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The Issue of Palestine, its Religious

and Historical Background (Part -3)

[Hassan Ilyas] In the name of Allah, most beneficial, forever merciful

Assalam Alaikum

We are once again

presenting in your service

'The weekly Question And Answer Session'

with Ghamidi Sahab at your service.

Thank you very much,

Ghamidi Sahab, for your time.

In the last few weeks, we had

taken up a burning issue with you.

When we Muslims come of age,

then whether it is about

religious or political movements,

or in religious literature.

Everywhere the echo

of Palestine is heard.
Muslims are emotionally

attached to it as well.

And day in and day out we see newer

developments in this issue.

We were learning, through you,

about the land of Palestine.

What has been its religious,

historical, and political backdrop?

You had expressed your views on it in

great detail comprising a couple of hours.

I wish to take that topic ahead by

keeping some initial questions in view.

Please elaborate on what you said about

the period-wise development of this land?

The places of worship that were built here

it is said to have started

from Solomon PEACE BE UPON HIM.

What is the history of these places

of worship in different eras?

i.e. the construction of Temple

and later on, when it was destructed.

The Muslims took over.

After that what happened

with the places of Worship and their

present situations till this day?

Taking this topic further

we will come on to their solutions.

We shall also present

some doubts as well.

[Javed Ahmed Ghamidi] Prior to this,

it has been made clear

that Palestine is no ordinary region

among the various regions of the world.

God Almighty had chosen it. It has been

called the Holy Ground in the Quran.

I had said that when this

terminology is used it implies that

God Almighty has made this region, this

land, this place, special for Himself.

Why this region has been made special?

I have narrated its whole history to you.

And along with it, I had said

that as per the judgment of God Almghty

when the moment had come for

the appointment of the Last Prophet

for the Israelites, [The last Prophet

for Israelites was Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.]

when that moment came and the

Final Argument of God was completed,

then God Almighty deposed them

permanently from that designation

For the reason, they had

been sent to Palestine.

Based on which this region

was specified for them.

And according to which only God

had given those Commands

which we now find in Torah or whose

traces we presently find in the Quran.

If you see from this perspective,

then for the Jews,

the religious history of

Palestine ended the moment

when they denied Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.,

rather tried to crucify him.

Hence the Lord passed the

Decree for Torment on them.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] I had said that

the Torment was sent from two sides.

i.e. one, which is for the Nation

of every Messenger, hence

on them too in 70 C.E.

the Romans struck

them with full fury.

And if you read its details in history,

it will raise your hair to stand on end,

as to what they did.

They were ousted from there

down to their last traces.

The mosque was demolished, the Torah

was scattered into smithereens.

i.e. all this took place in the first

instant when Nebuchednezzar

had attacked and then

it happened again.

I have elaborated on the

second aspect as well.

Since it was the chosen nation of Allah,

they had been entrusted

with responsibility, they had been

designated for the position of

bearing Witness of Allah, hence

their matter was not like the Nations

of the prophets in general. For them,

another decree had been ordained

that till Judgment day, those who

have the association with Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.,

those who claim to be

the follower of Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.,

will always dominate

and control them.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] So in this respect

this was completely evident that

the religious privilege of the Jews

over Palestine had ended.

The religious privilege.

Further on, I will explain that there are

several other bases of privilege,

however, their religious

right had ended.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] As you said that there

a Mosque had been constructed.

This Mosque was constructed

by the Prophets of Allah,

rather as per the Narrations

in Hadith among us, we come to know

that Abraham PEACE BE UPON HIM. had laid

the foundation

of the Mosque here.

[Hassan] Okay.

[Ghamidi] It has been narrated there

that firstly, he rebuilt

the House of God and settled Ishmael there

and after that, the second branch

of his offsprings, Bani Is'haq

were settled here in the adjoining areas.

They went away to Egypt.

That is the history of the later period.

However, during the period


they had been here.

Here he had laid the foundation

of the House of Worship.

i.e. the place had been selected.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] And a place for

Worship had been constructed.

Or you can say that the place

of worship had been marked.

i.e. regarding the place for Worship

I have said that it does not pertain

to the construction of a building.

The buildings come and go

and are at times

dismantled or demolished.

i.e. the place was selected.

That this place is now a Mosque.

So when a Prophet of God selects

a place then its status as a Masjid

will remain till Judgment day

[Hassan] i.e. it does not have

the nature of a common Mosque.

[Ghamidi] It isn't an ordinary Mosque.

In a common Masjid,

we make the decisions.

i.e. we decide about a place that in so

and so place we will have a Maa'bad,

or in so and so place

a Mosque is to be formed.

There we engage in Worship

and offer our Prayer.

It is possible out of the

reason of logistics
or for the general good of the public

demands that the place be changed,

that too should only be

out of a dire necessity.

Since any place of worship

has a special sanctity.

However, if the foundation

of a place of worship

has been laid by a Prophet of God

and with the Command of God,

then its status will

remain the same till Judgment day

Therefore, the religious

status of Palestine has ended.

i.e. for the land of Palestine,

the religious status is over.

After the appointment of

Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM., it was ended.

However, a Mosque is a Mosque.

Call it Masjid, or place of prayer

or a Maa'bad, or whatever you wish.

The name of Temple of Solomon

was due to its grandeur.

Otherwise, it is a Mosque.

And the point that it was a Masjid

has been clarified

by God Almighty Himself.

"Subhanalazee Asra

Bi Abdihi Lailam Minal Masjidil

Harame Ilal Masjidil Aqsa"

Hence, this is clear.

And I had explained that

here the Masjid-e Aqsa is not the name

of a building, rather than

the name of that compound

which comprises several

acres of land, which has been

the chosen land of Allah,

its selection had been made

through Abraham PEACE BE UPON HIM.

Later on when the Israelites

came down to this place,

although they moved here after centuries,

then David

initiated its construction

and Solomon

completed this Mosque.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] So this mosque

is the one established by Allah.

It shall forever remain as a Mosque.

Its status of a Mosque can

never ever be challenged.

And this is the reason that

the Prophet peace be upon him has said that

there are three places all

over the world where

you can pack your bag and baggage

and set out with religious sentiment

for the purpose of making pilgrimage.

One among them is Holy house of God.

Masjid-e Haram, or Kabatullah.

The second is this Masjid,

and the third is the Mosque of the Holy Prophet.

Muhammad the Prophet of God has

established the Mosque of the Holy Prophet.

And these two Mosques

if that Narration of ours is accepted,

they have been built by Abraham.

However, suppose if there

is some doubt in accepting it,

then the two Prophets of Allah, i.e.


and Solomon PEACE BE UPON HIM. have built


[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] Hence,

the status of Mosque cannot change.

[Hassan] Okay.

[Ghamidi] i.e. a Mosque established

by a Prophet of Allah,

will remain as a Mosque till Judgment day It

cannot be converted into a house of idols.

Or there can't be other

constructions done upon it.

It will be maintained

with the same status.

Take for example the Mosque of the Holy Prophet.

It was a tiny Mosque.

It is known, even now its

old foundations can be seen,

rather that gallery still exists

which has been maintained

in its original size as it used to be

during the times of the Prophet peace be upon him.

It has been marked till now. However,

has the Mosque remained that much?

Obviously, it has expanded greatly.

In the same way,

if you read about the state prevailing

during the times of the Prophet peace be upon him,

you must have seen the stone that

is kept at 'Maqam-e Ibrahim',

the extent of House of God

was till this point.

[Hassan] Okay.

[Ghamidi] i.e. along this line

the houses of the Quraish

tribe would start.

And to light it up it they would

place a lamp on their walls.

Umar GOD’S MERCY UPON HIMfor the first time

removed the houses from there

and started the process of the expansion

of this 'Mataaf' (Circumambulation ground).

Therefore the Mosque kept expanding

and might expand till any point,

however, it shall remain a Mosque.

And till judgment day, it shall remain so.

So these two are

completely separate things.

i.e. the exclusivity of the land of

Palestine ended with Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] For the Jews,

its religious status ended too.

For us, it never had a religious status

and never will have. For us, the Arabian

Peninsula has a religious status.

For us implies the establishment

of the Muslim Ummah since

Muhammad, the Prophet of God peace be upon him.

And where does it have its origin?

Ishmaelites. So the Ishmaelites

were originated from here.

Muhammad peace be upon him the Prophet of God

was himself from among the Ishmaelites.

This House i.e. Holy house of God had

been established by Abraham PEACE BE UPON HIM.

Now this House is the

Center of 'Tawhid' (Oneness of Allah).

This very land with the sanctification

of God is special to Allah.

Regarding it are

the Commands of Allah,

i.e. "Yakunaddin Kulluhu Lillah"

i.e. forever will Allah'religion abide here.

And this objective had

been achieved
during the times of

the Prophet peace be upon him himself.

And after its attainment the

Prophet peace be upon him had said, now till Judgment day

"La Yajtamehu Fihi Deenan".

so this is the religious status.

If the religious status is clear

for both the things, then

I had said prior to this that

God Almighty has bestowed

this honor to the Muslims, since

they had devoted their hearts and souls

in the Path of God and which we read as

the history of the Companions.

i.e. the appointment of the last

Prophet of God took place

in the land of Arabia.

There, it was decided that

the Command of God which is usual

for Nations who are sent with Prophets,

the command which has been

implemented by the Angels

will be carried out by the Sahaba.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] "Yuazzebu Humullahu Bi Aydikum"

And when it had been implemented,

in its return, God Almighty gave this land

or rather several other regions

under the rule of Muslims.

I have said this that the Completion of the proof

of the Prophet peace be upon him,

i.e. the Completion of the proof which

the Prophet peace be upon him had directly

conducted upon the addressees.

That we know from the Quran

as well as from history that

it was done in three stages.

Firstly, it was done on Quraish,

which the Quran has stated

in this way that

'You have been appointed for the reason

that We have decided to send a

Prophet among the Gentiles'

And he was told of his first mission,

"Li Tunzera Ummul Qura Wa Man Hawlaha"

The Quraish who are settled

in Makkah should have

the Completion of Arguments of Allah

on them, they should be forewarned

including the areas

in the vicinities as well.

This was the first stage.

The second stage started when

the Prophet peace be upon him migrated to Yathrib,

which we call City of the Prophet.

After relocating there, the People

of Scriptures were addressed.

They have been addressed

in the first Part of the Quran.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] The First Group comprises

Baqra, Aal-e Imran, Nisa, and Maida.

There the Completion of the Arguments

of God had been done on

the People of the Scriptures.

The third stage started when 4 years

before departing from the world

the Prophet peace be upon him sent letters to the

kingdoms of the surrounding regions.

And I had said that the Sassanid and

the Byzantine Empire had existed then.

i.e. two Super Powers were existing.

The remaining were its satellite

and dependent rulers. Some subordinates

or Governments and alliances were there.

In those times it was usual that when

large empires would come into existence,

then some of their nearby regions would

have relatively independent kingdoms

and some would be

subservient to them,

and some would sustain themselves

as a result of accords.
Hence the Prophet peace be upon him sent

the letters to those powerful Emperors,

i.e. he sent letters to the Caesar

and Cyrus as well.

And along with it, he sent the letters

to the Heads of the Governments

of the remaining six smaller kingdoms.

Therefore, the Prophet engulfed

the entire region.

And then as per the law of Completion of the proof

provided a period of 4 years.

In those 4 years, they had

the opportunity to come to see

and meet the last Prophet of Allah.

If they had any queries they

were welcome.

Whatever stages were to come

their opportunity was afforded to them.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] After this opportunity,

the Sahaba were deputed

by the Prophet peace be upon him that

they are issued the final ultimatum

for either accepting Iman,

or paying Jizya. Otherwise, they were

to get ready for the battle.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] And this was the application

of that command of the Quran

which had been ordained for

the People of the Scriptures

of the Arabian Peninsula.

"Hatta Yutul Jizyata An yadin

Wa Hum Saghirun"
So I have stated this.

What was its consequence?

Its consequence was that this whole

region was handed over to Ishmaelites,

with His blessing and grace.

And after it what happened?

That trust,

the Position of being the Witness, which

had been awarded to the Jews earlier,

the center of which

was the Land of Palestine,

which had been selected

for the universal propagation

of the Dawah for Tawheed.

That whole trust

had been transferred to Ishmaelites,

along with it

a practical outcome of it was that

even the land of Palestine

and several other regions became

a part of the Muslim Empire

during the era of Umar, God’s mercy be upon him.

This Empire was established

as the result of the conquests.

And the Command which had been issued

for the conquests was based purely

on a religious basis that

the Prophet peace be upon him of God Almighty had

completed the process of Completion of the proof.`

Now, after it is over, these

deniers had no excuse left,

When the Completion of Arguments has

been carried out by the Prophet of Allah,

those are either wiped away

from the face of the Earth,

or they are to live in subordination.

This is the summary of that point.

Hence I had narrated to you

the history,

and told you that since then

it had remained with Muslims,

except for the period of more or less

a century i.e. in 1099 C.E.

when it was conquered

by the Crusaders,

They established a Christian

State of Jerusalem,

which remained till

later also, and then

in 1187 C.E. Salah-ud-din

re-conquered it for the Muslims.

And then it remained as a nation

or a region of the Muslims where

generally, the Muslim Governors

were deputed,

and the period in which

all this took place,

the Fatimids ruled there

and later on when the Calphate

was transferred to the Ottomans

then it came under their control

and till the end, the period

which we shall now talk about,

it remained under the

control of the Ottomans.

I have also narrated

this history previously.

I have summarized it

again to you. Excuse me.

The Divine Law which

is stated in the Quran is

"Tilkal Ayyamu Udawiluha Bainan Naas"

i.e. God changes the world order and

hands power to different groups,

by turn.

The great Governments of the world

are formed, great nations appear,

for them too, the Divine law is that

the world is their place of Judgement.

Hence, the Quran has stated it.

And it has said,

"Wa Imm Min Qariyatin Illa Nahnu

Muhlikuha Qabla Yaumil Qiyamah

Au Muazzebuha Azaban Shadeeda"

That whichever nation has appeared

on the stage of this world,

for it, Our Law is

"Illa Nahnu Muhlikuha"

Ultimately a moment comes

when We take them to their death.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] "Muhlikuha" And this will go on

till Judgment day "Qabla Yaumal Qiyamah"

and this chain will continue

till the Day of Judgment day

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] Else, what happens?

"Au Muazzibuha Azaban Shadeeda",

either they face

the severest of the Torment, like the

Nations of the Prophets had experienced.

And it was said,

"Kana Zalika Fil Kitabi Mastura"

this is the Divine Law written by Allah.

It is the fate written by Allah.

This is a Practice of God .

It has to compulsorily manifest itself.

This manifestation took place

in the case of Muslims as well.

Its causes emerge.

When it happens, it also

happened for Muslims.

The torment of God has ended

for the reason that

the appointment of the

Prophets won't be there.

The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him came

in the capacity of the last Prophet.

The Completion of the proof was completed.

And its consequences were seen.

Now the Book and the Deen

given by him which will now

have the status of the Book and

the religon of God

as a reference frame

for people till Judgment day

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamid] This matter is closed.

So the matter of

"Au Muazzibuha Azaban Shadeeda"

ended, however, "Muhlikuha",

this chain will continue.

And in this, different Nations

would appear on the world stage.

This destruction happens gradually.

i.e. like the way,

we see a child being born, passes through

the stage of childhood and adolescence.

After which he grows into adulthood,

and a time comes

when he addresses the world as a mature

intellect like Aristotle or Plato.

And then the stages of decline come,

old age comes.

And after that as the Quran has stated

"Li Kaila Yaalamun mim Baadi Ilmin Shaiya"

He forgets everything and

then dies on reaching old age.

So the affairs of the Nations

also are in the same manner.

When this happens,

its conditions develop.

i.e. in the way, we see a person,

we say, look now

he is getting sick,

the strength is declining.

Now the weakness is growing.

All these things take place

with the passing of age.

Similar are the stages with the Nations.

So what are the factors

that become the reason for it?

What are those things?

When God Almighty chooses a Nation

then according to me, there are three

things that become its basis.

Those become the basis for any

Nation to remain on its zenith,

and also become the basis

for its weakness and downfall.

What is the first thing among them?

Where does the Nation stand

as regards knowledge and morality?

Knowledge and morality

are in fact the guarantee

of survival in this world.

That knowledge which we acquire

through experiments and experience,

and which you call

Science in the modern period.

Its foundations are very ancient. So where

do you actually stand with respect to knowledge.

The second is the moral

existence of human beings.

And the real manifestation

of the moral existence

in the case of Nations

lies in their collective morality.

So where does a Nation

stand as per the standards

of knowledge and morality?

Whether they are at a superior level.

Or are they at a moderately good position.

Whether the situation is satisfactory.

Whether they are on a declining course?

Or whether they have reached

the point of maximal decline?

All this is seen.

The second thing is,

that which you call a Nation

obviously will have a

basis for its formation.

So its political unity

has to be sustained.

When a Nation is divided

into smaller tribes,

each tribe having its own Chief.

Each tribe has its own place.

Then it becomes difficult to even

apply the word Nation for them.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] And suppose

you keep on applying that term,

then that will just be

a work of imagination that

would remain suspended in the air,

you will not see any of its

effect on the ground.

Those effects happen only

in the condition

when there exists a political

unity among them.

i.e. they are tribes, individuals,

people scattered in different places.

However, a unified political entity exists

and the political entity

should be clearly evident.

It is not just a work of imagination

which you form in your mind so you may

think this too will have the same effect.

That political unison actually

provides strength to it.

Based on it only its strength

comes into existence.

As whatever knowledge

of the world you possess

or the moral strength that you have,

that finds ways of its manifestations

in the world in tandem

with its material strength.

So the manifestation of material

strength lies in political unity.

And the third point is if

the basis of that Nation

is based on an ideology

or in plain words, you say,

taking the case of us Muslims.

Obviously, we are called Muslims

because we believe in a religion.

So if the basis of a Nation

is based on an ideology

then with regard to that ideology

or that religion,

how focussed are they?

i.e. if the situation there

is one of discord everywhere.

There does not exist

any basis for judgments.

Then obviously, weakness would set in.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] So these three things

are absolutely imperative.

These three are

the indispensable elements.

After this, a Nation can

sustain its superiority.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] When weakness will come in them.

It might be in one, or

the second or the third,

then it will gradually start going down.

And the other Nations of the world

need not necessarily be at

the peak in all these matters.

If they are better at them

then gradually their superiority

will also be established.

[Hassan] Right.

[Ghamidi] So, is this point clear?

[Hassan] Absolutely.

[Ghamidi] Note here the third point, I

would like to elucidate a little further,

God Almighty has stated it too.

When it was said in Surah Shura,

that thireligion is the

Religion of all Prophets.

and the Prophet peace be upon him was addressed

and said, "It has been given to you."

So what was said along with it?

"An Aqeemudddin Wala Tatafarraqu Fiih"

Now be steadfast to act on it.

And this obedience should be

done with absolute singlemindedness.

"Wala Tatafarraqu Fiih"

This was stated. The whole of the Muslim

Ummah was told that this can't be

that this focus is achieved

in parts to different groups.

"Ud Khulu Fis Silmi Kaffa"

All of you should together be

associated with thireligion.

What was the method told for this?

"Ihtassibu Bi Hablillahi Jamiam

Wala Tafarraqu"

i.e. hold on to the

rope of God with strength.

What will be the inevitable result of it?

You will be clear of conflicts.

You will be away from sectarianism.

And you will not lose focus

with respect to Deen.

What is that rope of Allah?

The Prophet peace be upon him has elucidated it and

it was made clear from the Quran

that it is the Book of Allah, the Quran.

Regarding the Quran itself

the Quran has elaborated that this

is the Book which when made

the focus of your attention, the source

of your strength.

The Book which you accept as

your Judge, whose judgements

will be accepted by you,

and for each and everything

you will treat it as 'Furqan'


and 'Meezan' (Scale), then

alone you will be singleminded

with regard to your Deen.

This is the basis of focus.

It does not at all imply that

there won't be any differences.

Those discords will come

under an umbrella.

i.e. for you, a basis would be provided

where if at all some minor issue comes up

it will keep getting resolved

on a continuous basis.

However, if this status of the

Book of God diminishes,

among us Muslims, then there

are endless dissensions.

There, someone will hold on to

something while some other

will hold on to something else.

Some one's source of guidance

will be based on human imaginations,

with it the philosophical discourses

will enter into the Deen,

and which will further add

various kinds of theologies.

Some will make it as a base

for the formulation of their

Metaphysics, which will result in

the development of

mystical groups.

Likewise, someone will cling on

to Narrations, while others will use

history to form ideas,

so when you will accept

the Book of God as

your 'Hakim' (Ruler)

and as a 'Furqan'


(I cited these as examples),

then what will be achieved?

A singlemindedness with regard to your


And this focus actually should be

with respect to all realms of knowledge.

So these are the three points.

Now you yourself can see at a glance

that this setting in of

the weakness,

i.e. I have narrated to you its history,

smaller provinces came into existence,

where the different Sultans

started to make themselves

independent up to a large extent,

they didn't even remain

accountable to anybody,

they exceeded their status

as Governors of a large Province.

The Mughal Kingdom came

under the Emperors,

and there wasn't

anything of that sort there.

Although, a symbolic status

did remain of the political

Unity of the Muslims,

which was in the form of

the Khilafat of the Ottomans.

It began in 1517 C.E

and that remained,

however, with a symbolic

status for centuries.

i.e. it has its period of being at its Zenith

and in the last days, or before it,

fell prey to weakness.

The factors of weakness are these.

Which I have just stated in front of you.

i.e. gradually the

political unity ended.

The real political unity

had existed earlier,

which slowly turned into symbolic unity,

and then after that, in a way,

that too came to an end.

That we saw among the Fatimids.

We also saw it among the

Abbasids in their last phase.

We also saw it in

the Abbasid Khilafat of Cairo.

And finally, the same situation

arose among the Ottomans.

The tales of Spain and


are recounted by people and even

today lament and mourn for it.

In this manner, more or less

the political unison ended.

Or you may term it as the complete

exhaustion of its strength.

The Safavids had their own rule

earlier too in Iran,

and later on the Russian Empire

started their offensive against them.

Gradually, ancient Persia

also lost its splendour.

This is the political history

in which the political unity

was gradually disintegrating.

Look at the second point.

With regard to Knowledge and Morality,

i.e. we had been in a commanding position.

If you begin from the Companions

what did the Quran say?

God Almighty praised them.

"Kuntum Khaira Ummatin Ukhrijat Lin Naas"

i.e. all the Sahaba (Companions)

weren't of the same level.

All of them were not Abu Bakr,

Umar, Usman, and Ali R.A.

In spite of all this, the whole group

was called "Khaira Ummatin"

i.e. "they were the best of people"

With regard to knowledge

as well as morality.

Then in the later stages,

you saw the periods

of Harun and Mamun,

you also saw the advancement of

knowledge in Spain.

You also had the opportunity to

witness the moral superiority of people

on various measures taken at the time.

Then the gradual decline started here too.

i.e. the knowledge too slipped from

their hands and with regard to morality,

the Muslims gradually followed

the course of decline from

superiority to moderately good and then

comparatively acceptable.

And in the end what followed?

The march was towards the abject

lowness in knowledge and morality.

And the religious unity ended too.

For the reason that the Book of Allah,

neither remained as the locus for

the knowledge of the Muslims,

nor did it remain as the axis for

their actions and practice.

This is the situation of

the present times as well.

All three aspects became the bases

for the decline of the majestic Empire

of the Muslims that had come into being

and their dominance in the world.

And through them, that era had

come into existence which is called

the 'The Age of Faith' (Asr-ul Iman).

This schematic which Will Durant

used is absolutely right.

If you observe carefully,

this is the period of the peak

of the teachings of the two Prophets.

On one side is Jesus PEACE BE UPON HIM.

His followers attained this

status in the Roman Empire.

And we saw their grandeur, their position,

and the nature of the Empire.

And the powers acquired

by the Christian Church.

On the other end, the followers of

the Prophet of Allah, Muhammad peace be upon him.

If you look carefully, the superiority

that had been attained

was of the Being of God , religion was

the source and guide of knowledge.

And the world was

being governed by it too.

And the same points which I discussed,

when weakness crept in all the three,

then ultimately they had to meet

this fate that the

decree for their destruction was signed.

To what extent would that be

is something else. It hasn't been with

the Muslims to that degree.

How the judgment for

this destruction was made?

And in comparison to it

how the different Nations surfaced?

We should have a glance at that too so

that we see as to what happened

when Palestine slipped

out of the hands of Muslims?

[Hassan] Ghamidi Sahab, you elaborated

upon this point in great detail today,

that the complete issue

of the land of Palestine,

where do we stand in it?

And the factors that you ascertained

for the rise and fall are undoubtedly

the points to ponder upon.

We are taking the discussion along.

We are analyzing

the whole issue politically,

historically and, religiously.

Now the important aspect in which

the most significant point is

where do we stand today historically?

And to resolve this issue,

what are the contemporary

political measures

and what is the international scenario?

And what are your views about all this?

We shall bring it into the

next discussion Insha Allah.

We are finished with our time

for now.

Insha Allah, tomorrow we

shall be at your service again.

Thank you very much

for your time till now.

[Ghamidi] Thank you.

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