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€44.5 DirectYonal Derivatives, Gradient Neclers. g14-6 and Tanger anes Contents: 1. Direchonal Derivatives 19 the xy~plane ; 2. Graphical Interpretation; 3. Properties of Direckonal Derivatives ; 4. Gradients and Tangents to Level Curve; Ss. A\gebra of Gradients; G. Funchions of Whree Variables; =. Tangent Planes and Norma) Lines \. Directional Deeivahves iA She xy-plane 2 Parametric Equations of Straight Lifes let R be a region inthe xy-plane, G9.) an \nkervor pont of R, and Ue ut ag be aw unit Necter;i-e. IT) = (uz4uryirsr, Let Loe the axis Through Oy.) Inthe direction of GB, and let PUN) be a point of L. Let Py O%e,¥e)- a = “The Vector PP Is parallel Se thus RP is a real maliple of U. Define the parameter s suchthat BPasd, ve. Ox xay t+ Wo =su wa or) Maree een =sy or K=xr SY and Yay +Sa Wese are called the parametric equations of tne divected Wne L. o_o eDefinition Directional Denvahve 2 The directional derivative of £ at R Ow yi the direction of the unit Vector Be gee a \s the Value DFcR) = t fOgrsqsured| oo, = lin PC xetSusaVersua) — Fado sao s Provided the limi} exists. Note that if Gel, then uc and DMP = £4; also if at, shen qze and Qe = $5.90). Ex. Find Dafipa if o foe) = y?. Sel- By the deat Jon, = die BZ, RUS ond DAL(PD = hen Loko Slr Wer SU) —SOHMD 2 sro s al $A+Si2)-'+SB)2) - FOrD sao s aha A+sizy- + SB S20 s ey Stun | Sais so s alm s+4NB = A-V5. seo Graphrea) Tmeepretation ad tre Disectene). Tenvabive Surface S: ee FG.) FX + 5U)+Yo ee — fq Yo) (Xp + 545 Yo ~ $y) Py%» Yo) u= uit uj CChaper 1. Finny Weir Gitano, Thomas” Ceet, Tenth ton. © 200) ‘Addison Wesley Longman All rights reserve. Chapter 11, Slide 11 3. Properties of Ditechonal Derivahves 3 oe Defrrition Gradient 2 ly TRe gradient Vector oc gradient 02 La) O paw POG 4.) 1S the Vector pha tte UT wee zy evaluated at PL, namely THCPD or TEAM. BY the definitron of the chrechonal dervohve, We have, : DFP) = $F ers4satsp\ ey alk BE ND A+ x ao Se os J = VEE WIA Thus we have, sTheotem Diteckonal Deniverveos Dot Product DOI] Ve. Ted. Ex. Find DF CP) if Pu), T= A2T+sy and $049) = tan(3) 4 V5 si8* (xy l2) Sel We hove , — Se 2) = 4 ne ean Nae ay ER +¥ = ax 8, aye 4k ip pee A i 3 Ag * aoe GAG) = AB +3) MODS = 12 Py Hence 43 ky a > ea Eki , VECRIa4S 14S § a an a = Do fQ) = ver). =(ZP+Z5). (681483) « Properties of the Drvechionol DervahVe 4 TPP) = PROF) = \ 7h |e) cose e= (ver), oT) 4. £ \Wereases most idly when cose24 or @=o, Te. IN the divection of the graciem at P. \n Anis Gase, the Avrechone\ detworve is \ ORCA. 2. § decreases most rapidly When 6 = -4 or Ge Ts Fe. In Me difeckon x ne radient at P. \n Anis Case, Whe Artechono’ ReWabve 38 1 70D) where 3. B has Zea change When Gat @ <0 or 6=N)2 Tre. 1A Phe direchen Normal tot gradien dah’ Pp. Ex. Find direchions of maximum, MiNrMUM and Zero desscioasease Change for the fr. foegyy= xeYyr - sway oF P6439) Sel: We Pad VECRI- We hove a = ayy yetsrdy 5 $039) = °, fy= %% e [xnay + cory] KA O= Avhe2. Venee, THRE or4+25 = 23. Wence she max. change for £ at p, \s Tn Ane ayrechon of She y-axis and it is “\wF cP =2, dre MIN . Change is 4 the arte chen oppesrt]e Xa the y-axis and vs =\ 7UPe)\=-2, and Whe Zee Change vs wake Arechsn of ane “—oons. Ss. a af Gradvents Ss + Sum Rule: 7Cf+ y= ITF 409 4 i Di Mference Rule. VO4-¥) = VF -Je, 3. ProduckRule: Vhe\ = $ 7g + a 74; 4. Mslkiple = Teed) ee gs; 6. QuskKenat Rol 2 “ o(aye Boho aa8 gz 6. Funchons of Three Variables Ler £ Gyy,%) be a differenvable $n. Wo Tegion R Inthe KYZ- space Us au Faw Bruk be a unit Ve choc Clea) 5 Po (es4 oe my be on imlecvor pont of IR. Res \. The parametic ens. of She axis Wough® Wn the doteckon of U are we Kr SU) y yey su ; zohrsy — where PEP |= sU with P&»,2). 2. The dive ctienal derivarve Daf (MD) of £ at P inthe anvechon 02 @ is z DP) = x 4 (xesuy IBD ( = AO Ur ROY +4 DY TECPD - G where VER = Ret * Rays §,oot Jedhe gradient of + ars. Agma the orevinus peegeckes Weld Foc & neve! Ex. Find the Aweckions of Max. mr.) and sem 6 Change ar Pp t4,4,6) foc Mhe Rn. W092) = In CHE) 44+ 6=- Sel. Need te Gna THEPD. Ne hove ; Wrage ee | te SA eit aay So een oT ond HCP] 2, KCI =aD, WM ©. Thos TEUPJ= VIF SA +H, ond Nhe Avieckvas of Max, TMrb., and Peco Change of 2 ar Pp, are TEP 4 — TEL , and Ahe directions Dorma) ye TECH) TESPe ohve hy. T. Tangent Lites plengent Planes, Normal bres Theorem. 1. At every porst (Xe, 32) 16 the domoint of Se s7, the gradient AE OQj4.) ef ££ is neemal +o tre level) Curve through Ga so. “i 2b ay 2 a VE ode FOr olt Byers (Xoo) FOM=C) FOR DEC 21 Ry every port CX 3 Qee) Ate domain of Fe1,2), Re grodvent V4 303%.) of £ is Necmal te He level surface through (,4,, 2). PF Coy, % 0) oa TH ep4 oybeo) fosmee, foo,yomyee Prowg of 4. ee tre level Curve Losec © Ry = eH, yeult), act Sb, wrth Kym x ED and sk ae TRen Ane \eve\ apie: Ke

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