. Whereas Flood et al. (1993) could
involved in the regulation of the embryonic metabolism. not show a positive effect of either long R3IGF-I (LR3)
Bovine blastocysts cultured in serum-containing or IGF-II in bovine embryo culture, Herrler et al. (1992)
medium are characterized by huge accumulations of observed an increased proportion of development to
glycogen in the embryonic cells and in the intercellular morula and blastocyst stages in a cumulus cell co-culture
spaces. After culture with GH, glycogen was completely system supplemented with 20% oestrous cow serum
eliminated from the embryonic cells. Furthermore, GH- (ECS) and with additional 50 ng IGF-I/ml. Similarly,
treated embryos displayed an increased exocytosis of supplementation of serum (10% ECS)-containing
lipids (Kölle et al. 2001a). Altogether, the morphology embryo culture medium with 100 ng IGF-I/ml stimula-
of bovine embryos cultured in vitro with GH was similar ted development and hatching of IVP bovine blasto-
to that of ex vivo embryos. This was also seen at the cysts. However, IGF-I was not sufficient to replace the
ultrastructural level. Transmission electron microscopic effects of cumulus cell co-culture or serum supplemen-
studies showed that embryos treated with GH – similar tation (Palma et al. 1997).
to ex vivo embryos – mainly possess the typical In many biological systems, bioavailability and effects
embryonic mitochondria with few cristae. In contrast, of IGFs are modulated by IGFBPs, e.g. by competition
embryos cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid medium with IGF receptors for IGFs (for review, see Rajaram
supplemented with polyvinylalcohol revealed predom- et al. 1997; Schneider et al. 2000). Expression of
inantly mature mitochondria with numerous cristae. In mRNAs coding for IGFBP-2, -3 and -4 was detected
addition, GH was shown to affect the number, size, form by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
and depth of zona pellucida pores (Kölle et al. 2001b). (RT-PCR) analysis of large pools (n > 50) of bovine
Growth hormone itself is generally expressed in later embryos throughout development to blastocyst stages,
embryonic stages compared with GHR. GH mRNA was whereas IGFBP-5 transcripts were only detectable in
detected in bovine blastocysts at day 8 (Kölle et al. blastocysts. In contrast, IGFBP-1 and -6 mRNAs were
2001a). This implies that in the first days of embryo- not detectable in early bovine embryos (Winger et al.
genesis the embryonic GHR is activated by maternal 1997). This observation invited the concept that effects
GH, further supporting a role of the GH system in of maternally derived IGFs might be modulated by
embryo-maternal communication. embryonic IGFBPs to support bovine pre-implantation
development (Winger et al. 1997). Using real time
RT-PCR assays, we were able to determine the abun-
Insulin-like growth factors dance of transcripts for IGFBPs and IGF-IR in pools of
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system comprises only two blastocysts. These experiments demonstrated
an increasingly complex network of ligands (IGF-I and that the mRNA levels for IGFBP-2 and IGFBP-5 as
IGF-II), receptors (type I IGF receptor ¼ IGF-IR, well as for IGF-IR are regulated by exogenous IGF-I
type II IGF/cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate peptides in pre-implantation embryos (Prelle et al.
receptor ¼ IGF-IIR), high-affinity binding proteins 2001). The present findings support the hypothesis that
(IGFBP-1 to -6), and specific proteases affecting their pre-implantation bovine embryos modulate effects of
biological activity, i.e. regulation of cell growth and maternal IGFs by expression of IGFBPs and IGF-
differentiation (for review, see Jones and Clemmons IR, suggesting that the IGF system is a component of
1995; Rajaram et al. 1997). Components of the IGF embryo-maternal interactions.
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Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine 279

Other growth factors HA was already detectable in two-cell stages, but

The bovine oviduct secretes many other growth factors, morula and, especially, hatching blastocyst stages were
including fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) (Gabler found to secrete significantly more HA when compared
et al. 1997) and vascular endothelial growth factor with other early embryonic stages (Stojkovic et al.
(VEGF) (Gabler et al. 1999). Concentrations of FGF- 2003).
1 in oviductal flushings were found to be significantly The effects of HA on early embryos may be mediated
higher at ovulation than during the luteal phase, and by the principal HA receptors (CD44) which are
concentrations of FGF-2 were higher at the pre-ovula- abundantly present in cumulus-oocyte-complexes and
tory than at the post-ovulatory stage (Gabler et al. pre-implantation embryos from several species
1997). For VEGF, highest concentrations were found (reviewed in Stojkovic et al. 2003). In addition,
during the preovulatory phase, which is in line with the RHAMM/IHABP mRNA was detected and its abun-
concept that VEGF may be involved in creating an dance was found to be regulated during bovine embryo
optimal local environment for fertilization and for the development in vitro (Stojkovic et al. 2003). The relative
developing embryo, e.g. by increasing vascular per- levels of RHAMM/IHABP transcripts in bovine blasto-
meability (Gabler et al. 1999). cyst stages cultured in the presence of HA were higher
To evaluate the functional role of these growth factors than in control embryos, suggesting that HA regulates
to support early embryonic development, they were used expression of RHAMM/IHABP. Increased RHAMM/
as supplements for the culture of bovine embryos. FGF- IHABP mRNA levels and HA secretion at the morula
2 and transforming growth factor beta (TGFb) were stage could be related to the polarization and differen-
shown to act synergistically promoting bovine embryo tiation processes finally resulting in trophectoderm and
development in serum-free culture (Larson et al. 1992). inner cell mass cells of blastocysts. A marked increase in
Supplementation of medium with VEGF improves the HA synthesis at hatched blastocyst stage may be
in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes, acting synergis- involved in elongation of embryos, embryo-maternal
tically with FSH (Einspanier et al. 2002) and stimulates interaction and successful maintenance of pregnancy.
initial embryonic development, depending on the pres- These mechanisms deserve further investigation.
ence of cumulus cells (Luo et al. 2002). These findings In summary, a complex paracrine network of several
suggest that the FGF and VEGF systems are involved in interacting factors is suggested to mediate the effects of
early embryo-maternal interactions. peripheral hormones through growth factors and com-
ponents of the ECM. These local regulatory networks
enable a coordinated cross-talk between gametes or
Hyaluronic acid system embryos, respectively, and their maternal environment,
The ECM polysaccharide hyaluronic acid (HA) is a thereby establishing the required conditions for success-
non-sulphated linear polymer of (1-b-4) D-glucuronic ful oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryonic
acid and (1-b-3) N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. This glucos- development. Systematic functional dissection of such
aminoglycan regulates cellular events such as signalling paracrine events by appropriate molecular techniques
and changes in gene expression, affecting proliferation, should gain the knowledge which is necessary to
differentiation, adhesion, migration, and morphogenesis improve protocols for assisted reproduction on both
(reviewed in Fraser et al. 1997). These multiple effects the embryonic and the maternal side.
are mediated through interactions of HA with proteins,
including the HA-binding proteins or hyaladherins
Compartmentalization of Embryo-Maternal
(reviewed in Day and Prestwich 2002) as well as cell Interactions – the Mail Box Function of the
surface and intracellular receptors: CD44, LYVE-1, and
CD168 or receptor for hyaluronic acid mediated
Extraembryonic Matrix
motility/intracellular HA-binding protein (RHAMM/ Initially, pre-implantation embryos are surrounded by
IHABP) (reviewed in Stojkovic et al. 2003). an extraembryonic matrix (EEM), generally known
As HA is a normal component of fluids of the as zona pellucida (Herrler and Beier 2000). Bovine
mammalian reproductive tract (reviewed in Stojkovic embryos hatch at 192–216 h post-insemination (hpi) and
et al. 2002), an important role for oocyte maturation, thus spend about 50% of their pre-implantation devel-
fertilization, early embryogenesis, and the arrangement opment within the zona pellucida (Betteridge 1995). The
of the reproductive tract for establishment of a preg- embryonic genome becomes active already much earlier,
nancy has been assumed. HA was shown to promote with a major wave of transcriptional activation at the
differentiation of extraembryonic structures of mouse eight-cell stage (66–72 hpi). At that time the embryo is
embryos (Hamashima 1982), and when HA was added still located in the oviduct, passing to the uterus by day
to the culture medium the rates of implantation and 3.5. The embryo already synthesizes its own proteins
foetal development after transfer of mouse blastocysts and seems to react to proteins secreted by the oviduct,
to recipients increased (Gardner et al. 1999). Accord- suggesting that embryo-maternal communication is
ingly, positive effects of HA on development and cell already established at this stage. Investigations demon-
numbers of blastocysts were observed in bovine embryo strated, that the EEM is important for presenting,
culture experiments (Stojkovic et al. 2002; Lane et al. accumulating and modulating signals between embryo
2003). In addition, large amounts of HA are synthesized and maternal environment. Sonographic imaging stud-
by cumulus cells (Stojkovic et al., unpublished data) and ies of early embryos in utero revealed that the embryo
pre-implantation bovine embryos. Newly synthesized does not float in a recognizable volume of maternal
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280 E Wolf et al.

secretions, but is surrounded tightly by the endome- maternal haptoglobin incorporated into the EEM may
trium. Therefore, the EEM represents the direct inter- cause maternal immunotolerance with regard to the pre-
face between embryo and uterine epithelium, eventually implantation embryo.
acting as a kind of ‘mail box’ of the embryo-maternal Other proteins, such as heparin-binding epidermal
communication (Herrler and Beier 2000). growth factor, P19 and uteroglobin, have also been
After investigations on several species, it is known detected within the extraembryonic matrices of rabbit
that the EEM is not static, but evolves considerably and horse embryos (Herrler and Beier 2000; Herrler
from the time of fertilization to hatching, especially in et al. 2002) and may be involved in embryo-maternal
rabbit and horse embryos (Dumont and Brummett interactions.
1985; Betteridge 1989; Denker 2000). The original zona
pellucida is formed as a three-dimensional network Strategies for a Holistic Analysis
structure (Sinowatz et al. 1998; Magerkurth et al. 1999).
By incorporating maternal and embryonic material, the
of Embryo-Maternal Communication
network gets tighter, but the meshes are still penetrable In vitro model systems
for proteins/signals as big as 900 kDa (Hastings et al. The milieu in the female reproductive tract is crucial
1972; Sellens and Jenkinson 1975; Guillomot and for mammalian reproduction. During pre-implantation
Betteridge 1984). Therefore, the size of a signal molecule development the embryo is exposed to a markedly
is not limiting for its passage, but rather its hydrophobic changing environment (Leese 1988), and suitable in vitro
characteristics. Turner and Horobin (1997) demonstra- models of these processes are necessary to experiment-
ted that extremely hydrophilic proteins with low van der ally address and understand the complex interactions
Waals forces are not able to penetrate the EEM, while between embryos and their maternal environment.
lipophilic proteins with high van der Waals forces get Historically, in vitro cultured bovine embryos strug-
enriched in the matrix and proteins with a slightly gled to pass the so-called ‘8–16-cell developmental
lipophilic or hydrophilic character and low van der block’, a culture-related phenomenon during maternal-
Waals forces easily penetrate the matrix. Consequently, to-zygotic transition (Wright and Bondioli 1981).
the simple detection of a protein in one compartment, Oviducts from sheep (Eyestone et al. 1987) and rabbits
embryonic or maternal, does not directly mean that it is (Ellington et al. 1990) were used as temporary in vivo
able to penetrate the EEM and to act as a signal in the culture system for IVP bovine embryos to overcome this
embryo-maternal communication. Therefore, the speci- block. The general lack of understanding the develop-
fic characteristics and functions of the EEM have to be mental block of bovine embryos led to the advent of
considered as an intrinsic component of embryo-mater- co-culture systems using somatic cells of the reproduc-
nal signalling mechanisms. tive tract, typically oviduct epithelial cells (Gandolfi and
Investigating rabbit and horse extraembryonic Moor 1987; Thibodeaux et al. 1992). Beneficial effects
matrices it was realized, that the complexity of have been attributed to the secretion of embryotrophic
embryo-maternal signalling increases dramatically as factors as well as to a reduction in O2 tension and
development proceeds (Herrler and Beier 2000; Herrler glucose concentration (reviewed in Rief et al. 2002).
et al. 2002). At day 4.5 of rabbit embryo development, However, usually culture conditions are suboptimal,
the number of protein spots detectable by 2D poly- resulting in dedifferentiation processes, i.e. loss of
acrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of extraembry- morphological and functional properties of the oviduct
onic matrices increased by more than fourfold cells (reviewed in Reischl et al. 1999). Embryo co-culture
compared with earlier stages. In the horse a steady with oviduct cells has proved to be an inappropriate
increase in the number of protein spots was detected system to produce bovine embryos for commercial
between days 8 and 12. Between 18 and 25% of those purposes, but it is a suitable model system for studying
proteins were of embryonic origin. embryo-maternal interactions. For this purpose, an
By Western blot analysis, several proteins were in vitro system has to mimic the in vivo environment
identified. One of those proteins was IGFBP-3 which most closely and must meet the requirements of both
was at least partly of embryonic origin (Herrler et al. oviduct cells and co-cultured embryos. Dedifferentiation
1997, 2002; Herrler and Beier 2000). As IGFBPs bind of oviduct cells during culture can be inhibited in many
IGFs with high affinity, IGFBP-3 in the EEM may ways, including culture on matrigel (Joshi 1995) or
accumulate maternal IGFs in the immediate vicinity of permeable cellulose nitrate matrices (Reischl et al.
the embryo and promote its development by controlled 1999). Furthermore, composition of medium and serum
release of IGFs. The IGFs have been shown to be supplementation have tremendous effects on cell mor-
survival factors supporting the development of preim- phology and expression of cell type-specific marker
plantation embryos (Herrler et al. 1998). In addition to genes (Rief et al. 2002). As routine static culture in an
intact IGFBP-3, large amounts of IGFBP-3 fragments ordinary plastic Petri dish seems to be deleterious for
were found in the EEM. Studies in sheep explained this typical epithelial cell features, a perfusion culture system
finding by the activity of maternal IGFBP-proteases using permeable cell supports (Reischl et al. 1999) was
(Peterson et al. 1998), a known mechanism to release established. Using sequential co-culture on oviduct
IGFs into the embryonic microenvironment. followed by endometrial cells the migration of the
Another protein found in the rabbit EEM is maternal embryo through the oviduct into the uterus before
haptoglobin (Herrler et al. 2001, 2002). Haptoglobin implantation can be mimicked. Again, the most import-
has been shown to decrease the adhesion of leucocytes ant prerequisite is to prevent dedifferentiation, i.e. loss
to extracellular matrices (Nauta et al. 2002). Thereby, of physiological features. Culture of both uterine stroma
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Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine 281

and epithelial cells together reflects the in vivo situation 1998; Renard et al. 2002). This is most likely due to
more closely than separation of these cell types (Findlay abnormal epigenetic reprogramming upon transfer of
et al. 1990). In addition to morphological criteria, the donor nucleus into the recipient cytoplast. Epigenetic
expression profiling and functional studies are necessary reprogramming involves changes in DNA methylation
to monitor the physiological status of cultured oviduct (Dean et al. 2001) and many other mechanisms affecting
or endometrial cells, evaluating their suitability for chromatin structure and functionality (reviewed by Shi
studying embryo-maternal interactions. Complementary et al. 2003). Thus, true clones produced by embryo
to suitable in vivo models, cell culture systems are splitting appear to be more suitable as in vivo models for
essential for functional studies of candidate genes and studying embryo-maternal communication.
their products which may be involved in the embryo- For investigating developmentally important stages,
maternal dialogue. such as the oviduct phase (day 3), the early uterine phase
(day 8) or the peri-implantation period (day 18),
embryos can be transferred into the ipsilateral oviduct
In vivo model systems or uterine horn, respectively, of a synchronized twin,
Embryo cloning techniques provide excellent possibilit- whereas the other twin, which is also synchronized,
ies to produce identical genotypes, improving animal receives a sham transfer and serves as control. After a
experimentation by eliminating genetic variation (Brem defined time period, the recipients are slaughtered, and
1986). Significant advantages of using clones rather than embryos as well as oviduct and uterine cells are
unrelated animals are the increase in power of statistical harvested and preserved for transcriptomic and prote-
tests and the reduction in the number of experimental omic studies as well as for histological investigation.
animals needed (Lamberson 1994). Thus, clones provide Comparisons are made between the ipsi- and contra-
an excellent in vivo model for holistic analyses of lateral side within one recipient and between the
embryo-maternal interactions. pregnant and the non-pregnant recipient of a twin pair.
The classical method for producing clones in mam- Figure 1 shows an experimental outline for studying
mals is embryo splitting at the morula or blastocyst embryo-maternal communication using monozygotic
stage. Monozygotic twins produced by this technique twins as an in vivo model.
are identical with respect to both nuclear and mitoch-
ondrial (MT) DNA. Phenotypic discordance is attrib-
utable to the uterine environment of different recipients Transcriptomics
and to environmental influences. Overall, a high simi- The biosynthesis of each protein starts with the trans-
larity was observed in pairs of twins produced by lation of its coding mRNA. The methods currently
embryo splitting and transfer of the halves to different available to analyse gene expression at the level of
recipients (Gärtner et al. 1991). mRNA are much more sensitive than those used for
Nuclear transfer cloning using embryonic, foetal or analyses at the protein level. Transcriptomics permits to
post-natal cells as nuclear donors allows for the work with limited amounts of biological material and to
production of larger numbers of genomic copies (review investigate the role of regulatory elements like tran-
by Wolf et al. 1998). Although these animals share the scription factors which are mostly expressed at low
same nuclear DNA, their mtDNA may be different as it levels. Especially, the activity of rarely transcribed genes
is almost exclusively derived from the recipient cytoplast is, in most cases, difficult to detect or not detectable by
(Steinborn et al. 2000; Hiendleder et al. 2003). This the analysis of protein patterns.
problem can be overcome by using oocytes recovered Therefore, we focus on the investigation of changes in
from maternally related donors, e.g. by ovum pick-up gene expression at the level of the mRNA in the bovine
(Brüggerhoff et al. 2002). Nevertheless, phenotypic reproductive tract during early embryonic development
characteristics may be rather different between clone to identify genes which are involved in embryo-maternal
siblings produced by nuclear transfer (Gärtner et al. communication.

3 × 3 monozygous twin pairs, estrous cycle synchronized

Oviduct phase Early uterine phase Peri-implantation phase

(Day 3) (Day 8) (Day 18)

⇐ ⇒

Control Transfer Control Transfer Control Transfer

Fig. 1. In vivo model for the study

of embryo-maternal communica- Sampling, RNA extraction, production of subtracted cDNA libraries
tion in bovine
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282 E Wolf et al.

In bovine, where only few mRNA sequences are

known until now, systematic gene expression analyses
are more difficult than in human or mouse. Microarray
analyses using commercial arrays (Reese et al. 2001) or
cDNA collections like the UniGene collection are not
feasible, and digital methods such as Serial Analysis of
Gene Expression (SAGE) (Velculescu et al. 1995) are
likewise restricted to known genes or mRNA sequences.
To circumvent this problem in our studies of embryo-
maternal communication, a combination of subtracted
cDNA libraries and cDNA array hybridization was used
(Fig. 2). This approach reveals cDNA fragments of
differentially expressed genes which can be identified by
their sequence homology with known human or mouse
genes and permit the cloning of the bovine full-length
cDNA as well. The major advantage of using subtracted
libraries as the basis for cDNA array hybridization is
the enrichment of differentially expressed genes, redu-
cing the number of cDNA clones that need to be
First of all, oviduct epithelial or endometrium cells
are isolated at defined stages of the sexual cycle. These
samples are used to prepare cDNA and to enrich
differentially expressed genes by Suppression Subtrac-
tive Hybridization (Diatchenko et al. 1996). This pro- Fig. 2. Workflow for transcriptome analysis of embryo-maternal
cedure is based on a so-called suppressor PCR and
requires 0.5–1 lg mRNA. Approximately, 1500–3000
cDNA clones for each subtracted cDNA library are the generation of extensive gene expression profiles over
PCR-amplified and spotted onto nylon membranes. different time points during early development of the
Differentially expressed genes are identified by hybrid- bovine embryo and in different sections of the repro-
ization of these arrays with radioactively labelled ductive tract.
complex cDNA probes, comparison of signal intensities, In order to study mechanisms of embryo-maternal
and determination of the corresponding nucleotide communication in various important phases of devel-
sequences (Bauersachs et al. 2003). Database analyses opment we analyse gene expression profiles in samples
of the obtained sequences may provide information of oviduct epithelium (day 3) or endometrium (days 8
about the functions of the identified genes as far as they and 18) of twins from which one harbours an embryo
are known. Based on these results, an oviduct-/uterus- whereas the other serves as non-pregnant control (see
specific cDNA array is created and serves as a basis for above).

Fig. 3. Genes differentially regula-

ted in the ipsi- vs contra-lateral
bovine oviduct at day 3.5 after
standing heat (Bauersachs et al.
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Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine 283

As a first proof of concept, the bovine oviduct been shown that the correlation between mRNA level
epithelium was analysed at day 3.5 of the oestrous cycle and protein level is not sufficient to predict the level
and searched for genes differentially regulated in the ipsi- of active proteins. Furthermore, proteins frequently
and contra-lateral oviduct. More than 30 differentially undergo post-translational modifications (PTMs) which
expressed genes were identified, which could be assigned are crucial for their function, stability and activity.
to different functional categories (Fig. 3, Bauersachs Protein–protein interactions and PTMs are not at all
et al. 2003). This study demonstrates the feasibility of reflected at the mRNA level (Gygi et al. 1999b).
our approach. Investigations of gene expression profiles Therefore, besides transcriptional analysis, quantitation
in oviduct or endometrium cells isolated at oestrus vs of protein content in cells is indispensable to assess
diestrus are underway. biochemical processes of high complexity. The global
analysis of cellular proteins, including PTMs, is referred
to as proteomics. The focus of the present work is the
Proteomics identification of proteins involved in embryo-maternal
The analysis of mRNA levels in cells is one of the most communication. For this purpose we combined three
sensitive strategies to explore complex biochemical independent proteomic approaches. Two of them are
networks of biological systems. However, it has to be holistic, meaning that the overall protein composition of
considered that mRNA molecules are intermediate tissues with relevance for embryo-maternal communi-
products in the synthesis of functional proteins. It has cation will be investigated de novo, i.e. without the need

Tissue of Tissue of non-

pregnant animals pregnant animals

Solubilization of proteins
from tissue

and computational
comparison of the gels

Isolation of spots
of interest and
digestion of the proteins

Identification of proteins
with MS-based techniques

Fig. 4. General strategy for 2-D

gel-based proteomics
14390531, 2003, 4, Downloaded from by University Of Missouri Columbia, Wiley Online Library on [13/12/2022]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
284 E Wolf et al.

for any biochemical pre-information. In contrast, Proteins of Proteins of

the third approach makes use of the transcriptional tissue 1 tissue 2
pre-information achieved in the extremely sensitive
transcriptome analysis and addresses the proteins cor-
responding to significantly altered mRNAs in a well-
directed manner. ICAT label He
H) av
The first approach uses highly sophisticated proteo-
h t( y( 2
mics techniques to analyze and compare the entire
Lig H)
protein composition of cells in reproductive tissue
samples of pregnant and non-pregnant animals. We
apply classic techniques of proteomics, such as 2-D gel
electrophoresis (so far the only method that is able to Combine
separate up to 10 000 proteins and their modifications)
(Klose 1975; O’Farrell 1975) in combination with the
identification of proteins by mass spectroscopy (MS).
The overall strategy is outlined in Fig. 4. In order to
obtain a maximum yield of separated proteins paired
with highest reproducibility and sensitivity in the quan- Proteolytic Affinity
titation of each protein spot, experimental protocols for cleavage chromatography
each type of tissue are optimized, especially the solubi-
lization and separation parameters. A set of 2-D gels of
the reproductive tissue samples from each pregnant and
non-pregnant animal (at least five gels per sample and
biological stage) is produced. The gels are computa- LC-MS/MS
tionally analysed in order to identify differences in both
the spot positions and intensities. Protein spots of ∆ ∆
interest are excised and digested with a proteolytic
enzyme to produce a set of peptides unique for each
protein. The corresponding protein is then identified
with a technique called Peptide Mass Fingerprint. This
technique is based on exact measurement of the peptide m/z
masses of the digested protein by MS, followed by a
comparison of these values with theoretical peptide Pair finding and quantitation
masses in the databases of known proteins (for a more Fig. 5. Principle of the Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag (ICAT) technology
detailed description of the technique, see Gevaert and
Vandekerckhove 2000). A problem of this very fast and
effective technique concerning bovine proteins is the intensities of corresponding MS signals of the light and
fact, that only about 1400 bovine proteins are known so the heavy version of labelled peptides. With the two
far (Swiss-Prot Release 40.42, 31-Jan-2003). As a methodologies, classical 2-D gels and ICAT technique,
consequence, in case of unknown proteins, we will it is intended to find the differences in protein expression
separate the peptides by microscale capillary chroma- in the reproductive tissues due to biochemical signals
tography and sequence them by electrospray ionization between embryos and their maternal environment.
tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS) (Metzger The third approach is able to link results obtained at
et al. 1994) to obtain sequence tags suitable for identi- the transcriptional level to the protein level for individ-
fication. ual proteins. The position of a protein on 2-D gels
In a second holistic approach, a recently developed cannot be predicted from genomic data due to process-
method called Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag (ICAT) ing and unknown PTMs. As a consequence, to link
(Gygi et al. 1999a) is used. This method combines the transcriptomic data to proteomic data, a specific probe
MS-based identification with accurate MS-based quan- for the efficient detection of each protein of interest is
titative comparison of the protein patterns of two necessary. The most specific and sensitive probes to
complex mixtures. The method consists of four steps detect proteins are antibodies. However, the main
(Fig. 5). First, one protein mixture (e.g. sample from a problem of the antibody production is that, in most
pregnant animal) is labelled with ICAT reagent (consists cases, the corresponding protein for immunization
of biotin, a linker and a thiol-specific reactive group), purposes is not available. To avoid this problem the
while the other mixture (e.g. sample from a non- so-called peptide-induced antibodies (PIAs) (Arnold
pregnant animal) is labelled with the ICAT reagent and Fröhlich 1998; Fröhlich and Arnold 1999) are
containing different isotopes (e.g. 2H vs 1H or 13C vs generated against proteins coded by genes found differ-
C). Secondly, the mixtures are pooled and proteins are entially expressed in the maternal environment during
digested using a proteolytic enzyme to produce small early embryonic development. The general strategy of
fragments. Thirdly, the labelled peptides are recovered PIA production is outlined in Fig. 6. In the first step
by affinity chromatography (with avidin columns) and amino acid sequences are deduced from the correspond-
finally separated and analysed by ESI-MS/MS. The ing gene or cDNA sequence and unique peptides
relative quantitation is carried out by comparing the containing appropriate antigenic determinants are
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Embryo-Maternal Communication in Bovine 285

Sequence of differentially Tissue

expressed gene
atggcctggt ttgccctcta cctcctgagc cttctctggg
ctacagctgg gactagtacc cagacccaga gttcatgctc
cgttccctca gcacaggagc ccttggtcaa tggaatacaa

Selection of
In silico translation antigenic peptide



Synthesis of
the antigen


Immunization 2D-electrophoresis
of mice

2D-Western blot

Fig. 6. Concept of transcriptome

to proteome linkage

selected. In the next step we synthesize these peptides For target validation, a particular candidate gene
coupled to antigenic immunomodulators and produce needs to be overexpressed or its expression needs to be
antisera by immunization of BALB/c mice. Antisera are knocked down, depending on the direction of gene
tested against the antigen in an ELISA assay and the regulation observed during embryo-maternal interac-
corresponding protein is identified on the Western blot tion. The advent of suitable in vitro systems (e.g. Rief
of a standardized 2D gel of proteins from the appro- et al. 2002) together with recent developments in vector
priate bovine tissue. To confirm the correct identity of design (review by Kaufman 2000) as well as non-viral
the protein the detected spot is excised and analysed (review by Davis 2002) and viral gene transfer methods
with MS-based techniques. With these antibodies the (review by Palu et al. 2000) will facilitate this target
corresponding proteins are detected in a very fast validation process. The functional knock-down of spe-
(ELISA-analysis and 1D Western blotting) and sensitive cific genes by using RNA interference (RNAi) is
(lower fmol range) way, and the presence of different becoming an increasingly important tool for the study
protein amounts is verified in the reproductive tissue of gene functions in mammalian cells (review by
samples of pregnant and non-pregnant animals. Finally, Hannon 2002).
the antisera can be used for other studies e.g. for the As a long-term goal, signalling mechanisms identified
subcellular localization by immunohistochemical meth- in bovine will also be functionally evaluated in other
ods or to enrich the corresponding protein by immuno- species, including the human. This will identify con-
affinity purification or immunoprecipitation. served pathways of embryo-maternal communication
and unravel species-specific differences.
Biotechnological applications in animal breeding
Future Perspectives include strategies to augment important signals in the
The proposed combination of in vitro and in vivo embryo-maternal dialogue, increasing the pregnancy
systems with state-of-the-art analytical tools of tran- rate following embryo transfer and avoiding embryonic
scriptomic and proteomic research should reveal a losses. Important embryonic pregnancy recognition
plethora of candidate genes and gene products which signals could be expressed as recombinant proteins
may be involved in embryo-maternal interactions. The and added to the transfer medium. Recombinant IFNs
major challenge will then be to select the functionally administered locally into the uterus of cows prolonged
relevant candidate genes and gene products and exploit the life span of the corpus luteum (Meyer et al. 1995).
them scientifically and economically. However, studies on the effect of this protein in a larger
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286 E Wolf et al.

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