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Fat Free Forever


Basic Routine
Perform 3 - 5 days a week for maximum results

You can use this as a complete routine in itself or add it

on to the end of a cardio session such as a walk or jog.
Performed in its entirety, these will get your heart
pumping although probably not at the intensity required
to keep your cardiovascular system at peak fitness.

If you like, you can preface this routine with a five or ten
minute heart rate raiser such as running on the spot,
skipping or simply marching fast, knees high and arms

You can shorten the routine but it is vital you warm up

and cool down properly and perform at least two exercises
from each section to ensure that all muscle groups have
received balanced attention.

Oh and one more thing – remember to have fun!

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Fat Free Forever

Practice the following exercises slowly while concentrating
on your breathing pattern.


Lie on your back on a mat or towel, knees bent, feet hip

width apart (measure this from the hip bones, not the
outer edge of your hips).

Inhale through the nose, exhale through pursed lips. Upon

the exhale draw your navel inward and upward and flatten
your tummy. Place one hand on your navel if you like to
feel your muscles working.

Draw up the pelvic floor muscles gently. If you don’t know

where these are, the easiest way of describing them is to
say that these are the muscles you use when you are
trying to hold in a pee! Continue breathing 5-10 times
with these muscles pulled in.

Neck and shoulders should stay loose at all times.

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