Qatargas Corporate Film

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cathouse history has long been shaped by

the sea

but in 1971 the sea gave us its most

precious gift the discovery of one of

the most important natural resources on


today our country has been completely

transformed the result of an ambitious

vision for a sustainable future this is

the story of a company that has helped

deliver that vision quatre gas

a story of imagination and innovation on

a quite epic scale the numbers are

extraordinary 900 trillion cubic feet of

gas covering 6,000 square kilometers up

to 3000 meters beneath the seabed

deposited over 250 million years ago the

North field cat our Earth's largest

single deposit of natural gas now

producing eleven point three billion

cubic feet of natural gas every single

day safely efficiently and reliably a

vital energy resource for the planet

touching the lives of billions of people

in every corner of the world northfield

rather sixty kilometres out to see the

heart of our offshore operations

responsible for the production of zero

to 42 million tonnes per annum of

liquefied natural gas in just 14 years

but only if we helped transform Qatar

today we're the largest producer and

supplier of LNG in the world

focaccia gasps the LNG business has all

been made possible through the inspired

vision of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin

Khalifa al-thani

the Emir of the state of Qatar a man who

dared to dream of being able to deliver

the impossible it's been an incredible

journey a pioneering story of people

innovation operating excellence and

corporate citizenship the story of

commitment and the expertise of

thousands of people who turned an

ambitious dream into reality for copper

and for upper gas the Qatari gas story

is a unique successor story during the

last two decades and 14 years since the

export of the first LNG from other gas

we have seen the whole map of the energy

industry and utter change today upper

has become the biggest LNG producer in

the world with a production capacity of

77 million tonne Qatar gas great

ambitions continue to be a reliable

supplier to the world the value chain

shipping fleet that gives us the

flexibility of diverting volumes from

one place to another to get a better

margin of our products also the value

chain when it comes to the terminal

facilities that Qatar in general has

there is a market already being set up

for our products LNG projects to go to

so this gives us the flexibility of

sending our products to a specific home

that's that's really the the advantage

that Qatar gas has because of the

shipping fleet flexibility our story

started in 1984 with one simple belief

we knew that to be able to deliver large

volumes of natural gas to all four

corners of the world we had to become a

breakthrough company we had to focus on

finding a way of building the world's

first fully integrated LNG value chain

from the extraction of gas from the

seabed to its safe and reliable delivery

on the other side of the world by

controlling every link of that chain

this would give us great economies of

scale as well as the ability to spot new

opportunities and expand to supply

potential new markets today we supply

over 20 different countries across the


partnering with Qatar Petroleum and our

initial shareholders the category now

began to start with the fleet of 10

conventional ships would effectively

operators of floating pipeline

delivering Qatar's LNG to international

markets many thousands of miles away in

1992 we concluded our first LNG sales

and purchase agreement with chubu

electric power company of Japan and a

group of seven Japanese buyers making

japan the first of many countries to

whom we would soon regularly supply with

the breakthrough deal agreed we began by

chartering our original fleet of LNG

ships this was quickly followed by the

construction of cattigan

phase 1 of our long term vision in which

three LNG trains were built each with a

production capacity of 2 million tons

per annum sited in close proximity to

the north field of rasuluh fan cattigan

would specifically help meet the energy

needs of japan the actual process of

taking raw natural gas from the seabed

and turning it to LNG for export still

follows the same liquefaction process

today as it did then

extracted from the seabed 3000 meters

below the raw gas arrives on shore at

grass Lapham into a slug catcher to

separate out the condensate from the gas

before being sent to the liquefaction

trains for processing into LNG during

the first phase of this process sulfur

compounds carbon dioxide and water are

removed in stages

the gas is then chilled using propane

and a mixed refrigeration process the

main cryogenic heat exchanger in each

train then cools the gas closer to minus

160 degrees at which point it turns into

a liquid making it one six hundred the

original volume of the gas and

economical for us to ship around the

world to get an impression of what this

actually looks like this is the LNG

equivalent of a large beach ball being

shrunk down to a tiny golf ball

on the 10th of January 1997 the first

shipment of LNG was successfully

delivered to Japan the first of

thousands of LNG cargoes that over the

next few years would be delivered to all

four corners of the world today in Japan

millions of people benefit from the

natural gas resource from Qatar the

formal inauguration of cattigan showed

the world that our incredible journey

had well and truly begun working with

our shareholders technological

innovation and increased knowledge soon

brought even higher production capacity

to our LNG trains a process of D


that involved modifications to our

existing trains meant our LNG output

from cattigan had now reached 10 million

tonnes per annum together with our next

set of shareholder partners then came a

step change that would transform the

face of the LNG industry forever

catapulting us towards our vision of

being the world leader in LNG this was

the creation of the world's first fully

integrated LNG value chain Kattegat -

saw the introduction of the mega train a

groundbreaking and pioneering new era

for global LNG production that would

ultimately result in greater economies

of scale the Qatar and Kattegat things

would never be quite the same again

meaning that in just a few years Qatar

would find itself firmly placed in the

middle of the world's energy stage

with its main markets destined to be the

United Kingdom and Europe the kattegat 2

project was groundbreaking in every way

built by over 30,000 people from 50

different nationalities two of the

world's first-ever LNG mega trains were

built each one stretching over one

kilometer in length each with a

production capacity of 7.8 million tons

per annum this represented a massive

step up only for Kattegat but for the

global LNG industry however due to the

huge increase in production an

innovative and more efficient way had to

be found to deliver our LNG to the world

our solution was to design and build 14

of the world's largest LNG carriers ever

constructed the Q Max and Q flex project

managed through the shipyards in Korea

this new generation of ships were

designed by a team of engineers who made

a quantum leap in the capacities of

conventional LNG carriers an

extraordinary 80 percent larger than our

original LNG fleet each ship now had the

cargo capacity to carry between 210

thousand and two hundred and sixty-six

thousand cubic metres of LNG equivalent

to enough gas to fill London's Royal

Albert Hall three times over

just as importantly each ship have been

designed with a host of innovative

features to maximize cargo deliveries

and ensure the highest levels of safety

and reliability reducing the cost of

transportation by approximately 30

percent whilst reducing co2 emissions by

30 percent per ton of cargo carried the

official opening of Europe's largest

regasification terminal in the UK two

years later capable of receiving 15.6

million tons of LNG per annum was the

concluding element of our first fully

integrated LNG value chain a wellhead to

market a world-first the global energy

industry watched and learnt for the UK

this meant that the new terminal had

supplied with 20% of its natural gas

demand the kattegat this was a pivotal

moment where we had effectively

established an operational model in

which a fleet of giant sized ships would

sail millions of nautical miles every

year delivering to a network of LNG

receiving terminals across the world all

part of our visionary thinking and

investment pushing the boundaries of

innovation and Technology Kattegat had

now well and truly differentiated itself

from other global LNG producers a

modern-day success story destined to not

only benefit the world but to have a

positive impact on the lives of the

kateri people the economy and the very

development of Katter itself

providing a stable and sustainable

source of income for the state of Qatar

our expansion quickly continued

supported by our shareholder partners

and our customer markets in Asia Europe

and North and South America work now

began on the category and cata guest for

projects which would soon add two more

LNG trains of 7.8 million tons each per

annum production capacity together with

a further 18 of the world's largest

ships providing further economies of

scale the desire to build the world's

largest condensate refinery was achieved

when it was officially opened helping

capture synergies and opportunities from

the development of the North field the

culmination of all these activities

meant Kattegat as progress had now

reached an unprecedented level on the

13th of December 2010 the state of Qatar

officially celebrated becoming the

world's largest producer of LNG a

historic achievement for an ambitious

country with an extraordinary vision the

vision of His Highness the Emir Sheikh

Hamad bin Khalifa al-thani just 14 years

after the delivery of its first-ever

LNG shipment to Japan cata gasses

targeted production of 42 million tonnes

of LNG per annum that now helped cassis

celebrate this great moment

a significant contributor towards the

2030 cat our national vision today cata

gas continues to provide a highly stable

source of income for the state of Qatar

helping it reach its vision for a

prosperous and sustainable future our

flexibility has allowed us to ship LNG

to our customers in over 20 markets

around the world supply markets where it

is most needed and since our LNG is not

constrained by pipelines to a single

market our flexibility has translated

directly into healthy competitiveness

this has proved crucial to our continued

success today with our four joint LNG

ventures seven LNG trains a dedicated

fleet of 44 ships as well as the

management of over 80 offshore wells in

the Northfield Kattegat successful

expansion program is complete for now

there are though many more initiatives

with which we continue to be involved

forever striving to uphold the highest

standards of responsible energy

management and energy conservation as a

responsible energy operator committed to

improving and promoting the

environmental performance of LNG we are

proud to have a forward-thinking

corporate social responsibility program

as well as robust greenhouse gas

emissions and water management

strategies we employ cutting-edge

technologies that whenever possible

minimizes the impact on the environment

initiatives such as our innovative jetty

boil off gas management project designed

to recover the gas that is typically

flared off during LNG ship loading

further enhances performance this

recovered gas will soon provide enough

gas to power up to 300,000 homes it will

also help reduce loading emissions by

over 90 percent

our award-winning coral conservation

project uses marine biological

scientific studies to support long-term

coral conservation in Qatar's waters

recent surveys have highlighted the

transplanted corals have begun to

reproduce successfully we were all so

proud when our LNG ships became the

world's first recipient of the green

Award for an innovative design dedicated

to safety and environmental standards

the introduction of pioneering onboard

boiler of gas recovery systems on our Q

flex and Q max LNG carriers have made

further emission reductions possible all

of this has been achieved with an

unwavering commitment to safety safety

in everything we do pioneering an

incident and injury free safety culture

which lies at the very heart of our

success all through our journey people

have been important to us our steadfast

belief has always been that our people

should be able to go back safely to

their families at the end of each day

with local community support one of our

key objectives our people are central to

casa gas definitely the the greatest

achievement is achieving his Highness

the Emir vision of delivering 77 million

tonnes of LNG to the world while all of

this achievement and the milestones that

we have achieved it's all goes to the

contribution of Qatar gas employee the

human resource of Qatar gas who are

really dedicated to meet the vision of

the state which is 2030 and what I can

see is Qatar gas is really contributing

to the growth of the state cutter gas

achievements in being the most reliable

supplier to the world this goes to the

to the people of cattle gas how they are

adopted to

- the safety practice and also goes to

our shareholders who really support us

of where lessons and lessons learned of

any incident that happened across their

operation apart today is recognized as

having one of the most respected

leadership in the whole world as other

is an effective international player in

the in the world so I think this has

enhanced our gas in establishing a trust

with our stakeholders which has been a

vital part of other gas success in just

14 years cata gas has redefined the

global LNG business growing from a once

relatively straightforward offshore

onshore structure to a now highly

complex multifaceted organization

multitude of different partnerships and

closely aligned ventures at customer

we are proud of that achievement

realizing the original dream diverse

cleaner energy safe efficient reliable

transportation energy for people energy

for the planets the numbers may be

extraordinary but in the end it all

comes down to just one thing one

responsible company Kattegat from the

earth for the earth liquefied natural

Kattegat delivering energy to the world

leaders and innovators in global energy

quatre gas the world's premier LNG



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