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Sirine Lakhmissi Secondary School

Teacher: Bouagal Widad. Level: 1st year Literary

Theme: Environment/Pollution/The World of animals. Unit 03: Back to Nature.
Sequence 01: Listening and Speaking. Allotted Time: 3 hours.
Lesson Plan

By the end of this sequence , learners will be able to:

Objective * listen and respond to an interview.
*Write an SOS about pollution.
-Expressing feelings, opinions
Functions and suppositions
-Expressing condition.
Listening and responding to a radio interview.
Skills Writing an SOS about pollution.
Language If conditional.
Lexis related to the topic: pollution, natural disasters
Lexis (blizzard,storms,hurricane…), greenhouse,global warming…
-Intonation in yes/no questions and complex sentences.
Phonology -Sress in words ending in ‘-tion’
Pedagogic Visual aids: worldmap,powerpoint,pictures,videos,songs+textbook.

Time Activity Rationale Procedure PM.

10mins Warm To intrigue The teacher gives the pupils some hints and definitions PPT.
learner’s in order to find some words whose initials form the
attention. word ‘nature’.

 Name of the birds ‘ home→ Nest

 Something that we breath → Air
 Something that provides us with vegetables and
fruits →Trees
 Opposite of « natural » →Unnatural.
 Synonym of « trash » or « garbage »→Rubbish
 Name of our planet →Earth
-Then she introduces the vocabulary items related to Mind
this unit. Map.
To introduce -The teacher displays a video (song+ pictures+ lyrics)
50mins Unit the “Saving the Earth Promise Song”
introd unit ,highlight -Teacher and pupils sing the song collectively and
uction its content and then the pupils do it individually.
launch the The earth is my home
and I promise to keep it healthy and beautiful
project. Song
I will love the land the air the water (video+
Projec And all living creatures pictures)
t I will be a defender of my planet
annou United with friends
nceme I will save the earth

nt. United with friends, I promise to keep it

United with friends, I will love the land
United with friends, I'll be a defender
I will save the earth

United with friends, I promise to keep it

United with friends, I will love the land
United with friends, I'll be a defender
I will save the earth
I will save the earth

-The teacher and pupils discuss the unit preview on p

139 for further explanation.-Pupils will be divided into Textboo
small groups to start working on their projects. k.
Note: Each group (5 pupils per group) will bring at
least one tree.

10 mins The teacher shows the pupils a picture of the world
climate map and ask them about the types of climate in
to tune in pupils Algeria.(pupils can answer in their mother tongue).
to what will
Pre- come next in Keys:
listening the listening
and speaking a. The names of climate areas are mentioned on the
Anticipa map.
te p 140
1-Tropical climate – hot –

- Equatorial climate / tropical continental climate/ Hot

desert climate

2-Subtropical climate - Warm temperate –

- Mediterranean climate.

3-Polar climate - Cool temperate, cold –

- Arctic & Antarctic climates

b. The source is a web site written at the bottom of

the map. []

In Algeria, the climate areas are: Mediterranean

climate, continental and the sub- continental climate.

The place where I live belongs to the second one.

d. We have rainforests in the mountain and

tropical climate areas.

To check the I think that the world climate is changing
answers of the because of “the global warming” or “ the greenhouse
mins previous effect”. It is becoming warmer. The winter seasons
activity are becoming shorter and the summer seasons
Activity Or:
3 p 140. The world climate is changing because the
volume of carbon dioxide in the air has
increased as a result of the burning of oil, coal
and wood.

05 -Pupils listen to an interview (part one) in order to
mins check their answers in the previous activity.

listening -Pupils listen to the second part of the interview in
order to fill in the table.
Listen -To focus on Audio
and key words of the Keys: tape
Check p table to identify
the most The sea level will… rise
141 important
information The food producing Become deserts
10 mins Activity
1 p 141. areas will...

The temperatures Go up
2 +3 p The coastal areas Be under water
141 will…

-Pupils listen again to the interview to answer the

Keys: Audio
10 mins
a. The gas which is responsible for global warming
is carbon dioxide (CO2).

b. He compares it to a greenhouse, a type of plastic

Activity house where farmers grow vegetables.
4p 141.
c. It is called so because carbon dioxide traps the
heat from the sun, just like a greenhouse.
To confirm
understanding d. We can reduce high temperatures by reducing
the volume of CO2 emissions.

e. The climate specialist is worried about climate


Evidence from the interview: ‘Everybody is

worried about high temperatures these days
‘scientists are raising the alarm about global
warming’ ; ‘a question of life and death to us

to get pupils -The teacher reminds pupils of the intonation
identify the pattern in requests (seen in the first unit).
-Then pupils listen to their teacher reading the
pattern at the
sentences in order to read them with the right
05 end of
Say it questions’, ‘wh- -The teacher helps her pupils to figure out the
loud and questions’ and rule.
clear ‘statements’
page Keys:
142. a. Is the earth really getting warmer? ( )
b. It’s absolutely certain. ( ) The earth is getting
Activity warmer.
1 page ( )
142. c. And why does it matter if the world gets warmer?
( )
d. Oh it matters a lot. ( ) If the earth gets hotter the
sea level will rise. ( )
The intonation goes up at the end of requests and
auxiliary questions. But, it goes down at the end
of statements and WH-questions.

05 -Pupils act out the dialogues with the right intonation.

to get pupils
mins -After that, the teacher and pupils revise if conditional
practise the
type 1 through the given examples.
right intonation
and revise if -Teacher reminds her pupils of the stress rules
conditional type concerning two-syllable nouns and verbs.
-Then, she reads the words in the table so that the
pupils can mark the stressed syllable in each
Activity word.
10 mins 2 page Verbs Nouns
-To identify pollute /pəˈluːt/ pollution /pəˈluːʃən/
sress in words preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ preservation/prezəˈveɪʃən/
conserve /kənˈsɜːv/ conservation/kənsəˈveɪʃən/
ending in ‘-tion’ emit /ɪˈmɪt/ emission /ɪˈmɪʃən/
contaminate /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ contamination/kəntæmɪˈneɪʃən/
deforest /dɪˈfɒrɪst/ deforestation /dɪfɒrəsˈteɪʃən/
destroy /dɪsˈtrɔɪ/ destruction /dɪsˈtrʌkʃən/
degrade /dɪˈgreɪd/ degradation /degrə

Activity We notice that in the verbs, stress is usually on

3 page the second syllable, and in nouns (ending in –
tion / sion), it is on the penultimate (second
from the end) syllable.

mins To initiate the
/gæs ɪˈmɪʃənz kɔːz eə pəˈluːʃən ənd dɪfɒrəsˈteɪʃən
liːdz tə ðə degrəˈdeɪʃən əv ðə sɔɪl/
learners to
phonetic Gas emissions cause air pollution, and deforestation
transcription. leads to the degradation of the soil

-The teacher displays some pictures representing

10 mins
The some men-made disasters (deforestation, polluted
to get pupils
hidden seas and rivers, fires…).
talk about
message environmental pictures
-Pupils comment the pictures. Then they use the
issues cues in the boxes page 143 to act out dialogues.

A sample dialogue
Adam: What will happen if we don’t stop soil
It’s your Bouthaina: If we don’t top soil pollution, the earth
turn will become desert, animals will lose their habitat,
page there will be less O 2 and more CO2 in the
Adam: And what will happen if we don’t stop water
Bouthaina: If we don’t top water pollution, fish will
die, seabirds will get stuck in oil spills and people
won’t have enough food to eat.

-The teacher explains for her pupils what an SOS

message is.
10 mins To re-invest
-Then, pupils use the information on the boxes to
what they
write an SOS message.
have learned
in the -The teacher helps her pupils to correct their
previous tasks mistakes before reading their productions to the
in terms of class.
functions and
forms in
order to
produce an
Say it in SOS message.

Sirine Lakhmissi Secondary School
Teacher: Bouagal Widad. Level: 1st year Scientific
Theme: Environment/Pollution/The World of animals. Unit 03: Back to Nature.
Sequence 02: Reading and Writing. Allotted Time: 3 hours.
Lesson Plan

By the end of this sequence , learners will be able to:

* Read and respond to a magazine article.
Objective *Distinguish between the different parts of speech and categorize
*Write an expository paragraph about the different types of pollution.
- Expressing cause and effect.
Functions -Describing.

Skills Reading and responding to an interview.

Link words: as a result, consequently ,therefore, thus..
Language -Sequencers:
Forms firstly, secondly……..

Lexis related to pollution: rural and urban pollution, sewage, fumes,

Lexis toxic, poison, pesticides ....
Pedagogic Visual aids: pictures.
Time Activity Rationale Procedure PM.

10 Pre- to get pupils The teacher shows two pictures of a city and pictures
mins lReading interpret countryside, and asks pupils what they illustrate. Then
pictures with she asks them whether they prefer living in the
Activity 1 countryside or the city and why.
page 144. relation to
the theme of After that, she asks her pupils to have a look at the
the unit pictures to guess what they illustrate

A. Picture 1 is a photo. (c)

Picture 2 is a cartoon. (c)

B. The focus in picture 1 is on the pesticide spray. (b)

The focus in picture 2 is on the lungs X-Ray. (c)

C. In the background of picture 1, there is a field. (b)

In the background of picture 2, there are cars and

factories. (a)

D. In the foreground of picture 1, there is an airplane.


In the foreground of picture 2, there is a lungs X-

Ray. (a)

to get -Pupils circle the item that best completes the sentence
05 Activity 2 pupils guess
mins page 144. the idea that Keys:
the pictures The two pictures above illustrate the causes and
convey. consequences of pollution (b)

To check their
answers of the Pupils read the text silently to check their answers of
While- previous the previous activity.
10 Reading activity
Activity 1
page 145.

To answer a The teacher invites her pupils to read the text again to
05 set of answer the following questions.
mins Activity 2
n questions. -The teacher and pupils discuss the answers.
page 145.
a- They swallow oxygen, and their fumes poison
the air with carbon dioxide (CO2).

b- The gas responsible for air pollution is carbon


c- Pollution in towns causes lung and skin cancers.

d- The negative impact of modern agriculture on

people’s health is that most pesticides used on food
crops are toxic and can cause diseases.

To get pupils -The teacher asks her pupils to name the different parts
guess the of speech they have studied.
10 meaning of
mins. words from the -Then, she asks them to have a look on the underlined
Activity 3 context. words in the text and guess what part of speech each of
page 145.
them belongs to.
-To distinguish
between the Keys:
different parts Words Part of How did Help from
of speech. speech we know? the context

swallow verb It comes

after the

Urban Adjective It comes Reference

before the words [city,
noun factories,…]

aquatic adjective It comes Reference
before the words [fish,
noun rivers]

Its ending
is "-ic"

Rural adjective It comes Antonym

before the [urban]
Its ending words
is "-al" [countryside]

illness noun It comes Synonym

after the [disease]

Its ending
is "ness"

-The teacher asks her pupils to go back to the second

paragraph of the text on the previous page and pick out
two sentences which are close in meaning to the given
-To make
them pick out a. Fish is dying because fertilizers
10 the sentences which contain phosphorus and sulphur are spilled
Discover into the rivers. [expressing CAUSE]
mins which express
the the result. Suggested answer:
language -To analyse b. In the countryside, fertilisers which
page 146. sentences contain phosphorus and nitrogen spill over into
and explain rivers. As a result, fish is dying in increasing
Activity 1 how the numbers, and aquatic life is suffocating from lack
+2 page cause and of oxygen. [expressing CONSEQUENCE /
146. effect EFFECT / RESULT]
relationship is
expressed. -Pupilss try to analyse the sentence and explain
how the cause and effect relationship is expressed.
Fish is dying because fertilizers which contain
phosphorus and sulphur are spilled into the rivers.
[expressing CAUSE]

In the first sentence (sentence a), the cause-
effect relationship is expressed through the use of
the conjunction of subordination ‘because’.

In the second sentence (sentence b), the

cause- effect relationship is expressed through the

use of the sentence connector ‘as a result’. We
also notice a reshuffling of the cause-effect
relationship into an effect-cause relationship.

-The teacher asks pupils to list the connectors

which express cause and the ones which express
-Then she directs their attention towards the
connectors in activity 3 page 146.
10 to get pupils -After that, she aks them to read the sentences
mins practice the which express the cause and the one which
use of cause express the result in order to be able to match
and them correctly.
-Pupils match each cause of pollution with its
link words corresponding effect in the table using the
Activity 3 correctly connectors and making the necessary changes in
page 146. punctuation.

a b c d

2 1 4 3

a. Factories and vehicles release gases into the

air; as a result, the atmosphere is full of
b. CFCs destroy the ozone layer; as a
consequence, the UV rays are not filtered.
c. The atmosphere is loaded with acids; therefore,
acid rains destroy forests.
d. The UV rays reach the surface of the earth;
thus, people suffer from skin cancer.

-The teacher tells her pupils that there are other ways to
express cause and effect (not only conjunctions and
sentence connectors.). For example: the main cause
of….is or the major effect of ….is.

to get pupils -Pupils start doing the activity with the teacher guiding
practice the them.
10 use of cause
mins and
consequence  Expressing cause:

link words a. The main cause of acid rain is acid gas emissions
correctly. from power stations and cars.
b. The major cause of the destruction of the ozone
layer is CFCs emission from refrigerators and
Activity 4
c. The direct cause of the increase of the greenhouse
page 147. effect and the destruction of biodiversity is the
cutting down of trees.

 Expressing effect:
a. The main affect of factory and vehicle
emissions is the creation of air pollution.
b. The major effect of sewage and oil spills from
factories and shipping is the creation of water
c. The direct effect of toxic waste is the creation
of earth pollution.

-The teacher reminds her pupils with the different types

of pollution they have met in the previous activity and
the causes and effects of each one.

-Then ,she directs their attention towards the task on

15 page 147.
-To get pupils -Pupils read the passage and try to fill in the blanks
re-invest what with information they have got in the previous activity.
they have
acquired Keys:
during this There are four different types of pollution.
Write it unit to fill in Firstly, there is air pollution. Its major cause is
right page blank spaces factory and vehicle emissions. Secondly, we
147. to get a
have water pollution. This pollution results from
sewage and oil spills. Thirdly, there is earth
piece of
pollution. It comes from toxic waste. Finally,
there is noise pollution. It is due mainly to cars
and factories.

Pollution is a very serious problem because

most of it comes from machines, which man has
invented to satisfy his daily needs. For example,
we use cars to travel from one place to another;
however, these cars release gases into the air.
Two of the consequences of this pollution are
lung and skin diseases.

Sirine Lakhmissi Secondary School
Teacher: Bouagal Widad. Level: 1st year Scientific
Theme: Environment/Pollution/The World of animals. Unit 03: Back to Nature.
Sequence 03: Developing Skills Allotted Time: 3 hours.
Lesson Plan

By the end of this sequence , learners will be able to:

-Listen and respond to a meeting.
-Conduct a meeting
Objective -Write minutes of a meeting.
-Read and interpret an advert
-Write an advert
-Expressing suggestions.
-Expressing opinions.
-Agreeing and disagreeing.
Functions -Arguing for and against.
-Polite requests/interruptions.

Listening and responding to a conversation (orally and in writing).

Skills Reading and interpreting an advert.
Writing an advert and minutes of a meeting.
Linkwords :I think,I agree,I disagree,you’re right,in my opinion,could
I,can I?
Lexis Lexis related to pollution: pollutant- free, recyclable, viable, reusable....
Pedagogic Visual aids: pictures. audio tape..

Time Activity Rationale Procedure P.M
10 Activity 1 -To familiarise -The teacher asks her pupils about the causes of
mins page 148. the students air pollution in order to drag them to talk about
with traffic pollution.
conducting a
-Then she shows them a picture representing a Pictures of a
meeting and
roundtable meeting and asks them to comment it. meeting and
the different
(What does it represent? How many guests? What traffic
techniques of
are they doing? ... ) pollution.
doing so.
-After that, she directs their attention towards
activity 1 page 148 highlighting and explaining
the key words.

-Pupils read the conversation to find how the

journalist opened the meeting, how he expressed
the purpose of the meeting, the objective…and
how the participants interrupted each other.


When conducting a meeting, we often use:

An abrupt An expression
Starting interruption for dealing
words with
Right, I disagree Just a minute.
Well ,So with you. Let her finish,

-Pupils read the tactics summary on the next page

To check their
Activity 2 in order to find an expression that could make
10 understanding Peter’s interruption less abrupt.
page 148. of the
meeting. Keys:

Expressions that could make an interruption in a

conversation less abrupt are:

Just a minute! / Can I come in here? / Could I say


The teacher gives her pupils the definition of the

term “minutes of meeting.”
10 Activity 3
-To familiarise
page 148. Meeting minutes are the written or the recorded
mins pupils with
documentation that is used to inform attendees
what a
and non-attendees about what was discussed and
what happened during a meeting.
minutes are.
-Pupils listen to the rest of the conversation in
-to listen for
order to complete the minutes of meeting.
information. Keys:
-To enable
learners to fill
in the meeting

The teacher asks her pupils to split into groups
and prepare a meeting about air pollution in the
country using their background knowledge and
the expressions of conducting a meeting.
mins Activity 4 -To check their
page 149. comprehensio
n of the Suggested meeting:
Chairman : Right .Can we start , please ? The
main purpose of this meeting is to discuss the
problem of air pollution in our town and what to
do to protect our families and even ourselves from
its effects .Shall we start , Stewart ? What do you
suggest to do to protect ourselves ?
Stewart : Well , I think everyone must check the
predicted Air Quality Index in his area . Be
careful if the A Q I is greater than 100. I think it
would be better to stay at home. Also be careful if
there are high –risk weather conditions , such as a
hot , sunny day , and you begin to develop
symptoms like chest tightness , burning eyes or a
Chairman : So , you mean that people should
check the AQI before going out and stay home if
it is high , what do you think , Martha ?
Martha : I like Stewart ‘s idea, but I don’t agree
with him because some people need to go out
even in high AQI . I think that if………
Paul : I disagree with you Martha .Going out is
not ………..
Chairman : Sorry , Paul .Let her finish .What
were you saying , Martha ?
Martha : If you must go outside , limit outside
activity to the early morning hours or wait until
after sunset . This is important in high ozone
conditions because sunshine increases ozone
levels .
Chairman : Anything to say , Catherine ? What‘s
your point of view ?
Catherine : Both Stewart and Martha are right .In
addition , people mustn’t exercise or exert
themselves outdoors when air quality reports
indicate unhealthy conditions, because the faster
they breathe , the more pollution they take into
their lungs .

-The teacher asks her pupils to write down the

minutes of the meeting they have conducted to be

20 corrected next session.
mins Activity 5
page 149.

-To develop
k) their skill
minutes of a

-The teacher a video of an ad and asks pupils to

comment it. What is the aim of making ads? What
kind of language do we use and why?
A video of an
-Then, she writes a set of questions on the board
05 and asks her pupils to read the advertisement on advertisement
mins page 150 so as to be able to answer the given for a product.
Activity 1

page 150.
The questions:
1-What is the advert about?
-To prepare 2-what kind is the language of the ad? Justify your
10 them for the answer.
reading task. 3-What is the type of the text: narrative,
mins argumentative, descriptive or expository?
4-Mention the qualities of this product.

-to give them a

purpose for -After that, the teacher asks them about the
reading the writer’s purpose behind writing the given advert.
text. What type of register / style ( formal / informal )
the author uses in his advert.

Keys :
The writer’s purpose is to persuade the
reader of the value of the product.
The author uses an informal register/style
because s/he addresses the general public,
such as housewives. S/he wants to make
his/her message sympathetic. His/her purpose
To make them is to make him / herself understood; thus,
ware about the attract as many customers as possible.
formal and -Pupils read the definitions of the text types and
informal style . decide which type the advert fits in.

05 It is an argumentative text because

mins the author wants to persuade potential
buyers that ECOCLEAN is a ‘green’

Activity 2 -The teacher reads the sentences to enable her

page 151. pupils to mark the right intonation.

05 -Want to do more to help the environment but not

To familiarize
mins the student sure of? ↑
with the - Or think it’s going to be expensive or too much
different types time and effort? ↑
of texts .
Activity - Do you want to do more to help the environment
3page and you don’t know how?
mins 151. - Or do you think it’s going to be expensive or it’s
too much time an effort?

To practise
Activity 4
page 151.
To enable
them make

Sirine Lakhmissi Secondary School

Teacher: Bouagal Widad. Level: 1st year Scientific
Theme: Environment/Pollution/The World of animals. Unit 03: Back to Nature.
Sequence 03: Developing Skills Allotted Time: 3 hours.
Rubric: Stop and consider
Lesson Plan

By the end of this sequence , learners will be able to:

*Use conditional type 0 , 1 & 2 .
Objective *Derive adjectives from nouns and verbs by adding suffixes.
*Form opposites by adding prefixes as well as mastering the use of
Function -Expressing condition.
*Tenses: simple present, simple future ,simple past.
Languag *Quantifiers.
e Forms *Adjectives derivation.

Pedagogi Visual aids: pictures

cal Handouts

Tim Activity Rationale Procedure PM

15 Reminder I To introduce -The teacher shows her pupils models of Hydrogen and Models
mins page 152. Conditional Oxygen molecules and asks them: (representa
Type 0 and 1. tions)
Presentatio *What are these?
*These are Hydrogen and Oxygen.

*Then, she asks them:

*What happens if we combine two Hydrogen atoms with

an Oxygen atom?

*Pupils answer: If we combine two Hydrogen atoms with

an Oxygen atom, we get water molecule.

-The teacher writes the example on the board.

-Then she asks them: What does “If” express in both


-Pupils: it expresses condition.

-Teacher: So, where is the If Clause and where is the

result Clause?

-Pupils divide the sentence.

1. The “If clause”→ If we combine two Hydrogen atoms

with an Oxygen atom, we get water molecule. ←Result


-The teacher asks them: in which tense the verb of the

conditional clause is used? What about the verb used in
the result clause?

Pupils answer: In the first sentence, the two verbs are in

the simple present.

-Then she asks them: when we combine two Hydrogen

atoms with an Oxygen atom .Do we always get water

Pupils answer: yes.

The teacher asks: why?

Pupils: because it is a general truth, it is true at any time.

1. If +simple present, simple present.→ general truth→

Type 0.

-The teacher tells her pupils that in this type of

Conditional we can replace “If” with “When”

-After that, the teacher shows her pupils a picture of men

cutting down trees.

-The teacher asks them: What are these men doing?

-Pupils: they are cutting down trees.

-The teacher: So, what will happen if we cut down trees?

-Pupils: If we cut down trees, there will be less O2 in the

atmosphere.(Pupils’ answers may differ)

-The teacher writes the pupils’ answer on the board.

2. The “if clause”→ If we cut down trees, there will be

less O2 in the atmosphere.← Result clause.

-Then she asks them about the tense used in each clause.

In the second sentence the verb used in the if clause is

used in the simple present tense while the verb used in
the result clause is in the simple future.

The teacher: Is a scientific fact that when we cut down

trees, there will be less O2 in the atmosphere?(Is it the
same as sentence 1?)

Pupils: No.(Pupils may mention different results)

-Teacher: so we are just predicting some possible results.

2. If+ simple present, simple future→ prediction. →Type


-Activity 1: Circle the appropriate condition in the

following sentences.

To practise the 1. If you leave milk in the sun, it goes bad. Handouts.
10 use of ( Type 0 / Type 1 )
mins Practice conditional 2. If I don’t understand a word, I will use the
type 0 and 1. dictionary. (Type 0 / Type 1)
Activity 1
3. Ismail will be very happy if he succeeds in the
exam. (Type 0 / Type 1)
4. If you heat water at 100 c°, it boils.
(Type 0 / Type 1)

-Pupils read the sentence then decide which conditional

type it is.

-The teacher ask them to justify their anwers.

Keys :

1. Type 0
2. Type 1
3. Type 1
4. Type 0
To practise the
15 use of
mins Activity 2 conditional Activity 2: Complete the blanks with the verbs in
type 1. brackets:
1. If we throw all sorts of chemicals into seas and oceans,
fish …………… (to die)
2. We …………… (to reduce) our oxygen supply if we
……………… (not to stop) cutting down trees.

3.If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the
hole in the ozone layer ………………. (to get) bigger.
4. Earth’s temperature ……………. (to increase) steadily
if the sun radiation can’t escape into space,
5.If the Earth’s temperature ………………. (to rise), sea
levels ………………. (to rise) too.

-Pupils put the verbs between brackets into the right



1. If we throw all sorts of chemicals into seas and oceans,

fish will die.
2. We will reduce our oxygen supply if we don’t stop
cutting down trees.
3.If everybody continues to use aerosols and CFCs, the
hole in the ozone layer will get bigger.
4. Earth’s temperature will increase steadily if the sun
radiation can’t escape into space,
5.If the Earth’s temperature rises, sea levels will rise too.

Activity 3: Two classmates are discussing some

questions related to science for their science class.
Complete the following conversation using the
appropriate conditional type.
15 To invest what
mins has been
acquired to Adlene: I wonder what happens if I pour oil on water.
produce a four
Use SaifEddine: .........................................................
Activity 3 paragraph Adlene :Well! What if we put water at 0° c?
conditional SaifEddine: ...........................................................
type 1.
Adlene: Thank you. Science is really interesting and
enjoyable. If I go to college, I will spend my time in
science laboratory. What about you?

Said Eddine: ..................................................................

-The teacher shows her pupils a picture of a bird.

-Then she asks them what would you do if you were a

To introduce
Conditional -Pupils: If I were a bird, I would fly.
type 2
10 -The teacher asks the pupil who answered to write his/her
mins answer on the board. picture

-The teacher asks her pupils: are you really going to be a

bird someday?
Reminder I
page 153. Pupils: No… Never…..Impossible.

-Then the teacher helps her pupils to deduce the rule.

Presentatio If+ simple past, would + stem.
After that she asks them: so when do we use conditional
type II?

-Pupils: we use it to talk about an impossible situation


Note: The teacher draws her pupils that we generally say

If I were... not If I was...

Activity 1:

Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets:

1. If people ……………… (not to be) so careless, Earth
10 wouldn’t be in danger.
mins To practise the 2. The amount of waste ……………… (to decrease) if
use of people started to buy reusable packages.
3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories ………………
(not to dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.
type II. 4. If people ……………… (to buy) more recyclable
paper, there wouldn’t be so much waste.
5. If people really ……………… (not to care) about the
environment, they ……………… (not to try) to save it.
Practice: 6. If Paul ……………… (to think) more about the
planet, he wouldn’t waste so much water.
Activity 1: 7. We ……………… (to be) less worried if oil spills
……………… (not to have) such destructive effects.
8. If we consumed less, we ……………… (to produce)
less waste material.
1. If people weren’t so careless, Earth wouldn’t be in
2. The amount of waste would decrease if people started
to buy reusable packages.
3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories didn’t dump so
many chemicals into rivers and oceans.

4. If people bought more recycled paper, there wouldn’t
be so much waste.
6. If people really didn’t care about the environment,
they wouldn’t try to save it.
7. If Paul thought more about the planet, he wouldn’t
waste so much water.
8. We would be less worried if oil spills didn’t have such
destructive effects.
9. If we consumed less, we would produce less waste

Activity 2:

10 Tell the class what you would do if you were Prime

Minister/If you had power. Use the following cues.
To give pupils
a. CFCs destroy the ozone layer .(to ban)
b. Toxic wastes contaminate rivers . (to limit)
chance to
c. People use polluting sources of energy .(to
impose higher taxes)
d. Cars cause traffic pollution in towns. (to restrict)
type II.
e. Air pollution causes harm to monuments.(to
Activity 2: restore)
f. Some plants and animal species are in danger of
extinction. (to preserve).


If I were Prime Minister,

a. I would/’d ban CFCs.
b. I’d limit toxic wastes.
c. I’d impose higher taxes.
If I had power,
10 d. I’d restrict traffic in towns.
e. I’d restore monuments.
f. I’d preserve plants and animal species.

-The teacher reminds her pupils with the last lesson

they have tackled so far about deriving adjectives
To enable the from noun by adding the suffixes ful/less.
learners form
adjectives out Then she tells them that there are other suffixes that we
of nouns. can use in order to form adjectives out of nouns and

-After that, she writes the word “environmental” on the

Reminder board and asks them to divide it according to root and
10 suffix or prefix

mins Adjectives’ -Pupils divide the word.
environmental← suffix


-The same process goes on with some other words.

(poisonous, attractive, ecological....)


-Pupils use the adjectives to rewrite the sentences.

a-Paper is a recyclable material .

To check the b-CO2 emissions are very toxic .
learners c-Oil spills are harmful .
understanding d-Ecoclean isn’t harmful to the environment.
e-Noise is aggressive to the ears.
f-The greenhouse effect is dangerous to the earth .
g-This foods is tasteless .It isn’t eatable/edible.
Activity 1
page 154.
-The teacher writes the word “impossible” on the board
05 and asks learners to divide it according to rood and
mins To understand
the meaning of -Then she asks them about the meaning of the word
words from the “possible” and “possible”.
-After that, she asks them what they have understood.

-Pupil answer that when we added the prefix “im” to the

word “possible” ,we got the opposite .
Activity 2 -The teacher directs her pupils attention towards activity
page 154. 2 page 154 to check their understanding.


Impure Illogical
Irresponsible Illegal .
Immoral Irregular
Impossible Ineffective
Disagreeable Undrinkable

-The teacher introduces the lesson by asking her pupils :

1- How many teachers are there in your school?
2- Are they men or women (most of them....)
Then she asks them to read reminder IV and V on P 155.
-To introduce

quantifier. -Then, she explains what a quantifier is .

-After that, pupils do activities 1 and 2 page 155.


It is true that there is a lot of water on

earth .However ;we cannot use all of it because most of it
To check is salt –stored in oceans .Only a little of it is fresh water .
pupils’ Some of this fresh water is used for daily needs and some
Reminder understanding. of it is used for irrigation .If we continue to pollute our
IV page water sources, there will be none of it left for drinking.


There are about 80animals activists in front of the

embassy. Half of them are women and the other half are
men . Most of them wear ghoulish masks and shout “stop
killing the whales” . A few of them have chained
Activity 1
themselves to the gates of the embassy and give a
+2 page
petition to the Ambassador who has promised to transmit
it to the higher authorities of his country .All is well that
ends well . None of the demonstrators was injured during
the fight with the police.

Sirine Lakhmissi Secondary School
Teacher: Bouagal Widad. Level: 1st year Scientific
Theme: Environment/Pollution/The World of animals. Unit 03: Back to Nature.
Sequence 04: Consolidation and Extension Allotted Time: 3 hours.
Rubric: Stop and consider
Lesson Plan

By the end of this sequence , learners will be able to:

*Read and respond to a letter of complaint.
Objective *Write a letter of complaint.
*Read and respond to a memo
*Write a memo.
*Reading articles about recycling and renewable energies.
-*Writing a letter of complaint .
Skills *Writing a memo .
Pedagogi Textbook.

Time Acctivity Rationale Procedure P.M

05 Write it out To introduce -The teacher asks her pupils to have a look on the
page 156 the topic pictures on page 156 and comment them.

Activity 1 Keys :
page 156. a-Picture 01 represents Hydroelectric energy and it
comes from water .
b-Picture 02 represents Wind energy and it is
derived from air / wind .
c-Picture 03 represents Solar energy and it comes
from sun rays .
d-Picture 04 represents Geothermal energy and it
comes from steam .
To check the -Then, she directs their attention towards the text on
10 learners the same page to answer the questions.
Keys :
a- They ‘re called “fossil fuel” .
b-If we run of the existing energy sources , there
will be no fuel for our cars , buses , air planes, and
no electricity for our computers and factories.
c-The consequences are as follow : - The
environment is threatened .
existence on earth is in danger (contamination of
d-We can solve the problem of energy shortage by
using renewable energy such as : the sun , the win ,
the earth and the sea.
e-The World Energy Council has identified six
renewable energy sources.

To check the
05 Activity 2 learners -Pupils match each of the renewable energies with
page 157. cultural their corresponding source.
Keys :
1-Solar energy comes from the sun rays.
2-Wind energy is derived from moving air.
3-Geothermal energy is produced by heat inside the
4-Modern biomass energy is extracted from plant
and animal residue.
5-Ocean energy is generated by seawater movement
and temperature changes.
6-Small hydroelectric energy comes from small
dams, such as those filed by melting snow.
To pave the Video.
Work it out way to the
page 158. coming lesson. -The teacher invites pupils to watch a video about
05 some recyclable products.
mins Warm up -After discussion, pupils read the text on page 158
to answer the questions.
Keys :
1-The solutions suggested are as follow: to reduce,

Activity 1 reuse and recycle rubbish.
page 158. 2-I would buy drinks in glass bottles because I can /
10 could wash them and reuse them many times.
3-Re-using things reduce rubbish, and recycling
mins others not only reduces litter but also allows us to
make new products.

-Pupils study the contents in the dustbin and

Activity 2 classify them according to the categories in the
page 159. To enable the table.
learners Keys:
mins discriminate
between the Recyclable Reusable Reducible
three terms -Empty juice -Old vest / -Old books .
boxes. shoes . -Old
-Plastic -Sacks . copybooks.
shopping. - Newspaper.
-Plastic -Empty milk
sandwich cartoons
bags. -Used empty
- Plastic tooth paste
yoghurt tubes.
-Empty soda
cans .
-Food cans .
-Glass soda
bottles .

Activity 3 -Pupils classify the recyclables according to the

08 To check their material they are made of.
page 159. understanding.
mins Keys:

Plastics. Paper Metal Any other

Plastic. Newspaper Old Glass soda
sandwich Old aluminium bottles .
bags. books. spoons . Old
Plastic Old Foods vests/shoes
yoghurt copybooks. cans . .
bottles. Tomato Sacks .
Plastic. paste tins .

-Pupils go back to the text and pick out the

Activity 4 To reinvest
08 advantages of recycling rubbish.
page 159. what they have Keys:
mins learnt from the I am not a litter and I consider that it is worth
previous making the effort of recycling my rubbish because
activities. this reduces the amount of litter in the

environment .Besides , we get new products from it.
-Pupils choose alternatives from the checklist by
using conditionals.
To reinvest If I have any reusable rubbish such as : shoes ,
what they have vests skirts , …., I will give them to charities like
Activity 5 learnt. the Algerian Red Crescent in order to help the
page 159. needy.
mins -Pupils write a short paragraph in which they
suggest solutions to the problem of household and
industrial wastes.
To make use of Keys :
what have If I were a friend of the Earth, I would suggest
been learnt building companies far from green spaces and
Activity 6 before. advising them to make use of their wastes .Besides,
15 page 159. I would ask the Prime Minister to ban products with
mins heavy packaging and make efforts to aware people
how to keep their environment clean.

-pupils read the memo in the box to be able to

replace the underlined items with the given
-The teacher highlights the term memo to give
pupils a clear image of what the term means.
Memos have a twofold purpose: they bring
attention to problems, and they solve problems.
To consolidate They accomplish their goals by informing the
Work it out
reader about new information like policy changes,
page 160. the use of
price increases, or by persuading the reader to take
quantifiers . an action, such as attend a meeting, or change a
Activity 1
current production procedure. Regardless of the
page 160. specific goal, memos are most effective when they
connect the purpose of the writer with the interests
mins and needs of the reader.
Keys :
a-100 % of the personnel === all .
b-100 % of the population === all .
c-30 % of its sewage === some .
d-90% of the fish === most .
e-50 % of the personnel === half .
f- 0 % of them === none .
g-30% of them === some .

To check the
learners -Pupils match the paragraphs 1-4 of the memo with
Activity 2 understanding functions A-D
page 160. of the memo. Keys :
05 § 01 == Opening .
§ 02 == Problem .
§ 03 == Suggested solution .

mins § 04 == Closing.

-Pupils write a memo to inform the authorities

To reinvest about the dangers resulting from pollution.
what they have To : Ministry of Environment .
learnt From : Inspector of the Department of
Activity 3 Environment .
Re : Dangers resulting from pollution .
25 page 160.
Date : April 12th , 2008.

We ‘re a group of residents who live in

a very nice town in the neighbourhood of a
detergents and cleaning products .
However , I must tell you that all the
population are worried about the dangerous
resulting from this factory on the environment
and on the people themselves .
At present the factory pour smoke into
the sky , engine exhausts send fumes and
chemical processes pollute the atmosphere
with foul smells .As a result , they ‘re
endangering their sense of smell. Besides, they
re breathing a polluted air which can irritate
the eyes, throat and even lungs. Therefore,
most of the population are complaining about
it .
So as to stop air pollution, I advise to
remove the factory to an industrial zone far
from citizens so that to keep them healthy.
I am sure that our concern will receive
your favourable attention and that appropriate
measures will soon be taken to solve the

inspector .


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