Ethics Finals

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SEXUALITY & PROCREATION  Sexual meaning reveals each

one's value to the other.

 It unfolds either one's worth, or
lack of it, to another person.
(According to St. Thomas Aquinas)
 Becoming aware of their value to
1. Sex is a search for sensual each other. In this mutual
pleasure and satisfaction experience exist the humanizing
releasing physical and psychic value of sexual love.
tensions.  A man and a woman rise above
2. Sex is a search for a human the objective level of existence and
completion through an intimate realize their value together as
personal union of love persons.
expressed by bodily union.  Neither one nor the other becomes
3. Sex is a social necessity for the an object to be used; rather, in the
procreation of children and sex-love duality, both mutually
their education in the family so realize themselves as persons or
as to expand the human as "I's" with dignity and freedom.
community and guarantee its 
future beyond the death of
individual members. B. AN APPEAL FOR MUTUAL CARE
4. Sex is a symbolic
 From the standpoint of sexual love,
(sacramental) mystery,
one can understand oneself and
somehow revealing the cosmic
one's much better if one is free
from egoism and self-
 The trust which true love shows,
- Through one’s body, a person is however-the defenselessness it
accessible to other people displays-is itself an appeal for
- Humans become conscious of mutual care & protection for each
themselves and discover other.
themselves through this sexual  In a different vein, sexual meaning
meaning Invites Individuals to go beyond
- A person’s whole being is being themselves in order to bring
revealed in the life of sex fulfillment unto themselves as well
- Become conscious of their life as others.
situations, imperfections, and  However, a person who is freed
limitations from his/her self-centeredness.
- Awareness And opens himself/herself up to
the other is exposed to danger.
He/she feels that love is a risk
A. MUTUAL EXPERIENCE OF EACH because "open myself to another,
OTHER’S WORTH to trust another, give myself to
another, is to become
 In this mutual experience exists the defenseless".
humanizing value of sexual love.  This is the Riddle of love-the
 "I need you in order to be me, as gumball of falling in love with the
you need me in order to be you" - other.
we therefore realize that the
meaning of our lives is related to C. SHARING EACH OTHER’S BEING
the presence of others.
 In human sexuality, we find a am. I see myself better in the
mutual sharing of selves, mutual other. The other is the mirror of the
self-realization. real me.
 Life becomes more meaningful if
and when an individual shares it
with someone he/she loves.
 In this way, human sexuality  Responsible sexual love wills the
becomes the language of love & it other's self-realization, destiny &
is considered as one of the happiness.
deepest forms of human  Reciprocal love demands that as I
communication. make the other be, she likewise
 Two Individuals may find a mutual make me be. We mutually create a
sharing of selves or mutual common dimension of meaning &
realization. in the process we at the same time
 One may discover that one cannot actualize ourselves as persons
be oneself without others. whose dignity is deepened &
 One explores the secrets of life heightened by the personalizing
and sex and unravels the facts of element of sexual experience.
human nature.  God has made the sharing of
 One fathoms the Inferiority of the ourselves the law of our being, so
human being and witness is the that it is in loving others that we
beauty and wonders of human best love ourselves. (Merton:19)
 Human sexuality becomes the
language of love, and it is  Loving another simply in order to
considered as one of the deepest satisfy one's sexual desire always
forms of human communication. ends with the pain of unrequited
 As the medium of mutual self- love.
fulfillment and mutual self-  This is why mere genital
revelation, human sexuality means satisfaction or self. stimulation
“a giving of the best, a giving of (regardless of how often & how
self, it is a life of giving and a many times) still leaves a person
giving of life. Means to give and unhappily alone, helplessly
give until there is nothing more to shallow, & personally barren,
give” depleted, &empty.
 Mutual self-fulfillment is free. It
cannot be forced, bought or bribed.
 Sexual meaning makes us aware In a manner of speaking, it does
that we are persons, human not consist in abduction, rape,
beings, and not objects or things. seduction, kidnapping,
 Only a person-a man or a woman- commercialization, or a lie-down-
is able to respond to my appeal, or-be-laid-off modus operandi.
she is one with whom I experience
mutual self-giving & self-revelation.
Thus, I also become better aware
of myself as a person responding  Every individual has his/her own
to her appeal (Johann 1963). right to sex-this is an extension of
 An appeal of love radiating from one's freedom of happiness (of
another person enables me to which sexual love, to some people,
discover a new me, who l really is the climactic dramatization).
 Furthermore, my right to sex  This commitment consists of care,
involves a corresponding duty in concern, & responsibility. (Fromm
others to respect it, in proportion to 1976:28; 1966:38)
my duty to respect their own right  This responsibility is not an
to sex. external imposition Adolescent and
 The state has the right to limit the Child Development
human right to sex for the sake of  but an essential ingredient of true
the common good. It has the duty caring for the other (Mayeroff
to suppress obscenity, public 1965:462-474).
scandal, vice, immorality, & sexual
abuses, in order to protect its
citizens from these evils & their TYPES OF SEXUAL DEVIATION
disastrous & devastating
consequences. - Refers to any form of sexual
activity which a given social group
H. MORAL DISCIPLINE regards as unnatural & abnormal
 Discipline is necessary & there can 1. Homosexuality – this refers to sexual
be no discipline without restraint relations between individuals of the same
(Leclerca 1954:51-75). This sex
restraint is necessary to safeguard
& guarantee one's freedom of sex.  Lesbianism-homosexuality
 Constraint here is demanded for among women
the sake of freedom itself. - it is  Pederasty - homosexuality
meant to eliminate license or false among men which denotes
freedom, i.e., the freedom to do homosexual anal
whatever I want, anytime I want, intercourse.
anywhere I want, & with whomever
2.Transvestism - also called
I want (Fransen:68-69). It is
transvestitism, cross dressing or eonism,
directive, not restrictive, of human
liberty.  The compulsive-obsessive
 Freedom to engage in sex does need of an individual,
not mean the Freudian complete almost always male, to
sexual freedom - i.e., an unlimited wear clothes worn
access to any woman or man by the opposite sex.
whom one might find sexually  Psychological condition that
desirable (Fromm 1966: 72). can be treated & cured
OTHER 3. Transsexualism - is a kind of sexual
deviation in which an individual (either
 If & when sex becomes a
male or female) has an obsessive-
degradation of one's dignity.
compulsive desire to belong to the
 Whenever sexuality is no longer
opposite sex. (Harry Benjamin)
sustained by a deep concern for
human dignity & integrity. - undergo surgery
 Sexual Alienation-sex alienates us
from our desire to become 4. Exhibitionist - this sexual deviation
authentically human. refers to an individual's obsessive-
compulsive inclination to obtain sexual
J. COMMITMENT AND gratification by public exposure of his/her
RESPONSIBILITY body sex organs.
5. Sadism - this is a form of sexual 13. Gerontophilia-from Greek gerontos
abnormality in which sexual gratification ‘old folks’ & philos ‘love’ means love of
depends largely on the infliction of pain older persons.
upon others (i.e., sex partners)
14. Mixoscopia or voyeurism - all normal
6. Masochism - named after Leopold von individuals derive some sexual excitement
Sacher-Masoch (1835-95), an Australian from viewing members of the other sex,
novelist who described condition, especially when these others are in the
masochism is a type of sexual aberration nude.
in which sexual gratification depends
15. Pygmalionism - is a rare sexual
largely on undergoing physical pain or
deviation in which individuals are
obsessively & exclusively attracted to &
7. Necrophilia - from the Greek nekros aroused sexually by statues especially
‘corpse’& philos ’love’ necrophilia means statues of nude women.
“love of corpses or cadavers”.
16. Bestiality - from the Latin bestialis
 Necrophilliac - is aroused by the ‘beast,’ bestiality refers to sexual
sight of a human corpse & tries to intercourse between a human being & an
have sex relations with it. animal of a different species

8. Necrosadism - a sexual abnormality in

which an individual experiences sexual
stimulation & orgasm by mutilating
1. A child could be raised with a healthy,
 A necrosadist enjoys cutting up
non-guilty attitude towards human
cadavers in order to arouse himself
sexuality. For an early age, one should be
sexually to orgasm (Ellis:223).
taught that sex is good, beautiful, and
9. Sex murder - what distinguishes a sex beneficial.
murderer from the immediately preceding
2. A child should be taught that some laws
2 types of sexual neurosis is that the
are necessary for the governing of sex,
former kills his partner solely in order to
love, and marital relationships, and that
enhance his own arousal & sexual
these laws are protective of one’s right to
sex and happiness.
10. Fetishism - another form sexual
3. Children should be given extensive and
aberration in which an individual becomes
Intensive sex education, in an objective
sexually aroused by the mere sight of a
and impersonal manner, and should be
woman’s underwear (bra or panty), hair, a
particularly instructed about sex
shoe, a blouse, girdle, etc.
deviations. They should be shown that
11. Pedophilia - an abnormal condition in deviant sex behavior is childish and
which a male is obsessively-compulsively disturbed, and hence to be combatted and
attracted to boys. A pedophile enjoys to get rid of.
engaging in homosexual acts with young
4. Children should be strongly encouraged
to have heterosexual experiences and to
12.Sexual attachment to children – be thoroughly unguilty about their
broader than pedophilia, sexual obsession participation.
with children includes both lesbian &
5.Children should be raised and nurtured
heterosexual fixations as well as interest
and brought up in such a way that they
of men in boys.
like themselves and are willing to take
risks of sex-love challenges. They should  Hermaphroditism - a very rare
be made to realize that life is a blending of condition in which an individual has
success and failure, love and hate, both male and female sexual
happiness and sorrow. organs.
 Cryptorchidism - From the Greek
word, kryptos, meaning "hidden,"
cryptorchidism (or cryptorchism) is
a sex anomaly in which a male has
SEXUAL ANOMALIES ASexual one or two hidden or undescended
abnormalities and infirmities may be testicles. If both testicles were
devoid of any moral bearing; they are concealed, stopped growing
more pathological than ethical in nature, (atrophy), and lost their sperm
they may not be moral issues at all, producing and hormone-
number of this abnormal conditions may generating functions, the
be voluntary in course insofar as they are concerned male may fall to
the after-effects of deliberate and wild develop major masculine physical
acts. Only In this sense they will be characteristics.
regarded as having moral significance.
 Penis Captivus - found In
 Dyspareunia - Painful Intercourse, sexological literature were a few
known medically as dyspareunia, if authentic cases of penis captivus
prolonged for more than a few or the capture of the penis by the
weeks, is an unusual condition. vagina in such a way that the male
 Vaginismus - This pathological cannot release himself
condition occurs when strong
spasmodic contractions of the
muscles at the entrance of the APPLICATION OF ETHICAL THEORIES
vagina result in the blocking of
 Natural law ethics perceives
penile-vaginal intromission.
human sexuality as sacred insofar
 Priapism - From Priapos in Greek
as it is God given: "God created
mythology, the god of male
man in his own image...male and
procreative power, priapism is a
female he created them (Genesis
prolonged and persistent erection
of the penis or clitoris, usually
 In other words, God created man
without sexual desire, which
and woman as sexual partners in
cannot be relieved by orgasm.
order to be fruitful, multiply, and
 Nymphomania - An extreme and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:28)
ungovernable sexual desire in  what is morally Evil or immoral is
women, a nymphomaniac has an the misuse and abuse of sex.
intense sexual craving that is not  Once an individual becomes aware
relieved by intercourse or orgasm, of the rightness and wrongness of
which may drive her to near what he/she is doing, and he/chi is
madness willfully doing it, He/she may be
 Satyriasis - Refers to excessive held morally responsible for it.
and uncontrollable sexual desire in  In the light of Kant's ethical
men. This intense and insatiable principle, "Always act so as to
desire on the part of a male treat humanity, either yourself or
generally results from severe others, always as an end and
neuropsychiatric disease or never only as a means”, several
disorder. insights may be explicitly stated on
the moral issues of masturbation,
pornography, and prostitution.
 Rawl’s Concept of justice, the
exploitation of sex is not legitimate.
Every man and woman is held
inviolable. This inviolability founded
on justice is so sacrosanct that no
Individual, rich or poor, male or
female should be used as a means
for another persons’ end.
 Furthermore, Rawls’s stress is 1’s
duty to respect others as persons 1. Always use a condom or
and never to take advantage of spermicide
them nor use them for one’s own 2. Limit sex partners to one (1)
personal gains. 3. Stop using someone’s belonging
 Any form of human exploitation, and stop sharing things
therefore, which is deliberately 4. Do not have sex with people who
Intended to benefit one person or a have AIDs or have the virus
group of persons, it’s not morally 5. Do not let semen enter the mouth
legitimate. and vagina
 Fletcher’s situationism, and evil 6. Do not rent things that may have
means does not always nullify a used by someone else. Check the
good end; it all depends upon a packages
given situation. 7. Do not leave your personal clothes
 One may interpret Fletcher’s around
precepts to mean that prostitution,
upload necessity and survival,
maybe morally legitimate, but to
consider it as one’s business or
profession is morally wrong.
 Pragmatist and situationists moral
stands the poverty leads
individuals to vices-this respect,
prostitution, along with
pornography and nudity. Poverty
thrives in an unjust socioeconomic
order. This is the main cause of
child prostitution in the Philippines.

“One shapes one’s own destiny

through one’s moral decisions,
even as one is made by the
choices one makes.”-Timbreza,
Florentino T.

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