CSEC Chemistry P1 MJ 2023

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a CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE? EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY Paper 01 — General Proficiency I hour 1§ minutes (09 JUNE 2023 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. sms. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 1, This test consists of 6: 2. Inaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you best. 3. Eack are about to answer and decide which choi 4. Onyouranswersheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample item “The SI unit of length isthe Sample Answer (metre e800 (B) Second (©) newton ©) Kilogram ‘The best answer to this item is “metre”, so (A) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When youre told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannof answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet, 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2022 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. t 01212010/MyICSEC 2023 22s 1. Which ofthe following properties refer to lem refers tothe solubility eurves inthe an electron? following diagram. Relive] Approximate Massot 120 i a Charge | “""Mass cts @ t= 0 tan 100 ® | 9 1 ore | —o 2 me D . [41 1 Gram) ‘Soda chloride 2. Which set of elements has atoms with two s electrons in thir outer shells? a sium slate (A) Period 2 (®) Group? aa ow io (© Group? Ee (0) Pesiod 3 eres 4 The salt with the greatest solubility at 3. The arrangement of electrons in atoms of gal XandV are?, 8, 5 and, 8, 6 respectively. Aw ih craic aang oe ceeaes (A) sodium chloride Wich of the following represents X and @) _potssiam neato (©) passim sulfite D ted coppert)sulate = “g (©) hydrated copper sul ()_| Metal [Nommenl (8)__[Nowmetal | Non-metal (©)_[Non-metat [ Metal (©) [Metal | Met G0 ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/M/CSEC 2023, Re Item $ refers to the following diagram in 7. One property of ionic compounds is that ‘which X represents the symbol of'a positive they (A) contain molecules oo oH (B) are solids and vaporize easily (©) _ usually dissolve inorganiesolvents (D) conduct electricity when molten or dissolved in water 20 Which ofthe following pairsrepresentsthe 8 The element that is used to determine the aber cLtataros ani olesioas ia 30 relative atomic mas of other elements is Number of | Number of (A) carbon-10 Neutrons | Electrons @) euton 12 @® a 20 ©. \erbonly © a if (D) carbon-I4 ©, 20 20 | ©) 20 18 9. Which of the following terms describes | calcium chloride? | tem 6 refers to the information in the (A) Giant ionic structure following table. (B) — Giantcovatent structure (©) Simple molecular crystal Number | Number (D) Macromolecular structure | Element peers of of Electrons | Neutrons | Q 8 8 8 R 16 16 i6_| s 8 8 9 T 16 18 16 6. Which of the following pairs of elements are isotopes? (®) Qands @) QandR (©) Rand ) Sand GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0121201 0/MUICSEC 2023 i 10. Which of the following diagrams illustrates bonding in chlorine? 2 B® r. ele © GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 012 101 O/MLICSEC 2023, -$: 11. Which of the following substances can be described as the oxide of a metal? (A) Alka (B) Base (©) Salt (D) Acid 12, The ionic equation forthe reaction between an acid and a carbonate is represented by X (A) 2H(aq) + C07 (aq) + HCO, (a9) XB) Haq) +CO,*(aq) + H,CO,(aq) (©) 2H(ag) + COA (eq) + COs) + H,0(1) D) HW (ag) + CO} (aq) + COL) + H,001) 13, Anatombas20electrons. When tionizes, 15. A salt was heated with certain base. The ithas the same electronic configuration as ‘28s evolved and tumed moist red litmus paper blue. Which of the following ions (A) argon ‘does the salt conta (B) neon (©) sodium (A) Nitratecv) (D) calcium (B) Carbonate © SulfatecvD (D) Ammonium 14, The mass concentration of a potassium chloride solution is 60 g dm. What isthe ‘mass of potassium chloride in 25 em*of 16. Which of the following processes does this solution? NOT provide evidence in support of the Particulate nature of matter? (A) 0.0015 ¢ ® ose (A) Osmosis © 158 (B) Diffusion 1508 © Filtration (D) Brownian motion GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MN/CSEC 2023 w 1. 1. 20. tem.17 refers to the resetion represented by the equation below. RCOOH(aq) + NaOH(aq) —+ RCOONaKag) + HOD ‘Which of the following processes correctly deseribes the reaction above? (A) Reduction (B) Precipitation (©) Neutralization (D) Decomposition soe eee Which ofthe following statements i tue? (A) The particles in a gas are larger ‘when heated. (B) The particles in a gas are further apart when heated. (C) The particles in a gas are very closely packed together. (D) The particles ina gas have strong forces between them. A solution having a pH of I will (A) neutralize a solution of pH 4 (B) react with zine metal to produce hydrogen (©) react with zine metal to produce a solution of pHi 10 (D) react with hydrochloric acid to produce a salt and water Which of the following is the correct formula for ammonium carbonate? (a) NH,CO, ®) NH\CO), (© (H),CO, (D) (NH), (CO), (01212010/MJ/CSEC 2023 ed a. 2. 23, Barium is below caleium in Group Il of the periodic table. When these two metals react with water, the main difference observed is the (A) rate of reaction (B) typeof gas evolved (©) colour of the product (D) colour change with litmus Which of the following elements exhibits allotropy? (A) Silicon (B) Carbon (©) Uranium () Aluminium When a metal atom becomes an i it (A) nis electrons and is oxidized (B) gains electrons and is reduced (©) loses electrons and i reduced (D) loses electrons and is oxidized GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28. 26. 2 ‘Amixture of copper(I) oxide and copper(II) sulfate is BEST separated by (A) distilling the mixture (B) heating the mixture and condensing (©) shaking with excess waterand then filtering (D) shaking with excess water followed by fractional distillation Which of the following statements is true of an endothermic reaction? (A) Heatisgivenuptothe surroundings. (B) Heat is absorbed from the surroundings. (©) The produetshave less energy than the reactants, {D) The produets have the same energy as the reactants. Which ofthe following factors will usually increase the rate ofeatalytic decomposition ‘of hydrogen peroxide? (A) Increasing the temperature (B) —_Applyingagresterextemal pressure (C)__ Using lager volume of hydrogen peroxide (D) Using the catalyst in lumps rather than in powdered form In which of the following substances will ‘electrolysis NOT occur when an electrical ‘current is passed through it? (A) Sodium hydroxide solution (B) Molten sodium chloride (C) Solid sodium chloride (D) Dilute sulfurie acid (01212010MJICSEC 2023 2 28, Some calcium carbonate was reacted with cexcessdilutehydrochloric acid. The volume ‘of carbon dioxide evolved was recorded and plotted against time, Which of the following graphs represents this reaction? ) Time (aay ®) © “Time (min) ) ‘Total volume of CO, cm) Total volume of CO, (em?) Total volume of CO, (em!) ‘Total volume of CO, (em?) “Time (ain) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE a i junds, where I Hem 29 and 30 refer to the following sequence of reactions involving iron compoune 1, IT and TV represen progressive stages Inthe sequence Iv FeO, Feo Fe,0, + Fe,(S0,), — > FLOM), 29, In.which stage isthe oxidation state of iron increased? wo. ® © o Ww 30. A suitable reagent that could be used at Stage IV is (A) steam (B) hydrogen (© solid copper oxide (D) aqueous sodium hydroxide 31. Which of the following substancts is an 33. Which metal is covered with a passive {important constituent of chlorophyll? layer of oxide? (A) fron Na | (B) Copper ®) Fe (© Calcium © c ©) Magnesium @ Al 32, Which metal is MOST easily i 34. Which of the following observations is expected when aqueous silver nitrate is w added to aqueous potassium chloride? @) © (A) A pungent gas is evolved. © (B) A blue precipitate appears. (©) Awhite precipitate appears. (D) —Abrown precipitate appears. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010MN/CSEC 2023, ‘iom.35 refers tothe following table which shows the reaction of four metals, W, X,Y and Z, with ‘water or steam, The table also shows the products formed when nitrates of each meta are heated, Metal | Reaction with Water or Steam | Products Formed When Nitrate is Heated ww |No reaction Resets with steam but not with cold water| x Y | Reacts rapidly with cold water Z| Reacts slowly with cold water ‘Oxide, NO, and O, 35. Which of the metals is likely to form a soluble hydroxide? ww ® x Oa @ Zz ‘Mem 36 refers tothe following information A solution of iron(I) sulfate was added until in EXCESS to @ solution of barium nitrate. The precipitate produced was filtered off and water was added to the residue inthe filter paper. 36. ‘The colour ofthe precipitate produced was A) yellow ®) brown © green ©) white 37. Acsuitable drying agent for the laboratory 38, Anelement that is « non-metal preparation of ammonia gas is (A) > is asolid at oom temperature (A) calcium oxide (B) scanact asa reducing agent (B) calcium chloride (©) forms an acidic oxide (©) anhydrous copper sulfate (D) conducts electricity (D) concentrated sulfuric acid GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010MuiCSEC 2023 ke -10- 1g methods can be 39. In which of the following processes is 42, Which of the follo sulfur used? ted in the extraction of aluminivm? 1. / Vuleanization of rubber y (A) _ Reduction ofthe oxide by carbon I, Extraction of iron from iton ore {B) __ Reduction ofthe oxide by hydrogen IIL, Manufacture of explosives (©) Electrolysis of the oxide in its ‘molten state (A) Land tt only (©) _ Displacement by a metal higher up (B)—Vanditt only the electrochemical series (©) Mand itt only (©) iitand i 43. Why is aluminium more corrosion than iron? 40. The main substances responsible for the production of ‘acid rain’ are (A) Aluminium oxide formed is more reactive than iron oxide Formed. (A) chlorofluoroearbons (B) Aluminium has reacted completely {B) lead compounds in exhaust fumes but iron has not reacted com- (©) sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide pletely (D) carbon dioxide and carbon monox- (©) Aluminium oxide does not reect ide ‘with aluminium but iron oxide reacts with iron. (D) Aluminium oxide protects the tom 41 refers to the following table ‘aluminium but iron oxide does showing various tests and observations for ‘ot proteet the iron. gases. ‘Test Observation (A) |Damp blue [Damp blue litmus paper | litmus paper turns red. - (B) | Glowing splint | Splint relights. © | Damp red Damp red litmus paper litmus paper tums blue, (D) | Lit sptine Splint extinguishes with a pop. 41. Which test can be used to identify an acidic gas? GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (0121201 0/MN/CSEC 2023 cE 44, Which ofthe following reactions is LEAST likely to occur? (A) ets) + CUNO, (aq) = Fe(NO,) (aq) + Cu(s) (B)__PO(s) + Fe(NO,),(ag) —+ PHONO.) (aq) + Fe(s) (©) Cu(s)+2AgNO (aq) + CUNO, (aq) +2Az(5) (D)__ Ma(s) + Zn(NO.,},(aq) + Me(NO,) (aq) + Zns) 45. Whichofthe followinghydrocarbonsisthe 47. MAJOR constituent of natural gas? ©) Butane “ A ®) Ethane (©) Propane @ GH Crttn ae © oH, Peet 46. Whichofthe following structures represents ©) CH,COOC,H, ‘a molecule of but rt t Which of the following reactions occurs ) Beem eta between propene and bromine | Hun GE (A) Addition (B) Substitution (©) Provpitation Hg ap oe ©) Condensation ® Name gles e=c—C—c—n eo rd Wf HOW atte | © mtd han nH o | gl ager a—¢—C=c. | Nu H GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 012120107MU/CSEC 2023 -_— ein 49 refers to the following chart $2. ‘The compound which has the formula showing the conversion of ethene t0 (CH,CH = CHCH,CH,CH, is different products +12- (A) an alkene” (B) polymer (©) aenrbonyic ait PI (D) an unotrated acid HO, 53. Which of the following statements is/are true of alkenes? 1, They react with KMnO/H". I, They undergo addition react IIL, ‘They undergo substitution reactions. 49. The product, polyethene, isa (A) Tonly (B) Landi only ” (©) Land il only - [and it © One () solution | 54, Which of the following organic molecules hhas only two structural isomers? 50. An onganie substance reacts with bromine % ‘water and decolourizestimmediately. W oH “The substance fs MOST likely an @ cH (A) alcohol © cH (B) alkane © a (©) alkene Ca, (D) ester Ris 51. Which of the folowing compounds will react with ethanoie acid form an ester? ww cHeH, @ chen © chcHon (P) CH,CH,CO.H (01212010/MA/CSEC 2 GO ON'TO THE NEXT PAGE i — -13- tem $5 refers tothe following graph which shows the biting points of some straight-chain aeohols Beit point °C) 250| 7 Tah 200} 100| 55, Which ofthe following molecular formulae represents the aleohol whose boiling point is 160 °C? (A) CH\CH),OH ®) CHYCH,OH © cHycH,oH ©) CHYCH),OH 56, Which ofthe following compoundseanbe $7. Hexane has the formula C,H, Which ofthe dehydrated? following statements is tru about hexane? (A) Natural gas 1. Iisa covalent compound. (B) _Propene IL It isan unsaturated compound. © Vinegar IL, Itbelongs toa group of compounds / () Ethanol known as alkanes (A) Land tt only (B) Land Ml only (©) and it only (D) 1. Mand it \ GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (01212010/Ms/CSEC 2023, gi Me During the manufacture of ethanol by 60. fermentation, the gas evolved (A) tums lime water cloudy (B) bums with a blue flame (©) relights a glowing splint (D) tums potassium dichromate green ‘The disadvantage of using soapless detergent is that it (A) is not affected by hard water (B) causes scum with hard water (©) isused widely in industries (D) _isnon-biodegradable END OF TEST Glucose is converted to starch or cellulose by (A) dehydrogenation (B) oxidation and reduction (©) addition polymerization (D) condensation polymerization IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01212010 M/CSEC 2023,

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