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he is not the way you think he is

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Rafe Cameron/Reader, Rafe Cameron/You
Characters: Rafe Cameron, Sarah Cameron, Wheezie Cameron, Ward Cameron, You,
JJ Maybank, Kiara "Kie" Carrera, Pope Heyward, John B. Routledge
Additional Tags: Drug Use, Past Child Abuse, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Underage
Drinking, Violence, Explicit Sexual Content
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-12-28 Updated: 2024-01-16 Words: 5,933 Chapters: 6/?
he is not the way you think he is
by prettygirl_05


After You're mom and dad got divorced you moved with your mom and siblings to the Outer
Banks where some of your moms old friends lived. But your new plan got destroyed after a
blond kook that you haven't seen in 10 years reappeared in your life.


this is my first fanfiction work hope you like it

and english isnt my first lamguage so sorry for any mistakes in writing

You, your mom Helena, Chris your older brother and his twin Anna with your younger sister
Cassie and her twin Nick moved to the outer banks after mom and dad got divorced. Your
family got money, a lot of money, and your dad got so distracted by that and the fact that
nobody could confront him that he started drinking and doing drugs. He would leave home
for a few hours and then when he came back home he couldn't even walk properly, but he
always found a reason to hit you, your mom and sisters. The abuse started happening around
the time you were 8 your older siblings 10 and your younger siblings 5, so that made it about
8 years of hitting and yelling and breaking and all the horrible things your dad would do to
your family.

One time he left and came back around 2 AM when everyone was sleeping. He barged in
your room and started screaming at you for not parking your car good, even you didn't even
had a car. You tried to reason with him but de wouldn't listen, and he started throwing
punches at you. He was 6'2 and you were 5'3, he was built of muscles and had about 188 lbs
when you had 125 lbs. That night he broke one of your ribs, your jaw and arm. That was only
one of the times that abuse happened.

After years of enduring that pain your mom finally decided to get a divorce, with her lawyer
she managed to get full custody of all 5 of you and everybody had a restraining order against
your dad.

Mom decided to move in the outer banks where some old high-school friends of hers lived,
you got a huge house on Figure 8. Your older brother Chris who beed there a few times to
visit one of the Cameron family kids ( who were childhood friends of yours ) told you about
all the pouges and kooks thing, about the hole cut and figure 8 and about the drama and fights
around there. So you knew about this.

This was your before, abuse and trauma broken bones to you and your family. Your dad
mostly hit the women in the family because your brothers could have probablyput him down
some of the times. You had scars all around your body and in your soul, all of your family
had them even Chris and Nick. You were broken in some way and no one was able to fix you
or your family.

arrived in the outer banks around 4 AM. After a 3 hour flight you couldn't wait to get in your
room and sleep. But fate had da different opinion about that. Apparently all the stuff will be
there around Friday so nobody had a bed of a toilet so mom talked with the Camerons so you
could sleep there.
Everybody was waiting outside except Rafe, probably didn't want to get up, not like it
matters but still you were best friends when you were 8 and he was 10 but you were tired so
you didn't thought much about it.

You got to one of the guest rooms, the one that happened to be next to Rafe's room. You took
a shower and you were in your room looking for your pj s with only a towel rapped around
you when you heard a knock on your door.
"Wait a bit." You said on a louder tone so the person outside your door could hear you, but
the knocking only got louder, so you opened the door without changing.

At the door was Rafe Cameron, shirtless with a towel rapped around his waist showing his
toned V line and abs. You didn't want to stare so you quickly looked in his eyes.
"Oh, Rafe, hi. What's up?"
"Um can i just come in for a second?"
"Sure, but why?"
"I just have my backup coke hidden here."

You were a bit shocked, I mean Chris told you about his addiction but you didn't expect him
to talk about it like it s nothing wrong with it. You just moved to the side so he could get in
the room without having to knock you down. He got to the nightstand next to your bed and
got a bag filled with white powder coke. He opened the bag and looked at you.
"What?" You asked giving him a confused look.
"You have long nails don't you?"
"I do. Why?"
"I don't have how to get it so I thought you could help me." He said it so calm, how could he
be so ok with this?
"So you want to use my nail like a scoop?"

He just nodded like a dumb person. But you rolled your eyes and walked next to him sitting
on the bed. You pointed your index finger to him and he just took your hand took a scoop of
the coke using your nail an took it to his nose sniffling all the powder off of your finger.
"Just a question. You were so desperate for this coke that you couldn't put some pants and a
shirt on?" You asked giving his very good looking body a quick glace.
"Oh, sorry Bug I didn't think it would bother you."

Bug. He used to call you Bug when you were little because you were scared of any king of
Bug. You were speechless. And he just looked at your body with a smirk on his face.
" I wasn't bothered Blondie, just curious." You said standing up going to oped the door so he
could get out.
"Haven't heard that nickname in a long time. Brings back good memories doesn't it? " He
said standing up coming towards you.

It did. Both of the nicknames meant so much to both of you.

"I guess we'll talk in the morning Bug. Sleep well."
"Thanks, same."

He left the room but he poked his head back inside.

"Oh, and I had coke in my room but I didn't got the chance to see you when you arrived so I
came by."
And you closed the door remaining stunned. You changed and got in bed.
It's gonna be a long week staying next to him. And he left his coke on your bed, meaning he
will be back if he finishes all the coke he had in his room, or if he just wants do drop by,
already having an excuse.
Chapter 2

The next morning you got out of bed around 9 cuz someone was banging at your door. Again.
It wasn't your mom or siblings, they would have yelled along with almost breaking the door.

You didn't get out of bed and tried to ignore de loud sound hoping the person is just gonna get
the message and leave. But looks like someone was persistent, the banging only got louder
and louder so you got out of bed and opened the door.

Rafe was standing there in a bathing suit with a towel thrown over his shoulder, flip-flops,
and sun glasses that were to large for his face, in your opinion at least.
"Oh, finally. I sat here for like 10 minutes before you decided to open this door. Come on!"

You just sat there rubing one of your eyes so you could see him properly. What could he
possibly want from you at 9 AM when you slept 4 hours last night.
"What do you want Rafe I've slept 4 hous if not less. I want to rest." You said it with a serious
face but an annoyed and tired voice.

"What do you mean 'what do you want'? Come on the weather is so nice we could go by the
pool, have some fun catch up for a bit." < br/>

He looked at you with a pleading look. You just wanted to sleep, but the weather was very
nice. So why not.
"Ok, fine. I'll come with you to the pool." His face lit up in excitement. "But you give me 30
minutes to change and eat, and you let me sleep at 1 PM Ok?" He nodded with a happy look
on his face.
"Ok. Got it. 30 minutes wait and then until 1 you're all mine right?" He said smiling.

God. His smile was so perfect and beautiful, you could stare at his smile for hours.
"Yeah, sure." You said still tired but smiling and then you closed the door.

You took a quick shower and breakfast in a little bit over 30 minutes so Rafe decided to start
bugging you while you finished you food.

" Oh my God Rafe you can be so annoying. Stop it please." You were SO annoyed it's like his
number one goal on life was to drive you crazy by 10 AM.

"Stop what ? I'm not doing anything." He said with an innocent face while shaking the table
even harder an tapping on your arm so you couldn't even hold the spoon without spilling all
the milk and cereals all around the table.

"God Rafe you are so punchable." You said rolling your eyes and standing up to put the bowl
in the dishwasher.

"Punchable and annoying? Probably, but you didn't seem to have a problem with that a few
years ago. Just saying."
"Ok, let's just get in the pool before I push you in it."

"Agressive. I like it"

You scoffed and just walked away felling him watching every move you made.

You took the shorts and top off of your body revealing your round ass and big breasts. With
the hair tie you had around your wrist si tied a bun at the top of your hair and got into the
warm water. You felt Rafe watching you and then the next second he was next to you holding
you by your waist close enough for you to feel his breath.

"What are you doing Rafe?" You asked looking in his eyes but not pulling away from hid

And then he kissed you. It wasn't a long kiss, more like a gentle touch on your soft big lips.
And you felt all the blood in you go right to your cheeks making you red. All this seemed to
good, so he pulled away looking at you. In his look you could see the way he was asking for
approval, so you kissed him again. This kiss was more pasional and deep this time, you could
feel his hunger. But you pulled away after what seemed like a minute or two, putting a hand
at his chest stopping him fron hissing you again.

" Wait Rafe, this is not ok. Someone could see us."

"You didn't notice? Nobody is home. Our parents are at your place, Anna, Cassie and
Wheezie are with them, and your brothers are with Tropper and Kelce they are catching up."
He did that thing when he was so calm.

"What about Sarah?"

"She is with those pouges."

"Oh ok, then I guess we can continue to make out. Right?"

"Seems best this way."

And you started to make out again. He was a great kisser. You felt yourself being picked up
by your thighs so you wrapped you leg around his waist. He deepended the kiss and carried
you to the edge of the pool siting you there positioning himself between your legs him beeing
still in the water.

And then you were in his room.


Oh fuck, the way his tongue shapes the roof of my mouth as it dips in and out, how I feel his
fingers dig into the side of my waist when I run my hands through his hair. My skin burns as
I feel his hand run itself along the width of my back, my body sinking further into his
embrace as I feel his shorts begin to tighten—a groan on his lips as my hips circle into his.

He kisses me, his free hand moving to hold me along the jaw, my mouth falling open as his
overpowers me—leaving me at his mercy, in his control. He pulls away slightly, dragging his
lip along mine at such an agonizing pace I let out a whine—my mouth still agape from his
touch. I feel him smile against me, and he closes his mouth just enough to press a soft kiss
against my bottom lip, before his nose grazes mine, moving to do the same to the top.

"Fuck, y/n, do you even know how motch I waited do be able to do this?"

His hand that used to just rest under my chin extends to tighten around my neck, a grin
slowly forming on my mouth now as Rafe begins to kiss me harder; faster. "Someone's
needy," I whisper against him.

He pulls away, his eyes blown out in lust as he stares me down, his thumb moving to brush
my bottom lip and his mouth falls open a bit. I feel my heart beating out of my chest, trying
to remember how to breathe properly as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, marking
my skin with his mouth. "I've missed you," he murmurs softly against me, but pulls back
when he feels me tense up at his words. His hand tightens around my neck, and reality seems
to force its way back to me; "you don't believe me?"

The way he looked at me, the lust in his eyes, how he stared at me when I didn't respond to
the question he asked me. Even though I thought it was a retorical question.

"No, I belive you, just... we haven't seen each other in like 10 years. I didn't think you missed
me in this way."

"Oh Bug i messed you in all the posible ways." He kissed me again, depper.

"Okay, okay—I-I need you now," I whimper against his lips as they brush past mine, a slow
breath escaping him before he kisses me again; cutting me off as I repeat myself over again.

"That can be arranged," Rafe tells me between breaths, a low moan escaping him shortly after
as my fingers press into the v-lines of his torso. He nibbles at my ear before beginning his
trek down the side of my neck, pressing red marks into my skin; lingering in one place when
he finds the spot that makes my eyes flutter shut.

My clothes are quickly discarded—all of them, but when I try to do the same for him he pulls
away. "Lie back," he whispers in my ear as he presses his palm to my sternum, coaxing me
firmly onto the mattress; a bit of bite to his voice as his smile fades.
His hands travel to my torso, before they roam and I feel his fingers circle my nipple, lightly
twirling before repeating the action with his tongue. I let out a small gasp, his one hand
sliding down my leg before lifting it over his shoulder. I can't help but smile when he finally
presses his lips to mine, pulling away so he can watch how my eyes flutter when he moves
his hand up my leg, his mouth falling open a little as he enjoys the sight. "And you're already
a mess," he chuckles darkly, amusement glimmering in his eyes, "dripping down your thigh."

I lock my gaze onto his, "please," I whisper, his eyes widening when he can no longer control
himself and finds my clit with his thumb, "please," I moan again as he traces small circles
against it to help ease the buildup he's created; his expression betraying how he relishes at the
sight before him, his pace no longer so delicate.

"Fuck y/n, keep looking at me like that," Rafe gasps as I stare through the hoods of my eyes,
following him as he sits back on his heels to watch his fingers continue to work me in,
"you're fucking mine, you understand me?" He shifts his attention back to my eyes, grabbing
hold of my leg that rests on his shoulder to pepper kisses up my inner thigh, starting behind
my knee without breaking his view of me.

I nod; "I'm yours."

He pauses to bring his fingers to his mouth, "God, you taste so good," he tells me before
replacing his fingers with his tongue, the feeling sending a shock through my body as he
buries his face between my thigh; the speed of his actions overwhelming me in a few
seconds. The short gasps that had been escaped me turn to a moan as his tongue laps at my
arousal, lightly sucking and nipping at my clit to delight in the cries I let out in response; my
hands running through his hair.

My hips rocking against his touch as the knot inside of me begins to tighten. "Rafe I'm—" I
squeeze my eyes shut as that feeling begins to climb almost unbearably fast, my grip
tightening at the base of his scull as my body begins to chase its release. "Rafe I'm going to
cum," I manage to gasp, my mouth hanging open as his actions continue to quicken;
unyielding to my cries. "Fuck, Rafe I—" my words are cut off as my body spasms before
going completely rigid, the world shattering around me as the feeling seems to last for an
eternity and I'm left clawing helplessly at his sheets. I begin to quiver, my voice returns to me
as I let out a gasp, my eyes rolling back when he doesn't stop toying with my clit even after
my legs try to close and my body twists to the side.


He hums in response before slowly pulling away, pressing a few final kisses against my core
as he sits up and watches my body relax into the bed frame. He shakes his head slowly; "I'm
not finished with you." His words sound like a threat, the look he has in his eyes almost sends
an ounce of fear to my nerves when he tells me to sit up. "Come here," he tells me, but I'm
happy to oblige, letting him pull me closer to his body.

I lightly scratch him with my nails, travelling to follow the line that points to the band of his
boxers. I tug at the material, pulling him closer to me before palming the tent that had formed
between his legs. He discards them quickly, and I can't help but giggle as his expression
contorts from his attempt to control himself. "Already a mess," I mock the same words he
spoke to me, his eyes darkening.

"Now lets not get ahead of ourselves, Bug" he warns, prying my legs open as he situates
himself between them. My grin falters, his fingers testing my sensitivity as he pushes them
inside, a gasp escaping my mouth as he goes onto graze every sensitive area with just enough
force to make me shiver. "What's the matter," he smirks at my reaction, "Are you still

I nod, my arms wrapping to dig my fingers into his sides as he persists, reminding me how
badly I wanted him inside of me as I watch his cock bob in anticipation. He leans in to tease
my entrance, the sensation enough for me to cry out softly. "Please, don't tease," I groan as he
stares me down.

His lips twist into a wicked grin as he finally thrusts into me, his expression faltering as we
both let out a gasp. "Oh fuck you're tight," Rafe hisses through his teeth, my head falling
back as he keeps his fingers busy while finding a steady pace. My legs curl up to wrap
around his waist, my hands moving up his back as he leans over me, a few strands of his hair
falling over his eyes. "There you go," he moans as I lift my hips to meet his, clenching every
time he draws back, "there you go, take my cock princess."

"Oh God, Rafe."

"That's a good girl." He doesn't hold back, driving into me with a force that brings tears to my
eyes—his eyes glimmering with satisfaction at the sight and decides it's not enough, my nails
digging into his back as he goes faster; his hips circling down to meet mine.

I curse aloud, hastily finding his lips as he pulls me closer, his free arm wrapping around me
as his voice starts to sound less and less refined. I watch his jaw slacken and his eyes become
heavy, my eyes delighting in the sight before me as the strangled whimper he lets out sends
me over the edge, a raw cry escaping my lips before my vision whites out.

"Jesus fuck—" Rafe doesn't finish his sentence; his thoughts being drowned out as I beg for
him to cum in me, a final gasp escaping his lips before a shutter runs through his body.

We lie there, sorta twitching against each other for a moment before he sits up, and I realize
he's moved to pull out and so he can watch his cum drip out of me. His eyes light up at the
sight, "That's so fucking hot." he giggle like a child, relishing in some urge that's being
subconsciously satisfied for a moment before pushing the hair out of his face and returning to
embrace me. "That was fucking great."

I laugh at how candidly he put it, "Yea," I agree, "It was."

He shifts to look up at me, "You're fucking great."

"You aren't so bad yourself, Blondie." I smile as he shifts to kiss me, lightly caressing my
face before running his hands through my hair.
When we collapse onto the mattress. I find myself in his arms; our skin practically sticking
together from sex and the lingering summer heat. It might've bothered me if I wasn't literally
trembling against him, his own muscles twitching every once in a while as we both pull one
another closer, like we could somehow merge together if we tried hard enough. We were too
worn in to care, and so the sweat that matted my hair to my neck didn't stop me from wanting
to lie in this position forever.
Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

I'm really not having any ideas sorry. Just my friend is at my place so yeah. And I won't
be posting until 03.01.2024 night.

I was in his arms. He held me so tight, like if he let me go he would die. But the moment
didn't last long because our parents were home.

"Oh fuck. I gotta go Rafe." You said gathering your chlotes of the ground.

"Wait." Rafe said getting out of bed. "No Rafe , if they catch us we are fucked, do you
understand?" You were already half dressed. "I just wanna say something. I'll be quick I
promise." He said with a pleading face.

You looked at him, then scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Fine. Quick, and get dressed. I don't
want anyone knowing for now."

"First of all." He started. "Don't roll your eyes at me. I don't like it." He stopped to se you
looked at you as shock appeared on your face. "And then, again next time we're home alone?
It's gonna be something regular this week, you know to be home alone."

You didn't expect this. You were speechless and shocked. But you nodded. You really liked
this thing you had. Even though you didn't know what was it when you were younger, it was
always there.

"Oh and for now? Does that mean we'll tell people about us Bug?"

"Uh, Ok sure, and who knows, maybe we will let beople know, so all the biches will stay
away from you." And you turned to leave now fully dressed and with your hair fixed. "Oh
and if someone asks what we did, you just helped me tie my bathing suit " You pointed to the
long strings your bathing suit had.

"Sure." He said. You were about to leave when he grabbed your wrist. "What I don't deserve
a kiss after all those orgasms?" He was right, you came like 3 or 4 times of not more.

You nodded and got on your tiptoes to kiss him, the fact that he still had to bend for you to be
able to reach him made you happy. You always wanted a boyfriend that was taller that you.
Even though maybe he was not boyfriend material, for now at least.

"And don't be jealous over other ,girls, you know,if they don't stay away from me. Just
saying. It'll seem weird."
You rolled your eyes, knowing it will piss him off and left. You went to the pool like you just
got ready for a swim. A drink in your hand and your favourite pair of sunglasses
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

It was somewhere around 8 PM when your mom woke you up for dinner. You didn't even
notice you had fallen asleep. But when you woke up remembered the dream you had, a dream
in which Rafe was the star. It was wild, same as the real Rafe.

You went to your room to change and got to the dining room. The only empty seat was next
to Rafe whose eyes were roaming your body as soon you entered the room.

" Saved you a spot Bug, come."

"Thanks Rafe." You said walking towards him tucking your hair behind your neck si that one
half was in front covering a part of you chest, and the other part covering your exposed back
(it was exposed because of your tank top).

As soon as you sat down next to him his hand was on your thigh, his thumb going back and
forth caressing your skin. You turned your head at him and noticed that the position he sat in
made it look like his hands were on his lap. The fact that you were at the end of the table with
no-one on either side of you and Rafe was a good thing. Let's home nobody would notice.

After the dinner you and rafe went on the side of the mansion that your rooms were in. You
entered your room and took off your shoes and laid on the bed thinking. This whole thing
between you and Rafe, what if someone found out? Was this situationship thing you had even
a bad thing? What would your brothers say, I mean they and Rafe were like best friends in
your childhood and now that they're a few minutes away from each others houses. Would
they be mad or happy for you ?

You felt weird, things moved so fast. I mean 2 moths ago you had a fight with your father, 1
month ago you still were in the hospital from the fight, 2 weeks ago you were fighting with
your dad again, 1 week ago you were in court for your parents divorce 2 days ago you
finished packing and got on the plain. And now, now you laid in a bed in a room that wasn't
even yours, your legs still sour from the sex you had with Rafe, who was your childhood best
friend and is your brothers current best friend. And you heard a knock on your door which
took you out of your trance.

"Yes? Come in." You said not moving from your position.

"Hey, you ok? You seemed off at dinner." It was Rafe. "Yeah I'm ok, just thinking." He was
now sat on the edge of your bed a hand in your led his eyes filled with worry. The look on his
face, a look you saw very rare he was a pretty cold person. You could feel how genuine he
looked at you.

"About?" He laid netx to you on his side, so he was facing you, holding your hand in his. "I
don't know, the things I've been trough... and all the stuff with my dad." You turned si you
were copying his position but facing him. "You, us? What even are we Rafe, I'm in a very
dark place right now, so if you plan on hurting me... ." You struggled you continue, tears
forming in your eyes. "If you want to hurt me, just.. don't ok? I can't handle any more pain I-I
don't know gmhow I'm gonna get trough everything happening to me." And now you were
crying. Full sobbing. You felt Rafe pulling you closer to him hugging you so tight, just like
the way he hugged you this afternoon.

"It's gonna be ok Bug, I promise you. I won't hurt you, I would never do that to you, I know
what you've been through." He paused. His sweet words inly mak8ng you cry harder. " it's
ok, you can always come to me when you need something, it dosen't matter if it's money or
emotional support or if you need me to beat someone's ass. I'll always be there for you love.
In what form you want me. As a friend, or as more. If you ever fell like it."

Damn, he was serious. You stood on you belly now supporting your weight on your forearms
whipimg your tears. "Wait. Did you just give me a subtle hint that you wanna be my
boyfriend, or is it just me? You asked shocked.

"Maybe." He said a smirk already forming on his face. "Hmm. A good offer." You said "I'll
consider it. Now go I want to sleep." He was a bit thrown off about the fact that you just told
him to leave after he dropped the fact that he wants to be your boyfriend. "You sure?" He
asked. "Yes Rafe, go. I have an important offer to think about." You said with a smile on your
face the only thing that gave you away about crying being your red puffy eyes.

"Ok, sure. I'll go." He said and went to the door. " Rafe wait." He quickly turned around
looking you in your eyes. "Yeah Bug?" He had that look full of empathy on fis face again.
"Thank you Rafe, I mean it. It means a lot to have someone to support you. I'm happy you're
in my life." You said smiling. "You don't have to thank me, that's what friend are for. And I'll
always support you." He came next to you once again and kissed you on the forehead, then
he headed to the door. "Good night Bug, love u." He said an then left.

After he left you let out a squeak, you were so happy. I think he even hear you, but you were
to happy to care. The only thing you thought about while you showered and until you fell
asleep was him. You were gonna give him an answer tomorrow.

Chapter End Notes

I hope y'all had a good new-year start and a great night of partying ( I sure did). Happy
new year guys. Hope you like this series too. I'm waiting for ideas cuz I have a few but a
few more just in case
Chapter Notes

Sorry for not posting school and training. I'll try to update more often if you like this
story. And if you think I should continue it let me know.

You were in your room staring at the ceiling thinking about the dream you had last night. You
had already gone to the bathroom because you were about to literally piss on yourself. You
were thinking about what part of the dream was best when heard a knock at your door.
"Come in!" You said.

"Morning Bug, how are you? Slept well?"

It was Rafe. He entered the room closing the door and coming towards your bed sitting at the
end of it looking at you.

"You can say that, I had a very tiering dream."

"What kind of dream love?" He said now beeing on top of you.

"About you actually. Want to know about it?"

His eyes lit up. "Sure. Every. Detail." He said staring in your eyes.

"Soo.. I'm not gonna give you all rhe details, I'm just gonna make a summary." He looked
disappointed. "Ok so there's a song that goes like 'rough sex on rhe bedroom flor. Hop in the
sower she begging for more.' That was my dream. But better. More passionate. And not just
on the bedroom glor and in the shower."

He started at you with a smirk on his face. "Soo.. if you didn't want to tell me everything in
detail, it means you want to show me right?" He said still shirking.

"Maybe. But not now, I m on my period."

He looked disappointed, again. " Oh, ok. Do you need something? I'm under your command
forrr...." "six days" You continued his words. "Yes six days I'll try and do as many things as
you like me to." Now you were rhe one smirking.

"Promise?" You asked.

"Promise Bug."
"Good. Now go make me breakfast while I get ready. Pancakes please." You said getting out
of bed heading towards your bathroom. "Ugh. Fine." He said leaving your room.

You were picking an outfit for today when you heard Rafe scream from downstairs.


You got dressed quickly and went downstairs you were hungry so you didn't wanna miss

Rafe was sitting at the iland eating his pancakes.

"Are you some kind of idiotic retard? Why would you scream like that. Do you have some
kind of brain disease or something?" You asked sarcastically going to your chair on the route
that got you behind him so you could slap the back of his head.

"Ow. WHY... did you do THAT." He said putting his hand at the back of his head were you
slapped him like that actually hurt him. He behaved like a little child sometimes.

"Oh come on, we both know I didn't hit you that hard. Don't be a pussy."

You said looking at him already having your mouth full of pancakes.

"These are really good by the way." You say with your mouth full pointing at your plate with
your fork.

He just rolled his eyes and continued eating. Like a normal person I might mention, he wasn't
literally stuffing his cheeks with pancakes like a chipmunk (as you did).

He stared at you and scoffed. You knew that he wanted to say something but scoffed instead
so he dosent piss you off.

"What? I'm hungry." You said and he barely managed to understand what you said because of
the food in your mouth.

You finished eating first even if he stared before you since you ate like you haven't seen food
in years.

"Ok Rafey I'll go to my room to change in my bathing suit and we'll meet at rhe pool in 30
minutes ok?

You said looking at him and putting the dishes in the dishwasher. But when you arrived at the
bottom of the stairs you said
"Mint green or pastel blue?" You asked him.

"Hmm... which one is more revealing baby?" He said coming towards you. When he was
right in front of you he stopped and put his hand on your waist.

"The blue one." You said

"Fine. Then wear that one." He said his hand going lower on your back until it reached your
ass. He cupped it with his hand an then he gave it a light slap causing your ass cheek to
wobble because of your kind of baggy short pants. You were so close that you boobs were
brushing against his chest, and you could feel his dick somewhere around your lower belly.
Because of the hight diference. He lowered his head and whispered in your ear.

"You better not cover it with anything."

Then he just walked beside you going upstairs.

He went up about three stairs then shouted.

"Oh and DON'T call me Rafey."

You were shocked and butterflies were throwing a party in your stomach. After a minute or
two you finally went upstairs and changed into the pastel blue bating suit.
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