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Title Defense Notes: Possible Question & Answer

1. Why did you propose this research title?

→ The purpose of why we propose this study is, basing on the health of the
students, we would like to analyze how Arnis as a physical education activity contributes
to the health and body composition of the students. As for their academics, we would
like to see if there is a contribution or positive impact of having Arnis as a physical
education activity. This research will also analyze students' perspectives on having this
as their subject.

2. What problem prompted you to propose this study?

→If there is a problem that prompted us to propose this study is that most
physical education subjects don't actually implement physical education, they do more
lessons but do not demonstrate it in actuality.
→One of the primary concerns is the state of physical health among students,
particularly in the context of modern sedentary lifestyles and prevalence of health issues
such as obesity and other related conditions.

3. What do you mean by _______? (ex. Impact)

→ In this context encompasses a range of factors that can influence the students'
physical, mental, and emotional health.

4. What possible contributions can this study yield?

→If our study is conducted, one possible contribution will be the awareness of the
students on how important Arnis can be, as one of their physical education activities.

5. What legal bases can you mention that support this study?
→Arnis is recognised as a national sport in the Philippines via Republic Act 9850
signed by President Gloria Arroyo on December 11, 2009. The sport is mandated to be
taught in physical education classes in schools in the Philippines. Well-funded schools
tend to have more comprehensive Arnis lessons.

6. What theory can anchor this study?

→If we were to predict our research, jjjjjj
7. What are your variables?
→Independent Variables: Physical Education Instructors in HDICS
→Dependent Variables: Grade – 11 students of Holy Deliverance Integrated
Christian School

8. What findings\results do you intend to gather?

→The results we intend to gather is

9. There were many of this kind conducted already, why propose still?

10. What’s the essence of your proposed study?
→The essence of this research centers on providing a nuanced understanding of
how engaging in Arnis within the context of physical education contributes to the overall
health of the students.

11. Who will be your respondents? Do you think they will cooperate?
→Our respondents will be the grade 11 students of Holy Deliverance Integrated
Christian School and you're asking if they will cooperate, they will, as our research is
applicable to them.

12. If approved, how many months would it take you to finish this study?
→The length of how long will our research finish based on the timespan of
teaching of the instructors. Maybe, at least 3-4 months.

13. What is this study all about?

→This study is all about knowing the impact of having Arnis as a physical
education activity to the students health and well-being. As if it develops their body
composition, discipline, as well as their motivation. This research will also peak through
the perspective of the students while taking Arnis as one of their lessons.

14. Why did you choose this topic?

→We got an interest to choose this topic mostly because it's about sports,
believing that most of our members are into that. Also, knowingly that our school
prioritizes this kind of activity or as we can say they pay attention to this typical activity.
15. What is the significance\ importance of the study? How will it contribute to the
existing body of language?
→Understanding the impact of Arnis on students' health can also provide valuable
information for educators, policymakers, and healthcare professionals about the
effectiveness of incorporating traditional martial arts into the school curriculum.

16. What problems\gaps do you predict in conducting this research? How do you
intend to provide a solution?
→Availability, one of the major gaps that we can predict in conducting our
research, since mostly we do not have different schedules to attend and not everyone is
disciplined enough to attend every meeting. We tend to solve problems by also
conducting self-discipline to ourselves.

17. What’s the limitation of your study?

→Our study is limited to its PUTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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