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Daastaan-e-Dum Pukht

The ancient tradi�on of Dum cooking came into its own in

18th Century Awadh.

His kingdom in the grip of faine, Nawab Asaf-ud-Daulah, ini�ated

a food for work programme employing thousands in the construc�on of
the exquisite Bara Imambara. Large cauldrons were filled with rice,
meat, vegetables and spices, then sealed to make a simple, one-dish meal
that was available to workers, day and night. Then, one day, the Nawab
caught a whiff of the aromas emana�ng from the cauldron and the royal
kitchen was ordered to serve the dish.

Refined to please the royal palate, Dum cooking gradually spread to other
Indian courts - Hyderabad, Kashmir, Bhopal... in each, the maestros who
supervised the kitchen added their own dis�nc�ve magic.

Which is why Dum Pukht serves as not just a

cuisine, but an experience that goes beyond the mere sa�sfac�on of
appe�te to the realm of sensuality: an evoca�ve presenta�on of aromas,
flavours and textures, that pays tribute to an apprecia�on of the finer
things in life to become A Great Cuisine.

A la Carte Menu






Single Diner Menu

Set Menu

The word shorba, which comes from
the Persian ‘shor’ combined with ‘ba’ to mean a
saline drink, is a curry which usually has
the consistency of soup. Tradi�onally prepared by
keeping the handi on a slow fire to
simmer overnight, the result is a refreshingly
rich nutri�ous extract, delicately
imbued with the varied flavours of herbs and
spices, for a deliciously invigora�ng experience.

Generally rich and full bodied, shorbas
come from a tradi�on of cooking that has
been around for almost 9000 years.
Shorbas present the delectable world of soups
and broths that are indigenous to this region.
Fom delicately flavoured vegetable soups to
robust meat broths and stews, shorbas offer
delicious and healthy op�ons with which
to begin your meal.

Shorba Timater 600

A delicious soup of tomatoes, cumin and fresh green coriander,
garnished with crackling wheat crisps.

Shorba Pubahar 580

Shorba of len�ls cooked with fresh ginger, coriander and chillies,
served with a sprinkling of ground cumin and a dash of lemon juice.

Shorba Shahi Pasand 630

An ineffably fragrant, clear soup made by slow cooking chicken
drums�cks with cloves, cinnamon and saffron.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

Requiring a truly refined sensibility,
the perfectly cooked kabab - juicy, flavourful
and succulent - is made in an astonishing variety
of ways - over open fires, stone slabs, griddles,
using different cuts of meats and now
even vegetables, which are marinated in myriad
ways, ground some�mes and even string bound
for a delectable range of flavours and textures.

Though found throughout the world today, the
ubiquitous kabab came into prominence in India,
where it flourished prodigiously.

In India, local tradi�ons have fused and

been infused over the centuries with subtle,
aroma�c and regal Mughal and Awadhi
styles to create a truly stunning variety of
delectable, mouth-watering kababs - each
dis�nctly spiced, marinated and cooked as
part of a completely separate tradi�on in
kabab prapara�on.

Dudiya Kabab 1645
Roundels of co�age cheese, filled with spiced, mashed potatoes,
shallow fried and finished on dum.

Kham Khatai 1645

Delicate aroma�c pa�es of green moong len�ls, spiced with
brown cardamom seeds, blades of mace and saffron, pan grilled
in bu�er for a crisp bite.

Kabab Labgeer 1645

Delicate aroma�c pa�es of beetroot and len�ls, spiced with
brown cardamom seeds, blades of mace and saffron. Pan grilled
in bu�er to crisp.

Harra Kabab Awadhi 1645

Delicately flavoured kababs of spinach and chana dal,
stuffed with co�age cheese, pan grilled in bu�er and served
with a sprinkling of fenugreek.

Seekh Nilofari 1645

Mix of puffed lotus seeds and lotus stem, flavoured with
fresh herbs, mace and green cardamom, grilled on a skewer
and sprinkled with aroma�c kabab masala.

Jhinga Dum Nisha 2940

Jumbo prawns marinated in cheese and hung yoghurt,
flash cooked in a tandoor and finished on dum, served with a
delicate saffron-flavoured seafood chutney.

Mahi Dariya 1950

Fillet of river Sole, marinated with green chilli, cloves and
cinnamon, dipped in bu�ermilk ba�er, flavoured with royal
cumin seeds and fried to light golden crispness then sprinkled
with lemon juice.

Murgh Chandi Tikka 2230

Tikka of chicken dipped in an aroma�c royal cumin marinade,
grilled in the tandoor before being finished on dum.

Seekh Gilafi Dum Pukht 1870

Minced chicken kabab, laced with crispy juicy tomatoes and
capsicum, complemented with pungent green chillies and

Dum Pukht Kakori 2390

A delicate melt-in-your-mouth kabab of finely minced lamb,
flavoured with cloves and cinnamon, wrapped around a skewer
and chargrilled, served with a sprinkling of saffron.

Habibia Chops 1900

Lamb chops marinated with black cumin, black pepper, figs
and malt vinegar, then cooked on a griddle before being
finished on dum.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Qorma, Qaliya,
Salan & Nehari
Typically, dum cooking uses
a round, heavy-bo�omed pot, a handi, in which
food is �ghtly sealed and cooked over a slow fire.
There are two main aspects to this style
of cooking; bhunao and dum, or ‘roas�ng’ and
‘maturing’ of a prepared dish.

Herbs and spices play a cri�cal role.

Many are chosen for their healing and
nutri�ve proper�es as much as to enhance
flavours. Each dish has its own selec�on
of spices that enrich it. The process of slow roas�ng
gently persuades each to release maximum flavour.

This is why the presence or absence of a single

herb or spice makes such a remarkable difference.

The innova�on of Mughal cuisine gave India two major styles of
cooking curry: the indulgent qorma and the equally rich qaliya.
Any curry that isn’t either a qorma or a qaliya is
almost automa�cally, a salan.

Salan has become a generic term for any spiced, aroma�c dish.
Completely indigenous to this region, qaliyas and salans represent
the most popular culinary methods in India - yielding gravies and
stews that always excite the senses and delight the palate.

Nehari is a delectable example of muqawwiyat - a carefully and

deliberately invented a�tude or recommenda�on for a special
category of foods. Tradi�onally, cooked overnight in pots that are
buried in the ground with burning coals atop their lids, nehari is a
richly nutri�onal, delicious stew of tender morsels of meat.
The most indulgent flavours of nehari emerge from the meat itself,
par�cularly the unique texture brought to the dish by
stewing bone marrow.

Qasr-e-pukhtan 1950
Paneer cubes simmered in a silky fresh tomato gravy,
flavoured with royal cumin seeds and dried fenugreek leaves.

Arbi Qaliya 1650

Colocasia in a turmeric accented yoghurt and onion gravy,
with Dum Pukht garam masala.

Guncha-wa-Qeema Dum Pukht 1840

Chopped florets of cauliflower, tempered with asofoe�da,
cooked with capsicum, ginger and tomato diced, with a hint of
dried mango powder.

Subz Miloni 1870

A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth green
purée of spinach, flavoured with white cumin seeds and
garam masala.

Mirch Baingan ka Salan 1760

Large whole green chillies and baby eggplant, simmered in a
velvet smooth gravy of yoghurt, tamarind, coconut and peanut.

Dum Pukht Badin Jaan 1650

Slices of round brinjals marinated, shallow fried and topped
with tomato concasse and garlic-flavoured spiced yoghurt,
and finished on dum.

Aloo Bukhara Kofta Salan 1950

Vegetable marbles stuffed with dried plums and almonds,
simmered in a cardamom and cumin gravy.

Guchhi Subz-e-Zar 2280

Morels filled with clo�ed cream and green herbs, tossed
with spring onions, finished on dum and garnished with
ginger julienne.

Dum ke Aloo 1870

Barrel-shaped potatoes stuffed with cashews and
pomegranate seeds, finished on dum with a thick yoghurt gravy.

Maash Qaliya 1070

Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach,
fresh ginger and green chillies, tempered with white cumin
seeds and topped with browned onions.

Dal Dum Pukht 1070

Arhar len�ls cooked with yellow chillies, yoghurt and exo�cally
tempered with caramelised garlic.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Jhinge ka Salan 2940
Prawns simmered in a turmeric and fenugreek flavoured
yoghurt gravy, and finished on dum.

Mahi Sarson 2280

Fillet of Kolkata Bek� coated with mustard seed paste,
cooked on dum, served with a garnish of fresh coriander and
julienne of ginger soaked in lemon juice.

Murgh Kundan Qaliya 2340

Morsels of chicken braised on dum with turmeric and whole
spices, drizzled with saffron and garnished with gold leaf.

Murgh Khushk Purdah 2340

A resplendent dish of boneless chicken, cured with star
anise-scented marinade, grilled in the tandoor and dum cooked
with an assortment of vegetables and a sprinkling of mace,
behind a purdah of puff pastry.

Murgh Handi Qorma 2340

Boneless drums�cks of chicken, simmered in brown onion,
garlic and yoghurt gravy, perfumed with saffron and rosewater
and garnished with almond slivers.

The Grand Mughal Roast 3025

Dum Pukht Master Chef’s crea�on of Royalty’s whole chicken
braised on dum with sugarcane vinegar, pickle spices and
vegetables. Recommend having this with ‘Haldi Ro�’.

Murgh Rizala 2280

Boneless chicken scented with Indian herbs and green chillies,
dum cooked in a semi-white gravy of yoghurt and almonds.

Dum Pukht Koh-e-Awadh 2390

The Chef’s recipe for a qorma of elegantly exposed lamb
shanks, dum cooked in their own cardamom-�nged juices
and marrow, finished with saffron.

Raan-e-Dum Pukht 3440

Leg of lamb marinated in dark rum, stuffed with onions,
pickled garlic and cheese, cooked on dum.

Shahi Nehari 2390

Prime cuts of lamb, cooked overnight with aroma�c potli
masala, then assimilated with extract of Basma� rice, in milk
and almond paste.

Diwani Handi 2280

Select cuts of lamb simmered on low heat in a sealed handi,
with seasonal vegetables and aroma�c herbs, sprinkled with
mace and cardamom.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Naan, while a specific style of preparing bread,
can also be used generically to denote the en�re
gamut of leavened and unleavened breads
eaten with this cuisine. Flavoured in myriad ways
to compliment the different dishes of this grand cuisine,
these breads can some�mes be so elaborate,
they are meals unto themselves.

Choose from this indulgent collec�on of breads

for the perfect accompaniment to your meal.

Bread features prominently in all cultures
of the world. In India, as in many other cultures,
to break bread with someone means
that you have accepted them into your circle
of trusted friends. Throughout this region,
most flatbreads are made with milled flour,
either a�a or maida, and water. The astonishingly
varied methods of cooking them have allowed for an
extremely wide selec�on of breads in India.

Khamiri Roti 290
Whole wheat sour dough bread, baked in a tandoor.

Taftan Dum Pukht 190

A unique and flaky, part-puff pastry, part-leavened refined flour
bread, topped with melon seeds and baked in the rare iron tandoor.

Tara Naan 190

Refined flour bread made with semolina and milk, topped with
almond flakes.

Warqi Paratha 360

Exo�c ajwain-flavoured mul�-layered bread, baked in clay tandoor.

Rogani Roti 360

Whole wheat bread, enriched with aroma�c ghee and cooked
on a griddle on low heat.

Haldi Roti 290

Turmeric flavoured whole wheat bread, enriched with semolina
and aroma�c ghee and cooked on a griddle on low heat.

Mande 360
Paper-thin whole wheat flour bread, cooked on an inverted
dome-shaped griddle.

Naan-e-Bah Khummach 370

Leavened semolina and whole wheat flour bread, sprinkled
with poppy seeds and aniseed, baked in a tandoor.

Also prepared with Aashirvaad Sugar Release Control A�a,

a natural grain mix, high in protein and fibre with a low
Glycaemic Index, clinically tested to GI values below 55.

Please advise the Service Associate of your preference.

Contains Gluten

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
A wonderful aroma�c prepara�on in which
rice is cooked on dum with meats or vegetables
and infused with the fragrance of an assortment
of spices, Biranj covers a wide range of dishes.

What is common across all is their delectable

aroma, in which each grain of the finest
long-grained Basma� rice sings its individual
fragrant song.

In the world of rice prepara�ons, biranj
embraces the more delicate side of cooking
by bringing together a range of aroma�c
spices and refined techniques. At present,
there are seven dis�nct styles of cooking
Biryani within the South Asian Region alone:
Awadhi, Calcu�an, Hyderabadi, Memoni,
Sindhi, Sri Lankan and Tahari. Each of these styles
differ according to family tradi�ons,
recent innova�ons and ingredients.

Guchhi Pulao 2060

Saffron-seasoned Basma� rice, cooked with morels, stuffed
with herbed cheese and finished in a sealed handi with
cardamom; served with spiced yoghurt.

Subz Biryani 1840

Seasonal vegetables and Basma� rice cooked on dum in a
subtly-flavoured vegetable stock.

Murgh Yakhni Pulao 2230

Pulao of spring chicken and long-grain Basma� rice,
flavoured with aroma�c spices.

Dum Pukht Biryani 2365

Basma� rice and lamb, simmered with mace, i�ar and kewra,
finished on dum in a sealed handi.

Jhinga Pulao 2450

Basma� rice simmered with succulent prawns flavoured with
clove powder, i�ar and kewra, finished in a sealed handi.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

The dessert, as the grand finale
to a lavish meal, demands an exquisite balance of
flavour and texture, the crea�on of which
has always been acknowledged as a specialised art.
But, whether hot, cold, exo�c, rich or
melt-in-your-mouth light, desserts are an inspira�on
towards complete sa�sfac�on, garnished with
a gossamer film of gold or silver - the crowning touch
to a grand cuisine experience.

Mithai or meetha reflects a culture of
indulgence and revelry and are vital to
fes�vi�es and celebra�ons across India.
Most mithai are actually quite easy to
make and can be simply divided into
two separate categories: those that are
milk-based, and those that are flour-based,
flavoured by a selec�on of spices like
cardamom, clove, kewra and saffron.
There is also a smaller category of Indian
dessert that are made from fruit.

Shahi Tukda 655
An exo�c dessert of saffron rabri, spread on a slice of
syrup-soaked homemade bread, garnished with silver leaf,
pistachios and almonds.

Shahed-e-Jaam 655
A large gulab jamun filled with pistachios and almonds
and dipped in a saffron-honey syrup.

Kulfi Badshah Pasand 655

Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi, served crowned
with a gold leaf.

Gulab ki Kheer 655

Rice, delicately cooked on low heat with milk and rose petals,
garnished with pistachio and silver leaf.

Lauz Gahun Gondi 655

A classic pudding made with whole wheat and edible gum resin.

Kesari Phirini 655

Milk reduced with rice, flavoured with saffron and cardamom.

Zauk-e-Shahi 655
Khoya dumplings in saffron-flavoured reduced milk.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Single Diner Menu
INR 2,200 plus taxes per person


Harra Kabab Awadhi

Delicately flavoured kababs of spinach and chana dal, stuffed with co�age cheese,
pan grilled in bu�er and served with a sprinkling of fenugreek.

Dudiya Kabab
Roundels of co�age cheese, filled with spiced, mashed potatoes,
shallow fried and finished on dum.

Paneer cubes simmered in a silky fresh tomato gravy, flavoured with royal cumin
seeds and dried fenugreek leaves.


Subz Miloni
A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth green purée of spinach,
flavoured with white cumin seeds and garam masala.

Maash Qaliya
Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach, fresh ginger and green chillies,
tempered with white cumin seeds and topped with browned onions.

Choice of Indian Bread

Subz Biryani
Seasonal vegetables and Basma� rice cooked on dum in a
subtly-flavoured vegetable stock.

Kulfi Badshah Pasand

Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi, served crowned with a gold leaf.


Khoya dumplings in saffron-flavoured reduced milk.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

Single Diner Menu
INR 2,275 plus taxes per person


Dum Pukht Kakori

A delicate melt-in-your-mouth kabab of finely minced lamb, flavoured with cloves and
cinnamon, wrapped around a skewer and chargrilled, served with a sprinkling of saffron.

Seekh Gilafi Dum Pukht

Minced chicken kabab, laced with crisp juicy tomatoes and capsicum,
complemented with pungent green chillies and onions.

Murgh Handi Qorma

Boneless drums�cks of chicken, simmered in brown onion, garlic and yoghurt gravy,
perfumed with saffron and rosewater and garnished with almond slivers.


Shahi Nehari
Prime cuts of lamb, cooked overnight with aroma�c potli masala,
then assimilated with extract of Basma� rice, in milk and almond paste.

Maash Qaliya
Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach, fresh ginger and green chillies,
tempered with white cumin seeds.

Choice of Indian Bread

Dum Pukht Biryani

Basma� rice and lamb, simmered with mace, i�ar and kewra,
finished on dum in a sealed handi.

Kulfi Badshah Pasand

Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi, served crowned with a gold leaf.


Khoya dumplings in saffron-flavoured reduced milk.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Single Diner Menu
INR 2,650 plus taxes per person


Dum Pukht Kakori

A delicate melt-in-your-mouth kabab of finely minced lamb, flavoured with cloves and
cinnamon, wrapped around a skewer and chargrilled, served with a sprinkling of saffron.

Jhinga Dum Nisha

Jumbo prawns marinated in cheese and hung yoghurt, flash cooked in a tandoor and
finished on dum, served with a delicate saffron-flavoured seafood chutney.

Mahi Sarson
Fillet of Kolkata Bek� coated with mustard seed paste, cooked on dum,
served with a garnish of fresh coriander and julienne of ginger soaked in lemon juice.


Shahi Nehari
Prime cuts of lamb, cooked overnight with aroma�c potli masala,
then assimilated with extract of Basma� rice, in milk and almond paste.

Maash Qaliya
Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach, fresh ginger and green chillies,
tempered with white cumin seeds.

Choice of Indian Bread

Dum Pukht Biryani

Basma� rice and lamb, simmered with mace, i�ar and kewra,
finished on dum in a sealed handi.

Kulfi Badshah Pasand

Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi, served crowned with a gold leaf.


Khoya dumplings in saffron-flavoured reduced milk.

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
Nawab Experience
INR 5,000 plus taxes per person


Please indicate your preference

Dudhiya Kabab Seekh Nilofari

Roundels of co�age cheese, filled with spiced, Mix of puffed lotus seeds and lotus stem, flavoured with
mashed potatoes, shallow fried and finished on dum. fresh herbs, mace and green cardamom, grilled on
a skewer and sprinkled with aroma�c kabab masala.

Kabab Labgeer
Delicate aroma�c pa�es of beetroot and len�ls, spiced with brown
cardamom seeds, blades of mace and saffron. Pan grilled in bu�er to crisp.

Shorba Timater
A delicious soup of tomatoes, cumin and fresh
green coriander, garnished with crackling wheat crisps.


Please indicate your preference

Qasr – e – Pukhtan Guchhi Subz - e - Zar

Paneer cubes simmered in a silky fresh tomato gravy, Morels filled with clo�ed cream and green herbs,
flavoured with royal cumin seeds and dried fenugreek tossed with spring onions and finished on dum
leaves. and garnished with ginger juliennes.

Guncha Wa Qeema Dum Pukht Subz Miloni

Chopped florets of cauliflower, tempered with asafoe�da. A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth
Cooked with capsicum, ginger and tomato dices with hint of green purée of spinach flavoured with white cumin
dried mango powder. seeds and garam masala.

Mirch Baingan Ka Salan Maash Qaliya

Large whole green chillies and brinjals simmered Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach,
in a velvet smooth gravy of yogurt, tamarind, fresh ginger and green chillies. Tempered with white
coconut and peanuts. cumin seeds, topped with browned onions.

Please indicate your preference

Khamiri Roti Taftan Dum Pukht

Whole wheat sour dough bread, A unique and flaky, part puff pastry, part leavened
baked in a tandoor. refined flour bread, topped with melon seeds
and baked in the rare iron tandoor.

Warqi Paratha Mande

Exo�c ajwain flavoured mul�-layered bread, Paper wheat whole wheat flour bread,
baked in clay tandoor. cooked on an inverted dome shaped griddle.

Leavened semolina and whole wheat flour bread, sprinkled
with poppy seeds, aniseed and baked in the tandoor.

Subz Biryani
Seasonal vegetables and Basma� rice cooked on a dum in a subtly flavoured vegetable stock.
Served with Burhani Raita and Mirch Baingan Ka Salan.

Please indicate your preference

Shahi Tukda Kulfi Badshah Pasand

An exo�c dessert of saffron rabri, spread on a slice Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi,
of syrup soaked homemade bread, garnished with served crowned with gold leaf.
silver leaf, pistachio and almonds.

Add on dishes:. Vegetarian: 350 | Non Vegetarian: 500 | Seafood: 750

Contains Gluten

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

Nawab Experience
INR 5,000 plus taxes per person


Please indicate your preference

Jhinga Dum Nisha Dum Pukht Kakori

Jumbo prawns marinated in cheese and hung yoghurt, A delicate melt-in-your-mouth kabab of finely minced lamb,
flash cooked in a tandoor and finished on dum, flavoured with cloves and cinnamon, wrapped around a skewer
served with a delicate saffron-flavoured seafood chutney. and chargrilled, served with a sprinkling of saffron.

Murgh Chandi Tikka

Tikka of chicken dipped in an aroma�c royal cumin marinade,
grilled in the tandoor before being finished on dum.

Shorba Timater
A delicious soup of tomatoes, cumin and fresh
green coriander, garnished with crackling wheat crisps.


Please indicate your preference

Murgh Handi Qorma Mahi Sarson

Boneless drums�cks of chicken, simmered in brown onion, Fillet of Kolkata Bek� coated with mustard seed paste,
garlic and yoghurt gravy, perfumed with saffron and cooked on dum, served with a garnish of fresh coriander
rosewater and garnished with almond slivers. and julienne of ginger soaked in lemon juice.

Shahi Nehari Subz Miloni

Prime cuts of lamb, cooked overnight with aroma�c A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth
potli masala, then assimilated with extract of Basma� rice, green purée of spinach flavoured with white cumin
in milk and almond paste. seeds and garam masala.

Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach,
fresh ginger and green chillies. Tempered with white
cumin seeds, topped with browned onions.

Please indicate your preference

Khamiri Roti Taftan Dum Pukht

Whole wheat sour dough bread, A unique and flaky, part puff pastry, part leavened
baked in a tandoor. refined flour bread, topped with melon seeds
and baked in the rare iron tandoor.

Warqi Paratha Mande

Exo�c ajwain flavoured mul�-layered bread, Paper wheat whole wheat flour bread,
baked in clay tandoor. cooked on an inverted dome shaped griddle.

Naan-e-bah Khummach
Leavened semolina and whole wheat flour bread, sprinkled
with poppy seeds, aniseed and baked in the tandoor.

Dum Pukht Biryani
Basma� rice and lamb, simmered with mace, i�ar and kewra, finished on dum in a sealed handi.
Served with Burhani Raita and Mirch Baingan Ka Salan.

Please indicate your preference

Shahi Tukda Kulfi Badshah Pasand

An exo�c dessert of saffron rabri, spread on a slice Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi,
of syrup soaked homemade bread, garnished with served crowned with gold leaf.
silver leaf, pistachio and almonds.

Add on dishes:. Vegetarian: 350 | Non Vegetarian: 500 | Seafood: 750

Contains Gluten

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.
INR 4,500 plus taxes per person


Please indicate your preference

Dudhiya Kabab Seekh Nilofari

Roundels of co�age cheese, filled with spiced, Mix of puffed lotus seeds and lotus stem, flavoured with
mashed potatoes, shallow fried and finished on dum. fresh herbs, mace and green cardamom, grilled on a
skewer and sprinkled with aroma�c kabab masala.


Please indicate your preference

Qasr – e – Pukhtan Aloo Bukhara kofta Salan

Paneer cubes simmered in a silky fresh tomato gravy, Vegetable marbles stuffed with dried plums and almonds,
flavoured with royal cumin seeds and dried fenugreek simmered in a cardamom and cumin gravy.

Subz Miloni Maash Qaliya

A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach,
green purée of spinach flavoured with white cumin fresh ginger and green chillies. Tempered with white
seeds and garam masala. cumin seeds, topped with browned onions.

Please indicate your preference

Khamiri Roti Taftan Dum Pukht

Whole wheat sour dough bread, A unique and flaky, part puff pastry, part leavened
baked in a tandoor. refined flour bread, topped with melon seeds
and baked in the rare iron tandoor.

Warqi Paratha Mande

Exo�c ajwain flavoured mul�-layered bread, Paper wheat whole wheat flour bread,
baked in clay tandoor. cooked on an inverted dome shaped griddle.

Leavened semolina and whole wheat flour bread, sprinkled
with poppy seeds, aniseed and baked in the tandoor.

Subz Biryani
Seasonal vegetables and basma� rice cooked on a dum in a subtly flavoured vegetable stock.
Served with Burhani Raita and Mirch Baingan Ka Salan.

Please indicate your preference

Shahed-e-Jaam Kulfi Badshah Pasand

A large gulab jamun filled with pistachios and almonds Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi,
and dipped in a saffron-honey syrup. served crowned with gold leaf.

Add on dishes:. Vegetarian: 350 | Non Vegetarian: 500 | Seafood: 750

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

INR 4,500 plus taxes per person


Please indicate your preference

Murgh Chandi Tikka Dum Pukht Kakori

Tikka of chicken dipped in an aroma�c royal cumin A delicate melt-in-your-mouth kabab of finely minced lamb,
marinade, grilled in the tandoor before flavoured with cloves and cinnamon, wrapped around a skewer
being finished on dum. and chargrilled, served with a sprinkling of saffron.


Please indicate your preference

Murgh Khushk Purdah Shahi Nehari

A resplendent dish of boneless chicken, cured with star Prime cuts of lamb, cooked overnight with aroma�c
anise-scented marinade, grilled in the tandoor and potli masala, then assimilated with extract of Basma� rice,
dum cooked with an assortment of vegetables in milk and almond paste.
and a sprinkling of mace, behind a purdah of puff pastry.


A mélange of seasonal vegetables cooked in a smooth Split green moong len�ls, slow cooked with spinach,
green purée of spinach flavoured with white cumin fresh ginger and green chillies. Tempered with white
seeds and garam masala. cumin seeds, topped with browned onions.

Please indicate your preference

Khamiri Roti Taftan Dum Pukht

Whole wheat sour dough bread, A unique and flaky, part puff pastry, part leavened
baked in a tandoor. refined flour bread, topped with melon seeds
and baked in the rare iron tandoor.

Warqi Paratha Mande

Exo�c ajwain flavoured mul�-layered bread, Paper wheat whole wheat flour bread,
baked in clay tandoor. cooked on an inverted dome shaped griddle.

Naan-e-bah Khummach
Leavened semolina and whole wheat flour bread, sprinkled
with poppy seeds, aniseed and baked in the tandoor.

Dum Pukht Biryani
Basma� rice and lamb, simmered with mace, i�ar and kewra, finished on dum in a sealed handi.
Served with Burhani Raita and Mirch Baingan Ka Salan.

Please indicate your preference

Shahed-e-Jaam Kulfi Badshah Pasand

A large gulab jamun filled with pistachios and almonds Creamy saffron and pistachio kulfi,
and dipped in a saffron-honey syrup. served crowned with gold leaf.

Add on dishes:. Vegetarian: 350 | Non Vegetarian: 500 | Seafood: 750

Contains Gluten

Vegetarian Non Vegetarian

All prices are in Indian Rupees. All government taxes as applicable will be extra. In case of allergy to any ingredient, please inform our service associates.

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