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Animal used their senses to process

and respond to the information

1. Smell:
A cat’s sense of smell is one
of their strongest super
 Single sniff: determine if their food has gone bad,
where potential prey is hiding, to find their way
home if they’re lost.

2. Sight:
have excellent night vision.
They can’t see in total
darkness, but cat’s eyes are
especially designed to see in
low-light conditions.

 use their light-sensitive eyes to hunt and

navigate at dawn and dusk

3. Hearing:
designed to help them hunt.
The shape and internal
anatomy of feline ears make
them especially skilled at
detecting sounds.

 Most cat has large, triangle-shaped ears that

can rotate toward specific sounds. The cone
shape of the outer ear then amplifies the
sound as the vibrations pass into the middle
and inner ear.

4. Touch:
cats have nerve endings that
allow them to feel pressure and
texture all over their bodies.

 use their whiskers to feel the world around

them. When a cat brushes their whiskers
against an object, they learn important
information including the object’s temperature
and texture.

 cats also utilize highly sensitive paw pads.
Feline paw pads are covered in nerve
receptors. These receptors relay information to
the brain and help cats navigate difficult terrain
without even thinking about it and examine
interesting objects.

5. Taste:
cat’s sense of taste is arguably
the weakest of their five senses

 relatively weak
sense of taste
doesn’t stop some
cats from being picky eaters. Many cats
develop preferences for both flavor and

Name: Zainab Abduljalil Alaraibi

Class: 4i

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