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UR (/)

its goal is to cure your brain. We’ve all seen
The Matrix. We know about red pills. Many
claim to sell them. You can go, for example, to
any bookstore, and ask the guy behind the
counter for some Noam Chomsky. What you’ll
get is blue pills soaked in Red #3.

Since we provide the genuine article, UR is

pretty much the anti-Chomsky. (As a broad
generalization, UR’s stance in any controversy
will be the opposite of Chomsky’s.) Take one
of our red pills—heck, split one in half—and
you’ll be in a completely different world.
This site is designed as a permanent home for
Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug. It
includes ebooks prepared from the original
( UR
source material as well as a complete chronological
archive. Although Moldbug himself has retired
(/2016/04/coda/) from UR, this site and the various
ebooks have been prepared with his permission, and
he receives all royalties from sales

Mencius Moldbug is widely credited with founding

neoreaction (NRx), a political philosophy and
intellectual movement dedicated to providing secure,
responsible, and effective government. A central
thesis of neoreaction is that accomplishing this goal
requires a critical re-evaluation of “democracy
from the perspective of political engineering and
informed by a study of the great political thinkers of
the past. As Moldbug puts it (/2009/09/gentle-
introduction-to-unqualified/#essence-of-reaction) in
A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations
(/2009/01/gentle-introduction-to-unqualified/) :
The essence of any 21st-century reaction is the
unity of these two forces: the modern engineering
mentality, and the great historical legacy of antique,
classical and Victorian pre-democratic thought. The
adept, to achieve reactionary enlightenment,
observes that both yield the same result. What can
it be, but the truth for which all good men seek?
Armed with this sure and fearless faith, the Reaction
conquers all.

Although there are some who slander

neoreaction, the reader is invited to evaluate UR for
himself and make up his own mind. Be careful not to
take everything Moldbug writes literally, though—as
Moldbug himself notes (/2009/09/gentle-
introduction-to-unqualified/#defoe-salt) when
discussing arch-reactionary Daniel Defoe
(, author
of The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters
( and Robinson
Crusoe (
h/521-h.htm) :

Defoe was a tricky fellow after my own heart. He

too expects you to add your own salt.

Failing to add such salt

( when
reading UR is guaranteed to cause confusion.

Per Moldbug's request, the original UR blog comments

have been removed from the current archive. All
footnotes in the UR posts are by the site editor unless
indicated otherwise.

In addition to buying the Moldbug ebooks

desc-rank), you can support Moldbug’s latest work by
subscribing to his Substack
( (Gray Mirror of
the Nihilist Prince (
and by buying Vol. I of the UR print edition
reservations-volume-1/) (including “A formalist
manifesto,” An Open Letter to Open-Minded
Progressives, How Dawkins Got Pwned, and a new
introduction by Curtis Yarvin).

While it is certainly possible to read Unqualified
Reservations from start to finish (or to peruse the
excellent if slightly outdated topical archive
(/archive/Moldbuggery.html)), the Moldbug ebooks
represent the most systematic and accessible
introduction to neoreactionary thought. Lightly
edited and extensively annotated, the ebooks are
available both for purchase
desc-rank) and for free online. They are listed here
roughly in recommended reading order, with
approximate print-equivalent page counts:

An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives

progressives/) (344 pages)

A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations

(/2009/01/gentle-introduction-to-unqualified/) (279

How Dawkins Got Pwned (/2007/09/how-dawkins-

got-pwned-part-1/) (106 pages)
Moldbug on Carlyle (/2010/02/from-mises-to-
carlyle-my-sick-journey/) (88 pages)
Patchwork: A Political System for the 21st Century
(/2008/11/patchwork-positive-vision-part-1/) (65

The table of contents for each ebook is available using

the menu on the upper right of the screen.
Descriptive chapter titles are used in the menu and on
the posts themselves, but the original titles have been
retained in the archive for historical purposes.

An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives

progressives/) is the first systematic introduction
Moldbug produced, and remains the most
comprehensive self-contained exposition of Moldbug’s
thought. Some readers, especially those with
technical backgrounds, may prefer the closely related
volume A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified
Reservations (/2009/01/gentle-introduction-to-
unqualified/), which develops the Matrix-style Red Pill
analogy that has become a hallmark of the dissident
Right generally and NRx specifically. If you’re
uncertain where to start, try them both and see which
one hooks you.

Serious students of neoreaction are especially

encouraged to read Moldbug on Carlyle
which is more advanced than the introductory
volumes but represents some of Moldbug’s finest

If you’re in a hurry, you can start with three shorter

individual essays:

“A formalist manifesto (/2007/04/formalist-

manifesto-originally-posted/)” (13 pages)
“Technology, communism and the Brown Scare
scare/)” (29 pages)
“Sam Altman is not a blithering idiot (/2013/03/sam-
altman-is-not-blithering-idiot/)” (25 pages)

“A formalist manifesto (/2007/04/formalist-

manifesto-originally-posted/),” UR’s inaugural post,
sets the stage for the rest of the site. Meanwhile,
“Technology, communism and the Brown Scare
scare/)” is the shortest self-contained introduction to
Moldbug’s political philosophy, and “Sam Altman is not
a blithering idiot (/2013/03/sam-altman-is-not-
blithering-idiot/)” is the most concise introduction to
Moldbug’s views on economics. If you have time for
only one, “Technology, communism and the Brown
Scare (/2013/09/technology-communism-and-
brown-scare/)” is probably the way to go, but all three
are well worth reading either before or after the more
extensive ebook compilations.
(/2008/04/open- (/2009/01/gentle- (/2007/09/how-
letter-to-open- introduction-to- dawkins-got-
minded- unqualified/) pwned-part-1/)
A Gentle How Dawkins
An Open Letter Introduction to Got Pwned
to Open-Minded Unqualified (/2007/09/how-
Progressives Reservations dawkins-got-
(/2008/04/open- (/2009/01/gentle- pwned-part-1/)
letter-to-open- introduction-to-
minded- unqualified/) Discover how
progressives/) scientist Richard
This provocative
This open letter Dawkins got
volume contains
challenges pwned by
a concentrated
everything you Universalism, the
dose of
thought you world’s most
Unqualified powerful
knew about Reservations, the
politics and parasitic
ultimate political
history. We all memeplex. The
Red Pill. Are you
like to think our worst part: you
ready to escape
minds are open— could be
the Matrix? Let’s
but is yours open infected, too.
see how deep the
enough to
rabbit hole

Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon

(/2010/02/from- (/2008/11/patchwork- (/2007/04/formalist-
mises-to-carlyle- positive-vision- manifesto-
my-sick-journey/) part-1/) originally-posted/)
Moldbug on Patchwork: A A formalist
Carlyle Political System manifesto
(/2010/02/from- for the 21st (/2007/04/formalist-
mises-to-carlyle- Century manifesto-
my-sick-journey/) (/2008/11/patchwork- originally-
positive-vision- posted/)
Challenge your part-1/)
political This is the
Enter Patchwork, inaugural
Mencius installment from
with Mencius
Moldbug’s Unqualified
inspiring vision Reservations, the
of a political blog widely
introduction to
system for the credited with
the ultimate
21st century. founding the
Patchwork’s modern political
Victorian writer
innovative philosophy of
and historian
design, which “neoreaction”
Thomas Carlyle.
relies on (NRx). Whether
sovereign joint- you’re a
stock republics neophyte or a
with seasoned NRx
cryptographic veteran, you’ll
governance, enjoy (re)visiting
brings the the classic post
promise of clean that started it all.
negligible crime,
invincible robot
armies, and
world peace.

Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon

(/2013/09/technology- (/2013/03/sam-
communism-and- altman-is-not-
brown-scare/) blithering-idiot/)
Technology, Sam Altman is
communism and not a blithering
the Brown Scare idiot
(/2013/09/technology- (/2013/03/sam-
communism-and- altman-is-not-
brown-scare/) blithering-idiot/)
Technology is Major parts of
but the latest in a American cities
long line of that were
industries to fall thriving in 1950
victim to the have now fallen
Brown Scare— into chaos and
America’s ruin. Meanwhile,
ginormous, Palo Alto is full of
never-ending, beautiful young
profoundly people adoring
insane witch- every detail of
hunt for fascists their new Retina
under the bed. iPads. Which of
Why does the these
Brown Scare phenomena is
grow even as its more relevant?
enemies shrink? Which is the
Hint: America is a narrative, which
communist the distraction?
country. And what would
Sam Altman

Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon

2007-04-24 A formalist manifesto

2007-04-24 The case against democracy: ten red pills

2007-04-26 Why do atheists believe in religion?

2007-04-26 Improper political influence over government decision-making

2007-04-27 Plague of Dead Sharks, by Alan Dugan

2007-04-27 The essential idea of leftism

2007-04-27 My new comments policy

2007-04-28 Jaroslav Hašek and the kernel-monitor meme

2007-04-29 Journalistic independence

2007-04-29 Terminology and an open floor

2007-05-01 What if there’s no such thing as chaotic good?

2007-05-02 He who refuses does not repent

2007-05-03 The genius of the New Deal design

2007-05-06 Two kinds of repeaters

2007-05-06 Castes of the United States

2007-05-08 The BDH–OV conflict

2007-05-08 What’s ominous is that this dreary world comes after years of meticulous planning

2007-05-09 The Utley rule and the BDH alliance

2007-05-09 Bad Poem of the Week: “Vanitas Mundi” by Robin Ekiss

2007-05-10 This richly colored medium square

2007-05-11 Roth, castes, chimps and Rangordnung

2007-05-11 Consider the true cost of living with Wiccaphobia

2007-05-11 The Antisingularity

2007-05-12 Watch the wide sea

2007-05-13 The iron polygon: power in the United States

2007-05-13 Political sanity in one easy step

2007-05-13 Is anyone else getting a Blogger error

2007-05-13 Secularists for secularism!

2007-05-15 Idealism is not great

2007-05-16 The Laphroaig is unawarded

2007-05-16 UR’s plan to fix Iraq

2007-05-16 Our planet is infested with pseudo-atheists

2007-05-17 “The evidence of such sheer dishonesty in science was hard to accept.”

2007-05-20 The magic of symmetric sovereignty

2007-05-20 Understanding racial idealism

2007-05-21 Popularchy: rule of the People

2007-05-23 Limited government as antipropertarian idealism

2007-05-24 The unlikely appeal of nonidealism

2007-05-25 The Fnargland Grand Challenge

2007-05-26 Good government as good customer service

2007-05-28 L.E. Sissman: poet of the century

2007-05-29 Five ways to classify belief systems

2007-05-29 The Democrats: party of lies

2007-05-31 The reconciliation of government with liberty

2007-06-02 Attack of the jazz racists

2007-06-02 Hillary fires back

2007-06-03 The generalist’s stone: a stable mind

2007-06-04 Principles and platitudes

2007-06-07 The mystery of the gray government

2007-06-08 Liquid

2007-06-08 Why there’s no such thing as “liberal media bias”

2007-06-10 Separation of information and security

2007-06-12 A short history of ultracalvinism

2007-06-13 UR will return on Wednesday, June 20

2007-06-20 Friction in theory and practice

2007-06-21 Moderation

2007-06-22 Why conservatives never quite catch the boat

2007-06-23 Some objections to ultracalvinism

2007-06-24 Why I am not an anti-Semite

2007-06-24 The ultracalvinist hypothesis: in perspective

2007-06-26 Cement

2007-06-27 Cryptocalvinism, slightly tweaked

2007-06-29 The Rawlsian god: cryptocalvinism in action

2007-06-30 Carlyle rages against the coming of the light

2007-07-02 The mystery of pacifism

2007-07-04 Why, when, and how to abolish the United States

2007-07-06 I wonder if Jonah Goldberg talks about this

2007-07-07 A typical moderate-liberal-constitutional-monarchist thought

2007-07-10 UR-ICF #1: Carlyle, Montagu, Nock

2007-07-12 My Navrozov moments

2007-07-14 The Pigeon

2007-07-18 Universalism: postwar progressivism as a Christian sect

2007-07-19 Administrivia

2007-07-22 Miscellaneous answers to unanswered comments

2007-07-25 Democracy as an adaptive fiction

2007-07-27 Conrad reviews Africa Addio

2007-07-29 Samantha Power rules the world

2007-07-30 Ten lines for Dorothy Parker

2007-07-31 Universalism and original sin (guest post by Michael S.)

2007-08-02 What’s wrong with CS research

2007-08-04 The country that used to exist

2007-08-07 James Burnham’s Dante: Politics as Wish

2007-08-09 The secret of anti-Americanism

2007-08-13 Be infinitely devoted to your beloved owners

2007-08-16 Against political freedom

2007-08-18 “Life is better without politics.”

2007-08-20 Rotary management: the next big thing

2007-08-21 A landscape of bewildering contradictions

2007-08-22 Uberfact: the ultimate social verifier

2007-08-28 A reservationist epistemology

2007-08-30 A brief terminology adjustment

2007-08-30 The state is not a stable eleemosynary institution

2007-09-01 Statistical analysis moons the bull

2007-09-06 A general theory of corruption

2007-09-09 Mediocracy: definition, etiology and treatment

2007-09-09 The real meaning of diversity

2007-09-13 Method and apparatus for safe and effective regime change

2007-09-17 Further conversation on regime change

2007-09-17 Since some people seem to still think I’m exaggerating this stuff

2007-09-20 Is journalism official?

2007-09-22 Comments on “Is journalism official?”

2007-09-22 Overcome like a fiend by the urge to link

2007-09-26 How Dawkins got pwned (part 1)

2007-10-04 How Dawkins got pwned (part 2)

2007-10-08 Duelnode: another free startup idea

2007-10-11 Bunting: Chomei at Toyama

2007-10-11 Interstitial comments on Dawkins

2007-10-11 How Dawkins got pwned (part 3)

2007-10-16 Some quick meta-comments

2007-10-18 How Dawkins got pwned (part 4)

2007-10-25 How Dawkins got pwned (part 5)

2007-10-30 Professor Dawkins, Dr. Watson, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster

2007-10-30 Austria felix

2007-11-01 How Dawkins got pwned (part 6)

2007-11-08 How Dawkins got pwned (part 7)

2007-11-09 Musharraf’s rebellion, or: how to read a newspaper

2007-11-10 UR’s advice for President Musharraf

2007-11-11 Half Sigma goes large

2007-11-11 Pakistani emigres on the Musharraf question

2007-11-13 Nuclear neocolonialism: a formalist design for nuclear law

2007-11-15 Who the heck is Benn Steil?

2007-11-20 Five problems with Google Android

2007-11-21 Ian Smith: 1919–2007

2007-11-22 Why I am not a white nationalist

2007-11-29 The Jewish question and other links

2007-11-29 Tryfon Tolides: an almost pure empty poetry

2007-12-06 Matthew Yglesias: anatomy of an intellectual crackhead

2007-12-07 Short administrative note

2007-12-13 Why I am not a libertarian

2007-12-20 Neocameralism and the escalator of massarchy

2007-12-27 An explanation of democratic centrism

2007-12-27 Benazir Bhutto: mob hit in Pakistan

2008-01-01 Poem for the new year

2008-01-03 A straightforward explanation of the present financial crisis (part 1)

2008-01-10 An open letter to Ron Paul Supporters

2008-01-10 Not Ron Paul!

Questions for Arnold Kling, Megan McArdle, Will Wilkinson, and all other Beltway libertarians

2008-01-17 How to actually defeat the US government

2008-01-19 Revipedia: how to defeat the US government, reprise

2008-01-20 How to defeat the US government: summary

2008-01-24 How to actually restore the gold standard (or not)

2008-01-31 How I stopped believing in democracy

2008-02-04 UR’s endorsements for 2008

2008-02-05 UR’s comment policy

2008-02-07 How to read and enjoy bogus history

2008-02-14 A theory of the ruling underclass

2008-02-21 Democracy as a historical phenomenon

2008-02-28 Return to Castle Goldenstein: the gold market in a nutshell

2008-03-06 UR will return on Thursday, April 17

2008-04-17 An open letter to open-minded progressives (part 1)

2008-04-24 Open letter pt. 2: more historical anomalies

2008-05-01 OL3: the Jacobite history of the world

2008-05-08 OL4: Dr. Johnson’s hypothesis

2008-05-15 OL5: the shortest way to world peace

2008-05-22 OL6: the lost theory of government

2008-05-29 OL7: the ugly truth about government

2008-06-05 OL8: a reset is not a revolution

2008-06-12 OL9: how to uninstall a cathedral

2008-06-19 OLX: a simple sovereign bankruptcy procedure

2008-06-26 OLXI: the truth about left and right

2008-06-29 Gasoline

2008-07-02 OLXII: what is to be done?

2008-07-10 OLXIII: tactics and structures of any prospective restoration

2008-07-17 OLXIV: rules for reactionaries

2008-07-24 Grant’s Tomb

2008-08-01 Standards

2008-08-07 The Novelist

2008-08-14 Resartus: a social revision engine

2008-08-21 De gustibus non computandum: or, economics needs a divorce

2008-08-28 America: vampire of the world (part 1)

2008-09-01 Sarah Palin: the proletarian candidate

2008-09-04 How to occupy and govern a foreign country

2008-09-11 America: vampire of the world (part 2)

2008-09-18 A clean-slate accounting of the dollar (part 1)

2008-09-25 Odds and ends

Maturity transformation considered harmful: an unauthorized biography of the bank crisis

2008-09-26 UR will return on Thursday, November 6

2008-10-10 A regime-change signal: maturity crisis in gold?

2008-10-14 The Misesian explanation of the bank crisis

2008-10-27 México

2008-10-31 Did Barack Obama go to Columbia?

2008-10-31 Another interpretation of Obama at Columbia

2008-11-06 President Obama, with a little perspective

2008-11-11 A quick explanation of “fractional-reserve banking”

2008-11-13 Barack Obama, for the last time

2008-11-13 Patchwork: a positive vision (part 1)

2008-11-20 Patchwork 2: profit strategies for our new corporate overlords

2008-11-27 Patchwork 3: what we have and what’s so bad about it

2008-12-03 Patchwork 4: a reactionary theory of world peace

2008-12-10 UR will return on Thursday, January 8

2008-12-10 Translating Asif Ali Zardari

2009-01-08 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 1)

2009-01-15 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 2)

2009-01-22 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 3)

2009-01-29 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 4)

2009-02-05 Halogen

2009-02-12 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 5)

2009-02-13 Puffs of smoke from the gold volcano

2009-02-19 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 6)

2009-02-26 Lycidas’ Bull

2009-03-05 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 7)

2009-03-10 From ‘Nineteen Hundred and Nineteen’ (Yeats)

2009-03-12 Pearl Harbor (Jeffers, 1948)

2009-03-19 The Raven

2009-03-26 The Geithner plan, slightly demystified

2009-04-02 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 8)

2009-04-09 America: zombie nation

2009-04-16 Kendo

2009-04-30 From Luigi Barzini’s The Europeans

2009-05-07 Democraphobia goes (slightly) viral

2009-05-09 Preston Brooks, the Palestine lobby, and the Nolan chart

2009-05-14 Res Gestae

2009-05-21 Futarchy considered retarded

2009-05-23 Professor Hanson responds

2009-05-28 A Short Note on Demons

2009-06-04 Judge Sotomayor: a reactionary exegesis

2009-06-11 Evidence in current history

2009-06-18 The crimes of James von Brunn and Marcus Epstein

2009-06-20 Émile Faguet on legal realism

2009-06-25 UR succumbs to virology

2009-07-02 Secession, liberty, and dictatorship

2009-07-08 Wolfram Alpha and hubristic user interfaces

2009-07-16 Why Carlyle matters

2009-07-23 Carlyle in the 20th century: fascism and socialism

2009-07-30 Poem

2009-08-06 UR’s crash course in sound economics

2009-08-13 UR is on vacation

2009-08-20 From Cromer to Romer and back again: colonialism for the 21st century

2009-08-27 Kennedy

2009-08-28 A rare public appearance

2009-09-03 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 9a)

2009-09-10 The Honduran rebellion—or, State’s invisible world displayed

2009-09-17 Young America

2009-09-21 UR: banned in San Francisco

2009-09-24 Seasteading, without that warm glow

2009-10-01 Ends and odds

2009-10-08 UR postponed due to BTD

2009-10-09 Robert Lowell on the Obama prize

2009-10-12 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 9b)

2009-10-20 South Africa: a message to Jenny

2009-10-21 South Africa: the solution

2009-10-29 UR will ship no wine before its time

2009-11-05 Alien Acid Beast

2009-11-13 The Dire Problem and the Virtual Option

2009-11-18 Hunting for whites after the cancellation of the release of money

2009-11-19 A gentle introduction to Unqualified Reservations (part 9d)

2009-11-26 Climategate and other correspondence

2009-12-03 Gold and the central banks: the game theory

2009-12-14 Climategate: history’s message

2009-12-17 Shooting the alligator and other conversations

2009-12-18 Expiring liquidity facilities: bad plan, Stan

2009-12-23 UR will return on January 7, 2010

2010-01-07 Maxwell’s equations of software

2010-01-10 Public appearance

2010-01-14 Urbit: functional programming from scratch

2010-01-18 The Hanson-Moldbug debate

2010-01-21 The Mencius Moldbug Babysitting Fund

2010-01-23 MMBF: 2-day results

2010-01-27 MMBF: 2 days left to give

2010-01-28 On sovereign financial reconciliation

2010-01-28 MMBF: the kittens are saved!

2010-02-04 From Mises to Carlyle: my sick journey to the dark side of the force

2010-02-09 Maturity transformation: cat, bag, out

2010-02-11 PIPE shorting and Professor Hanson’s head

2010-02-18 Horseshoe Pit in Golden Gate Park

2010-02-21 One-sided conversation with a headless professor

2010-02-26 UR postponed due to BTD

2010-02-28 Uncorrected Evidence 39

2010-03-04 Corrected evidence

2010-03-04 World War II: primary sourcebook

2010-03-11 The future of search

2010-03-19 Divine-right monarchy for the modern secular intellectual

2010-03-19 The true election: a practical option for real political change

2010-04-03 The credit-default swap and the bullion banks; a question and a statement

2010-04-16 Join the Froude Society!

2010-04-18 Professors young and old: an involuntary debate

2010-04-25 Unarmed combat in the digital armchair

2010-05-02 Solzhenitsyn, “As Breathing and Consciousness Return,” 1973

2010-05-08 Strange rumblings in Dollarstan

2010-05-12 Please comment on Froude, Maine and/or Carlyle

2010-06-08 President Colacho makes you his bitch

2010-06-25 Comments

2010-06-27 Three homeworks for Professor Hanson

2010-07-12 Actual letter to a liberal friend

2010-07-26 Race: a modest proposal

2010-08-09 Open thread for all birthers

2010-08-17 Abecedarium Nordmannicum

2010-08-29 The rabble of Imperial Rome

2010-09-12 Henry (9/11/10)

2010-10-01 Slow history and the mysterious 20th century

2010-11-03 Robespierre

2010-11-04 Democracy, cis and trans; Maine’s law

2010-11-08 UR: the heard-it-here-first files

2010-11-18 The Lightworker wants to touch your junk

2010-12-08 Homage to Slobodan Milosevic

2010-12-26 Monetary reconstruction: presented without comment

2010-12-29 The 20th century in two short quotes

2011-01-22 Your goverment in pictures, 1954

2011-01-28 Egypt: US foreign policy at the nadir

2011-02-03 On government employment

2011-02-04 Pictures from the human-rights empire: a prose collage

2011-02-24 Viscount Hinchingbrooke demurs

2011-03-16 Libya, the nadir achieved

2011-04-09 A small segue of subject

2011-04-10 Ivory Coast: are they going to come and kill my cat?

2011-04-21 On monetary restandardization

2011-05-01 Carlyle and Froude on monarchy and religion

2011-05-04 USG: more Russian than the Tsar, more Muslim than Osama

2011-06-09 Slow history extravaganza

2011-07-19 A century of academic sovereignty

2011-07-23 Right-wing terrorism as folk activism

2011-07-25 The indisputable humanity of Anders Behring Breivik

2011-07-31 Dispatches from the real America

2011-08-01 Petition against the reactosphere

2011-08-05 The Reuther memorandum, 1961

2011-08-09 Movers and shakers in sports & leisure

2011-08-16 Choose empire

2011-09-05 The demons

2011-09-28 Occasional discourse on the hate question

2011-10-06 Thos. Carlyle on Steve Jobs

2011-10-11 Professor Krugman on maturity transformation

2011-10-12 Personal cloud computing in 2020 (or not)

2011-10-26 The Holocaust: a Nazi perspective

2011-11-15 Three poems of Weldon Kees

2012-01-16 Race relations in early New York

2012-01-23 The kiss: “Stalin was feeling extremely gay”

2012-02-23 BIL in Long Beach, Mar 3–4

2012-02-24 The year of jellyfish

2012-06-02 Prussifornia

2012-09-26 Dominion

2012-11-07 Romney! He sucks!

2012-11-30 Adore the river of meat

2012-12-24 Some perspectives from Prudentius

2013-01-05 Are we big in France?

2013-01-16 Noam Chomsky killed Aaron Swartz

2013-01-19 Christians have right to vandalize abortion clinics, Duke law professor claims
2013-01-24 How Bitcoin dies

2013-02-08 Charles Stross discovers the Cathedral

2013-02-19 The greatness of Lawrence Auster

2013-03-13 Sam Altman is not a blithering idiot

2013-03-19 RIP Bitcoin, I think

2013-03-19 Jacques Ellul on the demand for propaganda

2013-03-21 Two words for Tyler Cowen and Ilya Somin

2013-03-29 The path to (dark) enlightenment

2013-03-29 Lawrence Auster, 1949–2013

2013-04-03 Felix Salmon’s Bitcoin FUD

2013-04-08 Bitcoin is money, Bitcoin is a bubble

2013-04-25 Bitcoin panic light flashing bright amber

2013-06-20 Civil liberties and the single reactionary

2013-09-13 Technology, communism and the Brown Scare

2013-09-23 Urbit demo Sep 25 in SF

2013-11-28 Mr. Jones is rather concerned

2014-02-01 Crocodile Prayer

2014-08-02 Cath Lab (2012)

2014-08-02 The Anarchy

2014-08-02 Hiatus

2016-04-18 Coda
UNQUALIFIED RESERVATIONS. Copyright © 2007–2016 by Mencius Moldbug.

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