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Laura Lopez

Anatomy Questions

1. What is anatomy? Answer in your own words.

Anatomy is the study of the body that leads to the structure of a human body from the inside
from head to toe.

2. What are the 4 major parts of the human body?

The 4 major parts of the human body are cells,tissues,organs and the systems.

3. Define Cells.
Cells are a type of block in the inside of our body that are alive which there are a ton of in a
human body.They are also helpers they take the nutrients from food we eat and take the
important nutrients.
4. Define tissues.
Cells are a layer of cells that have the same functions and they are also in common when they are
in a group.

5. Define organs.
Organs are groups of tissues that are living functioning together they are like our stomach which
are type organs.
6. Define systems.
There are 11 types of systems such as respiratory system and also urinary systems
and others.

7. Label skeleton with corresponding term:

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