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Year 8 Drama Macbeth Performance reflection

Name: Imogen White

Group Members: Hannah Rusmir

1. Evaluate your use of voice, facial expression and movement – do you think you
embodied a Macbeth effectively according to your design brief? (to evaluate you
need to use terms that show how well you manipulated your use of gaze, movement)

I think i used my voice effectively, i kept my gaze on Hannah but projected my voice
to the audience. My facial expressions could have been better but I think I did well to
look afraid and nervous. My movement was effective especially when we walked
slowly on with the bells playing in the background. I think that I embodied Macbeth
effectively, but I think that I could have done more manly movements but all in all I
think I did well to act like someone afraid which is how I wanted to be as I described
in our design brief.

2. What I found most enjoyable about this unit was

During this unit I found getting ready to perform because you can feel the pressure
but you are also excited for everyone to see how well you have worked because all
of the work you did for the unit all depends on how you perform.

3. The most challenging aspect of preparation and performance was:

For me the most challenging part of the preparation was figuring out where the
lighting was going to change because our lines was a conversation not a chant so it
was hard because if we were to change lighting there wasn’t a time where it wouldn’t
look out of context. The most challenging part of the performance was moving
towards the front stage so we could be in the spotlight at the end, but we made it in

4. What I would do differently next time would be:

If I were to do something differently would be to change the lighting a bit more and
figuring out when it wouldn’t be out of context and it would give a better effect to the

5. Three things I enjoyed about other performances were:

1. I enjoyed seeing everyone after we performed because i knew that we had
finished and that we could relax
2. I also enjoyed speaking in front of an audience, because all of our work led up
to that moment.
3. I enjoyed watching all of the other performances to gain inspiration.

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