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Recommendations for Expanding

the Student Seating in Beaver


Vadiguri, Aditi
Wright, Montana
Recommendations for Expanding the Student
Seating in Beaver Stadium

Presented to
Rachel Rito
Assistant Ad for Football Operations
The Pennsylvania State University

Prepared by
Aditi Vadiguri
Montana Wright
The Pennsylvania State University
December 11th, 2023

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Memorandum of Transmittal

TO: Rache Rito, Assistant AD for Football Operations

FROM: Aditi Vadiguri and Montana Wright
DATE: December 11th, 2023
SUBJECT: Expanding Student Seating in Beaver Stadium

Dear Mrs. Rito,

We are writing to bring to your attention an important issue regarding the student seating
situation at Penn State's iconic football venue, Beaver Stadium. Our proposal discusses the
challenges posed by inadequate student seating and presents research on potential solutions.
Overview of the Problem: Beaver Stadium, the 2nd largest college football stadium,
faces a pressing issue regarding student seating. Though Penn State’s enrollment rates have
skyrocketed, there has been no change in the number of student section tickets, as there are only
21,000 seats, accommodating less than half of the students attending the University Park
Campus. The difference between the number of students and availability of student section seats
does not only limit the authentic Penn State experience but also results in overcrowding and
safety concerns within the student section.
Significance of the Issue: A significant part of Penn State’s culture is the enthusiastic
community spirit created during the football games. However, a significant number of Penn State
students are deprived of this experience due to the limited availability of student section seats.
Furthermore, this situation leads to some students purchasing tickets in the parent section and
sneaking into the student section causing more problems.
Potential Solutions: After conducting research, we have come across potential solutions
to this problem including Stadium Renovations, Student Seating Expansion, Seating Allocation
Systems, etc. Throughout this paper, we have considered the pros and cons of these solutions and
did research as to what other universities are doing to their stadiums.
Criteria for Success: The criteria for our solution’s success includes increased student
attendance, improved safety, and an enhanced game-day experience. Our aim is to preserve the
Penn State football culture while considering the growing student population.
Interview: We conducted an interview with Dave Bittner, Facility Coordinator at Beaver
Stadium, to get an insight of someone who has additional knowledge of Beaver Stadium
including information from the structure of the stadium to the experience of the fans who enter
the stadium.
Feasibility Analysis: When it comes to the feasibility of each solution, it was necessary
to take into account the impact on stadium infrastructure, the increased costs, and most

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importantly the safety and comfort of fans. Our research provides insights into potential hurdles,
including financial constraints, space limitations, and concerns about the stadium's aging
Recommendations: Considering the potential solutions, criteria for success, and
feasibility analysis, our recommendation is a Ticket Allocation system for Beaver Stadium, with
80% of seats designated for main campus students and 20% for branch campus students. We
believe that this is the best solution as it does not increase any costs, and this allocation ratio
acknowledges the favorable location of main campus students, promoting higher attendance due
to their closer proximity to the stadium. In addition, this system fosters a sense of campus unity,
aligning with the larger main campus population. When University Park campus students are
prioritized then student engagement is enhanced, creating a spirited and vibrant atmosphere
during games. However, it is necessary to be fair to branch campus students, and by allocating a
smaller yet significant percentage of seats to branch campus students ensures equitable
representation and inclusivity, allowing students from all campuses to partake in the collective
excitement of supporting our Penn State football team. This solution effectively optimizes the
use of the current student sections seats, but also encourages positive inter-campus interactions,
contributing to an enhanced game-day experience for the entire university community.
We kindly request your consideration and support in addressing this crucial matter. Our
dedication to enhancing the Penn State Football Beaver Stadium experience aligns with your
commitment to providing exceptional experiences for fans at the Bryce Jordan Center. We
believe that our collective efforts can positively impact the lives of Penn Staters and contribute to
the legacy of Penn State football!
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the opportunity to
discuss these proposals further.

Aditi Vadiguri
Montana Wright

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Table of Contents
Executive Summary: Addressing Inadequate Student Seating in Beaver Stadium....................................... 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7
The Problem with Not Enough Seating in the Student Section for Football Games .................................... 8
Current Seating Situation at Beaver Stadium. .......................................................................................... 8
Beaver Stadium is the 2nd largest College Football Stadium Seating .................................................. 8
Student Stadium Seating vs Student Enrollment Rate.......................................................................... 8
Challenges and Consequences of Inadequate Student Seating................................................................ 9
Importance of Student Seating and the Unique Experience it Offers. ............................................... 10
Overcrowding Affects the Penn State Football Culture. ..................................................................... 11
Overcapacity in the Student Sections Leads to Issues with Safety and Enjoyment ........................... 11
Methods for Improving Student Section Seating at Beaver Stadium ......................................................... 11
Other Universities Stadium Student Seating Research........................................................................... 11
Student Seating Expansion.................................................................................................................. 11
Stadium Renovations .......................................................................................................................... 12
Seating Allocation Systems ................................................................................................................. 12
Dynamic Pricing Models...................................................................................................................... 12
Reserved Sections for Undergraduates and Graduates ...................................................................... 12
Lottery Systems with Priority Points ................................................................................................... 13
Interview ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Criteria for Success...................................................................................................................................... 13
Feasibility Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Feasibility Analysis for our Chosen Solution: Ticket Allocation System .................................................. 16
Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 17
Recommendation: Ticket Allocation System for Beaver Stadium .......................................................... 18
Works Cited ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 20

List of Illustrations
Figure 1: Game Day Attendance ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Student Enrollment vs Student Section Seating ............................................................................ 9
Figure 3: Auburn vs Penn State Roar Tracker ............................................................................................. 10

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Executive Summary: Addressing Inadequate Student Seating in Beaver
Current Challenge: Inadequate Student Seating
Beaver Stadium, Penn State Football’s home, is facing the pressing challenge of the inadequacy
of student seating. Although Beaver Stadium is the 2nd largest college football stadium, only
21,000 student section tickets are allocated each season, accommodating less than half of Penn
State's growing student population. This challenge results in students purchasing tickets in the
parents' section and sneaking into the student section leading to more issues of overcrowding,
safety concerns, and a diluted Penn State football experience for students. This situation has
become even more pressing due to the substantial increase in student enrollment recorded in
2022, urging for the need of a strategic solution.
Strategic Need: Enhancing Student Seating
To preserve Penn State’s unique football culture, it is essential to reevaluate student seating
arrangements at Beaver Stadium, considering the expanding student population. Currently
measures at attempting to overcome this problem include implementing third-party security and
wristbands, which have mitigated certain issues but do not address the root cause being the
inadequacy of student seating. An ideal solution for this problem will not only overcome the
issue of overcrowding, but also ensure the safety and enjoyment of all fans, preserving the
unique atmosphere that defines Penn State football.
Exploring Solutions: Potential Strategies
• Ticket Allocation for Main Campus Students: This solution would be a major benefit
for University Park Campus students. However, it comes with the idea of being less
inclusive to branch campus students.
• Student Seating Expansion: This solution directly addresses the shortage of student
seats, however, by expanding the student section, parent section seats are taken away.
This leads to a loss in donations from the parent section and it takes away from the Penn
State feel with the student section being separated.
• Stadium Renovations: This solution tackles the problem at hand, but also presents an
opportunity to modernize Beaver Stadium through various amenities. However, there are
more potential issues that come with this solution including high costs, potential
logistical disruptions during renovations, and possible impacts on game-day operations,
making it less feasible of an option.

Anticipated Outcomes of Implementation: Positive Impact Expected

Chosen Solution: Ticket Allocation for Main Campus, the implementation of this solution
holds the promise of significant positive outcomes:

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• Preserving Penn State Culture: Allowing a majority of University Park Campus
students and a few branch campus students to partake in the tradition of Penn State
football contributes to that stronger sense of identity, shared experience, and culture.
• Mitigating Safety Concerns: This ensures that the number of student tickets will match
and not exceed the capacity rate. This also could limit the number of students buying
general admission tickets and sneaking into the student section.

By incorporating a ticket allocation system, Beaver Stadium can not only meet the demands of
its growing student body but also enhance the overall Penn State football experience. We were
able to come to this conclusion with the help of interviewing Dave Bittner as well as the facts
and research conducted.

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Penn State is infamous for its football game day experience. Beaver Stadium, the
monumental venue, has had so many iconic moments and that cherished sense of community.
However, this experience is put at risk due to inadequate student seating. Without the student
section, that one of a kind gameday experience would not be possible. As student enrollment
increases, the ticket purchases increase as well. As of now the current allocation of 21,000
student section tickets falls significantly short compared to students who attend Penn State.
Due to this, students are purchasing tickets within the parent section and sneaking into
the student section, raising concerns related to safety and overcrowding within Beaver Stadium
ruining the game day feel.
This report delves into the student seating issue at the stadium and explores potential
strategies for overcoming this problem including student seating expansion, stadium renovations,
and ticket allocation systems as well as the shortcomings of these proposed solutions. The goal is
to provide a solution that not only meets the immediate demand for increased seating but also
preserves the unique spirit and culture of Penn State football.
As the surge of enrollment increases, the urgency of the matter increases as well. It is
essential that the Penn State football experience remains accessible and meaningful for all
students and that Beaver Stadium is an inclusive, safe, and enjoyable environment.
The chosen solution, Ticket Allocation system for Main Campus students, is presented as
a balanced approach that not only addresses the immediate issues but also aligns with the
University's commitment to inclusivity.
As we navigate through these issues and the proposed solutions, we invite Mrs. Rito to
consider the findings and recommendations stated in this report. By working to find a solution to
this challenge, we have the opportunity to strengthen the lasting impact of Penn State football to
enrich the experiences of both present and future generations of Penn Staters.
This report delves into an examination of the present challenge, delving into the issues of
limited student seating and subsequently introducing potential strategies that have undergone
thorough analysis. We also discuss information and facts we were informed of during our
interview with Dave Bittner.

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The Problem with Not Enough Seating in the Student Section for
Football Games

Current Seating Situation at Beaver Stadium.

Beaver Stadium is the 2nd largest College Football Stadium Seating

Beaver Stadium stands as the 2nd largest College Football Stadium, proudly
accommodating a vast crowd of 106,572 fans, according to the Centre County Historical Society.
However, the current issue centers around the allocation of seating, particularly within the
student section. Despite the stadium's massive size, the available student section tickets are
limited, leading to challenges in providing an inclusive experience for the student body.

Student Stadium Seating vs Student Enrollment Rate

Figure 1: Game Day Attendance

As shown in Figure 1, during the Penn State versus Maryland, Penn State vs Ohio State,
Penn State vs Minnesota, and Penn State vs Ohio University games, the attendance was
significantly higher than the stadium capacity. According to the Centre Daily Times, during the
2022 White-Out game, Penn State Nittany Lions vs Minnesota Golden Gophers, the attendance
was 109,817 people. As stated earlier, it is essential to keep in mind that Beaver Stadium had
106,572 fans as the attendance for the 2022 White-Out game significantly surpassed stadium

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Figure 2: Student Enrollment vs Student Section Seating

The difference between student stadium seating and the growing student enrollment rate
at Penn State is a significant concern. As shown in Figure 2, Penn State University recorded an
impressive 88,116 students attending the University Park Campus. In contrast, Beaver Stadium
allocates only 21,000 student section tickets each football season. This results in less than half of
the student population being guaranteed the opportunity to attend football games in the student
section annually.
It's crucial to emphasize that the student section includes all students at Penn State,
spanning across various campuses, including branch campuses. Therefore, with 88,116 students
attending Penn State, the current allocation of only 21,000 student seats falls significantly short
of meeting the demand.
This discrepancy raises questions about accessibility and the ability of every student to
partake in the unique Penn State football experience. The shortage of student seating not only
deprives individual students of this unique opportunity but also impacts the overall sense of
community and shared experience that is integral to Penn State's cultural identity.
Addressing this challenge requires a thoughtful and comprehensive approach. The
following sections of this proposal will explore various methods to expand student seating,
criteria for success, our interview with Dave Bittner Facility Coordinator of Beaver Stadium,
feasibility considerations, and ultimately, recommendations aimed at enhancing the student
experience at Beaver Stadium. By doing so, we aspire to contribute to the preservation of Penn
State's football culture and ensure that all students have the chance to engage fully in the vibrant
spirit of the university.

Challenges and Consequences of Inadequate Student Seating.

The issues arising from the insufficient seating for students at Beaver Stadium are quite
complex. Firstly, the scarcity of student section tickets intensifies the competitive aspect of

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obtaining seats, creating an environment that emphasizes exclusivity rather than inclusivity. This
lack of tickets often compels students to explore alternative options, such as purchasing tickets in
the general section or attempting to sneak into the student section. These actions not only result
in a violation of rules but also contribute to the challenges faced by stadium staff in maintaining
order and security.
As a result, the impacts of these challenges resonate throughout the Penn State
community. Students who are unable to secure seats in the student section miss out on the unique
experience of being part of the lively, spirited atmosphere that defines Penn State football games.
This exclusion not only affects individual students but dilutes the overall sense of camaraderie
and shared pride that comes from collectively supporting the team in the student section.

Importance of Student Seating and the Unique Experience it Offers.

The significance of student seating extends beyond merely watching a football game. It is
a pivotal aspect of the Penn State experience, providing students with a sense of belonging and
connection to the university's rich traditions. The student section serves as the heart of the
stadium, beating with the energy and passion of Penn State's vibrant community. Attending
games in the student section fosters a unique camaraderie among students, creating lasting
memories and a shared identity rooted in Penn State's football culture. Whether that be through
football-related reasons or not the crowd is always creating a unique experience.

Figure 3: Auburn vs Penn State Roar Tracker

As shown in Figure 3, you can see that the experience of a Penn State football game is far
more than football itself. It’s the community it creates and brings together on games day. The
sound produced during the Auburn game during Sweet Caroline is just as loud maybe louder
than football events such as touchdowns, outstanding plays etc.
The unique experience offered by the student section is a source of pride for Penn State
students. It becomes a rite of passage, a tradition passed down through generations, and a key
element in fostering a strong sense of community. Denying students this opportunity not only
impacts their individual experiences but also weakens the unity of the Penn State community.

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Overcrowding Affects the Penn State Football Culture.
The issue of inadequate student seating leads to overcrowding within the limited
available space. Overcrowding not only diminishes the comfort and enjoyment of those in the
student section but also has broader implications for the Penn State football culture. The
vibrancy and enthusiasm that represents Penn State's football games are hindered when students
are crammed into a confined space, impacting the overall game-day atmosphere.
Overcrowding dilutes the unique traditions and rituals that Penn State fans engage in
during games. The spontaneous chants, coordinated cheers, and synchronized movements that
define Penn State football games lose their impact in an overcrowded and constrained
environment. As a result, the uniqueness of the Penn State football experience is compromised,
affecting the culture that has lasted for decades.

Overcapacity in the Student Sections Leads to Issues with Safety and Enjoyment
The impact of having too many people in the student section goes beyond Penn State's
Culture and game day experience as it also affects safety and enjoyment. Ensuring the well-being
of all attendees, including students, becomes a top priority when the number of people exceeds
the designated capacity. Overcrowded areas can pose challenges in controlling crowd
movements, raising the likelihood of accidents, and slowing down a smooth evacuation process
during emergencies.
Moreover, fans cannot enjoy the game when they are packed into tight quarters.
Restricted movement, limited visibility, and discomfort lead to an unpleasant experience for
those in the student section. It not only impacts the overall satisfaction of attending a game but
also raises concerns about the well-being of individuals in crowded conditions.
Addressing the challenges associated with overcapacity is not only essential for
preserving the unique Penn State football culture but is also crucial for ensuring the safety and
enjoyment of all fans attending games at Beaver Stadium.

Methods for Improving Student Section Seating at Beaver Stadium

Other Universities Stadium Student Seating Research

Student Seating Expansion

Expanding the student seating at Beaver Stadium is crucial for addressing the current
challenges we face. Drawing inspiration from the University of Georgia's successful
management of multiple student sections while preserving community cohesion, as highlighted
in Emily Johnson's case study. This approach involves increasing the dedicated seats for
students, ensuring a larger portion of the student body can partake in the lively game-day
experience. By doing so, we not only accommodate the growing student population at Penn State

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but also cultivate a more inclusive environment, in line with the university's commitment to
providing a distinctive and shared experience for all students.

Stadium Renovations
Renovations to Beaver Stadium is another avenue for enhancing the overall fan
experience and addressing the challenges associated with inadequate student seating. Analyzing
the stadium modernization experiences at the University of Alabama and Clemson University, as
detailed in Mark Brown's study, it offers valuable insights for potential upgrades. Proposed
enhancements include improvements to seating areas, amenities, and the integration of premium
seating options. The ultimate goal is to boost overall capacity and foster a more comfortable and
enjoyable atmosphere for everyone in attendance.

Seating Allocation Systems

Exploring effective methods for assigning seats is vital to streamline ticket distribution
and ensure equal access for students. Case studies conducted at the University of Florida and the
University of Alabama, as detailed by Turner in her article "Optimizing Student Seating: Case
Studies from the University of Florida and the University of Alabama", highlight the successful
implementation of lotteries and reserved sections. By adopting similar systems, Penn State has
the opportunity to simplify the allocation of student tickets, potentially addressing challenges
associated with limited availability and improving the overall efficiency of the ticketing process.

Dynamic Pricing Models

According to Innovative Ticketing Strategies: A Case Study of Dynamic Pricing at Texas
A&M University by Rachel Davis, Texas A&M University has successfully implemented a
dynamic pricing model for student tickets. This system adjusts ticket prices based on various
factors such as the strength of the opponent or the significance of the game. This approach not
only optimizes revenue generation but also encourages strategic planning among students and
ensures a fair distribution of tickets for high-demand games.

Reserved Sections for Undergraduates and Graduates

According to Segmented Seating: Enhancing the Student Experience at Ohio State
University by Michael Anderson, some universities, such as Ohio State University and the
University of Michigan, have designated specific seating sections for undergraduates and
graduate students. This targeted approach recognizes the diverse preferences and priorities of
different student groups, providing tailored experiences that cater to their distinct needs.

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Lottery Systems with Priority Points
According to the article Enhancing Student Seating: Lessons from the University of
Michigan by John Smith, the University of Michigan uses a lottery system that incorporates
priority points. Students accumulate points based on factors like class year, attendance at
previous games, and contributions to the university. This nuanced approach ensures that students
who have demonstrated a consistent commitment to supporting the team have increased chances
of securing tickets.

Facility Coordinator of Beaver Stadium
We had the opportunity to interview Dave Bittner, the Facility Coordinator of Beaver
Stadium on the topic of student seating and ticketing. He was able to give us new information
and details about student seating in ticketing we had not come across in our research. He
informed us that student tickets are offered to all students including branch campus. We were
informed of the financial detriment that the school would experience. For example, general
admission ticket holder’s fees go toward student athlete scholarships. While student tickets do
not have fees that go towards this scholarship program. Due to this, we decided to not expand
student seating into the general admission section since there would be a decrease in student
athlete scholarships. He also informed and confirmed some of our research like the concern and
priority of safety for everyone attending games.

Criteria for Success

Increased Accessibility for Students:
This criterion calls for a measurable enhancement in accessibility, with the goal of
ensuring that a much larger portion of Penn State's diverse student body has the chance to obtain
student section tickets. Achieving this goal depends on putting in place more straightforward and
inclusive distribution methods. These methods should cater to the diverse needs and preferences
of students from different campuses, fostering a sense of inclusiveness and equal opportunity for
all Penn State students to participate in the football experience at Beaver Stadium.

Elevated Fan Experience:

Achieving a heightened fan experience goes beyond the typical viewing of a football
game. It's about transforming the atmosphere by enhancing seating, improving visibility, and
upgrading stadium amenities to deepen the emotional connection fans have during games. The
focus is on creating an environment that fosters enthusiasm, camaraderie, and memorable
moments. Whether through stadium renovations or innovative pricing models, efforts should

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prioritize the emotional and cultural aspects that define the unique Penn State football

Preservation and Enhancement of Traditions:

Preserving and elevating the rich traditions of Penn State's football program stands as a
crucial benchmark for success. Any suggested changes should carefully avoid ruining the unique
cultural aspects that define the Penn State football experience. Whether it involves impromptu
chants, synchronized cheers, or other fan rituals, the effectiveness of proposed enhancements
should be evaluated by their capacity to maintain and even enhance these cherished traditions.
This approach guarantees the enduring cultural identity of Penn State football, ensuring it
remains authentic and resonates with fans across different generations.

Promotion of Cohesive Community Engagement:

Success in this area involves fostering a more inclusive environment within the Penn
State community. Strategies such as seating expansions or reserved sections should not only
accommodate the growing student body but also create connections between students from
different campuses. The objective is to strengthen the sense of community and shared pride,
ensuring that attending football games at Beaver Stadium becomes a unifying experience for all
Penn State students, regardless of their campus affiliation.

Optimization of Revenue Generation:

Maximizing revenue is crucial, especially when employing dynamic pricing models.
Achieving success involves striking a balance between financial sustainability and accessibility.
The suggested pricing strategies should not only guarantee equitable ticket distribution but also
cleverly use factors such as opponent strength or game significance to garner more revenue. This
highlights the need for a financial model that ensures the proposed enhancements are sustainable
in the long run.

Ensured Safety and Comfort:

Evaluating the effectiveness of the suggested solutions in this area involves considering
their real-world impact on safety and comfort. Measures like increasing the number of student
gates and upgrading seating areas are aimed at better managing crowd flow, thereby addressing
safety issues linked to overcrowding. Additionally, enhancing overall comfort through improved
seating layouts and amenities is essential to elevate the overall enjoyment of game-day
experiences, providing attendees with a secure and pleasant environment.

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Adaptability and Flexibility for Long-Term Relevance:
This standard underscores the importance of crafting solutions that not only work well in
the present but can also seamlessly adjust to potential changes in the future. The effectiveness of
the plan relies on its capacity to adapt to shifts in student enrollment, fan preferences, or
unexpected situations. By adopting a flexible approach, we ensure that the proposed
enhancements remain suitable and sustainable in the long run, showcasing our dedication to
addressing the ever-changing needs of the Penn State community over time.

Positive Impact on Penn State's Cultural Identity:

The key to success in this area lies in ensuring that proposed improvements not only
address practical challenges but also actively contribute to preserving and enriching Penn State's
cultural identity. The objective is to foster a strong sense of pride, tradition, and shared identity
among Penn State students, alumni, and fans. This criterion highlights the importance of these
changes in not just overcoming practical challenges but also in playing a significant role in
sustaining the enduring legacy and cultural significance of Penn State football.

Feasibility Analysis
Analyzing the potential solutions for the inadequate student seating at Beaver Stadium
requires a thorough exploration of different aspects, considering the specific circumstances and
obstacles at Penn State. The recommended approaches, such as expanding student seating,
renovating the stadium, implementing seating allocation systems, adopting dynamic pricing
models, designating reserved sections for undergraduates and graduates, utilizing lottery systems
with priority points, and expanding student gates, all offer unique opportunities and challenges.
Expanding student seating might seem like a reasonable idea, but the the operational
challenges of managing larger sections could outweigh the benefits. In addition, as stated from
the interview with Dave Bittner, it is not feasible to expand student seating into the general
admission section since there would be a decrease in student athlete scholarships. In addition, the
insights from the University of Georgia's case study may not be directly applicable to the unique
circumstances at Penn State, potentially leading to unanticipated issues in maintaining
community cohesion.
Consideration of stadium renovations may appear tempting, but the financial costs could
be significant, and the potential benefits may not justify the investment. Analyzing experiences at
other universities might provide insights, but the practicality of implementing similar upgrades at
Beaver Stadium could pose operational challenges and disrupt the fan experience.
Exploring seating allocation systems could seem like a straightforward solution, but the
financial investment required for the implementation of lotteries and reserved sections may not

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align with the budget constraints. The operational adjustments might lead to unintended
consequences, and the effectiveness of these systems may vary based on the unique dynamics of
Penn State's student body.
Implementing dynamic pricing models, as successfully done at Texas A&M University,
may be financially burdensome and operationally complex. The initial investment required for
such a system might not guarantee the desired revenue, and students may find it challenging to
navigate the complexities of a pricing model based on opponent strength or game significance.
Designating specific seating sections for undergraduates and graduates, inspired by
practices at other universities, could lead to unintended consequences. The additional signage
and communication efforts might be costly, and the potential separation of students based on
academic status may undermine the unity of the student body.
Implementing a lottery system with priority points, as seen at the University of Michigan,
might not be as effective as it seems. The financial investment required for a tracking system and
the operational adjustments to manage priority points may outweigh the perceived benefits.
Students may feel disappointed by a system that seems to prioritize some over others based on
arbitrary criteria.

Feasibility Analysis for our Chosen Solution: Ticket Allocation System

The recommended Ticket Allocation system for Beaver Stadium, with 80% of seats
designated for main campus students and 20% for branch campus students, despite potential
criticisms, stands out as a cost-effective and operationally feasible solution. While other solutions
may present financial or operational challenges, the chosen solution leverages existing
infrastructure, minimizes costs, and aligns with the dynamics of the main campus, promoting
higher attendance and fostering a sense of unity among the larger student population.
Feasibility of Accommodating Growing Student Population: Addressing the challenge of
accommodating a growing student population involves strategic seat allocation. Prioritizing main
campus students for the majority of seats near Beaver Stadium not only capitalizes on their
geographical proximity but also aims to boost attendance. This approach is designed to leverage
the advantage of main campus students while also fostering inclusivity by setting aside a
substantial yet fair percentage for branch campus students.
Logistic and Infrastructural Considerations: Adjustments to seating arrangements and
gate access may be required to ensure a smooth transition to the new allocation model. However,
these adjustments are expected to be less burdensome compared to large-scale infrastructural
changes proposed by other solutions. Additionally, our efforts will contribute to preventing
unauthorized access by students attempting to enter the designated student section, thus solving
issues of overcrowding. By ensuring that more local students have access to tickets, the
temptation and necessity for sneaking in will be significantly reduced.
Financial Implications and Resource Optimization: The suggested system brings about
financial feasibility by optimizing resources. By allocating seats according to campus affiliation,

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resource utilization is enhanced without the need for extensive stadium renovations or the
implementation of dynamic pricing models.
Promoting Campus Identity and Unity: The feasibility of fostering campus identity and
unity is high through this proposed system. Prioritizing main campus students contributes to a
spirited and vibrant game-day atmosphere, enhancing overall student engagement. The balanced
approach ensures that branch campus students also have a significant presence, promoting a
collective sense of excitement and inclusivity among the university community.
Inclusivity and Positive Inter-Campus Interactions: The proposed Ticket Allocation
system demonstrates feasibility in ensuring inclusivity. By allocating a smaller yet significant
percentage of seats to branch campus students, the system encourages positive inter-campus
interactions, enriching the diversity of the fan base. This balanced approach aligns with Penn
State's commitment to providing an inclusive and enriching game-day experience for the entire
university community.
Adaptability and Long-Term Sustainability: The adaptability of the Ticket Allocation
system to evolving needs is a critical aspect of its feasibility. Its simplicity and alignment with
campus demographics make it inherently adaptable to future changes in enrollment patterns,
ensuring its long-term sustainability as a solution.
In conclusion, the proposed Ticket Allocation system demonstrates high feasibility across
various factors. Its alignment with campus demographics, resource optimization, and the
promotion of inclusivity make it the most ideal and practical solution for expanding and
increasing student attendance at Beaver Stadium, addressing immediate challenges while
contributing positively to the enduring legacy of Penn State football.

Conclusions and Recommendations

This report addresses the issue of insufficient student seating at Beaver Stadium,
impacting the Penn State football game day experience. Despite the stadium's size, the disparity
between student enrollment and available tickets has led to exclusivity, safety concerns, and
diluted cultural identity which we discovered during our interview with Dave Bittner and from
the research we executed. Leading to proposed solutions, including Student Seating Expansion,
Stadium Renovations, Seating Allocation Systems, Dynamic Pricing Models, Reserved Sections,
Lottery Systems with Priority Points, and the Expansion of Student Gates, have been identified
as viable strategies. Ultimately, the recommended solution is a Ticket Allocation System, with
80% of seats designated for main campus students and 20% for branch campus students. The
success criteria encompass increased accessibility, an elevated fan experience, preservation of
traditions, cohesive community engagement, optimized revenue generation, ensured safety and
comfort, adaptability for long-term relevance, and a positive impact on Penn State's cultural
identity. This solution, deemed the most practical and operationally feasible, aligns with the
university's commitment to inclusivity and offers a strategic path forward to strengthen the
enduring legacy of Penn State's football culture.

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Recommendation: Ticket Allocation System for Beaver Stadium
The proposed Ticket Allocation System for Beaver Stadium is a well thought out solution
that addresses the crucial need to enhance accessibility for students, particularly prioritizing main
campus students. With an allocation ratio of 80% for main campus and 20% for branch campus
students, the system aligns strategically with success criteria such as increasing the student
body's opportunity to secure tickets and fostering a spirited fan experience. This approach not
only meets the immediate challenges of student seating but also contributes to the preservation of
Penn State's football traditions by recognizing the geographical advantage of main campus
students. The balanced allocation ensures inclusivity and positive inter-campus interactions,
enriching the diversity of the fan base and promoting cohesive community engagement.
Feasibility is thoroughly assessed, considering infrastructure, collaboration with campus
representatives, and financial sustainability. The proposed phased implementation plan,
communication strategy, and monitoring mechanism aim to ensure a smooth transition with
minimal disruptions. The system recognizes the challenges faced by main campus students and
aims to reward their efforts with enhanced opportunities, contributing positively to the enduring
legacy of Penn State football.

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Works Cited

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Johnson, Emily. "Expanding Student Sections: A Case Study of the University of Georgia." Stadium
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Smith, John. "Enhancing Student Seating: Lessons from the University of Michigan." Journal of
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Turner, Lisa. "Optimizing Student Seating: Case Studies from the University of Florida and the
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This was the questionnaire administered to students within our English 202D Class. Its purpose
was to determine students’ opinions on Beaver Stadium’s Seating

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