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Arguable Statements

→If we do not conduct this research, we will lose the chance to discover this
kind of situation with these kinds of respondents.
→Most of the physical education subjects don't actually implement physical
education, they do more lessons but do not demonstrate it in actuality.
→Arnis training in physical education can promote mental well-being by
reducing stress levels and improving concentration and focus among the
→Arnis, as a traditional martial art, offers a unique cultural experience in
physical education classes, diversity and appreciation for different forms of
→The practice of Arnis in physical education can effectively reduce the risk of
obesity and other related health issues among students.
→Arnis, as a dynamic and challenging physical activity, can provide an
enjoyable and engaging experience for students, increasing their motivation to
participate in physical education classes.
→The incorporation of Arnis in physical education can help address issues of
bullying by promoting respect, empathy, and conflict resolution among students.
→Arnis, as a form of physical education, can contribute to the development of
students’ social skills by fostering teamwork, communication, and cooperation
among peers.
→The practice of Arnis in physical education can improve students’ overall
cognitive abilities, including memory, attention span, and problem-solving skills.
→The practice of Arnis in physical education can contribute to the development
of students’ resilience and adaptability, as they learn to face and overcome
physical and mental obstacles.

→Tangina buhay toh

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