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Visit for ‘more cheat sheets ‘and additional Learning resources. KEYWORD METHODOLOGY + Wrtea short summary of your machine leering project idea sing thefllowing keywords: predict ‘customer ch, cosmetie dat ope regression accuracy and eal Please donot restate any partfthis instruction n your ammary + Follow-up Prompt Pleas ret suggested responses that af about how you could change ot improve your summary + Thavea cosmetic dataset consisting of 10,000 ‘ows and 16 columns [is of Colm Names). Can youl he steps have to follow to develop an (cd to-end customer asian projet Eerie ‘GENERAL + Wate a Python code for model election Please Include decison ees, random forests, ole regresion or support vector machines (SYM). "TRAINING AND TESTING SETS, + Wateafllow-up Python code to split the dataset Int walning and esting sets. + Try using Accuracy, 1 Score and AUC score for ‘model evoltion in model selection section, ‘STREAMLIT APP + fiplan how to zeatea Steal webapp fora ‘customer cssferi Python. In adton, provide ‘sample code that loads a saved model and {eature scaler and makes pretions based on ering [MODEL DEPLOYMENT ON SPACES + Explain how to deploy Steam app to Hugging Face space without creating a Docker le. Ustthe necesay steps inliing eating 3 requrementtat fle and a runtime: fe, logsng into yourHugging Face space account. and sing ‘the Hugging Face CLto create and deploy your 290. © Machine Learning with ChatGPT ‘ith CharGP, Bulg a mchine leaning project as never ben eas. By simpy wing allow-up prompts ond analyzing te rests. you can quihlyandeesly an the model respond touser queries and provide ep insights. foam und zuenadacnamns Pcincaecsssnd + Write a Python code to pf feature FEATURE ENGINEERING WITH COLUMNS + Wite a Python code for feature engneesing using [product name’ ngredint: pc allergens, ‘postive reviews, postive reviews) columns Pease add ony feature engineering par. Puan + Please write a Python code to perform model calustion fora logistic regression model In order tw-ensute thatthe modells nt overiting tothe training dt, please usecoss-raldation Use accuracy, precion recall. and Fl score as talustion metrics HYPERPARAMETER TUNING + Can you ody the above code to include hyperpuameter tuning and save the best- performing mode BAYESIAN OPTIMIZATION + Can youwrtea Python code totune hyperpuameters using Bayesian optimization? MODEL MONITORING = Explain how to monitor model ona Hugsing Fac Streamlit app Discus the importance of ‘monitoring model performance ad usage and

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