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EM3 – Structures of English

Name: ALMAZAN, THIA CHASITY P Instructor: Maricel I. Santos

Course Code: BSED-1 Date: Feb 10,2022

ASSESSMENT! Score: 29/30

I. Directions: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

B 1. It is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence. 10/10

a. Noun c. Verb
b. Pronoun d. Adverb

D 2. The noun that is replaced by a pronoun is called_________.

a. incident c. quotient
b. accident d. antecedent

D 3. The person or thing spoken about.

a. Person c. Second person
b. First person d. Third person

A 4. It refers to the speaker of a statement in relation to the subject.

a. Person c. Second person
b. First person d. Third person

B 5. The subject is the speaker.

a. Person c. Second person
b. First person d. Third person

C 6. The one spoken to.

a. Person c. Second person
b. First person d. Third person

B 7. This case is used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence.
a. Case c. Possessive case
b. Nominative case d. Objective case

D 8. This case is used as the direct object, indirect object, or the object of the preposition.
a. Case c. Possessive case
b. Nominative case d. Objective case

C 9. This case is used to show ownership or possession of something.

a. Case c. Possessive case
b. Nominative case d. Objective case

B 10. Which one is not belong to the group.

a. First person c. Third person
b. Second person d. Fourth person

Structures of English
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

EM3 – Structures of English

II. Direction: Choose the correct answer in the box and put it in the blank before the number.

Personal Pronouns Reciprocal Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Intensive Pronouns

Relative Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns Pronouns

Personal pronouns 1. This pronoun is used to refer to people and, sometimes, animals.
Relative pronouns 2. It is used to connect dependent clauses to independent clauses.
Indefinite pronouns 3. Is a pronoun that doesn’t specifically identify who or what it is referring
Reflexive pronouns 4. A pronoun used as an object of a verb that refers to the same person or
thing as the subject of the verb.
Demonstrative pronouns 5. This pronoun used to point to specific things.
Reciprocal pronouns 6. Pronoun used to express mutual relationships or actions.
Interrogative pronouns 7. Pronouns used to ask questions about unknown people or things.
Intensive pronouns 8. It is used to refer back to the subject in order to add emphasis.
Intensive pronouns 9. Identical in appearance to reflexive pronouns.
Pronouns 10. A word or a group of words that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase.

III. Give 2 example of sentences in each given type of pronouns.

 Personal Pronouns
1. He plays badminton in our academy
2. Many chocolates are there in his pocket.

 Demonstrative Pronouns
1. Those games are difficult.
2. That music is loud.

 Relative Pronouns
1. The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
2. The pants that I bought yesterday are already stained

 Reciprocal Pronouns
1. The ten prisoners were all blaming one another.
2. Both teams played hard against each other.

 Interrogative Pronouns
1. I wonder whose dog knocked our garbage can over.
2. Whose phone is that?

Structures of English
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

EM3 – Structures of English

Structures of English
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English

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