Bee 2PreliminarypaperCandidate2021

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Task 1

Read the text. Find ten misspelled words and circle them. Then write the correct
spelling on the numbered lines below. There is an example.

Last weak, on Wednsday, we went on a school trip to the zoo. Our taecher told us

that there was a new animal– a real panda! Normally, they live in bamboo forestes in
China, but at the zoo, we can see them behaind the glass. To get to the pandas, we

had to walk through the insect vilage, which had horrible animals like spidres. Then,
we ran through the jungel area, where 20 different parots were shouting really

lowdly! Everyone had the best day playing outseid.

Example: ____week______

1) _______________________________ 6) _______________________________

2) _______________________________ 7) _______________________________

3) _______________________________ 8) _______________________________

4) _______________________________ 9) _______________________________

5) _______________________________ 10) ______________________________

BEE 2 PRELIMINARY CANDIDATE NAME: _____________________________________________

Task 2

Look at the pictures and put the letters in the right order to make the correct spelling
of the words.


____glasses___________ ____________________


___________________ ____________________


____________________ ____________________

Task 3 – Listening

You will hear a short recording. Read the text on your paper and complete the gaps.
You should write one word in each gap. You will hear the recording twice.

Please take out your 1_______________.

Your 2_______________ are under your desks.
We are going to practice 3_______________ today.
We won’t be using 4_______________, so don’t take them out.
I want to see some lovely 5______________ of your favourite animals.
My favourite animal is a 6______________.
I saw some last 7_______________, when I was on holiday.
8_______________take your time.
On 9_______________, I will put them on the wall.
You can take them home for your 10_______________at the end of the week.

This is the end of the paper.

BEE 2 PRELIMINARY CANDIDATE NAME: _____________________________________________

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