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Flow and Transport Numerical

Simulation in the Yucatan Northwest

Karstic Coastal Aquifer
C. Canul-Macario*, P. Salles*,+, J. A. Hernández-Espriú** and R. Pacheco Castro*
* Engineering and Coastal Process Laboratory, Sisal, Yucatan, Mexico. Engineering Institute, UNAM (e-mail:;;
+ National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (

** Hydrogeolgy Group, Engineering Faculty, UNAM (E-mail:


Continent Coast
P8 P5 P7a
Coastal zones are important development regions in the world and aquifers Confining Layer

Fresh Water Concentration Boundary (1 gr/l)

are the main water supply for fresh water for coastal populations. Numerical

Hydrostatic Specified Head Bound. (Tide)

Salt Concentration Boundary (35 gr/l)
modelling is a tool for improving management strategies in coastal aquifers

Flux General Head Bound

(Werner et al., 2013; Ketabchi et al., 2016). This work shows a numerical
simulation of flow and saline interface in karstic aquifer of northwest
Yucatan (Mexico). Regional


Figure 3. Model Implementation.
Hydrogeologic Characterization
2D numerical simulation of flow and transport (600 columns and 27 layers) were implemented using the SEAWAT
Data Collection Literature + Field Data 2000 (Guo & Langevin, 2002) for a coastal transect. Time series of 10 days of hydraulic heads and salinity
profiles were used to calibrate: (a) the groundwater flow, (b) the off-shore tide propagation into the aquifer
and (c) the fresh water – salt water interface. Model is inspired in anisotropic dispersive Henry problem
Aquifer Conceptuals Models (M1-Homegeneous, M2-Lateral (Abarca et al. 2007).
Heterogenous, M3-Vertical Heterogeneous)
Multiples models configurations were implemented due to uncertainty in conceptual model: (a) homogeneous
anisotropic aquifer, (b) lateral heterogeneous anisotropic aquifer and (c) vertical heterogeneous anisotropic
aquifer, this methodology is recommended in heterogeneous aquifer simulations (Gondwe et al., 2011).
Conceptual Model + Field Data
Calibration criteria were: hydraulic head and salinity evolution, and in addition, were added the tide
Groundwater Numerical Model Calibration amplitude and phase, and regional aquifer discharge for improve the calibration of the model. M2 (Lateral
Heterogeneous) is the model that fittest for flow and transport simulation.
Figure 1. Methodology flux diagram. Heterogeneous models shows better flow and transport fit than homogeneous model, and shows best capability
for simulate the saline interface in the study zone. This implementation allows to evaluate and understand the
interaction of the regional forcings of the coastal aquifer.
Figure 2.
3. FIELD SITE Study Zone

Figure 4. Aquifer
Hydraulic Head


Figure 5.
The NW Coastal Aquifer of Yucatán is located at SW of Mexican Republic Salinity
in a tertiary and quaternary rocks. The study zone is defined for a
confined coastal karstic aquifer. Regional groundwater flow is
perpendicular to the coast with a low hydraulic gradient 1X10-5 m/m
(Villasuso et al., 2011).

Theoretical simplifications in karstic aquifers allows the construction of numerical models that This project is the first study from the Coastal Hydrogeology group of the
can be used for management purposes and to improve our understanding of the functioning of Engineering and Coastal Processes Laboratory (LIPC) and the National Coastal
the aquifer. Resilience Laboratory (LANRESC).
Multiple conceptual models provides an opportunity to evaluate different hypotheses about the It will be linked in 2019 with the Yucatan Coastal Observatory and with
aquifer behavior. Numerical assessment of results for different conceptual models can suggest transdisciplinary projects of the National Coastal Resilience Laboratory and with the
the optimal configuration for flow and transport simulation. School of Earth Science of the University of Bristol.

Abarca, Elena, Jesús Carrera, Xavier Sánchez-Vila, and Marco Dentz. 2007. “Anisotropic Dispersive Henry Problem.” Advances in Water Resources 30 in Coastal Aquifers: Review and Integration.” Journal of Hydrology 535. Elsevier B.V.:235–55.
(4):913–26. Villasuso-Pino, M., I. Sanchez y Pinto, C. Canul Macario, G. Baldazo Escobedo, R. Casares Salazar, J. Souza Cetina, P. Poot
Gondwe, Bibi R N, Gonzalo Merediz-Alonso, and Peter Bauer-Gottwein. 2011. “The Influence of Conceptual Model Uncertainty on Management Decisions for Euan, and C. Pech. 2011. “Hydrogeology And Conceptual Model Of The Karstic Coastal Aquifer In Northern Yucatan State,
a Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystem in Karst.” Journal of Hydrology 400 (1–2). Elsevier B.V.:24–40. Mexico.” Tropical and SubtroTropical Agroecosystems 13:243–60.
Guo, Weixing, and Christian D. Langevin. 2002. User’s Guide to SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Three-Dimensional Variable-Density Ground- Werner, Adrian D., Mark Bakker, Vincent E.A. Post, Alexander Vandenbohede, Chunhui Lu, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, Craig T.
Water Flow. USGS Techniques of Water Resources Investigations. Miami Florida: USGS. Simmons, and D. A. Barry. 2013. “Seawater Intrusion Processes, Investigation and Management: Recent Advances and Future
Ketabchi, Hamed, Davood Mahmoodzadeh, Behzad Ataie-Ashtiani, and Craig T. Simmons. 2016. “Sea-Level Rise Impacts on Seawater Intrusion Challenges.” Advances in Water Resources 51. Elsevier Ltd:3–26

This project has received funding from the National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (LANRESC) and

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