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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Outer Banks (TV)
Relationship: JJ Maybank/John B. Routledge
Characters: JJ Maybank, John B. Routledge, Pope Heyward, Kiara "Kie" Carrera, she
gets like one sentence tho
Additional Tags: Sleepy Sex, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Established Relationship,
probably?, I’ll leave that up to y’all, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot,
this ship needs so much more love, I’m so sorry, Banter, Safe Sane and
Consensual, John B tries to apply safewords, JJ gets irrationally mad
about it, just to be a brat tho, the second coming ensues, without religious
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-03 Words: 1,546 Chapters: 1/1
by roadkillgirl


JJ almost falls asleep, but John B’s horny and won’t let him.

Pope gets scarred for life later.


This is just me trying something out. Like, I have no idea if I even wanted to write this, let
alone post it?? Might actually delete later lol

See the end of the work for more notes

This might be the laziest afternoon of all lazy afternoons. The crappy old laptop plays some
mind numbing TV show and JJ lies sprawled all over John B’s side. With his head tucked
securely into the warm shoulder and their bodies pressed together so tightly, JJ thinks he
might cry from how good and safe and right it feels.

Careful fingers dance along JJ’s back, his shirt ridden up and exposing. A large hand on his
ribs, warm and steady. Blunt nails gently scraping along his spine and…


John B’s hand stops in its tracks and JJ realizes he made a sound.

“That good?” John B asks, a grin evident in his voice. He scratches the same spot on his
lower back again and…

“Uh huh,” JJ manages through his own blissed out exhale.

John B continues and JJ can’t help but press even closer into his side, nuzzling his head. The
hand moves lower and JJ - JJ moans.

It’s kind of embarrassing, really. John B’s chest rumbles with quiet laughter, but JJ can’t even
find it in himself to care. He’s melting under John B’s touch, merging into his side and he
might actually be asleep. Turned hot goo, slipping through pores.

Then John B’s fingers burn up, wandering even lower, further - to his ass, sliding between
JJ’s buttcheeks and it’s on. The whimper leaving him awakens something in the air.

Now John B turns over on his side to hold JJ even closer, hands touching everywhere. And…
yeah, he’s hard against JJ’s hip. JJ might feel his erection growing against the mattress too,
only he’s too lost in some sleepy haze to really notice. Too hot and foggy.
Sounds of squirting, cap opening and closing and a finger returning to JJ’s ass, now slippy
and wet and - when did John B pull off his boxers?

JJ makes a tiny confused sound that immediately gets cut off, turning into a prolonged moan
that vibrates through his core ‘cause yeah, John B is fingering him now. Gentle and slow, but
it makes JJ’s insides turn mushy and belly squirming.

They’re not close enough, JJ decides and goes to untangle their legs, flipping one over John
B’s hip to press him onto his back, straddling him. He can finally get a good look like this.
John B has that intent expression like when he’s focusing on a wave he’s about to surf as he
adds a finger. JJ doesn’t even realize he’s grinding hard against John B now, pushing on his
fingers and making noises .

“Yeah, baby. Don’t hold back.” A hand tangles in JJ’s hair, tugging and pulling him towards
John B’s mouth. They’re kissing sloppily, more warm breaths and lips brushing, open around

JJ tugs on John B’s shirt making him stop for a second to pull it off. His hands come back to
JJ’s ass in a second, gripping tightly as if he could up and leave any moment. He couldn’t, not
even if he wanted to.

John B’s shirt that JJ wore gets discarded too, hot bodies pressed against each other, almost
close enough. Then John B pulls his own shorts and boxers off and JJ’s eyes nearly roll back
in his head just from the feeling of their dicks rubbing together and a gentle slap on his butt.

Holding JJ’s head in the crook of his neck, John B lines himself up and pushes inside. He can
feel JJ gasping against his collarbone, the stretch maybe a little too much with not enough
preparation. But when John B stops, JJ doesn’t, not until he’s bottomed out and heaving
breaths like he just ran a mile.

“Good, good boy. Breathe J, nice and easy.” John B keeps whispering into JJ’s soft hair,
planting kisses over his scalp and stroking gently. JJ gives a full body shudder when blunt
nails scrape along his neck and starts moving.
JJ whines and whimpers, seemingly too out of it to hold back and it has John B thrusting up
his hips to meet him, eliciting more noises. He reaches between their bodies to jerk JJ’s cock,
the other hand still in the blonde mess of hair, pulling a little.

Then JJ’s hands around his shoulders tighten, nails dig in and JJ fucking mewls . His hips
stutter and he’s coming all over John B’s hand and both their stomachs.

It feels heavenly, the tight clamping of JJ’s ass around his dick, but John B doesn’t come. He
lets JJ ride through his orgasm, holding him through it. Then he slips out and lets JJ hide
against his shoulder for a moment before he flips them around and pushes JJ onto his belly.

The view is breath-taking and the yelp JJ lets out at the sudden movement is too. John B
leans down to kiss JJ’s asscheek and bites a little, making him whine. He traces kisses all
over his back to the shoulder.

“S- sensitive.” JJ stutters, for like the first time in his life, but John B’s cock is pressing
against his ass again and it has him twitching.

John B leaves a gentle kiss right on his ear and asks: “Lights?” Which has JJ groaning.

“‘S dumb, B.”

“I need to know though, honey, please tell me.”

“I hate the lights, fuck off.”

“I’ll take that as red if you don’t tell me, J. Stop whining.”

“Fucking green.” JJ mutters into the pillow.

“Thanks, babe.” John B slaps his ass real gentle, but JJ still produces another yelp and then
there are hands holding his hips and John B pushing inside again.

“Fuck.” Is all JJ can muster, his insides so sensitive, everything feeling too much and his
dick… his dick growing hard again.

“Yeah, fuck.” John B groans against his ear as he starts picking up the pace until he’s
slamming into JJ and he can’t do anything but squirm and whimper, trying to escape the
overstimulation and rutting against the mattress at the same time. John B tugs on his hair
again and stars cloud his vision.

It burns so good until JJ can feel cramps in his belly and then he’s coming again. This time
his walls closing over John B are the final push over the edge. He bites down on JJ’s neck as
he drags through, his dick twitching inside JJ and cum leaking out when he finally pulls

Naturally, John B sits on his ass for a moment and watches dumbly the way JJ’s muscles
spasm with aftershocks and a thin trail of cum drips down his butt. The orgasm got him all
hazy and stupid, making him carres JJ’s back and leaning down to kiss his shoulder.

“You good, babes?” John B practically whispers against more shoulder kisses.

A whiny “Mhm.” is all John B gets in response which makes him chuckle in a giddy kind of

Then John B finally takes notice of the overwhelming presence of cum everywhere and
realizes it’s annoying when dried out. So he wipes JJ down with the first t-shirt he finds lying
around, smiling at the way oversensitive JJ squirms and whimpers at every touch, and leaves
the room.

To his mild surprise, JJ hears voices outside the bedroom, first startled screams and shouted
bickering after. JJ doesn’t move a muscle, not until John B comes back after an undisclosed
amount of time, smelling of his body wash and demanding something.

“‘M not movin’.” JJ slurs when John B pokes his shoulder.

“C’mon baby, we need to get you cleaned up.”

“My ass is on fire, fuck you!” JJ yells.

He gets a high pitched scream from outside the open doors in response.

John B’s laughing so hard he slumps against the bed. “Pope came over to hang.” He explains
when he calms down.

“So? He can come here, I’m not moving.” He feels John B’s gaze rake down his naked body.

“Yeah, uh, I don’t think he wants to see you like this.” A beat of silence and: “ I don’t want
him to see you like this.”

And, okay, JJ feels his grin spread wide and risks a glance at John B. He frowns at the cheeky
look and stands up.

“Well, if your ass is on fire …” John B mocks and wraps a comforter around JJ. “I guess I’m
gonna have to carry you.” He flips JJ over, an arm under his knees, the other around his
shoulders and lifts him up, flailing and screaming. He manages to get him all the way to the
bathroom, JJ glimpsing a furiously blushing Pope on the couch, and deposits him in the tub.

Of course, JJ being an actual child, refuses to cooperate and petulantly splashes water on
John B repeatedly throughout the bathing battle. When he finally limps his way to the living
room, cleaned up and dressed, Pope refuses to look either of them in the eyes for two whole
“Are you okay?” Asks Kie when she later drops by with take out food, looking over sleepy JJ
curled up against John B’s side like a lazy house cat. Pope chokes on his burger and John B

“Never better.” JJ mumbles with a dopey smile and nuzzles his face closer into John B’s
End Notes

I’m curious about any and all opinions though, so feel free to yell at me in the comment
section. Would JB even use these nicknames? I think it’s cute but what do I know lol

Seriously, English isn’t even my first language. How am I supposed to know where to put
these expressions?? I tried to polish it a little but couldn’t bring myself to put in too much

Also, I have a weird relationship with reading/writing smut so I’m just really confused about
posting this. Lord help me.

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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