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CHAPTER 14: Partial Derivatives §14.2 Limits and Continuity In Higher Dimensions Section Contents: (1) Limits of Functions of Two Variables. (2) Continuity of a Function of Two Variables. (3) Limits of a Function of Three Variables. (4) Extreme Values of Continuous Functions. Limits of a Function of Two Variables. Definition 1. (Limits of Functions of Two Variables) Let f be a function of two variables defined on a domain D in the zy—plane and let LER. We say that f has a limit L at a point (zo, yo), not necessarily in D, if for any e > 0, there exists 6 > 0 such that G@weD, 0< V@—a)t iG 40)? Ss > Iflay)-Ll 5 (@y)>(2o,u0) coy 3 a 7 = cos($=H) = seo) 2 + 4G The function is also continuous at (0,0) : By using polar coordinates, f(y) = lim (2.¥)> (20,40) lim ®,y) = lim cos (r(cos39 — sin39)) = 1 cew)-at0,0) 4% = Ting cos (r(cos )) The latter equality is due to the fact that |cos?0 — sin34| < |cos6|3 + sin a <2. Therefore, f is continuous in the zy—plane. (9) For which value(s) of k, if any, is the fol- lowing function ton ={ BF om #000 k, (2, y) = (0,0) continuous at (0,0)? Solution. Since for all real x a2 at Paria Olea ee we may write for all (z,y) # (0,0), 4 = 41 ~ Vlevi?/21+ Vleylt/a 4... — Ea elt + vier + ley| 2 — |zy|/6 + |xy|?/1804.... Hence for all (x,y) # (0,0), 2-|zyl/6 < f(a,y) <2 and liMe,y) (0,0) f(@,y) = 2 by the Sandwich theorem. Therefore, f is continuous at (0,0) if and only ifk=2, f(x,y) Limits of a Function of Three Variables. The notions of limits and continuity for func- tions of three variables or more are similar to those of two variables. Example. (10) . (2 a lim = — (ey.2)>(1,3,4) (ae "oy Va? + y2 4 22 = ina, +2) =141341/4 lim In (2,y,z)+(0,-2,0) Extreme Values of Continuous Functions. Theorem 2. If f is a continuous function of two or more variables on a Closed and bounded domain D of the zy—plane, then there exist points P and Q of D such that f(P) and f(Q) are the minimum and maximum values of f in D respectively.

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