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Reflect Reading &Writing, Level 2: Unit 3 Assessment

Name: Class: Date:

Choose the correct answer.

1. ____ I don’t usually like pasta. ________, I love spaghetti.

a. Afterward b. And c. However

2. ____ I like to study in the library because it’s usually empty and very ________.

a. quiet b. noisy c. popular

3. ____ Every ________ has traditional music.

a. person b. sound c. culture

4. ____ When I play music, I keep the ________ low or wear earphones if my roommate is home.

a. instrument b. volume c. background

5. ____ Do you usually ________ by text or by email?

a. concentrate b. communicate c. repeat

6. ____ My parents like traditional and classic songs, but I prefer ________ music.

a. modern b. certain c. useful

7. ____ Going to a concert is a great ________. I always enjoy it.

a. trip b. culture c. experience

8. ____ Playing soft music actually helps me ________ when I do my homework.

a. sleep b. communicate c. concentrate

9. ____ My apartment building is ________ on the weekends because people play loud music.

a. quiet b. noisy c. relaxing

10. ____ Doug listens to older music, but I enjoy ________ songs that everyone knows the words to.

a. popular b. useful c. main

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Choose the correct answer. Choose Ø if the noun does not need an article.

11. ____ I listen to _____ music in the evenings.

a. a b. an c. Ø

12. ____ Do you play _____ instrument in the band?

a. a b. an c. Ø

13. ____ Where did you read _____ information about the concert?

a. the b. a c. an

14. ____ I wrote _____ songs for the school play.

a. a b. an c. Ø

Choose the two best answers.

15. ____ ____ I think _____ people in my class like jazz.

a. a few c. many
b. much d. a little

16. ________ Can you give me _____ information about the concert, please?

a. much c. a few
b. a little d. some

17. ____ ____ I have _____ work to do, so I can’t go to the concert tonight.

a. a lot of c. some
b. a few d. many

18. ____ ____ Sherry doesn’t have _____ time for band practice.

a. many c. much
b. a lot of d. a few

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Read the text. Then choose the best answer.


1 When you think of a modern rock band, you probably think only about the main members: singers,
guitar players, and drummers. However, many bands have other people that perform on stage with
them, and even more people that work for them off the stage. Bands and singers depend on a lot of
people to give great live performances.

2 Some bands and singers sometimes have musical guests. For example, a marching band, a choir, or
an orchestra may be invited to perform with a band. They may do this for one special event, or they
might tour with the band and perform at several concerts. Musical guests bring something new or
different to the band, like the sounds of horns or violins. This gives the fans a certain experience
during the concerts.

3 Many bands and singers also include dancers in their live performances. Some have a few dancers in
the background and others include many. The lead singer many times moves with the dancers and
sings at the same time. The dancers often dress alike and do all of the same dance moves. Sometimes
they even tell a story through dance. Fans enjoy seeing these amazing and talented dancers perform
with their favorite bands and singers.

4 Finally, there are a lot of other people who work for bands but don’t perform on stage. Technicians,
or techs, take care of the musicians’ instruments. There is often a special tech for each type of
instrument. Some people set up the stage, others set up and control the lights, and others take care of
the sound. Managers solve problems and schedule concerts. Many bands often have their own bus
drivers to take them to the concerts. All of these people have to communicate clearly with the band
members and with each other in order to put on a successful show.

5 Next time you have a good experience at a concert, think of all of the people who worked together to
make it happen. Even if a band has only a few performers on stage, you now know there are a lot of
people who have worked hard to make them sound and look amazing.

19. ____ What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. Bands and singers give b. Many people work with c. Bands and singers
people a great experience bands off stage. sometimes have musical
at concerts. guests on stage.

20. ____ What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

a. Bands can have four or b. Bands and singers often c. Bands and singers often
more members. have dancers on stage. have many different
people on stage.

21. ____ What is the main idea of paragraph 4?

a. Many people work b. Sound techs work with c. Bands always put on a
together with bands to put many different bands. successful show.
on successful shows.

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Read the text. Then write T (true), F (false), or NG (not given).


1 When you think of a modern rock band, you probably think only about the main members: singers,
guitar players, and drummers. However, many bands have other people that perform on stage with
them, and even more people that work for them off the stage. Bands and singers depend on a lot of
people to give great live performances.

2 Some bands and singers sometimes have musical guests. For example, a marching band, a choir, or
an orchestra may be invited to perform with a band. They may do this for one special event, or they
might tour with the band and perform at several concerts. Musical guests bring something new or
different to the band, like the sounds of horns or violins. This gives the fans a certain experience
during the concerts.

3 Many bands and singers also include dancers in their live performances. Some have a few dancers in
the background and others include many. The lead singer many times moves with the dancers and
sings at the same time. The dancers often dress alike and do all of the same dance moves. Sometimes
they even tell a story through dance. Fans enjoy seeing these amazing and talented dancers perform
with their favorite bands and singers.

4 Finally, there are a lot of other people who work for bands but don’t perform on stage. Technicians,
or techs, take care of the musicians’ instruments. There is often a special tech for each type of
instrument. Some people set up the stage, others set up and control the lights, and others take care of
the sound. Managers solve problems and schedule concerts. Many bands often have their own bus
drivers to take them to the concerts. All of these people have to communicate clearly with the band
members and with each other in order to put on a successful show.

5 Next time you have a good experience at a concert, think of all of the people who worked together to
make it happen. Even if a band has only a few performers on stage, you now know there are a lot of
people who have worked hard to make them sound and look amazing.

22. ____ The main members of a rock band are singers, horn players, and violin players.

23. ____ Musical guests may perform for special events or in a band tour.

24. ____ Dancers that work for a band often become famous singers.

25. ____ Techs schedule concerts for a band.

26. ____ More bands ride buses than fly on planes to get to concerts.

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Read the text. Then match the main idea to the supporting sentence.


1 When you think of a modern rock band, you probably think only about the main members: singers,
guitar players, and drummers. However, many bands have other people that perform on stage with
them, and even more people that work for them off the stage. Bands and singers depend on a lot of
people to give great live performances.

2 Some bands and singers sometimes have musical guests. For example, a marching band, a choir, or
an orchestra may be invited to perform with a band. They may do this for one special event, or they
might tour with the band and perform at several concerts. Musical guests bring something new or
different to the band, like the sounds of horns or violins. This gives the fans a certain experience
during the concerts.

3 Many bands and singers also include dancers in their live performances. Some have a few dancers in
the background and others include many. The lead singer many times moves with the dancers and
sings at the same time. The dancers often dress alike and do all of the same dance moves. Sometimes
they even tell a story through dance. Fans enjoy seeing these amazing and talented dancers perform
with their favorite bands and singers.

4 Finally, there are a lot of other people who work for bands but don’t perform on stage. Technicians,
or techs, take care of the musicians’ instruments. There is often a special tech for each type of
instrument. Some people set up the stage, others set up and control the lights, and others take care of
the sound. Managers solve problems and schedule concerts. Many bands often have their own bus
drivers to take them to the concerts. All of these people have to communicate clearly with the band
members and with each other in order to put on a successful show.

5 Next time you have a good experience at a concert, think of all of the people who worked together to
make it happen. Even if a band has only a few performers on stage, you now know there are a lot of
people who have worked hard to make them sound and look amazing.

a. Some people set up the stage, others set up and control the lights, and others take care of
the sound.
b. For example, a marching band, a choir, or an orchestra may be invited to perform with a
c. Sometimes they even tell a story through dance.

27. ____ Many singers have musical guests.

28. ____ Dancers often perform with bands and singers.
29. ____ Many people work before a concert to make it successful.


Choose the three best answers.

30. ____ ____ ____ Which of the following parts will help you to analyze and better understand the topic

a. performers c. actors
b. musical guests d. people who set up the stage

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Read the text. Then answer the question.

There are a lot of other people who work for bands but don’t perform on stage. Technicians, or techs,
take care of the musicians’ instruments. There is often a special tech for each type of instrument. Some
people set up the stage, others set up and control the lights, and others take care of the sound.
Managers solve problems and schedule concerts. Many bands often have their own bus drivers to take
them to the concerts. All of these people have to communicate clearly with the band members and with
each other in order to put on a successful show.

31. How do techs help musicians?


32. Who schedules concerts?


33. Where do bus drivers take performers?


34. Why do a band and other workers need to communicate clearly?


Write a sentence using the given quantifier.

35. a few


36. many


37. much


38. a little


39. some

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Read the prompt. Then write a response of at least 100 words.

40. Think about your favorite performer. Write a paragraph about why you like him, her, or them. Use
supporting sentences with reasons, details, and examples.






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Answer Key

1. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


2. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


3. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


4. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


5. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


6. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


7. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


8. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


9. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


10. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Vocabulary


11. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 1


12. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 1


13. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 1


14. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 1


15. ANS: A, C PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 2


16. ANS: B, D PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 2


17. ANS: A, C PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 2

©2021 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company 8


18. ANS: B, C PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Grammar 2


19. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Main


20. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Main


21. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Main


22. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Details


23. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Details


24. ANS: NG PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Details


25. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Details


26. ANS: NG PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading for Details


27. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading Skill

28. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading Skill

29. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L2U3 TOP: Reading Skill

30. ANS: A, B, D PTS: 3 REF: L2U3 TOP: Critical

Thinking Skill NAR: L2U3_MR2

31. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: They take care of their instruments.
Techs take care of the musicians’ instruments.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Skill

©2021 National Geographic Learning, a Cengage Learning Company 9

32. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: Managers schedule concerts.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Skill

33. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: Bus drivers take performers to the concerts.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Skill

34. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: They need to communicate clearly to put on a good show.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Skill

35. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: I have a few old music CDs.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Practice 1

36. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: Many people like K-pop.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Practice 1

37. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: I don’t have much time to listen to music.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Practice 1

38. ANS:
Students’ own answer.
Sample answer: There’s a little information about the concert on the band’s website.
PTS: 2 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Practice 1

39. ANS:
Students’ own answers
Sample answer: Some songs are more popular than others.
PTS: 1 REF: L3U3 TOP: Writing Practice 1

40. ANS:
Students’ own answers

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PTS: 6 REF: L2U3 TOP: Writing Practice 2

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