TE Letter of Acceptance

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Dear Nathan,

Thank you for your interest in working with Theater Emory to launch our College Green Captain
Program. We are excited to expand our sustainability initiatives by establishing College Green
Captain programming at Emory and building a network of College Green Captains across the
State of Georgia.

I would like to offer you a remote-work internship in research and operations for Summer 2020.
I will be your direct supervisor and your work will primarily engage and activate leaders from
Emory Student Theater, along with students, faculty and staff from Theater Studies. You will
also have the opportunity to collaborate with national leaders from Broadway Green Alliance,
various college theatre programs across the state, and local arts leaders through the Atlanta
Green Theatre Alliance.

Your preliminary stewardship as a student green captain will help to establish a culture of
sustainability across our productions, which will be vital as we eventually re-open theatres after
Covid-19. You will research funding opportunities for our green theatre initiatives through
Emory's Office of Sustainability and the Center for Creativity & Arts. Another project employs
your construction and tech direction skills to budget and design improved handrail for the
mezzanine in M2. Your proposal will bring our handrail system up to code, and utilize reclaimed
lumber from a 2018 TE production.

There are 60 hours of work for you over 15 weeks starting in mid-May. I am personally
encouraging you to apply for a $900 FOTE Summer Grant to pay for your research and
development time on these projects. Here is the link to the application:
http://theaterstudies.emory.edu/home/resources/fote.html Due date is May 4th.

Looking forward to working with you this summer!

Malina Rodriguez

Malina Rodriguez
Technical Theater Coordinator
Theater Emory
404-727-6470 office
971-404-7228 cell

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