00 Traits

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leader_traits = {

#Getting this idea means you have pretty much gotten a world conquest
#Mostly some modifiers to help you mop up that WQ.
bos_saviour_of_mankind = {
random = no
special_forces_cap = 0.5
resistance_target = -0.5
resistance_growth = -0.5
compliance_growth = 0.5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.75
political_power_factor = 2.5

bos_absolute_brotherhood_high_elder = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.33
stability_factor = 0.33
war_support_factor = 0.33
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.33
drift_defence_factor = 1
core_creation_cost_factor = -0.33
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.33
justify_war_goal_time = -0.15

bos_the_smothering_storm = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = tvt_the_people_of_tomorrow_warform_tooltip

bos_war_hero_of_the_ncr_war = {
random = no

targeted_modifier = {
tag = NCR
attack_bonus_against = 0.05

bos_maxson_heritage = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.05

bos_a_true_maxson = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.10
political_power_factor = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.10

bos_shellshocked = {
random = no
political_power_factor = -0.33
army_morale_factor = -0.05
targeted_modifier = {
tag = NCR
attack_bonus_against = -0.05

suf_trait = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.075
compliance_gain = 0.02

cafe_manager = {
sprite = 10
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

famous_actress = {
sprite = 10
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.03
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

#Note; do not give this trait to anyone else, its obnoxious
fortification_master = {
sprite = 10
random = no
production_speed_bunker_factor = 0.4
army_defence_factor = 0.05
breakthrough_factor = -0.05
org_loss_when_moving = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

veteran_ranger = {
random = no
coring_police_div = 1
recon_factor = 0.15
special_forces_min = 15
modifier_army_sub_unit_police_infantry_attack_factor = 0.15
required_compliance_for_coring = -15
max_dig_in_factor = -0.15

arroyos_exile = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = arroyos_exile_tt
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.075
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.05
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_speed_factor = 0.1

arroyos_saviour = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.15
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.05
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_speed_factor = 0.1

the_last_arroyan = {
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.02
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.075
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.075
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_speed_factor = 0.15

disciple_of_the_dragon = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.075
army_morale_factor = 0.02

disciple_of_the_dragon_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = disciple_of_the_dragon_locked_tt

new_renos_menace = {
random = no
coring_raider_infantry_equipment_per_infrastructure_mod = 10
coring_raider_command_power_per_infrastructure_mod = 5

new_renos_menace_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = new_renos_menace_locked_tt

frank_horrigans_fury = {
random = no
justify_war_goal_time = -0.33

frank_horrigans_fury_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = frank_horrigans_fury_locked_tt

legend_of_navarro = {
random = no
research_speed_factor = 0.15
country_resource_energy = 15
country_resource_advanced = 5
country_resource_composites = 5
country_resource_circuitry = 5
country_resource_metal = 5
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_attack_factor = 0.025
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_support_attack_factor = 0.025
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_speed_factor = 0.025

raider_of_navarro = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_attack_factor = 0.05
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_support_attack_factor = 0.05

raider_of_navarro_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = raider_of_navarro_locked_tt

lord_of_the_sons = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.15
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_support_attack_factor = 0.05
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_attack_factor = 0.05
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.075
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_speed_factor = 0.05

lord_of_the_sons_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = lord_of_the_sons_locked_tt

veg_rigged_from_the_start = {
random = no
conscription_factor = -0.2
resistance_target = 0.05

shi_dragonsblood = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1

mos_no_need_for_bombs = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1
army_org_factor = 0.06
compliance_gain = 0.02

arm_man_of_destiny = {
random = no
naval_invasion_capacity = 10
navy_max_range_factor = 0.4
experience_gain_navy = 0.1
naval_invasion_prep_speed = 0.2
naval_invasion_penalty = -0.2
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.1

oro_goddess_of_the_dark_moon = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1
army_org_factor = 0.1
required_garrison_factor = -0.2
compliance_gain = 0.02
#custom_modifier_tooltip = oro_goddess_of_the_dark_moon_tt

oro_secrets_of_the_nursery = {
random = no
research_speed_factor = 0.2

mournful = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.05

LAC_master_of_the_rock = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.02
compliance_gain = 0.02
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.05

moj_distrusted_elder = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.10
intellectuals_drift = -0.05

moj_obsessed_elder = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.15
intellectuals_drift = -0.10

#TV-Town stuff
tof_raider_queen = {
random = no
coring_raider_caps_per_infrastructure_mod = 15
army_attack_factor = 0.03
army_org_factor = -0.05

burned_man = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.2
justify_war_goal_time = -0.15
army_morale_factor = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

blessed_are_the_merciful = {
random = no
sprite = 13
ai_focus_peaceful_factor = 0.2
opinion_gain_monthly_factor = 0.25

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

benny_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
intel_network_gain_factor = 0.2
own_operative_detection_chance_factor = -0.4
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

benny_trait_non_lar = {
random = no
sprite = 5
civilian_intel_factor = 0.3
army_intel_factor = 0.3
encryption = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

robco_ceo = {
random = no
production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.1
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.1
trade_opinion_factor = 0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

strip_overlord1 = {
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.10
stability_factor = 0.10
war_support_factor = -0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

strip_overlord2 = {
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.20
political_power_gain = 0.10
stability_factor = 0.20
war_support_factor = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
lanius_women = {
random = no
sprite = 5
encryption_factor = 0.25
decryption_factor = 0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

the_king_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
war_support_factor = 0.05
stability_factor = 0.05
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

nero_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
local_resources_factor = 0.15
production_factory_max_efficiency_factor = 0.10
stability_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

motor_runner = {
random = no
sprite = 5
experience_gain_army = 0.1
army_morale_factor = 0.05
conscription_factor = 0.05
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

false_khan = {
random = no
sprite = 5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.3
army_attack_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

papa_khan = {
random = no
sprite = 5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.3
army_attack_factor = 0.1
attrition = -0.02
ruler_drift = 0.10
non_core_manpower = -0.01
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

regis_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.1
army_defence_factor = 0.05
max_planning = 0.05
elites_drift = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

majorie_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
political_power_factor = 0.15
subversive_activites_upkeep = -0.1
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor = 0.5
trade_opinion_factor = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

timelord = {
random = no
sprite = 5
research_speed_factor = 0.4
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.2
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.2

jolly = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.10
army_morale_Factor = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

naughty_and_nice = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.6
army_org_factor = 0.05
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.5
political_power_factor = 0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

conqueror_of_tribes = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.05
war_support_factor = 0.10
stability_factor = 0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

cornered_fox = {
random = no
army_defence_factor = 0.15
army_morale_Factor = 0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

vulpes_inculta = {
random = no
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.5
subversive_activites_upkeep = -0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

military_background = {
planning_speed = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

attis_mastersmith = {
random = no
country_resource_metal = 5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

attis_loyal_general = {
random = no
mobilization_speed = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

attis_mayor_of_austin = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

propaganda_team = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

good_publiciity = {
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.02
political_power_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

warmonger = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.6

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

ineffective = {
random = no
political_power_factor = -0.5

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

stout_defender = { # This particular trait will make the AI heavily

prioritize defensive warfare, rarely, if ever, attacking out of fortified locations
random = no
ai_focus_defense_factor = 0.5

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

lanius_ruthless = {
random = no
army_org_factor = 0.05
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.5
political_power_factor = 0.25

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

lanius_frumentarii = {
random = no
own_operative_detection_chance_factor = -0.2
operative_slot = 1

lanius_builder_trait = {
random = no
sprite = 5
local_resources_factor = 0.10
production_factory_max_efficiency_factor = 0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

lanius_monster_east = {
random = no
sprite = 5
army_attack_factor = 0.1
out_of_supply_factor = -0.2
breakthrough_factor = 0.1
political_power_factor = 0.10
army_morale_Factor = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

lanius_monster_east1 = {
random = no
sprite = 5
army_org_factor = 0.05
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.10
political_power_factor = 0.10
army_morale_Factor = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

roller_derby_queen = {
random = no
ai_badass_factor = 0.25
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.5
mobilization_speed = 0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

dudley_do_right = {
random = no
army_morale_Factor = 0.10
army_org_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

popular_figurehead = {
sprite = 13
stability_factor = 0.10
war_support_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

cult_of_personality = {
sprite = 13
random = no

mobilization_speed = 0.20
compliance_gain = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

crazy_crazy_crazy = {
random = no

political_power_factor = -0.25
encryption_factor = 0.5

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

because_aliens = {
random = no

political_power_factor = 0.15
encryption_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

mlt_insatiable_hunger = {
random = no
weekly_manpower = -7

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
mlt_monster_from_the_depths = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1
army_morale_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

new_mariposa_new_master = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.15
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
political_power_factor = 0.30

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

lanius_monster_world = {
random = no
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
political_power_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

tyrant_of_the_warren = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.30
mobilization_speed = 0.30
ruler_drift = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

gorgon_queen = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.30
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

skeleton_king = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.30
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

bdt_last_of_the_cathedral = {
random = no
intellectuals_drift = 0.05
research_speed_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

spiritual = {
random = no
intellectuals_drift = 0.05
research_speed_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

prespers_protege = {
random = no
intellectuals_drift = 0.05
research_speed_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

bdt_fire_walker = {
random = no
max_fuel_factor = 0.3
political_power_factor = 0.30
justify_war_goal_time = -0.3
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

bdt_fire_walker_op = {
random = no
weekly_manpower = 50
army_speed_factor = 0.15
compliance_gain = 0.2
resistance_target = -0.25
political_power_factor = 0.25
mobilization_speed = 0.75
special_forces_min = 50
research_speed_factor = 0.15
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.2
special_forces_cap = 0.75
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
max_command_power = 100
command_power_gain = 1
out_of_supply_factor = -0.2
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.25
intellectuals_drift = 1
min_export = -1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

rob_doki_doki = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = rob_doki_doki_tt

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

road_warrior = {
random = no
coring_raider_infantry_equipment_per_infrastructure_mod = 15
coring_raider_command_power_per_infrastructure_mod = 5
coring_raider_caps_per_infrastructure_mod = 5
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.15
army_morale_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

top_mechanic = {
random = no
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.10
supply_consumption_factor = -0.04
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.03

god_from_the_machine = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.15
war_support_factor = 0.15
compliance_gain = 0.02
political_power_factor = 0.1
army_core_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

pacifist = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.05
war_support_factor = -0.10
political_power_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

han_true_alpha_trait = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1
war_support_factor = 0.1
#army_core_attack_factor = 0.10 During 3.2's pre-production this made
Hangdogs too powerful vs Lanius, since Lanius lost a lot of his army mods.
political_power_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

colorado_patriot = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = for_can_form_colorado

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

oklahoma_patriot = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = can_form_oklahoma_tt

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

dsp_master_of_his_steed = {
random = no
motorized_attack_factor = 0.04
equipment_bonus = {
motorized_equipment = {
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

head_of_tribal_council = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
born_of_the_blood = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.4
army_morale_factor = 0.08
army_attack_factor = 0.02
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

he_of_no_moiety = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.05
army_leader_cost_factor = -0.2
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

elected_tribe_president = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.12
stability_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

calix_cunning = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_super_mutant_infantry_defence_factor = 0.15
research_speed_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

attis_aggression = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_super_mutant_infantry_attack_factor = 0.15
supply_consumption_factor = -0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

shale_sedulousness = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_super_mutant_infantry_speed_factor = 0.15
production_factory_start_efficiency_factor = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

experiment_0011 = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.3
research_speed_factor = -0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

clk_armament_sector = {
random = no
production_speed_arms_factory_factor = 0.1

immortal_engineering = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = immortal_engineering_tt

symbol_of_unity = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.08
conscription_factor = 0.12
army_core_defence_factor = 0.04
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

the_137th_archbishop = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.075
compliance_gain = 0.02
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

survivalist = {
random = no
local_resources_factor = 0.075
army_speed_factor = 0.05

grand_captain = {
random = no
navy_leader_start_maneuvering_level = 1
conscription_factor = 0.04

war_hero = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.1
army_leader_start_planning_level = 1
war_support_factor = 0.1

hardliner = {
random = no
political_power_factor = -0.15
stability_factor = 0.05
hardliner_1 = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.05
stability_factor = 0.05

ncr_patriot = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.05
stability_factor = 0.05
political_power_factor = 0.10

old_worldist = {
random = no
research_speed_factor = 0.02
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.075
conscription_factor = -0.05

follower_buddy = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.05
conscription_factor = 0.05

baron_connections = {
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.12
stability_factor = -0.05
political_power_factor = -0.05

aggressively_simple = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.2
caps_income_modifier = 0.1
conscription_factor = 0.1

logistics_tsar = {
random = no
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.10
supply_consumption_factor = -0.04
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.03

bane_of_the_ncr = {
random = no
targeted_modifier = {
tag = MOT
defense_bonus_against = 0.05
war_support_factor = 0.05

local_patriot = {
random = no
army_core_defence_factor = 0.04
stability_factor = 0.05

pirate_queen = {
random = no
naval_speed_factor = 0.08
war_support_factor = 0.1
political_power_factor = 0.075

pirate_king = {
random = no
naval_speed_factor = 0.08
war_support_factor = 0.1
political_power_factor = 0.075

# LAC traits#

lac_no_mercy = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = -0.2
research_speed_factor = -0.2
resistance_target = 0.2
training_time_factor = -0.2
surrender_limit = 0.1
equipment_capture = 0.2 #Pretty strong in OWB
annex_cost_factor = -0.25

lanius_caesars_warden = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = -0.1
research_speed_factor = -0.15
resistance_target = 0.1
training_time_factor = -0.2
# compliance_gain = 0.01
autonomy_gain = -0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

lac_frontier_justice = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = -0.05
research_speed_factor = -0.05
resistance_target = 0.05
training_time_factor = -0.15
# compliance_gain = 0.01

# TBH/ACH traits#
stagnant_politician = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.05
political_power_factor = -0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

radical_reformer = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.1
research_speed_factor = 0.075
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

cos_member = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.1
research_speed_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

mistress_of_subterfuge = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

mutant_politician = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.1
war_support_factor = -0.1
special_forces_min = 20 #special_forces_cap = 0.05
conscription_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

economic_knowhow = {
random = no
caps_expense_modifier = -0.05
caps_income_modifier = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

isolationist_trait = {
random = no

join_faction_tension = 0.5

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1


paranoid = {
random = yes

planning_speed = -0.1
enemy_justify_war_goal_time = -0.35
justify_war_goal_time = -0.35

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

political_workhorse = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
political_power_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

cruel_tyrant = {
sprite = 13
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.25
foreign_subversive_activites = -0.3
non_core_manpower = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

well_liked_leader = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
opinion_gain_monthly_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
backstabber = {
sprite = 13
political_power_factor = 0.05
compliance_gain = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

expert_negotiator = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
trade_opinion_factor = 0.20

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

ideological_crusader = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor = 1.0

ai_will_do = {
factor = 0.2

fortifications_expert = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_bunker_factor = 0.15
production_speed_coastal_bunker_factor = 0.15
production_speed_anti_air_building_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

war_industrialist = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_arms_factory_factor = 0.1
production_speed_dockyard_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

captain_of_industry = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.1
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

armaments_organizer = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
conversion_cost_civ_to_mil_factor = -0.3
# civ_to_mil_industry_conversion_rate = -1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

silent_workhorse = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
political_power_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

prince_of_terror = {
sprite = 13
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.25
foreign_subversive_activites = -0.3
non_core_manpower = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

compassionate_gentleman = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
opinion_gain_monthly_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

backroom_backstabber = {
sprite = 13
political_power_factor = 0.05
compliance_gain = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

smooth_talking_charmer = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
trade_opinion_factor = 0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

ideological_crusader = {
random = yes
sprite = 13
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor = 1.0

ai_will_do = {
factor = 0.2

fortification_engineer = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_bunker_factor = 0.15
production_speed_coastal_bunker_factor = 0.15
production_speed_anti_air_building_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

war_industrialist = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_arms_factory_factor = 0.1
production_speed_dockyard_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

captain_of_industry = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.1
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

armaments_organizer = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
conversion_cost_civ_to_mil_factor= -0.2
# civ_to_mil_industry_conversion_rate = -1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

quartermaster_general = {
sprite = 10
random = yes
production_speed_air_base_factor = 0.16
production_speed_naval_base_factor = 0.16
# production_speed_rocket_site_factor = 0.16
production_speed_radar_station_factor = 0.16

ai_will_do = {
factor = 0.2

rocket_scientist = {
random = no
sprite = 14

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

nuclear_scientist = {
random = no
sprite = 14

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

enclave_defector_ncr = {
random = no
sprite = 14

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
equipment_bonus = {
power_armor_equipment = {
maximum_speed = 0.08
reliability = 0.1

military_theorist = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 500
experimental_subroutine_trait = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

mobile_warfare_expert = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

superior_firepower_expert = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

grand_battle_plan_expert = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

mass_assault_expert = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_army = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

air_warfare_theorist = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_air = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

dive_bomber = {
sprite = 14
equipment_bonus = {
CAS_equipment = {
instant = yes
air_ground_attack = 0.1
experience_gain_air = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

victory_through_airpower = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_air = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

close_air_support_proponent = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_air = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

assault_avaition = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_air = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

naval_theorist = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_navy = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

naval_aviation_pioneer = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_navy = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

grand_fleet_proponent = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_navy = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

submarine_specialist = {
sprite = 14
experience_gain_navy = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 100

blitzkrieg_theorist = {
sprite = 14

equipment_bonus = {
armor = {
instant = yes
maximum_speed = 0.10
experience_gain_army = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 500

### Military Minister Traits

# 1 is worst, 3 is best

army_chief_defensive_1 = { # +5 Defensive efficiency

sprite = 9
army_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_defensive_2 = { # +10 Defensive efficiency

sprite = 9
army_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_defensive_3 = { # +15 Defensive efficiency

sprite = 9
army_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3
army_chief_offensive_1 = { # +5 Offensive efficiency
sprite = 7
army_attack_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_offensive_2 = { # +10 Offensive efficiency

sprite = 7
army_attack_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_offensive_3 = { # +15 Offensive efficiency

sprite = 7
army_attack_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_chief_old_guard = { # Rate at which field experience is gained decreases

by 10%
sprite = 5 # Should not need sprite, should mostly be secondary
experience_gain_army_factor = -0.1
political_power_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_drill_1 = { # Decreases training time for ground units

sprite = 5
training_time_army_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_drill_2 = { # Decreases training time for ground units

sprite = 5
training_time_army_factor = -0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_drill_3 = { # Decreases training time for ground units

sprite = 5
training_time_army_factor = -0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_chief_reform_1 = { # Rate at which field experience is gained increases

by 5%
sprite = 5
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_reform_2 = { # Rate at which field experience is gained increases

by 10%
sprite = 5
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_reform_3 = { # Rate at which field experience is gained increases

by 15%
sprite = 5
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_chief_organizational_1 = { # Ground units get 4 more Organization

sprite = 5
army_org_factor = 0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_organizational_2 = { # Ground units get 8 more Organization

sprite = 5
army_org_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_organizational_3 = { # Ground units get 12 more Organization

sprite = 5
army_org_factor = 0.12

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_chief_morale_1 = { # Ground units get 4 more Morale

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_morale_2 = { # Ground units get 8 more Morale

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_morale_3 = { # Ground units get 12 more Morale

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.12

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_chief_maneuver_1 = { # Ground units move 5% faster

sprite = 5
army_speed_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_chief_maneuver_2 = { # Ground units move 10% faster

sprite = 5
army_speed_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_chief_maneuver_3 = { # Ground units move 15% faster

sprite = 5
army_speed_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_entrenchment_1 = { # Ground units entrench 4% faster

sprite = 9
dig_in_speed_factor = 0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_entrenchment_2 = { # Ground units entrench 8% faster

sprite = 9
dig_in_speed_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_entrenchment_3 = { # Ground units entrench 12% faster

sprite = 9
dig_in_speed_factor = 0.12

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_armored_1 = { # +4 armor efficiency

sprite = 8
army_armor_attack_factor = 0.05
army_armor_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_armored_2 = { # +8 armor efficiency

sprite = 8
army_armor_attack_factor = 0.1
army_armor_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_armored_3 = { # +12 armor efficiency

sprite = 8
army_armor_attack_factor = 0.15
army_armor_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_artillery_1 = { # +4 artillery efficiency

sprite = 8
army_artillery_attack_factor = 0.1
army_artillery_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_artillery_2 = { # +8 artillery efficiency

sprite = 8
army_artillery_attack_factor = 0.15
army_artillery_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_artillery_3 = { # +12 artillery efficiency

sprite = 8
army_artillery_attack_factor = 0.2
army_artillery_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_infantry_1 = { # +4 infantry efficiency

sprite = 5
army_infantry_attack_factor = 0.05
army_infantry_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_infantry_2 = { # +8 infantry efficiency

sprite = 5
army_infantry_attack_factor = 0.1
army_infantry_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_infantry_3 = { # +12 infantry efficiency

sprite = 5
army_infantry_attack_factor = 0.15
army_infantry_defence_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 4

army_commando_1 = { # +4 paratrooper/marine/mountain efficiency

sprite = 5
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.1
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_commando_2 = { # +8 paratrooper/marine/mountain efficiency

sprite = 5
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.15
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_commando_3 = { # +12 paratrooper/marine/mountain efficiency

sprite = 5
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.2
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_cavalry_1 = { # +4 cavalry/motorized efficiency

sprite = 8
cavalry_attack_factor = 0.05
cavalry_defence_factor = 0.05
motorized_attack_factor = 0.05
motorized_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_cavalry_2 = { # +8 cavalry/motorized efficiency

sprite = 8
cavalry_attack_factor = 0.1
cavalry_defence_factor = 0.1
motorized_attack_factor = 0.1
motorized_defence_factor =0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_cavalry_3 = { # +12 cavalry/motorized efficiency

sprite = 8
cavalry_attack_factor = 0.15
cavalry_defence_factor = 0.15
motorized_attack_factor = 0.15
motorized_defence_factor = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_regrouping_1 = { # Org regenerates 4% faster

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_regrouping_2 = { # Org regenerates 8% faster

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_regrouping_3 = { # Org regenerates 12% faster

sprite = 5
army_morale_factor = 0.12

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

army_concealment_1 = { # Ground units take less damage from air attacks

sprite = 9
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

army_concealment_2 = { # Ground units take less damage from air attacks

sprite = 9
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_concealment_3 = { # Ground units take less damage from air attacks

sprite = 9
enemy_army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = -0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3
army_logistics_1 = { # Ground units suffer 4% less attrition
sprite = 6
attrition = -0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

army_logistics_2 = { # Ground units suffer 8% less attrition

sprite = 6
attrition = -0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 4

army_logistics_3 = { # Ground units suffer 12% less attrition

sprite = 6
attrition = -0.12

ai_will_do = {
factor = 6

air_chief_reform_1 = { # Rate at which air experience is gained increases by

sprite = 5
experience_gain_air_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_reform_2 = { # Rate at which air experience is gained increases by

sprite = 5
experience_gain_air_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_chief_reform_3 = { # Rate at which air experience is gained increases by

sprite = 5
experience_gain_air_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_chief_safety_1 = { # Rate of air accidents reduced by 5%

sprite = 1
air_accidents_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_safety_2 = { # Rate of air accidents reduced by 10%

sprite = 1
air_accidents_factor = -0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_chief_safety_3 = { # Rate of air accidents reduced by 15%

sprite = 1
air_accidents_factor = -0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_chief_old_guard = {
sprite = 1
experience_gain_air_factor = -0.1
political_power_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_night_operations_1 = {
sprite = 1
air_night_penalty = -0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_night_operations_2 = {
sprite = 1
air_night_penalty = -0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_chief_night_operations_3 = {
sprite = 1
air_night_penalty = -0.3

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_chief_ground_support_1 = { # Air superiority impact on land units

improved by 5%
sprite = 2
army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_ground_support_2 = { # Air superiority impact on land units

improved by 10%
sprite = 2
army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_chief_ground_support_3 = { # Air superiority impact on land units

improved by 15%
sprite = 2
army_bonus_air_superiority_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

# using factor in stead of values because it is applied in ALL weathers

(means bonus in good weather)
air_chief_all_weather_1 = { # +5 bad weather air efficiency
sprite = 1
air_weather_penalty = -0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_chief_all_weather_2 = { # +10 bad weather air efficiency

sprite = 1
air_weather_penalty = -0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_chief_all_weather_3 = { # +15 bad weather air efficiency

sprite = 1
air_weather_penalty = -0.3

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_air_combat_training_1 = { # Chance of ace generating is increased by 5%

sprite = 1
air_ace_generation_chance_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_air_combat_training_2 = { # Chance of ace generating is increased by 10%

sprite = 1
air_ace_generation_chance_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_air_combat_training_3 = { # Chance of ace generating is increased by 15%

sprite = 1
air_ace_generation_chance_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

# Guesstimation of what % increased efficiency might look like

air_naval_strike_1 = { # Naval Strike mission efficiency increased by 4%
sprite = 2
naval_strike_attack_factor = 0.02
naval_strike_targetting_factor = 0.02
naval_strike_agility_factor = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_naval_strike_2 = { # Naval Strike mission efficiency increased by 8%

sprite = 2
naval_strike_attack_factor = 0.03
naval_strike_targetting_factor = 0.03
naval_strike_agility_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_naval_strike_3 = { # Naval Strike mission efficiency increased by 12%

sprite = 2
naval_strike_attack_factor = 0.05
naval_strike_targetting_factor = 0.05
naval_strike_agility_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_bomber_interception_1 = { # Bomber Interception mission efficiency

increased by 4%
sprite = 1
air_interception_attack_factor = 0.02
air_interception_defence_factor = 0.02
air_interception_agility_factor = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_bomber_interception_2 = { # Bomber Interception mission efficiency

increased by 8%
sprite = 1
air_interception_attack_factor = 0.03
air_interception_defence_factor = 0.03
air_interception_agility_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_bomber_interception_3 = { # Bomber Interception mission efficiency

increased by 12%
sprite = 1
air_interception_attack_factor = 0.05
air_interception_defence_factor = 0.05
air_interception_agility_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_air_superiority_1 = { # Air Superiority mission efficiency increased by

sprite = 1
air_air_superiority_attack_factor = 0.02
air_air_superiority_defence_factor = 0.02
air_air_superiority_agility_factor = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_air_superiority_2 = { # Air Superiority mission efficiency increased by

sprite = 1
air_air_superiority_attack_factor = 0.03
air_air_superiority_defence_factor = 0.03
air_air_superiority_agility_factor = 0.03
ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_air_superiority_3 = { # Air Superiority mission efficiency increased by

sprite = 1
air_air_superiority_attack_factor = 0.05
air_air_superiority_defence_factor = 0.05
air_air_superiority_agility_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_close_air_support_1 = { # Close Air Support mission efficiency increased

by 4%
sprite = 1
air_close_air_support_attack_factor = 0.02
air_close_air_support_defence_factor = 0.02
air_close_air_support_agility_factor = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_close_air_support_2 = { # Close Air Support mission efficiency increased

by 8%
sprite = 1
air_close_air_support_attack_factor = 0.03
air_close_air_support_defence_factor = 0.03
air_close_air_support_agility_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_close_air_support_3 = { # Close Air Support mission efficiency increased

by 12%
sprite = 1
air_close_air_support_attack_factor = 0.05
air_close_air_support_defence_factor = 0.05
air_close_air_support_agility_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_strategic_bombing_1 = { # Strategic Bombing mission efficiency increased

by 4%
sprite = 2
air_strategic_bomber_attack_factor = 0.01
air_strategic_bomber_defence_factor = 0.01
air_strategic_bomber_agility_factor = 0.01
air_strategic_bomber_bombing_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_strategic_bombing_2 = { # Strategic Bombing mission efficiency increased

by 8%
sprite = 2
air_strategic_bomber_attack_factor = 0.02
air_strategic_bomber_defence_factor = 0.02
air_strategic_bomber_agility_factor = 0.02
air_strategic_bomber_bombing_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_strategic_bombing_3 = { # Strategic Bombing mission efficiency increased

by 12%
sprite = 2
air_strategic_bomber_attack_factor = 0.03
air_strategic_bomber_defence_factor = 0.03
air_strategic_bomber_agility_factor = 0.03
air_strategic_bomber_bombing_factor = 0.09

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

# Removed?
air_tactical_bombing_1 = { # Tactical Bombing mission efficiency increased
sprite = 2
air_cas_present_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_tactical_bombing_2 = { # Tactical Bombing mission efficiency increased

sprite = 2
air_cas_present_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_tactical_bombing_3 = { # Tactical Bombing mission efficiency increased

sprite = 2
air_cas_present_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

air_airborne_1 = { # Paratrooper drop efficiency increased by 4%

sprite = 1
air_paradrop_attack_factor = 0.01
air_paradrop_defence_factor = 0.03
air_paradrop_agility_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

air_airborne_2 = { # Paratrooper drop efficiency increased by 8%

sprite = 1
air_paradrop_attack_factor = 0.02
air_paradrop_defence_factor = 0.05
air_paradrop_agility_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

air_airborne_3 = { # Paratrooper drop efficiency increased by 12%

sprite = 1
air_paradrop_attack_factor = 0.03
air_paradrop_defence_factor = 0.07
air_paradrop_agility_factor = 0.07

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_chief_naval_aviation_1 = {
sprite = 1
navy_carrier_air_attack_factor = 0.03
navy_carrier_air_targetting_factor = 0.03
navy_carrier_air_agility_factor = 0.04

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_chief_naval_aviation_2 = {
sprite = 1
navy_carrier_air_attack_factor = 0.06
navy_carrier_air_targetting_factor = 0.07
navy_carrier_air_agility_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_chief_naval_aviation_3 = {
sprite = 1
navy_carrier_air_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_carrier_air_targetting_factor = 0.12
navy_carrier_air_agility_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_chief_decisive_battle_1 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.05
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.05
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.05
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_chief_decisive_battle_2 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.1
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_chief_decisive_battle_3 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.15
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.15
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.15
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_chief_commerce_raiding_1 = {
sprite = 3
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_chief_commerce_raiding_2 = {
sprite = 3
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_chief_commerce_raiding_3 = {
sprite = 3
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_chief_old_guard = {
sprite = 3
experience_gain_navy_factor = -0.1
political_power_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_chief_reform_1 = {
sprite = 3
experience_gain_navy_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_chief_reform_2 = {
sprite = 3
experience_gain_navy_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_chief_reform_3 = {
sprite = 3
experience_gain_navy_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_chief_maneuver_1 = { # Naval units move 5% faster

sprite = 3
naval_speed_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
navy_chief_maneuver_2 = { # Naval units move 10% faster
sprite = 3
naval_speed_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_chief_maneuver_3 = { # Naval units move 15% faster

sprite = 3
naval_speed_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_anti_submarine_1 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_detection_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_anti_submarine_2 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_detection_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_anti_submarine_3 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_detection_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_naval_air_defense_1 = {
sprite = 3
navy_anti_air_attack_factor = 0.08

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_naval_air_defense_2 = {
sprite = 3
navy_anti_air_attack_factor = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_naval_air_defense_3 = {
sprite = 3
navy_anti_air_attack_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_fleet_logistics_1 = {
sprite = 6
navy_max_range_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_fleet_logistics_2 = {
sprite = 6
navy_max_range_factor = 0.10

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_fleet_logistics_3 = {
sprite = 6
navy_max_range_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_amphibious_assault_1 = {
sprite = 3
amphibious_invasion = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_amphibious_assault_2 = {
sprite = 3
amphibious_invasion = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2
navy_amphibious_assault_3 = {
sprite = 3
amphibious_invasion = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_submarine_1 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_submarine_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_submarine_2 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_attack_factor = 0.15
navy_submarine_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_submarine_3 = {
sprite = 4
navy_submarine_attack_factor = 0.2
navy_submarine_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_capital_ship_1 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.05
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_capital_ship_2 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2
navy_capital_ship_3 = {
sprite = 3
navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.15
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_screen_1 = {
sprite = 3
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.05
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_screen_2 = {
sprite = 3
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.1
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_screen_3 = {
sprite = 3
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.15
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3

navy_carrier_1 = {
sprite = 3
sortie_efficiency = 0.1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

navy_carrier_2 = {
sprite = 3
sortie_efficiency = 0.15

ai_will_do = {
factor = 2

navy_carrier_3 = {
sprite = 3
sortie_efficiency = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 3
org_1_opinion_1 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_1 = 25
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
soft_attack = 0.025
build_cost_ic = -0.025
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_1_opinion_2 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_1 = 50
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
soft_attack = 0.05
build_cost_ic = -0.05
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_1_opinion_3 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_1 = 75
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
soft_attack = 0.075
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_2_opinion_1 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_2 = 25
equipment_bonus = {
motorized_equipment = {
defense = 0.025
build_cost_ic = -0.025
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_2_opinion_2 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_2 = 50
equipment_bonus = {
motorized_equipment = {
defense = 0.05
build_cost_ic = -0.05
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_2_opinion_3 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_2 = 75
equipment_bonus = {
motorized_equipment = {
defense = 0.075
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0

org_3_opinion_1 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_3 = 25
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
hard_attack = 0.025
build_cost_ic = -0.025
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_3_opinion_2 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_3 = 50
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
hard_attack = 0.05
build_cost_ic = -0.05
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_3_opinion_3 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_3 = 75
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
hard_attack = 0.075
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_4_opinion_1 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_4 = 25
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
breakthrough = 0.025
build_cost_ic = -0.025
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_4_opinion_2 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_4 = 50
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
breakthrough = 0.05
build_cost_ic = -0.05
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_4_opinion_3 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_4 = 75
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
breakthrough = 0.075
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_5_opinion_1 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_5 = 25
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
ap_attack = 0.025
build_cost_ic = -0.025
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_5_opinion_2 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_5 = 50
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
ap_attack = 0.05
build_cost_ic = -0.05
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
org_5_opinion_3 = {
sprite = 3
organization_floor_modifier_5 = 75
equipment_bonus = {
infantry_equipment = {
ap_attack = 0.075
build_cost_ic = -0.075
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
god_emperor = {
random = no
surrender_limit = 0.9
max_surrender_limit_offset = 0.1
research_speed_factor = 0.45
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
max_command_power = 500
command_power_gain = 5
max_fuel_factor = 2.5
fuel_gain_factor = 2.5
army_attack_factor = 0.2
army_defence_factor = 0.1
army_speed_factor = 0.15
supply_consumption_factor = -0.95
out_of_supply_factor = -0.95
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
eternal_president = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.50
surrender_limit = 0.9
max_surrender_limit_offset = 0.1
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.9
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.9
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
invader_from_another_world = {
random = no
surrender_limit = 0.9
max_surrender_limit_offset = 0.1
research_speed_factor = 0.45
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.4
max_command_power = 500
command_power_gain = 5
max_fuel_factor = 2.5
fuel_gain_factor = 2.5
army_attack_factor = 0.2
army_defence_factor = 0.1
army_speed_factor = 0.15
supply_consumption_factor = -0.95
out_of_supply_factor = -0.95
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
casino_heiress = {
sprite = 10
random = no
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
caged_songbird = {
sprite = 10
random = no
encryption_factor = 0.2
resistance_target = -0.05
caged_songbird_lar = {
sprite = 10
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.02
intelligence_agency_defense = 1
crazy_songbird = {
sprite = 10
random = no
army_defence_factor = 0.2
mobilization_speed = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
dimensional_traveller = {
sprite = 13
recon_factor = 0.35
experience_gain_army = 0.50
minimum_training_level = -0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
scarred_for_life = {
sprite = 13
army_defence_factor = 0.075
enemy_justify_war_goal_time = 0.5
army_leader_start_defense_level = 3
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
avatar_of_mars = {
sprite = 13
minimum_training_level = -0.15
army_attack_factor = 0.15
army_speed_factor = 0.1
attrition = -0.15
# Bugged in country scopes, blame PDX
# terrain_penalty_reduction = 0.5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
balance_in_all_things = {
random = no

army_attack_factor = 0.05
army_defence_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
hotblooded_commander = {
random = no

army_attack_factor = 0.1
army_defence_factor = -0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
texas_veteran = {
random = no
army_attack_factor = 0.03
army_defence_factor = 0.03
army_morale_factor = 0.03

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
naval_mastery = {
random = no

navy_capital_ship_attack_factor = 0.2
navy_capital_ship_defence_factor = 0.2
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.2
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.2
experience_gain_navy = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
ghoul_ranger = {
random = no

resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.1
resistance_target = -0.05
compliance_gain = 0.02

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
lanius_married_god = {
random = no

political_power_factor = 0.05

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
cos_agent = {
random = no

recon_factor = 0.2
encryption_factor = 0.5
decryption_factor = 0.5
operative_slot = 1
intelligence_agency_defense = 1
intel_network_gain_factor = 0.5

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
elder_emergency_authority_trait = {
random = no

political_power_gain = 0.1
mobilization_speed = 0.05
greenway_ingenuity = {
random = no

weekly_manpower = 50
production_factory_max_efficiency_factor = 0.2
local_resources_factor = 0.2
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.2

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
crocker_ambassador = {
random = no
political_power_gain = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
chitsa_manipulator = {
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.2
political_power_gain = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
chitsa_killer = {
random = no
political_power_gain = 0.05
land_reinforce_rate = 0.03
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
chitsa_overlord = {
random = no
conscription_factor = 0.1
training_time_factor = -0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
dimitri_doctor = {
random = no
land_reinforce_rate = 0.05
research_speed_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
nagor_warrior = {

##### Lanius
peon_tusk_hell_trait = {
random = no
land_reinforce_rate = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
monster_in_the_woods_trait = {
random = no
equipment_capture_factor = 0.1
army_org_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
captain_crabeater_trait = {
random = no
naval_invasion_penalty = -0.1
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.075
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
nagor_reclusive = {
random = no
trade_opinion_factor = -0.2
command_power_gain = 1
defence = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
dale_barton_trait = {
random = no
local_resources_factor = 0.05
caps_income_modifier = 0.1
equipment_bonus = {
convoy = {
build_cost_ic = -0.15
instant = yes
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
juan_efectivo_trait = {
random = no
targeted_modifier = {
tag = ATE
defense_bonus_against = 0.05
targeted_modifier = {
tag = ITZ
defense_bonus_against = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
admiral_dictator = {
random = no
research_speed_factor = 0.1
production_speed_naval_base_factor = 0.1
production_speed_dockyard_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
supreme_ruler = {
random = no
political_power_gain = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.1
war_support_factor = 0.05
army_morale_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
hai_wounded = {
random = no
political_power_factor = -0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
hai_pirate_king_1 = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
hai_pirate_king_2 = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.13
experience_gain_navy = 0.15
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.28
naval_invasion_penalty = -0.25
naval_morale = 18
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
hai_pirate_queen = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
experience_gain_navy = 0.15
convoy_raiding_efficiency_factor = 0.28
naval_invasion_penalty = -0.25
naval_morale = 18
production_speed_dockyard_factor = 0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
shi_absolutist = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
required_garrison_factor = -0.20
compliance_growth = -0.10
subjects_autonomy_gain = -0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
var_undead_queen = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
required_garrison_factor = -0.20
compliance_growth = 0.10
subjects_autonomy_gain = -0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
shi_consitutionalist = {
random = no
political_power_factor = -0.10
compliance_gain = 0.02
conscription = 0.04
non_core_manpower = 0.20
cic_to_overlord_factor = 0.50
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
shi_golden_monarch = {
random = no
war_stability_factor = 0.20
war_support_factor = 0.10
stability_weekly = 0.01
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
sky_seer = {
random = no
recon_factor = 0.25
encryption_factor = 0.5
decryption_factor = 0.5
operative_slot = 1
intelligence_agency_defense = 1
intel_network_gain_factor = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
kit_fox_warrior = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.1
war_support_factor = -0.1
special_forces_min = 50 #special_forces_cap = 0.05
conscription_factor = 0.2
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

lakota_chief = {
random = no
# Bugged in country scopes, blame PDX
# terrain_penalty_reduction = 0.15
special_forces_min = 30
required_compliance_for_coring = -15
army_speed_factor = 0.1
org_loss_when_moving = -0.1
breakthrough_factor = 0.1
warrior_prophet = {
random = no
special_forces_min = 30
army_morale_factor = 0.10
army_org_factor = 0.10
brigadier = {
random = no
country_resource_advanced = 5
country_resource_composites = 5
country_resource_circuitry = 5
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_attack_factor = 0.025
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_support_attack_factor = 0.025
modifier_army_sub_unit_power_armour_speed_factor = 0.025
nature_ranger = {
random = no

weekly_manpower = 1
production_factory_efficiency_gain_factor = 0.1
local_resources_factor = -0.1
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
#roach king#
roach_king = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_radroach_infantry_attack_factor = 0.1
modifier_army_sub_unit_radroach_infantry_defence_factor = 0.1
army_morale_factor = 0.04
RCK_roach_leader = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_radroach_infantry_attack_factor = 0.1
modifier_army_sub_unit_radroach_infantry_defence_factor = 0.1
war_support_weekly = -0.01
stability_weekly = -0.01
weekly_manpower = -7
production_speed_buildings_factor = -0.99
army_morale_factor = 0.03
training_time_factor = -0.33
command_power_gain = 1
#Petro Chico#
PET_the_boards = {
random = no
resistance_target = -0.05
political_power_factor = 0.05
planning_speed = 0.1
research_speed_factor = 0.05
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
industrial_capacity_factory = 0.1
experience_gain_army = 0.05
justify_war_goal_time = -0.1
### Shi
ncr_best_friend = {
random = no
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.075
army_morale_factor = 0.05
experience_gain_army = 0.10
political_power_factor = 0.05
planning_speed = 0.1
### Reno
kind_hearted = {
random = no

defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.3

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
##3 Canada
paranoid_terror = {
random = no

political_power_factor = -0.10
ruler_drift = 0.10
stability_factor = -0.10
weekly_manpower = -1

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

commissariat = {
random = no
operative_slot = 1
resistance_target = -0.25
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
big_sister = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 1.0
stability_factor = -0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
mother_of_republic = {
sprite = 10
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.2
stability_factor = 0.1
torch_bearer = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.10
war_support_factor = 0.10
sword_north = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.1
army_morale_factor = 0.1
justify_war_goal_time = -0.25
beloved_duchess = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.20

pilot_awesome = {
random = no
equipment_bonus = {
blimp_equipment = {
reliability = 0.2
air_blimp_equipment = {
reliability = 0.2
ground_blimp_equipment = {
reliability = 0.2
cheap_blimp_equipment = {
reliability = 0.2
merchant_princes = {
random = no
caps_income_modifier = 0.10
stability_factor = 0.10
war_support_factor = -0.10
farmer_majority = {
random = no
monthly_population = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.05
army_morale_factor = 0.1
old_but_gold = {
random = no
experience_loss_factor = -0.10
experience_gain_army_factor = 0.15
minimum_training_level = 0.1
####Montana Chapter####
soh_the_last_resort = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.80
justify_war_goal_time = -0.20
army_morale_factor = -0.03
stability_factor = -0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
soh_heir_apparent = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.10
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
soh_tough_love = {
random = no
resistance_target = -0.20
political_power_factor = 0.03
soh_beast_in_the_machine = {
random = no
resistance_target = -0.25
justify_war_goal_time = -0.45
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.75
planning_speed = 0.1
####New Khans####
queen_of_the_khans = {
random = no
ai_focus_aggressive_factor = 0.6
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
army_morale_factor = 0.01
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
true_khanate_leader_trait = {
random = no
monthly_population = 0.1
political_power_factor = 0.1
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
amgalan_follower_trait = {
random = no
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.05
supply_consumption_factor = -0.05
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
papa_khan_heir = {
sprite = 5
justify_war_goal_time = -0.35
army_defence_factor = 0.1
max_planning = 0.1
elites_drift = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 3
khan_puppet_worth_trait = {
random = no
army_attack_factor = 0.07
max_command_power = 20
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
####jacksons // ruminators
jck_queen_of_business = {
random = no
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.08
beloved_duchess = {
random = no
stability_factor = 0.10
army_morale_factor = 0.05
minimum_training_level = 0.03
the_not_so_undefeated = {
random = no
stability_factor = -0.05
political_power_factor = -0.05
red_rose = {
random = no
sprite = 13
army_org_factor = 0.12
compliance_gain = 0.03
rad_order = {
random = no
army_org_factor = 0.05
compliance_gain = 0.02
resistance_growth = -0.2
nit_leader_trait = {
random = no
special_forces_min = 20
army_org_factor = 0.15
billie_jean_smooth_criminal = {
random = no
army_org_factor = 0.05
caps_income_modifier = 0.10
master_of_his_fate = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.05
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
ncr_the_mother_of_california = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.15
special_forces_cap = 0.05
resistance_target = -0.1
resistance_growth = -0.25
justify_war_goal_time = -0.25
political_power_factor = 0.5
### Baron's Eyrie
WYR_loving_caps = {
random = no
caps_expense_modifier = -0.1
caps_income_modifier = 0.1
WYR_boundless_energy = {
random = no
political_power_gain = 0.05
send_volunteer_size = 2
send_volunteer_divisions_required = -0.5
WYR_eye_for_talent = {
random = no
command_power_gain_mult = 0.2
army_leader_cost_factor = -0.5
party_popularity_stability_factor = 0.2
WYR_ruthless = {
random = no
justify_war_goal_time = -0.2
stability_factor = -0.1
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.15
WYR_ruthless_advisor = {
random = no
justify_war_goal_time = -0.1
stability_factor = -0.05
political_power_gain = 0.1
WYR_the_wall = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_defence_factor = 0.1
modifier_army_sub_unit_infantry_max_org_factor = 0.03
WYR_battle_doctor = {
random = no
research_speed_factor = 0.05
experience_gain_army = 0.075
WYR_taskmaster_trait = {
random = no
production_speed_buildings_factor = 0.05
conversion_cost_civ_to_mil_factor = -0.1
conversion_cost_mil_to_civ_factor = -0.1
WYR_greedy_trader = {
random = no
trade_opinion_factor = 0.2
min_export = -0.05
local_resources = 0.05
WYR_saint_matthew = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.1
conscription_factor = 0.1
WYR_serpent_trait = {
random = no
enemy_operative_detection_chance_factor = 0.1
own_operative_intel_extraction_rate = 0.1
operative_slot = 1
WYR_serpent_trait_no_la = {
random = no
compliance_growth = 0.12
resistance_damage_to_garrison_on_our_occupied_states = 0.25
WYR_warhorse_trait = {
random = no
breakthrough_factor = 0.06
land_reinforce_rate = 0.06
the_siren_song = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
stability_factor = -0.1
conscription_factor = 0.05
the_mothers_embrace = {
random = no
resistance_growth_on_our_occupied_states = 0.25
compliance_growth_on_our_occupied_states = -0.25
compliance_growth = 0.15
resistance_growth = -0.15
insecticidal_tendencies = {
random = no
army_attack_factor = 0.02
liar_liar = {
random = no
opinion_gain_monthly_factor = 0.3
trade_opinion_factor = 0.15
happy_camper = {
random = no
no_supply_grace = 48
heat_attrition_factor = -0.05
skilled_diplomat = {
random = no
trade_opinion_factor = 0.15
political_power_gain = 0.05
# Eagle Rock #
eag_general_of_air_force = {
# Bugged modifier unfortunately, doesn't work in either vanilla or OWB
but this trait is already quite strong without it @Tran
# air_power_projection_factor = 0.15
air_superiority_efficiency = 0.20
ground_attack_factor = 0.05
air_agility_factor = 0.05
air_attack_factor = 0.05
air_defence_factor = 0.05
eag_airship_pilot = {
air_agility_factor = 0.05
air_ace_bonuses_factor = 0.15
eag_airship_engineer = {
equipment_bonus = {
blimp_equipment = {
build_cost_ic = -0.15
instant = yes
eag_air_crew_organizer = {
air_mission_efficiency = 0.10
air_accidents_factor = -0.25
TOC_champion_of_seattle = {
random = no
defensive_war_stability_factor = 0.15
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_attack_factor = 0.09
modifier_army_sub_unit_heavy_infantry_speed_factor = 0.05
TOC_champion_of_seattle_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = champion_of_seattle_locked
TOC_winterbreaker = {
random = no
resistance_target = -0.1
resistance_growth = -0.3
justify_war_goal_time = -0.25
political_power_factor = 0.2
TOC_winterbreaker_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = winterbreaker_locked
TOC_grozdan_resolute = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.15
stability_factor = 0.05
TOC_the_eighth_wonder_of_the_world = {
sprite = 10
random = no
production_speed_industrial_complex_factor = 0.15
production_speed_infrastructure_factor = 0.15
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
TOC_the_eighth_wonder_of_the_world_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = the_eighth_wonder_of_the_world_locked
TOC_honorary_woman = {
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.075
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.15
TOC_honorary_woman_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = honorary_woman_locked
PAS_legacy_of_foxtrot = {
random = no
trade_opinion_factor = 0.2
command_power_gain = 0.04
defence = 0.05
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
ROT_brigid_trait_1_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = ROT_brigid_trait_1_locked_tt
ROT_brigid_trait_2_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = ROT_brigid_trait_2_locked_tt
ROT_brigid_trait_3_locked = {
random = no
custom_modifier_tooltip = ROT_brigid_trait_3_locked_tt
ROT_brigid_last_enchantress = { #trait 1
core_creation_cost_factor = -0.20
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.20
ROT_brigid_iron_maiden = { #trait 2
compliance_growth = 0.5
ROT_brigid_conqueror_of_cascadia = { #trait 3
offensive_war_stability_factor = 0.1
justify_war_goal_time = -0.5
ROT_brigid_runechild = { #trait 1
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.075
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.15
ROT_brigid_proxima_avalon = { #trait 2
special_forces_attack_factor = 0.05
special_forces_defence_factor = 0.075
consumer_goods_expected_value = -0.05
ROT_brigid_she_who_stared_into_the_abyss = { #trait 3
army_morale_factor = 0.1
justify_war_goal_time = -0.3
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.3
#Bayou Motors
BAM_blanche_bay_baron = {
production_speed_dockyard_factor = 0.15
convoy_escort_efficiency = 0.05
navy_screen_attack_factor = 0.025
navy_screen_defence_factor = 0.025
RES_enigmatic = {
max_planning = 0.05
encryption_factor = 0.5
great_snakekeeper = {
war_support_factor = 0.1
production_factory_start_efficiency_factor = 0.1
equipment_capture_factor = 0.05
army_attack_factor = 0.05
high_priestess = {
stability_factor = 0.1
political_power_factor = 0.15
army_morale_factor = 0.1
non_core_manpower = 0.05
tpa_destiny_trait_1 = {
random = no
training_time_factor = -0.10
planning_speed = 0.05
tpa_destiny_trait_2 = {
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.02
planning_speed = 0.05
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.5
tpa_destiny_trait_3 = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.25
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
tpa_destiny_trait_4 = {
random = no
core_creation_cost_factor = -0.2
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.2
resistance_target = -0.2
fen_slayer_of_the_wolf = {
random = no
core_creation_cost_factor = -0.2
resistance_target = -0.2
political_power_factor = 0.25
army_morale_factor = 0.10
plt_hope_trait = {
random = no
resistance_target = -0.2
resistance_growth = -0.2
compliance_growth = 0.2
stn_grandmaster = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.15
special_forces_cap = 0.30
vts_grandmaster = {
random = no
trade_opinion_factor = 0.3
special_forces_cap = 0.10
resistance_damage_to_garrison = -0.5
vts_leshys_mercy = {
random = no
political_power_factor = 0.20
special_forces_min = 15
stn_she_who_survived_the_scarlet_blizzard = {
random = no
war_support_factor = 0.10
army_attack_factor = 0.05
stn_twice_scarred = {
random = no
attrition = -0.02
supply_consumption_factor = -0.05
stn_president_of_the_free_canadarians = {
random = no
core_creation_cost_factor = -0.25
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.25
opinion_gain_monthly_same_ideology_factor = 0.03
stn_radio_freedom_host = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.05
stn_champion_of_freedom = {
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.05
stn_solemn = {
random = no
breakthrough_factor = 0.05
political_power_factor = 0.10
army_morale_Factor = 0.05
stn_forsaken = {
random = no
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
stn_a_liar_and_a_schemer = {
planning_speed = 0.05
political_power_factor = 0.20
stn_slayer_of_beya = {
random = no
special_forces_cap = 0.15
planning_speed = 0.05
political_power_factor = 0.20
ylj_oppressive_mother = {
random = no
compliance_gain = 0.05
resistance_target = -0.1
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.10
sta_true_love = {
random = no
army_morale_factor = 0.05
justify_war_goal_time = -0.10
sta_two_families_alike_in_infamy = {
random = no
modifier_army_sub_unit_spec_ops_cavalry_speed_factor = 0.05
sta_heart_of_the_stampede = {
random = no
special_forces_cap = 0.20
political_power_factor = 0.10
justify_war_goal_time = -0.30
breakthrough_factor = 0.05
sta_proud_parents = {
random = no
required_compliance_for_coring_factor = -0.15
# vim: set ft=pdx ts=2 sw=2 tw=79 :

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