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THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY is made and executed at Brampton on this _____ day of
November, 2020 by ________________ R/o ________________ hereinafter called

IN FAVOUR OF: ____________ s/o ___________ residing at

___________________hereinafter, jointly and severally, called “ATTORNEY”.

WHEREAS the ‘EXECUTOR is the Permanent resident of Canada and for the specific purpose
of dealing with property in India executing this Power of Attorney. The specific property for
which such Power of Attorney is being made is
i. Property bearing ______________________
AND I, the Executor do hereby empower, my aforesaid Attorney, for the above noted
property to do the following acts, deeds and things in my name and on my behalf as under:
1. To sell, transfer or otherwise deal with my interests in the above said properties on
my behalf.
2. To sign all the documents, papers, etc. to enable the mutation to be affected on my
3. To appear before the revenue authorities and other government offices in order to
affect the mutation on my behalf.
4. To appear before the authorities or to file litigation/suit in the proper court of law to
gain our entitlement/ claim in the landed property
5. To file record documents affidavits, and or any other document for the success of
the case.
6. To produce / examine witnesses and cross-examine witnesses.
7. To pay and obtain costs fees etc. in the court and to obtain the certified copies of the
8. To engage/change a lawyer.
9. To register this power of attorney with any department of the Government of Punjab
or India.
10. To appear for the Intkal after the distribution for transfer of entries in the revenue
11. To appear before the Tehsildar/ S D O, and or any other revenue officer for the
above purposes. To do transfer of the record of entries in the revenue record i.e. or
IntkalZamanbandi, Khasra Girdavaries etc., if applicable.
12. To pay government fees to obtain documents or copies of record.
13. The said Attorney may act independently to do any of the acts empowered above.
14. To register this power of attorney with any department of the Government of Punjab
or India.
15. To give and take possession of such property.
16. To make payments towards Tax or receive any Tax refunds on my behalf In
accordance with the Power of Attorney Act, I declare that this power of attorney
may be exercised during any subsequent legal incapacity on my part, In accordance
with the Power of Attorney Act, I declare that, after due consideration, I am satisfied
that the authority conferred on the attorneys named in this power of attorney
regarding the landed property is sufficient.
This Power of attorney shall remain in full force until I give due notice in writing.
This Power of attorney is only for the above noted property, more specifically
i. Property bearing ____________________________

Any Power of Attorney or other delegation of authority to any person given by me earlier is
hereby revoked.

Executed at Brampton, in )
the Province of Ontario, on )
this ____ day of November, 2020 _________________
Name ___________________
DL No. ___________________


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