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A Master Degree in Human Resource Management is a universally recognized

postgraduate degree that gears towards teaching graduates the strategic approach to
the effective management of people in a company or organization such that they
help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize
employee performance in service of an employer’s strategic objectives. The process
of maximizing employee performance ranges from staffing, employee
compensation and benefit, and defining/designing work. The knowledge of Human
Resource Management is what I aspire to use in harnessing the population of
Nigerian youth but had been limited by adequate environment and resources. I
therefore, wish to humbly submit my study plan for your candid consideration and
approval for sponsorship of my Master Degree programme in Human Resource
Management in China through Chinese Government Scholarship.

My name is Syeda Bisal Maryam Naqvi, I hail from Muzaffarabad Azad

Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan. I am a graduate of BBA HONS (HRM) from
University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan State, with a Cumulative Grade
Point of 3.43 on a 4.00 point CGPA.

I have a first class academic career and I have received certification during my
career in academic and in extracurricular activities. In fact, I was up to the mark and
honored in the top ten in a class, I also discovered the intellectual satisfaction of
solving difficult problems on my own. I have done an internship of three months
duration at Askari Bank Limited.

I did my final year thesis project on “Counselda” which was carried out by a team
of four students and I contributed as Group Leader. Our project’s aim was to
provide system which will work for safety, security, and reporting purposes. In our
system Finger print Authentication was used for detection and recognition of
students for entering and leaving the hostel in real time as well as the Notification
System was also used that send message to the guardians of a students via SMS on
their phone numbers in order that the guardians know the reasons of leaving or
entering to the hostel for which purpose. While working on this project I found
strong motivation in myself towards graduate study and research in the area of
security It is also work as E-Learning application. The plate form where student get
a online class in any area or other Study Material.I feel that a career in research is
suited both to my aptitude and temperament.

Personally, I have always admired China in various aspects. China’s Global speed,
the famous hospitality and diverse culture, is what I sincerely wish to be part of the
development and growth process. It was this admiration that led me to learning
Chinese language in my country. Over the years, I have gathered basic knowledge.

Also, in recent years, China has become a strong progressive nation, having
bilateral relations with nations in different continents of the world; China’s
educational standard is on the rise and is a world class standard which is one reason
I chose China as a post graduate study destination.

Furthermore, China from my exposure to her education standard through movies,

books and news has a pragmatic system that inculcates more knowledge to her
students and gets them ready for opportunities, which is why I studying in China is
of utmost importance to me.

Further more, I believe that enrolling in the MBA program at Shandong Normal
University will be key to achieving these goals. The program's focus on developing
strong leadership, analytical, and critical thinking skills is exactly what I need to
succeed in these fields. Additionally, through practical application of these skills in
real-life business scenarios during internships and group projects, I can gain
valuable experience that will set me apart from other job applicants.

Choosing Shandong Normal University for my MBA education aligns perfectly with
my professional aspirations and sets me up for success both now and into the future.

As a prospective MBA student, my research interests are primarily centered around

emerging trends and challenges in enterprise management. In particular, I am
interested in exploring the impact of digital technologies on business operations and

I believe that with the rapid pace of technological advancements, businesses must
strive to remain competitive by incorporating digital innovations into their processes.
However, this also creates new challenges such as managing data privacy concerns
or adapting organizational structures to support remote work environments.
Through conducting in-depth research on these topics, I hope to not only contribute
new insights to the academic community but also generate practical
recommendations for industry practitioners. Specifically, I would like to explore
how companies can effectively leverage these emerging technologies while still
maintaining ethical standards and fulfilling social responsibilities.

My research interests align well with the broader goals of Shandong Normal
University's MBA program which emphasizes leadership potential through academic
rigor and innovation. Through engaging in impactful thesis research within this
context, I am confident that I will be well-equipped for future success as a
professional leader within the global business environment.

As I embark on this exciting opportunity to study at Shandong Normal University, I

am fully committed to immersing myself in the local culture and community. One
way I plan to do so is by enrolling in Chinese language courses offered. These
language courses will not only help me communicate more effectively with locals
but also foster a deeper appreciation of cultural nuances.

In addition to formal language instruction, I also plan on participating in various

cultural activities and events that showcase the rich history and traditions of China.
For example, attending traditional festivals or visiting historical landmarks would
allow me to gain a broader understanding of local customs and beliefs.

Furthermore, as an active member of the student body, I intend to engage with the
community through volunteer work or joining clubs that promote cross-cultural
communication and exchange. By working alongside locals towards common goals,
I hope to not only deepen my own understanding but also build lasting friendships
with members of the Shandong Normal University community.

Overall, my intention is not just simply learning about China but truly immersing
myself into its vibrant culture. Through these efforts towards cultural integration, I
aim for personal growth while fostering stronger bonds between our global
Having studied critically the workforce of my country Pakistan. I was able to
observe the high level of inefficient and incompetent operation of employees, high
rate of involuntary employee turnover as a result of friction between the employees
and the employers thus needs Human Resource experts to re-establish a smooth
working condition.
Human Resource Management is based on the utilization of employees by harnessing the
talents and abilities of labour to get the operational objective which are the key plan of
organization. I discovered the impact of Human Resource Management as an important
factor in promotion of Pakistan economy that has her recent focus in production and
One aspect that sets me apart from other candidates is my diverse background and experience.
Growing up in a multicultural environment, I have developed an open-minded perspective
and adaptability to different situations and cultures.
I have gained strong analytical and problem-solving skills through my previous work
experiences fields. These skills will allow me to bring a unique perspective to the table when
collaborating with fellow students on projects or case studies.
I am fluent in multiple languages, which can facilitate effective communication within a
global business context. Additionally, having experience living abroad has allowed me to
develop cross-cultural leadership skills that could further enrich the academic and cultural
environment at Shandong Normal University.
I believe these attributes make me an ideal candidate for the MBA program as they signify
not only academic success but also personal growth. Ultimately, this brings value to both
myself and the university community as we strive towards continued development of
professional leaders who are equipped with diverse skill sets.
Upon researching Shandong Normal University's MBA program, I was particularly drawn to
the faculty members and their notable expertise in a variety of fields. For example, Professor
Zhang specializes in marketing research while also actively participating in relevant national
research projects. Similarly, Professor Li has published numerous papers on financial
economics and is highly respected within the industry.
Furthermore, the courses offered through this program align perfectly with my career goals.
"Strategic Management" and "Global Marketing" are two classes that caught my attention as
they would allow me to gain further insight into the areas of management and marketing
which are of great importance to me.
Additionally, I was excited to learn about the opportunity for practical application of skills
through internships offered by Shandong Normal University's MBA program. This real-world
experience will undoubtedly help me stand out in future job applications while also providing
invaluable networking opportunities.
Overall, it is clear that Shandong Normal University's MBA program offers top-notch
education with expert professors and unique opportunities that directly align with my interests
and career aspirations.
Networking is a key component of success in any professional field, and I am committed to
building effective connections both within the Shandong Normal University community and
the broader business world.
Within the university, I plan to engage with various student organizations such as the MBA
Association or business clubs that align with my research interests or like Marketing Galla.
These groups provide excellent opportunities to meet fellow students who share similar goals
and interests while also allowing me to network with professors and industry professionals
who may be guest speakers at these events.
I plan on attending career fairs hosted by the university where top companies in different
industries gather in one place for recruitment purposes. Participating in these events would
not only allow me to learn more about potential job opportunities but also expand my
professional network.
Beyond campus boundaries, I intend on joining local chambers of commerce or relevant trade
associations that promote cross-cultural relationships between China and other countries'
business communities. Through these platforms, I aim to build contacts outside academia
while staying up-to-date on emerging trends or challenges facing global businesses today.
Overall, establishing a strong network is critical towards professional growth, social
integration, and personal development; As such efforts towards networking will be paramount
throughout my experience at Shandong Normal University leading into future endeavors
beyond academia.
Studying in a foreign country can present various challenges, such as cultural differences,
language barriers, and homesickness. However, I am aware of these potential obstacles and
have plans to overcome them.
To address cultural differences and reduce culture shock, I will engage in intercultural
activities and events that enable me to learn about the local customs and traditions. Building
relationships with locals will also provide insights into their way of life while allowing me to
practice my language skills.
For language barriers, I plan on enrolling in Chinese language classes offered at the
university. Consistent practice through formal instruction along with immersion experiences
will help me communicate more effectively while gaining confidence in social situations.
Ultimately, homesickness is an understandable challenge when living abroad for long periods;
To overcome this issue being proactive by joining clubs or attending school events would
offer friendly encounters encouraging personal growth whilst easing feelings of loneliness.
Generally speaking, though facing numerous challenges during a study trip across borders
involving moving away from home could be daunting however planning ahead towards
adaptation could make all the difference between success or struggle throughout such
I am endowed with an amiable disposition and flexible capacity which is why my relationship
with people around me has been remarkable. I am optimistic and understand the true reality of
life thus relating with everyone in an optimistic mind-sets which has been indispensable in
my daily life success. I am also good in learning new things.
I have been involved in several extracurricular activities, leadership roles, and community
service projects that have helped me develop my well-rounded personality and leadership
I also work as voluntary Vice President as Rotract International. I have done many project as
a social worker for the well begin of society.
One of my most significant contributions was serving as a volunteer English teacher to under
privileged children in my hometown. Through this experience, I learned the importance of
patience and effective communication skills while also developing strong organizational
abilities. Additionally, I actively participated in several community outreach programs aimed
at helping those with disabilities integrate into society more effectively.
Outside of community involvement, I have held various leadership positions throughout my
academic career, including serving as the president of my university's business club. This role
allowed me to develop critical decision-making competencies and enhanced my public
speaking capabilities through regular presentations to members or larger organizations.
These experiences demonstrate not only a commitment to personal growth but also a
responsibility towards giving back to society through active involvement and engagement.
With these qualities combined with relevant education from Shandong Normal University's
MBA program, I am confident in meeting all challenges required for an excellent professional
I am committed to improving my English language proficiency as it is a critical skill for
success in the global business environment. To demonstrate my current level of fluency.
Furthermore, I take pride in continuously improving my language skills through regular
practice and immersion experiences. For example, attending international conferences or
participating in cross-cultural exchange programs have been valuable opportunities for me to
practice communication skills with speakers from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
After MS, I plan to find a job as a professor or researcher in Pakistan. In recent years
Government of Pakistan has paid more and more attention to higher education on
research projects, so the condition for research and teaching in universities becoming
more impressive. Compare to highly competitive and almost saturated job in china,
there are more opportunities for the younger generation in Pakistan. I believe my
Chinese education background and connection in Pakistan would make me more
competent to find a job as a professor in a university or institution in Pakistan. I hope
one day I could set up my own institution.
As a law abiding citizen, I have no doubt of complying with the Rules and
Regulations governing the People Republic of China if given the opportunity to
study in China.
On completion of my Master Degree program, I hope to return to Pakistan to share the
knowledge I have gotten from China with my Mother-Nation. Subsequently, proceed
for higher Degree for betterment of Pakistan Economy and world at large.
Thanking you for giving me an opportunity to express myself.

In conclusion, I am thrilled at the prospect of joining Shandong Normal University

and fully immersing myself in the rich culture and academic environment it offers.
My eagerness towards becoming a member of the university’s community is not only
for personal enrichment but to contribute positively towards local society.I value
cross-cultural communication and exchange, so developing networks that foster such
interactions will be fundamental throughout my tenure here. Additionally, integrating
culturally through language courses and activities would also enrich my experiences
while building deeper connections with members within the community.

I believe studying at Shandong Normal University presents an incredible opportunity

- one which I do not take lightly. With dedication towards both academic success as
well as social integration by contributing positively to multicultural understanding
underscores this path forward throughout my experience studying overseas.

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