PH301 Midsem

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PH 301 Department of Physics

Statistical Mechanics IIT Guwahati

Total marks: 30 Duration: 2 hours
Mid-Semester examination

l. In one-dimensional random walk probiem with p = 0.2, q = 1 - p and m = n 1 - n 2 , calculate the

following after N = 900 steps: · [2+2 = 4 Marks]
(a) The root-mean-square deviations ti. 'n1 = [(t.n 1) 2]1/ 2 , and A •m = [(Am)2]1/2
(b) The relative widths~ and a;.m

2. Imagine a system for which the number of accessible states fl is a function of energy E only and is given
as fl(E) ex (E 3 N/ 2 + E 4 ). Obtain the relation between the temperature T and E. [2 Marks]

3. Suppose the macrostate of a body is specified only by its temperature (all other parameters x; are kept
constant) . ff the heat capacity of the body is found to be Cx = 450 (joules/deg) and is independent of
temperature, then calculate the change in its entropy if the temperature of the body is changed from
lO0K to 500K via a quasi-static process. (2Marks]
4. Consider a system of five spin-1/2 particles in presence of an applied magnetic field H. Assume them
to be non-interacting with each other and having zero kinetic energy. [3+ 1=4 Marks]
(a) Give all possible values of energies for this system along with the corresponding entropy for each
energy value (in terms of the Boltzmann constant k). No need to specify the states for each of the
energy values.
(b) Explain what is spin temperature in this context with details.
5. State and prove the H - theorem. Give its physical interpretation in the context of Statistical mechan-
ics. [5+1=6Marks]

6. (a) Considering the first law of thermodynamics and the equation of state for an ideal gas (macroscopi-
cally), obtain the relation between the molar specific heats at constant i e ~ and at constant
pressure. , , \J., [3Marks]
(b) Considering the same ideal gas (mono-atomic) microscopically (i.e. starting from the expression for
the number of accessible states in terms of energy and volume), calculate the molar specific heats
in terms of the gas constant R. [3Marks]
3 3
7. Given A = (Vo , 2Pa), B = (2Vo, 3po), C = (3Vo, 2po) and D = (2Vo, Po), where Vo = 10 cm and
Po = I06dynes/cm 2 • Suppose that one mole of an ideal gas is subjected to a cyclic quasi-~tatic process
from A to B to C to D and to A. This cyclic process follows a circular path in the pV-diagram. Draw
the corresponding pV-diagram and calculate the following in joules : [3+3=6Marks]
(a) The change in the internal energy of the gas when the system is changed from A to C.
(b) The amount of heat absorbed by the gas in going from A to C via the path ABC.

Useful formulae
I. I joule= 10 7dynes/cm
2. J/ J4x - x2 - 3 d:r = rr/2
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