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1. Write about the differences between accents and dialects.

Give reasons why English has some many dialects and


Before we go over the differences between accents and dialects, we need to

understand what each of them are. Accents refers to how the word is pronounced
meanwhile, the dialect refers to the right pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

Some of the differences we can mention are:

 Accent deals with phonetics and phonology, while dialects deal with
morphology, phonology, syntax, semantics, etc.
 Accents is a way of pronouncing words based on their region or country,
dialect is a variety of language spoken in a specific area or group of people.
 Accent has variation in pronunciation meanwhile dialect characterized by
variations in grammar, syntax, pronunciation, or vocabulary.
 Accent is a part of a dialect, meanwhile dialect is a variety of a language.
 Accent is associated with the region you are at, socioeconomic background
and status. Dialect is mainly associated with the geographical location.

English has many country influences, and this is the main reason of the many
dialects and accents. As the time went on, countries as UK were influenced by the
visitors or people who settle there as the Danes or Scottish. The same happened
with the US, this country was influenced by the immigrants that travel to this
country and by its military force who traveled all around the world due to the
different worldwide wars that took placed in the early 90´s.

Another important factor is the social class, as we know the better economic
status, the better education people can afford. Which give as a result, better
communication skills, pronunciation, and grammar on the high class.

Accents and dialects have changed and will continue changing because the world
is changing, people is influenced by the people they meet, the music they listen to,
the environment they grew up in or where they move to.
2. Non-speech communication sounds.

Non-speech communication is the process of providing a message without using

words, spoken, or written. In the case of non-speech communication sounds is
referred to the expressions we use by making a sound but giving a full response
without saying a word.

Examples of these are:

To show surprise: Oh!

To show that you’re impressed: Wow.

To show you’re listening: Mmm or uh-huh

To show joy, agreement, fun: Laugh, yey!

To show sadness: Cry

To enquire further: Oh?

In our daily interaction we use more than words to express ourselves, and these
gestures, sounds and body language say more than our actual words, most of the

These nonverbal expressions are brief, discrete and affect in both face and voice.
These are easy to ready for most of the people since the sounds are accompanied
by facial expressions which helps the listener to understand if the sound is

With sound communication it is very important to use the correct intonation so the
listener can distinguish between an affirmation and a question as on the following

To show surprise: Oh!

To enquire further: Oh?


In my case, I went with these two topics ¨differences between accents

and dialects. Give reasons why English has some many dialects and accents¨ and
¨non-speech communication sounds¨ because I want to learn where the language
comes from and how to improve it to sound as natural as possible since English is
what has been my first source of income the last 7 years and hopefully will
continue be.
In English is important to not only know how to pronounce a word but its grammar
and these two topics, on my opinion, helps me to understand it better.
Regarding the differences of accents and dialects, I have had the
chance to work with native English speaker from different states
within the US and from the UK and can confirm that the accent
varies a lot based on their region. One of the most impressive
thing I heard from a UK native was how they pronounce the word
¨water¨, for them the E is substituted by an A and there is not R
sound at the end of the word. Within the US we can also find
people who sound very different depending on where they come
from, GA people have a strong accent and might be a little to hard
to understand from someone OH.
Regarding the non-speech communication is well know that
speech involves more than words, the context might be
understandable only for the expressions or sounds we make, a
sound that might give an answer to a question without
pronouncing an actual word and this is what non-speech
communication sound is referring to.

 Hasa. “Difference between Accent and Dialect.” Pediaa.Com, 2 July 2016,
 Blanco, Cindy. “What’s the Difference between a Dialect and an Accent?”
Duolingo Blog, 12 Jan. 2023,
 Natalie Braber Associate Professor. “Why Does the UK Have so
Many Accents?” The Conversation, 29 Nov. 2022,
 “Non-Linguistic Vocalisation Recognition.” I·bug - Research - Non-Linguistic
Vocalisation Recognition,
vocalisation-recognition/. Accessed 6 June 2023.

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