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Biology AS Level Note

Cell Structure Stage micrometer scale:

 The scale in the slide in the
 The Microscope in Cell Studies: Microscope

Eyepiece Graticule:
 A ruler like lens in a

One graticule division

 Number of micrometers
Size of cells is typically measure in ÷ Number of graticule division
micrometer (μm) scale or nanometre
(nm) By the Example image 1 graticule
division is equal to:
Converting unit of measurements: Stage Micrometer: 0.1 mm = 100
 100 μm ÷ 40 = 2.5 μm
(magnification factor/calibration)

After calibrating we can calculate

the cell by using

length of the image x calibration

 Eyepiece Graticules and Stage

 Resolution and Magnification

how many times bigger the image of
a specimen observed is in compared TEM:
to the actual (real-life) size of the  Show the inner structure of the
specimen cell
 Resolution can go down to 0.5
Resolution: nm
The ability to distinguish between  Electron passes through the
two separate points surface

There are two type of microscope: The Most Important thing to

1. Light Microscope remember!
2. Electron Microscope SEM  3D Image, Only the cell
Light Microscope TEM  2D Image, show inner
 Are used for specimen above Cell
200 nm
 Visible light passes through the Difference between Light and
specimen Electron Microscope:
 Eyepiece lens (x10)
 Useful for looking at whole The similarities  Both uses lens
cells, small organism, tissues
within organs (e.g. leaves /
skin) Cell Size/ Scale

 The electromagnetic spectrum

Resolution depend on the
wavelength of the light /
radiation used

Electron Microscope
Is divided into 2 type:
1. Scanning Electron Mag.
2. Transmission Electron Mag.
(TEM)  RBC : 7 μm
 Egg Shell : 100 μm
 Virus : 20 – 40 nm
SEM:  Prokaryote : 0.1 – 5 μm
 Create a detail 3D image  Nucleus : 6 – 7 μm
 Smaller resolution than TEM  Ribosomes : 25 nm
 Electron bounce back and forth  Cell Membrane : 7 nm
across the specimen’s surface  Microtubules : 25 nm
 Microfilament : 6 nm  Compose of cellulose,

 Eukaryotic Cell
Type of Eukaryotic cell:
1. Animal
2. Plant
3. Fungi
4. Protists

Cell Structure:
- Plasma Membrane (Cell Surface
hemicellulose, pectin,
proteins, etc.

 Provide structural strength and
support (Provided b the
polysaccharides cellulose in

 Separate the cell from the
outside movement
 Compromise specific
embedded proteins

- Nucleus

 Regulates the transport of
materials entering and exiting the
- Cell Wall

 Is a Rigid structure present

outside of the plant cell
 A protective layer that protect
the cell from any injury from Structure:
the outside  The double layered membrane
is a continuous channel of
membranous from the ER Rough ER
network » Covered with Ribosome
 Has pore which allow entry of » Processes proteins made by
large molecule (mRNA and ribosomes
Ribosome, Enzyme e.g. DNA
Polymerases) Smooth ER
 House of chromosomal DNA » Lack Ribosome
and genetic material » Involve in the production of
Lipids (Cholesterols and
Function: phospholipids), Carbohydrate,
 Control and regulate cell and Steroids
activities of growth and maintain
cell metabolism

- Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

- Golgi Apparatus (Golgi Body)

 A system of hollow tubes /

sacs transportation purpose

 Continuous folded
membranous organelles
found in cytoplasm
 Made up of thin network of
flattened interconnected
compartments (sacs) that Structure:
connects from the cytoplasm  Made up of flat disc-shaped
to the cell nucleus structure called cisternae
 Arranged parallel and
There are 2 type of ER: concentrically near the nucleus
1. Rough ER (They are not interconnected)
2. Smooth ER
 Found in Cytoplasm
Function: Structure:
 Transport, modify, and pack  A rod-shaped or oval or
proteins and lipids into the Golgi spherically shaped, with a size
vesicles to deliver them to their sites of 0.5 to 10 μm
 Have an inner and outer
- Ribosomes membrane
 Have a mitochondrial gel-
matric in the central mass
 The membrane bend into folds
known as cristae

 Producing energy known as ATP
enabling the cell to perform it’s
 Receive mRNA code for
proteins synthesis
 Made up of ribosomal
proteins and ribosomal RNA
 Has 2 subunit (large and
small) These subunit are
designated as the 40s and the
60s in the animal cell - Chloroplast


 The site of protein synthesis in
the cell. Structure:
 Larger than mitochondria
 Surrounded by a double
 Membrane-bound
compartments called
thylakoids containing
chlorophyll that stack to form
structure called Grana
 Grana are joined together by

- Mitochondria
 The site of photosynthesis Membrane bound sac for transport
and storage
- Vacuole

- Lysosome

Vacuoles in animal cells are nor

permanent and small

While in plant cell the vacuole is

permanent and large

- Cytoplasm

 Round subcellular organelle
found in all eukaryotic cells
 Very acidic organelles
containing digestive enzyme

 Break down waste materials such
as worn out organelles, used
The liquid where all cell metabolic extensively by cells of the immune
activities take place system and apoptosis (programmed
cell death)
- Vesicles
- Cytoskeleton
Create a network organizing the cell - Microtubules
components and to also maintain
the cell shape
 Formed from different
proteins of long chains of
amino acid
 Made up of 3 type of tiny
- Actin filaments
- Microtubules
- Intermediate Filaments

- Centriole Structure:
 Long, straight, hollow
cylinders filaments that are
constructed from 13 – 15 sub
filaments (protofilaments)
 Made up of alpha and beta
tubulin combined to form
 Dimers joined together into a
 Provide support and movement of
Structure: the cell
 Made up pf 9 microtubule
bundles - Microfilament (Actin filaments)

 Assist in organizing cell in cell
division process

 Composed of 2 strands of
subunit of the protein actin
wound in a spiral.
 Structure and Support, Create Structure:
tension  Similar to cilia but longer
- Microvilli
 Provide cell movement

- Peroxisome

 Increase the surface area for

- Cilia
 Spherically shaped bound by a

 Lipids metabolism, Chemical
detox, also mechanism in reactive
oxygen species

 Hair-like projections made Animal and Plant Cell
from microtubules The structure of the cell
 Made out of strands of

 Allow movement of a
substance over the cell surface

- Flagella
 Animal Cell The Differences:

 Plant Cell

 Prokaryotic Cell

  Bacteria and Virus

Characteristic of the cell:

 Lack nuclear membrane
 Mitochondria, Golgi  Viruses
apparatus, chloroplast,
lysosome are ABSENT
 Their genetic material is
not packaged within a
nucleus, rather it is
packaged as linear

 Viruses are non-cellular

infectious particles that straddle
the boundary between ‘living’
and ‘non-living’

They are relatively simple in

structure; much smaller than
prokaryotic cells (with
diameters between 20 and 300

Structurally they have:

 A nucleic acid
core (their genomes are
either DNA or RNA,
and can be single or
 A protein coat called a

Some viruses have an outer
layer called an envelope formed
- Bacteria usually from the membrane-
phospholipids of a cell they were
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic made in
All viruses are parasitic in that they
can only reproduce by infecting
living cells and using their protein-
building machinery (ribosomes) to
produce new viral particles
Note: 2. Oxygen
Cell  Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic 3. Carbon
4. Nitrogen
 Have organelles, no cell wall (in  The Building Block of Life
animal cell) , no plasmid Simple Biological Molecule:
1. Monosaccharides
Prokaryotic 2. Amino Acid
 No nuclear membrane, have cell 3. Fatty Acid and Glycerol
wall, have plasmid, unicellular 4. Nucleotides
5. Organic Bases
 Both have ribosome Complex Biological Molecule
Organelle Structure from 1. Polysaccharides
Smallest to largest: 2. Nucleic Acid
1. Ribosome 3. Proteins
2. Mitochondria 4. Lipids
3. Nucleus
4. Golgi apparatus Extra Note!
5. Rough ER 1. Monomer (one)
6. Smooth ER  Simple molecule use as the
7. Lysosome basic building block
8. Cell wall
9. Cell Membrane 2. Dimers (two)
 Formed by two radicals /
molecules of simple

Meaning 2 monomer joined


3. Polymers ( + two)
 Formed by 2 dimers or more

Biological Molecule
 Biochemistry
The four most common element in
living organism:
1. Hydrogen

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