Change of Plans

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Change of Plans

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Rafe Cameron/Original Female Character(s), Rafe Cameron/Kiara "Kie"
Characters: Rafe Cameron, Kiara "Kie" Carrera, JJ Maybank, Sarah Cameron, John B.
Additional Tags: Threesome - F/F/M, Obsession, Insanity, Explicit Consent, Explicit Sexual
Content, Underage Drinking, Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex,
Underage Drug Use, Pool Sex
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-08 Words: 1,008 Chapters: 1/?
Change of Plans
by brattyroylova22


When two friends hold a grudge against their ex best friend and use her brother against her.
Kiara Carrera and Jessika Cabello. Best friends and the only ones who weren’t invited to their other
so called best friend’s party. They found out when Kie looked at Sarah’s story on instagram. She
called the cops as an anonymous caller and got the party raided.

Sarah suddenly started ghosting the two girls and not answering the door for them. Not able to go
to Sarah they went to Rafe, Sarah’s older brother looking for answers. The 17 year old teen boy
was just as confused as they were and promised that he would talk to Sarah and try to figure out
what had happened.

“So why aren’t you talking to Kie and Jess anymore?”

“Why do you care?” Sarah asked looking up at Rafe who shrugged. “Because Jessika’s childish and
annoying. She acts like a little kid and I need more mature friends. And Kie will never leave
Jessika so, yeah.” Sarah said while on her phone. Nodding Rafe walked away before texting Kie
telling her what Sarah told him. To be honest Rafe was upset with Sarah. Jessika was a kind and
sweet girl who was a good friend and a good influence unlike many of the other kids in the banks.
Kie also didn’t do anything wrong.

Upset and annoyed the three came together to figure out what they were gonna do. While Kie
wanted to publicly humiliate Sarah, Rafe came up with a plan. Jessika’s birthday was coming up in
about five months so they decided to have a party. Inviting both Pouges and Kooks alike they
created one of the biggest and best parties that would be talked about for years.

Jessika created a flyer for the party and sent it to everyone who was in high school. Everyone
except Sarah. Kie was in charge of decoration and Rafe in charge of getting a bartender. The time
before Jessika’s birthday her parents were gonna be gone on a two week vacation for their
anniversary so it was the perfect time for it.

When the party was a pool/beach party that started at 11 AM. The middle of the day. Rafe had
gotten a DJ set with speakers and set them up outside while Jessika and Kie decorated. It looked
awesome. There was food and drinks, Topper and Kelce worked as bartenders and the pool was
massive so they were good. Jessika’s family lived on and owned a private part of the beach, right
where Figure Eight was about to shift to being in the Cut. It had an amazing view and the two girls
had decorated that part of the place the night before the party. An hour before the party Kie and
Jessika got ready for the party. They put on waterproof makeup and got dressed for the party. They
wore similar bathing suits but as Kie’s suit was brown and had a built in mini wrap skirt, Jessika’s
suit was a bright pink and she put on low rise jeans with it.
After getting ready Jessika and Kie went downstairs to see Rafe. He was surprisingly shocked by
their appearances before people started showing up.

The party quickly became more loud and rambunctious as more people showed up and more people
got drunk. Within three hours people were hooking up and stupidity ran rapid. It went on until it got
dark when it turned into a neon night slumber pool party and more of the pogues showed up.
Almost everyone was drunk and having a good time.

Jessika and Kie snuck away to Jessika’s room before they started making out. Kie started to rub and
finger Jessika who had discarded of her jeans. The two still had on their heels. Slightly intoxicated
the two put their clothed pussies together and started rubbing against one another. Their moans
caught the attention of someone who grew horny and curious.

The two were oblivious to the fact that the door opened and Rafe Cameron had entered the room.
Closing the door behind him he palmed his own bulge while watching the two. Kie was the rougher
one who was doing most of the thrusting. She was also the one who came first. She then used her
fingers to rub Jessika as to her first orgasm.

Seeing enough Rafe pulled his shorts down and man handled both of the girls who were caught off
guard. He pulled them both in for a kiss as he shoved his tongue down their throat. Both girls didn’t
resist has he threw himself onto them. Rafe took over and had both girls hold their legs ip and out
before he shoved two fingers into both of them. He knew they had cum but he didn’t want them to
cum. He wanted them to squirt. Finding and relentlessly attacking their g-spots Rafe watched and
listened as the two uncontrollably flailed and moaned.

Everything became a blur of pleasure for Kie and Jessika. They vaguely remembered cumming for
Rafe before he fucked them savagely. The two of them taking turns being impaled on his cock until
the three passed out. Waking up the two girls surprisingly didn’t regret it the next morning. In fact
Rafe continued to fuck them in the morning before they had to clean up. Rafe woke up and kicked
out anyone who had passed out in and around the house while the two girls stumbled through the
house picking up trash and dragging a trash bag around. After Rafe was finished throwing the last
guy out of the house he went back to the girls and the two of them hugged him, which led to
another fuck session.

They had another week and a half until Jessika’s parents returned and in so Rafe spent his time
playing with his new whores. He conditioned them to his liking and the two girls became obsessed
with his cock. No matter what despite how many times Rafe fucked them they stayed tight and

None of them knew that the party they threw changed the course of their lives.
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