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Renouncing Magic's Child

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Sirius Black/Severus Snape
Additional Tags: Characters Reading Harry Potter Books, Master of Death Harry Potter, Master
of Death (Harry Potter), Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Time
Travel, Time Travel Fix-It, Misguided Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy
Redemption, Lucius Malfoy Redemption, Tom Riddle Redemption, Sane Tom
Riddle, personification of magic, Wizarding Royalty (Harry Potter), Harry
Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House
of Potter, Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Peverell, Harry Potter is Lord
Potter, Harry Potter is Lord Peverell, Harry Potter is Lord Slytherin, Muggle-
borns are Descended from Squibs (Harry Potter), Harry Potter is Lord Emrys,
Magical Inheritance, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Black Family Feels
(Harry Potter), Black Family-centric (Harry Potter), Wizarding Culture (Harry
Potter), Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Wizarding Laws (Harry Potter),
Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, Wizarding Traditions (Harry
Potter), Magical Theory (Harry Potter), Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter),
Good Severus Snape, Magically Powerful Harry Potter, Sirius Black Lives,
Severus Snape Lives, Good Slytherins, Severus Snape Has a Heart
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Magic's Child
Stats: Published: 2024-01-31 Updated: 2024-02-11 Words: 32,331 Chapters: 14/?
Renouncing Magic's Child
by Hanforpotter


When Harry willingly sacrificed himself for the sake of the Wizarding World as was expected of
him, he never imagined for a second he'd wake up in a strange chamber surrounded by people both
dead and alive.
He certainly never expected Mother Magic herself to show up. Or that she'd be disappointed with
his sacrifice.
He also didn't expect her to decide that almost his entire life needed to be redone... And the way she
described that like it was a reasonable suggestion was unnerving at best. Terrifying at worst.
Harry had thought he'd finally fulfilled his destiny, only to learn that he was destined to so much
more than death at the hands of a dark lord.
Armed with seven books, each filled with details of Harry's life he'd rather keep private, Harry and
the others settle in for a lesson from Mother Magic on where they all went so horribly wrong.
Harry and co have received the fourth book detailing his life at Hogwarts and so the story
Mother Magic Help Me
Chapter Summary

Our characters have just finished book 3 and need to make some decisions about what to do

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry sat towards the head of the table. He couldn't quite wrap his head around the fact they had
now read about three whole years of his time at Hogwarts. His mind went back to the argument
he'd had with Mrs Weasley the evening before. Regardless of whether she liked it or not, Lucius
was right and they needed to start putting a plan together. Otherwise, they'd find themselves at the
end of these books and completely overwhelmed by all that needed to be changed.

"I think we should take a few days off reading," someone further down the table was saying,
although Harry wasn't at all sure who.

"A few people could certainly use a lecture on messing around with time," Bode said, eyeing

"I was thinking the exact same thing," Andromeda said with a smirk.

"Add it to the lecture schedule," Madam Longbottom piped up.

Harry frowned. He was supposed to lead them - be a bloody Prince or something - but he didn't
know the first thing about being a Prince or leading people. Sure, he'd led the DA but that didn't
seem to quite match up to this.

"Is that when we finally get to shout at Dumbles?" Tonks muttered to Kingsley, who chuckled
lightly before ruffling her hair.

Sirius and Arcturus laughed at the young witch's antics. She was definitely a Black. Except maybe
slightly less deranged.

Harry took a deep breath. "We need to discuss some of the things that need to change."
Mrs Weasley pursed her lips but remained silent. She'd learned her lesson. Apparently no one - not
even her own husband - agreed with her that the children shouldn't be involved in that discussion.
And she had to admit that some of what Arthur had said had made sense, even if she didn't want to
hear it.

"I think that would be a very good idea, Heir Potter," Amelia said. "There is a lot to be discussed
and we would not want to miss anything."

"I think we should do that this afternoon," Minerva said. "And then while the children continue
their lessons tomorrow anyone who is free can start working on whatever you assign them."

Harry nodded. That made sense. It wasn't like he had to do everything. He could delegate tasks. "So
back to the chamber?" he asked, lowering his cutlery to his plate.

There was a murmur of agreement as everyone began to get to their feet. They quickly shuffled out
of the dining hall and down the corridor.

"Oh, look!" Astoria squealed. "There's a new book."

Professor Flitwick made a grab for the book and placed it securely on a bookshelf. "The book will
no doubt keep until we're ready to read it."

Astoria looked momentarily disappointed, but shrugged her shoulders. She knew there was no point
arguing with the Ravenclaw head of house.

"So how are we going to do this?" young Augusta Longbottom asked as she took her seat.

Harry frowned. "Can someone do that writing spell thing you have been doing in our lessons?"

He hated how much he sounded like a child but he'd never had reason to learn the spell.

Andromeda nodded her head. "What would you like written in the air?"

"Just the key points we make," Harry said. He put on his most adult voice. "Mother Magic help
me," he mumbled to himself. He really didn't want to mess this up.

Chapter End Notes

So, just a little introduction chapter... Hope you're excited for book 4! Please make sure you've
subscribed and drop me a comment to let me know what you think so far.
Trials, Councils and Treaties
Chapter Summary

Our characters take a moment or two to discuss the various changes that need to be made upon
their return.

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry wasn't sure where they should start. Should they just work their way through everything
they'd discussed so far? The things that had come up in the first three books? Or should he just tell
them what he wanted? That didn't seem ideal. He didn't want to become a sort of dictator... That
would make him a little bit too much like Voldemort for his liking.

Amelia smiled at the young man. He was doing so well but this was clearly an overwhelming task.
"Perhaps we should create lists. One for things that need to be done immediately upon our return.
And then organise our longer term goals by location: Hogwarts, the Ministry, that sort of thing."

Harry nodded. That sounded like a good idea. But still where did they start?

"So, the first thing that needs to be done upon our return," he began slowly. How was he supposed
to decide that?

"Is to get you as far away from your relatives as possible," said Sirius sharply.

Harry blinked. That hadn't even occurred to him. He'd been thinking about Pettigrew and Sirius.

Andromeda nodded, flicking her wand to add that to the immediately upon return column.

"Someone needs to get Sirius a trial," Harry said. "And the aurors need to..."

Harry paused. Should he really be planning to have Pettigrew arrested when some of the death
eaters in the chamber seemed willing to turn over a new leaf. How would that work if they were in
Azkaban? He was beginning to get a headache.

Madam Bones cast her wand at the mantelpiece putting Pettigrew's cage under a silencing charm so
that he wouldn't hear their discussion.
"Moody, Kingsley and Tonks will immediately head to the Burrow to apprehend Pettigrew,"
Amelia said, now very much in work mode. "While I will remove Heir Potter from his place of

"But where will you take him?" Minerva asked.

"To Black castle, obviously," Arcturus said sharply. "He will come to live with me. He is my Lord's
heir. And I am his great-grandfather."

"Would it not be better if someone else remove Potter?" Minerva asked. "So the DMLE can get
stuck straight into arranging trials for Sirius and Peter?"

"No." Amelia shook her head. "Unfortunately, this is the only way to guarantee the safety of those
muggles. While I understand everyone's desire to inflict pain on them, I will not turn a blind eye to
any crimes against them. I can't. Besides, any charges against them will hold better if he is removed
by a member of law enforcement."

Arcturus nodded. Harry only sighed. He wasn't sure that was something he wanted. He definitely
didn't want the entire wizarding world to learn about his cupboard.

"And of course, I will arrange for them to be arrested and charged with child abuse," Amelia said.
Her eyes drifted towards Albus. "Of course, it is likely that you will face charges too, Albus."

Albus merely nodded his head. "It will be nothing less than I deserve."

"We'll need to set up a proper security team for Heir Potter," Kingsley said. "I'd like to head that."

Amelia looked hesitant. She didn't want to lose on of her best aurors but she couldn't deny Potter
would need it. "As an auror or..." she began.

"Preferably as an auror," Kingsley said, "but I'm willing to hand over my badge if necessary."

"I'd rather you didn't," Amelia said grimly. "Besides, protecting the Prince will fall under the
responsibility of the department."

Kingsley nodded, giving his boss a grin.

"All right. Once you've apprehended Pettigrew, you can focus on forming a team to protect Heir
Potter. Six aurors and a couple of hit wizards should do it, I think."

"I don't think I need that many..." Harry began but Amelia merely smiled at him.

"They'll work rotating shifts," Kingsley said. "Two at any given time. You'll hardly notice they're

Harry sighed. He was never going to get a moment's privacy ever again. Then again that wasn't
particularly new.

Charlie taking pity on Harry decided to change the topic. "I guess some of us will need to get back
to Britain. I'll want to get started on the new reserve straight away."

"If I talk to the goblins while I'm here," Bill said gruffly, "I imagine they'll be able to help me
expedite my return."
"I guess I could talk ter Aragog about the reserve," Hagrid said. "It'll be easier to move the spiders
if they agree."

Amelia and her aurors smiled at that. They really didn't want to have to battle with giant man eating

"Someone needs to be responsible for returning the Mirror of Erised to the Department of
Mysteries," Rookwood said with a sigh. It would be so much easier if he wasn't a convicted death
eater. But when they left here, he'd be back with the dementors in his cell.

"We can do that," Bode said, pointing between himself and Croaker.

Rookwood nodded. At least his unspeakable colleagues would get the job done.

"And we need to get the Gringotts goblins to look over the school wards," Minerva said.
"Something is clearly wrong with them."

There was a murmur of agreement around the chamber.

"Of course, there's one thing we've all avoided talking about," Moody said gruffly, his magical eye
fixed on Tom Riddle. "We need to decide what we're going to do about the death eaters and Tom

Several people seemed to think they should all be sent to Azkaban. However, Harry was less
convinced. Mother Magic didn't want them to fight. She didn't want war. "I think we need a treaty,"
he said eventually.

"A treaty?" several people asked, hardly believing their ears.

"If the deities didn't see any good in Tom, they wouldn't have helped him restore his soul," he said,
his voice a little hard. "We can iron out the details before we leave here but I think we might need
their help to make the changes we need. I mean, isn't that why Mother Magic brought them here?"

Everyone looked thoughtful even if they did want to argue. Augusta was frowning heavily. She
really didn't want the death eaters to go free. Especially those that hurt her son and daughter-in-law.

"We would need to have set requirements for them being allowed to leave Azkaban," Amelia said.
"I can't in good conscience advise you agree to a treaty that might release the likes of Bellatrix

Harry nodded his agreement. "They'd have to show remorse while under the effects of veritaserum,
or at least something like that."

Amelia nodded. That could work.

Lucius frowned. "The problem is that any truce or treaty between the Prince and Tom Riddle
cannot take effect until Heir Potter is of age."

"So, we need a short term solution," Tom said. "I guess, it all depends on just how much we want to
tell the rest of Wizarding Britain about our time here."

"They'd never believe us!" Hermione said.

"The girl's right," Moody said. "So, we can't remove them from prison straight away but what we
can do is arrange a bill for the Wizagmot on Azkaban reform. Remove the dementors once and for

Harry was frustrated. So much would end up having to wait until he was old enough to act. "Could
we ask Mother Magic to emancipate me early?"

"We probably could," Tom said thoughtfully, "but honestly, Heir Potter, you deserve a few years of
childhood if you can get it."

Albus sighed. He didn't want to make this suggestion. It would make it seem like he was trying to
take charge. Which he definitely wasn't. He'd heard more than enough in these books to question if
he might be losing his marbles. "I'm chief warlock. I could negotiate the treaty alongside Harry's
chosen proxy."

Sirius nodded, although eyeing Dumbledore suspiciously. "That could work."

"The treaty itself could be predetermined here in the chamber," Albus continued, "between Harry
and Tom. We would merely be acting as Harry's ambassadors in the future."

"Although it would require the general populace being aware that Harry is Mother Magic's chosen,"
Albus added after a moment. "That might not be something you want known until you're older,

"I don't think there's much chance of that," Harry said with a grimace.

"Well, we can discuss a potential treaty later," Tom said. "What sort of changes do you want to
make Heir Potter?"

"I really want a magical primary school and I want better protections for muggle raised kids. I want
to integrate squibs back into our society and I agree with Moody, even if your death eaters aren't in
Azkaban, we need a prison reform act. Reforms are also needed for the ministry's policies with
regards to non-human and part-human magicals. I think some changes are needed at Hogwarts too.
Muggle studies should be compulsory for one thing and the curriculum needs an overhaul. And we
need a class on Magical customs and culture. We need a new History of Magic teacher. Binns has
got to go."

"New school brooms," Ron said behind a fake cough.

"And yeah, we need new school brooms and some changes made to the First Year Flying Class. To
be honest, I think Hogwarts needs a physical education class. The school needs more teachers and
the curse on the DADA position needs to removed."

"I can do that," Tom said seriously. "I'm the one that placed it after all. It could even be written into
the treaty, if you are agreeable, Heir Potter."

Harry nodded.

"There needs to be an overhaul of the point system," Remus said.

"We need a longer Magical Theory course and we probably need to update the electives list,"
Minerva said thoughtfully. "And we seriously need to consider... I don't think I should be deputy
headmistress, head of Gryffindor house and teach Transfiguration."

"Which would you prefer to continue?" Harry asked.

"I'd like to stay head of house and teach," she said after a moment.

"I'm not sure I should remain as Headmaster," Albus said.

No one said anything to that. They couldn't help but think that he might be right. Although, they did
need someone in the chamber to have that position. It would make a lot of the changes they were
seeking, significantly easier to implement.

"Perhaps we should discuss that later," Amelia said with a sigh. They wouldn't resolve all the issues
immediately. And Albus could be useful in his positions. She didn't like it but even she accepted
that sometimes you had to be pragmatic.

"We've also got to somehow restore the balance between light and dark magic," Harry said with a
sigh. He didn't have the foggiest idea where to start with that seemingly impossible task.

"I think you might want to consider creating a council of advisors, Heir Potter," Lucius said.

"Isn't that basically what this is?" Harry asked.

"Yes. Although, you should probably make an official one with magical oaths and contracts in
place," Lucius explained. "It would be unwise to trust any of us without those safeguards in place."

Moody was nodding his head in agreement.

"Then you can assign specific tasks to members of the council," Lucius continued. "There are a lot
of great minds in this chamber and they can definitely help you achieve your goals."

Harry smiled at that. He glanced at everything that had been written in the air by Andromeda.
There was a lot to do. And yes, it felt overwhelming. But it also felt like something of a relief. He
had goals now. His greatest ambition was no longer just to stay alive.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you're excited about starting to read book 4...

The Riddle House
Chapter Summary


Our characters make a start on book 4.

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The next few days were unlike anything Harry had ever witnessed before. The youngest in the
chamber were taking advantage of the break from reading and their freedom from classes to fly in
one of the larger chambers. While everyone else seemed to be one hundred percent focused on the
treaty that would need to be enacted and the new council.

Lucius was working with the unspeakables to create the magical oaths and contracts necessary for
the council. Although he'd also sought help from the goblins. He'd been quite apprehensive,
knocking on the door to the magical creatures section of Mother Magic's home. The last thing he
wanted to do was cause offense. The aurors were busy interrogating Pettigrew so they could begin
to build a case against him, and the Hogwarts teachers were discussing the necessary reforms for
the school with the help of Augusta and Amos as representatives of the board of governors, and
Charlie Weasley was holed up in the library researching how to set up a magical creature reserve.

Everyone seemed to have found something to do. Something to help.

Percy Weasley had started researching the Old Ways so that they could start reintroducing sacred
days into every day wixen life and Hermione was plotting her idea for a museum of Dark Artifacts.
Arthur Weasley was working with his younger self and some of the muggleborns in the chamber to
address the need for a new ministry department to deal with muggles. And Tom was in discussions
with his death eaters about Azkaban reform. Meda Malfoy had practically locked herself away in
her lab, continuing her research on squibs. She really hoped that she might find a breakthrough
soon that would make Heir Potter's hopes of re-integrating squibs into wixen society an easier task.

Harry with the help of Arcturus, Sirius and Remus was working on his idea for a magical primary
school and contemplating new ideas for how to integrate muggleborns sooner as well as how to
protect magical children from abuse. Harry was frequently pulled away from this however, by the
other teams whenever they wanted to discuss an idea with him. It was strange having so many
people value his opinion. It would definitely take some getting used to.

After three whole days, Mrs Weasley said at breakfast, "I think we might need to start the next

"Why?" Arthur said, looking up from the notes he had made the night before.

"Because the youngsters are getting restless," she said. She could practically smell trouble brewing.
And it wasn't just because of her twins.

The adults all looked down the table to where the younger ones were sitting and even though they
were all doing their very best to maintain innocent expressions, it didn't take much to see that they
were definitely up to something.

"Perhaps we should restart their lessons," Moody suggested.

Harry sighed. That would pull him away from the meetings though.

"We could rearrange the schedule slightly," Andromeda suggested. "Perhaps a little less time
reading and a bit more time for lessons and also council business. I mean, we still haven't taken our

"Are we expecting the children to take these oaths?" Augusta asked.

"I've been working on an altered version for the children," Lucius said. "It's mostly just a secrecy
oath. They can officially join the council when they come of age."

"Well, if we're going to start reading," Sirius said with a sigh as he got to his feet. "Might as well
get straight to it. Work out a new schedule as we go."

The youngest in the chamber did not look impressed at the idea of more lessons but they were
excited to start the next book so they didn't complain too loudly. Although they didn't put their
plans for a prank war aside. Not just yet.

Everyone quickly made their way back to the chamber for the first time in several days and took
their seats as Professor Flitwick set the spell on the book.

The villagers of Little Hangleton

"Where is that?" Fred asked.

still called it "the Riddle House,"... damp, derelict, and unoccupied.

Tom groaned. This chapter was going to be about him.

The Little Hangletons... all three Riddles dead.

Tom didn't look at anyone. He wasn't sure how he felt about this. Yes, he'd already made his first
horcrux and was clearly insane but he probably shouldn't have killed his father and grandparents.
Even if they were bigoted muggles.

The maid had run screaming... Still in their dinner things!"

Everyone was eyeing Tom with suspicion. The aurors were making notes. He wondered how this
would effect the treaty he was hoping to forge with the Potter heir.

The police were summoned... drop dead of natural causes on the same night.

Tom sighed. He was tempted to just admit he did it right then and there in the chamber.

The Hanged Man, the village pub... Frank Bryce had just been arrested.

"A muggle?" someone asked. No one knew of a Frank Bryce.

"Frank!"... That's no reason to -"

Tom almost felt sorry for Frank. He certainly felt more sorry for Frank Bryce than he did his father.

"Who else had a key to the back door... "War turned him funny, if you ask me," said the

"They turned on him quick enough," Ron muttered.

"Their muggles, what do you expect," Draco said snidely.

"Wix aren't any better," Harry murmured. "Just look how many times Magical Britain has turned on

"Told you I wouldn't like... Frank Bryce had killed the Riddles.

"Innocent until proven guilty," Moody grunted.

But over in the neighboring town... Frank had invented him.

Now several people were glaring at Tom.

Then, just when things were looking very serious... harmed at all.

"The killing curse then," Moody said.

"What has this got to do with Potter?" young Draco asked.

"It isn't about Heir Potter," young Lucius said. "It's about the Dark Lord."

That quickly silenced Draco as he eyed Tom fearfully.

In fact ... whoever heard of three people being frightened to death?

Tom sighed. "I killed them. I had already... I was already losing my sanity and I went looking for
my family. Our first meeting did not go well."

No one said anything. They weren't really sure what they could say.

"They didn't want a wizard in the family," Tom said, "and to be honest, I didn't want to be related to
As there was no proof... knowing as how we knows he did it. "

"Idiots," Barty Crouch Junior muttered. He wished he'd been able to kill his father. He envied his

But Frank did not leave... started to fall into disrepair.

The adults were intreged to hear about Tom's adolescence.

The wealthy man who owned... the windows of the Riddle House.

Mrs Weasley tutted.

They rode their bicycles over the lawns... their attempts to punish him.

"Their parents should give them a good tongue lashing," Augusta said.

It was Frank's bad leg that woke him... they had started a fire.

"Breaking and entering," Moody growled. "Little miscreants."

Frank had no telephone... nor did any of the windows.

"Not likely to be kids then," Amelia said, sitting forward.

Frank limped around... This surprised him.

"Definitely not kids," Moody agreed.

Then he stopped moving ... if you are still hungry. "

"Wormtail?" Sirius muttered.

"Later," ... "Where is Nagini?" said the cold voice.

"Who is Nagini?" Amelia asked, making notes.

No one answered.

"I - I don't know, My Lord," ... The journey has tired me greatly. "

"Milk her?" Fred asked.

"Feed him?" young George asked.

"Some sort of creature then," young Charlie said.

Brow furrowed... So we wait. "

Harry frowned. He'd forgotten about this dream.

Frank stopped trying to clear out his ear... without Harry Potter, My Lord. "
"That's his life debt talking," Remus said.

Another pause... two days with a suitable person -"

"Coward," Sirius growled.

"I could use another wizard,"... an attempt to desert me?"

Everyone leaned forward. Some of the younger ones looked genuinely terrified and Mrs Weasley
wondered if they should really be allowed to listen to these books. Ginny's younger self was only

"My Lord! ... "I can always tell, Wormtail!

"That's true enough. I'm quite accomplished at Legimency," Tom said quietly.

You are regretting... Who is to milk Nagini?"

"I really want to know who Nagini is," young Draco said.

"No. You don't," Draco said between gritted teeth. That snake still terrified him.

"But you seem so much stronger... full extent of Lord Voldermort's wrath -"

"What is he planning to use Harry for?" Sirius demanded angrily, wrapping a protective arm around
both his boys.

"My Lord, I must speak!" ... Bertha Jorkin's disappearance will not go unnoticed for long,

"Bertha Jorkins?" Tonks said, making a note on a scroll of parchment.

and if we proceed, if I murder -"

"Who are they planning to kill?" several people asked.

"If?" whispered the second voice... but in my present condition.

"Who?" Everyone seemed to be trying to work out who they were planning to kill, besides Harry
Potter of course.

Come, Wormtail... my faithful servant will have rejoined us -"

"Faithful servant?" Everyone looked worried now. Who could that mean? Lucius had made the
point that many of the Dark Lord's followers had escaped imprisonment but could they be counted
as truly loyal? They hadn't gone looking for him so surely not.

"I am a faithful servant," ... fulfill neither requirement. "

Sirius actually chuckled.

"I found you," ... give their right hands to perform. . . "
Harry almost smirked at that. Wormtail had lost his right hand.

"R-really, My Lord? What -?" Wormtail sounded terrified again.

"Merlin! He's ridiculous," Severus said, rolling his eyes.

"Ah, Wormtail, ... just as useful as Bertha Jorkins. "

"And just as dead?" Moody asked, almost eagerly.

"You... to kill me too?"

A couple people had to cough to hide their laughter.

"Wormtail, Wormtail," ... at wayside inns. . . "

Sirius rolled his eyes, although he couldn't help but feel bad for Bertha.

Wormtail muttered something ... information I extracted from her, Wormtail. "

The aurors glowered at Tom.

Out in the corridor... was in danger -

"Nothing new there," Harry muttered.

Frank knew what he must do... he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath.

"Parseltongue," Hermione muttered.

Frank thought... found himself paralyzed with fright.

"What is it?" several people asked.

Something was slithering toward him... a gigantic snake,

"Of course it is," Blaise muttered.

at least twelve feet long... vanished through the gap.

"He needs to leave," Tonks said.

There was sweat on Frank's forehead now... This man could talk to snakes.

"That probably came as a shock," Fred said.

Frank didn't understand ... listening to every word we say. "

"And now he has no time to escape," Tonks sighed.

Frank didn't have a chance... "What's that you're calling me?" said Frank defiantly,
"He's brave, I'll give him that," Theo said. He wouldn't have been brave enough to talk like that to
the Dark Lord.

for now that he was inside the room... it had always been so in the war.

Harry nodded. He could understand that.

"I am calling you a Muggle," ... he always knows. . . "

"That's terrifying," Ginny said with a shudder.

"Is that right?" .... "I am much, much more than a man.

"Got a bit of a big head, doesn't he?" Fred said to his twin.

However... he saw what was sitting in it.

"What does he look like?" someone asked.

His walking stick fell to the floor with a clatter... He was dead before he hit the floor.

"So much for only one more murder," Augusta muttered.

Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter woke with a start.

"Did you dream that, Harry?" Sirius asked, his tone conveying his concern.

"Yeah. Didn't remember all the details though." Harry frowned.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed the first bit of the reading... Leave a comment with your thoughts.
The Scar
Chapter Summary

The characters read the second chapter in their new book...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Everyone stayed seated as they waited for the next chapter to begin.

Harry lay flat on his back... pressed a white-hot wire to his skin.

"That can't be comfortable," Severus muttered.

Harry almost laughed. No. His scare had never been confortable. And it had only gotten worse after
old Mouldy Shorts returned.

He sat up... It looked normal, but it was still stinging.

"Were you expecting it to look different?" young Harry asked.

"Dunno. Maybe," Harry said. Honestly, he’d been surprised it hadn’t ripped open with how painful
it had been. But he didn’t want to tell young Harry that. This was one of the few things his younger
self would hopefully never have to experience.

Harry tried to recall... It had seemed so real...

"Seeing into the beyond," Madam Trelawney said knowingly.

Minerva rolled her eyes.

There had been two people... or had that been the pain in his scar?

The unspeakables were leaning forward eagerly. They were fascinated by Potter's scar. It wasn't
every day you came across a living horcrux.
They’d love to study him. Although the opportunity had been lost. It was almost a shame. Not that
it would have been particularly humane to keep him as a human horcrux just for their academic

And who had the old man been?... kill someone else. . . him!

The aurors sighed. He was forgetting the details. Not that it really mattered. Not in their new future.
This only mattered in as much as they needed to understand their mistakes. Riddle was no longer
Voldemort. His sanity was returned, the horcruxes gone. But still, every detail counted.

Harry took his face out of his hands... throwing a red ball to one another.

"Not really unusual, mate," Ron said.

"It is in a muggle home," Harry said with a sigh. Sometimes he thought Ron would never

Harry walked over to the book... not even a cat.

"That's a shame. I'd quite liked to have seen Minnie," Sirius said, smirking at the professor in

Minerva glared at him. She really would rather he didn’t encourage a new generation of
troublemakers to use that particular nickname.

And yet... attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Poppy huffed. That should not be true. School was supposed to be a safe place.

Unfortunately, it had never been a safe place for Potter.

and had a knack for attracting a lot of trouble.

Minerva sighed at that. Yes. Hogwarts was dangerous for Harry.

No, the thing that was bothering Harry ... absurd, impossible. . .

"Never rely on something seeming impossible," Moody growled. “That’s a sure way to fail.”

Harry listened closely... grunting snore from the next room.

Several people jumped with book Harry.

Harry shook himself mentally... their dreams untroubled and painless.

"Lucky for them," Harry muttered. He couldn’t remember when he’d last had a good night’s sleep.
Even here in the chamber he was plagued by nightmares.

Asleep was the way Harry liked the Dursleys best... anything that went wrong about the
Sirius and Remus both growled. They were both silently wondering if they could beat Madam
Bones to the Dursley’s house when they returned to their own time.

Harry had never... Harry would still have had parents...

Harry pointedly looked at the fire. He could almost feel the pitiful looks they were all giving him.

It set him on edge. He absolutely loathed being the centre of attention. Especially when it was
because he was an orphan. And people felt sorry for him.

Harry had been a year old... Harry Potter had become famous.

Harry rolled his eyes at that. He'd give anything not to be famous. Anything to have his parents
with him instead.

It had been enough of a shock... Harry wrote to them and told them about his scar hurting?

Hermione and Ron both wore considering looks. What sort of advice would they have given him?

Hermione mentally listed books that might be helpful while Ron scratched his head. He didn’t
know the first thing about cursed scars.

At once, Hermione Granger's voice... something in there about curse scars. . . . "

Several people laughed. That was exactly how Granger would have reacted.

Yes, that would be Hermione's advice... a book could help him now.

Both Hermiones looked highly offended.

As far as he knew... Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions.

"You're not wrong about that," Poppy said with a sigh. "You could have written to me though. I
would have given you some advice, perhaps encouraged a trip to the goblins."

Harry smiled at her. Poppy was always on his side.

As for informing the headmaster... lotion onto his long crooked nose.

"I do enjoy visiting the seaside from time to time," Albus said with twinkling eyes. "Fawkes is
especially happy when we visit the Galapagos."

Wherever Dumbledore was... Even inside his head the words sounded stupid.

"You could have written," Albus said. "I'd have appreciated the letter."

Being headmaster could be very lonely.

And so he tried... I'll ask Dad. . . "

The Weasleys all laughed at just how accurately that sounded like Ron.

Mr. Weasley was a fully qualified wizard... matter of curses, as far as Harry knew.
"Unfortunately, no I don't, Arthur said. "We could have asked Bill though."

Harry grinned at that. He hadn’t even thought of Bill.

In any case... jumpy about a few moments' pain.

Sirius frowned at that. "You don't always have to be brave, you know."

Harry shrugged. He’d grown up believing he only had himself to rely on. Of course, he always had
to be brave.

Mrs. Weasley would fuss worse than Hermione,

Mrs Weasley grimaced. She thought the boy deserved a little fussing.

and Fred and George... might think Harry was losing his nerve.

George looked offended. "No. We wouldn't. You're our honorary brother."

Harry grinned at him. It had taken him a while to realise how much the twins cared for him.

The Weasleys were Harry's favorite family... anxious inquiries about his scar.

That led to almost all the adults in the chamber sighing. What this boy needed was a parent. Several
people looked at Sirius. At least, he'd have that now.

Harry kneaded his forehead... someone like a parent:

The mothers in the chamber all sighed.

an adult wizard... Sirius.

Sirius grinned. He was glad to hear they were still in touch. It wasn’t much but it was better than

Harry leapt up from the bed... only Professor Dumbledore had believed their story.

"Not that he did anything to help," Tonks said bitterly. She was seriously put out that they still
hadn't shouted at Dumbledore for that. She'd suggested putting it off, not forgetting about it

For one glorious hour... nearly escaped them forever.

"It's almost like Dumbles didn't want Sirius to actually get free," Tonks said quietly to Kingsley.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, this way he's still Harry's magical guardian," Tonks said. "He can still keep Harry with his

Kingsley grimaced. Was the old man really that manipulative? He had a sinking feeling that he
might well be.
His mind went back to the summer before Harry’s fifth year when the order had practically been
stalking him. Yes. Dumbledore could be exactly that manipulative.

Nevertheless, Sirius had been of some help to Harry... forgotten to tell them that Sirius was

"So you could finally do your homework?" Hermione asked excitably.

Harry just rolled his eyes. Homework was all that Hermione seemed to think about.

Harry had received two letters... large, brightly colored tropical birds.

"Not suspicious at all," Amelia said, rolling her eyes.

Hedwig had not approved... Sirius had gone South.

"Sunlight is a good remedy for the dementors," Poppy said with a nod.

Sirius's letters... Well, he needed to right now, all right...

"I'll always be here if you need me," Sirius murmured.

"I know, dad," Harry said, cuddling into his side.

Harry's lamp seemed to grow dimmer... reread his finished letter.

"How long did it take to write the letter?" Draco asked with a sigh. He never made that much effort
when writing to his parents.

Dear Sirius... it could hardly get through my window.

The aurors were all muttering about the statute of secrecy.

Things are the same as usual here... take his mind off things.

"They put him on a diet?" Poppy asked, eager to hear more about that. The boy clearly needed it.

The parents in the room all glared at the book at the mention of Dudley's terrible behaviour.

The sooner the Dursleys were arrested, the better for both boys.

I'm okay... them all into bats if I ask you to.

"I would have too," Sirius said, smirking evilly as he considered all the different things he'd love to
do to the Dursleys.

A weird thing happened this morning... anywhere near me now, can he?

"It is strange," young Rookwood said. The unspeakables were all muttering among themselves.

"Was it linked to the dream?" Bode questioned.

Do you know if curse scars sometimes hurt... Harry

"Cursed scars often hurt," Rookwood said. "But usually its pretty constant. It's not normal for them
to hurt seemingly randomly or to give some sort of warning, the way yours does."

Yes, thought Harry... he was too worried.

"You should have added the dream," Amelia said with a sigh. That dream had been important.

He folded up the parchment... going down to breakfast.

"So, this diet," Poppy said. "You weren't on it too, were you?"

Harry grimaced. Poppy was going to be horrified when she learned what he'd eaten that summer.

Remus spoke up before they could continue reading. "Right, why don't the youngsters have a
lesson with me and Hagrid on Magical Beings while the rest of you spend a bit of time on council

"Wait! So Harry gets out of lessons?" Ron grumbled.

"All you older ones do," Remus said. "It seems silly to teach you something twice. So anyone of
age can go and help with council business or work on their own projects until lunch."

Ron's eyes lit up. He'd been trying to find time to go to the library to read up on broom creation.
This was perfect.

The two Mrs Weasleys made their way to the kitchen to start preparing lunch as all the adults made
their way out of the chamber, several people gathering around Harry as they went, eager to ask him
for his advice on the work they were doing for the council.

Sirius stayed by Harry's side, ready to help him if needed. But mostly he just listened. He was
proud of his son. He was taking to this prince stuff pretty well all things considered. He glanced
back at younger Harry who was already listening excitably to Remus as he explained the
differences between humans and werewolves. Yes, Sirius had plenty of reason to be proud of his

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. xoxo

A Plan For Muggleborns
Chapter Summary

Harry, Sirius and Arcturus spend some time hashing out the idea for a magical primary school.

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry eventually managed to detach himself from all the people who wanted his input. It was
strange having grown wix vying for his attention and not just because he was famous but because
his opinion apparently mattered.

He settled into the library with Sirius and Arcturus, pulling out his notes on his idea for a magical
primary school.

”There’s a lot to do,” Harry said with a sigh. “I don’t even know where to start.”

”First, we need a building,” Sirius said.

Harry grimaced at that. He supposed he could buy somewhere. He certainly had the gold for it.

”I imagine we can find an appropriate property among one of your estates,” Arcturus said, “and if
not, I can think of at least one Black property that would work. It really depends how big it needs to

”Might be worth talking to the goblins about it,” Sirius murmured. They would know more about
Harry’s properties than anyone. After all, they couldn’t exactly go and inspect them while they
were out of time.

Harry hadn’t even considered that he might actually own a property big enough. But no doubt he
must do.

”How big should it be?” Harry asked. He tried to think back to his own primary school. It had been
significantly smaller than Hogwarts.

”I guess that depends on how many children will be attending,” Arcturus said. “When do you start
primary school in the muggle world?”
”Four or five,” Harry said automatically.

”Wow. That’s young,” Sirius whistled. He couldn’t imagine sitting through lessons at that age.

”The younger years mostly learn through play,” Harry said, trying to think back. “They bake cakes
and sing songs and listen to stories. Paint and draw and…”

He sighed. This was a massive undertaking and he wasn’t convinced that he was the right person to
do this.

”Okay. So if you’re starting at age four,” Arcturus said thoughtfully, “that would mean you’d have
seven years before Hogwarts.”

”That’s sort of perfect,” Sirius offered a grin. “The purebloods will like it because its what they’re
used to and it’s the most magical number.”

”Is the school going to be mandatory?” Arcturus asked.

”It is in the muggle world.” Harry brushed a hand through his hair. “But I can’t see pure bloods
liking it if they’re forced to enrol their kids.”

”I think it should be mandatory for muggle raised children,” Sirius said. “But if it’s mandatory for
anyone, it should be for everyone.”

Arcturus nodded. “We probably need to get Narcissa plotting how to make this more palatable for
purebloods. And Lucius will be able to help us draft a bill for the Wizengamot to make it a legal

Narcissa had a knack for that sort of thing. She was a true Slytherin and she knew how to
manipulate even the mostly slippery of snakes.

”That would probably be a good idea,” Sirius agreed.

”How many kids attend Hogwarts each year?” Harry asked. He tried to count how many people
were in his own year but his year had been a particularly small intake because they had all been
born during the war.

”Usually somewhere between eighty and a hundred and fifty,” Arcturus said. “Your year was the
smallest intake in centuries.”

”So working on one hundred and fifty being the largest intake we can expect,” Harry said, “we
need a school big enough for a thousand children.”

Harry was beginning to think they might need a castle the size of Hogwarts after all.

”Yes. But if it’s only day classes, that reduces a lot of the space needed,” Sirius said. “No need for

”Right.” Harry nodded. “Still sounds like we need a castle.”

Arcturus and Sirius both chuckled.

”If each year has up to six classes of twenty-five students,” Harry said, “with at least two teachers
per class, more for the younger classes. That means we need almost a hundred teachers.”

Yes. This was a massive undertaking. Harry frowned. He wouldn’t even be able to do it himself
because he’d be ten! Merlin. This was frustrating.

”Tell us more about how you see each year group working, Harry,” Sirius said, trying to distract
Harry from just how big a task this was. Focus on the big picture first.

”Right, so the first two years would learn through play. They’d stay in their classroom except for
field trips and to play outside. They’d mostly learn through stories, songs and art. They’ll learn how
to read and count… They could learn about the differences between muggles and wizards by
playing dress up. Throughout the year they could do small things to celebrate the sacred days and
muggle holidays too. Some basic wand safety like what to do if they find a wand.”

”What sort of field trips would they take?” Sirius asked.

”They could visit the library, the zoo, the park in the muggle world. Not sure about the wixen world

Harry really didn’t know what the wixen world offered for children’s entertainment.

Arcturus nodded at that. “If you need Wixen equivalents, a quidditch match might work or a trip to
one of the magical creature reserves.”

”I really don’t think they should be around dragons,” Harry started.

”There are reserves for all sorts of creatures,” Arcturus said. “We could talk to Lucius and Charlie
about what sort of creatures will be on their reserve. And if not, Hogwarts has plenty of safe
creatures that could be visited for a day.”

”A field trip to Hogwarts would be incredible,” Harry said eagerly.

”If the school had a pool or a lake, they could have swimming lessons,” Harry added thoughtfully.
“And they could have a class pet that they have to care for together. The first two years, you’d
probably want three or four teachers per class to keep everyone safe and to make sure everyone
gets the opportunity to learn.”

”All right, what about the next year?”

”Third year would introduce some sat down lessons but still allow for plenty of learning through
play,” Harry said seriously. “So English would be a sat down class with spellings and a chance to
write your own stories, mathematics, they’d learn basic arithmetic… They could learn about
household magic by learning to bake - even if they’re not using the magic themselves. Seeing it, is
a good way to start learning. They could start learning about muggle and wixen history and maybe
start learning about muggle technology. And they could start learning about magical creatures - you
know the safe ones.”

”And fourth year?” Sirius asked, jotting everything Harry said down.

”Fourth year would be when things get a little more formal,” Harry sighed. “Less time to play.
They’d have English and mathematics class still. Wizarding and Muggles Society Studies would
become an actual class instead of something they just learn about through play. They’d have history
lessons that cover both the magical world and the muggle world. And they’d start learning about
the muggle sciences and magical theory. They would still learn about magical creatures but they’d
also start learning Herbology and Astronomy.”

Harry paused as he thought it through. “Some lessons they’d have every day like English and
mathematics while others would become something they learn weekly. So a weekly magical
creatures lesson and muggle technology lesson.”

”This all sounds brilliant, Harry,” Arcturus said. “What about fifth year?”

”Nothing much would change there,” Harry said. “Except we might want to add that etiquette and
comportment class, Narcissa wanted.”

The two Blacks laughed at that. “That will be a big hit with the purebloods.”

”There should also be sports lessons to keep everyone fit and healthy. Plenty of running around.”

Sirius nodded at that. All eight year olds needed to release their excess energy somehow or you
would be sure to have accidental magic catastrophes every other day.

”Sixth year?” Arcturus asked.

”So this is where things change,” Harry said. “Where before most of their time will be spent with
the other students in their class except when they come together for year group activities or
assemblies or something, in sixth year, I’m thinking that some of the classes can be done in
different groups so they can meet other people their own age. It will help them prepare for
Hogwarts too as classes as split differently there. Also we’d introduce them to the other core
subjects they’ll be learning at Hogwarts. Maybe they can take a field trip to the ministry and
gringotts and other places like that. They can learn other languages too.”

”And seventh year would follow the same way as sixth year,” Harry said finally, “just going a bit
more in depth.”

Sirius and Arcturus were both nodding along and Harry could hardly believe that they hadn’t told
him his idea was stupid.

”All right,” Sirius said, still making notes. “So approximately one hundred teachers. If we’re going
to have a pool or a lake and magical creatures, we’re going to need a groundskeeper too. And
maybe a caretaker too, and a driver for the school bus.”

“If we’re talking about a thousand potential students, we’re going to need more than one bus,”
Arcturus said.

We’ll need a head teacher,” Harry said, “and probably a deputy. Plus some administrators. And
probably some sort of board of governors - we could have parent governors.”

Sirius frowned. “So I guess the big question is how is this all going to be funded?”

”If we get Narcissa involved, she could arrange fundraising,” Arcturus suggested.

”Run it like a charitable organisation?” Sirius asked. “Free education.”

”Hogwarts is expensive enough,” Arcturus said. “And if the quality of teaching is good enough, the
purebloods will happily donate if it means they don’t have to spend money on multiple tutors.”

Sirius nodded. That was true enough. His mother had always complained about the number of
tutors he and Regulus required.

”We can always start with a lone from the Black family,” he said eventually. “I’ll happily donate
too but we’re going to need a large influx of galleons to get started.”

Arcturus nodded his agreement. That was probably the best way to go about it initially. “We could
probably apply for some ministry funding too. Especially as it will have the Prince’s endorsement.”

Harry held back a sigh. At least it was because he was Magic’s chosen and not because he was the

”Well, that’s the easy bit done!” Arcturus grinned. “Now for the hard bit.”

Harry grimaced. He didn’t even want to imagine what his new great-grandfather thought was the
hard bit.

”Getting the muggleborns involved,” Arcturus said pointedly when both Harry and Sirius eyed him
with confusion. “At the moment, muggleborns only learn about our world when they get invited to

”Right…” Harry nodded. “So, how does Hogwarts know about the muggleborns?”

”All magical children are recorded in the book of admittance from their first bout of accidental
magic.” Arcturus explained.

”Can we ask them to share?” Harry asked. “Or do we have to work out the spell work for
something like that?”

Harry really thought that was beyond his level of expertise.

”Perhaps,” Sirius nodded. “If not, I imagine the unspeakable can come up with something.”

Arcturus grinned. “Unfortunately, that isn’t the hard part.”

”Huh?” Both Harry and Sirius asked.

”The biggest challenge is going to be introducing the muggle horns to our world,” Arcturus said.
“And I’m not sure it should be the responsibility of the school. Hogwarts did a terrible job of
introducing you to the magical world, Harry. I think we need a ministry department or at least a sub
department specifically for supporting muggleborns and muggle raised children joining our world.”

”How would that work?” Harry asked.

”At the first sign of accidental magic a couple of representatives of the department - let’s call them
advocates - would visit the muggleborn and fix any accidental magic that might need undoing. At
that time, they’d talk to the child and the parents and tell them about our world and the school.”

”They’d have to arrange for them to sign a secrecy contract,” Harry said. The statute of secrecy
needed to be protected better than it currently was. “And monitor the family for signs of abuse.”
Both Sirius and Arcturus agreed with that.

”One problem you might find is that magical children all start showing signs of magic at different
ages. For some it’s in the first few months while others they might be eight or nine. It means
muggle raised kids might join the school later than their wixen raised peers.”

Harry listened to what Sirius said. But he couldn’t see any way of avoiding that.

”The school could provide classes for muggles raising magical children in the evenings,” Arcturus
suggested. “I imagine it might be quite scary raising a magical child without magic. Basic stuff like
who to contact in the event your magical child hurts themselves or you with accidental magic, and
a basic overview of magical diseases and other health related issues. Muggleborns often wait until
Hogwarts before getting their magical vaccines. That could be brought forward with a system like

”Presumably their ministry advocate would continue to act as a liaison between the family and the
magical world,” Harry said, “but the parents would also have the support of the school and other

”Yes. So all in all, they’d be in a much better position than they are now.” Arcturus smiled at his
great-grandson. Even though he’d only known the young man a few days, he couldn’t help but feel
immensely proud of him.

”You’re certain you want squibs to attend?”Arcturus asked.

Harry glared at him.

”I’m not saying you shouldn’t, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page.”

”All wixen raised kids,” Harry said eventually. “Hell, I’d even be willing to let muggle siblings in if
muggleborns like my mum come.”

Sirius nodded at that. “They’re probably squibs if there’s a magical in the family.”

”And we can hire some squibs for some of the teaching nut roles. Anything that doesn’t involve
magic,” Harry said.

Arcturus nodded. “I think if you do that you either need to make them subject specific teachers or
make sure that each class has at least one magical teacher, just in case there are any magical

“That sounds reasonable,” Harry said. “I just thought. We’re going to need a school nurse too.”

Sirius checked his watch. “Time for lunch. Let’s leave it here for now. I think we should talk to
Narcissa and Lucius. Like granddad said Narcissa will be a big help with fundraising and Lucius
will be able to help us with the legalities. And we should definitely talk to the goblins about a site
for the school.”

They gathered their paperwork and made their way out of the library, each deep in thought. Harry
had a grin on his face. That had been oddly productive. It felt so strange having adults take his
ideas seriously.
Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed it. Just a little insight into what the world will look like with Harry in
The Invitation
Chapter Summary

Our characters read another chapter and learn a little bit about the muggle postage system...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Young Harry took his seat in the chamber after lunch. Madam Pomfrey had insisted that he could
start having a slightly larger portion size at meal times and Harry was feeling exceptionally fully
and tired. Before coming to the chamber, Harry wasn't sure he'd ever had a full stomach before. It
was a strange feeling. Not bad exactly. Just different. He smiled at his older self as he sat next to
Neville. He liked the quiet boy. While Ron seemed great too, he was a little too loud and boisterous
and that sometimes put Harry on edge. But Neville spoke softly and didn't move particularly
quickly, and Harry found himself feeling safe with the other boy.

Harry flinched when he heard the book start. He hadn't noticed Professor Flitwick casting the spell.
That was unusual. Normally he noticed everything. Was this what it was like to feel safe?

By the time Harry arrived... behind the morning's Daily Mail,

"You know that's something else that probably needs to change," Hermione said. "We only have
one newspaper that is taken seriously and its ministry controlled. We need a free press."

Rita grinned maliciously. "You wouldn't want a free press."

"Sure, I would," Hermione countered. "We'd need stronger laws about protecting individuals from
libel and also protecting the rights of minors."

"We already have those laws in place, Miss Granger," Lucius said. "Unfortunately, Heir Potter
didn't have anyone protecting his interests. His magical guardian should have hired a lawyer to deal
with the Prophet."

Hermione frowned. It was one thing to think that the laws just didn't exist but it was another thing
entirely to think that people just didn't think that the laws should apply to Harry. Presumably they
saw an orphan and thought him alone and defenseless.
"The same can be said for muggleborns," Lucius said. "Often they're unaware of the laws in our
world and so do not take the appropriate action to respond to defamation in the paper."

"You're not wrong that we need more papers though," Harry said. "I mean, I don't even know how
many papers there are in muggle Britain."

"You shouldn't have a monopoly on information," young Harry said, surprising them all. "We
learned that in school. The more sources you gain your information from, the more you can ensure
your opinion is unbiased."

"Very true, Mr Potter," Minerva said with a warm smile.

and Aunt Petunia... her horse-like teeth.

Madam Pomfrey sat forward. Were they about to hear about Dudley's diet?

Dudley looked furious... Dudley glowered at her.

"Just a quarter of grapefruit?" Madam Pomfrey asked. "Was that for breakfast?" Sure, the boy
clearly needed to lose weight but that was some extreme dieting. "That's only about twenty

Suddenly restricting food like that could be deadly. For a boy like Dudley, even a small change
might have made a significant difference. Reducing his portion sizes for example, might have been
enough to kickstart his weight loss without potentially effecting his electrolytes or bone density.

His life had taken a most unpleasant turn... find excuses for his bad marks as usual:

Minerva tutted at that. She really didn't like the Dursleys.

Aunt Petunia always insisted... he wouldn't hurt a fly!" Aunt Petunia had said tearfully.

That led to a lot of eye rolling.

However, at the bottom of the report... size and weight of a young killer whale.

A couple of the young Gryffindors laughed, although they did their best to hide it from the adults.

So - after many tantrums... Uncle Vernon called "rabbit food."

"It's clear to see where he gets his unhealthy eating habits from," Poppy said.

To make Dudley feel better about it all... get more to eat than Harry.

Sirius glared at the book.

But Aunt Petunia didn't know... an enormous fruitcake and assorted meat pies.

Sirius smiled at the Grangers, Mrs Weasley and Hagrid. He was grateful they'd been looking out for

Poor Errol... recover from the journey.

Arthur sighed. They really did need to retire Errol and get a new post owl. But owls were

And then on Harry's birthday ... he ate his grapefruit without complaint.

"Birthday cake for breakfast?" Poppy asked with a mock glare.

Uncle Vernon laid aside his paper ... a very sour look in his piggy little eyes.

"If he tries and takes your food," Sirius growled.

Uncle Vernon gave a great sigh... Uncle Vernon's grapefruit.

Everyone laughed.

Harry heard talking at the door ... ripping paper came from the hall.

"Oh, no," young Harry said. "He's mad, isn't he?"

Harry nodded. Everyone else wondered how the young boy had known.

Aunt Petunia set the teapot down... "In the living room. Now. "

"But you haven't done anything," Remus said. "Have you?"

Harry shrugged. It really didn't matter if he'd done something or not. Not when it came to Uncle

Bewildered, wondering what on earth... settled for looking politely puzzled.

"Good decision," young Harry muttered. It was always better to stay quiet.

"This just arrived," ... sent letters by the postman?

Mrs Weasley looked up. She'd sent that letter. She didn't mean to get Harry in trouble though.

Uncle Vernon glared at Harry... a great deal from Harry about my son Ron.

Ron snorted. Yeah, he'd be surprised if the Dursleys even knew his name.

As Harry might have told you... a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity;

The kids all looked at the book eagerly. This was exciting. Would they get to hear about the world
cup final?

Britain hasn't hosted the cup... see him safely onto the train back to school.

"Like they care about that," young Harry muttered.

It would be best... I am not sure he even knows where it is.

"He won't like that," young Harry said with a grimace.

Hoping to see Harry soon... P. S. I do hope we've put enough stamps on.

The muggleborns all looked confused. "You should only need one for a letter," Hermione said with
a sigh.

Uncle Vernon finished reading... Dursleys' address in minute writing.

Mrs Weasley went bright red.

"She did put enough stamps on, then," ... His uncle's eyes flashed.

Don't be cheeky, young Harry said. "He really won't like that."

"The postman noticed," ... Seemed to think it was funny."

"Well, it was, in fairness," Harry said with a shrug.

Harry didn't say anything... with people like Mrs. Weasley.

All the magicals looked offended at that. They didn't want to be associated with him either.

"Perhaps you can teach the children in the primary school how to send letters," Mr Granger said,
"both the magical way and the muggle way."

Uncle Vernon was still glaring at Harry... most fundamental instincts came into conflict.

Everyone looked confused.

Allowing Harry to go... Uncle Vernon hated having Harry in the house.

The confused expressions disappeared.

To give himself thinking time... aloud in the Dursley household.

"Imagine making the word Hogwarts taboo," Tom said with an eye roll.

Uncle Vernon screwed up ... become wider than he was tall.

Mrs Weasley reddened still more. It was strange having a complete stranger talk about her body
like that. The man had no manners.

Uncle Vernon was perusing the letter again... "Played on broom-"

"Surprised he's actually talking to you about this," young Harry said thoughtfully.

Harry nodded with a grin. It had surprised him too.

"All right, all right!" ... 'the normal way'?" he spat.

Harry laughed.

"Normal for us," ... his face now a rich plum color.
"Well, he did ask," Minerva said snappishly.

"You stand there... extremely baggy jeans.

"Careful," young Harry murmured, looking actually scared.

"I will not be spoken to like that!" ... You know - my godfather. "

Severus's eyes widened. The manipulative little brat. He was impressed. "That was very Slytherin
of you, Potter."

"Thanks, sir," Harry said with a grin.

He had done it... tiny eyes contract with sudden fear.

Sirius smirked. He liked the fact these muggles were scared of him. He'd show them just why they
should fear him.

"Well - yeah," ... tell him you're going. "

Several people cheered. They hadn't expected Vernon to agree.

"Okay then," ... "I feel really full, don't you?"

George laughed heartily.

Laughing at the astonished look... she was annoyed about something.

The aurors sat up a little straighter. What was bothering the owl?

Exactly what was annoying ... DAD GOT THE TICKETS -

Ron gave Harry an apologetic look for Pig.

Ireland versus Bulgaria... We're coming for you whether the Muggles like it or not,

Madam Bones frowned. Did they not realise that could technically count as kidnapping? Under the
circumstances, she certainly understood it, but they really shouldn't have let Ron put that in a letter.
If you planned to do something questionable, it was better not to leave evidence.

you can't miss the World Cup... unless you want the pants bored off you.

Percy glared at his younger brother.

See you soon ... though daring it to try and come any closer.

"What is it with Crookshanks and Hedwig not liking my pets?" Ron muttered irritably.

"At least Hedwig didn't attack Pig," Harry said. "She just thinks that post owls should behave a
certain way."

Harry seized his eagle-feather quill ... Hedwig hooted in a dignified sort of a way.
Everyone who knew Hedwig smiled at that. She was a very dignified bird.

"Can you take this to Sirius for me?" ... how a real post owl should behave.

Ron rolled his eyes. Sure, Pig was annoying but he was his.

"I'll be at Ron's... nothing but grapefruit;

"That's surprisingly vindictive of you, Harry," Hermione said, giving him an odd look.

"You'd feel vindictive too if you always had nothing while your cousin had everything," Harry
muttered. "It was nice to have our roles reversed for once."

it was a bright summer's day... even Lord Voldemort.

Sirius smiled. That's what he wanted to hear. Harry was only fourteen in the book and shouldn't
have a care in the world.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you all enjoyed this one. I'm going to try and write more non reading chapters into this
book so hopefully there will be plenty of interaction with the characters outside of reading too
Back to the Burrow
Chapter Summary

Our characters read another chapter...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

By twelve o'clock the next day... remaining until his return to Hogwarts.

The adults all frowned. The boy had so little. It was like he literally lived out of his school trunk.

The atmosphere inside number four... five o'clock the very next day.

"I probably shouldn't have taken the twins," Arthur muttered to himself.

"I hope you told them... their worst idea of wizards.

"Don't worry about us, Harry," Arthur said. "We can handle a little rudeness."

Uncle Vernon had put on his best suit... impressive and intimidating.

Harry rolled his eyes.

Dudley, on the other hand... present the same target to the enemy.

Amelia groaned. As awful as these muggles were, the way magicals had interacted with them,
hadn't helped. First, Dumbledore leaving Harry on their doorstep with nothing but a note. And then
Hagrid and that whole tail incident. It was no wonder they were a little hostile. Of course, that
didn't excuse the way they treated Harry.

Lunch was an almost silent meal... "They'll be driving, of course?" Uncle Vernon barked
across the table.

Mr Weasley frowned. He hadn't thought to warn them about how they would be arriving. In
hindsight, that had been a mistake.
"Er," ... possibly he would do the same today?

"Probably not," Tonks said. "It's not easy to get those."

"Although, it should have been if they were picking up Harry," Kingsley said. He was thinking
about how he'd guarantee Potter's safety in the future.

"I think so," ... even if he drove a Ferrari.

Hermione laughed. Her parents were secure financially but they couldn't afford a Ferrari.

Harry spent most of the afternoon... excitement and nerves.

Sirius grimaced. This should have been a happy occasion, not a reason to be anxious.

But five o'clock came and then went.

Arthur frowned. He knew they shouldn't have been late.

Uncle Vernon... "No consideration at all. "

Arthur sighed. He had intended to be on time.

"We might've had an engagement. "... -AAAAAAAARRRRRGH!"

Everyone sat bolt up right. What had happened?

Harry jumped up... which had a fake coal fire plugged in front of it.

Amelia shook her head. This was why you didn't attach muggle residences to the floo network.

"What is it?" ... inside the blocked fireplace.

Sirius groaned. Nothing could ever go simply for Harry, could it?

"Ouch! Fred, no - go back... go back quickly and tell Ron -"

"Why did so many people come?" Remus asked. "You knew the muggles didn't like wizards.
Wouldn't it have been better for you to just bring Ron?"

"Yes. That was a mistake," Arthur said with a grimace.

"Maybe Harry can hear us, Dad... a pair of angry wolverines.

Young Harry actually flinched.

"What is this?" ... only you've blocked the fireplace - hang on -"

Sirius laughed. There was no point explaining the floo network. These muggles weren't interested.
Harry was wasting his breath.
He approached the fireplace... You won't be able to get through there. "

"Please tell me you apparated your boys back one at a time and then returned for Harry," Amelia
said. She had a sinking feeling that this was not going to go well.

"Er..." Arthur frowned. "Didn't think of that."

"Damn!" ... Gracious, I must see that...

Mrs Weasley rolled her eyes.

Let's think... we wanted to end up. "

George smiled at the thought of his twin.

"Yeah, we're having the time of our lives here,"... Stand back, Harry. "

"Bad idea, Arthur," young Kingsley said with a sigh.

Harry retreated to the sofa... BANG.

"You know if you're going to blow a man's house up," Mr Granger said with a chuckle, "it's best to
warn him."

He didn't like these Dursleys but he had to agree that magicals could be very disrespectful to
muggles. He'd experienced it himself.

The electric fire shot across the room... who were identical to the last freckle.

George grimaced. It had always bothered him and Fred that even their own parents couldn't tell
them apart.

"That's better," ... he had just aged thirty years.

"Not the best introduction," Arthur said with a sigh.

"Er - yes - sorry about that,"... he fixed it for me.

Amelia glared at Arthur. There was a reason muggle residences weren't supposed to be connected
to the floo network. It seemed like everyone in the ministry thought they could bend the rules
however they damn well pleased. And yet they still had the audacity to complain when other people
did the same thing.

I can put it right in a jiffy... hid behind Uncle Vernon.

"It's no wonder they're scared of magicals," young Harry said, "if every interaction is like this."

He almost felt sorry for his aunt and uncle.

"This is why the parents of muggle raised children need some sort of program to introduce them to
the magical world," Sirius said, shaking his head.
"That would be very useful," Mr Granger agreed. "It was overwhelming when we learned about
Hermione's magic. Not only was there this whole other world that we didn't know about. But there
were diseases that we didn't know existed that could kill our daughter. New laws to be aware of. A
whole different educational program. It was a lot to take in."

Mrs Granger nodded. "And if we knew about it sooner, we'd have been more prepared for dealing
with Hermione's accidental magic."

"Hello, Harry!" ... they had heard a lot about him from Harry.

"You know us so well," George said.

"Well," said Mr. Weasley... "Very - erm - very nice place you've got here. "

Several people laughed. He'd just blown up their house. Now was not the time to compliment it.
Even Mrs Weasley gave her husband an exasperated look.

As the usually spotless living room... My wife thinks I'm mad, but there you are. "

"I think Uncle Vernon thought you were mad too," Harry said with a chuckle.

Uncle Vernon clearly thought Mr. Weasley was mad too.

Harry nodded. Point proven.

He moved ever so slightly to the right... nowhere near enough to conceal Dudley.

A couple of the kids in the chamber sniggered.

"Ah, this is your cousin, is it, Harry?" ... still harder over his massive backside.

The children laughed again but the adults in the chamber didn't look impressed. Wizards - Hagrid
in particular - had traumatised this muggle child. While they didn't like the boy, they couldn't
condone that.

Fred and George came back into the room... Their faces cracked into identical evil grins.

Mrs Weasley glared at George.

"Ah, right," said Mr. Weasley... the wall behind him.

"And now your setting a fire in their house," Mr Granger said. "I can promise you they won't like
that. Not when they don't understand what you're doing."

He didn't bother to say that he didn't think these people would appreciate it even if they did
understand. But the average muggle... Sometimes, wizards needed a little lesson in explaining
magic to muggles. Because they seemed to mess that up frequently.

Flames rose at once in the fireplace... big, fat toffees in brightly colored wrappers.

Mrs Weasley looked ready to breathe fire and Harry was sure that if Fred was still alive, he'd be on
the receiving end of one of his mother's famous rants.
Fred scrambled around... Fred vanished.

Young Harry grinned. He couldn't wait to try that.

"Right then, George," ... Now Harry and Mr. Weasley alone remained.

Harry grimaced. This had been awkward.

"Well. . . 'bye then," ... "Didn't you hear him?"

Both Harrys laughed.

"It doesn't matter," ... "Surely you're going to say good-bye?"

"Probably better if they don't," young Harry muttered.

Uncle Vernon's face worked furiously... "Good-bye, then. "

Amelia frowned. Perhaps the general populace needed lessons in how to appear less threatening to
muggles, if even Arthur Weasley could instill this much fear. The man was as gentle as they came.

No one said anything about the muggles' terrible manners. They were beginning to expect it.

"See you," ... and Aunt Petunia started to scream.

"What happened?" young Lee asked.

"The twins happened," Arthur said with a sigh.

Harry wheeled around... toffee wrapper lay on the floor before him.

Amelia and the aurors all glared at George. Attacking a muggle? What were they thinking?

Aunt Petunia hurled herself... Mr. Weasley had to shout to make himself heard.

The children in the chamber were laughing hysterically - or at least most of them were.

Moody growled, "I think we might need to add a new lesson to the schedule on interacting with
muggles." He would not allow an entire generation of magicals to grow up thinking this was okay.

"Not to worry, ... his wand outstretched,

"Should have called the DMLE and we'd have handled it, Arthur," Amelia said with a sigh. The
twins would have gotten a warning but really, they deserved it.

but Aunt Petunia screamed worse... but it's only an Engorgement Charm -

"They don't know what that is," Kingsley said with a sigh.

at least, I think it is ... shatter in the blasted fireplace.

The aurors all shook their heads. This was going to escalate. They needed a magical reversal team.
Yes, it was simple enough magic but the muggles weren't going to cooperate and so it would be
better to stun all three, fix the child and then obliviate the lot of them for good measure. This was
just one more traumatic experience with magicals that they didn't need.

"Now really!" ... "I'm trying to help!"

A couple people laughed at that. He was the one that brought magic into their house. If he thought
the muggles would cooperate he was dreaming.

Bellowing like a wounded hippo... "I'll sort this out!"

George frowned. He hadn't realised things had gotten this bad. Perhaps that toffee hadn't been the
best idea after all.

Harry didn't want to miss the fun,

"FUN?" Mrs Weasley screeched. "Attacks on muggles are not fun!"

Sirius glared at her. Who was she to shout at his godson?

Harry just rolled his eyes. "While in general, I agree with you, at fourteen, seeing your bully hurt is
always fun. Well, fun might not be the right word. But it's a nice feeling. Like you suddenly realise
that maybe karma is real."

Several people nodded. They could understand that. It was the same feeling you got on the
battlefield when you took down an opponent that has previously gotten the better of you.

but Uncle Vernon's second ornament... a rush of emerald-green flames.

George wasn't looking at anyone. In hindsight that really hadn't been funny at all. He and Fred had
always prided themselves on knowing not to cross the line, but apparently they didn't always get it

Chapter End Notes

Drop a comment and let me know what you think...

Weasleys Wizard Wheezes
Chapter Summary

Our characters read their last chapter of the day...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry spun faster and faster... out of the Weasleys' kitchen fire.

"I really hate floo travel," Harry muttered.

Mr Granger had a thoughtful look on his face. "What I don't understand is why you used floo travel
at all. I pride myself on being a pretty level headed man but I wouldn't have liked it if you added
my house to the floo network without my consent. That's like making yourself a key to my house
and letting yourself in. Hell, I'd be tempted to call it breaking and entering."

The wizards all looked thoughtful. They hadn't even considered that.

Harry frowned. Thinking about it, they hadn't even asked him. "It was sort of disrespectful."

Arthur grimaced. He really hadn't thought it through. He just knew it wouldn't be good for him to
pick up Harry alone so it made sense to take the boys.

"You would have been better to bring Ron by side along apparation and ask Bill or Charlie to
accompany you," Harry said. "Then one of them could have brought me back to the Burrow."

Arthur shook his head. Why hadn't he thought of that?

"Did he eat it?" ... someone to test them on all summer... "

Mrs Weasley did not look impressed. She was glaring at George.

The tiny kitchen exploded with laughter... the two eldest Weasley brothers.

"You laughed?" Mrs Weasley demanded, glaring now at her eldest two sons.
"We weren't listening to their conversation," Charlie said. "We were talking about an incident that
happened at my work."

"How're you doing, Harry?"... who worked with dragons in Romania.

"Impressive deductive reasoning," Moody murmured.

Charlie was built like the twins... shiny burn on it.

Young Bill rolled his eyes. "I get burned too in my line of work. Although, I get significantly less
sun than Charlie."

Bill got to his feet... an older version of Percy:

Bill chuckled. He was nothing like Percy.

fussy about rule-breaking and fond of bossing everyone around.

Percy eyes darkened. He was clearly offended.

However, Bill was - there was no other word for it - cool.

"Thanks Harry," Bill said with a smirk.

He was tall... but of dragon hide.

Luna giggled. "Someone has a crush," she said quietly.

Before any of them could say anything else... angrier than Harry had ever seen him.

"Yeah, you know you should worry when Dad is angry," Ron said.

"That wasn't funny Fred!" ... I never told him to. "

Mrs Weasley looked on the verge of screeching except the Fred in the chamber hadn't done this yet.

"You dropped it on purpose!" ... his parents would let me shrink it!"

"That's impressive," Flitwick said. He didn't like what they'd done but he could still appreciate the

Harry and the Weasleys roared with laughter again.

"We might have laughed that time," Bill said, looking slightly abashed. "But they'd told us all about
those Dursleys."

"It isn't funny!" ... mistreatment of Muggles,

"Sorry dad," George said morosely.

and my own sons... he's a Muggle!" said Fred indignantly.

"Yeah, we wouldn't just attack muggles for fun," George said. "But Dudley is a bully and... I'm not
saying we were okay to do it but Harry is like our little brother."

"No, we gave it to him... "That's not the point!" raged Mr. Weasley.

"That argument wouldn't hold up in the Wizengamot," Lucius said with a sigh. The twins could
have gotten into a lot of trouble.

"You wait until I tell your mother -"

Arthur grimaced. He hadn't planned on telling Molly anything about it.

"Tell me what?" ... "Tell me what, Arthur?"

All the married men in the chamber gave Arthur pitying looks. They'd been there.

Mr. Weasley hesitated... Mr. Weasley eyed his wife nervously.

Mrs Weasley glared at Mr Weasley.

Then two girls appeared... ever since his first visit to the Burrow.

"Before that," young Ron said, rolling his eyes. His sister was obsessed with the Boy-Who-Lived.

"Tell me what, Arthur?" ... but I've had words with them -"

Arthur sighed. Molly never listened to him when he said he'd already dealt with a problem. It was
amazing their boys listened to him at all, when Molly was constantly undermining his authority like
this. He was supposed to be the head of the family. Not that you'd know it. He loved his wife dearly
but sometimes she frustrated him to no end.

"What have they done this time?" ... "in my room, he slept there last -"

Hermione rolled her eyes. Ron really didn't get social cues very quickly.

"We can all go,"... "You stay where you are!" snarled Mrs. Weasley.

"Molly, sometimes," Arthur began quietly, so quietly in fact that he hoped no one else would hear,
"sometimes it feels like you don't listen to me."

"Of course I listen to you, Arthur," Molly said, taken aback.

"In the book I just told you that I'd already dealt with this issue but you took over and completely
undermined my authority."

Molly's mouth hung open. Had she? That hadn't been her intention. "Did I? I'm sorry Arthur."

"I know, Molly. It just upsets me that you don't seem to trust me to discipline our boys. I'm their

"I'll do better," she promised quietly, taking his hand in hers. She hadn't even considered that she
might be hurting Arthur's feelings. She had just been so angry with the twins.
Harry and Ron edged out of the kitchen... although Hermione didn't.

"Weasleys Wizard Wheezes are brilliant!" Harry said eagerly. He hated the way people seemed to
underestimate Fred and George.

"Mum found this stack of order forms... they'd been inventing all that. . . "

"You think we're brilliant, Ron?" George asked, feeling surprised.

"Of course, I do. It's amazing what you guys have achieved," Ron said excitably.

"We've been hearing explosions... "We thought they just liked the noise. "

George rolled his eyes. Who liked the sound of explosions?

"Only, most of the stuff - well, all of it, really - was a bit dangerous," said Ron,

"It's not dangerous at all," George said with a sigh. "You just didn't know what it was."

"and, you know, they were planning to sell it... burned all the order forms...

"Nothing in the rules to say you can't start a little business at Hogwarts," Albus said. He didn't like
the idea of stifling that creativity.

She's furious at them anyway... O. W. L. s as she expected. "

George rolled his eyes. "We got them all between us," he explained. "We always planned on
working together. I focused on half of them and Fred did the rest. Of course, we didn't think that
one of us might..." His voice died off.

O. W. L. s... open a joke shop. "

"That was really unfair, you know," George said, looking suddenly angry. "We've never said we
wanted to work at the ministry. We'd be terrible at it. We've always enjoyed inventing stuff and we
were serious about the joke shop. The one time we talked about something that was important to us
and you shot us down immediately."

Mrs Weasley looked horrified. She hadn't meant to do that. She just wanted them to have the best
possible future they could.

"It's like you expect all of us to be the same," George said. "We're not all Percy. You don't like that
Bill is a curse breaker..."

"It's dangerous," Molly argued.

"Or that Charlie works with dragons... You want us all to work in a boring office. But we're not all
the same. We have different interests. Different priorities." George sighed. He wasn't sure why he
was bothering to try and explain.

Just then a door on the second landing opened... thundering up and down the stairs."
The Weasleys all rolled their eyes.

"That was quite rude, Percy," Mrs Weasley said in surprise. She didn't see this side of Percy

Percy shrugged. He didn't want to explain how the love potion had made him work incessantly in
an effort to prove himself to his girlfriend.

"We're not thundering,"... almost three percent a year -"

Snape was interested in that report and made a mental note to discuss it with the young man after

"That'll change the world... I expect, cauldron leaks. "

"RONALD!" Mrs Weasley glowered at her youngest son.

Percy went slightly pink... Percy slammed his bedroom door shut.

Mrs Weasley sighed. She just couldn't understand why her boys didn't all just get along.

As Harry, Hermione, and Ginny followed Ron... told Mrs. Weasley about the toffees.

Arthur sighed and Molly gave him an apologetic look.

The room at the top of the house... "Shut up, Pig," said Ron,

Sirius frowned, reminding himself not to gift the boy an owl in the future if that was how he treated

edging his way... because he's got to work. "

"That's not fair!" young Fred said. "You put the four of us in the smallest room in the house and
Percy got to keep his room all to himself."

"He had work to do," Mrs Weasley countered.

"So, we'd have only been in there to sleep," George retorted.

"Er - why are you calling that owl Pig?" ... "She reckons it's sweet.

"I mean that is a silly name," Sirius said matter-of-factly.

And I tried to change it... He annoys me too, come to that.

Sirius rolled his eyes. Definitely not getting him an owl.

Pigwidgeon zoomed happily... appeared to have eaten him.

Mrs Weasley frowned. Ron really should be more appreciative of what he had. That owl had been a

"Where's Crookshanks?" ... He's never seen any before. "

The Weasleys all grinned. Their garden was full of gnomes.

"Percy's enjoying work, then?" ... He's obsessed.

Percy grimaced. How his family thought that was normal behaviour even for him, he couldn't

Just don't get him onto the subject .... engagement any day now. "

The younger Weasleys all sniggered, while Percy turned pink.

"Have you had a good summer, Harry?" ... "They saved my life, those cakes. "

Hermione frowned. She had thought he was exaggerating.

"And have you heard from -?" ... Ginny was looking curiously from Ron to Harry.

"Sometimes you're almost as bad as Hagrid with secrets," Hermione said with a sigh.

"Shall we go down ... No ambition,

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" George shouted at his mother. "We have plenty of ambition. Just because it
doesn't match your expectations, doesn't mean it isn't there. I'm sorry we're such a big bloody

He stormed out of the room without another word.

Mrs Weasley sat wide eyed staring at the door. Arthur sighed and got to his feet, following after his

unless you count... "but they're wasting them,

The younger set of twins folded their arms, pointedly staring angrily at their mother. She never
spoke this way about any of the others. It wasn't fair. They wanted to open a joke shop, big deal.

and unless they pull themselves together... Improper Use of Magic Office."

Everyone in the chamber looked highly awkward. This was not something any of them should be
listening into. But equally, Molly really shouldn't have been talking about the twins to the other
children like that. Augusta was on the verge of telling her so too.

Mrs. Weasley jabbed her wand... we went wrong with them," said Mrs. Weasley,

Fred and George got to their feet too and left the chamber. They didn't want to hear this. They didn't
think there was anything wrong with them. Molly watched them leave, her eyes glistening with

putting down her wand... not to leave them lying around?"

Ollivander wished that the boys were still in the chamber. Fake wands were not easy to make. He'd
love to talk to them about them.

She grabbed her real wand... the back door into the yard.
Everyone let out audible sighs of relief. They didn't want to witness any more family drama.

They had only gone a few paces... knock the other's out of the air.

Mrs Weasley looked shocked. Her older boys were normally much more sensible than that. Then
again, she also hadn't seen Percy be rude like he had been at his doorway.

Fred and George were cheering... torn between amusement and anxiety.

Hermione's mother sighed. "Dear, they are adults. It's okay to have a little fun once and a while.
And presumably, they would be able to fix anything they broke with magic?"

"Well, yes. I suppose," Hermione said with a slow nod.

Bill's table caught Charlie's with a huge bang... "Will you keep it down?!" he bellowed.

Mrs Weasley gaped at the book.

"You know if the twins had done that," Ron said crossly, "we'd never have heard the end of it. But
because it was Bill and Charlie, nothing was said."

Mrs Weasley looked like she wanted to argue that point but she wasn't sure she could.

"Sorry, Perce,"... conjured tablecloths from nowhere.

"See, no harm done," Mrs Granger said.

By seven o'clock... ready by Tuesday," Percy was saying pompously.

Percy grimaced. He didn't like being called pompous. Was it really that bad to take pride in your
work? Okay, he'd been a little obsessive because of the love potion, but he'd still cared about his
work. That was proven when he received a cleansing at the ministry and he still loved his work

"That's a bit sooner... Ludo Bagman -"

The ministry employees all rolled their eyes at the mention of Ludo.

"I like Ludo," ... I smoothed the whole thing over. "

Amelia wrote something down on her parchment. Did no one at the ministry actually keep to the

"Oh Bagman's likable enough... Went on holiday to Albania and never came back?"

Everyone sat forward at the mention of Bertha Jorkins.

"Yes, I was asking Ludo about that,"... if it was someone in my department, I'd be worried. . .

Albus sighed. Albania was the last place he'd been able to track Voldemort to. He imagined his
older self would have been highly suspicious of that.
"Oh Bertha's hopeless, all right," said Percy.

Several people tutted. It wasn't really appropriate to talk about people you don't know like that.
Percy had only just started working at the ministry.

"I hear she's been shunted ... Mr. Crouch was quite fond of her -

Harry laughed at that. Crouch wasn't fond of her. He was just worried that his family's secrets
might be revealed.

but Bagman just keeps laughing... big event to organize right after the World Cup. "

Those from the new timeline sat forward. What was he talking about?

Percy cleared his throat significantly... "The top-secret one. "

"If it's top secret you shouldn't be talking about it at the dinner table, sonny," Moody growled.

Ron rolled his eyes ... Bill, what do they say at the bank?"

Bill rolled his eyes. "The bank really don't care what we look like. So long as we're making them a

"Mum, no one at the bank gives a damn... " I wish you'd let me give it a trim. . . . "

The purebloods in the chamber glared at Molly. A wix's hair was sacred.

"I like it," .... Professor Dumbledore's. . . . "

Albus's eyes twinkled.

Next to Mrs. Weasley, ... Ireland has got seven," said Charlie shortly.

Krum grimaced. The man wasn't wrong. It had really annoyed him the way the Bulgarian team
seemed to just rely on him to win.

"I wish England had got through... Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg. "

"I was really disappointed none of the home nations made it to the final," Charlie huffed.

Harry had been on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team... He might write back while I'm
here. "

Sirius smiled. He liked that Harry had him in his life, even if it was only in letters. Although he was
wondering why he hadn't mentioned Remus. Had they not kept in touch too?

He suddenly remembered the reason ... the match went on for five days last time. "

"That would be amazing!" the younger ones all said.

"Imagine if they had to delay Hogwarts starting because we were all still at the final!" young Ron

"We would not delay the start of term," Minerva said tersely. "You would be expected to leave the
match before the end."

Several people looked disappointed to hear that.

"Wow - hope it does this time!" ... I was away from work for five days. "

Everyone rolled their eyes. Narcissa shook her head. Manners really didn't cost anything. And yet,
people seemed to forget to use them constantly.

"Yeah, someone might slip dragon dung ... "We sent it. "

Percy glared at the book. He was tempted to go looking for George and give him a piece of his

Mrs Weasley sighed. This chapter had been enlightening and she didn't think she liked what it
showed her. "I'm going to make a start on dinner."

New Schedule:

7:00 - 8:00 ~ Defense and Dueling

8:00 - 9:00 ~ Breakfast

9:00 - 11:00 ~ Reading

11:00 - 12:00 ~ Lesson / Council

12:00 - 13:00 ~ Lunch

13:00 - 16:00 ~ Reading

16:00 - 17:00 ~ Lesson / Council

17:00 - 18:30 ~ Dinner

18:30 - 19:30 ~ Lecture

19:30 + ~ Free Time

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to leave a comment and share your thoughts.
Being a Lord of a Noble House
Chapter Summary

A lesson from Lucius Malfoy...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

While his older self went off to talk to Madam Bones about the Dursleys and the child abuse case
she was planning to bring against them, young Harry stayed seated for his second lesson of the day.
He didn't resent his older self for getting out of lessons. He was dealing with all the adult stuff that
Harry didn't really understand. He was a little scared that people might start asking for his opinion
too soon, but he really didn't know anything about the magical world. Ron on the other hand was
not so willing to sit through lessons and would complain almost constantly about it.

Harry didn't really understand what the problem was. He was excited to learn about the magical
world. This was all new to him. He was especially looking forward to today's lesson as they would
be learning about what it meant to be a Lord. After seeing all those Lordships on his inheritance
test, Harry thought this was a lesson he desperately needed.

Lucius stood in front of the fireplace and looked at all the young people in front of him. Not all of
them were heirs but that didn't mean that they shouldn't know this stuff.

"When people think about magical Lordships, they immediately think of the Sacred Twenty-Eight,"
Lucius started, "however, there are far more than twenty-eight families that hold a seat on the
Wizengamot and therefore have a lord or ladyship. Most lordships pre-date the statute of secrecy
and the separation of our world from the muggle world and so they often have a honorary muggle
title attached to them. However, most wix do not pay these any attention as they have mostly all but
died out in the muggle world."

Harry began making notes. He wanted to know everything he possibly could about his lordships.

"Each titled family holds a seat on the Wizengamot that is passed down from Lord to Lord or Lady
to Lady," Lucius continued. "Some titles are newer, for example where one family line dies out.
After five generations without an heir, the seat will be open to re-assignation. The Wizengamot will
then vote on who in recent years has done something notable that might be deserving of granting a
title. These are rarely given to muggle raised candidates, mostly due to the stigma around blood

Hermione didn't look particularly impressed by this.

"But it has happened on occasion," Lucius said seriously. "The older the house, the longer they
have had their hereditary seat, the more influential a Lord or Lady tends to be. This is not because
they have more votes as all seats are seen as equal in the Wizengamot but that they have had longer
to build alliances - in most cases generations upon generations. Also certain houses hold more
weight on the grounds of historic accomplishment. A good example of this is the four houses of
Hogwarts. Anyone who sits as Lord of those houses will have great sway in the Wizengamot."

His younger self stepped forward then. "Something else that is worth knowing is that some of the
more ancient seats have a greater allowance for staying dormant. The Hogwarts seats can lay
dormant for ten generations before they would be open for re-assignation. Although, I would like to
point out that it would be political suicide to try and move a motion to re-assign those seats even if
they lay dormant for twenty years. They are seen as one of the building blocks of our society and
are somewhat untouchable."

Lucius nodded his head in agreement. No one in their right mind would even consider suggesting
such a thing.

"The only house that is not open to re-assignation at all is the house of Myrrddin as only Mother
Magic can determine her heir," Lucius said. "That house works very differently to the others. As it
can be inherited, if Mother Magic deems her Lord or Lady's children worthy, but at any time it can
be lost by a family. Equally, the royal house does not vote in the same way that the rest of the
Wizengamot does. They only vote when there is a tie because wherever possible the house of
Myrrddin is supposed to remain impartial. They do have the option to veto laws that Lord or Lady
Myrrddin believes to be in direct conflict with Mother Magic's wishes. However, this power is
supposed to be used sparingly. They can put forward bills for consideration, just like any other seat
but it would be prudent to only do this when it seems absolutely necessary."

"It would be better wherever possible to use your political capital and the art of debate to prevent
laws passing," young Lucius told Harry, "rather than use your veto. And it would also be wise to
use your other seats or a political ally to put forward bills you want to see passed."

Lucius brandished his wand and the words 'The Royal House of Myrrddin' appeared in the air in
front of them.

"Next are the Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses. These are the ones that have been around the
longest and have some sort of historical importance and legacy that denounces the family as Most
Noble. As I said before they can remain dormant longer than others. Slytherin, Gryffindor,
Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Emrys (Merlin's house), Lefay and Peverell. You'll notice so far I have not
mentioned a single house that listed in the Sacred Twenty-Eight."

He was enjoying this. Muggleborns and even some half bloods believed this was all blood purity
garbage but it really wasn't. The pureblood agenda had nothing to do with the sacred houses. Hell,
even the sacred twenty-eight was about more than just blood purity. But they'd talk about that later.
Probably not even today.

"Then we have the Noble and Most Ancient Houses. The oldest of these is the Black family. It is
said that the Black seat was the first to be awarded but that is unproven. It is known that they
gained Noble status because they have produced more than one headmasters of Hogwarts. Another
of the oldest pure-blood families in Britain is the Crouch family. The Greengrass family gained
Noble status for their family's longstanding reputation for working in the Department of Mysteries.
The Prince family are noble due to their various contributions to potioneering. The Warringtons and
Sayres also hold a Noble and Most Ancient seat."

"So your title can change even if it doesn't affect your seat's voting potential?" Harry asked.

"That's right. At any time a house with an existing seat might gain noble status or even most
noble," Lucius said. "For example, if you, as the heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Potter,
were to do something notable, no doubt your house would be elevated to Most Noble and Ancient."

"But your ancient status doesn't change?" Harry asked.

"Potentially in a couple hundred years or if quite a few names die out," Lucius said thoughtfully.
This wasn't a question Draco had ever asked him. "It isn't impossible. If for example all the Noble
and Most Ancient House were to die out, I imagine they would move the rest up and bring new
houses in at the bottom."

Harry nodded. That made sense. He was surprised how easy this was to understand. He had been
expecting to be completely overwhelmed.

"Next we have the Most Noble and Ancient Houses. The House of Burke became most noble after
Elizabeth Burke was headmistress of Hogwarts. The Diggory family gained Most Noble status due
to Eldritch Diggory being Minister for Magic. The Fawleys gained Most Noble status after Hector
Fawley became Minister for Magic. The same can be said for the Flint family. They gained Most
Noble status when Josephina Flint was Minister for Magic in the eighteen hundreds. The
Lestranges also gained the title Most Noble in the eighteen hundreds when Radolphus Lestrange
was Minister for Magic. My own family gained the title Most Noble for my ancestor, Armand
Malfoy's involvement in the invasion from Normandy. The Nott family are also Most Noble and
Ancient, although it is unknown exactly what they did to receive the title most noble. The
Parkinson family also gained their Most Noble status when Perseus Parkinson was Minister for
Magic in the seventeen hundreds. The Rowle family gained Most Noble status when Damocles
Rowle was Minister for Magic in the seventeen hundreds."

"Something that might interest you, Heir Potter," young Lucius said, "is that if a Most Noble and
Ancient house was to ascend in rank, they wouldn't automatically become Most Noble and Most
Ancient, but rather Noble and Most Ancient. The house takes one step up, never two."

Harry smiled at that, jotting the information down.

"Are all previous Minister for Magics awarded a seat?" Hermione asked.

"It is tradition that they are," Lucius said. "Often their family already have a seat so their Noble
status is just elevated but if they do not have a seat at all then a Noble seat will be awarded them.
Unless of course, they resign in disgrace. It is worth noting our current Minister will be angling for
a Noble seat when he leaves office. But with everything that is coming to light in the books, I am
not convinced one will be awarded him. Not if Madam Bones has anything to say about it."

"So, it's not that different from the House of Lords in the muggle world," Hermione muttered to
"After Most Noble and Ancient, we have the Noble and Ancient Houses. Quite a few of these were
awarded their Noble status during the last war."

Neville tensed. Mr Malfoy was about to mention his parents and he didn't like talking to people
about them. He wasn't ashamed. He just didn't like the attention. It was private. He was proud of his
parents but that didn't mean he wanted everyone talking about them. They couldn't possibly
understand how much it hurt to see them as they were now. Never truly knowing who they once

"The Bones family gained Noble status after the death of the Lord and Lady," Lucius said gently
before bowing to Susan. "The Dumbledore family gained Noble status when Albus Dumbledore
defeated Grindelwald. Dexter Fortescue also gained his family Noble status after he was
Headmaster of Hogwarts. The Longbottom family gained the title of Noble for their contribution
and sacrifice in the first war." Again he bowed to Neville, making the boy blush, but Neville was
grateful that he didn't say more than that. "The Ollivander family gained Noble status because of
their contribution to society through their wand making. The Potter house also gained Noble status
after the death of both Lord and Lady Potter in first war." Another bow, this one to Harry. "The
Slughorn family gained Noble status in the sixties for Horace Slughorn's contribution to
potionmaking and the Travers family gained Noble status upon the retirement of Torquil Travers
from his position as the Head of the DMLE. The Weasley family gained Noble status upon the
retirement of Matilda Weasley from her position at Hogwarts. She was the transfiguration teacher
and also deputy headmistress. It was awarded due to her dedication to furthering the education of
her students. She was said to be an extraordinary teacher."

The Weasleys in the room could hardly believe that Lucius Malfoy was complimenting one of their

"The Weasleys have not sat their seat since Arthur Weasley's father passed away," Lucius
continued. "Although there is hope in the Wizengamot that one of Arthur's children might accept
the Lordship in the future."

The Weasleys were all gaping at him now and Lucius had to hold back a chuckle.

"Then we have the Ancient Houses: Abbott, Avery, Bulstrode, Carrow, Crabbe, Doge, Gaunt,
Goyle, Hawkworth, Lovegood, Moody, Macmillan, Ogden, Patil, Prewett, Rosier, Ross, Selwyn,
Shacklebolt, Shafiq, Umbridge, Yaxley and Zabini. This is currently the largest group of houses,
although it is worth noting they all sit on very different sides politically. But we'll get into that in a

Harry quickly jotted those names down too.

"And lastly the Noble Houses. There are less of these than the Ancient seats as they are given out
sparingly, and only when a seat has been without an heir and dormant for the required time for re-
assignment. They are usually reserved for retiring Minister for Magics, wix who excel in a
particular field, or contribute to society in a significant way. Millicent Bagnold gained a noble seat
at the end of her time in office. Bathilda Bagshot was awarded a Noble seat for her contribution to
society as a historian, Damocles Belby was offered a Noble seat for inventing the Wolfsbane
potion, although he refused it and so his brother currently sits as his proxy. Hector Dagworth-
Granger was also awarded a Noble seat for his contribution to potioneering. Nobby Leach was
awarded a noble seat when he stepped down as Minister for Magic, although that seat lies dormant
as he died without an heir. Newt Scamander gained a noble seat for his contribution during the war
on Grindelwald. Other Noble seats belong to Dippet, Plumpton and Urquart."

"What were they awarded for?" Hermione asked.

"Dippet was the headmaster of Hogwarts before Dumbledore," Lucius said with a sigh. He thought
everyone knew that. "Plumpton was awarded his for his contribution to Quidditch and Urquart was
a previous head of the DMLE. I believe he died in the line of duty."

"Someone got a seat for their contribution to quidditch?" Hermione asked in disbelief. Then again,
that happened in the muggle world too.

"Yes, Miss Granger," Lucius said with a smirk. "We take our sport very seriously in the magical

Hermione huffed.
"So who can tell me how many seats there are in total?" Lucius asked.

"Fifty-four including the royal house," Hermione said immediately.

"But should we include the royal house?" Lucius pressed.

"No," Harry said thoughtfully, "because they do not vote in the same way."

"Correct Heir Potter," Lucius said with a smile. "As that seat behaves fundamentally different to the
others it is excluded from the count. There are fifty-three seats in the wizengamot. But not all of
them are currently active. The four Hogwarts houses have sat dormant until now for quite some
time. Occasionally some one claims to be an heir but they never seem to be able to prove it. That is
obviously going to change soon with Heir Potter's lordships."

"Do you think I'll keep the Gryffindor lordship?" Harry asked. "I won't have done what my older
self did to gain it."

"That will depend upon the will of Mother Magic," Lucius said. "Equally it has been some time
since we've had a Lord Emrys. In fact, the only Most Noble and Most Ancient seat that has been
claimed in recent years is the Peverell seat and that has been with the Potters for several

"So, will I have multiple votes because I have multiple seats?" Harry asked. "Or will I not be
allowed to vote at all because I'm Prince Myrrddin?"

"Technically, both answers are true," Lucius said. "You will have four or five votes, depending on
whether Mother Magic allows you to keep the Gryffindor Lordship. However, it would be better for
you to instill a proxy for your other houses. They will still vote according to your wishes but you
won't be seen to be breaking the neutrality of House Myrrddin."

Lucius's younger self continued, taking them back to the lesson. "Fifty-three houses but not all
active. The Hogwarts houses have not had anyone in their seat for sometime, neither have Emrys
and Lefay. It is believed heirs exist as the seats are not dormant - meaning their magic is still
present - but no heir has stepped forward to claim them, or those who have tried have not been able
to prove their heritage. Although this could in part be because they require specific acts to be
inherited. For example, Gryffindor seems to require an act of bravery before an heir becomes
eligible. We prove our heritage with an Inheritance Test just like the one Heir Potter completed on
our very first day in this chamber."

"Likewise, Black has not had a sitting Lord since Elder Arcturus stepped down," Lucius said.
"Again, that will soon change when Lord Sirius Black is given his proper trial and his innocence is
proven. The Crouch seat is active but currently has no heir. Barty Crouch Junior is considered
ineligible due to his incarceration in Azkaban. The Greengrass family holds a Ladyship rather than
a Lordship which will eventually be passed down to Heiress Daphne Greengrass. Severus Snape is
currently Lord Prince as he inherited it from his mother. It is a Lordship but it passed through the
female line when the male line died out. He does not have an heir at present."

Several people looked amazed at hearing that Professor Snape was technically a Lord.

"The Sayre seat is currently dormant," Lucius continued, "and the Warrington seat will be passed
onto Cassius Warrrington, a current Hogwarts student, when his father passes. The Burke, Diggory,
Fawley and Flint seats are currently active and the Lestrange seat is active but currently has no heir.
Corvus Lestrange's heirs are currently in Azkaban and therefore ineligible. My own Lordship will
pass down to my son Draco when I pass away, likewise the Nott Lordship will go to Heir Theodore
Nott when his father passes. Parkinson currently has no male heir and will likely pass through the
female line to the next male heir. The Rowle seat is active and has a male heir."
Young Lucius continued, "The Bones seat is currently held by Madam Bones as regent until
Heiress Susan Bones reaches her majority. The Bones lordship is one of the very few that is not
influenced by the gender of the incoming heir. The Dumbledore seat is held by Albus Dumbledore
and his brother Aberforth is his heir. The Fortescue seat is also active with multiple male heirs. The
Longbottom seat is held in regency by Madam Longbottom until Heir Neville Longbottom comes
of age. The Ollivander seat is active with a few heirs."

"Then we come to the Potter lordship," Lucius said thoughtfully. "You will rarely hear me praise
the headmaster but I do believe he made the right decision regarding your lordships, Heir Potter.
While, I believe he was in err to not inform you of them, I respect his decision to leave them
unseated until your majority. As your magical guardian, no one would have argued with him had he
decided to sit as regent. However, in leaving them unseated he has been surprisingly respectful.
Where a regent is family, they will often vote in the same way the family has for the last few
generations. They will keep the status quo and maintain the family's standing. However, a regent
outside of the family might not know the values that the family strives for and therefore can cause
serious damage to political alliances. As I said, I believe this was a wise move on his part. While
voting habits are public knowledge, the motivations behind them are not. Most Lords record their
thought process for each vote in a journal for future generations. I imagine you will find something
to that effect in your family vaults at Gringotts."

"So, does that mean one of my houses might vote differently to another, even though I'm Lord?"
Harry asked, scratching his head.

"Potentially, if they have different alliances or if their values are different," Lucius said with a nod.
"It is important to maintain the traditions of your houses and their values, but you must also
consider your own opinion. If, for example, you fundamentally disagree with a law that one of your
houses historically would have voted in favour of, there is no reason you should still vote for it. We
want to better our world, while also respecting tradition."

"The Slughorn and Travers lordships both have heirs and the Weasley seat is unseated but not
dormant and has multiple heirs that could potentially one day fill it. Abbott, Avery, Bulstrode,
Carrow, Crabbe and Doge all have heirs. Gaunt is a difficult one. The seat is unseated but has an
eligible heir - Thomas Marvolo Riddle. It is unknown if he will take up his seat in future." There
was an awkward pause as everyone considered the idea of having Voldemort on the Wizengamot.
"The Goyle seat has an heir. The Hawkworth seat is currently dormant. The Lovegood seat is
unseated and has been since the late Lady Lovegood died, but when Heir Luna Lovegood comes of
age she will be eligible to take the seat. The Moody seat is active but without heir. The Macmillian,
Ogden and Patil seats all have sitting Lords or Ladies and heirs. The Prewett seat is unseated at this
time but it is believed that it belongs to the Weasley twins. It has historically been an unusual
lordship, always assigned to a pair of twins."

The twins frowned at that. No one ever told them that they might inherit the Prewett lordship when
they came of age.

"Rosier has an heir. The Ross seat is held by Professor McGonagall and will be inherited by her
niece. The Selwyn and Shacklebolt seats both have heirs. The Shafiq heir died during the first war
and the sitting Lord has yet to choose a replacement. Umbridge has no heir and will likely come to
an end with the sitting Lord, unless his niece Dolores has children. Dolores occasionally sits in
proxy for her uncle as his age is failing him. The Yaxleys are secure with two heirs. And the Zabini
seat is currently held in regency by Madam Zabini for Heir Blaise Zabini."
Ron was getting bored. This was a lot of information and most of it seemed useless to him.

"The Bagnold seat has an heir, the blood adopted son of Minister Bagnold. The Bagshot seat
currently has no heir and is likely to go dormant when Bathilda Bagshot passes. The Belby seat has
multiple heirs. The Dagworth-Granger seat has an heir, although he is very young. The Leach seat
is dormant without an heir. The Scamander seat currently has two heirs. Dippet does not have an
heir but this is not an issue as he asked when his seat was assigned that it be awarded to the current
headmaster or mistress of Hogwarts for their use during their service to the school. He wanted the
seat to be used for the benefit of the school and its students. Plumpton and Urquart both have

"Urquart is interesting actually," young Lucius said, "in that Urquart married Minerva McGonagall
and they had a son. Professor McGonagall is actually Lady Ross as her mother was a Ross. But the
Ross goes through the female line and so her son is ineligible for it, hence it will go to her niece.
However, the Urquart seat is a male succession seat and so their son was able to claim that one."

Harry looked at the long list of names. How was he ever going to remember them all? Not to
mention the way Lucius had listed off their accomplishments with ease.

Lucius smirked. He knew he was giving them a lot of information but still this was just an
overview. "The Wizengamot is divided into three parties. When a Lord or Lady gives their oath and
takes up their seat, they assign their seat to a party. This can be changed if their views change or
they find that the party no longer fits with their own values. There is the Lux party, the Tenebris
party and the Neutrum party. Any guesses what defines them?"

"Light, Dark and Neutral," young George said. "It's based on their magic?"

"Exactly, Mr Weasley," Lucius said with a grin. "For the most part, families seem to assign their
party based on their family's magic. However, this is not all that they consider. The Lux party tend
to be pro-muggle, pro-muggleborn, they want better relations with the muggle world. They are also
very against dark magic and in recent years they have been against the practicing of the Old Ways.
They have been trying to push for prison reform in the last twenty years or so. For the most part,
you could call them progressive, I suppose, but only really in as much as they seem to be quite anti-
tradition. They are not particular for or against non wixen magicals. They want lower taxation
across the board, higher wages, cheaper health care, and greater career opportunities for half-bloods
and muggleborns. They do not seem to have a stance on squibs."

"Non wixen magicals?" Hermione asked.

"Goblins, Weres," Lucius began, "Vampires, Centaurs, Merpeople, Vela, House elves."

"As for the Tenebris faction," young Lucius continued, "they would be the more traditional party.
They tend to be pureblooded, anti-muggle, anti-muggleborn, very protective of the statute of
secrecy, and would advocate further separation from the muggle world. They obviously support a
wixen's right to use dark magic, although most would agree that all magic should be limited with
regards to crime - murder, assault, theft, etc. They would like to see a return to the Old Ways, and
want to see the sacred days return to common practice. They are very hard line on the matter of
Azkaban, believing it should remain as is."

"Isn't that odd?" Neville asked nervously. "Considering more dark magicals are in Azkaban than
light or neutral wix?"
Lucius sighed. "It might seem it. But the dark faction believes that if a criminal is found guilty of a
true crime - not just using dark magic but using it with negative intent or any magic with the intent
to harm - the strictest punishment is needed."

Young Lucius chuckled. "Of course, if you were to put the dark members of the wizengamot in
Azkaban they might think differently."

"The Tenebris faction are quite heavily anti-non-wixen-magicals," Lucius finished. "They want
lower taxation for purebloods, higher for everyone else, greater security for the lorded estates, and
they tend to be quite anti-squib."

"Then the Neutrum party," young Lucius said, "is supposedly somewhere in the middle and each
member of that faction seems to have a slightly different view of what that means. In general
though, they are pro-muggleborn and half-blood but anti-muggle. They want to maintain the status
quo with regards to the statute of secrecy. They are neither pro or anti dark magic, but very hard
line with regards to crime and punishment. They have differing views on the Old Ways. They are
pro non-wixen-magicals. They see taxation as something fluid, at times thinking it should increase
while at others decrease. They are pro-squibs remaining in our world, because they believe them
leaving our world is a risk to the statute of secrecy."

"Traditionally speaking Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Crouch, Diggory, Dumbledore, Longbottom,

Weasley, Abbott, Doge, Moody, Macmillan, Prewett, Ross, Shacklebolt, Bagnold, Bagshot, Dippet,
Plumpton and Leach are all Lux aligned. In reality as Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Weasley, Prewett and
Leach are all unseated, this leaves the Lux party with fourteen active seats. As for Neutrum, we
have Peverell, Emrys - although Merlin was dark, his house has always remained neutral, Prince,
Sayre, Greengrass, Fawley, Bones, Fortescue, Ollivander, Potter, Bulstrode, Hawkworth,
Lovegood, Ogden, Patil, Selwyn, Shafiq, Zabini, Dagworth-Granger, Scamander, Belby and
Urquart. However as Emrys, Peverell, Sayre, Potter, and Lovegood are currently unseated, they
have only sixteen votes. Lastly Tenebris, is technically the largest party with twenty-two seats.
Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Lefay, Black, Warrington, Burke, Flint, Lestrange, Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson,
Rowle, Slughorn, Travers, Avery, Carrow, Crabbe, Gaunt, Goyle, Rosier, Umbridge and Yaxley.
However, in reality, they only have seventeen votes."

"That's still more than the other parties," young Ron said, folding his arms.

"True. This is because Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Lefay, Black and Gaunt are currently unseated."
Lucius waved his wand and the names all moved around in the air. "Can anyone see anything
"The Tenebris hasn't gained any new seats," Harry murmured.

"Quite right, Heir Potter," Lucius said with a small smile. "Since the war with Grindlewald, the
Tenebris party has been shrinking in size. This is fully intentional as all new seat assignments to
anyone with a dark core have been rejected, regardless of merit. While having a relatively even
spread is probably in the interest of the wixen world, it is still unfortunate for those who were

"Of course," young Lucius said, "things will look somewhat different when we return. I would not
like to presume where anyone will align their seats but if Heir Potter keeps his Gryffindor lordship
and remains aligned to Lux and the Weasley and Prewett seats are taken up, Lux would potentially
have eighteen votes. And if Heir Potter keeps Emrys, Peverell and Potter neutral, and the Lovegood
seat is taken up, Neutrum would have twenty votes, bringing everything into almost perfect
balance. Of course, if Heir Potter decides to keep Slytherin dark and Lord Black does the same with
house Black, and let's say Lord Gaunt takes up his seat, the Tenebris would still have twenty votes."

Harry tilted his head, paying close attention.

"However, lets say that the Leach seat and the Sayre seat are reassigned, those parties could both
potentially gain an extra vote and if Lord Black were to go against tradition - as he is known to do
from time to time - and assigns the Black seat to Neutrum, we might see a real change in the
structure of the wizengamot. Lux would have nineteen votes, Neutrum would have twenty-one, and
Tenebris nineteen. That would quite literally change everything."
Harry frowned. Balance. That's what Mother Magic said was needed. He thought he might need to
discuss this with his older self, dad and great-grandfather.

"The next thing we need to consider is how to address a lord or lady based on their rank," Lucius
said swiftly. He could see several of the youngsters were growing bored. Fortunately they were
very nearly finished. "Heir Potter will you stand up, please."

Harry quickly obeyed.

"I have technically been remiss in calling Harry Heir Potter," Lucius said, coming to stand next to
the young boy. "Can anyone tell me why?"

Zabini put up his hand.

"Yes, Heir Zabini?"

"Potter is not his most prestegious title," Blaise said.

"Correct," Lucius said with a sharp nod. "Can you also make a reasonable guess why I might chose
to ignore ranking upon this instance?"

"I can think of multiple reasons, Lord Malfoy," Blaise said seriously. "First, you think he is likely to
be partial to his father's house and this would be acceptable had Prince Myrrddin stated as such

"Continue," Lucius said with a grin. "I won't take offense."

"You are actively trying to undermine his authority by using the only title he holds that is lower
than yours."

"Very good," Lucius said, nodding. "I will say that I was hesitant to start using other names for
Prince Myrrddin until he was ready to use them. I can only imagine how much of a shock this has
all been for him. But you are correct that outside of this chamber, it would be highly inappropriate
for me or anyone else to call him Heir Potter unless he stated that is what he wished to go by. The
correct way to address Harry is Prince Myrrddin, Heir Slytherin, Gryffindor, Emrys, Peverell, -
now this is where it gets complicated, let's see if any of you spot it - Potter, Black."

"You put Black at the end," Hermione said.

"Exactly!" Lucius smiled. "Any idea why?"

"Because I will be Lord of all the other houses when I reach my majority," Harry said, "but the
Black seat already has a Lord so I will remain Heir."

"Very good Harry!" Lucius patted him on the back. "Now, undoubtedly, Prince Myrrddin will not
want to use all his titles constantly, although I will say he is well within his rights to do so if he
pleases. But he can choose to use whichever or however many he wants. Let's say though that
Harry chooses to go by Heir Potter and I am introduced to him, it is my responsibility to make sure
I am aware of his other titles so that I will not cause offense upon introduction. My bow should be
lower than Harry's, because my house is beneath his highest standing one. In fact, Harry is not
required to bow at all, as Prince Myrrddin. Although I would advise at least a head tilt. Good
manners always go a long way."
"What about if your family doesn't have a wizengamot seat and your not an heir?" Dean Thomas

"You would introduce yourselves similarly," Lucius said. "Families in the wixen world are all
organised by houses, even if a house does not possess a title. So technically, when I introduce
myself, I am saying that I am Lord Lucius Malfoy of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy.
Although, we don't say all that because it's a bit of a mouthful. You would introduce yourself as
Dean Thomas of House Thomas. Your house might be new to our world, but the interactions you
have with others in our world, will influence how people see your house for generations to come."

Dean nodded thoughtfully.

"If you are the first magical in your line, you will technically be head of your house," Lucius said,
"and you have the potential to fashion your house however you please. With your own values and
ideals. Equally, it might be worth checking with the Goblins that you do not have any pre-existing
family ties in our world. I would strongly advise that any of you who have not already completed
an Inheritance Test do so at your earliest convenience. You never know what surprises might be
hidden there." Lucius clapped his hands together. "I believe I've kept you long enough. Time for

Chapter End Notes

So, a little information heavy but this is all stuff Harry needs to know...
The Portkey
Chapter Summary


A new day in the chamber brings a new chapter to read.

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The next morning everyone seemed to be in a rush to reach the chamber to continue reading. They
were all excited to read about the World Cup. Even those that had been there, were anticipating
hearing about it from Harry's perspective. Harry, however, was more worried about what happened
after the World Cup. He didn't want to even think how everyone would react to the death eater

Harry felt as though he had barely lain down... It was still dark outside.

Sirius was almost giddy with excitement. Finally something good was happening.

Ron muttered indistinctly... headed downstairs into the kitchen.

The children in the chamber were struggling to sit still. They wanted the action to begin. This was

Mrs. Weasley was stirring... do I look like a Muggle, Harry?"

"Better than most of the wix I saw at the world cup," Harry said with a small smile, remembering
the man that had worn a woman's nightdress.

"Yeah," said Harry... "So they can have a bit of a lie-in."

Kingsley tutted. Just one off age wizard? That was unacceptable. Did no one appreciate just how
much danger Harry Potter could be in?

Harry knew that Apparating meant disappearing... "Why can't we Apparate too?"
Some of the adults chuckled.

"Because you're not of age... pass a test to Apparate?" Harry asked.

Several people gaped at Harry. It was so easy to forget how little he had actually known about there

"Oh yes," said Mr. Weasley... "Er - splinched?" said Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes. It really sucked that he always had to ask for information. Especially because
he absolutely hated asking questions. He hated the way everyone just assumed that he already knew
all this stuff.

"They left half of themselves behind," ... Muggles who spotted the body parts they'd left
behind... "

Hermione huffed. What he hadn't said was just how dangerous it could be. How you could
seriously hurt yourself.

"That sounds very dangerous," Mr Granger said.

"It's usually nothing serious," Arthur said with a shrug, "but yes, it can be. It really depends what
you leave behind."

Harry had a sudden vision of a pair of legs... Prefer brooms - slower, but safer. "

"Don't blame them," Ron said with a shudder. He'd been splinched. He knew exactly how bad it
could be.

"But Bill and Charlie and Percy can all do it?"... poor old dear doing her shopping,

That got a few laughs.

"Yes, well, he passed the second time," ... amid hearty sniggers.

Young Harry wondered why she felt the need to defend Charlie. It sounded a lot like getting a
muggle driving license. Sometimes you failed at that the first time too.

"Percy only passed two weeks ago," ... just to prove he can."

Percy blushed.

There were footsteps... "What, are we walking to the World Cup?"

More people laughed this time.

"No, no, that's miles away,"... huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup. . . "

Remus frowned. Surely, they'd say a bit more than that. This was a good opportunity for Harry to
learn about magical transportation.
"George!" ... "What is that in your pocket?"

Everyone sighed. They really hoped they weren't going to see a repeat of the previous chapter.

"Nothing!"... "Accio!"

George glared at his mother.

Several small, brightly colored objects... Empty your pockets, go on, both of you!"

"Destroy them?" Severus asked. "Are you mad?"

"What?" Mrs Weasley asked.

"Your sons have invented something," Severus said with a grimace, "and you want them to destroy
it? That would be a waste."

Severus wasn't sure why he was defending the Weasley twins. But if his mother had destroyed his
notes on the various spells he'd created as a teen, he'd have lost his head.

"Do you have any idea how much time and dedication those inventions must have taken?" Severus
asked, his voice dripping disdain. "Charm work, potioneering, transfiguration... Not to mention,
probably some spell creation. You should be proud of your sons. They're clearly very talented. You
might even call them geniuses if everything I've heard in this chamber is true."

"Personally, I'd love to hear more about their fake wands," Ollivander said. "Fake wands are not
easy to craft. In fact, it requires a deep understanding of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. It might
not equate to academic success, but not everything can be measured in grades."

It was an unpleasant scene... the turn-ups of Fred's jeans.

George was almost shaking with rage. This had really upset him and Fred.

"We spent six months developing those!" ... "No wonder you didn't get more O. W. L. s!"

George looked ready to shout at his mother, but held his tongue. It wasn't worth it. "It wasn't a
waste of time," he said coolly. "We learned loads during our experiments and I'll have you know
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes is very profitable."

All in all, the atmosphere was not very friendly... walked out without a word to her.

"Can't really blame them," Sirius muttered.

"Well, have a lovely time," ... they did not look back or answer.

Mrs Weasley sniffled. She hadn't meant to stifle their creativity. She just wanted them to succeed.
Was that really so bad?

"I'll send Bill... without all the Muggles noticing?" he asked.

The adults all smiled to see Harry asking questions.

"It's been a massive organizational problem,"... big enough to accommodate them all.

Young Harry frowned at that. He looked to his older self and wondered if they could fix that. They
needed more magical spaces. From what he'd heard so far there was really only Hogwarts,
Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. That really wasn't enough.

There are places Muggles can't penetrate... we have to stagger the arrivals.

Hermione was listening closely. She was surprised she'd missed this conversation.

People with cheaper tickets... the Apparition point.

Harry frowned. They really needed to find a way to create more magical spaces. Their society
needed to be separate from the muggles but that didn't mean they should be completely isolated. If
he had his way, there would be new magical villages and towns popping up all over Britain, all
hidden from the muggles, of course.

For those who don't want to Apparate... stuff they'll just think is litter... "

"It doesn't seem very wise to just leave portkeys lying about though," Hermione said. "Wouldn't it
have been better to allocate each portkey to a specific person who would be attending and make
them responsible for arranging the travel of the people in their specific area. Surely, there are
enough magicals that people could volunteer for such a task."

The ministry employees all blinked at Hermione. Why hadn't they thought of that? That would
have simplified things significantly.

They trudged down the dark... his feet found level ground.

Poppy grimaced. That couldn't have been easy for Harry, considering his malnutrition.

"Whew," ... Come on. . . "

Hermione rolled her eyes. She really thought this was stupid. Imagine leaving a portkey just lying
about at the top of a hill...

They spread out... we've got it. "

Amos grinned. That was him.

Two tall figures... extremely handsome boy of around seventeen.

Cedric blushed at being called extremely handsome. Luna smiled softly. Another crush...

He was Captain and Seeker ... first Quidditch match of the previous year.

George rolled his eyes. He didn't like losing.

"Long walk, Arthur?" ... "All these yours, Arthur?"

The Weasleys all laughed. There were a lot of them.

"Oh no, only the redheads," ... "Harry? Harry Potter?"

Harry grimaced.

"Er - yeah," said Harry.

Narcissa rolled her eyes. She'd teach the boy how to introduce himself properly. Of course, it didn't
help that no one seemed to care about protocol when meeting Harry Potter. It was very
disrespectful. She'd make sure Harry knew what was owed to him as Prince Myrrddin.

Harry was used to people looking curiously... made him feel uncomfortable.

"Don't blame you," Hermione said.

"It's downright creepy," Ron added, frowning. Why had he always been jealous of that? Especially
when Harry clearly hated it.

"Ced's talked about you... You beat Harry Potter!"

Amos grimaced. He hadn't known about the dementors. He wasn't sure Cedric had ever told him.
Or if he just hadn't listened.

Harry couldn't think of any reply to this... it was an accident. . . . "

George looked like he wanted to say something. Harry hadn't just fallen off his broom.

"Yes, but you didn't fall off... wouldn't you, eh?

Sirius growled, eyeing Amos with dislike.

One falls off his broom... the better flier!"

No one said anything, although Amos looked like he wanted to. Should he apologise? he wondered
to himself.

"Must be nearly time," ... Fawcetts couldn't get tickets," said Mr. Diggory.

"That surprised me," Arthur said. "The Fawcetts are usually the first to get tickets."

"There aren't any more of us... a finger will do -"

Sirius and Remus both shook their head. That was not all.

"It's better to walk with the portkey during travel," Remus explained. "Otherwise, you're going to
have a rough landing."

With difficulty, owing to their bulky backpacks.... a Muggle were to walk up here now...

The Grangers laughed. Yes, muggles would have found their behaviour very odd indeed.
nine people... magnetically onward and then -

"It's going to be a rough landing," Sirius groaned. He wondered if Arthur had taught his own kids
how to properly use portkeys. In fairness, people rarely used them. They were expensive. And
heavily regulated. But still, they should have at least had better instructions than 'a finger will do.'

His feet slammed into the ground... everybody else was on the ground.

Sirius rolled his eyes. So, Arthur hadn't taught any of his kids how to portkey. That seemed
irresponsible and that was saying something coming from him.

"Seven past five from Stoatshead Hill," said a voice.

No one spoke. They were all too excited for what would come next.

Chapter End Notes

Drop a comment and let me know what you thought. Thanks for reading. xo
Bagman and Crouch
Chapter Summary

Everyone reads another chapter...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Several people groaned when they heard the title of the chapter. They doubted there would be any
quidditch in this chapter either. Barty looked especially displeased. He really didn't want to have to
hear about his father.

Harry disentangled himself... though very inexpertly:

Hermione laughed, remembering just how badly some of the wix had been dressed.

The man with the watch ... a kilt and a poncho.

Hermione and Harry exchanged a look.

"Was he Scottish?" young Hermione asked.

"Do you know, I don't know," Harry said with a sigh. "Either way, I don't think the poncho

"It definitely clashed with the kilt," Hermione said with a giggle.

"Morning, Basil," ... ask for Mr. Payne. "

"I really don't understand why they used muggle camp sites," Hermione said, shaking her head.
"That was just a recipe for disaster."

"Thanks, Basil," ... only real Muggle for several acres.

"That's how you know wix are rubbish at interacting with muggles," Hermione muttered.

When he heard their footsteps... So this is a five?"

Hermione huffed. Muggle money was far easier than wixen money and yet wix never seemed to
understand it. No matter how much you try to explain it to them.

"A twenty," ... returned with the correct notes.

"Foreign?" several people asked.

"From abroad," Hermione explained. "He doesn't understand why you're struggling with the
currency. Then again, even foreigners understand British currency. Most muggle currencies are
similar. At least the numbers are the same."

"Foreign?" ... great gold coins the size of hubcaps ten minutes ago. "

Madam Bones sighed. It was clear to see that Harry was right. Wizards needed to be better
educated about muggles. This was embarrassing.

"Did you really?" ... People usually just turn up. . . . "

"He's going to need obliviating," Moody grumbled.

"I can't imagine his mind is all that good any more," Harry said with a grimace, "with the number
of memory charms they used on him."

Thinking back, he wasn't sure he was okay with that. "Wouldn't it have been better to send the
muggles on a fully paid holiday for a week or so?" he asked.

Again, the ministry employees all looked surprised. That would have been a much better idea.

"Is that right?" ... a kilt and a poncho. "

Harry laughed. Yep, that had looked weird.

"Shouldn't he?" ... Like a big party. "

"Definitely going to need a memory wipe," Tonks sighed.

At that moment... pointing his wand at Mr. Roberts.

The Grangers glared at the book. "Is that really how you treat muggles?" Mr Granger asked. "Just
remove the memories you don't want them to have? That's assault."

The wix in the chamber all looked uncomfortable at that. Harry and Hermione were nodding in

Instantly, Mr. Roberts's eyes slid out of focus... ten times a day to keep him happy.

"That's not right," Mr Granger said angrily. No wonder his daughter thought it was okay to do that
to her own parents if wizards were so willing to remove muggle's memories.

And Ludo Bagman's not helping... anti-Muggle security.

Madam Bones grimaced. She began to make notes. This wouldn't be allowed when the world cup
happened in the new timeline.

Blimey, I'll be glad ... He Disapparated.

"Ludo isn't helping," Tonks said, "and what, randomly disapparating here and there, is?"

"I thought Mr. Bagman ... Bludgers near Muggles, shouldn't he?"

"You'd have thought so," Moody growled.

"He should," ... lax about security.

"That's one way of describing it," Moody said. The man was a fool if you asked him.

You couldn't wish for a more enthusiastic ... best Beater the Wimbourne Wasps ever had. "

Moody rolled his eyes.

They trudged up... slipped up by adding chimneys,

The Grangers actually laughed as they tried to picture a tent with a chimney.

or bellpulls, or weather vanes... several live peacocks tethered at the entrance.

Lucius grinned. "That was mine."

A little farther on... several turrets;

"Turrets?" Mrs Granger asked. "It's a tent, not a castle."

and a short way beyond... fountain.

"No wonder that man needed so many memory charms," young Mr Granger huffed.

"Always the same," ... Ah, here we are, look, this is us."

Harry shook his head. The average wix had no idea how to keep the statute of secrecy. It was a
bloody miracle their world hadn't been discovered a thousand times.

They had reached the very edge ... we're as close as we could be."

The kids grew excited. Would they finally hear about the match?

He hoisted his backpack from his shoulders... Muggles do it all the time.

Hermione laughed. It wasn't that easy to put up a tent.

Here, Harry, where do you reckon we should start?"

"How do they expect you to know?" young Harry asked. "We've never been camping."
”Muggle raised,” he said with a shrug.

Harry had never been camping in his life... managed to erect a pair of shabby two-man tents.

Mr Weasley blushed. He did get a little over-eager about muggle stuff occasionally.

All of them stood back ... they would be a party of ten.

"That would have been suspicious too," Harry said. "The tents shouldn't have been big enough for
all of us. Something Mr Roberts would have noticed."

Hermione seemed to have spotted ... a strong smell of cats.

The Grangers could hardly believe their ears. Magic really was incredible.

"Well, it's not for long," ... he's got lumbago. "

"They should have forced everyone to camp like actual muggles," Hermione said with a sigh.

He picked up the dusty kettle ... "- and the rest of us will get some wood for a fire?"

Kingsley wasn't impressed. Yet again, no one was considering Heir Potter's security.

"But we've got an oven," ... I've seen them at it!"

"Well, sometimes," Mr Granger said. "Mostly they take oil burners or portable bbqs."

"BBQ?" Mr Weasley asked.

"A tray with coal in it," Mr Granger tried to explain.

After a quick tour of the girls' tent... the kettle and saucepans.

"So, wait," Mrs Granger said, "the girls were in a tent on their own?"

She didn't like the sound of that.

"Er, yes," Arthur said.

Now, with the sun newly risen ... much about those in other countries.

Harry frowned. There was a lot he hadn't thought about.

Their fellow campers ... his mother came hurrying out of the tent.

Madam Bones groaned in perfect unison with Ollivander.

"How many times, ... "You bust slug! You bust slug!"

"Yuck!" several people cried.

A short way farther on ... Parents having a lie-in, I suppose -"

"Why did they even have brooms with them?" Moody growled. "Utter fools."

Here and there adult wizards ... conjured fires with their wands;

Several people tutted.

others were striking matches ... a bright purple fire,

"This will all need better planning," Amelia said, jotting something down.

while a group of middle-aged ... THE SALEM WITCHES' INSTITUTE.

"Ridiculous!" Tonks grimaced. "They're not even trying to be incognito."

Harry caught snatches ... sprouted out of the earth.

"That's it," Madam Bones said, "I think I might just vote against hosting the final."

Susan looked highly offended. "But auntie!"

Grinning faces could be seen... "The Ministry's not too happy. "

Seamus shrugged. His mother didn't give a flying toad what the ministry thought.

"Ah, why shouldn't we show our colors?" ... "Like we'd say anything else surrounded by that
lot. "

Seamus glared at Ron momentarily.

"I wonder what the Bulgarians ... "Krum," said Ron quietly.

Viktor grimaced. He hadn't liked those posters.

"What?" ... scowling at them.

Viktor grinned at Hermione.

"'Really grumpy?" ... He's a genius, you wait until tonight, you'll see. "

Viktor looked slightly abashed at the praise, especially since it was coming from Ron. He'd always
suspected he didn't like him. Although, he thought that might have been because of Hermione.

There was already a small queue ... a long flowery nightgown.

The muggleborns all laughed.

The other was clearly a Ministry wizard... "Muggles wear them. "

"Yeah, muggle grannies," Dean Thomas said with a smirk.

"Muggle women wear them... "I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates, thanks. "
Several children giggled at that.

Hermione was overcome ... Puddlemere United reserve team.

Percy smiled. Ollie was always brilliant. It wouldn't be long before he was on the first string team.

Next they were hailed by Ernie Macmillan... played Seeker on the Ravenclaw team.

Luna grimaced. She didn't really like Cho. She'd been one of the ones that bullied her.

She waved and smiled at Harry ... he waved back.

Harry blushed, feeling embarrassed. He'd had a bit of a crush on her for a while. It really hadn't
ended well though.

More to stop Ron ... Bill had a penfriend at a school in Brazil.

Bill grimaced. He still hadn't forgiven that idiot.

this was years and years ago... It made his ears shrivel up. "

Young Bill glared at Ron. He didn't want everyone knowing about that.

Harry laughed ... some book or other.

Hermione rolled her eyes. She had indeed read about the other schools in a book. But the
information had also been in the muggleborn induction pack she received before starting Hogwarts.

"You've been ages," ... promptly dropped it in surprise.

Dean Thomas rolled his eyes. Most wix wouldn't survive a week in the muggle world.

"Come here, Mr. Weasley," ... they're Unspeakables... "

Young Hermione sat forward. Ever since Rookwood's first lecture, she'd been desperate to learn
more about the department of mysteries.

"They're what?" ... "Just Apparated, Dad," said Percy loudly.

"Show off," George muttered.

"Ah, excellent, lunch!" ... made him look like a very overgrown schoolboy.

"No sense," Moody complained, crossing his arms.

"Ahoy there!" ... Not much for me to do!"

Amelia tutted.

Behind him ... wanting to make a good impression.

Percy frowned at that.

"Brown nosing idiot," Fred muttered.

"Ah - yes," ... that's Fred -

"You got it right the first time," Harry said quietly, suprising everyone except George.

George sighed. It still hurt that his parents had never been able to tell them apart. But at least, Harry

Bill, Charlie, Ron ... the scar on Harry's forehead.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Everyone," ... a Galleon on Ireland to win?"

Mrs Weasley side eyed her husband.

"A Galleon?" ... "that Ireland wins - but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Mrs Weasley screeched.

George just glared at her and she quickly quietened down. She still hadn't worked out how she was
supposed to talk to the twins about what had happened yesterday and she really didn't want to make
matters worse.

Oh and we'll throw in a fake wand." ... Mr. Bagman rubbish like that," Percy hissed,

George glared at Percy.

"It's not rubbish," Ollivander said crossly.

but Bagman didn't seem to think the wand was rubbish ... I'd pay five Galleons for that!"

George frowned. Ludo Bagman never had given them their winnings.

Percy froze in an attitude of stunned disapproval.

Percy grimaced. He might have been a bit over the top. He should have told the twins he was proud
of them. Maybe then, things might have been better between them.

"Boys," ... "Don't be a spoilsport, Arthur!" boomed Ludo Bagman,

All the parents in the room stared at the book disapprovingly.

rattling his pockets excitedly... began jotting down the twins' names.

Mrs Weasley still looked unimpressed but she didn't say anything.

"Cheers," ... Mermish and Gobbledegook and Troll. . . . "

George rolled his eyes.

"Anyone can speak Troll," said Fred dismissively. "All you have to do is point and grunt. "
Quite a few people laughed at that. Barty Crouch Junior included.

Percy threw Fred an extremely nasty look ... thinking it's still July. "

More disapproving glances.

"You don't think it might be time ... Percy was a great believer in rigidly following rules,

Percy grimaced.

and Mr. Crouch had complied ... spotted him for what he really was.

Sirius threw his head back, laughing.

"Pull up a bit of grass, Barty," ... Bit of a strong accent. "

Tonks rolled her eyes. No one noticed the way Barty Crouch Junior tensed.

"Mr. Crouch!" ... thank you, Weatherby."

The Weasley children all laughed as Percy went pink around his ears.

Fred and George choked ... your embargo on flying carpets. "

"I still don't get that one," Hermione said. "They're no more dangerous to the statute of secrecy than

Mr. Weasley heaved a deep sigh... Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects, but will he

"The rules seem so random," Hermione said with a sigh.

"I doubt it," ... all his ancestors had abided strictly by the law.

Moody looked impressed. "You sure got the measure of him quickly."

"So, been keeping busy, Barty?" ... five continents is no mean feat, Ludo."

"I think we know which department was doing the heavy lifting," Amelia said crossly. She didn't
particularly like Crouch but she had to admit the man was hardworking.

"I expect you'll both ... make the announcement until all the details -"

Several people sat forward. What were they talking about?

"Oh details!" ... I mean, it's happening at Hogwarts -"

Sirius had a foreboding feeling.

"Ludo, we need to meet the Bulgarians... "You'll be up in the Top Box with me -

"The top box?" the Weasleys all stared at the book in awe.
I'm commentating!" ... both of them Disapparated.

"You'd think Mr Crouch would have more sense than to disapparate in a muggle area like that,"
Hermione huffed. So much for being a stickler for the rules. Percy looked like he really wanted to
argue with her.

"What's happening at Hogwarts, Dad?" ... "Mr. Crouch was quite right not to disclose it. "

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Oh shut up, Weatherby," said Fred.

That got several laughs.

A sense of excitement rose ... signs of blatant magic now breaking out everywhere.

The ministry officials in the chamber all sighed in exasperation.

Salesmen were Apparating every few feet ... "Omnioculars," said the saleswizard eagerly.

"Now that's a good purchase," Remus said. "The spells will wear off everything else pretty quickly,
but Omnioculars are always useful. Plus, you'll be able to watch the match over and over again.
Slow it down too."

"You can replay action... ten Galleons each. "

"That's not a bad price," Sirius said.

Mrs Weasley looked ready to disagree.

"Wish I hadn't bought this now," ... had much more money than he did.

Ron went pink. He hadn't realised he was that obvious.

"You won't be getting anything for Christmas," ... "Fair enough," said Ron, grinning.

Sirius smiled. Harry was a good friend.

"Oooh, thanks, Harry," ... they had given Bagman all their gold.

Mrs Weasley scowled.

And then a deep, ... lighting a path to the field.

"FINALLY!" Fred cried excitably.

"It's time!" ... "Come on, let's go!"

"Time to stop for your lessons," Minerva said, struggling to hide her smirk.

"WHAT!" several children complained.

She let them continue for a couple of minutes before letting out a long suffering sigh. "Oh, I
suppose, we could let you read one more chapter," she said eventually, "but it means double lessons
this afternoon."

Everyone quickly agreed. They wanted to hear about the match. They didn't notice that the teachers
all exchanged a look. Harry saw it though. The kids had fallen into their trap perfectly.

Chapter End Notes

Next chapter will be quidditch... yay!

The Quidditch World Cup Part 1
Chapter Summary

The characters read a little more of the book...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Clutching their purchases... The atmosphere of feverish excitement was highly infectious;

There was excitement in the chamber too. The kids were unable to sit still as they eagerly
anticipated the match. And the adults weren't much better.

Harry couldn't stop grinning... ten cathedrals would fit comfortably inside it.

"That's impressive," Mr Granger whistled. He couldn't even begin to imagine what that must have
been like. "Can muggles watch quidditch?"

"Technically yes," Lucius said. "You should take your daughter to watch the Holyhead Hapies.
They're an all female team and one of the very best teams in the league."

Mr Granger nodded thoughtfully. That did sound like a good idea.

Hermione looked less impressed however. She wasn't really that interested in quidditch and she just
knew once her father had seen one match, he'd be hooked for life.

"Seats a hundred thousand," ... Arthur, and as high as you can go. "

Several people looked at the Weasleys, Harry and Hermione in utter jealousy. They couldn't
imagine how great it would have been to watch from the top box. Harry frowned. Things would
have been a lot simpler if they hadn't been in the top box. Then he wouldn't have lost his bloody

The stairs into the stadium ... halfway between the golden goal posts.

"Best seats in the house," Sirius said with a grin. This was more like it. He wanted to hear more
about this sort of thing. Harry having fun with his friends. Doing regular kid stuff. Moments like
this were few and far between for Harry but Sirius was sure he could fix that in the new timeline.
Harry would experience everything the magical world had to offer. He'd make sure of it.

About twenty purple-and-gilt chairs ... The Bluebottle: A Broom for All the Family -

"Bought one of those," Lucius said. "It's alright. Not the best family broom, but good enough."

Augusta groaned. She wasn't the biggest fan of flying. But she was beginning to wonder if she'd
been cruel not to take Neville to watch the match. They weren't wrong when they said it was a once
in a life time experience.

safe, reliable, ... Gladrags Wizardwear - London, Paris, Hogsmeade. . .

It still seemed crazy that Hogsmeade was considered just as important as London or Paris. Harry
couldn't wrap his head around how few magical places their were. Hogsmeade wasn't much bigger
than a muggle village. And yet it was held up there with the capital cities of both England and

Harry tore his eyes away ... "Dobby?" said Harry incredulously.

Everyone sat forward. What was the Malfoy's elf doing there? Not that he belonged to the Malfoys

The tiny creature looked up .... "But I knows Dobby too, sir!" squeaked the elf.

"All the elves know each other," Augusta said. "Honestly, they always have the best gossip."

Her younger self was nodding her head in agreement. Clearly they'd gotten a lot of gossip out of
their house elves over the years.

She was shielding her face... "My name is Winky, sir - and you, sir -"

Barty sat forward. What was Winky doing there? She hated heights. That was just like his dad,
always forcing Winky to do things she hated. It wasn't right. He might not agree that elves should
be paid, but he thought Potter had the right of it. Elves should have better rights.

Her dark brown eyes widened ... "How's freedom suiting him?"

Lucius grimaced. It still hurt that Dobby had left the family. Even if it was probably for the best. He
sincerely hoped the elf would find a new family. One that he wouldn't fear. Either that, or perhaps
Heir Potter could take him on. The prince would have good use for a house elf and they both
obviously cared about one another.

"Ah, sir," ... Can't get another position, sir. "

Hermione glared at the book. If Dobby wanted to be free, he should be free. If he wanted payment,
all the better. She didn't seem to notice that she was actively ignoring everything that had been said
about house elves needing a family to help them control their magic. Harry, however, had not

"Why not?" ... "Well - why shouldn't he be paid?"

Harry still thought house elves should be paid. Even if they couldn't be free. "What I don't get is the
pillow cases," Harry said thoughtfully.

"You can't give them..." Ron began.

"Yeah, I know but couldn't we give them material to make their own uniform from?"

Several people in the chamber looked at Harry in bewilderment. Yet again, Heir Potter had thought
of something that no one else had ever so much as considered.

Winky looked quite horrified ... like some common goblin. "

Harry laughed. Even creatures had their prejudices. Those would probably be just as hard to break
as Wixen prejudice.

"Well, it's about time ... "but my master sends me to the Top Box and I comes, sir. "

Barty glared at book, feeling a sudden surge of rage for his father.

"Why's he sent you up here ... Winky is a good house-elf. "

Young Hermione looked scandalised.

She gave the edge of the box... "Weird things, aren't they?"

Several people gave Ron an odd look, even his older brothers. "You've seen house elves before,"
Bill said. "Aunt Muriel keeps an elf."

"Oh," Ron blushed. "I forgot about old Aggy."

Hermione glared at him.

"Dobby was weirder," ... pick his nose again. . . and again. . . and again. . . "

Mrs Weasley gave a heavy sigh. Just when would Ronald grow up?

Hermione, meanwhile ... to put on a bit of a show. "

Harry frowned. He wasn't really comfortable with calling them creatures. They should be called
beings or something. They certainly had human levels of intelligence.

The box filled gradually ... Percy bowed so low that his glasses fell off and shattered.

Percy grimaced. Why did Harry have to notice everything?

Highly embarrassed ... greeted like an old friend.

Harry sighed. He really didn't think that was anything to be jealous about.

They had met before ... you do know who he is -"

Harry frowned. He would have rather the minister hadn't introduced him.
The Bulgarian wizard ... ever since their very first journey to Hogwarts.

Draco considered that. He was beginning to think that might be his fault.

A pale boy with a pointed face ... a nasty smell under her nose.

Narcissa smirked. "The scent in question was odor of Fudge."

Everyone laughed.

"Ah, Fudge," ... Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?"

Narcissa gave her husband a pointed look. This was why Draco behaved the way he did.

Fudge, who wasn't listening, ... but stared determinedly back at him.

Lucius chuckled. "It was nice to put a face to the name of the witch that my son said was always
top of the class."

Harry knew exactly what was making Mr. Malfoy's lip curl ... like Hermione, second-class.

Lucius sighed. It wasn't completely inaccurate. He didn't really hate muggleborns, just what they
represented. The way the ministry had been pandering to muggleborns in recent years, had
gradually been eroding away at their traditions until there was next to nothing left.

However, under the gaze of the Minister of Magic... "Slimy gits," Ron muttered

Mrs Weasley tutted.

as he, Harry, and Hermione ... four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

There were cheers throughout the chamber. This was what they were waiting for!

The spectators screamed and clapped ... BULGARIA: 0, IRELAND: 0.

Sirius grinned. It had been a long time since he saw a game of Quidditch.

"And now, without further ado ... "Veela!"

"I thought you said they were bringing creatures," young Harry said. "Veela aren't creatures. Are
they? I thought..."

Harry sighed. "Wixen kind look down on pretty much everyone who isn't a wix."

"Huh. That's sort of stupid," young Harry muttered.

Arthur looked momentarily offended. He hadn't meant it in a derogatory way. "That wasn't what I
meant," he tried to explain. "I didn't know what they'd brought. I wouldn't have described them as
creatures, if I'd known they'd bring veela."

Harry frowned. He hadn't meant to embarrass Mr Weasley. But it didn't change the fact that most
wizards did consider veela creatures. Less than human. And it wasn't right.
"Sorry, Mr Weasley," Harry said quietly.

Arthur waved his apology away with a shrug.

"What are veel -?" ... the most beautiful women Harry had ever seen...

All the girls glared at Harry in exasperation.

Harry merely shrugged. He was pretty sure he wasn't a hundred percent straight... or gay for that
matter. But he could certainly appreciate a good looking veela.

except that they weren't... in fact, he stopped worrying about anything at all.

Several people chuckled. Veela would do that to you.

The veela had started to dance ... if they stopped dancing, terrible things would happen.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Boys!

And as the veela danced ... he were about to dive from a springboard.

Sirius messed with Harry's hair, laughing heartily.

Angry yells were filling the stadium... "Honestly!" she said.

Narcissa giggled. Although she couldn't help but make a mental note to make sure Harry knew
about his family rings. He'd need the mind magic protection and it would have the added benefit of
protecting him from veela allure.

"And now," ... each carrying a minute lamp of gold or green.

"Leprechauns," Remus said. "You rarely see those outside of Ireland."

"Leprechauns!" ... Now you've got to buy me a Christmas present, ha!"

Sirius frowned. How did the boy not know that Leprechaun gold was fake? Did his parents teach
him nothing at all growing up?

The great shamrock dissolved ... Dimitrov!"

Krum muttered something under his breath in Bulgarian. He did not like Dimitrov. In Viktor's
opinion, he was a terrible captain.

A scarlet-clad figure on a broomstick ... Aaaaaaand - Krum!"

Viktor scowled as everyone looked his way.

"That's him, that's him!"... He looked like an overgrown bird of prey.

Viktor smirked at that description. He liked it.

It was hard to believe ... embroidered in silver, upon their backs.

Seamus cheered loudly for his national team.

"And here, all the way from Egypt, ... Hassan Mostafa!"

Viktor was muttering again, complaining about the terrible referee.

A small and skinny wizard ... the minuscule, winged Golden Snitch.

"How did you even see that, Harry?" Ron asked in awe.

"Seeker," Krum said with a nod of appreciation.

With a sharp blast .... after the balls.

The kids all cheered. The match was about to start.

Chapter End Notes

Drop your comments. I'd love to know what you think.

The Quidditch World Cup Part 2
Chapter Summary

Our characters finish the chapter...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

"Theeeeeeeey're OFF!" ... It was Quidditch as Harry had never seen it played before.

"There's nothing like the first time you watch a professional match," Charlie said.

"I don't know," Krum said with a smirk, "the first time you play in a professional match is pretty
good too."

He was pressing his Omnioculars so hard ... Harry spun the slow dial on the right of his
Omnioculars again,

"You're going to miss it!" Sirius said, shaking his head. "What in slow motion after the game. They
record the whole game for you so you can watch it back."

pressed the play-by-play button... crowd pounded against his eardrums.

Sirius sighed. Although he had to admit that he was impressed that his godson had turned this into a
learning opportunity, even if it was to improve his quidditch knowledge.

HAWKSHEAD ATTACKING FORMATION... bearing down upon the Bulgarians.

Ginny grinned. Harry had taught her and the chasers that formation in Ginny's fifth year.

PORSKOFF PLOY ... Levski, soaring beneath, caught it -

"Nice!" Young Charlie called.

"TROY SCORES!" ... "Ten zero to Ireland!"

Seamus and his younger self cheered loudly.

"What?" ... "But Levski's got the Quaffle!"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Told you so."

"Harry, if you're not going to watch at normal speed... Troy did a lap of honor around the

Young Hermione looked at her older self in shock. Was she actually enjoying this?

Harry looked quickly over the top of his Omnioculars ... the veela were watching them

Fleur and her grandmother laughed at the veela's reaction.

Furious with himself ... applause from the green-clad supporters.

"Vey definitely deserved to vin," Viktor said.

The match became still faster, but more brutal.

"It wouldn't be quidditch if it wasn't a little violent," Oliver said.

Volkov and Vulchanov, ... and score Bulgaria's first goal.

Seamus cursed loudly, drawing the attention of his head of house. "Sorry Professor," he said with a
cheeky grin.

"Fingers in your ears!" ... he wanted to keep his mind on the game.

"Good plan," Remus said chuckling.

After a few seconds ... possession of the Quaffle.

Those that hadn't attended the match were playing close attention. The rest were almost as excited.

"Dimitrov! Levski! Dimitrov! Ivanova - oh I say!" roared Bagman.

"WHAT?" several people called. "What happened?"

One hundred thousand wizards gasped... jumped from airplanes without parachutes.

"Have they seen the snitch?" young Charlie asked.

"Hope not," Fred said.

"It would be a bit," George said.

"Rubbish if the match was," Fred continued.

"Over already," George finished.

Harry followed their descent ... "They're going to crash!" screamed Hermione next to Harry.

Everyone in the chamber seemed to hold their breath.

She was half right... A huge groan rose from the Irish seats.

"That was amazing," Seamus admitted.

"Fool!" ... "Krum was feinting!"

"Feinting isn't a foul, dad," Charlie said with a grin.

"It should be," Mr Weasley muttered.

"It's time-out!" ... examine Aidan Lynch!"

"Will he be alright?" Mr Granger asked. "Will they substitute him?"

"No substitutions in Quidditch," Harry said with a shrug.

"He'll be okay, he only got ploughed!" ... "Which is what Krum was after, of course. . . . "

Krum nodded. It was better for his opponent to get hurt instead of himself.

Harry hastily pressed the replay ... WRONSKI DEFENSIVE FEINT -

"I was furious that Quidditch was cancelled that year," Harry muttered. "I really wanted to try the
Wronski Feint."

Mrs Weasley looked like she might be sick.

DANGEROUS SEEKER DIVERSION ... Krum hadn't seen the Snitch at all, he was just
making Lynch copy him.

"And that's allowed?" Mrs Granger asked her husband.

"Apparently," he said with a shrug. He was seriously wondering how easily he could get tickets to a
quidditch match.

Harry had never seen anyone fly like that ... unsupported and weightless.

Krum felt rather smug at the praise. Potter was a brilliant flyer too.

Harry turned his Omnioculars back to normal ... look for the Snitch without interference.

"Wise move," Charlie said.

Lynch got to his feet at last ... a skill unrivaled by anything Harry had seen so far.

"They vere the superior team," Krum muttered.

After fifteen more fast and furious minutes ... the game was starting to get dirtier.
"That's quidditch for you," Oliver said.

As Mullet shot toward the goal posts yet again ... told him it had been a foul.

"What did he do?" Young Ron asked.

"And Mostafa takes ... it's a penalty to Ireland!"

"Cobbing is a pretty common foul," Harry told his younger self.

Young Harry thought this game was insanely dangerous. He could hardly believe his older self
played it. Although he wouldn't be adverse to giving it a try.

The leprechauns, who had risen angrily ... "HA, HA, HA!"

Seamus laughed, along with all the younger kids.

The veela on the other side ... "Look at the referee!" she said, giggling.

Sirius frowned. He wished he could actually see this. Perhaps he could convince Harry to share the
memory in a pensieve later.

Harry looked down at the field ... smoothing his mustache excitedly.

"'ow embarrassing," young Fleur said with a giggle.

"Now, we can't have that!" ... "Somebody slap the referee!"

"Slap him?" Mrs Granger asked in bewilderment. Did wixen kind really not understand the
definition of assault? Surely, there was a less violent way to deal with this particular situation.

A mediwizard came ... kicked Mostafa hard in the shins.

Mrs Granger tutted. Apparently not.

Mostafa seemed to come to himself ... looking mutinous.

"Oh dear," Isabeau Lemaire, Fleur's grandmother, said. "They will not like that."

"And unless I'm much mistaken, ... Oh this could turn nasty. . .

"So, he should," Seamus said. "They're interfering in the match."

It did ... arguing furiously with him,

Krum sighed. He'd been furious with his team members for this. They should have been scoring
goals instead of wasting time on the veela.

gesticulating toward the leprechauns ... he gave two short blasts on his whistle.

"идиоти," Krum muttered.

"Two penalties for Ireland!" ... and Troy takes the Quaffle. . . "

Young Ron was on the edge of his seat while young Hermione rolled her eyes. This was so silly.

Play now reached a level of ferocity ... acting without mercy:

Fred and George listened eagerly, hoping for tips.

Volkov and Vulchanov ... violently through the air.

Fred and George exchanged a look. Well, they wouldn't do that.

Dimitrov shot straight ... nearly knocking her off her broom.

"FOUL!" Young Oliver shouted angrily.

"Foul!" ... "Dimitrov skins Moran - deliberately flying to collide there -

Krum rolled his eyes. If they hadn't fouled so much, they might actually stood a chance. Instead
they were practically giving goals away with all these penalties.

and it's got to be another penalty ... a very rude sign indeed at the veela across the field.

Sirius chuckled much to Mrs Weasley's ire. That just made him laugh harder.

At this, the veela lost control ... handfuls of fire at the leprechauns.

"They can do that?" Mr Granger asked, blinking rapidly.

"We are very powerful," Isabeau said.

Watching through his Omnioculars ... remotely beautiful now.

Fleur laughed, her voice chiming.

On the contrary ... bursting from their shoulders -

Both Mr Grangers stared at the book. They hoped they never came across a woman like that.

"And that, boys," ... "is why you should never go for looks alone!"

Lucius snorted. Even ugly women had tempers... Personally, he thought it was better to just keep
your witch happy. Much safer.

Ministry wizards were flooding ... Quaffie changed hands with the speed of a bullet.

"I completely forgot about the game while watching what was happening on the pitch," Hermione

"You and me both," Ron muttered.

"Levski - Dimitrov - Moran - Troy - Mullet - Ivanova - Moran again - Moran - MORAN
Everyone cheered. Even Krum. He didn't think his team mates deserved to win.

But the cheers of the Irish supporters ... now Dimitrov -

Amelia made a note to restrict the mascots access to the pitch.

The Irish Beater Quigley swung ... It hit him full in the face.

"Ouch," young Charlie said, grimacing.

There was a deafening groan ... Hassan Mostafa didn't blow his whistle.

"Bloody hell," Sirius groaned. That wasn't fair.

He had become distracted ... set his broom tail alight.

"Shouldn't that be an automatic forfeit?" Hermione asked. She'd been reading up on quidditch ever
since first year when Harry had joined the house team.

"If one of the team had done it, or one of the supporters," Harry said. "I'm not sure there's a rule
about mascots."

"There's not," Charlie agreed. "There really should be."

Harry wanted someone to realize that Krum was injured;

"Thank you, Heir Potter," Krum said bowing his head.

even though he was supporting Ireland ... he can't play like that, look at him -"

"Still caught the snitch," Krum said with a side smirk.

"Look at Lynch!" ... Look at him go!"

"He nearly got it too," Krum complained.

Half the crowd seemed to have realized ... Harry had no idea;

"I couldn't," Krum admitted.

there were flecks of blood flying ... "They're going to crash!" shrieked Hermione.

Several of the girls screamed.

"They're not!" ... "Lynch is!" yelled Harry.

Krum grinned at Harry. He really should go pro.

And he was right ... stampeded by a horde of angry veela.

"FOUL!" Seamus roared. "Mascots shouldn't be allowed to attack players."

"Again, there's no rule against it," Charlie said.

"Bloody well should be," Arthur countered, causing his wife to glare at him for his language.

"The Snitch... Krum's got it - it's all over!" shouted Harry.

"WOW!" several of the kids cried out, cheering excitably. Even if they were disappointed the
match was over.

Krum, his red robes ... a glint of gold in his hand.

"Better to lose by ten points than three-hundred-and-twenty," Viktor said and Harry definitely
agreed with him.

The scoreboard was flashing BULGARIA: 160, IRELAND: 170 ... erupted into screams of

"Math really isn't their strong point," Hermione said with a sigh.

"No one was paying attention to the score, Hermione," Harry said. "They were too busy watching
the action."

"IRELAND WINS!" ... I don't think any of us were expecting that!"

"We were," George said bitterly.

"What did he catch the Snitch for?" ... hundred and sixty points ahead, the idiot!"

Krum glared at Ron. He really had no choice. It was either he catch it or Lynch.

"He knew they were never going to catch up!" ... end it on his terms, that's all...

Krum nodded at Harry. At least he understood. His team mates hadn't been anywhere near as

"He was very brave, wasn't he?" ... "He looks a terrible mess. . . . "

Krum blushed. It was strange hearing a girl he'd once dated watching him play. Not bad exactly.
Especially because she wasn't fangirling. Just strange.

Harry put his Omnioculars ... refused to let them mop him up.

"My team were not happy," Krum said.

His team members were around him ... though looking dispirited and forlorn.

"It was a good game," Charlie said with a grin.

"Vell, ve fought bravely," ... me mime everything all day!"

Everyone laughed at Fudge's stupidity.

"Veil, it vos very funny," said the Bulgarian minister, shrugging.

"Good prank!" Sirius grinned.

"And as the Irish team ... brought into the Top Box!" roared Bagman.

Harry grimaced. This was the only thing about being in the top box. He wondered just how many
people had spotted him there. He could only hope they were all too distracted by the players to see

Harry's eyes were suddenly dazzled ... using sign language all day for nothing.

Again everyone laughed. He really was a bit of a fool.

"Let's have a really loud hand ... seven defeated Bulgarian players.

Krum grimaced. This was his least favourite part of being a professional quidditch player. He hated
the attention.

The crowd below was applauding appreciatively ... Omniocular lenses flashing and winking
in their direction.

Kingsley frowned. Potter wasn't safe there.

One by one, the Bulgarians filed between the rows ... He was still holding the Snitch.

"I kept it," Krum said. "Kept everyone I caught during the world cup."

Harry noticed that he seemed much less coordinated ... gave him a resounding, earsplitting

Krum didn't meet anyone's eye. He found the attention highly embarrassing.

And then came the Irish team... Harry's hands were numb with clapping.

"Once in a life time experience," Mr Weasley said cheerfully.

At last, when the Irish team ... "Quietus."

Is that it then?" young Ron said. "Are you heading back to Hogwarts?"

Harry almost laughed. He wished that had been it.

"They'll be talking about this one for years," ... their hands outstretched.

Mrs Weasley tutted loudly before sighing and saying that lunch should be waiting for them. Since
she hadn't gone to make lunch, no doubt the house elves would have done it for them.

Chapter End Notes

That's it... The game is over...

The Dark Mark Part 1
Chapter Summary

After lunch, our characters continue reading...

Chapter Notes

BOLD = Bookquotes
ITALICS = Parsel
UNDERLINE = Younger Version of a Character
Character List
Don't forget to check out the series tumblr.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Everyone was still talking about the match when they made their way back to the main chamber
after lunch. Although that quickly changed when they heard the title of the next chapter.

"The dark mark?" Sirius asked, looking suddenly green.

Severus was busily checking his supply of calming draughts. No doubt, Sirius would need one and
perhaps a few of the mothers too.

"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling," ... We don't want it confiscated. "

Mrs Weasley gave her husband a thunderous look.

Mr. Weasley looked for a moment ... he didn't want to know.

Molly tutted loudly, earning a glare from George.

They were soon caught up ... back to their campsites.

Kingsley was on edge. Harry should not be in a crowd. That was a risk not worth taking. Better to
wait in the top box for the stadium to empty.

Raucous singing was borne ... shooting over their heads,

Amelia grimaced. This was a statute of secrecy nightmare.

cackling and waving their lanterns... last cup of cocoa together before turning in.

Mrs Weasley's lip tightened. That was good. At least they'd be together when it happened... She
was beginning to feel very nervous. She took her husband's hand in her own.
They were soon arguing ... cobbing with Charlie,

Mr Weasley sighed. He still stood by his point that there was no reason for cobbing. Ever. Even if it
would mean losing the match. It was important to pay a fair, clean game.

and it was only when Ginny fell asleep ... insisted that everyone go to bed.

Mrs Weasley grimaced. The girls would be alone. That really hadn't been their best idea.

Hermione and Ginny went into the next tent .. singing and the odd echoing bang.

The chamber was tense. Everyone waiting for something bad to happen. The title of the chapter had
guaranteed it.

"Oh I am glad I'm not on duty," ... tell the Irish they've got to stop celebrating. "

Arthur's younger self definitely agreed.

Harry, who was on a top bunk ... try out the Wronski Feint...

"Damn Triwizard Tournament," Harry muttered.

Somehow Oliver Wood had never managed... supposed to look like...

"Hey!" Oliver complained. "My diagrams were awesome."

Harry merely laughed.

Harry saw himself ... "I give you. . . . Potter!"

"You'd do well pro," Charlie said and Krum muttered his agreement.

Harry blushed. He'd dreamed about it. Of course he had. But it had never seemed like a real option.
Not with Voldemort after him.

Harry never knew ... Mr. Weasley was shouting.

Everyone sat bolt up right, as if ready for a fight.

"Get up! Ron ... "'S' matter?" he said.

Sirius whimpered. Why couldn't things go good for Harry for more than five minutes?

Dimly, he could tell ... He could hear screams, and the sound of people running.

The children all gasped, sitting closer to their parents or guardians, those that had them at least.
Those that didn't clung to the side of their older selves. Harry wrapped an arm around his younger
self, letting him know that everything would be okay in parsel.

He slipped down... get outside - quickly!"

Moody groaned. "Make sure you have your wand!"

Perhaps the parents needed a lesson in child safety too.

Harry did as he was told ... drunken yells were drifting toward them;

"What are they? Quidditch hooligans?" Mr Granger asked. "Do you even get Quidditch hooligans?"

Hermione almost laughed. This was much worse than any type of hooligan behaviour she'd ever
heard of.

"What's a hooligan?" Draco asked.

"A fan that behaves poorly," Hermione explained.

"Oh. No. That's not what that is," Draco muttered.

then came a burst of strong green light, which illuminated the scene.

"The killing curse?" Moody growled.

A crowd of wizards ... marching slowly across the field.

Lucius stared at his hands, his expression pained. It had been McNair's idea and he hadn't been able
to see any way out of it.

Harry squinted at them ... their faces masked.

"Death eaters," Sirius muttered, pulling both his godsons into his side.

High above them ... contorted into grotesque shapes.

"What the...?" Mrs Granger began, looking uncertain. Why didn't Hermione or the Weasleys tell
them about this?

It was as though the masked wizards ... Two of the figures were very small.

All four of Hermione's parents looked like they were going to vomit. Harry wondered how much
worse they'd feel when they realised that the four people were muggles.

More wizards were joining the marching group ... The screaming grew louder.

"Disgusting behaviour," Augusta said.

The floating people were suddenly illuminated ... Mr. Roberts, the campsite manager.

A sudden realisation hit the Grangers. That group had attacked Mr Roberts. Was it because he was
a muggle?

The other three looked as though they might be his wife and children.

"Oh, god!" Mrs Granger cried.

One of the marchers below ... hooted with glee.

"Disgusting," Mr Granger said, hugging his wife. "I hope they were arrested."

No one said anything. That was all the answer he needed.

"That's sick," ... "That is really sick. . . . "

Lucius had tears in his eyes and he couldn't meet anyone's eye. He wasn't proud of this. He didn't
like muggles - he thought they were a danger - but that didn't mean he wanted to hurt children. The
problem was that once you became a death eater, you had no way out. And some of the death eaters
enjoyed that sort of thing. That's not to say he didn't have a vindictive side, he certainly did, but he
didn't want to kill all muggles. Quite the opposite. He thought stunts like that actively risked the
statute of secrecy and that concerned him just as much as Dumbledore and Lux's position on
muggle relations.

Hermione and Ginny came hurrying toward them ... their wands out.

Kingsley nodded. At least they had a good number of adult wix to protect Harry and the other

"We're going to help the Ministry!" ... get into the woods, and stick together.

"WHAT?" The younger Mrs Weasley turned on her husband. "Absolutely not!"

And for once, everyone in the chamber agreed with her.

"You're leaving Harry Potter defenseless?" Kingsley demanded. "Not one of age wizard out of the
four of you could stay?"

"Bill and Charlie don't even work for the ministry," Molly said crossly. "They could have stayed
with the children."

Bill and Charlie looked like they wanted to argue but they actually thought their mum might be
right. Someone should have stayed with the kids.

Mr Granger was livid. He was close to losing his cool and he usually prided himself on being able
to master his temper. "We entrusted our daughter - our muggleborn daughter - into your care and
you just abandoned her? Left her to protect herself?"

His wife was nodding her agreement. "That won't be happening again. Hermione will not be
staying with your family again."

Sirius was tempted to say that Harry wouldn't either but he held his tongue. He'd done the same
thing once. Going after Pettigrew. Except, he'd left Harry with an adult. Not alone. And all the
rationalisation in the world wouldn't change the fact that Arthur had left his pup, his son, alone and
defenseless. That wouldn't be easily forgiven.

Arthur looked between everyone and realised that he'd messed up. In the heat of the moment, he
hadn't even considered the danger to the children. He'd thought they would be safe enough in the

"We're talking about Harry Potter, Arthur," Kingsley said. "Anyone could have attacked him. And
what's more you endangered the other children by leaving them all alone - especially with Harry."
"Hey!" Harry complained.

"It's not your fault, Harry," Kingsley said gently, "but anyone with you is in greater risk, just
because they're by your side. You have a target the size of Hogwarts on your back. Especially if
there are death eaters about."

I'll come and fetch you when we've sorted this out!"

No one said anything. They were too busy glaring at Arthur.

Bill, Charlie, and Percy were already sprinting away ... coming ever closer.

Sirius glared at Arthur once more before turning back to the book. "Better hurry up and get into the
wood. Find somewhere safe and stay there."

"Under the circumstances, if you use magic it will be excused," Amelia said thoughtfully, "so you'd
best all get your wands out."

She didn't say that she didn't think there was much a third year, three fourth years and two sixth
years could do against death eaters.

"C'mon," ... George followed.

"Don't forget to stay together," Remus said, his eyes flashing amber.

They all looked back ... hooded wizards in the center,

"Stun the lot of them," Amelia growled. "The crowd are supporting the criminal actions of death
eaters and impeding DMLE action. I'd arrest them for that."

"Please tell me someone set up anti-apparation wards," Tonks said. She could just imagine them all
getting away.

but they were having great difficulty... might make the Roberts family fall.

Moody growled. There were ways of preventing that. Security was clearly too laxed.

The colored lanterns ... people whose faces he could not see.

"Any one of them could have kidnapped the prince," Kingsley said crossly.

Then he heard Ron yell with pain.

"What happened?" Mrs Weasley demanded anxiously.

"What happened?" ... Oh this is stupid - lumos!"

Moody nodded his consent. This was an emergency and the magic used was perfectly reasonable.

She illuminated her wand ... getting to his feet again.

Sirius and several others let out sighs of relief. Although they were short lived as it now meant one
of them was potentially injured. Not ideal if they needed to run for their lives.
"Well, with feet that size, hard not to," ... looking utterly relaxed.

Narcissa glared at her son. He was not supposed to be there. He had told them he was going to stay
at Theo's house. They would be having words about this.

His arms folded ... dared say in front of Mrs. Weasley.

Molly didn't look like she cared that her youngest son had just sworn. She was more interested in
ensuring their safety.

"Language, Weasley," ... You wouldn't like her spotted, would you?"

Harry glanced at Draco. That almost sounded like a warning.

He nodded at Hermione ... lit the trees around them.

"With all those killing curses flying about," Kingsley said, "I'm surprised there wasn't any

"What's that supposed to mean?" ... and it would give us all a laugh. "

Several people glared at Draco. Lucius, however, was eyeing him with respect. A hidden warning.
That might be the first sign of a true Slytherin Draco had ever offered.

"Hermione's a witch," ... stay where you are. "

Severus raised an eyebrow at his godson and he knew Draco knew they'd be having words.

"You watch your mouth!" ... he took a step toward Malfoy.

"Not the time for fighting," Moody growled. "The lad's right. It's not safe where you are."

"Where are the others?" Charlie asked, feeling responsible. He shouldn't have left them to go alone
into the woods.

There came a bang ... trying to rescue the Muggles?"

Lucius sighed. Just when he thought Draco was showing some sense.

"Where're your parents?" ... would I, Potter?"

"For the record," Lucius sighed. "I was there. Narcissa wasn't. Draco was supposed to be at a
friend's house. It was McNair's idea and he wouldn't really take no for an answer. He and Nott were
drunk and... Well, they can't be reasoned with when sober. I'm sorry for my part in it, for what little
it is worth. I didn't cast a single spell on the Roberts. But I did set a few tents alight."

"Why didn't you report it?" Hermione asked angrily.

"And say what?" Lucius asked. "Oh, sorry. You know when I lied and said I wasn't a death eater...
yeah, well, I am. And some of my stupid death eater acquaintances are drunk and want to attack
muggles tonight. That would see me in Azkaban quicker than you can say quidditch. And I'm not
sure what would have been gained. The others would still be at large and they would have still
attacked the muggles. And to be honest, if I'd even looked like I was going to turn on them, they'd
have AK'd me before I had the chance to report them. As I said, nothing gained."

Hermione scowled at him.

"At least this way, I could cast cushioning charms below the Roberts whenever I feared they might
fall," Lucius said softly. "I'm not trying to excuse my behaviour, but once you're a death eater -
something many of us didn't have a choice in - there's no escaping."

"What do you mean you had no choice?" Ron asked angrily.

"My father," Lucius said, "he was friends - of sorts - with the Dark Lord in school. He insisted I
take the mark. It was that or be disowned. And at that time, I had no idea what it actually meant. As
I said before, his manifesto was sound. I never expected..."

"Oh come on," ... one of that masked lot!" said Ron hotly.

Ron glared at the book, feeling vindicated. Harry might be falling for this redeemed bullshit but
Ron wasn't having any of it. Once a death eater, always a death eater, in his book.

"Well, with any luck, ... nowhere to be seen,

Arthur grimaced. They were supposed to stay together.

though the path was packed ... "'Ogwarts. "

Draco sneered. Why didn't the Weasleys know French. He thought all pure bloods knew French.

"Beauxbatons," ... An Appraisal of Magical Education in Europe. "

"Now is not the time," Moody growled.

"Oh ... I've lost my wand!"

"Buggering hell," Sirius groaned, accepting a calming draught from Severus.

"When did you last have it?" Tonks asked.

"You're kidding!" ... "Maybe it's back in the tent," said Ron.

"Doesn't matter now," Kingsley said. "What matters is that you're still too close to the edge of the
woods. You need to move deeper in."

"Maybe it fell out ... "maybe. . . "

Kingsley felt like these books might give him a nervous breakdown. He was normally so calm and
calculated. But seeing Harry constantly endangered like this was actually fraying his nerves.

He usually kept his wand ... made him feel very vulnerable.
"Understandable," Moody said, nodding. He'd have felt the same way."

A rustling noise nearby ... someone invisible were trying to hold her back.

"That's odd," Tonks murmured.

"There is bad wizards about!" ... Winky is getting out of the way!"

Barty suddenly sat a little taller. Was he with Winky? But that can't be. His dad hadn't let him out of
the house in... well, ever.

And she disappeared ... "Why can't she run properly?"

"Good question," Moody muttered. He'd seen house elves when they broke their master's orders
and it didn't look like that. Close but not quite.

"Bet she didn't ask permission to hide," ... start beating himself up.

That was more like it, Moody thought. Punishment. Whatever that looked like for the family the elf
belonged to.

"You know, house-elves get a very raw deal!" ... "It's slavery, that's what it is!

"No. It's not," Rookwood said. "At least, for most it isn't. You'll get some that are badly treated. But
most house elves are family. My family elves even ate with us when I was growing up. They
weren't paid but everything they could possibly need was provided for them and if they wanted
something, they knew they only needed to ask for it. Father insisted on regular appointments with
the elves to ensure they were still happy with their situation and to find out if there was anything he
could do for them."

That Mr. Crouch made her go up ... Why doesn't anyone do something about it?"

"That's speculation," Moody growled. "I don't like Crouch but we don't know he bewitched the elf."

Hermione looked mutinous. Why didn't they understand that it was wrong to keep elves as slaves?

"The bond between family and elf is the only thing keeping them alive and sane," Neville said.
"Sure, I think everyone in this chamber would agree there should be greater protections but that
bond is not a slavery bond."

"How can you say that?" Hermione demanded.

"Because I've performed the ritual," Neville said seriously. "I am Heir Longbottom and master of
the Longbottom elves. I had to perform the ritual to bond with them when I was eleven. Their bond
with my father was too weak to sustain them. Nowhere in the oath I took, or the oaths my elves
took, did it demand enslavement."

"What was the ritual?" Hermione asked. She hadn't found anything about a ritual in the library.

"It's a spoken oath," Neville said with a sigh. "I vowed to protect them, cherish them, treat them as
kin and they vowed to honour me and mine and treat us as kin. That's all. Technically, they don't
even have to work. That's a choice. They choose to serve because it is how they choose to honour
their wixen kin. Just the same way they would choose to show their elven kin their love through
acts of service. There are those that will break their oaths and treat house elves poorly but to do so
is a sin against Mother Magic. She gave us the elves to protect."

Lucius nodded his agreement. He couldn't have put it better himself.

Amos frowned. He actually couldn't believe he was about to say this. But it was the truth, even if
he didn't like it. "I will say that you tend to see more light wix break their oaths to their elves than
dark wix. Dark wix seem to respect their oaths better than their light counterparts. I am pleased to
see that you are an exception, Heir Longbottom."

Neville blushed heavily at the praise.

"Well, the elves are happy, aren't they?" ... that's what she likes, being bossed around... "

Harry and Neville both sighed. That was not a good argument. It was no wonder Hermione got on
her high horse sometimes.

"It's people like you, Ron," ... just because they're too lazy to -"

Ron glared at her. "I'm not lazy! Just because I don't agree that all elves need to be freed."

Another loud bang echoed from the edge of the wood.

"This really isn't the time to argue about elf rights," Remus sighed.

"Let's just keep moving, shall we?" ... Hermione was in more danger than they were.

"I'd say you're both in significant danger," Tonks said.

They set off again ... unperturbed by the trouble at the campsite.

"Goblins rarely interest themselves in wixen issues," young Bill said.

Farther still along the path ... Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. "

"Dragon killer?" Amos laughed. "We don't hire dragon killers. If we find a dragon, we call in one
of the reserves to take it off our hands."

"No, you're not!" ... but I'm a vampire hunter, I've killed about ninety so far -"

"Ridiculous," Hermione muttered.

Fleur laughed. "I vould really love to see how you would handle a male veela, Hermione."

"Male veela don't exist," Hermione said crossly, folding her hands.

Fleur sighed. Why would Hermione argue with her about Veela. Obviously, she knew more about
them as she was part Veela herself. "Of course, they do. They are just very rare. And highly
protected by veela kind."

"Which is why you should not be talking about them Fleur," her grandmother chastised.
"Je suis désolée," Fleur said, suddenly abashed.

A third young wizard ... youngest ever Minister of Magic, I am. "

This got several rounds of laughter, easing some of the tension in the main chamber.

Harry snorted with laughter... a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?"

Ron's ears went pink but he had to admit that would be amazing.

"Honestly!" ... everything was much quieter.

"Good," Tonks said. "You should be safe there."

"But don't let your guard down," Moody growled.

Harry looked around... We'll hear anyone coming a mile off. "

Moody nodded his agreement. That was a reasonable assessment.

The words were hardly out of his mouth ... "What are you doing in here, all alone?"

"What's he up to?" Moody asked, eyeing the book suspiciously.

They looked at one another ... got hold of a family of Muggles... "

"Didn't he know?" Fleur asked.

Bagman swore loudly... he Disapparated with a small pop!

"I guess that answers the question about anti-apparation wards," Tonks muttered.

"Not exactly on top of things ... while he was with them. "

"That doesn't excuse his incompetence as a ministry official," Hermione said sharply.

"Didn't say it did," Ron said, raising his hands in surrender.

He took his small figure of Krum out of his pocket ... perhaps the riot was over.

"Doubtful," Amelia murmured. "It didn't sound like the DMLE were leading the operation to
extract the muggles."

"I hope the others are okay," ... he'd like to get something on him. "

Arthur and Lucius both grimaced. They'd really done a number on these kids with their dislike for
one another.

"That'd wipe the smirk off ... "They'll find a way. "

Hermione's parents didn't look convinced.

"Mad, though, to do something like that ... they've been drinking, or are they just -"

"They're not scared of Fudge's ministry," Lucius said. "But yes, alcohol played a part too."

But she broke off abruptly ... But the footsteps came to a sudden halt.

"Get low to the ground," Moody growled, "and train your wands on where the sound came from."

"Hello?" called Harry.

"Don't do that!" Moody shouted.

There was silence... standing just beyond the range of his vision.

"Don't go towards the danger, pup," Sirius groaned. "You don't even have a wand."

"Who's there?" ... "MORSMORDRE!"

Severus's eyes widened as did Lucius's. Everyone else frowned. They didn't know that spell.

And something vast, green, ... it flew up over the treetops and into the sky.

"Do you know we never did learn what the spell for the dark mark was in the first war," Amelia
said thoughtfully.

"You three need to get out of there and fast," Sirius said, gripping his godsons tightly.

"What the -?" ... its mouth like a tongue.

"I'm guessing that is bad," young Mrs Granger said to her husband.

As they watched, ... like a new constellation.

"Don't just stand there," Sirius said, sounding panicked.

Suddenly, the wood all around them erupted with screams... but he couldn't see anyone.

"Never mind that now," Moody said. "You need to leave."

"They've just witnessed a crime," Amelia countered. "They can't just leave."

"They're about to be blamed for that crime, Amelia."

"Who's there?" ... "You-Know-Who's sign!"

A couple of the younger ones screamed. They hadn't known that.

"Voldemort's - ?" ... surrounding them.

"Great and in the meantime, the deatheaters at the camp site will all get away," Amelia said bitterly.

Harry whirled around ... "DUCK!"

Moody nodded. The boy had good instincts.

He seized the other two and pulled them down onto the ground.

And quick reflexes, Moody thought.

Chapter End Notes

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