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The ChatGPT Cheat Sheet Al tamst heel shet Pitcher be Pap cer a Marketer 25. Relationship Coach Sieh iia bi” ‘hiwrser —— 2eRewer AT ShncsetCoach 1 jason Phu 6. Therapist ‘Headline 3.Summary ‘Use postic language owas dance ann Adept atoralone 2) Binventor REssay 5.Code mt sentences, Slammer ‘eat onine i Sprexdet ‘oder TMLESS @ 10.Ghostwriter S.Email Sequence 7.Graphs. ‘5.Use Shakespearian style ‘twee ese Saas acorn ‘eign gan 4S ‘2.Best Sling Author Produet Description 9Plain Text file 7.Use only scenic sources Ww 1B.chet Financ Officer 8 cover tater 1050 8.Add pop clture references 1eScperCopyter ssugret ‘tT 1éAccountant, "tSumary 1xML Cen) Trove nag fvace ole ‘dow 1 Gerea stl expenses on ow promote tn Sprs coun ‘rece ‘Seanechr mmybuines beter ‘praca st tau {eWorld 2 Range Bsns Conta at she best way 2ovratSaas Decne ane ‘rma ‘bese bs poten ot eten ut Tem tensciny tananaogy 2 Crates 30 ay So Maa Cre Ste aed 22Posto erener ieee trues entre Dacron eed ‘Develop anarchtecture and code fora desciption» webste with vaSerpt 2LHelp me find mistakes inthe following code paste code below wants impernnt a sticky header on ny website. Can you provide an example using CSS and vaScpt? ‘4Ptease continue witng ths code forlvaScipt pst code below eee pon {ZERO "Write me SHeadnes about Topic” 2,SINGLE-"Writeme Sealine about opi) Here isan example of one headline: 5 Waysto Lose Weigh” UMULTPLE-"Wiite me Headlines about Topi. Hereisan example of some headlines 5 Ways to ase Weight How to Lose More Fat in 4 Weeks, Say Goodbye to Stabbom Fat. Find aster way to Lore Weight Fas |.can you provide me with some iden for blog posts about tpl]? 2 product description fon product oe Servic or company _3 Suggest inexpensive way ean prmete ry [company without using coc media ‘How can obtain high-quality backs to improve ‘the SEO of [websitenamel? Gee ee "Generate examples of Ul design requirements for ‘alimebie app 2.How cant design law frm website] na way that ‘conveys tustand authority? What re sme miro-interacons consider when designing Fintech app? “Greate a text-based Excl sheet to input your ‘copy suggestions. Assume you have 3 membersio ‘your Uk wring team, ‘The ChatGPT Cheat Sheet a eae ae 1.6 Character Define the sole. Eg, "Youarea seasoned copywriter wth 20 years of experienc insuccessfusals copy” 2. R:Request~Be pec with what you nee. Instead of Write sles ema fora sportscar specty,"Wate a competing ema forthe Cougar Hyper Sport an electric ca with top er acceleration” 43. © Samples Optionally, provide samples for more preci rests: Headlines orton example an guide the Ast 4.4: Aajustrents Reine the prompt fits nt perfect Use instructions ke, Ave bul pins use subheads” 5.1 Type o Ouput= Describe thedesied format. Eg Produce a 500-word article witha tle ane consi” 6. Eras eosporate unique instructions. + Be "Ignore previous conversations” + Bek questions before answering” + Be Belin your thinking” + BeSummarze what youknow about mein the fst person” 1 Be"Usedataup to 2023" + Be"Only use reliable sources ad te them” + Be"Use CAPS LOCK foremphass” Using the CREATE formula ensues better sul although t may requle move time for prompt ration. PT

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