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iy ae ha. nagnRZLETATION DEPARTMENT OY TRATION) (STAMP AND REGIS: 3 of Divisions 1. ALL the Conmssioners of Divs 2) ALL the Collectors {Oeputy Commission s1-VI/3646, (09.2002 jers in the State Memo No. 22/1/81 Chandigarh, dated the 1¢ Embossing of docunants. acquainted with the broad requirenents for India before being presented in the or of the Divisional Commissioners, dated 20.5.1988 and No, ‘tne general public wa ment of documents executed out of ce of Financial Commissioner, Revanue, H@NI\.ce Punjab Government Meno No. 22/1/88-$7-V1/2978 va are again summarized 45 under: STOVI/434S, dated 10,8.1989. (4) FULL Address of the executant. (i) Pull Address of the person in whose favgur the executed. (444) The place of property or the place where the powers to Be delegated through that document, are to be exercised. (iv) Clear date should be mentioned in the document exeaution. (¥) The document. by two persons giving their full atcested by the Notary Public with st (vi) The paper on which the docunent is executed should be of the sane country in which it is executed. (ii) The document to be embossed woUld be original and not its photo- copy. documents are to be yt at the time of izs wd be duly signed by the executant and witnessed giving there full addresses. This should else be OF owe 3 \CeiLsi the gdeugeseshodig be got enbossed wishin sof ene dete \ ykevutuon att the headquarters or fier Sees Of OD whee of Divisiens. In order to prevent frauds on the persons residing in the foreign countries i the above safd satvers, it has now been decided thet the executant should also be required to fulfil all the following raquirements in addition to 1 above / a ‘The executant must mention his. passport’ number in the document and atfix his photograph on the relevant document duly attestes by Authority from whom the document is got attested. ¥ ae (42) The document should be accompanied with a £ 4 the executant up to daterduly attesteay” | CRY Of the passport of (4iL) Ip addition to (1) and (14) above the special power of attorney and genezal power of attorney must be got, Courcescaienes con the office of the Indian High Conmission or the Enbaesy at inane te nat, ounery onece tt as ovecuted with proper aen¢ifvcation” ond authorized officer” beta! embossing to prevent forgery, a oe those mentioned in the pai 3 You are requested to bring these requirements to the notice of seneral public else chrough dus Papers and specially the Associacion ct wkte within your jurisdiction. SR ae Sa/- Superintendent =~ eS Eades No, 22/1/80-81-¥2/3647 conten ee ee is forw.rded to the Director Publi instruc tone aay be’ given wide eas, re Relation, Punjab with the ‘city through News Papsrs sd/~ Superintendent Scanned by TapScanner ie 2SUTRZ0 “2%, DRE Rue GZ; Pa a ey a / o s} wrayo2 ef a) ad > mye ae $9 3. 4%8 MZ mMrivaH mad Bape 3-3) 2 LI

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