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this is a story of imagination and

innovation and incredible numbers nine

hundred trillion cubic feet of gas

covering 6,000 square kilometers

up to three thousand meters beneath the

seabed deposited over 250 million years

ago the northfield quatre

Earth's largest single deposit of

natural gas now producing eleven point

three billion cubic feet of natural gas

every single day safely efficiently and

reliably a vital energy resource for the

planet touching the lives of billions of

people in every corner of the world

this is the story of Kattegat Northfield

rather approximately 80 kilometres out

to see the heart of our offshore

operations not only if we help transform

quatre today we're the largest producer

of LNG in the world with 42 million

tonnes per annum of liquefied natural

gas it's been an incredible journey a

journey of commitment and the expertise

of thousands of people who turned an

ambitious dream into reality our journey

began when casa gas was established in

1984 partnering with Qatar Petroleum and

our shareholders in January 1997 we

delivered our first LNG cargo to Japan

marking the first ever LNG delivery by

the state of Qatar today Katie gasps

continues to provide a highly stable

source of income for the state of Qatar

helping make a significant contribution

towards the 2030 Qatar national vision

with seven LNG trains a dedicated fleet

of 43 ships as well as the management of

over 80 offshore wells in the Northfield

Kattegat continues to deliver LNG safely

and reliably to global markets one of

the key strengths of kathe gas has been

the development of considerable

expertise in supporting the

commissioning of new LNG receiving

terminals to date the company has helped

commissioned more than 15 LNG terminals

across the Americas Europe and Asia

our flexibility has translated directly

into healthy competitiveness and has

proved crucial to our continued success

as part of our efforts to optimize

Qatar's national resources and fosters

sustainable growth over the years cata

gas has successfully delivered a series

of world-class projects upholding our

commitment to technical and operational

excellence while maintaining the highest

environmental standards as well as being

the world leader in LNG production casa

gas is the world's largest producer of

condensate with a refinery capacity of a

hundred and forty six thousand barrels

produced every day than the fan refinery

the refinery capacity will increase to

300,000 barrels per day with the Lafon

refinery - expansion project another

significant achievement for casa gas is

the successful completion of the plateau

maintenance project this will ensure

that the production capacity of cattigan

is maintained at 10 million tons per

year for many years to come as a

responsible global energy operator

committed to improving and promoting the

higher standards for environmental

performance of the LNG industry we are

proud to have a forward-thinking

corporate social responsibility program

as well as robust greenhouse gas

emissions and water management

strategies to achieve this we employ

cutting-edge technologies that help

minimize the impact on the environment

the Jessie boil off gas recovery project

is a landmark environmental project

designed to reduce flaring at the LNG

jetty around 100 million standard cubic

feet per day of natural gas previously

burnt during LNG ship loading is now

recovered and utilized in the LNG

production plants as fuel over a period

of 30 years this project will save

nearly 1 trillion cubic feet of gas for

the state of Qatar the recovered gas is

enough to provide power for up to

300,000 homes and will reduce global co2

gas emissions by 1 point 6 million tons

every year this underlines catters

commitments to balance industrial

developments with care for the

environment all of our initiatives have

been achieved with an unwavering

commitment to safety pioneering an

incident and injury free safety culture

which lies at the very heart of our

success throughout our journey the

safety and well-being of our people have

been our highest priority our belief has

always been that our people should be

able to go back safely to their families

at the end of each day today

kasa gas has redefined the global LNG

business growing from six to 42 million

tonnes per annum at a rate unprecedented

in the industry and reliably delivering

LNG cargoes to where it's needed the

most realizing the original dream

diverse cleaner energy safe efficient

reliable energy for people and achieve

for our planets

the numbers are truly extraordinary and

in the end it all comes down to just one

thing one pioneering company Kattegat

the world's premier LNG company


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