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History, deities, and powerful beings of The Realm

©2023 Compiled, edited, and written by Andrew Bator, with input by Cliff Alan Wolter
Disclaimer: [This work of fiction is based upon characters and concepts of the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series ©1983-1986 Marvel
Productions and TSR, Inc., role-playing game ©Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and inspired by the fan efforts of Kevin Wasser, Michael D.
Bugg, Geoff Berman, JTR, and the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon Facebook Group whose previous contributions made this effort
possible. Permission is hereby given to copy and distribute this writing, so long as credit is not taken by the one so distributing.]

The Realm
Nestled within the strands of destiny, Istus dwells in the mysterious Web of Fate. The
nature of this realm sparks fervent speculation. Some believe it exists as a domain in
Concordant Opposition or perhaps as a demiplane concealed within the Ethereal
Plane. Others postulate its existence defies known cosmological boundaries. An
inscrutable but undeniable connection binds this enigmatic realm to worlds of the
Prime Material, Faerie, the Lower Planes, and even the fabled Demiplane of

The Dawn War

Veiled within the ancient tapestry of lore, the Demiplane of Imprisonment flickers like a half-
forgotten memory, only whispered among those who have etched their names into the annals of
legend. In ages past, this region bore witness to a primordial Elder Elemental God, an evil known as
the Nameless One, a seething maelstrom that eclipsed the Nine Hells. Pelor particularly loathed
The Nameless One and played a role in the Dark God's imprisonment. United, the primogenitors of
the Great Powers, embodiments of all alignments, waged an epic struggle, casting down the
maleficent entity and its legions, flinging their remains into the spiraling depths of the Inner Planes.
Yet, the destruction was not complete. Amidst the echoes of time, tales endure of uncharted
demiplanes, where irredeemable creatures of evil still reside.

This demiplane resembles a crystalline cyst floating through the Ethereal Plane. The ether
surrounding this crystal manifests dreamscapes and nightmares of the malign intelligence within,
sent around the multiverse to its would-be worshipers; these are dominated by purple eyes,
mouths, veined whirlpools, and dark humanoid figures. The visions continuously goad, tempt, and
seduce these unfortunates, usually driving them insane.
Mythic Era

Many of the Realm’s deities descend from the Dawn Titans, elder beings from before the time of mortals.
These Titans did not need worshippers to make them strong. Worship gave a type of power to the sons and
daughters of these primordials that was not known to their elders. This enabled the gods to throw down the
titans in a decade-long war called the Titanomachy. When Cronus was slain his essence merged with the
Realm creating a focal point of time and space. Lady Fate found this to be ideal and began to weave her

Forces active within the early Realm include:

Greater Titans
Cronus (CE) Ruler of the Gods & Greater Titans > Demeter (NG) > Halflings
Prometheus (NG), Greater Titan > Man
Istus (N) Lady of Our Fate
Norns (N) Fate Weavers
The Nameless One (NE)
Tiamat (LE) > Chromatic Greatwyrms
Sardior (N) > Gem Greatwyrms
Demodragon Greatwyrm (CE)
The World Serpent (N) > Saurians (NE) Reptilian Creator Race
> Yuan-ti, Nagas, Lizardmen, Troglodytes
The Sly One (NG) > Deep Folk

The Kadish Hegira (abbreviated KH) calendar is a method of counting the years. It dates itself to the mythic
Hegira when the war between Light and Darkness forced the Kadish to flee their homeland, bringing them to
the Realm. Years are occasionally generalized as most information has been purposefully obfuscated,
destroyed, or lost. For those wanting more specifics it’s recommended the seeker consult a Know Tree.

The calendar has twelve months based on the 28-day cycle of Laurathia, the larger of the Realm’s three
moons. Every 3 months is a week-long festival. The first month of a new year is Planting and is celebrated on
the fourth day of Growfest during the Full Moons.

Growfest 4: New Year’s Day Brewfest 4: Xan Yae’s Day

[1] Planting (April) [7] Patchwall (October)
[2] Flocktime (May) [8] Ready'reat (November)
[3] Wealsun (June) [9] Sunsebb (December)
Richfest 4: Midsummer’s Day Needfest (Midwinter) 4: Breadgiving Day
[4] Reaping (July) [10] Fireseek (January)
[5] Goodmonth (August) [11] Readying (February)
[6] Harvester (September) [12] Coldeven (March)

The first of the month is always a Starday, and the rest follow as shown below:
 Starday is always on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of the month.
 Sunday is always on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd of the month.
 Moonday is always on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th of the month.
 Godsday is always on the 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th of the month.
 Waterday is always on the 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th of the month.
 Earthday is always on the 6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th of the month.
 Freeday is always on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th of the month.
Dynasty of the Titans

Circa -C350 KH Lesser mortal Titans, Storm and Cloud Giants, and Cyclopes inhabit the Realm
before any other humanoid or demihuman race. They enslave the Deep Folk of
Sword Mountain and other “Children of the Deep” I.E. Duergar, Svirfneblin, and
deep halflings who dig up from the Underworld when they are first discovered.

Prometheus makes the first man from clay and gives him fire. Zeus creates Pandora,
the first woman to punish him.

Primitive Deep Folk erect stone circles across the Realm. The Sly One grows in
power due to their worship. Halflings begin worshiping Cronos’ daughter Demeter.
Legends of the Norns also hail from this time.

War of the Reptile Gods

Circa -C300 KH Rise of the Saurian Empire. A great city is built over The Mountain of Fire and a
mighty stronghold is erected west of the Dragon’s Spine mountains using forgotten

A frequent visitor to the Realm is the Prince of Neutral Dragons in his Ruby Palace.
While feeding in a favored gem pit the Demodragon Greatwyrm attacks from its
nearby lair and both receive mortal wounds. The obsidian thane Seradess usurps
control and leaves the Ruby Dragon to his fate. Sardior perishes in the pit and
Demodragon crawls back to its lair. Sardior ascends as a lesser deity.

A planar rift opens far below the Dragon’s Claw in the southwest mountains when
Demodragon expires. Just as individual dragons have echoes across multiple worlds,
places of tremendous power connected to dragons can resonate across the planes.
The caverns that snake out from this rift are sporadically transposed onto other
worlds causing them to appear “lost” and near impossible to discover through
magical means. Saurians explore these Lost Caverns and spend prolonged time
there driving them mad. They unearth the “Black Cyst,” a huge dormant form, the
avatar of the Nameless One, floating suspended within a hemisphere of black
needlerock. The Saurians devote themselves to Eternal Darkness and build a black
ziggurat temple complex around this Black Cyst high in these Mountains of

The Saurians recover Cronus’ skull and transport it to a canyon high above the
Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn. They use this Skull of Power as a focal point to
siphon and harness the mystical energy of the Realm. They further empower the evil
artifact with human sacrifice. The Saurians create the Box of Balefire and begin
producing unparalleled powerful, epic magical weapons and armor.

In an eastern grotto the Saurians cultivate a mystical plant called Dragonsbane to

destroy the Greatwyrms.
In the southern jungle the Saurians create the first yuan-ti by magically
experimenting with and breeding men with snakes, also creating nagas and, through
a similar process, lizardmen.

The Saurians and Greatwyrms wipe each other out in a genocidal war. The World
Serpent and Tiamat loose much of their power within the Realm.

Decline of the Giants

-C260 KH to -C250 KH Lesser dragons and giants war with each other over resources. By the war’s
conclusion Gigantis is reduced to a shadow of its former glory. Only the northern
Realm and an island colony in the Forbidden Ocean remain under giant control.

-C250 KH Ogres enter the Realm from another world when the four suns converge. The Many
takes notice.

-C240 KH Giants develop Rune Magic.

Circa -C133 KH The last Greatwyrm in the realm, a Bronze, successfully develops a magical means
for a dragon to live forever in three separate dragon bodies.

Age of Wonders
Circa -C34 KH To the north the giants begin carving a single, lone mountain known as The Dragon’s
Tooth into Mukandi (Lighthaven). It takes generations of runemasters, giant
stoneworkers, dwarven and ogre slaves to create the impressive city state.

-2620 KH The Sly One suggests dwarves steal the secret of rune magic from the giant
Runecasters. With the spread of magic Hecate takes an interest in the Realm.
Through prolific dreams she teaches the gnomes about the craft.

Circa -C22 KH The Children of the Deep are encouraged by The Stonewife to overthrow and cast
down their giant oppressors. Giants are driven out of Lighthaven, and the site is
dedicated to her.

-2095 KH Prometheus makes it his task to help mankind whenever possible. He teaches this
Lost Race of humans many of the civilized arts, including the medical use of plants,
cultivation of grains, and domestication of wild animals.

-C19 KH Priests of The Stonewife decree Ogres are no longer welcome within Lighthaven.
The dwarves start to expand outward through the Dragon’s Spine mountains. They
conduct great hunts of evil humanoids known as the "cleaning of the mountains."
Many mountaineers and miners join the hunt to eliminate the threat of attacks on
the communities of the region. Giants are pushed back to the northernmost edge of
The Realm. Faith in The Stonewife grows.
-C18 KH The Lost Race finds the Crystal Eye of Cronus in the northeastern Realm and to
honor it unknowingly constructs a ziggurat over the slumbering Devourer in the

-1762 KH Dwarves find their way to Earth during a conjunction via the stone circles and teach
the Tuatha Dé Danann rune and druidic magic. Stone Circles are erected in The
Neolithic British Isles so they can return to “The Otherworld.”

-C16 KH The Portal of Fate is discovered by The Lost Race south of the Dragon’s Spine
mountains. A ziggurat is built underneath to reach it.

-C15 KH The Lost Race goes to war against “serpent men” of the southern jungle and are

-1445 KH The golden age of magic peaks on Earth. The priest Imhotep’s spells weaken the
natural order and allows an outside entity, a corruptive Nameless Horror, to
influence the world.

-C13 KH While digging a new well the Lost Race unearths ancient catacombs and a shrine to
The Devourer in the Depths. The Elder Evil’s slumber is disturbed, and it begins
hunting prey at night through the streets of The Lost City. A strange cult begins
worshipping the monster as a god.

The Lost Race plies the open seas and returns with a nourishing lotus tree whose
fruits and flowers act as a powerful narcotic. The Lost City declines.

-C12 KH Barbarians storm The Lost City and destroy it. Survivors take refuge in the
underground catacombs. Ancestors of these survivors devolve into subhuman
grimlocks and expand these catacomb tunnels, connecting to Underworld caverns
that will one day stretch as far away as Simbala and Turadh.

-C8 KH The Sly One fathers the demigod known as Dungeon Master.

-C4 KH While adventuring in the Underworld Dungeon Master discovers the Heart of Dawn
and bathes in its mystical energies.

-386 KH Far to the south, east of the Dragon’s Spine, the Tardos clan of dwarves begins
construction on a keep, assisted by rune magic.

1 KH In a far-off world the War Between Light and Darkness forces the Kadish tribe to flee
their homeland. Led by divine guidance from their outlander gods they arrive in the
Realm at an ancient stone circle during a conjunctive eclipse of the moons. West of
this sacred site in a rugged canyon their Sha’irs use elemental magic and genie
architects to construct the Celestial Tower of Azor’alq. For two and a half
millennium Azor’alq’s Knights protect the Realm and Kadish people from the forces
of darkness.

6 KH Fate appears and decrees that the Kadish shall wander for one thousand years
before they settle in their new homeland. She shares her wisdom with genies and
the Kadish. When her visit is complete, she leaves a series of scroll teachings in the
hands of a beautiful girl remembered as the Hand of Fate.
6 KH – 1006 KH The Dungeon Master and Xan Yae become acquainted during the long senouat al-
tajwal Years of Wandering.

45 KH – 55 KH Driven off-course by storms after the Trojan War on Earth, Odysseus’ fleet of ships
enter the Realm and explore the Uncertain East. While looking for a way back to his
world eleven of Odysseus’ ships are sunk by giants.

Circa C4 KH The ancient temple and gateway to the entity in the Demiplane of Imprisonment is
rediscovered within the Mountains of Madness. This Doomdreamer Cult of the
Nameless One flourishes for generations, sending its minions out into the Realm to
enact horrible deeds upon the land. The process one must undergo to survive
gaining access to view the “Black Cyst” insidiously converts the person into a
worshiper of The Nameless One.

407 KH The Baramore clan of dwarves discover rich metal deposits in the southwest of the
Dragon’s Spine.

Age of Glory (Great Kingdom Era)

C5 KH Height of the Dwarven empire. Gargantuan Stone and Iron Golems are created by
master smith Faerndurn to patrol the borders.

Halfway through the senouat al-tajwal apostates abandon Fate and settle down
establishing Kamal and Azial.

609 KH The Golden Grimoire is written and stored within the Great Library of Lighthaven,
the greatest collection of lore and knowledge within the Realm.

C8 KH By this date the city-states Philogos, Azial, the Serpent Kingdom of Cecropia, and
Kamal are flourishing. Hecate, the World Serpent, Tiamat, and Xan Yae gain more
power within the Realm. Potions of Longevity are also created during this time of

682 KH Driven by prophetic dreams and guided by The Stonewife, Faerndurn discovers the
first prismatic ruby heartstone, a drop of Sardior’s blood in a natural pit surrounded
by bluffs lined with mystic gems. He uses this to transfer his soul into one of his
golem creations so he can continue protecting his people.

982 KH The dwarven settlement of Daramorn is established in the overhanging twisted peak
known as The Dragon’s Claw. Due to the Lost Cavern’s rift proximity the dwarves
slowly become corrupted and are consumed by madness. They begin worshipping
The Nameless One.
C10 KH A council of civilized peoples is formed, influenced by Xan Yae’s dogma that true
balance achieves perfection. The Council provides a forum to solve problems and
keep careful records, so no wisdom is lost. Representatives of the first council
Zandora the sorceress for gnomes, magic users, and Philogos.
Faerndurn for dwarves.
Asher for the elves of Elessar.
An enlightened monk of Kamal for humans.
A Yuan-ti Pureblood of Cecropia for reptiles.

1002 KH Ritual hunting of humanoids like the dwarven Harnekiah is outlawed by the Council.
Despite Faerndurn’s warnings and objections civilized giants and ogres are
begrudgingly allowed back in Lighthaven. For this afront to The Stonewife she curses
the site. The dwarves do not recognize the Goddess’ anger and over the next ten
centuries they enter a long decline as their ancient empire fades in prominence and
importance. Birthrates dwindle. The place comes to be known as Darkhaven.

1006 KH The Kadish settle in the eastern Realm. Many of the Al-Badia nomads continue to
wander in the harshest environs where men are as near to the gods as they are to
death. The city-dwelling Al-Hadhar artisans, merchants, and craftsmen establish
Kadish, The City of Fate devoted to Istus.

1242 KH Azial, the Kadish City of Prosperity falls into decadence and ruin. The city is infested
with undead ever after.

C14 KH Asher retires from the Council and Eldeth takes over to represent the elves.

C15 KH Gnomes uncover Sardior’s crystal Dragon Heart in the Vale of Mist. Prismatic rubies
are carefully removed and cut by the finest craftsmen. Imbued with some of
Sardior’s essence, the site opens to the multiverse during conjunctions of the suns.
Gnomes erect a statue of Sardior to honor him.
Sacred Prismatic Rubies of note:
The Heartstone (Faerndurn’s)
Lesser Heart Stones (Drops of Sardior’s blood)
Amulet of Power
Ruby of Seven Suns (A Ruby Dragon egg)
Heart of the Dragon (Sardior’s)
Ring of the Heart

1715 KH – 1815 KH Merlin and the nine maiden Sorceresses of Annwn active on Earth.

1754 KH The nine maidens flee to the Realm using an ancient stone circle gate after Arthur
Pendragon raids their island and destroys their magic cauldron. They settle in the
south near Philogos.

1775 KH Merlin heads a shadow order called The Stone, a learned cabal of white wizards
working to undue the Nameless Horror that infects the Earth.
1815 KH Merlin escapes the Nameless Horror’s deadly Red Mist by coming to “The
Otherworld.” He uses magic to construct a castle on one of the floating islands in
the northwest Realm. The Kingdom of Zinn grows up around it.

1816 KH Working together powerful magic users discover the Ancient Saurian Stronghold
hidden beneath the Sea of Thorns and raise it. Zandora relocates here with Dungeon
Master to study its secrets. They learn of the Skull of Power, War of the Reptile
Gods, and the Dragon’s Graveyard. Over the next few centuries, the Kingdom of
Ulreth is established in the southwest Realm.

1817 KH – 1819 KH Zandora and Dungeon Master go exploring and locate the Skull of Power.

1820 KH Merlin proposes a Grand Council of Wizards should maintain careful guard over the
various gateways to the many worlds that border the Realm.

A tomb filled with this Realm’s greatest warriors is built around the Skull of Power.
In death, these heroes make the ultimate sacrifice for the peace of the Kingdom.
Their souls are consumed within this Hall of Bones creating powerful magical items
to protect the Realm. Known items created with these mystical energies:
Merlin’s Cauldron
The Sister’s Scrying Pools
Sixteen Talismans
1 – Eldeth (Elves) 9 – Thiton
2 – Merlin 10 – Mazoe
3 – Morgan Le Fay 11 – Moronoe
4 – Gliten 12 – Astra
5 – Glitonea 13 – Zorm
6 – Gliton 14 – Krelm
7 – Tyronoe 15 – Zandora (Gnomes)
8 – Thiten 16 – Dungeon Master
Crown of Rulership
Zandora’s Box
The Treasure of Time
Amulet of Power
The Ring of the Heart
The Ring of the Mind
Strongheart’s sentient longsword Steel

1896 KH Marriage of Xan Yae and the Dungeon Master. Dungeon Master gives Xan Yae the
Ring of the Mind, and she gives him the Ring of the Heart.

C19 KH The Knights of Azor’alq trap a Marilith demon within a giant crystal ball and install
her in the treasure room at the top of their Celestial Tower to act as a guardian.

Zandora imprisons the Giant Wasp Queen in a pocket dimension using her box.

1981 KH The Greywood Elves win the tlachtli ball game World Series.
Decline of the Great Kingdom
2044 KH The Mountain of Fire erupts destroying the Enchanted Forest and the elven city of
Elessar. Faerie dragons abandon their home and begin a slow migration east, taking
generations. The Great Kingdom and Council do little to assist the elves. In protest
Eldeth and the elves abandon the Council and retreat into the forests.

2048 KH The Doomdreamer Cult fails to assassinate Merlin. Recognizing signs of the
Nameless Horror here in the realm Merlin retreats to his castle. Not knowing whom
to trust he secretly begins an investigation and travels under the alias “Crin.”

2116 KH Xan Yae gives birth to twins Kyllan and Kareena.

2139 KH Hated and cursed by his own people for his criminal ways, a Vistani Darkling
Fireseek emerges every 33 years during a conjunctive eclipse of the moons. He manipulates
strange Mists, an ability shared by all his mysterious people. To escape his curse, he
attempts to make a sacrifice to the Dark Powers with the goal of pulling the entire
Realm into the Demiplane of Dread by unleashing the Winds of Darkness.

2230 KH Kyllan and Kareena, the ambitious and arrogant children of the Dungeon Master join
the Council of Wizards. To celebrate the occasion Xan Yae gives Kyllan her Ring of
the Mind and Dungeon Master gives Kareena his Ring of the Heart.

2232 KH A half-fiend named Tsojcanth finds his way into the Realm through the Lost Caverns
and Daramorn comes to be known as his last resting place. There he meets Kyllan
and under the “Little Deceiver’s” tutelage Kyllan summons and binds a Shadow
Demon to his service. Kyllan uses this fell creature to spy on his perceived enemies.

2234 KH Kyllan continues to tread many dark paths in his lust for forbidden knowledge.
Tsojcanth shows Kyllan the “Black Cyst.” Due to his strong will, divine heritage, and
Ring of the Mind Kyllan does not succumb to insanity. He secretly begins serving the
Nameless One and pledges himself in return for more power.

The Great War

2235 KH Initial hostilities are provoked by the Doomdreamers but rapidly expand to cover
the Realm as opportunists use the conflict to further their own ends. This conflict
sees the unification and expansion of the Orcish Empire as well as a desperate
attempt by the Great Kingdom to reclaim its former glory. Kyllan is seen as a war
hero to the general populace.

2236 KH Kyllan corrupts his sister Kareena using the link between their rings to enslave her to
the Dark. Together they convince Astra to join them.
As Merlin, Morgan Le Fay, Zandora, and Dungeon Master are away performing a
crucial magical ritual to conceal the Tower of the Celestial Knights from malevolent
forces, turmoil strikes the Council of Wizards. Seizing this opportunity, Kyllan stages
a coup and targets the Citadel, unleashing mayhem within its walls. The dungeon
spills its prisoners, as Zorm and Krelm meet their tragic end. Faerndurn witnesses
his golem body shatter under ruthless assault. Astra also perishes. Kyllan and
Kareena are left drained and grievously wounded, pointing accusatory fingers at the
Doomdreamer Cult for orchestrating this onslaught.

Kyllan uses the assault on the Citadel to frame Zandora for dereliction of duty. He
deceives the Council into finding her guilty. Her amulet is revoked, and she is
imprisoned in a pocket dimension using her own box. Celestial Knights bury
Zandora’s Box in the wilderness, with none of the Council privy to its location.
Morgan Le Fay and Philogos secede from the council in disgust.

2237 KH To seal his pact with the Nameless One Kyllan retrieves the Saurian Box of Balefire
Brewfest 4 from the Black Cyst chamber and gives it to the Daramorn dwarves. He instructs
them to open it within The Tower of Xan Yae, the shining jewel of the Great
Kingdom while he waits in Krelm’s Citadel on the distant outskirts. The avatar
awakes and Kamil is sacrificed, along with the dwarves. Kyllan is transformed into a
fiendish entity. This embodiment of darkness takes the name Venger for himself.

The Bronze Greatwyrm is awakened by the catastrophic end of the Kamil. He stirs
from his long slumber and keeps an eye on the situation, quietly eliminating
certain groups.

The Lady of Fate places a geas upon The Dungeon Master to restore the Balance: to
not interfere directly in the affairs of any people unless there is no other way, to let
all choose their own path, and to never give another knowledge that they can
acquire themselves. Thus, the Dungeon Master must use wits over strength,
subtlety over the overt, and encouragement over coerciveness. His name and deeds
are stricken from memory and is ever after only known as “The Dungeon Master.”

The orcs enslave the Baramore clan of dwarves and take over the mines to supply
the war effort.

2238 KH Venger breeds an army of Wyverns and sends them after the Kingdom of Zinn
Growfest 4 during the New Year Festival. Merlin banishes them.

Venger supports the lizardmen uprising as they rebel against their yuan-ti masters
and overthrow Cecropia.

Turadh’s Sha’ir summons the Demon Queen Syrith to protect the city from Venger
but she secretly takes over. Lady Fate speaks through one of her prophets: “On the
night of Starfall the Child of the Stargazer shall come from a far-away land to stand
in the Temple of Light. The demon shall be banished, and the child shall journey

Fireseek During a conjunctive eclipse of the moons the Darkling snatches Merlin using The
Mists. Humanoids move freely through the Kingdom of Zinn.
The Time of Sorrow
2239 KH With Merlin gone and under Tsojcanth’s encouragement Venger betrays Morgan Le
Fay and her sisters. He razes Philogos, the City of Arcana with his humanoid army of
orcs, lizardmen, giants, ogres, and goblins. Many of the Sorceresses fall in battle.
Those that remain flee the Realm to Avalon in Faerie, never to return. Survivors of
the city migrate to the western border and settle in the Kingdom of Ulreth.

2240 KH The Dwarven Kingdom collapses and is brought low by Fate’s Red Death plague as it
sweeps through Darkhaven. The site is sealed with magic and abandoned. The
remaining dwarves scatter. The Ghyr and Baylor clans migrate east, establishing a
kingdom and a small refuge on an isle in the Alicorn Sea. Other survivors make their
way south to Tardos Keep. All resources are poured into the keep’s defense.

C23 KH Venger hunts down and destroys any that remain loyal to the Great Kingdom. He
creates the Maze of Darkness around the Portal of Fate to lure any would-be heroes
to their doom.

C24 KH Metallic dragons are driven to the point of extinction within the Realm.

The Grimlocks that live below Turadh venerate the Demon Queen and start doing
her bidding.

2464 KH The Bronze Greatwyrm lairs within the slopes of Mount Hullet. On a few occasions,
the Dungeon Master asks his counsel but most of the time he sleeps.

C25 KH The battle-weary Celestial Knights are betrayed by one of their own. A young knight
named Dekkion is promised a king’s treasure by Venger in exchange for leading
them into a trap. With the Celestial Knights gone Queen Syrith no longer rules from
the shadows.

C27 KH Lukyan protects the Vale of Mists with his magic for centuries. Venger sacks the site
and is cursed by Sardior, making him powerless against prismatic heartstones. They
are smuggled north.

2850 KH Prince Archosian Brightflame of the Valley Elves born. He goes on to be a heroic
general battling demons in the Abyss.

C28 KH Aulicus the black dragon born. He lairs in the Swamp of Sorrow.

2941 KH The spirit of a Baobhan Sith enters the dying, shipwrecked Queen Larissa and she
arises as a vampire on the Isle of Baylor.

Circa C29 KH Earliest record of Iggwilv the Witch Queen in a far-off land. She occupies a tower on
the outskirts of a city and conducts terrible experiments.
C30 KH In search of greater power, the Witch Queen finds the entrance to the Lost Caverns
in her world and binds the half-fiend Tsojcanth. Planar boundaries rupture, and the
flow of Abyssal energy in the Realm increases from a trickle to a torrent, growing at
Realm’s Edge to the south. Iggwilv spends many years interrogating Tsojcanth to
increase her knowledge of demonology.

Peralay of the Valley Elves born.

C31 KH Using the knowledge she gains from Tsojcanth, the Witch Queen successfully
summons and binds the demon prince Graz'zt. Using her accumulated lore Iggwilv
refines and expands upon her stolen Tome of Zyx to produce a six-volume work
known as the Demonomicon.

3118 KH Iggwilv gives birth to Graz'zt’s son Iuz and gives him away.

3119 KH – 3150 KH The Witch Queen is seen sporadically in the Mountains of Madness. She takes up
residence in Daramorn which comes to be known as Iggwilv’s Horn. Kareena is
taken on as an apprentice after Venger and Iggwilv become allies.

3122 KH Drelnza born to Iggwilv and Venger.

3125 KH – 3145 KH Iggwilv raids and enslaves far-off lands when the Lost Caverns open onto different
worlds and Realms.

3140s KH Kareena and Drelnza adventure together and explore the Alicorn Sea. They make
landfall on the Isle of Baylor and Drelnza falls victim to the Vampire Queen.
Returning home, Kareena is imprisoned in the Hills of Zorm by Venger for her
incompetence. Heartbroken, Iggwilv puts Drelnza under a sleep spell and seals her
in the chamber at the center of the Lost Caverns.

3143 KH Ganto born to King Qasmar of Ghyr.

3150 KH The Witch Queen attempts to seal the rift by binding Tsojcanth into the planar fabric
of the Lost Caverns. Iggwilv and Graz'zt are never seen in the Realm again. Tsojcanth
escapes soon after. While searching the caverns for Iggwilv Venger finds an egg of
Demodragon and begins raising it.

3158 KH Ringlerun the wizard travels south to The Isle of the Ape in the Sea of Sorrows and
acquires his Staff of Power.

3172 KH King Qasmar of Ghyr comes into possession of The Heartstone during The Prism
Wars with the Cloud Bears. Due to Sardior’s curse Venger proceeds in this part of
the realm carefully.

Fireseek During the conjunction of the moons a couple, their young child, and their traveling
wagon are pulled into the Realm from their Domain of Mordentshire with the
Vistani Darkling’s Mists. The child is the prophesied "Lightbringer," destined to
destroy the darkness.

3173 KH Dahnakriss the master thief steals The Heartstone from Castle Ghyr’s vault.
3184 KH Venger imprisons the goblins of the Underworld.

3189 KH King Qasmar dies. Ganto ascends to the throne of Ghyr.

3205 KH The Lightbringer, now an apprentice of the Dungeon Master, tries to stop the
Fireseek Darkling but fails. The Darkling takes the Lightbringer's parents on nights two and
three of the eclipse out of petty revenge.

3218 KH A frost giant named Yragmul defeats the dwarven king of Sword Mountain, breaking
his magic crown in two.

3220 KH Strongheart, a paladin of Pelor rescues the last bronze dragon wyrmling from
sacrifice at the hands of a cult. The two travel together in search of wrongs to right.
Destrier often takes the form of Strongheart’s horse.

3222 KH Eric the caliver born on Earth.

3223 KH Varla born to Marinda and Jareth in the village of Dornick.

Hank the ranger born on Earth.

3224 KH Presto the magician, Diana the acrobat, and Shelia the thief born on Earth.

3225 KH Strongheart, Ringlerun, and other adventurers from Ulreth travel to the Kingdom of
Ghyr to retrieve Faerndurn’s Heartstone for Queen Leahra. Kelek and Warduke
come to Venger’s attention when they form a “League of Malevolence.”

3226 KH Charmay, the mistress of magic, Elkhorn the dwarf, and Strongheart find the lost
Treasure of Time.

The gnome Garn Graygaze, Charmay, and Strongheart prevent Kelek, Warduke, and
their thugs from getting the Great Kingdom’s Crown of Rulership. Unfortunately, it is
believed lost forever.

3227 KH Aurella the ranger, Silverrain the elf, and Strongheart rescue Ringlerun from
Warduke’s Castle. It’s revealed that Charmay, Ringlerun’s one-time apprentice, is
responsible. She flees to continue her studies under Kelek. He takes twisted, petty
pleasure reminding Ringlerun of this whenever the opportunity arises. Charmay
makes a pact with Baba Yaga to be her warlock patron and takes the name Skylla.

Caruso the bard and Filaree the druid protect Queen Mirra and the Ruby of Seven
Suns from falling into the hands of the Warduke and Kelek.

3228 KH Strongheart is captured and thrown in the Prison of Agony. Ringlerun advises
protecting Queen Mirra rather than a rescue attempt. Warduke and Kelek oversee
bringing the Kingdom of Ulreth under Venger’s subjugation. Princess Mirra,
Ringlerun, and Elkhorn take refuge in the hidden Ruins of Elessar and organize
resistance forces with the help of the elves and Eldeth’s First Talisman.

Garn Graygaze retires from adventuring and becomes mayor of Helix in Zinn.

Kosar is seized by Queen Syrith and thrown in Turadh’s dungeon.

Goodmonth Bobby the barbarian born on Earth.

3229 KH Princess Ayesha born to Caliphate Rahmoud and Sultana Jamila in Kadish.

3231 KH 950ac Elkhorn, Figgin, and Mercion save Fillaree and stop Warduke from getting the Wand
of Wonder, which could be used to enslave the Kingdom of Ulreth.

Queen Leahra of Ghyr marries Theodoric, a capable and righteous knight.

3234 KH Adventurers find and sack the Lost Caverns while they are opened onto a far-off
world. The seal of Drelnza’s chamber is broken and she is defeated but turns to mist
and escapes to the Horn of Iggwliv with her mother’s Demonomicon.

Princess Ayesha is kidnapped by the demon Nightwalker. Rahmoud begins traveling

as a caravan merchant to search for her.

3235 KH Raids by giants increase among the northern settlements.

3236 KH Coldeven Diana makes first place in her state gymnastics finals on Earth.

3237 KH Coldeven Diana makes first place in her state gymnastics finals for the 2nd year running.

Varin, the Duke of Darkness commits regicide and takes over Castle Ghyr.


3238 KH 579 CY 1983 Dungeon Master steals the Weapons of Power from the Dragon’s Graveyard and
Growfest 4 gives them to his six new pupils as Venger arrives to eliminate them. The Young
Ones enter the Realm on New Year’s Eve in the Wastelands west of the Kingdom of
Zinn and endanger the village of Helix.

Planting Sir John the knight defeats a Beholder near Pendrake. Venger obliterates the Hall of

Flocktime The Children stop Kelek from hunting down the last herd of Unicorns. The Citadel of
Ash is destroyed.

Wealsun The Dungeon Master causes a caldera under the Slave Mines of Baramore to erupt.

Richfest The young illusionist Varla is captured by Venger and imprisoned in the Forbidden

Reaping The Young Ones free some bogbeasts enslaved by their own shaman Kawamung,
return Lukyan to power, and liberate the gnome Vale of Mist.

Goodmonth The Children free Strongheart from the Prison of Agony moments before Venger
causes the Mountain of Fire to explode. A week later the Tower of the Celestial
Knights is rediscovered and their greatest artifact, the Circle of Power, is unmade.
Dungeon Master’s pupils also free Zandora from captivity.
Harvester The Yeti Titan is brought down by the Young Ones and buried within the earth near
the village of Hullet. They save Althea and Shimmer, the last of the golden dragons,
one of the few remaining species of good dragons left in the Realm. The hatchling
Dazzle is born.

Diana unintentionally awakens the Bronze Greatwyrm slumbering deep beneath the
Castle Hullet. Eric calls him “Bronzilla” and the affectation sticks. The dragon makes
a new lair for himself on the isolated Isle of the Ape in the Sea of Sorrows.

Brewfest The Portal of Fate, her ziggurat, and Venger’s Maze of Darkness are eradicated by
Dungeon Master’s pupils after he summons The Devourer in the Depths. Bobby and
Eric’s brave actions send the Elder Evil back to its slumber in the lake far below The
Lost City.

Patchwall The Young Ones slay Demodragon and free children from a demon called the

Ready'reat The avatar of the Nameless One scorches a path of destruction across the
northeastern realm and wipes out the Citadel of Bone. The Crystal Eye of Cronus is

Sunsebb Darkhaven, the Golden Grimoire, and the Forbidden Tower are all erased from
existence. The Children rescue Varla and restore the village of Dornick. Rather than
stopping Varin, the Duke of Darkness’ marriage to Queen Leahra of Ghyr the
children go on to defeat Venger in the Dragon’s Graveyard.

Needfest (Midwinter) The prophecy of the Stargazer is fulfilled and the city of Turadh is freed.

Fireseek Venger and Kareena eradicate the Citadel of Shadow. Dungeon Master’s pupils help
the Fairie Dragons travel to the Forest at the Edge of the World.

The Lightbringer finally stops the Darkling, and all captives are returned, including
some from the time of the Great Kingdom who bring back long-lost knowledge and

Readying Mercion delivers the Wand of Wonder to the Temple of Light in Turadh, and then
tracks down the Young Ones. She asks Dungeon Master’s pupils to assist her and
Strongheart in freeing the Kingdom of Ulreth from Venger’s grasp.

Coldeven With Kelek’s betrayal of Venger, the Baramore dwarves being freed, and the return
of Strongheart an uprising takes hold in the Kingdom of Ulreth. Strongheart takes on
Eric as a squire and the kids help liberate Stormhaven. Queen Mirra is reinstalled on
the throne.
3239 KH Bronzilla flies Diana, Hank, and Bobby across the Sea of Sorrows. Venger disappears
Growfest during the full moons of the new year. Bobby and Shelia return to Earth.

Hank studies under Aurella and Filaree in the Old Oak Forest.

3240 KH A new Council of Wizards is formed and they establish their seat of power in the
Celestial Tower of Azor’alq.

Ringlerun takes on Presto and Varla the illusionist as his new apprentices.

3241 KH The Witch Queen attacks a far-off world with an army of fiends and monsters.
Adventurers head to the Isle of the Ape to locate the Crook of Rao. Iggwliv is
defeated, but not before corrupting the Crook of Rao with a curse which risks its

3242 KH “Crin” (Merlin) keeps a low profile and helps heal the Realm, imparting wisdom to
Filaree and Silverrain, then uses one of the ancient stone circles to travel to Avalon,
departing forever.

3243 KH With balance restored and Lady Fate’s geas lifted the Dungeon Master also takes his
leave, going on to Concordant Opposition to reunite with his beloved Xan Yae. He
gives a libram of her teachings to Diana as a parting gift and says “Remember the
most precious treasure isn’t gold or gems. but a hidden thread, weaving moments
together.” And with that cryptic advice he is gone.

3244 KH Current Year. Mysterious disappearances occur within the northeastern village of Dornick.
[D&D Maladum campaign: MADNESS UNCHAINED - Coming January 2024]

Word reaches the surface of an ongoing dark elf civil war in the Underworld. Some noble
houses turn away from worshipping Lolth to follow the Nameless One.

3245 KH Diana seeks an answer to Dungeon Master’s final riddle.

3258 KH While working for a private security firm on Earth Bobby and his girlfriend stumble
upon ancient Babylonian ruins in Iraq depicting Tiamat and Dungeon Master. They
track down and recover Lady Fate’s Tablet of Destiny from the Iraq Museum theft
and use it to travel to the Realm.

4238 KH The Child of the Stargazer returns to the ruins of Turadh and stands within the
Needfest (Midwinter) Temple of Light. She reunites with her lost love Kozar.
Greater God/Goddess
Intermediate Deity
Lesser Deity

Pelor / Al’Asran (in the East), The Shining One (NG) {Home Plane: Elysium}
Allies: Pholtus, Demeter
Strongheart (LG), Sun Worshippers, Farmers, Healers, Druids

He-Who-Watches (LE) {Home Plane: Acheron}

Orcs, Northern Kingdom of Ghyr, Barbarians, Baylor
The Many (CE) {Home Plane: Pandemonium}
Zarak (CE), Humans, Gnolls, Trolls, Ogres, Bugbears,

Tiamat, the Dragon Queen (LE) {Home Plane: Nine Hells}

Chromatic Dragons
Hecate, Goddess of the Moons, Magic & Sorcery (LE) {Home Plane: Nine Hells}
Magic Users, Moon Worshippers, The Nine Sorceresses
The Witch Queen (CE) – Archmage/Cleric, Demonologist
Baba Yaga, Mother of All Witches (NE) {Faerie}
Skylla (CE)

The Sly One (NG) {Home Plane: Twin Paradises}

Gnomes, Dwarves, Halflings, Thieves, Ulreth, The Lost Race
Dungeon Master (NG) {Web of Fate}
Zandora (NG) {Web of Fate}
Kareena (NG) {Web of Fate}

The World Serpent (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Lizardmen, Troglodytes, Naga, Yuan-ti

Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture (NG) {Home Plane: Olympus}

Ally: Pelor / Al’Asran, Defunct: Geshtai
Zinn, Farmers, Halflings, Gnomes, Humans, The Lost Race

Tyche, Goddess of Good Fortune (N) {Home Plane: Olympus}

Simbala, Halflings, Dwarves, Gamblers, Thieves, Adventurers,
Rayan Nomads

Silvanus, The Oak Father (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Merlin, Grugach and Valley Elves, Druids, Rangers, Centaurs,
Awakened Trees, Barbarians
Greater God/Goddess
Intermediate Deity
Lesser Deity

Central Realm

The Stonewife, Goddess of Mountains & Gemstones (LG) {Home Plane: Seven Heavens}
Faerndurn, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Miners

Great Cloud Spirit (N) {Demiplane of Time}

Cloud Bears, The Lost Race

Eastern Realm

Istus, Lady of Our Fate (N) {Web of Fate}

Daoud, The Mendicant
Cult of Daoudahs, Kadish
Black Marian {Sigil}
Norns, The Fate Weavers (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}
Verdandi the she-elf, Urd the giantess, Skuld the dwarf
Grey Sisters, Stygian Witches

Al’Asran / Pelor (in the west), The Shining One (NG) {Home Plane: Elysium}
Allies: Pholtus, Demeter
Sun Worshippers, Farmers, Healers, Druids, Paladins

Pholtus, Of the Blinding Light (LG/LN) {Home Plane: Arcadia}

Ally: Pelor / Al’Asran
Mericon (LG), Turadh, Sun & Moon Worshipers

Mouqol, The Merchant (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Ramound (LG), Merchants & Traders, Kadish, Tujar

Azor’alq, Banisher of Darkness (NG)

Celestial Knights, Cavaliers

The Devourer in the Depths (CE) {Web of Fate}

The Lost Race, Grimlocks
Greater God/Goddess
Intermediate Deity
Lesser Deity

The Underworld

The Mighty One (LE) {Home Plane: Nine Hells}

Goblins, Hobgoblins

The Crawler Below (CE) {Home Plane: The Abyss}

Gnomes, Svirfneblin, Duergar, Goblins

Lolth, Queen of Spiders (CE) {Home Plane: The Abyss}

Dark Elves

Forgotten Gods

Cronus, Titan of Time [was Overdeity] (CE) {Home Plane: Tarterus}

Titans, Giants, Cyclops, Ettins, Fomorians, Ogres

Prometheus (NG) {Home Plane: Olympus}


The Watcher (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Dragon-blooded creatures

The Nameless One [was Greater] (NE) {Demiplane of Imprisonment}

Venger (NE)
Kelek (CE), Saurians, Doomdreamer Cult, The Insane

Geshtai, Daughter of the Oasis (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Farmers, Travelers, Al-Badia nomads

Xan Yae, Lady of Perfection (N) {Home Plane: Concordant Opposition}

Goddess of twilight, stealth, and shadows
Philosophers, Monks, Acrobats, Thieves

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