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1. The phenomenon observed when particles of colloidal solution block the path of light rays and scatter them is known as (a)
Diffusion (b) yindal effect (c) dialysis (d) Brownian movement
2. Natural water collected from rivers and ponds contains oxygen, carbon (iv) oxide and ___ (a) Hydrogen (b) Sulphur (iv) oxide
(c) Nitrogen (d) Chlorine oxide
3. If 10cm3 of a distilled water is added to 10cm 3 of an aqueous salt solution, the concentration of the solution (a) increases (b)
decreases (c) remain constant (d) doubles
4. The most suitable indicator for the titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium trioxocarbonate (iv) is (a) methyl red (b) methyl
orange (c) phenolphthalein (d) Litmus solution
5. What is the unit of molar concentration? (a) moldm-3 (b) gldm3 (c) gmol-1 (d) dm3
6. The indicator used for strong base and weak acid is ___ (a) Litmus (b) methyl orange (c) methyl red (d) phenolphthalein
7. What is the color of methyl orange in acid medium (a) Pink (b) red (c) Yellow (d) colorless
8. What is the color change at the end point of methyl red(a) purple (b) orange (c) colorless (d) pink
9. A substance that dissolve in a solvent to form a solution is called (a) Acid (b) Base (c) Suspension (d) Glue solution
10. In the purification of town water, alum is used principally to (a) kill bacteria (b) control the pH of water (c) improve the taste of
water (d) coagulate small particles of mud
11. Which of the following g can be used to test the presence of water in the laboratory (a) Anhydrous magnesium chloride (b)
Anhydrous copper (ii) tetra oxosulphate (iv) (c) Anhydrous copper(ii)chloride(d) Anhydrous calcium chloride
12. Which of the following is used as water softener? (a) Na2Co3.10H2O (b) CuSO4.5H2O (c) MgSO4.7H2O (d) CaCl2.2H2O
13. The method that can be used to convert hard water to soft water is (a) Chlorination (b) passage over treated charcoal (c) the
use of an ion exchange resin (d) aeration
14. Water is temporarily hard because it contains (a) CaSO4 (b) Chlorine (c) MgSO4 (d) Ca(HCO3)2
15. One of these is not a water pollutant (a) Industrial effluent(b)Biodegrable chemicals(c)Domestic Liquid(d) Petroleum
16. The furring kettles is caused by the presence of ___ in water (a) Calcium tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid (b) Calcium Hydrogen
trioxocarbonate (iv) (c) Calcium hydroxide (d) Calcium trioxocarbonate (v)
17. Solute is through solution as ___ is to colloids (a) dipension medium (b) aerosol (c) dispersed phase (d) crystalloid
18. Coffee stains are removed with (a) petrol (b) turpentine (c) borax in water (d) ammonia solution
19. When a few drops of water is added to a blue anhydrous cobalt (ii)chloride, the color changes is (a) white (b)pink(c) red(d)
20. Steams react with X on heating strongly as indicate below X is ____ (a) Cu (b) Fe (c) Zn (d) Pb
SECTION B: Answer all questions from this section
1a. State the type of bond: (i) within a water molecule (ii) between water molecules
(1bi). List two salts which cause hardness of water.
(1bii) What is the atomic number of an element whose cation X2+ has the electronic configuration 1S2 2S2 2P6 3S2 3P6
(1ci). Name a scientist whose work could be associated with the periodic time table
(1cii). State three differences between soft water and hard water
Burette Reading Cm3
Final burette Reading
Initial burette Reading
Volume of acid used
State the:
(ai). Liquid that was put in the burette for titration (ii). Liquid to which indicator was added
iii. Color of titration mixture at the end point (iv). Reasons why the titration was carried out in three times
v. Calculate the value of Y
2bi. Explain four importance of acid-base titration (bii). State one advantage of detergent over soap in hard water
3ai. Write an equation for the reaction involved in the removal of temporary hardness of water by:
(i) Boiling (ii) with slake lime
b. A student was instructed to transfer 25.0cm3 of a given NaOH solution from a beaker into a conical flask without using funnel.
i. Name the apparatus required for the accurate measurement of the 25cm3 portion
ii. State three sources of error in the measurement
iii. What color would be observed on few drops of methyl orange indicator to the portion in the conical flask.
(4a). Mention two processes involved in the water cycle (b). Describe the formation of the cloud
(c). State the role of each of the following substances in the treatment of river water for town supply
(i) Sand bed (ii) Alum (iii) Chlorine
1. Compound super phosphate are for ________soils (A) light (B) heavy (C) cleans (D) crop (E) fruits
2. Potassium sulphate (k2s04) are for ______(A) vegetable (*B) tobacco (C) fruit crop (D) sugarcane
(E) all of the above
3. Which of the following is harvested using a sickle?(A) millet(B) rice(C) cowpea(D) sorghum
4. Crop production can be done using ____(A) mono cropping (B) crop rotation (C) mixed cropping
(D) inter cropping (E) all of the above
5. Forms of agricultural activities practical in the community include the following except ____(A)
rearing of harvested livestock (B) growing crop (C) rearing of fish (D) animal husbandry (E) all if the
6. Riding is done with _____(A) harvester (B) planer (C) rigger (D) thrasher (E) none of the above
7. Which of the following is considered when choosing a site for pre-planting operation ?(A) choice of
site (B) topography (B) Plotting (C) ploughing (D) harrowing
8. ____Is done to break up the soil and to bury the weeds and their seeds (A) ridging (B) weather (C)
plotting (D) tillage (E) all of the above
9. Covering the surface of the soil around plants with any dry leaves or sometimes with plastic sheets
is ____(A) mulching (B) manuring (C) fertility (D) covering (E) surface
10. Which of the following is nit a pre-planting operation (A) choice of the site (B) stumping (C)
harrowing (D) thinning (E) plotting
11. Proteins are found in the _____(A) cytoplasm (B) protoplasm (C) facade (D) chromosome (E)
12. What is the chemical symbol of iron ?(A) Mg (B) Cu (C) Fe (D) Zn (E) Na
13. ___Is used for feeding grain and silages to cotton (A) drinker set (B) hayrack (C) feed through (D)
shade (E) none f the above
14. Which of the following is used for feeding animals with hay and other forage ?(A) drinker (B) hay
rack (C) feed through (E) incubator (E) all of the above
15. The chemical symbol of fluorine is ____(A) P (B) F (C) CL (D) N (E) N (E) Fe
16. Yam tuber are best stored in ___(A) crib (B) barn (C) silo (D) bin (E) underground
17. The most appropriate implement for breaking up soil is the __(A) mower (B) plough ()C) harrow (D)
rigger (E) tractor
18. Fertile soil makes crop grows n___(A) slowly (B) well (C) poorly (D) sharp (E) bad
19. A place where seedlings are raised before transplanted to permanent field is called ___(A) animal
dip (B) fish pond (C) nursery (D) pasture (E) all of the above
20. The preservation of fishes in deep freezers, cold rooms and refrigerators is called ___(A) canning
(B) refrigerator (C) salting (D) frying (E) smoking
21. The ____Involves mechanical manipulation of soil (A) spoilage) B_ tillage (C) Plough (D) seedling
(E) none of the above
22. The glass container where beautiful fishes may be kept as pets at home is called ___(A) pond (B)
fish (C) aqua glass (D) qaquarine (E) water glass S
23. What is the chemical symbol of manganese? (A) Mn (B) Mg (C) Mo (D) Na (E) k
24. ______Is used for serving water to animals (A) drinker set (B) hayrack (C) feed through (E) none of
the above (E) incubator
25. Good feeding ensures that the skins of the animals are ___(A) healthy (B) rough (C) quality) E)
feed (E) fibre4
26. Livestock feed stuffs includes the following excerpt ___(A) palm kernel cake (B) cotton cake (C)
forage (D) silage (AE) all of the above
27. Common sources of protein in animal feeds are ___(A) forage (B) animal (C() roots (D) tubers
(E( all of the above
28. The full meaning of NPK fertilizer is ___(A) nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (B) nitrogen,
sodium and chlorine (C) nutrient, potassium and karyolitic (D) nutrient, phosphate and ken on (E)
none of the above
29. To establish farm, the first step is _____(A) to get the seed for planting (B) purchase a fertilizer (C)
(acquisition of land (D) affesting (E) all of the above
30. Carbohydrate food give _______(A) energy (*B) vitamin (C) protein (D) nutrient (E) none of the

Answer any three questions from this section.

1a. Define agricultural practice.

b. List four factors that must be put into consideration when choosing a place3 to site a farm.
c. State three factors that determine the amount of fertilizer to be used for a crop.
2a. List five sources of fertilizer
b. State three major factors to be considered in making the decision to harvest
c. What is mulching
3a. List (10) ten names of element and their chemical symbol
4a. What is asexual propagation?
b. State four advantage of asexual propagation
c. State three disadvantage of asexual propagation

5. What are feed? (5b). List and explain 5 types of feed. (5c). List 5 feeding equipment.

6. What is animal disease? (6b). List 5 diseases causative organisms of livestock. (6c). Write 5 mode of
transmission of diseases causing organism.
1. Aquatic animals live insides _____(A) bushes (B) soil (C) forest (D) water (E) Rock
2. ____Is an examples of aquatic animals (A) cattle (B) rabbit (C) goat (D) prawn (E) lion
3. Mammals are animal with __(A) scale (B) backbone (C) blood (D) fingernail (E) domestic
4. How many stomach apartments does a ruminant have? (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 4 (E) 5
5. A piece of land on which crops are grown and animals are raised is __(A) school (B) arm (C) shrine
(C) soil; (E) loamy
6. ____Is the upper layer of the earth in which plant grows (A) soil (B) grass (C) rock (D) farm (E)
7. Which bo0f these is the best for growing grass (A) soil (B) grass (C) rock (D) farm (E) gravel
8. Yam is best stored in ____(A) crib (B) barn (C) rhombus (D) ground E) silo
9. A piece of water where fishes are raised artificially is called __(A) silo (B) fish pond (C) anal dip (E)
rock (E) mountain
10. Yam is classified as ___(A) tuber crop (B) beverages (B) leguminous crops (D) fruit crop (E) all of
the above
11. Monocotyledonous are mostly ____Plant (A) herbaceous (B) cotyledons (C) venation (E)
phyllotaxy (E) none of the above
12. Cotyledon means ___(A) crop leave (B) seed leaf (C) tap root (D) root system (E)double
13. ___ is a crop plant with two see leaf (a) monocotyledons (b) monocot (C) dicotyledons (D)
cotyledon (E)root system
14. ______are cultivated for their succulent fruit which are eaten fresh (A) fruit (B) vegetable (C) bulb
(D) stalk (E) leafy vegetable
15. ___are used to add flavor to food (A) spice (B) latex (C) beverages (E)fruit (E) oil
16. ______are sources of minerals to the body (A) yam (B) fruit (C) minerals (D) protein (E) none of
the above
17. Vitamins required in the body development should include (A) vitamin A (B) vitamin C (c) vitamin
E (D) vitamin D (E) all of the above
18. Lack of vitamin in the body result in nutritional _____(A) required (B) deficiency (C) digestion (D)
energy (E) temperature
19. ___are crop that will continue to grow and reproduce throughout their navies (A) perennial (B)
biannual crop (C) food crop (D) tuber crop (E) root crop
20. Cereals belong to the family of _____(A) fabacean (B) leguminous (C)_ germinate (D) legume (E)
one\ of the above
21. Methods of preservation include the following (A) drying (B) salting (C) smoking (D) refrigerating
(E)all of the above
22. The roof of a barn may be covered with ____(A) palm frond (b) iron sheet (C) storage (D) none of
the above (E) all of the above
23. Aquatic animal without backbone is called ___(A) verteb4ate (B) aquatic (C) Invertebrate (IE)
aquaculture (E) reptile
24. Non-ruminant animals are _____Animals (A) monogastric (B) chamber (C) grass cutter (D)
livestock (E) goat
25. Animal that chews the cuds is called ____(A) ruminant (B) non-ruminant (C) livestock (D) fishery
(E) forget
26. Another name for rearing livestock is ___(A) animal husbandry (B) cattle farming (C) rearing of fish
(D) duck farming (E) sheep farming
27. One of these is examples of reptiles (A) crocodile (B) frog (C) whale (E) toad (E) crab
28. Air tight condition is maintained and achieved with the aid of ___(A) storage (B) silage (C)
firmament (e) guard (e) nitrogen
29. Animals reared purposely for milk production are called (a) dairy animals(b) work animals(c)dual
purpose animals (d) all of the above
30. One of these is a perennial crop (a)cassava (b)cowpea (c)kolanut (d)rice

Answer any three questions from this section

1. What are farm animals? (1b). What is habitat? (1c). Write 2 types of habitat.
(1d). List 3 forms of farm animals.

2a. What is weed? (2b). List 5 characteristics of weed. (2c). Write 3 uses of weed.

3a. Write 5 differences between ruminant and non-ruminant animals.

3b). List and explain5 uses of farm animals.

4a. what is salving of farm produce?

4b. mention four objective of storage
4c. list three method of storage

5a. Define fishery

5b. List (i) six (6) examples of aquatic reared (ii) Two examples of reptiles reared under fishery
(iii) Two examples of rear (iv) One examples of cnidarians reared

6a. Define crop plant forms

b. List five component of plant morphology
c. List two type of plant forms

7a. What is monocotyledon?

b. List five characteristics of a monocotyledon
c. List four examples of a monocotyledon
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all questions. Ensure your hand-writing is neat and readable.

Many years ago, there was a great famine in a village called Aribiire. People died like chicken
and there was no one to bury them. No one felt strong enough to perform the ceremonies.
Many people in the village had trekked away to the west across a mountain and to eat in the east
into the forest. Many sold their children to get food, only those who loved their children very
much preferred to keep them and starved with them. Even, the daughters of the chiefs were
married off to obtain food.
Men of lowly birth who had food married princess. People would eat anything. If they find
things that look like potatoes, they ate them not minding whether they are poisonous or not.
Consequently, many people who ate such poisonous items died. They would have been better off
not eating at all.
1. In Aribiire village, there was __________ (a) a great ceremony (b) a scarcity of
food (c) an epidemic (d) a fire disaster
2. When people left the village, they trekked to _________ (a) the north and south
(b) the south and west (c) the north and the east (d) the west and the east
3. The hunger was so great that many people __________ (a) abandoned their children
(b) sold their children to get food (c) fought with evil spirits (d) slaughter all their
4. Some poor people were able to marry princesses because ___________ (a) they had
food at their disposal (b) they were very handsome (c) they had accident (d) they
took their own life
5. Many people died because__________ (a) they were very old (b) there was nobody to
look after them (c) they ate poisonous food (d) they took their own life
Choose the correct words that have almost the same meaning with the underlined words
6. He was invited to appear for the interview. (a) pressed (b) asked (c) pushed
(d) forced
7. I am going out in the evening to mend my shoe (a) replace (b) polish (c) make
(d) repair
8. The man is very famous (a) wealthy (b) popular (c) callous (d) nice
9. The woman is difficult to satisfy. (a) rude (b) safe (c) hard (d) adore
10. The officer ordered him to strike with all his power (a) attack (b) shoot (c) pull
(d) hit
11. The basic genres of literature are ….. (a) Drama, play, poem (b) play, serve, act (c)
prose, poetry , drama (d) none of the above.
12. The flowers are smiling beautifully. This is example of (a)metaphor (b) personification
(c) irony (d) simile
13. The figure of speech which is saying opposite of what it means is called (a)simile (b)
hyperbole (c) metaphor (d)irony
14. The types of prose are (a)narrative /descriptive (b)direct/indirect (c)comedy/tragedy
15. Olu is the lion of the group. This is an example of (a) irony (b) metaphor (c) simile(d)
16. Aisha is looking as a queen. This is an example of (a) simile (b) personification (c)
irony (d)ode
17. ……….. refers to poem of 14 lines. (a) sonnet (b) octave (c) sextet (d) quatrain
18. The name of a male character who takes part in a play. Is(a) register (b) actors (c) cast (d)
19. The totality of dress worn by characters in a play is referred to as (a) attire (b) dress (c)
culture (d) costumes
20. The author of a poem is called (a) author (b) poet (c) writer (d) singer
21. The main idea in a poem is known as (a)action (b) theme (c) setting (d) plot
22. A play is written in ……. and …… (a) chapter and lines (b) chapter and act (c) acts and
scenes (d) lines and verses
23. Folktale is an example of (a) drama (b) poetry (c) prose (d) play
24. The history of a popular Yoruba woman – Moremi can be found in (a) legend (b)
folktales (c) myths (d) fables
25. The book ‘Dark Times are Over’ is a/an (a) drama (b) prose (c) poetry (d)poem
26. Simile, metaphor and assonance are examples of (a) sentence parts (b) parts of speech (c)
figures of speech (d) literature
27. A character who plays a major role in a play is called (a) antagonist (b) actor (c)
hero/heroine (d)antagonist
28. A play with sad end is called (a) comedy (b) tragic –comedy (c) tragedy (d)irony
29. What is the title of the book you read on PROSE (a) Darks times are over (b) Forbidden
(c) Sunrise poetry (d) too late to cry
30. Which of these is a benefit of literature? (a) entertainment (b) playing (c) legend
31. The person who writes a drama is called (a) play righter (b) playwright (c) playright
32. The fourteen lines poem is a (a) sonnet (b) dirge (c)lyric (d) octave
33. Why does a writer choose to use figures of speech? (a) for emphasis (b) for fun (c) to
catch attention (d) poem
34. A person’s life history written by another person is called (a) autobiography (b)
biography (c) CV(d) history
35. Author of a novel is called (a) poet (b) novelist (c) playwright (d)writer


Letter Writing [Answer only ONE question in this section]

Choose either of the alternatives below; write a letter that is not less than 150 words.
A. Write a letter to your mother telling her three reasons she has to assist you to prepare
your dinner before your arrival from school today as you will get home a little bit late.
B. Write a letter to the principal of your school informing him three reasons you want him to
get a standard school bus.


1. List 5 benefits of literature.
2. List the three genres of literature.
3. List 8 figures of speech with an example each
4. What is drama?
5. List 5 features of drama.
Section A: Objective Test Questions
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.
1. Rule of law means (a)absence of legal immunity (b)supremacy of the law (c) peace, order, stability
(d) obedience to any authority
2. To prevent the spread of HIV/AIDs, people should be encouraged to (a)avoid illicit sexual relation
(b)marry very early (c)pursue high education (d) engage in gainful job
3. Conflicts are better resolved in the society through (a)tribunal (b)litigation (c)dialogue(d) the court
4. A system of government that listens to public opinion and tolerates opposition is (a)dictatorial
regime (b)capitalist regime (c)democratic regime (d) socialist regime
5. The National Assembly, Presidency and Court which are inter-related and interdependent in our
democracy constitute the (a)tiers of government (b)types of democracy (c) forms of democracy(d)
arms of government
6. Youth empowerment is best described as the (a)training given to individuals for acquiring means of
livelihood (b) practice of engaging in prospective career(c) provision of subsidized meals to
citizens(d) mobilization of citizens for political rally
7. One habit which PLWHA must avoid to remain healthy and productive is (a) regular contact with
heathy people(b) self-pity and self-medication(c) participation in profitable ventures(d) pursuit of
academic studies
8. Victims of human trafficking are usually compelled to engage in (a)lucrative employment (b)visiting
tourist sites (c)part=time studies (d)forced labour
9. Cultism can be described to be (a)amiable (b)attractive (c) dangerous(d) harmless
10. Human rights are basic natural rights which people enjoy primarily because they are (a)member of
a political party (b)international citizens (c)members of a community (d)human beings
11. The nearest government to the people that aids their development is the (a)state government
(b)unitary government (c)local government (d)federal government
12. Democratic governance is usually characterized by (a)free, fair and credible elections (b)buoyant
and competitive economy (c)accessible employment opportunity (d) youth participation in
13. One of the conditions which can limit the enjoyment of Human Rights in Nigeria is the
(a)acceptance of foreign aid by government (b) improvement in the literacy level of citizens(c)
declaration of state of emergency by government(d) all
14. One of the reasons most HIV/AIDs patients are reluctant to disclose their status is because of
(a)incurable nature of the ailment (b)fear of social stigmatization (c) lack of sufficient public
awareness(d)shortage of health counsellors
Instruction: Use the dialogue below to answer questions 15 to 19
Sola: Where are you going in this ungodly hour of the night?
Debo: I am heading towards my usual joint to enjoy myself.
Sola: Which joint?
Debo: June 7 Night club, where I take marijuana and alcoholic beverages. I really want to be high tonight
so that when people see me tomorrow, they will fear and respect me.
Sola: Remember, people who work under the influence of hard drugs and alcoholic beverages are prone
to either psychiatric problems or premature death. Softly young man, imbibe good natured character, you
have the world at your feet and a destiny to fulfil. Pray you will not be the architect of your own misfortune.
15. From this dialogue, it is very likely that Debo will be exhibiting the following characters except
(a)disobedience to constituted authority (b)truancy and perpetual lateness to school (c)hospitable
attitude towards people (d)arrogance and unruly behaviour
16. Which of the following may result from Debo’s habit (a)humility for elders (b) criminality in the
society (c)advocacy for hard drug by NGOs (d)excellent performance in school
17. From Sola’s admonition, it could be deduced that taking hard drugs could (a) make people respect
the addicts(b)lead to insanity of the addicts (c)make people to adore the drug addicts (d)ensure
courteous behaviour by the addicts.
18. From the above dialogue, Dobo” behaviour could be curtailed by (a)sending him abroad for further
studies (b)financial inducement (c)re-orientation and rehabilitation (d) indulging him with expensive
19. Which of the following government agencies is the most capable of controlling the activities of
Debo and his group? (a) National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and
Control(b)National Orientation Agency (c) National Emergency Management Agency(d) National
Drug Law Enforcement Agency
20. Which of the following bodies is responsible for defending the country against external aggression?
(a) army(b)civil defense (c) customs (d)police
21. Which of the following conditions gives rise to the denial of right to life? (a)protest (b)homicide
(c)burglary (d) forgery
22. Activities that act as clog in the wheel of societal progress can be described as (a)family issues
(b)cultural vices (c)religious issues (d)social issues
23. The four most prominent nationalist leaders of Nigeria at independence were (a)J.S. Tarka, S.L.
Akintola, Aminu Kano and Ernest Ikoli (b)Nnamdi Azikiwe, K.O. Mbadiwe, Arthur Richard and
Aminu Kano (c) Tafawa Balewa, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Ahmadu Bello(d) Adesoji
Aderemi, Shehu Shagari, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe
24. Responsible parenthood can complement the activities of government in several ways except by
raising (a)responsible citizens (b)citizens who oppose government (c)responsible future leaders
25. Law and order can best be maintained in Nigeria through the (a)making of decree by the various
security agencies (b)constitutional law enforcement and citizens’ common welfare (c)prohibition of
public protest and terrorism (d)use of modern security gadgets and directorate of state security

Section B: Theory
Instruction: Answer question one and any other three questions from this section. All questions carry
equal marks.
(a) What are values? (8 marks) (1b). State six (6) importance of values to the Nigerian society. (12
1. (a) Explain the term citizenship education. (3 ½) (2b) State four (4) reasons for effective citizenship
education of Nigerian youths. (8 marks)
2. (a) Define human trafficking (5 ½) (b) State six causes of human trafficking in Nigeria. (6 marks)
3. (a) What is drug abuse? (5 ½) (b) Highlight six ways by which drug abuse can be curbed in the
society. (6 marks)
4. (a) List five consequences of cultism. (5½) (b) Highlight five ways by which cultism can be
prevented. (6 marks)


Section A: (Objective Questions) Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation
that is MOST APPROPRIATE for each sentence.
1. My grandmother once told me that old habits die hard. This means that old habits are (a)easily corrected
(b)difficulty to change (c) short lived(d) forever changing
2. If you ask Hikmah to sing, she will do it at the drop of a hat. This means that she will (a)joyfully
(b)melodiously (c) immediately(d)sluggishly.
3. The man has lost a lot and he only keeps up appearances by driving a big car. This means that the man
(a)intends to work harder (b) pretends that all is well(c)wants everybody to see him (d)wants to see his
4. The game was tough but our team lost by a whisker. This means that our team lost by (a)default (b) a
wide margin(c)not preparing well (d)narrow margin
5. When the result was announced, it was discovered that AbdulBasit and Aisha were neck and neck. This
means that they (a)had almost the same result (b)failed badly (c)had equal result (d)passed well
6. The old woman’s birthday was marked by her children with pomp. This means that the birthday was
(a)greatly celebrated (b)remembered fondly (c) widely advertised(d)filmed and played back
7. When the man was accused of stealing the money, nobody raised an eyebrow. This means that nobody
was (a)pleased (b) surprised(c) sad(d)interested
8. People do not often rely on men who allow their exalted position to go into their head. This means that
people shun those who (a)are highly placed (b)are conceited because of their position (c)are rude because
of their position (d)do not do their work
9. The manager hit the roof when he was presented with the estimate for the new project. This means that
the manager (a) mobilized the workers(b)became very angry (c) became very suspicious (d)cancelled the
10. When he received the news that he had lost the election, he did not bat an eyelid. This means that he
(a)expected to lose the election (b)stood perfectly still (c) was shocked to have lost the election(d) showed
no feelings.
From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words
that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence
11. The boy was reluctant to carry out the order of his senior. (a)adamant (b)slow (c)sluggish (d)unwilling
12. Dr. Azeez declined the offer to chair the meeting. (a)rescinded (b) shunned(c)refused (d)avoided
13. The match came to an abrupt end when the rain started. (a)sharp (b)brisk (c)quick (d)sudden
14. The boy came through the window as stealthily as he could (a)quietly (b)carefully (c)quickly (d)slowly
15. Ameenah was satisfied with the result she got. (a)positive (b)surprised (c)contended (d)appeased
16. It is absurd that people find it difficult to be honest. (a)strange (b)abnormal (c)alarming (d)interesting
17. Even a mediocre student can pass that test. (a)dull (b) fresh(c) average(d)lazy
18. We called the carpenter to repair the broken door. (a) restore (b) renovate(c) replace (d)mend
19. Abu gave the drunk a contemptuous look. (a) happy(b)sorrowful (c) knowing(d)scornful
20. The principal’s speech at the V.S. was misconstrued. (a)misrepresented (b)misquoted
(c)misunderstood (d)misreported

From the words or group of words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word
or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.
21. The soldier lay …… the town to arrest the terrorist. (a)siege on (b)siege to (c)siege with (d) siege by
22. Power has not been restored ……. many parts of the town. (a) to(b)for (c)in (d)with
23. We got to the hall after the play ……. started. (a)is (b)have (c)had (d)was
24. The woman said the maid should ……..all the plates before going to bed. (a)wash out (b) wash
up(c)wash off (d)wash away
25. John, would you mind lifting the bus?........ (a)Yes, I do (b)No, I wouldn’t (c)Yes, I wouldn’t (d)No, I don’t
26. It was a long poem, but Habeebah learnt it ……… (a) from memory(b)to memory (c)by heart (d)to heart
27. Let’s begin all over again,…….? (a)may we (b)shall we (c)can we (d) must we
28. Something must be wrong with the school driver, he is ……….today. (a) rather driving
carelessly(b)carelessly driving rather (c) driving rather carelessly(d)rather carelessly driving
29. What I admire about our class is that they love (a)themselves (b) one another(c) each other(d)
30. This is the teacher …told me the answer. (a)whom I said (b) who I said(c)who I said he (d)I said that he
31. Tawa shouldn’t have disobeyed the teacher, ……..? (a) should she(b)didn’t she (c)did she (d) could he
32. she wondered if the water was not……hot for drinking. (a)very (b)so (c)too (d) much
33. Few sand was dropped on the site. Therefore, we could….(a)finish the work (b)get more sand (c)not
complete the work (d)order for more
34. We enjoyed ourselves ……much at the party. (a)too (b)very (c) that(d)as
35. I told him not to play -------fire. (a)on (b) with(c)beneath (d)upon
36. You will need to commit the formula………. memory (a) to(b)in (c)for (d)by
37. The ushers told the guests to ……..their shoes before they enter the hall. (a)put off (b)put out (c) take
off(d) take out
38. That book is neither ………(a) his or yours(b) his not yours(c) his nor yours(d)his own nor yours
39. My daddy game me a ……… fountain pen. (a)small new blue (b)blue small new (c)blue new small
(d)new small blue
40. I realised that I …….. you before. (a) had met(b) met(c) have met(d)meet
41. You cannot come between my sister and ……….(a)myself (b)me (c)I (d)mine
42. The team practised intensely for weeks before the match…… lost. (a)still yet (b)for (c)yet (d)despite
43. We do not accept the punishment ……the boy. (a)meted to (b) meted on(c) meted out to (d)meted in to
44. A spoilt child is always prone ………laziness(a)to (b)for (c)with (d)at
45. ………are often quite caring. (a)Mother-in-law (b)Mothers-in-laws (c)Mothers-in-law (d)Mother-in-laws
46. He isn’t coming here, ………? (a)is he (b) isn’t he(c) doesn’t he(d)does he
47. The newspaper reported that …everybody died in the accident(a)hardly (b)almost (c)scarcely (d) barely
48. He bought a new set of ………television. (a)coloured (b)colour (c) colours(d)colouring
49. The police officer was sacked because he gave ……… the command. (a)off (b)in (c)away (d) up
50. The boy had been warned not to …….. the money given to him. (a)loosen (b) loose(c)lost (d)lose

SECTION B: Grammar
1. Explain the uses of the following conjunction words “and”, “but” “although” and “however”.
2. In tabular form, write out the simple (3 rd person singular) tense, past tense, past participle and
progressive tenses of the following verbs: bind, teach, spell, buy, dream, shrink, lie, swim, dream,
hang, drink, run, cast, grow, begin
3. With good examples, explain five types of phrases.

SECTION C: Letter Writing (About 350 words)

As the Senior Prefect of your school, write a letter to the principal pointing out at least three practices
among students that should be discouraged


Section A: Objective Test Questions
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.
1. Which of the following structure is a tissue? (a) vessel element(b)blood (c) sieve tube element(d)
2. The organism at the organ level of organization of life is (a)euglena (b) spirogyra(c)
3. The main raw material required for photosynthesis are (a)oxygen and chlorophyll (b) oxygen and
water(c)oxygen and carbon dioxide (d) carbon dioxide and water
4. Which of the following features of paramecium is not an advancement over Amoeba? The
possession of (a) definite shape(b)Cilia (c) oral groove (d)nucleus
5. Which of the following organisms respire through the body surface? (a) man(b)fish (c)amoeba
6. All the following organelles have membrane except (a) nucleus(b) vacuole(c) cell membrane(d)
Cell wall
7. The pant cell mostly stores food as (a) glycogen (b)auxins (c) hormones(d)starch
8. The presence of a large member of mitochondria in a cell indicates that (a)it has little cytoplasmic
content (b)the cell is very active(c) the cell is dormant(d)the respiration is poor
9. Which of the following is a tissue? (a)volvox (b) Chlamydomonas(c)epidermis (d) paramecium
10. Which of the following organelles is common to both plant and animal cells? (a) cellulose cell wall
(b) chlorophyll (c) cell membrane (d) large vacuole
Use the information below on factors required during photosynthesis to answer questions 11 and 12.
(i) C02 (ii) Chlorophyll (iii) water (iv) ATP (v) NADP
11. Which of the above factors can be a limiting factor for the process of proceed? (a)I and ii only (b)I
and iii only (c) I and iv only(d) I, iii and iv only
12. The factors required for the dark phase of photosynthesis are (a)iii and iv only (b)iii and v only (c) iii
, iv, v only (d) iv and v only
13. The importance of balanced diet is to (a) maintain constant size of an animal(b)provide good taste
in the food (c) increase the effectiveness of digestion(d) Provide good health for an individual
14. Which of the following substance is not an excreting product of animals? (a)carbon dioxide (b)
urea(c) sweat (d)oxygen
15. Which of the following structure will not be found in the nucleus of a cell? (a) DNA(b) Nucleolus (c)
lysosome(d) centriole
16. An example of organ level of organization is (a)bird (b) kidney(c) spermatozoon (d) xylem
17. The following life processes are common plants and animals except (a)respiration (b) growth(c)
reproduction(d) photosynthesis
18. Transportation of food and water from the plant leave to other parts of the plant is carried out by
(a)phloem (b) xylem(c) plant root(d) plant stem

Use the above diagram to answer the following questions

19. Which of the following structures is responsible for movement? (a) II(b) III(c) I(d)IV
20. The part labeled II is used for (a) movement(b) excretion (c) vision(d)osmoregulation
21. The cell membrane consists of (a)carbohydrates and lipids (b)vitamins and protein (c)lipids and
protein (d)starch and cellulose
Below is the list of levels of organisation in organism. Use it to answer questions 22 and 23.
i. Tissue (ii). System (iii) Cell (iv). Organ
22. The correct sequence of the levels in an increasing order of complexity is (a)I,II,III,IV (b)III,I,IV,II (c)
23. Hydra exists at what level? (a)I (b)II (c)III (d)IV
24. Which of the following organelles is used for locomotion in paramecium? (a)cilium (b)pellicle (c)
flagellum (d)pseudopodium
25. Which of the following is not true of the nucleus of a living cell? It contains? (a)chromosomes
(b)nucleolus (c) nucleopores (d)ribosomes
Copy and complete the table below
Crustaceans Arachnids

Body division 3 i.e head, thorax and2. i.e protostome and


5 pairs of leg gills

Respiratory organ

Instruction: Answer any three (3) questions from this section.
1. List three important of photosynthesis.
(1b) Describe an experiment to demonstrate that oxygen is released by green plant during
(1c) In the test for starch, why is the green leaf boil in (i) water (ii)alcohol?
2. Define photosynthesis. (Equation is necessary) (2b) Name five conditions necessary for
photosynthesis to take place. (2c). Describe any one out of these two experiments.
(i) showing that carbon (iv) oxide is necessary for photosynthesis
(ii) showing the presence of starch in leaf
3. Draw a labeled diagram of an animal cell (3b). State the functions of the following organelles of a
cell (i) Endoplasmic reticulum (ii) chromosomes (iii) Ribosome (iv) Lysosome (v) Golgi bodies (3c)
Explain briefly the cell theory
4. List two differences between colonial organism and Filamentous organism with examples. (4b).
5. a labeled structure of a named filamentous alga (4c) Write five differences between plants and
animals cells. (4d) State the functions of each of the following (i) Nucleus (ii) Mitochondrion

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.

1. What are the genres of literature? Explain very briefly any two of them.
2. With appropriate examples, differentiate between ballad and epic.
3. Write any of these poems: “Black Woman” by Leopolid Sedar S. or “A Government
Driver on his retirement “ by Kingsley Chibuice Onu



Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.

1. What are the genres of literature? Explain very briefly any two of them.
2. With appropriate examples, differentiate between ballad and epic.
3. Write any of these poems: “Black Woman” by Leopolid Sedar S. or “A Government
Driver on his retirement “ by Kingsley Chibuice Onu


Instruction: Answer all questions.
1. Differentiate between unicameral and bicameral legislatures. (20 marks)
2. Define government as an institution. Mention 5 main functions of government. (20
3. Briefly explain judiciary. (2b). Explain the term: “Independence of judiciary” (20



Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.

4. What are the genres of literature? Explain very briefly any two of them.
5. With appropriate examples, differentiate between ballad and epic.
6. Write any of these poems: “Black Woman” by Leopolid Sedar S. or “A Government
Driver on his retirement “ by Kingsley Chibuice Onu



Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.

4. What are the genres of literature? Explain very briefly any two of them.
5. With appropriate examples, differentiate between ballad and epic.
6. Write any of these poems: “Black Woman” by Leopolid Sedar S. or “A Government
Driver on his retirement “ by Kingsley Chibuice Onu



Instruction: Answer all questions.

4. Differentiate between unicameral and bicameral legislatures. (20 marks)
5. Define government as an institution. Mention 5 main functions of government. (20
6. Briefly explain judiciary. (2b). Explain the term: “Independence of judiciary” (20


1. ---------- is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstances (A) Drowning (B) Emergency (C)
Environment (D) Discipline (E) Outbreak
2. The agencies involved in dealing with emergency are the following except one (A) police (B)
accident (C) fire service (D) emergency services (E) emergency medical services
3. Perjury is also known as ___(A) criminal (B) theft (C) forgery (D) false swearing(E) all of the above
4. The following are the causes of crimes except (A) poverty (B) theft (C) family structure (D) social
5. ____is the activities involved in protecting yourself and others (A) Personal cooking method (B)
Patching (C) Personal lesson method (D) Personal security management (E) None of the above
6. ____is the crime of stealing something that belongs to another person (A) murder (B) theft (C) rape
(E) forgery (E) advance free fraud
7. is the crime of preparing and selling of bad food (A)Food fraud (B) Fake drug(C) Forgery(D) Theft
8. ___is the crime of cheating in an examination (A) food fraud (B) forgery (C) examination
malpractice (D) rape (E) none of the above
9. Bad food leads to ____(A) joy life (B) sound health (C) sickness (D) happiness (E) personal
10. Emergency events include the following except___(a) terrorist attack (B) fire (C) earthquake (D)
building collapse (E) all of the above
11. ____means dying from the inability to breath in air (A) Fire (B) Accident (C) Drowning (D) Food
poisoning (E) None of the above
12. ____is the crime of copying money or document in order to deceive people (A) Rape (B) Forgery
(C) Theft (D) Murder (E) Advance free fraud
13. Examination malpractices happens in ____(A) hospitals (B) school (C) post office (D) house (E)
none of the above
14. Effect of common crimes can be categorized into ____and ______(A) primary and secondary (B)
effect and common (C) criminal and justice (D) equality and inequality (D) all of the above
15. Primary economics effect of crimes includes (A) victims (B) criminal (C) government (D) criminal
justice system (E) all of the above
16. ____is an individual or a group of people coming together to form a clique involving in criminal acts
(A) Victims (B) Criminal (C) Government (D) Society (E) None of these
17. _____ provides arms and ammunition for law enforcement agents to maintain law and order (A)
Government (B) Society (C) Victims (D) Criminal justice (E) Criminal
18. Sleep disturbance is one of the reactions of _____(A) government (B) crime victims (C) society (D)
criminal (E) none of the above
19. The willful act of swearing a false oath is (A) perjury (B) crime (C) arson (D) kidnapping (E) arsonist
20. ____is the modern day of slavery (A) slavery (B) human trafficking (C) crime (D) sin
21. ___is the quality of being untrue in one’s action (A) arson (B) falsehood [C) arson (C) theft
22. We must report __person to security agencies (A) legal (B)suspicious(C)slavery(D)none of the
23. The willful act of swearing a false oath is (A) perjury (B) crime (C) arson (D) kidnapping (E) arsonist
24. ____is the modern day of slavery (A) slavery (B) human trafficking (C) crime (D) sin
25. ___is the quality of being untrue in one’s action (A) arson (B) falsehood [C) arson (C) theft
26. We must report __person to security agencies (A)Legal (B)suspicious(C)slavery(D) none of the
27. ______bears the cost of maintaining law and order in order to secure the life and property of the
individual (A) Victims (B) Criminal (C) Government (D) Society (E) Criminal justice system
28. The community in which people and the government are inhabited is ____(A) government (B)
society (C) crime (D) reaction (E) agencies
29. The following are the reactions of crime victims except one (A) fear (B) isolation (C) low self-
esteem (D) effect (E) angry
30. The willful act of swearing a false oath is (A) perjury (B) crime (C) arson (D) kidnapping (E) arsonist

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.

1a. State three phases of emergency management. 3

b. State 2 appropriate responses to emergency situation. 2
c. Mention 3 agencies involved in dealing with emergencies 3
d. What is drowning? 2

2. Explain arson and falsehood. 6

2b. Mention four ways we can employ to prevent crimes in our society. 4

3. What is emergency management. 3

b. Mention five types of emergency management. 5
c. Explain any two [2} types of emergency management as listed in question 3b above. 2

1. Effect of common crimes can be categorized into ____and ______(A) primary and
secondary (B) effect and common (C) criminal and justi8ce (D) equality and inequality
(D) all of the above
2. Primary economics effect of crimes includes (A) victims (B) criminal (C) government
(D) criminal justice system (E) all of the above
3. ____is an individuals or a group of people coming together to form a clique involving in
criminal acts (A) victims (B) criminal (C) government (D) society (E) none of these
4. ______bears the cost of maintaining law and order in order to secure the life and property
of the individual (A) victims (B) criminal (C) government (D) society (E) criminal justice
5. The community in which people an the government are inhabited is ____(A) government
(B) society (C) crime (D) reaction (E) agencies
6. The following are the reaction of crimes victims except one (A) fear (B) isolation (C) low
self-esteem (D) effect (E) angry
7. Secondary economics impact of crimes can also be called _____(A) direct (B) primary
(C) indirect (D) criminal (E) victims
8. _____ provides arms and ammunition arms and ammunition for law enforcement agents
to maintain law and order (A) government (B) society (C) victims (D) criminal justice (E)
9. Sleep disturbance is one of the reaction of _____(A) government (B) crime victims (C)
society (D) criminal (E) none of the above
10. ___rescue the victims, and arrest the criminal (A) victim (B) society (C) government (D)
family structure (E) criminal justice system

1a. Name the typr of effrct of common crimes

b. List five primary economic effect of crimes

c. Explain two from 1b.

2a. Mention 5 common reactions to the victim of crimes

b. List three cause of crimes

c. List four law enforcement agents in the country

3a. State four se3cndary economic effect of common crimes

b. Mention four ways of preventing crimes

c. What is a sin?

4a. What is crime?

b. List five examples of crimes

c. What is Arson?
1. One of the attribute of fair play is _________ (a) unemployment (b) shame (c)
imparticularlity (d) business failure
2. One of the reason for studying business studies is to _________ (a) solve unemployment
problem (b) solve sky problem (c) increases the lazy peoples (d) reduces the naira note
3. The main reason why an individual goes in business is to _______ (a) reduces the prices
or goods (b) help the poor (c) make profit (d) develop the society
4. Acting in a just and honorable manner in accordance with justices is known as
____________ (a) credibility (b) fair play (c) popularity (d) shame
5. The buying and selling of goods and services is known as _________ (a) trade (b)
distribution (c) production (d) commerce
6. Crude oil, iron ore, coal are examples of the product of _____(A) tertiary production (B)
manufacturing industry (C) extractive industry (D) direct services
7. Which one of this is the correct definition of production (A) making of goods available to
the final consumer (B) making of tangible of goods for human consumption (C) making
of goods and provision to satisfy human wants (D) transporting goods from the
warehouse to the retailer
8. The following are factors of production except _____(A ) labor (B) industry (C) capital
(D) land
9. A profession which occupies one’s time and through which one earns his/her living is
called (A) talent (B) skill (C) engineer (D) occupation
10. The following are the function of the entrepreneur except ____(A) he bears the risk of
loss of capital due to fire or other natural reasons (B) he produced and consumes the
goods produced (C) he coordinate other factors of production to achieve the desired result
(D) he decide on what to produce , how to produce, and where and for whom to produce
11. All the following are attribute of truthfulness in business except ______(A) uprightness
(B) reliability (C) honesty D) lying
12. One of the best reward for being truthful is ____(A) credibility and respect (B) jail (C)
flogging (D) hatred
13. One f these is a commercial occupation (A) mechanic (B) agriculture (C) auditor (D_)
14. A major consequence of not being truthfully is _)______(A) trust building (B) binding
communication (C) lack of trust (D) reparative justice
15. Which of the following belongs to extractive industry? (A) banking (B) drilling (C)
insuring (D) transporting
16. All these materials are sold by a self employed man or woman except _______(A)
cement (B) flour (C) food items (D) weather___(A)
17. The major _____(*A) of production supplied by nature is _____(A) capital (B) labr (C)
land (D) entrepreneur
18. Prompt decision making is one of the advantages of ____(A) sole proprietorship (B)
partnership (C) limited liability (D) entrepreneur
19. The following are different forms of business organization except ____(A) sole
proprietorship (B) partnership (C) cooperative society (D) banking
20. _+____Is an organization set up by the government to provide specific services for the
people (A) company (B) joint stock company (C) ministry (D) public enterprise
21. Changing raw materials into finished product is an examples f ____ production (A)
primary (B) secondary (C) tertiary (D) university
22. The maximum number of members in a partnership business is ____(A) 30 (B) 20 (C) 50
(D)_ 80
23. Which of the following is not an examples of land as a natural resources?(A) river (B)
ocean (C) canoe (D) forest
24. Which of the following is a correct channel of distribution?(A) producer-wholesaler-
consumer-re6ailer (B) producer-consumer-retailer-wholesaler (C) producer-wholesaler-
retailer-consumer(D) producer-retailer-consumer-wholesaler
25. A business set up and manage between SAMAD and LATEEF is called _____(A)
partnership (B) public enterprise (C) cooperative society (D) s9ole proprietorship
26. _)________is concerned with the use of raw materials from primary production and
finished goods from secondary production to construct basic infrastructural facilities (A)
provision of services (B) secondary production (C) constructive production (D) primary
27. The rewards for labor is _____(A) rent or royalty (B) wage and salary (C) interest (D)
loss or profit
28. Another name for primary occupation is ______(A) manufacturing occupation (B)
industrial occupation (C) construction occupation (D) extractive occupation
29. The rules and regulations governing the conduct of partners in relations to the business is
____(A) partnership deeds (B) partnership constitution (D) partnership document (E) all
of the above
30. The minimum number of shareholders in public limited liability company is _____(A) 2
(B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9



1a. mention and explain types of production

b. state any three positives effect of production on the society

2a. list any four rewards of being truthful

b. state three factors that’s makes people to lie

c. list three contents that must be on the label of the chemical prepared in the laboratory that are
not for immediate use

3a. mention and explain forms in business organizations

b. highlight attributes of sole proprietorship and partnership (two each)

4a. enumerate five differences between a private and public enterprises

b. writes short note on the following

i. Self employment
ii. Fair play
iii. Entrepreneurship
iv. Truthfulness



TIME ALLOW; 1:40muns

INSTRUCTURE: Answer All Question From This Section


1. A speculator in capital marlce who buys new issues of shares with the intention of
reselling them at higher price for the purpose of profit is known as _______ (a) Bull (b)
Jobber (c) Bear (d) stag
2. Which of this is not a function of bank? (a) assisting companying to capital (b) paying
compensation (c) gramfing loan (d) discounting bill of exchange
3. The last unic in the change of distribution of goods in the _________ (a) consumer (b)
reffailer (c) middlemen (d) producer
4. The production process is completed by the ___________ (a) retailer (b) producer (c)
consumer (d) wholesalers
5. A _______ buys goods from a producer in large quantities and sells directly to traders in
small quantities (a) retailer (b) distributor (c) wholesaler (d) manufacture
6. Withdrawer from current account care made by means of _______ (a) passbook (b)
pay_in_slip (c) teller (d) cheque
7. A buyer who buys goods in small quantities for sell to consumer is called _______ (a)
retailer (b) distribution (c) wholesaler (d) manufactures
8. When cash is paid in exchanges for goods/secure, a/an______ is issued to a knowledge
the payment (a) involve (b) voucher (c) receipt (d) debit note
9. Who among the following does not function in the stock exchange market? (a) bull (b)
brother (c) jobber (d) promoter
10. Who is an accountant? (a) someone who keeps money (b) somebody who works in a
banks (c) someone who build house (d) someone who keeps and checks financial record
11. An insurance policy taken against loss of goods on the sea is called ________ insurance
(a) theft (b) marine (c) fire (d) burglary
12. Overdraft can be allow on a _______ account (a) saving (b) deposit (c) current (d) loan
13. A place where goods and services are exchanges for money is _______ (a) farm (b)
school (c) market (d) laboratory
14. All these materials are sold by a self employed man or womam except (a) cement (b)
flour (c) food item (d) weather
15. When a business total expensive is greater than its grass profit there is ________ (a) net
loss (b) the trading (c) gross loss (d) total loss
16. A financial institution that is in charge of risk bearing for individual and organization is
called _______ (a) company (b) bank (c) insurance (d) commence
17. The process through which goods produced get to the final consumer is called ________
(a) agent (b) transportation (c) shipping (d) distribution
18. Machine that helps an account owns, to withdraw anytime of the day is _______ (a) E_
banking (b) E_ retaining (c) ATM card (d) ATM machine
19. Opening stock + purposes – closing stock =__________(a) profit (b) cost of goods sold
(c) gross profit (d) net profit
20. The value of goods not sold at the end of a trading period is called _________ (a)
finished goods (b) closing stock (c) average stock (d) wage stock
21. To obtain the net sales for the mouth, the sales clerk has to _____ (a) add return inward to
it (b) add returns outward from it (c) deduct returns outward (d) deduct returns inward
from it
22. The profit and loss account is preparation to show one of the following (a) net profit (b)
purchase (c) gross (d) sales
23. Expense to carry purchase is called ______ (a) carriage outward (b) return inward (c)
carriage inward (d) return outward
Use the following information to answers 24 – 26

# #

Open stock 13,000 sales 40,000

Add purchases 2,000


Less closing stock 3,000

Cost of goods sold 12,000

Gross profit xxx 40,000


24. The above is an extract of a ________ account (a) cash account (b) trading account (c)
profit and loss (d) sales
25. The gross profit for the above account is ________ (a) #21,800 (b) #28,000 (c) # 27,000
(d) #16,000
26. The cost of goods available for sales for the above account is _______ (a) #20,000 (b)
#12,000 (c) #15,000 (d) #40,000
27. When the seller and the buyer agree that the buyer should pay at later date, this method is
known as _______ (a) credit note (b) cash transaction (c) credit control (d) credit
28. Which of the following is not a method of buying? (a) auction (b) inspection (c) sampling
(d) invoicing
29. An example of an uninsurable loss is (a) bulglary (b) fire (c) loss resulting from gambling
(d) accident
30. Opening stock + closing stock divided by two = - (a) finish goods (b) closing stock (c)
average stock (d) wage stock
INTRUCTION : Answer Question One And Any Other Two
1. The following balances relates to the account of lateef and c for the year ended 31 st of
December, 2018. #
Opening stock 80,000
Sales 500,000
Purchase 230,000
Carriage inwards 13,000
Returns inwards 12,000
Closing stock 60,000
Total expensive 120,.000
You are required to determine
a. Cost of sales
b. Gross profit
c. Net profit
d. Sales turnover
2. a. differentiate between capital, money and commodity market.
b. mention two instruments traded with in both capital and money market.

3. a. Define channel of distribution with the aid of diagram.

b. What are the function of wholesaler and retailer? ( mention three each )

c. Define commercial bowed

1. All of the following are farm records except(a)farm diary(b)farm inventory(c)storage(d)profit and loss
2.Day to day farm activities are preserve in (a)farm diary(b)farm inventory(c)input records(d)production
3. Which of these is the best way to preserve fish to make it look fresh(a)killing(b)canning(c)freezing(d)
4. Which of the following is a cartilaginous fish? (a)Tilapia (b)Shark (c) Catfish (d) Mackerel
5. A situation whereby seeds or grains are used for planting is known as (a)asexual(b)grafting(c) sexual(d)
6. An example of animal that chew the cud is (a) poultry(b) dog(c) pig(d) sheep
7. A temporary farm building where seedlings are raised is known as (a)nursery (b)cribs (c) silos
8. --------- is the washing down of soli nutrients beyond the reach of plant root (a)mulching (b)leaching (c)
erosion(d) drainage
9. The Chemical used to control weeds are called (a) insecticide (b) pesticides(c) herbicides(d) cropicides
10. ------ is an example of pre-planting operation. (a) Mulching (b) Bush clearing (c) Staking (d) Weeding
11. Agriculture provides man with the following except (a)job opportunity (b) food(c) foreign earning(d)
12. One of these is a perennial crop (a)cassava (b) cowpea(c) kolanut(d) rice
13. Metallic farm tools are cleaned before storage in order to (a)cool them (b) increase cost of maintenance
(c)make them shine (d) prevent rusting of the metal
14. Which of the following is the correct term for the male adult sheep? (a)cow (b) goat(c)ewe (d)ram
15. Another name for asexual propagation is (a)cutting (b)natural production (c) vegetative propagation (d)
seed propagation
16. Which of the following is not included in the digestive system of ruminant animals? (a) (b) (c) (d)
17. Which of the following is NOT an importance of mulching? (a)increase organic matter (b) regulating soil
temperature (c) increase water loss(d) preventing evaporation
18. Dairy animal is reared primarily for production of (a) meat (b) milk(c) egg(d) blood
19. Which of the following practices can be used to maintain soil fertility? (a)crop rotation (b)continuous
farming (c)bush burning (d)over grazing
20. Mammalian pest includes all of the following except (a)bat (b) monkey(c) cockroach(d) squirrel
21. Which of the following pests affect man in the store? (a)weevil (b)housefly (c) grasshopper (d) tsetse fly
22. What is the disease transmitted by tsetse fly? (a)coccidiosis (b)trypanosomiasis (c)tuberculosis (d)
23. Which of the following animals is not used to provide power on the farm?(a)donkey(b)cattle(c)horses(d)
24. A crop plant is held firmly to the soil by the (a)root (b) buds(c) stems(d) branches
25. The characteristics of signs shown by diseased plants is (a)Vectis (b)pathogen (c) defects(d) symptoms
26. The removal of excess water from the soil is (a)erosion (b) drainage(c) leaching(d)mulching
27. All of the following are propagated vegetatively except (a)pineapple (b)cassava (c) millet(d) banana
28. Monogastric animals are also called (a)ruminant (b) non-ruminant(c) aquatic(d) dairy
29. The substance used for inoculating animals against diseases is known (a)hormone (b) vaccine(c)
drugs(d) injection
30. What is the main reason for practicing nursery farming? (a)to prepare farm land (b) to prepare
seedling(c) to prepare for irrigation(d) to harvest young
1a. What is farm record?
1b. Write five uses of farm record.
1c. List 5 types of farm records and explain any two of them.

2a. Define pricing

2b. List and explain 5 factors that determine the price of commodity.
3a. Define (i) Export (ii) Export promotion
3b. List 5 products that are exported from African countries.
4a. Write 5 differences between ruminant and non- ruminant animals
4b. List and explain 5 uses of farm animals.
Instruction: Shade properly the correct answer from your answer sheet.
1. The law of diminishing returns relates to (a)total utility(b)average utility(c)total product(d)marginal product
2. Total cost is obtained by (a) adding up of marginal cost at each level(b)dividing the total cost by output at
each level (c)adding up the average variable cost at each level (d) adding up the average variable cost and
total fixed cost
3. An industry is best described as (a)firm that sells a set of closely related commodities (b) a factory that
produces different lines of products (c)a group of firms that sell a closely related set of products (d)industrial
concern that is into production and selling of goods
4. Location of firms in rural areas may (a)enable the firms to enjoy existing infrastructural facilities (b)make
finance readily available (c)enhance even or balanced development (d) make such firms enjoy external
economies of scale
5. An entrepreneur is encouraged to adopt division of labour in production because it (a)provides more
employment opportunities (b)leads to increase output and lower cost of production (c) brings about equal
cost and employment opportunities(d) leads to increased cost of production and lower output
6. Scale of preference is important for the following reasons except (a)satisfying wants (b)making rational
choice (c)making optional allocation of resources (d)using scarce resource efficiently
7. Which of the following cannot be classified as land in economics? (a)bauxite deposit in the ground(b)a
lake used for irrigation (c) a bulldozer for clearing farm land(d) grazing field for cattle
8.Human wants are insatiable because wants are (a)limited while means are scarce (b)unlimited and
means are also unlimited (c)limited and means are also limited (d) unlimited while means are scarce
9. An outward shift of the production possibility curve shows that (a)production is shifting to the
right(b)resources are underutilized(c)economic growth has taken place(d)factors of production are moving
10. The amount of money that a firm receives from the sale of its products is called (a)total profit (b)total
revenue (c)total cost (d)average revenue
11. The specialization of labour enhances production because people (a)can concentrate on all goods they
can produce better (b)can efficiently their own needs (c)can save time and produce more (d)becomes
expert in all areas of production
12. When a firm is enjoying internal economies of scale, it’s (a) total cost of production is increasing as
output increases (b)average fixed cost is rising continuously (c) average cost of production decreases as
output increases (d) average revenue and marginal revenue are decreasing
13. An industry whose product loses considerable weight after processing must be sited close to (a)the
source of finance (b) a ready market(c) a power station(d)the source of raw materials
14. In an industrial area, the location of industries is particularly influenced by (a) extent of division of
labour(b)external economies (c) internal economies (d)nearness to financial institution
15. The system of agriculture which involves the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for family
consumption only is termed (a)peasant farming (b)plantation agriculture (c)commercial farming (d)
subsistence farming
16. Which of the following is an implication of a large population? (a)decrease in crime rate (b)increase in
food supply (c)decrease in standard of living (d)decrease in cost of living
17. The profit of a producer is the difference between (a) total cost and marginal cost(b) price and total
cost(c) average cost and total cost(d) total revenue and total cost
18. The main advantage of large scale production is that (a)unit cost of production falls (b)decision making
is quick (c)worker- management relationship is improved(d)the quality of the product increases
19.Points outside a production possibility curve indicate (a)unattainable production levels (b)attainable
production levels (c) inefficient but attainable production levels (d)optimum production levels
20. A declining population is one in which the population is (a) experiencing a high rate of emigration (b)
made up of large number of old people (c)not producing enough goods (d) not contributing enough to the
national income

Instruction: Answer questions 1 and 2 and any other one.
1a. What is production possibility curve? (3marks)
1b. Draw a production possibility curve and indicate any:
(ii) point P, where resources are fully utilized.
(ii) point U, where resources are under utilized
(iii) Point X, where production is not feasible (8marks)
1c. Explain any three factors that can make production at point X feasible. (3 marks)
1d. Why is the production possibility curve negatively sloped (1mark)?
(2). Complete the following cost schedules and answer the questions that follow:

Total cost Average cost Marginal cost

N.B: Show all your workings
Questions: (i) At what output is AC at the minimum?
(ii) At what output is MC at the minimum?
(iii) At what output does AC starts increasing?
(iv) At what output does MC start to be greater than AC
(v) What is the maximum output? (% marks)
Draw the total product (TP) and marginal product (MP) curve in one diagram.

(3a). Define ageing population

b). Describe five factors that can affect the size of a country’s population.
c). Explain three merits of large population (10 marks)

4a). What is population census?

4b). Describe five problems faced in conducting a population census in your country.
4c). Explain three reasons for population census (10 marks)

(5a). Distinguish between small scale production and large-scale production.

(5b). Describe any five economics of scale a firm enjoys as it grows in size.
(5c) External economies and external diseconomies has many disadvantages. Explain only three. (10
1. Which area of Home Economics deals with wise decision when buying goods? (a) child development(b)
consumer education (c) family living(d)food and nutrition
2. A device used in weaving is known as (a) weft(b) loom(c)warp (d)yarn
3. Vibre extracted from vegetable origin is an example of ------ fibre (a) synthetic (b) natural(c)man made
4. Nylon and Polyester is an example of ------ fibre (a)natural (b)artificial (c) filament (d) double
5. Fibre that is very long is called (a)filament (b) stable(c) staple(d) long
6. Fibres that are relatively over short are referred to as (a)stable (b)staple (c)filament (d)properties
7. The ability of fibre to bend repeatedly without breaking is called (a) elongation(b) flexibility(c) uniformity
8. ------- is used to describe the amount of stretch a fibre accepts of withstand without breaking
(a)Elongation (b) flexibility (c)Resiliency (d)Uniformity
9. The process of soaking and washing of clothes using suitable laundry agent (a)laundry agent (b) laundry
of fabrics (c) laundry equipment (d)
10. Hydrogen peroxide is used to (a)remove stain(b)soak fabrics (c) sparking fabric(d)whiter fabrics
11. -------- is used to kill bacteria on household articles (a) starch(b) disinfectant (c)common salt (d) vinegar
12. The following are term peculiar to garment construction except (a) notion(b) feed dog(c) gathers(d)raw
13. The smoother side/ front side of fabric is referred to as (a)notching (b)wrong side (c)right side (d) pleat
14. The following are sources of incomes to a family except (a)asset (b) gift(c) salary(d) tax
15. The cleaning agent that rubs off dirt through friction is called (a) abrasive (b) detergent(c)polish (d)
16. A baby’s cloth is protected from soil and moisture by a (a)bib (b) shawl(c) napkin (d)west
17 Home Economics is related to the following except (a)agriculture (b)Biology (c) Chemistry (d) French
18. The second step in laundering family cloth is (a)boiling (b) mending(c)chemistry (d)soaking
19. Which of the following house cleaning tools is used for collecting dirt gathered with broom? (a)dustpan
(b)brush (c) bucket (d)mop
20. Your uncle daughter is referred to as your (a)aunt (b)cousin (c)nephew (d) niece
21. A method of cleaning the floor using water, detergent and brush is (a)scrubbing (b)dusting (c)mopping
22. Substances that are applied on the skin to improve appearance are called (a) cleaners(b)conditioner (c)
deodorant(d) cosmetics
23. Unhealthy boy – girl relationship can lead to the following except (a)abortion and death (b) adequate
self-respect(c) contracting HIV/AIDs(d) unwanted pregnancy
24. The indigenous cosmetics that can be applied as eyeliner is called (a)lali (b)Nzu (c)Tiro (d)Uri
25. ------ is the name given to the first milk produced by a lactating mother (a) Yellow(b)colostrum (c)
antibiotics(d) water
26. What is seam? (a)a good nylon material (b)a beautiful table cloth (c)stitch used in table cloth (d) method
used in joining two pieces of materials together
27. Disengaging baby from breast milk is called (a)sucking (b)weaning (c)gestation (d) malnutrition
28. The nutrient that is responsible for proper functioning and development of bones and teeth is (a) vitamin
C(b) calcium (c) iron(d) vitamin B12
29. --- is good for eye sight (a)vitamin A (b)Vitamin B (c)Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D
30. What is the name of your Home Economics teacher? (a)Mrs. Imran (b) Mrs. Wahab (c) Mrs Adesoye
Answer any three questions of your choice. Each question carries equal marks.

1a. List three type of sewing machine.

1b. Explain four ways of taking care of a sewing machine.
1c. List and explain three terms peculiar to garment construction.

2a. Differentiate between growth and development.

2b. Enumerate four factors that influence child development.
2c. State three stages of development.

3a. Differentiate between fibre and fabric

3b. Write five differences between synthetic fibre and Natural fibre
3c. Explain the following basic textile terms
(i) Yarn (ii) Weft (iii) Warp

4a. Itemize 5 uses of textiles

4b. List five laundry agents with their uses.
1. Social studies is closely related to which group of subjects? (a)Mathematics, French, Chemistry (b)
Chemistry, Biology and Yoruba (c)Physics, Hausa and History (d) History, Geography and Government
2. One of the objectives of social studies is (a)it makes us skillful (b)To make us good debaters (c)to make
us good learner (d)to make us good citizens
3. A nuclear family consists of ------ (a) father, mother and children(b)brother, sister and uncle (c) father,
daughter and son(d) aunty, uncle and cousin
4. Electricity and pipe borne water are examples of (a) educational amenities(b)political amenities (c) social
amenities(d) economic amenities
5. Rural dwellers are people living in (a) towns (b)cities (c) villages(d)duplex
6. A system of education where there is no curriculum or well-defined course of studies is known as ---
(a)formal education (b) secondary education(c) primary education(d) non-formal education
7. Under the new Universal Basic Education programmes, the first -------- years are compulsory (a)6 (b)
7(c) 8(d)9
8. An Aeroplan takes off and land in the ------ (a)Airport (b) Station (c)motor park (d)harbor
9. Socialization develops ----- (a)basic indolence in children (b) basic idleness in children (c) basic
indiscipline in children (d)basic discipline in children.
10. A group of people living in a given area or locality is known as (a)crowd (b)spectators (c)class (d)
11. Educational institution can be divided into --- (a)formal and informal (b) primary and secondary(c)
materials and non-materials (d) physical and natural
12. The following are elements of culture except ----- (a)language (b) mode of dressing(c) music (d)attitude
to work
13. The following are the modern means of transportation except ---- (a) ship(b) camel(c) Aeroplane (d) car
14. The causes of contemporary social problems in Nigeria include the following except ----- (a) peace and
unity(b) poverty(c) corruption(d) negative peer group
15. One of these is not among physical environment problems (a)air pollution (b) planting of trees(c)water
pollution (d)drought
16. All of these are economic activities except (a) leisure (b) insurance(c) trading(d)agriculture
17. One of the damage associated with the wrong use of home appliances is (a) using appliances for long
period(b) returning the appliances to the place of purchase(c) fire outbreak (d) none of the above
18. A good example of primary social group is (a)parent (b) teacher(c) student(d) family
19. ------- is the act of support, love and loyalty one gives o his or her country (a)Nationalism (b) patriotism
(c) loyalty(d) sectionalism
20. Inter personal misunderstanding between two or group of people is known as (a)peace (b)social conflict
(c)cultism (d) misunderstanding
21. Those people whose practice and belief are differ from dominant are called (a)cult (b) cultism(c)cultists
(d) cult activities
22. The selling and buying of drug substances illegally is called (a)drug abuse (b) heroin(c) substance
intoxication(d) drug trafficking
23. Fraud by the leader can lead to (a) peace(b)resolution (c) conflict(d) problem
24. A good example of a primary social group is (a)parents (b) teachers(c) family(d) school
25. Example of harmful traditional practices are the following except (a) slavery(b) superstition (c)human
trafficking (d) belief in spirit
26. Helping one another is an attribute of (a)competition (b)dishonesty (c) right(d)cooperation
27. Emigration means (a) movement from another country to our own country(b)movement from one’s
native country in other to settle in another country (c)movement of goods and people (d) movement of
animal and man
28. Which of these is not an example of secondary group? (a)Nigerian Union of Teachers (b) Parents
Teachers Association (c) Trade Union(d) Family
29. The effects of examination malpractices are the following except (a)lower the quality of education
(b)kills reading culture (c) is an easy way of passing examination(d)makes the students to be lazy
30. An example of traditional science and technology is the (a) use of tractor on the farm(b) use of
refrigerator (c) black smiting (d) electrical repairs

Instruction: Answer any three questions of your choice.
1a. Define peace with relevant typical examples.
1b. State four ways by which peace can be promoted.
1c. Explain 3 methods of teaching social studies.

2a. What is conflict?

2b. State five ways by which conflict affect our society.
2c. Explain 3 ways of solving crisis.

3a. State the definition of harmful traditional practices.

3b. Itemize five reasons why people engage in drug abuse.
3c. State three measures of preventing harmful traditional practices.

4a. State the meaning of resolution.

4b. List three methods used in conflict resolution.
4c. Itemize four possible solutions to cultism.
Section A: Objective Test Questions
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section.
1. The following are the factors to consider when laying athletic track except (a)the direction of the
wind (b)middle distance race (c)position of the drainage (d)soil texture
2. The races in which runners are not necessarily follow or maintain any lane is known as (a)starting
race (b) middle distance race(c) decathlon (d) the medium start
3. One of the features of long distance races is (a)it is started with standing start (b)it is easy to start
(c)it is too long (d)all of the above
4. Decathlon is mainly for (a)boys (b) girls(c) men(d)women
5. Methods of sprint starts are following except (a)bunch (b)medium (c) elongated(d)sprinting
6. Sho -put has the following skills except (a)the stance (b)recovery follow through ( c) grip and
carriage (d) run -up
7. The equipment in which athletes put their foot to aid the runner in starting is called (a)starting point
(b) trial (c)starting box (d)heat
8. The last runner of a four-man relay team is called (a)anchor (b)hurdles (c)official (d)lane
9. What year was NFA founded in Nigeria? (a)1965 (b)1448 (c)1968 (d)1945
10. The full meaning of FIFA is (a)Federation of International Football Association (b)Federation of
Intercontinental Football Association (c) Federation of Irrelevant Function Association(d) Faculty of
International Formation Association
11. The following are the facilities and equipment of soccer game except (a) ball(b) goal posts and
net(c)boots (d)Take off
12. The ability to fire shot at the target with the aim of getting the ball into the net is called (a)heading
(b) dribbling (c)shooting or kicking (d)throw – in
13. ------- is the situation when speculators and players alike violate the existing rules of the game. (a)
misconduct (b) penalty(c) offside(d)corner kick
14. -------- is when an athlete beats the gun twice. (a)false start (b)lane (c) anchor(d)heat
15. The following are the common injuries in athletics. (a)sprain (b)muscular strains (c)muscular
skeletal system injuries (d) headache
1. Write 5 Factors to Consider When Playing Athletic track.
(1b) Write 5 features of long distance race.
2. Enumerate 5 functions of NFF (2b). Write out 5 common injuries in athletics.
3. Define misconduct. (3b). Highlight 5 functions of referee.


Instruction: Answer All Questions from this Section
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section
1. What is the meaning of Khulafau Ar-Rasidun 5 marks
2. How many are they. 2
3. Write brief history on two of them. 8
4. Mention five lessons you can gain from them. 5
Answer any two questions from this section
1. Write hadith 16 (in either Arabic or transliteration form) and its translation in English Language.
1b. What is the main theme/importance of this hadith. 2.5 marks
1c. Mention five lessons you can gain from this hadith. 2.5 marks
2. Write hadith 18 (in either Arabic or transliteration form) and its translation in English Language. 10
2b. What is the main theme/importance of this hadith. 5 marks
2c. Mention five lessons you can gain from this hadith. 5 marks
3. Write hadith 21 (in either Arabic or transliteration form) and its translation in English Language. 10
3b. What is the main theme/importance of this hadith. 5 marks
3c. Mention five lessons you can gain from this hadith. 5 marks
SECTION C: FIQH/ TAWHID. Answer all questions from this section
1. Write first 20 attributes of Allah with their meanings. 10
1b. Mention five significance of the attributes. 2.5
2. What is sujud sahwi? 2
3. How many types of sujud sahwi do you know? Mention them.2.5
4. Describe the type of sujud sahwi you know. 1
5. Explain the reason(s) that can occur to make a worshiper to observe sujud sahwi. 2




Instruction: Attempt all questions in this section. .

1. What is your understanding of literature as a subject?

1b. What are the 5 main benefits students can derive from studying literature?
2. Discus Prose.
3. List 8 figures of speech you know very well with an example each.

PART B: Multiple Objective Questions

1. The basic categories of literature are ….. (a) Drama, play, poem (b) play, serve, act (c) prose,
poetry , drama (d) none of the above.
2. ……….. refers to poem of six lines. (a) sonnet (b) octave (c) sextet (d) quatrain
3. …….. is the names of characters who take part in a play. (a) register (b) actors and actresses (c)
cast (d) record
4. The totality of dress worn by characters in a play is referred to as (a) attire (b) dress (c) culture
(d) costumes
5. In a play, when a character reveals his/her inner thoughts in a speech, he is said to be (a) speaking
(b) soliloquizing (c) dramatizing (d) quoting
6. The main idea in a poem is known as (a)action (b) theme (c) setting (d) plot
7. A play is written in ……. and …… (a) chapter and lines (b) chapter and act (c) acts and scenes
(d) lines and verses
8. The figure of speech which exaggerates a situation is called (a)simile (b) hyperbole (c) metaphor
9. The stories where animals are performing like human are (a) fables (b) myths (c) folktales (d)
10. The history of a popular Yoruba woman – Moremi can be found in (a) legend (b) folktales
(c)myths (d) fables
11. The types of literature are the following except (a) drama (b) prose (c) poetry (d)poem
12. Simile , metaphor , assonance are example of (a) sentence parts (b) parts of speech (c) figures of
speech (d) literature
13. A character who plays a major role in a play is called (a) antagonist (b) actor (c) hero/heroine
14. A play with sad end is called (a) comedy (b) tragic –comedy (c) tragedy (d)irony
15. When in a play, past incident is remembered, this is called (a) soliloquizing (b) flashback (c)
dream (d) thought
16. The flowers are smiling beautifully. This is example of (a)metaphor (b) personification (c) irony
(d) simile
17. A poem recited at the end of a play is called (a) epilogue (b) drama (c)poet (d)flashback
18. The person who writes a drama is called (a) play righter (b) playwright (c) playright (d)dramatist
19. The fourteen lines poem is a (a) sonnet (b) dirge (c)lyric (d) octave
20. A song of lamentation in mourning is (a) stanza (b) Ballard (c) dirge (d) poem
21. A person life history written by himself is called (a) autobiography (b) biography (c) CV(d) history
22. Author of a novel is called (a) poet (b) novelist (c) playwright (d)writer
23. Olu is the lion of the group. This is an example of (a) irony (b) metaphor (c) simile(d) repetition
24. Aisha is looking as a queen. This is an example of (a) simile (b) personification (c) irony (d)ode
25. The types of prose are (a)narrative /descriptive (b)direct/indirect (c)comedy/tragedy (d)plot
Instruction: Attempt all questions from this section. .
6. What is figure of speech?
1b. List 8 figures of speech with an example each
7. What is drama? List 5 features of drama
PART B: Multiple Objective Questions
1. The basic genres of literature are ….. (a) Drama, play, poem (b) play, serve, act (c) prose,
poetry , drama (d) none of the above.
2. The flowers are smiling beautifully. This is example of (a)metaphor (b) personification (c) irony
(d) simile
3. The figure of speech which is saying opposite of what it means is called (a)simile (b) hyperbole
(c) metaphor (d)irony
4. The types of prose are (a)narrative /descriptive (b)direct/indirect (c)comedy/tragedy (d)plot
5. Olu is the lion of the group. This is an example of (a) irony (b) metaphor (c) simile(d) repetition
6. Aisha is looking as a queen. This is an example of (a) simile (b) personification (c) irony (d)ode
7. ……….. refers to poem of 14 lines. (a) sonnet (b) octave (c) sextet (d) quatrain
8. The name of a male character who takes part in a play. Is(a) register (b) actors (c) cast (d) record
9. The totality of dress worn by characters in a play is referred to as (a) attire (b) dress (c) culture
(d) costumes
10. The authour of a poem is called (a) authour (b) poet (c) writer (d) singer
11. The main idea in a poem is known as (a)action (b) theme (c) setting (d) plot
12. A play is written in ……. and …… (a) chapter and lines (b) chapter and act (c) acts and scenes
(d) lines and verses
13. Folktale is an example of (a) drama (b) poetry (c) prose (d) play
14. The history of a popular Yoruba woman – Moremi can be found in (a) legend (b) folktales
(c)myths (d) fables
15. The book ‘Dark Times are Over’ is a/an (a) drama (b) prose (c) poetry (d)poem
16. Simile , metaphor , assonance are example of (a) sentence parts (b) parts of speech (c) figures of
speech (d) literature
17. A character who plays a major role in a play is called (a) antagonist (b) actor (c) hero/heroine
18. A play with sad end is called (a) comedy (b) tragic –comedy (c) tragedy (d)irony
19. What is the title of the book you read on PROSE (a) Darks times are over (b) Forbidden (c)
Sunrise poetry (d) too late to cry
20. Which of these is a benefit of literature? (a) entertainment (b) playing (c) legend (d)flashback
21. The person who writes a drama is called (a) play righter (b) playwright (c) playright (d)dramatist
22. The fourteen lines poem is a (a) sonnet (b) dirge (c)lyric (d) octave
23. Why does a writer chose to use figures of speech. (a) for emphasis (b) for fun (c) to catch attention
(d) poem
24. A person’s life history written by another person is called (a) autobiography (b) biography (c)
CV(d) history
25. Author of a novel is called (a) poet (b) novelist (c) playwright (d)writer



SECTION A: HADITH Time Allowed: 2 Hours

Instruction: Answer any two questions in this section. All questions carry equal marks.

1a. Write the transliteration of hadith 5 of An-Nawawi 4

1b. Write the meaning of the hadith. 4
1c What is the central theme of the hadith. 2
1d. Mention five lessons you gain from the hadith. 5

2. Write the transliteration of hadith 6 of An-Nawawi 4

2b.Write the meaning of the hadith. 4
2c What is the central theme of the hadith. 2
2d. Mention five lessons you gain from the hadith. 5

3. Write the transliteration of hadith 7 of An-Nawawi 4

3b.Write the meaning of the hadith. 4
3c What is the central theme of the hadith. 2
3d. Mention five lessons you gain from the hadith. 5

SECTION B: [Compulsory for all candidates]

1. What are the types of obligatory salat and how many rak’ahs of obligatory salat do good Muslims
observe daily? 10
2. Describes commencements and ending times of each of the obligatory salat. 10


SECTION A: HADITH Time Allowed: 2.00 Hours
Instruction: Answer all questions in this section

1. What is hadith? 5
1b. What is Sunnah. 5
1c. What is the difference between hadith and sunnah.5
2.Write 5 differences between Quran and Hadith.10
3.How many famous compilers of hadith do we have.Mention them.10
3b.Write brief history/account on any 2 compilers of hadith.5
1. What is the full meaning of CE [a] Century Education [b] Christian Era [c] Curriculum Education
2. Hadith and Sunnah can be used interchangeably. [a] No [b] Yes [c] haha Abu
3. What is the full meaning of A.H. [a] Afa Hussain [b] After History [c] After Hijrah [d] After Hammad
4. Sometimes, we can read hadith in Salat after suratul Fatiah. [a] Yes [b] No [c] Always
5. Technically, is sunnah and hadith different? [a] Yes [b] No [c] No idea
6. The first set of people who heard hadith from prophet directly are [a] angels [b] companions [c]
7. Why was the writing down of hadith objected by prophet in the early period of Islam? [a] because
there was no book and pen [b] because they were illiterate [c] because prophet feared they may
miss hadith with Qur’an
8. How old was Prophet Muhammad when he died. [a] 36 years [b] 66 years [c] 63 years
9. How many are the famous collectors of hadith. [a] 16 [b] 6 [c] 5 [d] 10
10. When was Imam Bukhari died. [a] 194AH [b] 256 AH [c] 562AH [d] 491AH
11. The grandfather of Imam Bukhari was [a] Ismail [b] Ibrahim [c] Bukhari
12. Imam Abu Dawud was born on [a] 202 AH [b] 275AH [c] 645 AH
13. The second most authentic book in Islam is [a] Sunnah ibn Majah [b] Sahih Bukhari [c] Sahih
Muslim [d] Sunanu Abu Dawda
14. Which month of Islamic month did Imam Muslim die? [a] Ramadan [b] Rajab [c] Shawwal [d]
15. What is the name of Prophet Muhammad mother? [a] Halimat [b] Ameenah[c] Khadija
16. How many obligatory rakat of salat do we observe daily? [a] 21 [b] 17 [c] 5 [d] 13
17. What is the name of salat we observe by 4:00 o’clock[a]Mogrib [b] Asr [c] zhur [d] subhi
18. Do you like Allah [a] yes [b] no

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