Lesson Plan in English 7

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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of how Philippine Literature during the Period of
Apprenticeship and other text types through employing various listening, viewing and reading strategies; locating
library resources, using phrases, clauses, sentences, literal and figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues
in oral communication serve as means of building a positive and healthy relationship.
Performance Standard: The learner creatively presents a summary of a formal essay/ informative article about
building relationship.
Learning Competency (MELC): Discover the conflicts presented in literary selections EN7LT-II-a-4

I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to

a. identify the conflicts evident in the story being read;
b. state the different types of conflict evident in the story;
c. write a conflict statement based from the story and
d. tell positive actions that help avoid conflicts and build a
friendly relationship.

II. Learning Resources English LM 7, power point presentation, meta strips, manila paper,
Literary Selection: The Stranger by Ismael V. Mallari
III. Topic Types of Conflict
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Introductory Activities
a. Greetings The students will greet their teacher and their classmates
b. Prayer One from the students will lead the prayer.
c. Checking of Attendance The class monitor will tell who are absent.
d. Classroom Rules & Regulations

B. Review of Previous Lesson Yesterday, we discussed about the Elements of a Narrative.

What did we discuss yesterday?
What are they? Can you give me one example? (character, setting, plot, conflict, theme)

C. Diagnostic Test
Please prepare ¼ and answer the 10-item test. Then, after The students will answer the test.
that exchange your paper with your seatmate for checking

D. Motivation
4 Pics in 1 Word


Let the students look at the pictures for a few minutes, then the I can see a couple arguing.
teacher will ask some questions. I can see a student bullying his classmate
1. What can you see in the pictures I can see one of the popular online games.
I can see a picture during the conquest of Spanish in our country.
(Wow! You have amazing answers.)

2. Looking at the pictures, one of these happened in our They ruled our country for a long period of time.
history. In your Aral. Pan subject, what have you Spaniards ruled from 1521-1898.
learned about Spanish Colonial Period? They converted Philippine inhabitants to Christianity.

3. What word can you form out of these pictures? C-L-A-S-H!

Now, let’s proceed to our lesson for today, but before that I’d
like you to read the objectives of our lesson today.

C. Statement of the Aim

Today, we are going to identify the conflicts evident in the story The students will read the objectives of the lesson.
being read, state the different types of conflict evident in the
story, write a conflict statement based from the story and share
positive actions that help build a friendly relationship.

D. Lesson Proper/ Discussion

In our previous lesson, we learned about the Elements of a
Short Story and one of these is a Conflict. Let’s read the story
entitled “The Stranger” and find out the conflict.

The teacher will ask the students to open their book on page
202-205 and assign a group to read each part of the story. As
the group read their part, other groups will read it silently.
Activity 1: Reading
a. 1st Reading- Group 1
Why the narrator and his friends find David
He is a stranger to them. They knew nothing about David.
b. 2nd Reading- Group 2
When did the boy’s feeling about David change?
(Want to know more what happened? Just continue
When David approached his classmates and shared the puto seco
with them.
c. 3rd Reading- Group 3
What is your reaction on the boy’s attitude towards
(hurt, sad, angry)
(Want to know the incident that made the boys finally
accept David as truly one of them? Read further.)
d. 4th Reading- Group 4
How about you, have you done anything heroic for a
Yes, I feel good because I was able to help my friend.
friend? How did you feel?

1. How did you find the story?
It is very interesting.
2. Who is the main character in the story?
3. What was admirable about David?
He is (quiet, kind, friendly, brave, and helpful).
4. How did the stranger win the narrator’s friendship?
By showing kindness to them and share his interest and hobby.
5. What kind of conflict did the characters in the story
David wants to get close with his classmates but nobody wants to
play and get along with him.
6. What does the story teach you on building a friendly
The story taught us to (talk with the person, share same interest, be
kind to others, build connection, be thoughtful, give compliments,
offer help for someone in need, don’t judge others easily) in order to
Let’s Discuss:
build a friendly relationship.
Conflict- It is the problem presented in the story through the
clash between the main character and other forces. At the heart
of every great story is a conflict (or problem). The main
character wants something and is prevented from getting it.
Conflict makes the story interesting. Most of the action and
suspense in a story centers around the main character (or
characters) trying to find a solution to the conflict
Conflict is a struggle or problem faced by the characters. It can
neither be external or internal. External conflict refers to the
opposition between an individual and some outside forces while
internal conflict refers to the opposition coming from within.
External conflicts include man vs. man, man vs. nature, and
man vs. society. Internal conflicts include man vs. himself.
a. Man vs. Man-It is the opposition between the main
character and other characters in the story
b. Man vs. Himself- It shows the problem created by the
main character and his/her personality.
c. Man vs. Society-It is the conflict between the main
character and the society where he/she lives.
d. Man vs. Nature- A character is set in opposition to
nature. This can mean the weather, the wilderness,
or a natural disaster.
e. Man vs. Supernatural- Characters against
phenomena like ghosts, gods, or monsters raises
the stakes of a conflict by creating an unequal
playing field.

A story has a plot. Plot shows the different part of the story. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.
What are the five parts of a plot?
In which part of the plot does conflict being presented? In the Rising Action, ma’am.
Very good! In your grade 8 you will learn more about that.

The most effective way to identify a conflict is to write a Activity 2: ‘’THINK, PAIR & SHARE”
CONFLICT STATEMENT.A conflict statement is a sentence
that briefly states what the main character wants and what is Kinds of conflict Events in the Story
preventing him/her from attaining that desire.

Example: Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her wicked

stepmother won’t let her go. CONFLICT STATEMENT PRACTICE:
PROTAGONIST-The main character(s) who has the conflict. In _____________________________________________
the given example, Cinderella is the protagonist and her What protagonist wants:
stepmother is the antagonist. ANTAGONIST-who or what the _____________________________________________
protagonist is struggling against What is keeping the protagonist from getting what he/she wants:
Conflict Statement: _____________________________
Activity 2: The teacher will ask the students to answer the
following questions. (Volunteer students will be asked to  The boys didn’t like David because he is a stranger, so they regarded
him with suspicion.
present their work.)  Pendong, got drowned when the group went swimming.
1. What kind of conflict did the characters face in the  David had shown a sign of weakening when he was saving Pendong.
2. Using the given format, make a conflict statement out
of the story.

E. Generalization:
a. What is conflict? a. Conflict is the problem presented in the story through the
b. What are the different types of conflict? clash between the main character and other forces.
c. What is an effective way to identify conflict? b. The different types of conflict are man vs. man, man vs.
himself, man vs. society, man vs. nature and man vs.
Valuing: supernatural
d. In what way we can gain friendship? c. The effective way to identify conflict is to write a conflict
For this activity, the teacher will give each students a meta strip statement.
where they can write their answer and stick it on the board. d. We can gain friends by talking with the person, share
Students will be given time to share their answer to the rest of interest, be kind to others, build connection, be thoughtful,
the class, give compliments, offer help for someone in need, reach
Communication and positive actions are big factors in building out, be open-minded and don’t judge others easily.
friendly relationship.

F. Application
The teacher will group the students into five with (5)
members. Each group will be given activity card with
different literary selection.

Tasks: Read the literary selection and find out the problem or
the conflict face by the main the character. Make a conflict
statement and present you work in front of the class.

Selection 1
“The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong thought to
himself he would tell his father about marrying Teang when he
got home, after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow,
and led it to its shed and fed it. He was hesitant about saying it
but he wanted his father to know. What he had to say was of
serious imporantt, as it would mark a climacteric in his life.
Dodong finally decided to tell it, at a thought came to him his
father might refuse to consider it. His father was silent hard-
working farmer chewed areca nut, which he had learned to his
mother, Dodong’s grandmother. I will tell it to him. I will tell it to
him.” –Footnote To Youth

Selection 2
“One morning a policeman from the presidencia came to our
house with a sealed paper. The rich man had filed a
complained against us. Father took me with him when he went
to the town clerk and asked him what it was about. He told
father the man claimed that for years we had been stealing the
spirit of his wealth and food. “– My Father Goes To Court

Selection 3
“During the two or three months of the year in Mindoro there is
hunger, a kind of half-famine, as it were, and riding homeward
down the empty bed of the river early one afternoon, Cesar
Manalo was thinking of this very phenomenon. He had just
come from his coffee plantation and had been displeased to
see how ill-kept it was”. –Hunger in Barok

Selection 4
“An old king ruled over the kingdom of Bumbaran. His kingdom
was prosperous, his people were good, and he should have
been very happy. But the king was not contented. His heart
was full of envy toward his younger brother, Prince Bantugan.
Everytime someone praised Prince Bantugan, the king frowned
and looked angry.
One day, enemies attacked the Kingdom of Bumbaran and
Prince Bantugan led his men to defend the country. While he
was gone, the evil king plotted against the good prince. He
issued a proclamation that no one should speak to Prince
Bantugan. He added that whoever speak to Bantugan would be
killed.” – The Good Prince Bantugan

Selection 5
“A long, long time ago, Mindanao was covered with water, and
the sea covered all the lowlands, so that nothing could be seen
but the mountains jutting from it. There were many
people living in the country and all the highlands were dotted
with villages and settlements. For many years, people
prospered, living in peace and contentment. Suddenly, there
appeared in the land four horrible monsters which, in a short
time, devoured every human being they could find.”-Indarapatra
and Sulayman
(Learners are given utmost recognition in the task they are

G. Assessment
Directions: Read and answer the following
questions carefully. Choose the letter of your choice.
A. Multiple Choice Test
1. It shows the problem created by the main
character and his/her personality.
a. Man vs. Himself c. Man vs.
b. Man vs. Society d. Man vs. Man
2. You and your older brother disagree on T.V
channel to watch.
a. Man vs. Himself c. Man vs. Man
b. Man vs. Nature d. Man vs.
3. It is the problem presented in the story through
the clash between the main character and other
a. Protagonist c. Antagonist
b. Conflict d. Internal
4. It refers to the opposition between an individual
and some outside forces.
a. Antagonist c. Internal
b. Protagonist d. External
5. It is the conflict between the main character
and the society where he/she lives.
a. Internal Conflict c. External
b. Man vs. Nature d. Man vs.
6. It refers to the main character(s) who has the
conflict in the story.
a. Man c. Conflict
b. Protagonist d. Antagonist
7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about
a. It makes the story interesting.
b. Conflict has nothing to do with the theme
of the story.
c. At the heart of every great story is Conflict.
d. Conflict is a problem that needs to be
8. It refers to the opposition coming from within.
a. External Conflict c. Protagonist
b. Antagonist d. Internal
9. It was Saturday, and the weather was fine. Ruby and
his classmates decided to go swimming. Everyone
was very excited with the plan that they had. Ben, One
of their friends, told him that he wanted to go with
them but he was worried that his parents might not
allow him.

What is the conflict presented in the story?

A. Everyone was excited to go swimming but the weather
was not fine.
B. Ben wanted to go swimming but didn’t know how to
C. Ruby was nearly drowned.
D. Ben wanted to go swimming but was worried that his
parents might not allow him.
10. The following are causes of conflict. EXCEPT
a. Differing values c. Respect others
b. Poor Communication d. Bullying a

B. Directions: At the back of your paper, write a

pledge/oath on how to keep a friendly
relationship. Observe correct sentence
structure, spelling and punctuation marks.

H. Assignment
For your assignment, read the story entitled “The Happiest
Boy in the World” on page 339-342. Identify the conflicts in the
story. Write your answer in a ½ crosswise.

Prepared by:
Principal II
Directions: Read and answer the following questions carefully. Choose the letter of your choice.

A. Multiple Choice Test

1. It shows the problem created by the main character and his/her personality.
c. Man vs. Himself c. Man vs. Nature
d. Man vs. Society d. Man vs. Man
2. You and your older brother disagree on T.V channel to watch.
c. Man vs. Himself c. Man vs. Man
d. Man vs. Nature d. Man vs. Society
3. It is the problem presented in the story through the clash between the main character and other
c. Protagonist c. Antagonist
d. Conflict d. Internal
4. It refers to the opposition between an individual and some outside forces.
c. Antagonist c. Internal Conflict
d. Protagonist d. External Conflict
5. It is the conflict between the main character and the society where he/she lives.
c. Internal Conflict c. External Conflict
d. Man vs. Nature d. Man vs. society
6. It refers to the main character(s) who has the conflict in the story.
c. Man c. Conflict
d. Protagonist d. Antagonist
7. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about conflict?
e. It makes the story interesting.
f. Conflict has nothing to do with the theme of the story.
g. At the heart of every great story is Conflict.
h. Conflict is a problem that needs to be resolved.
8. It refers to the opposition coming from within.
c. External Conflict c. Protagonist
d. Antagonist d. Internal Conflict
9. It was Saturday, and the weather was fine. Ruby and his classmates decided to go swimming. Everyone
was very excited with the plan that they had. Ben, one of their friends, told him that he wanted to go with
them but he was worried that his parents might not allow him.

What is the conflict presented in the story?

A. Everyone was excited to go swimming but the weather was not fine.
B. Ben wanted to go swimming but didn’t know how to swim.
C. Ruby was nearly drowned.
D. Ben wanted to go swimming but was worried that his parents might not allow him.

10. The following are causes of conflict. EXCEPT ONE.

c. Differing values c. Respect others
d. Poor Communication d. Bullying a friend

B. Directions: At the back of your paper, write a pledge/oath on how to keep a friendly relationship.
Observe correct sentence structure, spelling and punctuation marks.

Objective 2: Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice (learning objectives)
 The teacher has used Bloom’s Taxonomy in writing learning objectives. Based on the Cognitive
Process Dimensions adapted from Anderson & Krathwohl (2001), it provides a scheme for
classifying educational goals, objectives, and standards. It also defines a broad range of cognitive
processes from basic to complex.

Objective 2: Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice (Instructional activities)
Before the beginning of the lesson, the teacher prepared an activity that will activate learners’
interest with the lesson. It said that motivated students are much more likely to achieve their potential and
find success. Motivation is an essential ingredient in effective teaching and learning. It not only yields more
positive behavior in students, but it also contributes to a greater sense of wellbeing.
Objective 2: Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching
and learning to enhance professional practice (Instructional activities)

Students were able to work in pair through Think-Pair-Share. The teacher used this method for pair-
learning. (TPS) is a cooperative learning activity that can work in varied size classrooms and in any
subject. Instructors pose a question, students first THINK to themselves prior to being instructed to discuss
their response with a person sitting near them (PAIR). According to (Johnson & Johnson, 1999) TPS
provides an opportunity for students to work in groups toward a common goal, increasing their own and
others’ understanding in a safe environment to make mistakes.

Objective 2: Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice (Instructional
For the application, the teacher utilized Differentiated Activity to let the students apply their learnings from
the lesson discussed by the teacher. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that tailors instruction
to all students’ learning needs. All the students have the same learning goal. But the instruction varies
based on students’ interests, preferences, strengths, and struggles. Students have “multiple options for
taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn,” says Carol Ann Tomlinson,
an educator who has done innovative work in this area.

Objective 2: Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching

and learning to enhance professional practice (Instructional
The teacher used the individual assessment through multiple choice test and essay writing. According to
Maki, Peggy L. (2002) by analyzing students’ performance through formative assessment and sharing the
results with them, instructors help students to “understand their strengths and weaknesses and to reflect on
how they need to improve over the course their remaining studies,”

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