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New Species, Subclasses,

Magic Items
170+ New Madness Options!

THE SYSTEM As the comet feels the pull of Sol lessen, another massive force
tugs at it. The planet Jupiter, or Apex, looms large next to it. The
birthplace of dwarves, humans, halflings, dragons, and more, it is
The League of Magics campaign setting takes place also the home of elves and their expansive and diverse empire. It
in the System. A collection of space-faring races live is a world that has suffered through eons of war and timidly waits
on the various moons and planets within what we
in its quiet peace.
know as the Solar System. This setting mixes and
blends the ideas of traditional fantasy with our real-
world solar system and science fiction elements.
Ganya is the largest moon of Jupiter, Ganymede. This
Unlike other settings, the worlds of the League of land is highly resistant to human interference, and it
Magics are not planets, but satellites of gas giants. maintains many of the traditional fantasy setting
This can raise interesting questions about certain tropes. There are various kingdoms and warring
roles the moons play for many creatures, species, nations, filled with vast untamed lands that no one
curses, or magical diseases. dares to spend too long in. Most humanoid races, such
as dwarves, elves, gnomes, and halflings, can be found
on this world.
EARTH You will also find a more traditional human-like race
called Myrenceans. They are identical to humans from
Earth, but have the ability to harness magic. Most
The passing comet sails into the System at millions of miles per people on Ganya find humans from Earth to be ill-
hour, passing by the first hospitable planet, closest to the omens due to their lack of magic. In addition, humans
burning ball of hydrogen. Earth, the pale blue dot, hosts a race of from Earth are magically marked with a tattoo that
ingenuity, unity, and exploration. A race of nonmagical people covers a part of their face when they enter Ganya’s
conquering their own domain through technology and sheer atmosphere. People of Ganya believe this is the planet
force of will. marking the “Unmagik’d.”

This Earth is nearly identical to our own world, with an
altered timeline, resulting in a familiar yet different
human civilization. The Earth humans are united in the
The comet reaches the next world, Titan, outside of the
expansion of their people to new worlds and learning
dangerous asteroid belt. This habitable moon of the massive
more about the fantastical lands before them. Humans
planet Saturn, or Mother, brims with life and culture. It is the land
are known in the System for their lack of ability to
harness magic, instead relying on strange mechanical of the beasts which opened their mighty paws, hooves, and
behemoths to traverse the System in lieu of magically wings for the new arrival of Earth humans. This world has seen
imbued space-faring vessels. the devastation of war, as well as the constructive nature of
friendships and alliances.
They also have an array of unique equipment only
available to humans called the Earthen Armory.
Humans are unique for their inventions of firearms and Titan is Saturn's moon of the same name. It is vastly
various other military equipment. The Earth human different from Ganya in its racial makeup and
civilizations in this setting take on a retro futurist relationship with humans. Titan is home to the many
aesthetic with a modern and progressive cultural bestial and elemental races of the System. Much of the
stance. While concepts such as racism and sexism exist world is ruled over by the four Ancient Races:
within all cultures, Earth human culture has minotaurs, centaurs, gryffons, and lodantes. Other
significantly advanced forward as compared to our races such as torts & turts, elementally suffused,
own timeline. serpens, and triton also exist here in the tropical
regions of the Serpent’s Maw.

The lodantes of Mokandu have built a strong

relationship with Earth humans, working together to
create incredible works of arcana-mechanical devices.


As the comet sails past the last known world to hold life, Spes
Nova can be seen. As the sun comes over the world, the snowy
tops of the mountains that litter the occurring surface glisten.
Just as the world is leaving view, a small dash of green becomes
visible. It is a land of new hope for a race of people created solely
for war.


Shortly after Kronos created the Tieflings to spite

BASTARD OF Apex, many other Greater Sorcerers saw this as an

opportunity to experiment and toy with their
existing creations. Emboldened by his lead, Fellara

MADNESS took it upon herself to tinker with the creations of

Yuris and infuse them with arcane magics. She
merged forms into one and suffused some of Yuris’
beasts with transmutative magics, morphing them
Long before the Sorcerers even seeded Ganya with into something else entirely.
their First Kind, Ryras, the Unknown, attacked one During her time of wanton creation and
of his own kind. While Ijuva was alone working on manipulation, some of the earliest monstrosities
her plans for the various loving bonds that would fill were formed such as the chimera, ettercaps,
the world, Ryras assaulted her. She was left griffons, and the feared purple worms. Another
wounded and harmed, but her two sisters quickly name she is called is the “Mother of the World
came to her aid. It was this heinous act that Enders” as many cults to her name credit her with
banished Ryras and made him a Rogue Sorcerer. the creation of some of the most powerful terrestrial
Months later, the attack resulted in the formation beings such as the Kraken and Tarrasque. Her
of the first Sorcerous Child, Whuzar. Ijuva raised the followers claim she made these beings to be her
child with as much love as she could muster, but ever-present eyes on both the land and sea of Ganya.
even her loving magics could not change what
Whuzar truly was. A being born from pain and
trauma by a servant loyal to the Void. Torn between
the violent ends of the Void and the loving
tenderness of the Sorcerers, Whuzar war destined
for a mind split in two, creating one of pure
Though able to be contained by his mother’s love
for a time, Whuzar’s instability and destructive
nature forced the Sorcerers to exile him from their
ranks shortly after the creation of the First Kind.
While not inherently evil, Whuzar’s domain of
madness is an immense source of power and magic.
Some warlocks swear pacts to all forms of chaos that
trace their origins back to Whuzar, while some
monks of the Yellow Robes have harnessed the
power of madness to inflict upon their enemies.

While many of the Sorcerers were building the
beautiful creations we have today, some had more
twisted machinations, wishing to make a mockery of
theirs sibling’s creations. These Sorcerers are
viewed as evil and are worshiped by disparate cults
or power-hungry madmen and mages.


Rogue Sorcerers

Sorcerer Realm Alignment

Kronos Tieflings, Corruption, Domination LE

Onrumillai Darkness, Finality, Nihilism CN

Whuzar Madness CE

Laozed Gluttony, Caverns NE

Xanthin The Underdark, Aberrations CE

Fellara Monstrosities, Arcane Manipulation CE

Vanice Undeath Supremacy LE

Sarqen The Void & Mystery LE

Her Majesty of Web Spiders, Deception, Shadows CE


After the Sorcerers failed in their first attempt at During the time when elves were still within the
creating life on Ganya, they took time to craft a new feywild, a collection of the earliest mages began
species, the elves, on the Feywild. When they were extensive research into the plane of magic that they
done maturing after two generations, the Sorcerers were connected to. They were the founders of some
brought them to Ganya, and began to create new of the earliest schools of magic such as Evocation,
species such as the dwarves, humans, gnomes, and Abjuration, and Illusion and called themselves the
more. But one Sorcerer despised the direction his Mystrian Collective.
brothers and sisters were taking with their One of these mages, named Vanice, delved deep
creations. He found them weak, feeble, and prone into the capabilities of the necromancy. At first this
to domination from anything stronger. did not concern many of the others within the
Hidden from the gaze of Apex’s Eye, Kronos struck collective as his discoveries lead to some of the
a deal with the lord of the Many Hells, Asmodeus. earliest healing magics, and was even capable of
He based his creation of the fiery devils of the hells, raising the recently deceased back to life. Some
and used the Spark of Hellfire to imbue them with argued the strength of its offensive capabilities were
Asmodeus’ gift. He called these baleful creations, a danger, but others contested the evocation magic
Tieflings, and wished to spread them across Ganya held just as much destructive force.
to dominate and rule over the other Sorcerer’s With his studies left unchecked, Vanice soon
“lesser creations”. became enthralled with the darker side of this newly
Once Kronos created his first generation, and formed school of magic. He began raising older
seeded them on to Ganya, the other Sorcerers exiled corpses found buried in the ground to use as his
him from their world, and from the Divine servants, and soon had abandoned bringing people
Observation Deck, leaving him to wander the to life, instead only using his magics to bring back
universe alone. He fled to the world Ganyans call people as his thralls or minions. By the time the
Kronos, or Pluto to Earth Humans. Seldom seen, and Greater Sorcerers were ready to move their creations
rarely documented are beings known as the to the Material Plane, Vanice had amassed enough
Kronations, the second creation of Kronos. These necrotic energy to forge a Dark Shard of Divinity, a
beings are bipedal insectoid creatures with shard of pure necrotic magic that could instill
advanced alien technologies and protective permanent undeath upon himself, creating a dark
carapaces that cover their bodies. Cultists and reflection of divinity.
worshipers of Kronos pray for his return to claim The Sorcerers at the time refused to allow such a
Ganya under his rule and abolish the remaining being into their ranks or to rule over their newly
Greater Sorcerers. reforged world. They instead banished him to the
Plane of Shadow, opposite of the Feywild, in hopes
of containing him.
ONRUMILLAI, THE INEVITABLE END In the thousands of years since this time, Vanice
has amassed his own domain on the Plane of
Even more enigmatic than Laozed, the Cavern Shadow. Those who study deep enough into
Lord is Onrumillai, the Inevitable End. This being necromantic magics can find his whispers reaching
remains a mystery to even the most knowledgeable their minds and subtly influencing their actions. It
mages and time-tested elvish scholars. Records of leads them toward a path of undeath supremacy,
seeing this being date as far back as written records and ultimately working towards Vanice’s plans.
can attest, and even oral records before them speak
of this alien entity.
A common description of Onrumillai includes a
swirling mass of what appears to be pure blackness,
pulling people toward it by its sheer force of will. All
light in the area becomes darkness, absorbed and
consumed by the being. Those who come to
experience Onrumillai’s presence are soon
overcome with a since of despair, nihilism, and
Over the centuries, cults have formed around this
belief of hopelessness, that the world and universe
will ultimately end in a whimper, and that any
actions taken in life are meaningless in the totality of
the universe.


In a typical campaign, characters aren’t driven mad
by the horrors they face and the carnage they inflict
day after day, but sometimes the stress of being an
adventurer can be too much to bear. If your
campaign has a strong horror theme, you might
want to use madness as a way to reinforce that
theme, emphasizing the extraordinarily horrific
nature of the threats the adventurers face.


Various magical effects can inflict madness on an A calm emotions spell can suppress the effects of
otherwise stable mind. Certain spells, such as madness, while a lesser restoration spell can rid a
contact other plane and symbol, can cause insanity, character of a short-term or long-term madness.
and you can use the madness rules here instead of Depending on the source of the madness, remove
the spell effects of those spells. Diseases, poisons, curse or dispel evil might also prove effective.
and planar effects such as psychic wind or the
howling winds of Pandemonium can all inflict A greater restoration spell or more powerful magic is
madness. Some artifacts can also break the psyche required to rid a character of indefinite madness.
of a character who uses or becomes attuned to
Resisting a madness-inducing effect usually requires
a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw. The following tables can be used whenever a
character is required to roll on the madness table.
The table includes options found in the Basic Rules,
MADNESS EFFECTS as well as 90 new short-term madness 88 new long-
term madness options.
Madness can be short-term, long-term, or indefinite.
Subclasses and items later in this document will
Most relatively mundane effects impose short-term reference short and long term madnesses. GM’s are
madness, which lasts for just a few minutes. More welcome to use this expanded table, or the one
horrific effects or cumulative effects can result in found in the Basic Rules.
long-term or indefinite madness.

A character afflicted with short-term madness is

subjected to an effect from the Short-Term Madness
table for 1d10 minutes.

A character afflicted with long-term madness is

subjected to an effect from the Long-Term Madness
table for 1d10 × 10 hours.

A character afflicted with indefinite madness gains a

new character flaw from the Indefinite Madness
table that lasts until cured.

d100 Short-Term Madness Effect

1 The character begins narrating their actions as if a sentient, otherworldly entity were controlling their every move.

The character begins speaking in an accent that is not their own. If the character is incapable of speech, they gesticulate oddly with their hands while
2 communicating.

3-5 The creature hears everything as a song and is compelled to join in. They can only speak by singing their words.

6-8 The character believes they are invisible and will rationalize any discrepancies.

9-11 The character believes an enemy towards their goals is scrying on them, as per the scrying spell, and they can see the invisible sensor.

Adrenaline courses through the character's veins and they cannot distinguish friend from foe. The character gains advantage on all Strength-based attack
12-14 rolls and regards all creatures as hostile.

The character begins speaking in tongues. They can only communicate verbally or telepathically and can only cast spells if they know Infernal, Celestial, or
15-17 Sylvan.

The character feels tiny bugs crawling under their skin. At the start of the creature's turns if it has not taken damage since the start of its last turn, it will use
18-20 its action to try to dig out the infestation and take 1 point of slashing damage.

The character sees tiny doll-like humanoids standing behind them, only following while their back is turned to them. The character's movement speed is
21-23 reduced by half, only allowing themselves to walk backwards.

The character is compelled to consume their own blood. At the start of each of the creature's turns they use a melee weapon that deals piercing or slashing
24-26 damage and deal 1 point of damage to themselves. If the creature has no weapon, they will use their teeth or claws and instead take 2 points of piercing or
slashing damage.

27-29 The character is overcome with the sound of their own heartbeat. They are deafened.

The character believes they are a spellcaster if they are not one, and believes they are an archmage if they are one. If the character is targeted by a hostile
30-31 spell by a creature within 60 feet of it, it will always use its reaction attempting to counter the spell.

The character believes there are enemies chasing them from all sides and must constantly escape. On their turn, the creature's movement can only be taken
32-33 in a strait line in a randomly determined direction.

34-35 The character experiences an overpowering urge to eat something strange such as dirt, slime, or offal.

36-37 The character begins babbling and is incapable of normal speech or spellcasting.

38-39 The character becomes frightened and must use his or her action and movement each round to flee from the source of the fear.

The character screams at the top of its lungs when it speaks or uses a verbal component. Each time it does, it must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving
40-41 throw. After 3 failures the creature cannot speak verbally until it regains hit points.

The character is overcome with vanity. If the character sees its own reflection, it becomes incapacitated with a movement speed of 0 until it can no longer
42-43 see its reflection.

44-45 The character hyper-focuses on their breathing. They suffer disadvantage on concentration checks.

The character believes they have spontaneously combusted. At the start of each of their turns they take 1d4 psychic damage unless they use an action to put
46-47 out the flames. If they do, they flames disappear, but return after 1 minute.

The character feels the uncontrollable urge to press its skin against another surface or creature. The creature will use its movement to move to the nearest
48-49 tree, wall, statue or other Large object and gentle rub against it (no action required). If no suitable object is within the character's movement speed it will
fall prone and use half its movement speed to roll on the ground.

The character believes they are holding an infant child or animal in one of their hands. They cannot wield two-handed weapons and will drop whatever they
50-51 are holding in the hand they believe is holding the infant.


d100 Short-Term Madness Effect
The character regards a random object they are holding or wearing to be affected by the heat metal spell, even if the object is not made of metal. They take
52-53 no damage from the madness, but exhibit all other effects of the spell.
The character selects a random ally they can see. The character has disadvantage on attack rolls while more than 5 feet away from the ally. When the ally is
54-55 targeted by an attack from an attack within 5 feet of it, the character must use their reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

56-57 The character is overcome with tremors and has disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks and weapon attacks that rely on Dexterity.

The character begins ripping out chunks of hair at the end of each of its turns. If they have no hair or no hair left, they will begin scratching at their own head
58-59 or body, dealing 2 piercing damage at the end of every minute.
The character is tormented by the mistakes of their past and feel they must be punished. Before they take a hostile action or bonus action they must take
60-61 piercing damage equal to their proficiency bonus, which cannot be reduced in any way.

62-63 The character believes they are the reincarnation of a peaceful demi-god. They will not harm another creature and will evangelize their truth.

The character is terrified of the world beyond where they currently stand. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws if
64-65 it moves beyond 15 feet of the location where it gained this madness.
The character believes the dead are coming back to life. The first time on a turn the creature sees a corpse, they must use the attack action to make an attack
66-67 against it if within range.
The character believes they are a primal beast of nature, such as a bear, lion, or mighty chicken. They drop all items they are holding, will move across the
68-69 ground using all of their limbs, and only attack using natural weapons or unarmed strikes.
The character is overcome with empathy towards a random ally. Once per turn whenever the random ally takes damage, the character takes 1d6 psychic
70-71 damage.
The character becomes filled with despair and fills their allies with doubt. On the start of each of the character’ turn, they choose a random ally they can see
72-73 within 30 feet. That ally has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes. If no ally is in range, the creature does nothing on their turn.

74-75 The character experiences vivid hallucinations and has disadvantage on ability checks.

76-77 The character must use his or her action each round to attack the nearest creature.

78-79 The character is incredibly paranoid and will not consider themselves willing to any spell cast on them by another creature.

The character believes they have become a vampire. They will only attack using a Bite attack (if they have a Bite attack) or an unarmed strike if they do not
80-81 have a Bite attack.
The character becomes feral and must use their action each round to take the Attack action against the nearest creature before using their movement. If no
82-83 creature is in range, the character does nothing.
The character leaves everything to chance. Before the creature takes an Action or Bonus action it must first roll a d20. On a 1-9, the action or bonus action is
84-85 wasted. On a 10-20, the creature may take the action or bonus action normally.
The character is overcome with movement and needs to dance. They are under the effects of the irresistible dance spell. This madness ends whenever the
86-87 creature takes damage or when the madness ends normally.

88-89 The character believes they are a potted plant.

90-91 The character develops agoraphobia. The creature suffers disadvantage on attack rolls if more than one creature is within 30 feet of them.

On the start of the creature's turn, they must roll a d8. On an 8 the character believes a fireball spell has been cast in their direction. They must succeed a DC
92-93 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 8d6 psychic damage on a failure.
The character become enraged that it cannot witness its own forehead. It enters a rage as per the Barbarian's Rage feature which lasts until the madness
94 ends. The character then gains one level of exhaustion.
The character becomes suffused with fanatical energy. The first time the character is reduced to 0 hit points while mad, they drop to 1 hit point instead.
95 When this madness ends, the character gains 2 levels of exhaustion.

96 The character retreats into his or her mind and becomes paralyzed. The effect ends if the character takes any damage.

97 The character becomes incapacitated and spends the duration screaming, laughing, or weeping.

98 The character does whatever anyone tells him or her to do that isn’t obviously self-destructive.

99 The character is stunned.

100 The character falls unconscious.


d100 Long-Term Madness Effect

01-02 The character feels enfeebled and is certain they are close to death. Their spells and melee weapon attack rolls deal half damage.

The character believes the gods are watching and mocking them. They are incapable of making religion checks or appealing to or
03-04 speaking to a deity.
The character feels compelled to repeat a specific activity over and over, such as washing hands, touching things, praying, or counting
05-06 coins.

07-08 The character experiences vivid hallucinations and has disadvantage on ability checks.

The character develops a fear of being alone. They have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws if they are not
09-10 aware of any other creatures within 30 feet of them.

11-12 The character hears the regular sounds of rolling dice. They have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

The character feels like their teeth are loose and threatening to fall out. They can only eat food that is mashed or liquefied. Otherwise,
13-14 they will not eat.

15-16 The character suffers extreme paranoia. The character has disadvantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks.

The character believes they are being watched and are under constant surveillance, and are constantly distracted. On the first round of
17-18 combat they are considered surprised by any creature that takes its turn before you.
The character can tell if any person they see has committed murder in their life, as their victim's form reveal tiny wisps around them.
19-20 There is a 50% chance when they see someone that this information is incorrect.

21-22 The characters sees bugs crawling out of a persons mouth when they speak for more than one minute undisturbed.

23-24 The character regards the first person they see after gaining this madness as their true love.

25-26 The character sees all walking surfaces/roads as flooded with 6-inch deep ooze. Their movement speed is halved.

27-28 The character develops a crippling fear of the first insect it sees.

29-30 The character views everything as if it was highly saturated, multicolored, and surreal.

31-32 The character sees everyone as a large, humanoid birds. If the character looks in the mirror, they are also a bird.

33-34 The character believes the party are hallucinations of their own multiple personalities.

The character regards something (usually the source of madness) with intense revulsion, as if affected by the antipathy effect of the
35-36 Antipathy/Sympathy spell.

37-38 The character becomes incredibly sensitive and conscious of their physical appearance.

39-40 The character experiences a powerful delusion. Choose a potion. The character imagines that he or she is under its effects.

41-42 The character believes that every person they meet is an old friend.

43-44 The character sees everyone as adorable, chubby versions of themselves that speak in extra sweet voices.

45-46 The character is convinced that the first person they meet is a lycanthrope.

47-48 The character believes that they are invisible.

The character becomes attached to a “lucky charm,” such as a person or an object, and has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and
49-50 saving throws while more than 30 feet from it.


d100 Long-Term Madness Effect

51-52 The character is convinced that boulders are falling from the sky around them at random times.

53-54 The character believes they are twice as tall as they really are.

55-56 The character believes that the first humanoid they see is a sheep polymorphed into a humanoid.

57-58 The character cannot lie about personal information about themselves, as if under the effects of a zone of truth.

59-60 The character is blinded (25%) or deafened (75%).

61-62 The character hears anyone but their closest friends as speaking gibberish.

63-64 The character believes the first humanoid they see has been afflicted with an infectious disease.

The character experiences uncontrollable tremors or tics, which impose disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws
65-66 that involve Strength or Dexterity.

67-68 The character gains the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, thinking the sun is trying to harm them specifically.

The character suffers random mood swings. Whenever the character rolls initiative roll a d20. On a roll of 19-20, the character fights
69-70 alongside the nearest hostile creature until it is killed.

71-72 The character becomes terrified of the dark, and has disadvantage on ability checks while not in dim or bright light.

73-74 The character suddenly changes to a different gender. If the character has no specific gender, they may choose what gender they become.

The character becomes selfish and cruel. Whenever the character casts a spell targeting an allied creature, or attempts to provide the
75-76 Help action, they must roll a d20. On an 11 or higher they instead target themselves, or don't provide the Help action.
The character is convinced they've been poisoned, and must find an antidote by the end of the day. If the character still has this madness
77-78 at the start of a new day, they believe they have been poisoned again, even if they believed they were cured the previous day.
The character suffers from partial amnesia. The character knows who he or she is and retains racial traits and class features, but doesn’t
79-80 recognize other people or remember anything that happened before the madness took effect.
Whenever the character takes damage, he or she must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throws or be affected as though he or she failed
81-82 a saving throw against the confusion spell. The confusion effect lasts for 1 minute.

83-84 The character develops a paralyzing fear of large bodies of water.

85-86 The character is incapable of having an internal monologue.

87-88 The character believes their bones are made of glass.

89-90 The character loses the ability to speak.

91-92 The character is convinced that they are in a dream world.

93-94 The character feels constantly hungry.

95-96 The character believes that every person they meet outside the current allies is an old rival.

97-98 The character can constantly smell burning flesh.

99-00 The character falls unconscious. No amount of jostling or damage can wake the character.


You can use 10 feet of movement to step magically
Lampads are typically seen as bad omens, but they into a corpse within your reach and emerge from a
are a natural part of the process of death. Lampads second creature’s corpse within 60 feet of the first
have been known to offer their services to Dyorra, corpse, appearing in an unoccupied space within 5
the Sorcerer of Death. She uses them to usher feet of the second corpse. Both corpses must be your
powerful souls to the afterlife, or on occasion, size or larger and movement through the first corpse
directly to her. does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Lampads typically spend their existence within the You can use this ability a number of times equal to
Shadowfell, the domain of Dyorra. your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses
at the end of a long rest.


When determining your character’s ability scores,
increase one score by 2 and increase a different You are a servant of the gods using the magic of Nyx.
score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You gain the following benefits:
Follow this rule regardless of the method you use to
determine the scores, such as rolling or point buy. • You have resistance to necrotic damage.
The “Quick Build” section for your character’s class
offers suggestions on which scores to increase. You • You learn the thaumaturgy cantrip. When you
can follow those suggestions or ignore them, but reach 3rd level, you can cast the gentle repose
you can’t raise any of your scores above 20. spell with this trait without requiring a material
component. When you reach 5th level, you can
cast the speak with dead spell with this trait
CREATURE TYPE without a material component. Once you cast
You are Fey. You are also considered a nymph for gentle repose or speak with dead with this trait, you
any prerequisite or effect that requires you to be a can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish
nymph. a long rest. You can also cast either of those
spells using any spell slots you have of the
appropriate level.
Your character can speak, read, and write Common Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your
and one other language that you and your GM agree spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast
is appropriate for the character. The Basic Rules and them with this trait (choose when you select this
this source offer a list of languages to choose from. species).
The GM is free to modify that list for a campaign.

You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when
you select this species.

Your walking speed is 30 feet.

You have advantage on saving throws against spells.


Also starting at 1st level, when you hit a creature
A Madness Cleric is a devout practitioner whose with an attack you can force the creature to make a
mind has become a conduit for chaotic and Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or
enigmatic forces. Proficient with all sorts of become frightened of you until the end of your next
torturous implements, they blend physical prowess turn, and its speed is reduced to 0.
with an unsettling mastery of deception and
intimidation, using their strange insight to You can use this feature a number of times equal to
manipulate the minds of others. Striking fear into your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) and regain all
the hearts of foes, a Madness Cleric's successful expended uses at the end of a long rest.
attacks can render enemies paralyzed and frozen in
Starting at 2nd level you can use your Channel
As one delves further into the depths of madness,
Divinity to induce madness within the minds of
their abilities intensify. They gain the power to
induce temporary insanity, their shattered mind
becomes a fortress against charms and fears. In the
As an action you can force a number of creatures
chaotic dance between sanity and madness, the
within 60 feet of you, that you can see, to make a
Madness Cleric emerges as a formidable and
Charisma saving throw or suffer a random short-
unpredictable force of nature.
term madness for 1 minute. The number of creatures
is equal to 1 + half your proficiency bonus. A
DOMAIN SPELLS creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in each of its turns, or whenever it takes damage,
the Madness Domain Spells table. See the Divine ending the effect on itself on a success.
Domain class feature for how domain spells work.
You can roll on the Short-Term Madness table in the
Basic Rules, or on the Madness, Expanded table.
Madness Spells
Spell Levels Spells
1st hideous laughter, inflict wounds
2nd blindness/deafness, alter self
3rd fear, hypnotic pattern
4th confusion, compulsion
5th dream, modify memory

When you choose this domain at 1st level you gain
proficiency with martial weapons as well as the
Deception and Intimidation skills. You can use your
Wisdom score instead of your Charisma for checks
made with these skills, tapping into your strange
and warped mind.


SHATTERED MIND Hostile creatures in this area must succeed a
Wisdom saving throw against your cleric spell save
Starting at 6th level, you have advantage on saving DC at the start of each of their turns or when they
throws against being charmed, frightened or enter the area for the first time on a turn. On a
possessed and you are immune to any effect that failure, their movement speed is reduced by half,
would sense your emotions or read your thoughts. have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks,
Starting at 10th level, when you succeed on a saving and are vulnerable to psychic damage. Hostile
throw against being charmed, frightened, or creatures in this area also have disadvantage on
possessed, the creature that forced the saving throw saving throws made to resist your Induce Madness
takes psychic damage equal to your Cleric level. Channel Divinity.

BLADES OF MADNESS While you are in this state, you are placed under the
effects of the confusion spell, however you can still
At 8th level, you can inflict mind-splitting pain upon
take a bonus action any time the spell states your
your enemies with your strikes. Once on each of
turn would otherwise end. At the start of each of
your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon
your turns while in this state, you can expend a spell
attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8
slot of 2nd-level or higher to take your turn as
psychic damage to the target. When you reach 14th
normal. Once you have used this feature you cannot
level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
do so again until you have completed a long rest.


At 17th-level you can absorb the latent madness
lurking around you and within the minds of your
allies, while also sending that madness and chaos
into your enemies in a wave of yellow-tinted energy
rippling out from you in a 30-foot radius. As an
action, you can enter this state for 1 minute or until
you are incapacitated, or end it as a bonus action.

For the duration, creatures of your choice (including

yourself) in the area are immune to being charmed,
frightened, or possessed, have advantage on all
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws,
are resistant to psychic damage, and regain the
maximum amount from any healing. Creatures of
your choice in the area also deal an additional 1d8
psychic damage.


This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1

CREDITS (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
resources/systems-reference-document. TheSRD 5.1 is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at

Special Thanks

- All of my players
- Lord Terracotta for helping balance and create content

Art Credit:
Art generated using Midjourney AI



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