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Learning Objectives

Learners will be able to…

* Use the following file operations:
- mv
- cp
- mkdir
- rm
- rmdir
- tree
- touch
In the last assignment we learned a few key commands:
| Command | Description |
| ls | Lists the contents of a directory |
| pwd | Print working directory |
| cd directoryname | Change directory to directoryname |
| . | Indicates current directory |
| .. | Indicates parent directory |
| ~ | Indicates home directory |
| cat filename | Lists the contents of filename |
| man commandname | Will provide the manual for most commands |


Notice the command prompt has changed. Your username is the same
but the unique identifier for your Codio server has changed. Each
assignment has its own server address.
Creating directories and files

Type ls -a in the terminal window. You should see

something similar to the image below - the unique Ubuntu
server name will be different.

the ls -a command on the first line of a terminal resulting in . ..

and .guides being printed on the following line

We have already discussed the . - current directory and .. - parent

directory. The .guides folder is where the text, images and other materials
for this assignment reside. We recommend that you do not change anything
in the .guides directory as it can interfere with the lesson as well as your

We’ll start out by creating some files and directories.


File and directory names

You can name the files and directories you create anything, you don’t
need to use our suggestions.

Using mkdir to make directories

Type the mkdir command in the terminal window followed

by the directory name as shown below:

mkdir test

Now if you type ls or ls -a you will see the directory you created:

the ls -a command on the first line of a terminal resulting in . ..

.guides and test being printed on the following line
For the next step we’ll create a few files in the new directory.

Switch to the new directory using cd test.

Using touch to make files

The touch command creates new, empty files.

Create a new file by typing the following into the terminal


touch file1.txt

Notice that you can have multiple file names on the same command line.

touch file2.txt file3.txt

The same is true for mkdir, you can make multiple directories in the
current directory at the same time.

If you type ls or ls -a you will see the new files you created.

Return to your parent directory using cd ..

Create a file in a directory without switching to that

directory using the following:

touch test/file4.txt

We used a relative path to create file4.txt. Specifically, we told it to

create the file in the directory test below the current directory.

Print the contents of the test folder without switching into


ls -R
The -R means recursive so it will list out everything in the current directory
and everything in the directories below the current directory:
Deleting files and directories
There are two main commands for deleting files and directories.

Using rmdir to remove empty directories

Confirm there are files in the directory you made on the last page using ls.

Try to delete the directory:

rmdir test

You should see the error below:

rmdir test command in terminal followed by an error stating

failed to remove test: Directory not empty

Let’s make a new directory and try that again.

In the terminal window type:

mkdir test2
rmdir test2

In the two printed contents from the ls commands, you should be able to
see the appearance of test2 and then the disappearance of test2.

Using rm to remove directories and files

Similar to above, let’s start by trying to delete our directory.

Try to delete the directory:

rm test
Your result should look like this:

Let’s take a closer look at the usage information for the rm command.

Open the manual page for rm:

man rm

Read about the -r flag and the -i flag. Remember, you close the manual by
pressing the q key.


The rm command and directories

The rm command does not remove directories by default. You need to
use the --recursive (-r or -R) option to remove directories, along with
all of their contents.

Let’s try that again, we’ll use the recursive option and also add the -i
parameter to prompt us. When you do a recursive delete, you are in danger
of deleting unexpected items.


rm -R -i test

The results should look as follows, a somewhat tedious, but safe, deletion of
a directory and all its contents:
We’ll take a brief pause from our discussion about Bash file commands to
talk about wildcards since they are useful in conjunction with file

We’ll cover the main three wildcards (see table below), but if you would
like to learn more, you can take a look in the GNU/Linux Command-Line
Tools Summary.

Wildcard Description
* represents any number of characters
? represents any single character
[ ] represents a range, can be [1-3] or [1,2,3]

Let’s start out by creating a few directories in our workspace:

mkdir test
mkdir test1
mkdir test2
mkdir test3
mkdir testrandom

Using wildcards with the ls command


ls test?

You should see something like this:

Why aren’t the directories test or testrandom listed?

You only get the files that start with test and are followed by a single
Try these variations:

List everything except the test directory.


Use the ? wild card to ensure there is at least one character after test.

ls test?*

List the test1 and test2 directories.


Use brackets to provide multiple values. Either of the solutions below

will result in the same output.

ls test[1,2]
ls test[1-2]

List the test1 and test3 directories:


Since it’s not a range, this one needs the two values you are looking for
separated by a comma.

ls test[1,3]

Use the following commands to create files that might be

typical in a development environment:
touch main.c
touch utils.c
touch main.obj
touch utils.obj
touch main.exe
touch readme.txt

If you were viewing a directory for the first time, you might first check to
see if there are any readme or text files.

Try looking for a readme or text file by:

ls readme*
ls *.txt

You might want to know what C files are in there:

ls *.c
Moving, copying and viewing
In addition to creating and deleting files and directories, you might need to
move, rename, or copy them.

Let’s start out by creating a directory for code files:

mkdir code

Using mv to move or rename files

Take a look at the manual pages for the mv command:

man mv

What needs to be specified for the mv command? Remember to close the

manual with q when you are done.

Let’s move all our .c files into the code directory:

mv *.c code

We’ll use the tree command to see if everything is where we want it.


As a last step, we’ll clean up some of the clutter in this workspace directory:

rm *.obj
rm *.exe
You should see something like the image below:

You also use the mv command to rename files.

Rename the readme file:

mv readme.txt README.txt

If the destination you supply is not a directory, the mv command will

perform a rename.

Using cp to copy files and directories

The cp command is very powerful, especially if you use it with the -R
parameter so that it is recursive.

Take a look at the manual pages for the cp command:

man cp

Let’s see how the cp command differs from the mv command. Earlier we
renamed the file readme.txt to README.txt.

We’ll start with an lsto see what’s in the directory right now and end with
an ls to see what has changed.

cp README.txt readme.txt

Now you have two copies of the readme file, each with their own name.

Try this:
cp -R code backup

A lot happened! The backup directory was created, and the contents of the
code directory was copied to the backup directory.
Commands we covered in this assignment:
| Command | Description |
| cp source destination | Makes a copy of a file or directory |
| mkdir name | Creates a directory |
| mv source destination | Moves a file or directory |
| rm | Removes files and directories |
| rmdir name | Removes empty directories |
| touch name | Creates a new empty file named name |
| tree | Displays the contents of a directory in a tree structure |

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