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It'll be okay

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: F/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationships: Rafe Cameron/Reader, JJ (Outer Banks)/Reader, JJ (Outer
Banks)/Original Female Character(s), Rafe Cameron/Original Female
Character(s), Rafe Cameron/You, JJ (Outer Banks)/You, Kiara "Kie"
Carrera/Cleo, Sarah Cameron/John B. Routledge, JJ Maybank & You,
Rafe Cameron & You, Rafe Cameron & Reader, Rafe Cameron &
Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Reader, JJ Maybank, Pope Heyward, John B. Routledge, Kiara "Kie"
Carrera, Sarah Cameron, Rafe Cameron, Topper (Outer Banks), Kelce
(Outer Banks), Cleo (Outer Banks), Wheezie Cameron, Original Female
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Smut, Shameless
Smut, idk man, Vaginal Fingering, Recreational Drug Use, Alcohol,
Underage Drinking, Toxic Relationship, Drug Use, Forced Orgasm,
Possessive Behavior, I'm Sorry, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, What Was I
Thinking?, maybe fluff?, Gaslighting, Non-Consensual Somnophilia,
messy reader, Everyone Has Issues, Panic Attacks, Victim Blaming,
POV Multiple, POV Alternating, Other Additional Tags to Be Added,
Tags May Change, Drug Abuse, Drug Addiction, Rafe Cameron Being
an Asshole, Protective JJ Maybank, Good Friend JJ Maybank, Good
Friend Sarah Cameron, Lesbian Cleo (Outer Banks)
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-27 Updated: 2024-01-11 Words: 5,429 Chapters: 3/?
It'll be okay
by bea_boo666


You were just trying to enjoy your evening. you never wanted any of this to happen. Be
careful one party change your entire life.


idk what im doing. my sleep schedule is ruined, i was craving some problematic Rafe
Cameron smut and this was created while i lisened to stargirl Interlude on repeat (literally for
hours on repeat) . Hopefully i'll make this a series because i don't have school right now so
that gives me a lot of time to write who knows.


I'll update them as i go if i continue to make more chapters :)
I'll do it better than he can

When did you get here? The last thing you remembered was standing in the kitchen at Sarah
Cameron’s Party. Your mind was all foggy. You slowly started picking apart memories and
piecing it together.

Everyone was drinking A LOT you had at least 10 shots with JJ after losing a stupid bet to
John B. and who knows how many other drinks. Then at some point they were smoking for a
while and you decided to make your way towards a bedroom to chill out by yourself for a bit.
Finally realizing that you were probably just in some guest room you found the bed and
passed out as soon as you hit the blankets.

Groaning and rolling over you looked out the window. It was still dark and there was still
music blasting throughout the house so that’s good. you really didn’t want to spend the night
at Sarah’s. It’s not that you hated her or anything it just didn’t feel right doing that without
asking her first. Rolling back over and stuffing your head back into the pillows you sighed.
The pillows smelled really nice but not like detergent or anything kind of like shampoo? you
really wanted to go back down but you figured five more minutes wouldn’t hurt and closed
your eyes again.

A few moments later the door opened a bit and closed and the lock clicked. Half asleep you
felt the bed dip and felt a hand brush over your thighs.

“JJ really?” you mumbled shifting away from the hand but it returned and started groping at
you again. you went to turn around when a chill went down your spine. Something felt off
but you couldn’t place what it was so you ignored it. The person shifted and laid back onto
the bed next to you. Against your better judgment you just stayed laying there as you were
trying to regain energy. The hands were still on you. They trailed up underneath your shirt.
They tucked underneath you onto your stomach pulling you over so you were pressed up
against his body. you mumbled something and tried to move away.

“Shh, just go back to sleep” He said and that's when you realized what that dreaded feeling
was earlier. That wasn’t JJ’s voice. Whose voice was that?! your mind was panicking as you
tensed up.

“Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you,” The man said slowly, running one hand down towards
the waistband of your bike shorts while the other held you close to his chest. you didn’t know
what to do. your skin was tingling wherever his fingertips touched but it felt so wrong. As his
hand slid into your panties your brain finally caught up and you tried to wiggle your way out
of his arms. All he did was chuckle and he pressed his finger onto your clit and started
rubbing fast circles onto your bundle of nerves.

“Wait, Plea-Please,” you gasped as your mind was overwhelmed with pleasure. you had
never been touched like this before. you had touched herself before but only a couple times
and never at this pace, it was too much. When you gasped he started to move faster and
moved his upper hand to grab your jaw.
“It's okay. It's okay just let go” He said and started to bite and kiss your neck. You tried to
stop yourself but your hips were moving on their own. you moaned and arched your back
rubbing your ass onto his already throbbing erection.
“Fuck just like that princess,” He groaned into your hair and removed his hand from your
neck to lift her leg and trails his hand down from your clit to your wet entrance. Slowly he
pushes his middle finger in and curls it into the tight spongy muscle.
“Oh God wa-wait please I can't,” you moans and gasps, rolling your head into the sheets.
your mind was blacking out; you've never felt like this before; it's so intense you don't know
what you're supposed to do anymore. He added a second finger and started stretching you out
so he could finally fuck you.
“I can't, it's too much please, please I can't,” you cried tears rolling down your cheeks. you
knew you were about to cum and he knew it too so he kept going faster and faster as he rolled
his hips up against your ass. Then your orgasam hit like a train. you gripped his forearm, your
fingernails digging into his flesh leaving red streaks. your body trembled as you left out a
gasp. It was too much but he was just getting started.
He finally let your go but right as you thought it was over you heard the sound of metal
clinking together and the unzipping of a zipper. Then it hit you, you still had no idea who this
person was you frantically flipped over to the other side of the bed to look at your assailant.
Right as you looked at him he practically jumped over the bed to grab you as he pressed his
hand up against your mouth and grabbed your arm. Rafe Cameron.
“Come on baby, what do you think you're doing?” he said, leaning right up in your face
dragging you back onto the bed. Then he suddenly let go and grabbed both of your wrists and
pressed them down into the mattress above your head. He got on top of you and straddled
your hips as his other hand grabbed his belt and lopped it around your wrists. you were
kicking and shouting but there was no way anyone could hear you over the music blasting
unless they were right outside the door.
“Get the fuck off of me Rafe!” you really didn't want to start crying again but you couldn't
help it you felt so helpless. you knew that all the weed, alcohol and who knows what other
types of drugs in your system weren't really helping either.
“It’s okay. Don't cry, come on,” He pulled his belt tight around your wrist and smiled as he
brought his hand up towards your cheek and brushed off some of the tears but it only made
you sob harder. your kicks were getting weaker the more you were crying. He just kissed
your cheek and slid off of you bringing his hands down to grab your legs pulling off your
shorts and panties and throwing them somewhere in the room. Then he spread them apart and
you tried rolling away from him.
“Stop it,” he gripped your thighs and you flinched realizing that he was definitely holding
back on how rough he was being. He finally pulled off his pants and boxers groaning as he
fitted his hand around his throbbing cock. Holding one of your legs up he pressed his head
onto your entrance. As he did you gasped subconsciously arching your back and he hummed
rubbing it along your folds. Suddenly he pressed in, moaning at how good you felt.
“Rafe please don't,” you trembled gasping as he pushed in inch by inch.
“Just, oh fuck, Just relax,” he leaned down pressing your leg towards your head, pushing in
deeper as he kissed your neck. you moaned and clenched around him at the sudden pressure
“It hurts please,” you sobbed into his neck as he pushed in all the way.
“I know, I know princess. It's okay I'll make it better,” he said as he leaned up to look at your
red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. He brought his hand down toward your clit once again
and rubbed painfully slow circles onto it. you chokes down a sob or moan. you couldn't tell
anymore. Slowly he started to pull out but right as he was about to get to the head he thrusted
back into you. you practically screamed your moan was so loud. Rafe frantically covered
your mouth and chuckled, continuing to rub your clit while slowly thrusting into your tight
wet heat.
“Fuck this is so much better than I imagined,” he started thrusting faster and you brought
your tied hand up infront of you to push at his chest you dug your nails into his abs moaning
when he started rubbing at your clit faster to match his thrusts.
“Oh god, Rafe, please” you moaned and cried.
“Just like that, oh fuck” He smirked and grabbed your hand pulling your arms up and over his
head so they were wrapped around his neck as he fucked you into the mattress.

JJ was worried. Y/N had been gone for almost 2 hours. Had she gone home? She said she
was going to take a nap. He went to check the kitchen again but all he found was Pope
looking through the fridge.
“Yo Pope, have you seen Y/n?” he said, leaning up against the counter top.
“Huh, I thought she left?” Pope answered while shutting the fridge and going into the
cupboards to look for food instead.
“Oh shit really? Are you sure?” JJ questioned him again.
“Yeah dude I'm pretty sure John B. saw her leave,” He said, still searching. JJ just hummed
and left the kitchen making his way outside to where most of the party was to find John B.
“Hey John B. Did you see Y/n leave earlier?” JJ said, walking up to him sitting next to Sarah.
“Yeah I'm pretty sure it was her,” he said, sipping on the drink he nursed in his hand. JJ was
still worried but he shrugged it off thinking you probably did just go home.
“SARAH! Come here,” Kie shouted from the doorway leading into the house.
“What's up?” she said, jumping up from where she was sitting with John B to check on Kiara.
“Can I borrow one of your shirts,” Kie laughed pointing to her now alcohol stained tank top
Sarah just laughed and pulled her towards her room.

You were at your 3rd orgasam and Rafe was still going. He had untied your wrists, taken off
your shirt and bra and flipped you onto your stomach. At some points he would just stop
moving and look at you for a few seconds to hear you grasp at the sheets making noises that
only made him shudder and then just continue where he left off.
“You're doing so good, fuck,” He said gripping your hips fucking you in and out of you at an
almost brutal pace. Suddenly he stopped and pulled out and you let out a whiny moan and he
put a hand over your mouth.
“Did you hear that?” Kie said from outside the door.
Rafe let go and flipped you over onto your back and slowly pushed back inside you moaned
again making him cover your mouth once more.
“Shh we gotta be quiet otherwise your friends are gonna hear you,” he whispered in your ear
as he adjusted you to sit in his lap with your arms and legs wrapped around him. you rolled
your hips into him chasing after that euphoric feeling that's been making you forget just how
wrong this all was. you were still moaning but it was slightly muffled as you hid her face into
the base of his neck.
“Mo-More please. Rafe please,” you mumbled and he groaned wrapping his arms around you
moving you up and down on his cock.
“Is your brother fucking someone in there?!” Kie shouted from behind the door but neither of
them could hear past each other's breathy moans.
“EW KIE STOP!” Sarah screeched, pulling her away from the door back downstairs.
Right as Rafe knew they were away from the door he leaned down pressing you into the
mattress going as fast as he could pressing against your g-stop again and again. He was
loving this because he knew that he had broken you. He knew now that he was never going to
let you go, he couldn't, he would make you stay with him forever.
“Fuck say my name Y/n,” He growled into your ear as his thrusts turned sloppy chasing after
his orgasm.
“Rafe, oh fuck Rafe, I’m, I’m gonna come please Rafe,” you moaned clawing at his back and
biting his shoulder. Right as your teeth hit his skin he moaned holding you tight against him.
You sighed, feeling the hot liquid slowly paint your walls. It was almost, in a way, satisfying.
Unwrapping you from his arms leaving you on the bed, Rafe slowly sat up and pulled his
softened cock out of you. You gasped as his head was pulled out. He wanted as his cum
started to drip out of your hole. He took his two fingers and slowly scooped up the excess and
fingered it back in.
“You did so good,” he praised as your eyelids slowly began to fall shut. He lifted you up and
adjusted you into a more comfortable position. He wasn't quite sure if you were going to
sleep or not so he got up to go to his en suite bathroom and filled a cup with water. He went
to his closet and grabbed a bag and grabbed a pill from it. Back in the bathroom he quickly
crushed it up and put it into the water. He didn’t need you to leave while he was asleep so
instead he would make absolutely sure you wouldn't leave. Walking back into the bedroom he
sat next to you and lifted your head up and brought the cup to your lips.
“Here, drink this,” you knew you shouldn't trust him but you were so thirsty you drank more
than half the cup before you realized that something didn't taste right about this. You were
about to speak but you couldn't. Slowly everything just became quiet and empty.
sooner or later
Chapter Summary

Rafes POV of the party. Reader Wakes up the next day confused asf and sarah is getting
a bit suspicious..

Chapter Notes

okay i wrote this shit on my phone while watching the hunger games so please ignore
typos and stuff i’m gonna go through it later lol. I’m super inconsistent i know i know
but i’m gonna try to write more often (i’m not making any promises tho) Anyway

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sarah was having a fucking party. Again. Rafe didn't really mind parties were an easy way to
get drugs at least. They were cheaper most of the time because everyone was either drunk or
high. Rafe hopped out of his truck and started to walk towards the door when he noticed that
old beat up van that John B and all his Pouge friends drive around in.
Oh this will be fun, he thought to himself with a smirk. After going into the house and
finding himself a drink he realized the party must have started a couple hours ago because no
one around him seemed to be 100% sober.
“YO! Rafe where the fuck have you been,” topper shouted over the music while walking up
towards Rafe.
Rafe rolled his eyes but then he saw you in the kitchen chatting with Sarah giggling and
taking shots. Then he got one of the best ideas he’s had in a long time. As topper continued
his drunken rambling Rafe grabbed a solo cup and filled it with some alcohol and pulled out
a small package of pills and slipped 1 in the drink, then decided to put in another just for
good measure. After mixing the drug, alcohol concoction he grabbed a can of White claw. He
turned towards topper and grabbing the drink he was holding out of his hand replacing it with
the laced mixture and shoved the white claw in the other hand.
“What's this for?” Topper asked, looking at the two drinks.
“This one is for Sarah,” he said, pointing to the whiteclaw, “And this is for Y/N” he pointed
to the solo cup.
“Did you put something in this?” Topper looks at Rafe with a concerned look on his face.
“No dude what the fuck is wrong with you man. Why the fuck would you think that?” Rafe
“I- nevermind man, whatever,” topper frowns, turning around walking towards the kitchen
with the drinks. Rafe watches as you take the drink, still laughing with sarah. Rafe watches
you the entire time until you finish your drink. Now he just has to wait…


You’ve never been this hung over in your life. You could barely see. The light shining though
the windows made it hurt to think. You slowly sat up and realized you had no idea where you
were as you looked around the room.
‘Did i go home with someone last night?’ You thought to yourself but somehow something
didn’t feel right. You try so hard to remember what happened but it all goes blank after you
we’re hanging out with sarah in the house. You spot your clothes next to the bed and put
them on as swiftly as you can considering you can barely walk. You make your way to the
door and pull it open only to realize you never left sarah’s house. Then it hits you. This is
Rafes room. Why were you in rafes room? Your mouth starts to feel like cotton and you can’t
breathe you try to move your legs but they just feel cemented to the ground. Gasping for
breath you rush to the bathroom across the hall slamming the door and locking it as you look
in the mirror you realize you’re face is covered in tears and your makeup is all smudged and
you feel the sting of stomach acid in the back of your throat.
Knock knock
You jump at the sound of someone tapping at the door hoping and praying to god it’s not
“Hello? Wheezie is that you?” Sarah knocked on the door again yawning. You sighed
knowing you were safe at least for now but you knew that you couldn’t tell sarah what
happened because you didn’t even know for yourself what had happened and the thought of
that pushed you over the edge. You threw yourself on the floor next to the toilet and puked .
God you hated puking it always made you crow and in this case it was even worse so i just
made you sob harder.
“Hey are you okay?!” Sarah pounded on the door.
Oh shit you forgot that she was even there you wiped your tears and looked towards the door.
“Sorry sarah it’s me Y/N, just gimme a sec,” you pushed yourself up, flushed to toilet and
closed the lid. You stepped over to the door and unlocking it and pulling it open.
“I thought you went home? I was looking for you last night? Are you sure you’re okay?”
Sarah said softly putting her hands on you’re shoulders looking at you waiting for a response.
“Oh shit yeah i’m okay sorry i feel a sleep in the uh guest room sorry,” You said putting your
hands on top of hers and bring them down in front of the both of you.
“You sure?” She asked squeezing your hands.
“I’m sure sarah” you press your lips together giving the best smile you could.
“Wanna go get breakfast, we’ll lunch with me?” Sarah asks smiling softly.
“Oh yeah sure can i just take a shower first?” you ask
“definitely you look a bit rough right now,” she laughs and you remember what you looked
like in the mirror and grimace.
“I’ll go grab you some clothes i think you left some things here when you and kie where over
last time.” She says turning out the door towards her room. You feel a sense of relief almost
when you shut the door and turn on the shower. You almost start to strip off your clothes
before you realize you don’t have your phone. You keep the shower running and peak
through the door and hear sarah talking on the phone to who you assume is john b. You run
back into rafes room, spot your phone on the dresser and snatch it up and rush back over to
the bathroom across the hall. Once you’re back you look and the screen and your face drops.
15 missed calls 48 texts messages. Oh fuck. A couple text from your mom asking about
house stuff. Some texts in the group chat you and the gang shared but almost 21 separate
texts from JJ. Oh god he probably thought you were dead. You shot him back a simple “im
okay holy shit” and went into the shower. You’ll tell him later first you have to scrub off
everything that happened last night.


Sarah Knew something was wrong. You were practically shaking when she was talking to
you but she didn’t want to press the matter because you might end up pushing her away and it
was just make everything worse. Sarah only knew this because that’s what she tended to do
from time to time and growing up with an undiagnosed psychotic older brother made her
really observant. So instead she called John B.
“I swear i saw her leave though?” he said through the phone.
“No john B. She’s here. She said she Stayed the night in the guest room but JJ said he looked
there and didn’t see her. I’m worried.” She said to him pacing her room.
“Sarah, JJ was plastered last night he probably didn’t even look upstairs. I’m sure she’ll tell
you if something’s up okay? Just calm down and take some deep breaths.” He said trying to
calm her down a bit.
“I don’t know John B. Something happened i just know it,” She fell onto her bed and groaned
in a pillow.
“Maybe she’ll talk at lunch when everyone’s there?” He said reassuring her.
“Yeah, Maybe… I gotta go bring Y/N some clothes we’ll be there in 10 okay?” She said into
the phone.
“okay Love you,” He replied
“love you bye” she hung up the phone with a sigh and grabbed Y/n’s clothes and made her
way towards the bathroom.


You had scrubbed your body at least 10 times over and you still felt discussing you couldn’t
stop trying to remember bits and pieces from last night. You know something happened and
you know Rafe was there. You know what he did but you don’t know to what extent and part
of you doesn’t want to know because it will just make everything harder then you’re thoughts
were interpreted by knocking once again.
“I’m gonna leave your clothes on the counter in here. I told John B we’d be there in like 10
minutes is that cool?” Sarah said opening the door and setting your clothes down on the
“Yeah i’m just about done,” you said.
“I’ll be outside when you’re done.” She shut the door and you heard her go down the stairs as
you shut of the water. You glance at your phone to look at the time and it’s only 11:30. This
was gonna be a long day.

Rafe had only left for maybe 40 minutes and you we’re already gone. Fuck He fucked up. He
knew he shouldn’t have left. He walked out of his room and realized sarah was gone too.
Shit. He was just about to go down the stairs when he looked in to the bathroom and saw the
mirror was foggy you two hadn’t left that long ago. It’s fine the island isn’t that big he’ll find
you sooner or later.

Chapter End Notes

im working on chapter 3 as of may 6th 11:55pm im running on chicken nuggets and 3

Bad Habits
Chapter Summary

IMPORTANT!!! I am giving our character a name because I just can’t do the Y/N
anymore, So she will now be named Jenni but the Pogues call her Jen. (if nobody likes
that name i will gladly change it just lmk)

Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

After Lunch everyone decided to go hang out at the chateau and have a few drinks. You
really didn't want to go but you thought you might as well, it would probably help you forget
about what happened last night. Everything was going good until Pope mentioned a party that
was happening out on the beach later.
“I don't know pope, we just went out last night,” Kiara said, sipping on her beer.
“Yo Kie don't discourage him. I'm liking this new ‘party all the time’ phase he's going
though” Cleo laughed while passing a joint towards JJ.
“I’m cool with another party as long as Jen doesnt fucking ghost us again” JJ said taking a
drag from the joint handing it towards you. You pause, JJ and Cleo look at you smiling as you
try to keep a straight face.
“Ugh fine,” you smile, giving in and taking the joint.
“LET'S PARTY!” Pope yells, throwing his fists in the air.
“He is totally drunk,” John B says
“Definitely,” Sarah responds.


Rafe knew that he just had to wait but he was getting really impatient. He didn't even know
for sure if you were gonna show, the chances were pretty low but he had to give it a try. This
is probably the only way he’d get to talk to you alone.


Honestly going to this party was a great fucking idea. Drinking was technically a bad way to
cope but it was the best you could do. You spent a bit of the time with JJ, Cleo and Pope but
you needed a change of scenery and you knew JJ was gonna follow you so you did what you
had to do to get him off your back for a bit and lied.
“I gotta go to the bathroom and grab another drink i’ll be back” you said to JJ while pushing
yourself up off the log you two were sitting on.
“You want me to come with you?” He said almost getting up.
“She can use the bathroom by herself, JJ calm down” Pope laughed and continued talking
with Cleo.
“Okay okay but if i text you you better answer,” JJ said shooting you a glare. You smiled and
shrugged and started walking away.
“I’m serious Jen,” you hear JJ shout as you continue walking. You realized that the party
wasn't just on the beach but someone's house too and that someone happened to be Kelce.
You didn't mind him but you two had never really interacted so you weren't really sure of him
but to have pogues at a kook party was pretty bold, even more so considering he’s best
friends with Topper and Rafe. You made your way into the house and realized you did
actually have to use the bathroom so maybe you weren’t actually lying to JJ. Finding a
bathroom that wasn't occupied was harder than trying to get pope to admit that he's wrong, so
it was basically impossible. You had to physically shove a girl out of your way to get in the
bathroom. Once you used that bathroom now it was time to get a drink and maybe smoke.
Right as you thought about smoking you saw kelce with a joint in his hand. ‘Might as well go
for it’ you thought to yourself walking up to him.
“Hey Kelce,” you said, stepping next to him outside.
“Oh shit Jenni what the fuck are you doing here,” he said with a smirk on his face taking a hit
and blowing the smoke right in your face.
“Because its a party why else?” you reply leaning against the railing of the porch.
“Want some?” He offers the joint. Score exactly what you were after, mission accomplished.
You snatch the joint taking a big hit and take off down the stairs.
“Thanks kelce!” you snicker and run off with the joint still in hand
“You’re lucky your cute Jenni! Next time I'm gonna beat your ass!” He shouts rolling his
eyes as you make your way back down to the beach.


Rafe was fucking pissed why was Kelce talking to you. Why were you talking back. He
started making his way towards the door right as he got outside he saw you were already
making your way towards the beach.
“Yo kelce can you go grab me a drink?” he said quickly
“Sure man,” Kelce said making his way back into the house. as soon as kelce turned his back
rafe was down the steps running towards you.
“Hello Jenni,” He said and when he saw you freeze it made him smirk a little.
“Have you seen sarah,” Rafe continued while catching up to you. He stopped in front of you
and you looked up at him then shooting your eyes away to look towards your feet. The fear in
youre eyes made his cock twitch in his pants. He didn’t even need to touch you just being
around you made him feel feral.
“no uh sorry,” you muttered avoiding his eyes as best as you could. His gaze made you
squirm. It was so uncomfortable for you but Rafe was loving it.
“Are you feeling okay? Was i too rough on you last night?” He whispered, stepping in closer.
You tried to back away but he grabbed your arm. You felt like crying or maybe you should
scream maybe that will-
“don’t even try it,” Rafe said interrupting you thoughts
“you’re such an expressive person ya know your face practically screams what you’re
thinking. That’s how i know how much you liked when i fucked you.” He pulled you closer
to him and you pulled your arm out of his grasp.
“Fuck you Rafe,” You said trying as hard as you could to hold back your tears.
“Don’t touch me you rapist,” You sneer at him but he grabs your jaw with one of his hands
squeezing your cheeks together.
“Watch it Princess, or i’ll tell your little friends about what happened and how much you
were begging for more,” He said, shoving you away towards the ground.
“They wouldn’t believe a word you say,” you stumble catching yourself before you can hit
the ground.
“Yo Rafe!” Kelce shouts from the porch you look over and see topper standing next to him
“They don’t need to believe me, but you know it’s true,” Rafe turned away and walked
towards the house.
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself, wiping the tears off your face.
Now i really need a drink, you thought to yourself. Why was this happening. You held back
your tears and sat on the grass pulling your legs to your chest and resting your chin on your
“Jen what the fuck!” JJ yelled walking up the yard from the beach.
“I’ve been calling you bro,” He sat down on grass next to you taking a sip from his drink.
“You have?” You felt the pockets of your shorts. Shit. You left your phone in the bathroom.
“UGH!” You groan flopping backwards onto the grass.
“damn you hate me that much,” JJ scoffs nudging you with his foot.
“My phone is in the bathroom,” You say looking over at him.
“i need a refill anyway,” JJ jumps up and grabs your hands pulling you up and off the ground.
You follow JJ into the crowded house staying as close as possible.The house was practically
shaking from the bass of the music playing as you both reached the kitchen. JJ was grabbing
his drink and he started talking to a few people. You looked around and being both high and a
little bit tipsy you were getting impatient pretty fast. You scanned the room looking for Rafe
and he was nowhere to be found.
“I’m gonna go grab my phone I’ll be right back,” You yelled at JJ.
“I’ll be here,” He replied Lifting his drink up. You smiled and headed towards the bathroom
you had used earlier. You tried the knob and it wasn’t locked so you opened the door
thankfully it wasn’t occupied. You looked and let out a relieved sigh and grabbed your phone
off the counter. Shit JJ called you like 5 times and you had a couple messages from Kei and
Cleo saying they’re leaving and they’ll be at the chateau. You started making your way back
to the kitchen scanning every room before entering making sure Rafe wasn’t in sight. Luckily
you made it back to the kitchen without any problems.
“Let’s go pope texted me, he rolled a blunt and he’s waiting for us on the beach,” JJ said
handing you a drink he poured for you.
You two made your way down to the beach and began smoking the blunt passing it back and
forth to one another becoming more and more intoxicated. John B. and sarah came around
and smoked with you guys. Pope and JJ were debating something and in all honesty you had
forgotten what they were talking about John B and Sarah were befall lovey dovey and you
were just enjoying your high when you felt something looking at you. You turned your head
back towards the house and you felt like you wanted to puke. Rafe was just standing on the
porch watching you, sipping on his drink. You snapped your head back towards Pope and JJ
and shivered. I wish he would just leave me alone.

Chapter End Notes

GUYS PLS!!! i know i said i was gonna post more and then fell of the face of the earth
buuut i have a new chapter and i actually will post more i promise T^T especially since i
like don’t have a job rn ✌('ω')✌
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