EKC358 Assignment 3 Viveka

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SEMESTER 1, 2023/2024








In layman’s terms, it means producing oleochemicals that benefit society, the
environment, and the industry today and in the future. Sustainability in the oleochemical
industry refers to conserving energy, cutting down on pollution, preserving the environment,
repurposing waste in terms of the environment, upholding social responsibilities, and
employing methods that guarantee the economic viability of oleochemical product production
to continue producing goods that are beneficial to society and the environment.
On the front of sustainability, the conflict between petroleum-based and oleochemical
products is fierce. Oleochemicals promise less long-term pollution because of their renewable
plant origins and biodegradable potential. However, their green claims are undermined by the
destruction of forests for unsustainable plantations and the carbon released during land
conversion. Petroleum has its problems, such as its diminishing natural resources, the effects
of drilling and exploration, and its enormous carbon footprint from extraction to use, even
though it has a high energy density for efficient fuel options.
Both of the sources have subtle social differences. Oleochemicals present
opportunities for fair trade and local economic growth, but there is a chance that workers will
be exploited. Although the well-established petroleum industry creates jobs in large numbers,
its dependence on particular regions can lead to geopolitical instability.
The expanding market for sustainable oleochemicals is exciting from an economic
standpoint, but initial high costs and inadequate infrastructure create obstacles. Although the
well-oiled machinery of petroleum offers lower costs, its long-term stability is threatened by
volatile resources and tightening regulations.
In the end, both industries have to walk a fine line between sustainable goals and
economic realities. Responsible decision-making and infrastructure development are critical
to striking this delicate balance and paving the way for a more environmentally conscious
future in which green choices benefit both people and the environment rather than just being
Oleochemical-based products are more sustainable than petroleum-based products.
Although petroleum-based products and oleochemicals both meet our needs, oleochemicals
offer the possibility of a renewable future. As opposed to petroleum, which is a finite
resource that contributes to climate change, oleochemicals come from plants and are
constantly replenished. When compared to the production, transportation, and burning of
petroleum, and with sustainable practices further minimizing emissions, can be translated to
a lower carbon footprint due to the renewable nature of oleochemicals.
Oleochemicals benefit the environment, but they also give local communities hope. In
the vicinity of plantations, sustainable production can spur economic growth by creating jobs
and improving livelihoods. A clear contrast to the possible labour exploitation that can afflict
petroleum supply chains is the fair wages and secure working conditions guaranteed by fair
trade certifications like RSPO for farmers and suppliers.
The market is realizing the potential of oleochemicals, and rising environmental
consciousness is driving up demand for them. This fosters innovation and opens doors for the
development of new, environmentally friendly oleochemical products as well as cutting-edge
technology. Petroleum has a well-established infrastructure that makes it less expensive now,
but resource depletion and stricter environmental regulations will likely make the future of
petroleum uncertain.
In the end, both industries need to pursue a continuous improvement strategy. Both
oleochemicals and petroleum-based products require ethical behaviour and the reduction of
negative social and environmental effects. However, oleochemicals provide a window into a
more environmentally friendly future where sustainability is more than just a catchphrase but
rather a reality based on ethical behaviour and inventiveness, thanks to their renewable
origins, reduced potential carbon footprint, and potential for positive social impact.
Biochar is a black charcoal-like substance produced combustion of oil palm biomass
waste or wood, livestock manure, or any other organic waste in the absence or limited supply
of oxygen at relatively low temperatures. It is used in a variety of applications in a wide range
of industries. Biochar is used in animal farming, as a soil conditioner, in the building sector,
in wastewater treatment, and biogas production.
In animal farming, it is used as a silage agent, litter additive, manure composting, and
feed additive. When used as a feed supplement, the biochar helps improve the health of
livestock as it increases their antibody levels, lowers methane emissions, and improves
digestion. In agriculture, biochar improves the soil fertility. These include the soil's increased
ability to hold water, its aeration, and the release of nutrients by raising the pH level of the
soil which results in higher crop yields. Biochar is also used to purify water by eliminating
impurities and enhancing its quality due to its high surface area and porous structure. In
addition to its use in soil, biochar plays a major role in carbon sequestration initiatives by
acting as a long-term carbon sink in soils and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
However, there are several issues related to the application of biochar in the sectors
mentioned above. Firstly, biochar has low nutrient content, making additional fertilizers
necessary to be used alongside it. In animal farming, biochar may contain dust that will
irritate the respiratory system of feedstock and farmworkers. If the biochar is improperly
treated, the contaminants such as heavy metals and polycyclic hydrocarbons in the biochar
may leach into soil and water. Not only that but when used in wastewater treatment, the
biochar has to be disposed of properly so that it will not contaminate the environment. The
transportation and production of biochar is costly as it is not commercialized yet and this
limits the adoption of biochar in many sectors.
To produce biochar, carbonization technologies such as slow pyrolysis, fast pyrolysis,
hydrothermal carbonization, torrefaction, hydrothermal liquefaction, and gasification are
employed. Hydrothermal carbonization is the process where biochar is produced from
biomass using hot pressurized water at 180-250°C under anaerobic conditions. This process
treats wet waste, thus the biomass does not have to be dried before this process and produces
high-quality biochar.
The pyrolysis process entails heating and thermally decomposing biomass between
400-1200°C while maintaining an anaerobic environment or limited oxygen supply. Without
oxygen, biomass can be heated above its thermal stability limit and produce more robust
products such as solid residues. During secondary pyrolysis, heavy chemicals undergo
cracking and this converts biomass into biochar. Slow pyrolysis has a longer residence time
which makes biochar the major product whereas fast pyrolysis is carried out without oxygen
and produces about 20% biochar.
Gasification occurs at temperatures between 700-900°C and has restricted oxidizing
agents. Biochar is the by-product of this process. The biomass is first dried to remove any
moisture and is then heated to 700°C with restricted oxygen or air supply. All volatile
components in the biomass will evaporate in the form of vapor. The products of this method
are biochar, syngas, tar, and heat.
The process of turning oil palm biomass waste into biochar has its challenges and
limitations. The main drawback of large-scale production methods is their cost-effectiveness
and scalability. It is difficult to guarantee the same quality and characteristics of biochar from
different batches of biomass, which affects how effective it is in different applications.
Technical problems that affect the environment, such as high ash content and energy-
intensive processes, can reduce the yield of biochar. Making biochar sustainable is another
challenge as the energy consumed during the production of biochar may be of non-renewable
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